I'll pretend I didn't see that,
>>452. You're far too low on the food chain to make such a foolish request.
But yes, that vampire house stands out far too much. As do the smelly residents. Undead are smelly, you see. I like you,
>>454. You may yet prove to be somewhat worthwhile, though nothing more than a piece of worthwhile burnable garbage.
So rather than make my way down to the mansion normally, I feel that it would be much faster to destroy what remains of this puny fourth wall that some stinking goddess punched holes in several times already than to type out a lengthy and detailed picture of the scenery. Gensokyo is nothing but trees and filthy sub-humans, after all. So why don't you just picture something with those?
And here I am at last, in front of the humble little abode where the midget sleeps.
"Who're you calling midget?!" Calls out a shrimpy little voice from somewhere up on high.
Ahead of me, a garish red lance pokes out of the ground. A warning shot, perhaps? Her code of honor is just about as old and decrepit as the bones inside her half-rotted body.
"Rotted, you say?" Says the shrimp, trying desperately to sound charismatic.
But it's not like I've said anything at all outside of a simply and mildly abusive narration. It would seem as though the previous author imbued every character with a half-assed power to see outside of the fourth wall. Though once I stop and think about it, I destroyed that sort of hindrance only a few paragraphs ago.
"When you stop and think about it," Says the midget, Remilia. "Wouldn't something like this render a certain pink-haired mind-reader youkai's power rather useless?"
"The way things are going, she'll soon be no different from a normal huma--
Hey!" Can't let myself be dragged along with this runt's dissociative dialogue. "Why don't we keep this on the subject of
I'm going to level your house?"
"I've already read the latest updates. Though I'm afraid I can't let you simply get away with such an atrocity." She turns her eyes to the sky. "Hey, author! Don't you care that your character is going to destroy the world?"
"Perhaps you weren't reading clearly then." I snicker, "I
fired him, you see. I'm in control now, and your role is to merely stand by and watch helplessly as I drop this rock through your house."
"Bitch.. Don't think you'll get aw--"
There's a deafening roar as the heavens collide with the roof of her great red hovel. The floating mass of land slams down into the earth with such momentum that I'm forced to shield my eyes from the blast.
Skipping ahead..
The dust settles and the vampires of the land are no more. I laugh triumphantly for the brief moment of calm before the earth explodes. I--
HEY! Don't you dare end it here you filthy little--
>BAD END ----------
>Hey guys, sorry about that. Thinking back on it now, I now realize that choosing such a domineering character as Tenshi wasn't such a good idea. But now that she's dead and out of the picture, I've regained control of the story. Please wait warmly while the world--and especially the fourth wall--are reconstructed.