Sometimes I write stories, on the spot, in #MiG. This is one of them... Well, kind of. This is more of a story summary, but if enough people enjoy
the idea, I'll write this one out...
<Myschii> So Lily has a multiple personality disorder.
<Kiri> Hn? <Myschii> She exhibits some of the symptoms.
<Myschii> Memory loss.
<Kiri> So, Lily black is her other self? <Myschii> Finding herself in strange places.
<Myschii> etc...
<Giddy> What are you talking about?
<Myschii> Let me finish, GD <Myschii> So she starts to break down mentally.
<Myschii> The Lily White side of the personality that is.
<Myschii> Lashing out at things that are "black"
<Giddy> ... <Myschii> she starts to go out less and less
<Myschii> afraid she'll trigger another shift in personality
<Myschii> Until it becomes a problem for gensokyo that spring hasn't arrived on time this particular year
<Myschii> So then enter Heroine number 2
<Myschii> Who's another mostly ignored touhou character?
<Giddy> Tokiko
<Myschii> I already write Tokiko in Afterthought. Someone else plz
<Kiri> I don't even know her.
<Pygmalion> You should be ashamed.
<Giddy> uh
<Giddy> Daiyousei.
<Myschii> That'll do
=-= Pygmalion is now known as EX_Pygmalion <Myschii> So daiyousei is eventually pushed into Lily's part of the faerie forest.
<Giddy> yay <Myschii> As a greater faerie, Daiyousei represents all the faeries who want and NEED springtime to come.
<Giddy> yay
|<-- Kiri has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer) <Myschii> Daiyousei, initially horrified at the state of which Lilly "Gray" (as she now insults herself) lives, tries her best to cheer up the wayward faerie
|<-- Sanaek has left (Quit: *.net *.split) <Myschii> Lilly, after being swayed somewhat by Daiyousei's words, begins to consider it.
<Giddy> Lily.
<Myschii> Sorry bout that
<Niski>'mode=medium&illust_id=3262719 delicious, sanae
<Giddy> :| <Myschii> So Lily finally decides that she will herald springtime...
<Myschii> ...
<Myschii> And that's when things go wrong.
<Myschii> Daiyousei says something and triggers Lily's "Black" personality.
<Myschii> Daiyousei, having only heard of this side of Lily, is confused by how she's acting.
<Myschii> But after a few articles of clothing hit the ground, it becomes clear that Lily isn't herself right now.
<Myschii> Lily Black rapes Daiyousei.
-->| Kiri (~onnanoko@86AFF2B9.72894E83.1CE41D81.IP) has joined #MiG <Myschii> And this is where we skip some time ahead.
<Kiri> grah
<Kiri> Can you stop being shitty for a sec? <Myschii> Lily White who was dreadfully grateful to Daiyousei for helping her in her darkest hour
<Myschii> Is utterly confused about Daiyousei's behavior
<Myschii> Daiyousei always finds excuses to leave the area when Lily is around.
<Giddy> :< <Myschii> What's worse, is this kind of heart ache is something new to Lily.
<Myschii> Is this what they call love?
<Myschii> But what can Lily do to win Daiyousei's favor?
<Myschii> And why does it seem that Daiyousei hates her?
<Myschii> Give me a third character
<Kiri> Cirno, perhaps?
<Giddy> chiruno
<Kiri> ninemind.
<Myschii> not popular please
<Giddy> Reimu
<Myschii> :>
<Myschii> but seriously no
<Kiri> that nurse person
<Giddy> ...
<Giddy> :|
<Myschii> which one?
<Kiri> or hmmmmm.... that something related to orange.
<Giddy> ... what?
<Kiri> sorry. don't know much about PC98's.
<Giddy> ... uh
<Myschii> you mean Orange?
<Giddy> Mystia/Wriggle
<Myschii> Orange came first
<Myschii> I'll write some MystiaXWriggle after this
<Giddy> Nobody even knows who she is
<Myschii> So?
<Giddy> :|
<Myschii> She's playing third string to Daiyousei and Lily in an unwritten story summary
<Giddy> your summary sucks
<Myschii> why are you so mean?
<Myschii> nevermind <Myschii> SOooo...
<Giddy> :|
<Giddy> So no. <Myschii> It just so happened one day that Lily bumped into Orange.
<Kiri> Giddy is always mean.
<Kiri> well, mostly.
<Kiri> not always. but mostly. <Myschii> Lily had been at her wits end for awhile now, and so she immediately dumped all her unanswered questions onto poor
<Giddy> No she didn't. <Myschii> Which in itself was difficult
<Myschii> Since it was all mimed
<Giddy> ...
<Giddy> go away
<Kiri> 0_0
<Kiri> o_o
<Kiri> -_- <Myschii> Orange, wondering exactly how she eventually understood all that, was shocked
<Giddy> No. <Myschii> Orange could only pass on some simple advice
<Giddy> No. <Myschii> Lily should make her feelings clear to Daiyousei.
<Giddy> No.
<Myschii> ...
<Myschii> GD~
<Giddy> No.
<Ars> Happy fun times up in this channel, yo.
<Giddy> No.
<Ars> Yes.
<Myschii> Ars~
<Ars> Myschii~
<Giddy> No.
<Ars> Go update~
<Ars> And Yes.
<Giddy> No.
<Ars> Yes.
<Giddy> Piss off.
<Ars> 'kay.
<Ars> Not really.
<Giddy> Piss off.
<Ars> Make me.
<Ars> Oooooh, I SO went there.
<Myschii> Sorry to intterupt but how should I end the Lily story
<Myschii> ?
<Giddy> Not.
<Myschii> Okay.
<Ars> Listen to Giddy.
<Ars> Do nothing.
<Giddy> Chill. <Myschii> And so even to this day, Lily's feelings have gone unanswered.
<Ars> Poor Lily.
<Giddy> Hooray.
<Giddy> No.
<Myschii> I'll write a happy end later
<Giddy> No.
<Ars> Si.
|<-- Kiri has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Myschii> poor kiri
<Giddy> No.
<EX_Pygmalion> I will not deny it. <Myschii> Daiyousei can only tremble in fear as her exhausted body can no longer fly to escape. A black clad Lily looming over her with a crazed grin.