This feels different from the rest of the Labyrinth. You wouldn't go as far as saying that it's a safe spot, but you definitely are more at ease here and this girl is no exception. Besides, what would be the point in lying anyway? it's not as if you had something to hide.
-?Well, I don't
seek something precise. In fact, I have no idea what I'm searching for." You reply casually.
-?You don't know what you're searching? That makes a lot of sense." Hope replies with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Are you lost or something?"
-?Nooot quite. If I wanted to leave, I would have already done so."
-?Then what is it that makes you stay in such a place?"
-?I want to know the truth about it. it's very existence doesn't make any sense to me right now so I was hoping to find out how it could possibly be real, trying to unveil its mysteries."
-?Oh~?" she inquires with an amused voice ?Then if the whole place makes no sense to you, do
I make any?"
You try to answer words die in your throat, unable to form a coherent reply. If the location you're in right now makes no sense and if the ?friendly? gatekeepers you've met earlier makes even less, then does that means that explaining casually your situation to some girl who just appeared out of nowhere makes even less? Thinking about it, despite being the natural thing to do it indeed doesn't sound right. Who is she, what is she? As far as you know she could be a ghost not that much unlike the monks. Or maybe a succubus just waiting for you to let your guard down and take advantage of your tiredness to strike.
-?Whether your existence makes sense or not, you are still standing here and talking to me. You are real enough for me to acknowledge you and that's all I need."
-?Real? What is real? Is ?real? something you can touch, something you can see or hear? If that's the case then concepts such as freedom or values aren't real, numbers aren't real either. But if you tell me that things you cannot see nor touch are real, then it means that being seen or touched is not a requirement for being real. Therefore, Even if you hear my voice, I could still be a product of your imagination. Maybe like a mirage or a hallucination."
Once again, you would like to reply with a spike or a witty comment, but this ?Hope? girl always have something to say that's difficult to argue against. What does she even want? You would understand the monks for attacking you if they were the gatekeepers of the Labyrinth, but what is SHE doing here? It looks like all she's trying to do right now is confuse you.
-?Jesus man, aren't you the philosophic one? you say as you rub your forehead with your left hand.
-?Am I? I wonder, maybe those questions are lingering into
your mind. Maybe you are the one who, behind this mask of indifference, are asking yourself all those questions."
-?There you go again. I've never liked that kind of metaphysical question." This time you cut her before she can go on with something else.
-?Do you need to like something to do it? I'm pretty sure you didn't enjoy your trip here so far yet you're continuing onward.--"
-?I warn you, if you're going to start on what we ?truly? want and desire, I'm leaving."
Clearly, she didn't expect this. Hope stares at you blankly and display a mixture of confusion and annoyance before a cruel smile slowly appears on her face. She put her left hand to her mouth and brushes her index vertically on her lips.
-?Yeah, you do that. Just run away from the truth like you always do. Escape into your little world without worries or problems. Seal away all of this, ignore this little voice you call reason, ignore this little voice you call morality and live your life as if nothing really mattered. In the end, you will only have hurt yourself."
The first feeling that enters your mind is surprise. Surprise from the sudden change of attitude. The second is frustration. She doesn't even know you yet she speaks all high and mighty like this as if she knew everything. The third is confusion. Do you really run away from problems? No, so far you've always faced trials whenever they presented themselves to you.
[ ] Two can play this game, this is a challenge of words .
[ ] Defend yourself aggressively; show her you're not like she says at all.
[ ] Defend yourself calmly; why reacting overly when none of this is true?
[ ] Admit there is a part of truth in what she says, but that it's the case with every human. Dealing with one's own flaws is part of life.
[ ]Write-in your thoughts at this precise moment.
>>11235 Must...resist... Not write... Surprise Scat End...