Klaymen !i/OHE/sPZ6 2009/11/08 (Sun) 22:11 No. 19240 [x] Yukari and Yuyuko are back here, so... maybe it's ok to stay back here?
So... why are Yukari and Yuyuko staying back here? There must be some reason. Maybe they don't need more people to help, or maybe they can't do anything, or maybe they're up to something more interesting. You know you can't do anything, so... maybe it's ok to stay back here, too.
Just standing here would be boring, though, so you get closer to the other three people. Chen notices you.
"Hey, did you see that?" She asks, "What was it?"
"I think it was lightning," You say, "I saw some earlier, and it did the same thing to a tree."
"Huh. Is that right, Yukari?"
"Hmm? Oh, yes," She says, getting brought out of her conversation with Yuyuko. "That's what happens when lightning strikes something. There's a lot of power in a single bolt."
As you watch the group of people out there, running around, you can't help but wonder if they can do anything, either. The whispering, even though you can hear bits of it, isn't really that interesting. Lots of stuff that you don't really understand, gods and mountains and shrines and stuff.
You start to hear a bit of pattering as more water begins to fall from the sky. You're under the blue part-building, which seems to be stopping it from dropping on you, but you can still see it dropping outside. All the people out there seem to be moving quicker.
Whatever they're talking about, it must be fun. Chen looks a little depressed. "More rain? That's annoying."
"I like it better than that burning sun."
A new voice from behind you, closer to the path leading off into the woods. You turn around, and see someone about as tall as you, underneath an umbrella. Her outfit is kind of a light pink, with a poofy hat and blue hair. She's not holding the umbrella, because there's someone slightly behind her in blue and white doing that.
"Ah, I wasn't sure if you'd come," Yukari says, again breaking from the secret conversation. "Although, I'm not sure how much longer this gathering is going to last."
The new person walks past you without even giving you a second glance. Right up to the edge of the half building.
She laughs. It's not really a quiet one like Yukari's or Yuyuko's, but it still has that same feeling to it. Some sort of danger. "Really? When did that happen?"
She doesn't say anything about fire, so you move a little closer. The person holding the umbrella gives you a glance, but that's all.
"A few minutes ago," Yuyuko chimes in, "Maybe you saw the flash?"
"Lightning, too?" Remilia adds, laughing a bit more. "She's not very lucky, is she?"
The fire is gone, but so is the front bit of the roof of the building. Everyone that was out there is kind of standing around, but then the rain starts to get more powerful. It's enough to make them start to run for the cover of the big building in the middle; well, everyone except Reimu. She's still standing there. And Marisa, who's coming back here.
"Hey," She says, sounding out of breath after she makes it. She completely goes past the new short person, which makes that person look sort of annoyed. "Yukari. Can't you do something with your power or something?"
Yukari thinks for a bit. "I suppose," She says, grinning, "But I'll put all that water right back if you can't get Reimu to thank me afterward~"
Marisa laughs, but it's not really a happy one. "Steep price, but I guess it's fine."
As you watch, you see the top of the building start to grow darker. More... crazy. Wait. She can put that stuff on things, too?
The new person is looking at Marisa a little angrily.
"Oh, hey Remi," Marisa says, "What's up?"
Remi frowns. "I'll let that go, but only because it's a festival day today."
At this point, Reimu starts to move towards the main building in the middle. She says something to the people there, and then heads in your direction.
"Go home," She says, talking to everyone under the half building. "The festival is postponed until next week."
Without waiting for a word from anyone, she takes to the sky.
Remi sighs. "Just because her house got ruined..."
"So, do you want to?" Yuyuko asks Yukari, "It does sound like fun."
Yukari nods. "It'll be better if we get more teams though, won't it? There's at least two more."
The party's canceled, but... fun?
"What's fun?" You ask, turning to them.
Yukari just grins. "Three more, perhaps?"
"Three more?"
Yuyuko chimes in. "Sure. Wouldn't it be fun to see if we could stop all this rain before Reimu?"
Remi turns now, interested. "All of us? That sounds a little easy."
"No no," Yukari says, "Small teams, between two and four."
"I was going to head out, anyway," Marisa says, "But, this does sound like more fun... ah!"
She waves for the other three, the ones below the big building. After waving for a bit, they finally come over.
"What is it?" The doll lady asks, "Reimu just said we should all---"
"Hey, Alice," Marisa says, "Let's go beat up some youkai and solve the incident!"
"W-what?" She asks. You don't think she was expecting that.
"All these guys are having a contest," She says, motioning around to everyone here. "So, do you want to help me?"
A small grin crosses her face. "Huh. Well, I suppose if the festival is canceled, I might as well..."
"Yukari, I'm here."
Ran appears. You're not sure from where, but she's got some cookies. "Sorry I was late."
"Me, Ran, and Chen will be on one team," Yukari says, grinning. "Yuyuko?"
"Oh, I guess it'll just be me and Youmu," Yuyuko answers.
At this point, most people are looking a little confused. Confused, but not as unhappy as they were before.
"Of course, Sakuya and I will be on a team," Remi says, but then she turns to that person beside her, "That should be enough."
"I wanna go, too," Suika chimes in, "Can I go with someone?"
The other teams looks like they're thinking, so you do, too. You want to play, but... four? Less could work, but it's more fun with four people. You want four. There's already one person, you, so you wonder who the other three should be. Most of the people you can think of aren't here, but you know where they are. Getting them is easy.
[ ] Make a team! (Write-in three other characters. Anyone you know is fine, but they may/may not join you. Priority will be given to the first one in your list, then the second... etc.)