Patchwork !!DkZ2EyAJHl 2008/05/31 (Sat) 20:21 No. 3573 ▼ File 121226530484.jpg - (110.36KB, 460x636 , yuyuko146.jpg)
And, back.
"Could we start with how I came here? From what Youmu said, it sounds like it shouldn't be possible."
Yuyuko nods and a hand-held fan slides out of her sleeve, snapping open to hide her expression as she turns to you. It's a little unnerving.
"Very well. You are here because of a problem with the Border."
"Hakugyokuro resides in Gensokyo, a world separated from your own by the Hakurei Border. Normally your soul would have been sent on to the court with jurisdiction over your world upon your death, you would have been judged and sentenced, and you would be set on the course of reincarnation. It seems that the reaper responsible for collecting the souls of the dead in your world was late to arrive on the scene of your death, however, and as such your soul just drifted aimlessly."
You nod. You don't understand exactly what all of that entails, but the general idea is clear. It would seem that after your death you had been left to your own devices... though you don't remember that.
"It would seem that you ended up drifting through a gap in the Border, sending your soul into Gensokyo. While outsiders will on ocassion find themselves stumbling through the Border, it is quite unusual for it to happen after they have died. In addition, when souls are sent across the Border, it is usually regulated and en masse. Of course, that does not mean it causes no commotion, but..."
Yuyuko's tone lightens, as though she's remembering something funny.
"At any rate, an isolated soul crossing the border is unprecedented. The courts of the dead that govern over Gensokyo's afterlife were not prepared to deal with this at all. The icing on the cake is that they cannot seem to contact the other side of the Border, and as a consequence cannot requisition the record of your actions in life. Without any record at all there is no way for them to actually judge you, much less sentence you or return you to the cycle of reincarnation. You were sent to Hakugyokuro because there is nowhere else for them to send you while they try and sort out the mess that has been made."
Okay, you still don't know the details of the court system, but that's clear enough for now. Even so, you feel a little incredulous; if what she's saying is true, then...
"I was sent here because of bureaucracy?"
"Precisely!" Yuyuko leans over and taps your head with her fan, an amused smile on her face.
That seems a little... silly, considering it has to do with something as serious as the fate of your soul. It doesn't look like you can do anything about this, though. You've got a few more questions for her after that explanation.
"You said my soul was drifting around after I died, but I don't remember anything like that..."
"Ah, right." Yuyuko sounds a little sheepish. "I say drifting, but that's not exactly it, and you would not have been conscious for the experience. I apologize, but we are talking about a rather metaphysical subject. I am trying to explain this in terms that you will understand; if I were to explain in full, it would require much more time than we have while simply waiting for lunch, or in a day for that matter. It is rather complicated. I would be happy to teach you some time, if you would like, but you would do well to wait a bit before attempting to grasp such concepts. They will be simpler to learn if you have some experience as a ghost first."
That makes sense. This really isn't the sort of thing you ever could have analyzed in life, so it's probably too far removed from your experience for you to really understand right now.
"That's alright for now... I was drifting, but unconscious. We'll say that for now. But if I came in through a gap in the Border, couldn't I just have been sent back to the other side the same way?"
Yuyuko shakes her head.
"The Hakurei Border is very complicated, and there is no one living or dead who understands it in its entirety. It would not be wrong to say that it has a life and mind of its own. Simply because you drifted through a gap does not mean there will still be a gap there for you to drift back through, or that traveling through the gap will send you back to where you came from. The Border separates Gensokyo from a host of things, known and unknown, and simply shunting you through it... well, the result of such an action could have very profound consequences for you. Suffice to say that it is easier to stumble into Gensokyo than it is stumble out."
It sounds like you might be stuck in Gensokyo for a while, then. In that case...
"If I'm going to be stuck in Gensokyo, what am I supposed to do?"
Yuyuko seems to brighten up at that.
"Well, given the extenuating circumstances, you have my permission to stay here indefinitely. Indeed, you may not have much of a choice - Hakugyokuro will be safe for you, and you do not have anywhere else to go as it stands. You are free to do as you like while you are here... within reason, of course."
That's a very generous offer. But something about what she said bothers you. She said you'd be safe here, but you're already dead, so why wouldn't you be safe anywhere else? It's not as though anything can kill you, is it?
Or maybe there are fates worse than death? What an unpleasant thought that is.
You're shaken out of your reverie by the sound of Youmu's voice coming from somewhere within the manor. She shouts something about lunch being ready. Immediately, you notice Yuyuko's posture slump a little, and her expression shifts to one of relieved relaxation. She fans herself a little, and the grave atmosphere is completely dispelled.
"Ah, I really hate having to be so serious!" She stands up and stretches, and you can hear her make a sort of purring sound. She winks at you, and you realize you've been staring at her. Blushing just a bit, you scramble to your feet.
"Anyway, it's lunch time! Come on, come on! You won't believe how good Youmu's cooking is!"
This woman really is something, isn't she? Changing her personality completely like that...
You don't really feel hungry - wait, do ghosts need to eat? Still, it would be rude to turn her down, especially when she's so excited.
[ ] "Lunch sounds nice." Let Yuyuko lead the way, and just follow behind her.
[ ] "Shall we?" Offer her your arm, that's the gentlemanly thing to do.
[ ] "I think I'll stay out here a bit longer, if that's alright. I'll come after you in just a little while."