>>59670 >Now, was she popularly elected, or somewhere (say, forty-third) in the line of secession? Hey. Whoa. This ain't Touhoustar Lotusactica. Not at all. Lotus Space Story. Look at the name.
>We've got advanced technology. How did fairies into space? That's answered the exact same way as 'how did this space station happen?'
>>59677 They did. They ran out of ammo before the fairies ran out of fairies.
President Shinki, lawfully appointed civilian represen- pffffffthahaha, okay, I can't keep a straight face. I wasn't forty-third in the line of succession, or anything. Gensokyo never actually had a president or a line of succession. Sure, I could've just bullied my way into the office given my prior experience and credentials as God-King and Most Supreme Majesty of Makai, but that doesn't sound very democratic at all.
So we held an election shortly after escaping from Earth.
And by election, I mean that I appointed myself proxy for all of the glorious citizens in the fleet. They were too busy doing things like escaping, so I took their responsibility off of their shoulders, and placed it upon mine, and cast their votes, keeping what they would, of course, want, in mind.
The final result of the election was thirty-thousand and eighty-one votes for me, and one vote for Sekibanki.
I would never be so tacky as to vote for myself, you see. And this conveniently makes Sekibanki the Vice President. I voted for her because I think it's endlessly entertaining how her head rolls off when I smack it.
Speaking of, I need to inform my new Vice President of her title.
It's been almost two days since the escape from Earth, and it's no longer the panicked flight it was. Most people have managed to grab a couple hours of sleep.
I look around me, in the lavish yacht that I commandeered for my escape. Sure, the Probability Space Hypervessel is bigger, faster, and more heavily armed, but it's a warship, first and foremost. This is a much more comfortable vessel, fit for the God-King. President. Need to remember not to title myself God-King.
Sekibanki is sleeping in a heap, draped across one of the plush couches in the small cabin in the back of the yacht. It's the biggest one, of course. And Sekibanki beat me here in the mad rush out, so I couldn't very well kick her out.
Nobody else is in the cabin, and the sliding door's closed. The place is not overly ornate, but it's a large enough room, a couple of plush couches around the edges, a private bathroom and bedroom, which I claimed, and I grabbed one of the chairs from the lounge in the main area of the yacht to serve as my throne. Presidential seat. Right.
I walk over to her to shake her awake, hand reaching out for her shoulder. And then I get a better idea. I pluck her head neatly from her shoulders with both hands, and start shaking it.
“Hey, sleepyhead! Wake up!” She looks at me, bleary-eyed and with the singular hatred of one unwillingly shaken awake. “Get it? Sleepy
head? Ah, I slay myself.”
What,” she grumbles, the single syllable inflected so beautifully with hatred and loathing.
“Congratulations! You're the Vice President!”
“Vice President of what?”
I think for a second. “Of... Gensokyo? Earth? Well... neither of those really work. I'm going to go with 'Space Gensokyo' for now. It's a purely provisional name, you see. Perhaps I'll put the name to a vote.”
“Great. Who's the President?”
I feign a gasp of surprise. “What, you don't know? You voted for me, of course! I'm God-Ki- er, President of Space Gensokyo!”
“I ain't voted for you.”
“Of course you did! You were so busy, though, that I took the weighty responsibility of participation in the democratic process from your overworked shoulders, and cast your vote by proxy, for me! You're welcome, of course. Just another thing your President does for her subjects. Citizens.” I flash a winning smile at her.
“Great. Can I get back to Vice Presidential sleeping?”
I sigh. Deeply and disappointedly. “And shirk your civic duties? We can't have that. Wash up and make yourself presentable, will you?” I toss her head into the bathroom. She curses at me. I give her body a slap on the rump to get her up.
As she's doing that, I open the door to the God-King's Chambers. Presidential Office. Right. This whole 'democracy' thing's going to take some getting used to. I spy one girl, with long brown twintails and a checkered skirt catching some z's on a loveseat. “Hey!” I shout.
She snorts and starts, falling out of her chair gracelessly. Clambering back into it, she glares at me. “Whad'ya want?”
“As President, I appoint you Press Secretary.”
“I ain't voted for you.”
“Ah, but you did. What's your name, loyal subject?”
“Hatate,” she grumbles.
“Well then. Press Secretary Hatate Wonttellmeherfullname, your first order of business is to get the Admiral of this fleet on the horn. Tell them the President wants to speak to them.”
“No,” she says, and closes her eyes. It's a good thing, then, that I'm a very motivating person! I walk out to her, and tip over her chair. She flails about on the floor, stopping to shoot me a hell of a look. I like the feisty ones. Maybe we can have a scandal together. Oooh, maybe they'll suffix it with -gate!
I think I'm coming to like this whole democracy thing.
Anyway, first order of business. Got to talk to Admiral... what was their name again?
[ ] Pick a touhou. That isn't Murasa or one of the main protagonists (like Reimu, Sanae, Marisa, et cetera).
Why do you think she's CAPTAIN Murasa Minamitsu and not Admiral Minamitsu? It's because she's not the Admiral, of course. Duh. And if you can come up with a better name than 'Space Gensokyo', I want to hear it.