>>55136 Both, though the Lunarians are a little farther along.
First Contact with intelligent aliens other than the Lunarians has not yet been made. Savage alien worlds have been discovered, but they aren't all necessarily hospitable to Earth or Lunar biology. From time to time, explorers come across what they believe to be the remains of dead civilizations, but nothing living or space-faring as of yet. Basically, don't assume you'll meet any aliens but don't assume you
I think I'll meet the engineer first. Getting on her good side will massively simplify things. Engineers are extremely important to a ship's function and being on good terms with one tends to open doors, both figuratively and literally.
They also make terrible enemies. I offended an engineer once. I apologized after I figured out what was going on. It wasn't anything major, just a number of annoying or vaguely unsettling things. Alarm clock going off at random hours, snack machines not accepting my card, rattling noises in the walls and ceiling, that sort of thing. As soon as I apologized, the things stopped happening, even though he played dumb about it.
As is typical for most space stations, Hangar C is in a hard vacuum, albeit with a blast door to keep out debris. It would be impractical to repressurize the entire hangar every time a ship needed to dock or leave. While docked ships have tunnels leading to their built-in airlocks, any external repairs require a spacesuit.
The ship I'm looking for is easy enough to pick out through one of the viewports. It's big and blocky and resembles a few pictures of ships I've seen in history books. I can't tell what color it was supposed to be initially. It's scorched and soot covered, probably having gone through atmospheric reentry too many times without replacing the heat resistant paint. The surface is heavily pitted and dented. I honestly have no Idea what's holding it together. It actually looks
worse than some wrecks I've seen.
Once I get over to the connecting tunnel attached to the ship, I notice a few more things. The ship's name has been severely abraded and I can only make out a few of the letters. It reads MA##D## UL##SE#. I have no idea what those words could be.
I try the external intercom, maybe someone inside will respond. "Excuse me, I've been sent to meet your crew. Is anyone in there?"
A voice crackles back in response, "Hello! Are you here with the parts shipment?"
"No, I'm trying to get hired as the Communications Officer. Your captain said I had to get approval from at least two crewmembers first."
"I see..."
There's about a minute-long period of silence.
"May I come aboard?" I ask finally.
"Sure, just give me a minute to reconnect the wiring on this engine."
I guess that answers the question of who I'm talking to. This is convenient.
A few minutes later, the engineer comes over the intercom again. "You might want to step back from the airlock."
Stepping back from the ship, I nearly jump out of my skin when the engineer shows up through the docking bay's exterior airlock.
"Sorry, did I startle you?"
"I thought you were going to come out of the ship! You were speaking to me over the intercom."
"I can see why you'd think that, but it was an external repair. Besides, apparently nothing works when the ship's main power is turned off. I had to modify it a bit to broadcast to my suit."
"This ship has seen better days, huh?"
"The power thing isn't technically a malfunction, but yeah, she definitely has. She's held together with tape, rust, and lots of love far as I can tell. Or stubbornness."
"So what's not working specifically?" Engineers love to talk about their jobs.
"Well, I haven't taken a look inside yet, but..."
"Oh, you're new as well?" It's good to know I'm not going to be the new kid everyone picks on.
"Today's my fourth day. So far I've patched a few vulnerabilities in the hull, unjammed the landing gear, fixed some crossed wiring in engines 1 and 3, and welded engine 2 back into place. Assuming the reactor is working, we'll be able to leave once we get more fuel rods for the reactor and whatever shipment we're supposed to deliver."
"Well that's good. You seem like a capable engineer. But I don't believe I caught your name."
Only now does she take off her helmet. Long dark hair spills out, coated in a sheen of sweat. She has bright, inquisitive red eyes and a sincere smile. I'd guess she's about nineteen if she were a human, but she's clearly not. For one thing, she's at least half a meter taller than me. More significantly, she has large wings encased by her spacesuit. The right one has a number of tools hanging from it via hooks in the suit. I wonder if they're natural or she's gene-spliced. I have the tact not to ask her about them. I know how awkward that can be better than most people.
"Utsuho Reiuji, but you can call me Okuu. My sisters always called me that for some reason." she says, offering her left hand.
"Kyouko Kasodani." I shake her hand. "There, now we're friends."
"Is that why people do the hand thing?"
"Uh... Traditionally, it's a show that you aren't carrying a weapon and mean no harm. But it's also traditionally the right hand."
Okuu looks at her right hand. She's still carrying a blowtorch from her work on the engines.
"I kinda messed that one up I guess. Should I try again?"
"Don't worry about it. Most people aren't going to complain about little details like that."
"Thanks. I think it would be nice to have you around on the ship." Alright! That makes one! I just have to convince at least one other person.
Who should I meet next then?
[] - Pilot
[] - Copilot
[] - Navigator
[] - Weapons Specialist
[] - Salvage Expert
[] - Medic