Test: II Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 04:26 No. 20674 ▼ File 122274879050.jpg - (42.87KB, 676x556 , koakuma_greet.jpg)
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Loading Scenario: Day II
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Anon wakes with a start. For a couple of minutes, he tries to calm himself down. He is sweating profusely. He must have had a nightmare, but he can't remember the details. He stands up and yawns loudly.
Looking around, he spots something new on the desk. It looks like a note. He slowly rubs his eyes and reads it.
"Wash up in the bathroom. Turn right when you step outside, its the 3rd door on the left. Make yourself presentable."
Anon takes a towel from one of the cabinets and follows the directions to the bathroom. He does his morning rituals as a habit while thinking about the cute handwriting on the note. In a few minutes, he finishes, and returns to his room.
Opening the door, he finds Koakuma waiting for him.
"Good morning! I am to lead you to the dining room, the Mistress is waiting," she says, smiling.
She seems to be waiting for Anon's response.
[ ] Go with Koakuma
[ ] Not hungry
[ ] Run away
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 04:56 No. 20676 [x] "Mistress?"
[x] Go with Koakuma
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 04:56 No. 20677 Excuse me for being anal, but is there a reason you started a new thread when the last one was barely over 100 posts long?
I think you should wait until the last thread hits autosage before doing this.
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 06:28 No. 20680 Well, if it's her saying "Mistress," it's likely Patchy. If it were Sakuya, it'd be Remi.
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 08:20 No. 20681 [x] "Mistress?"
[x] Go with Koakuma
Haha, Patchu leaving the library? Preposterous!
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 10:23 No. 20684 ▼ File 12227701824.jpg - (48.03KB, 413x720 , keine_sensei.jpg)
System Hint:
First impressions count the most. It is difficult to change a person's first opinion, no matter how much time and effort is spent. Those with charisma should know how to behave to get in anyone's good favor. In fact, they should know even better ways than regular greetings...
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 10:30 No. 20685 ▼ File 122277061064.jpg - (10.20KB, 237x213 , patchy.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[x] "Mistress?"
[x] Go with Koakuma
"Mistress?", Anon asks.
"It's quite rare that Patchouli would step out of her library, though she did have a few books carried in," Koakuma replies. Anon nods quietly. Patchouli did seem to love books.
"I'll have you lead the way, then," Anon says.
The two walk through the hallways and down a staircase before arriving at a large set of double doors. The doors themselves have intricate carvings of roses and vines around them, perhaps in an Italian or French design. The doors open, seemingly by themselves, revealing a long dining table that can easily seat twenty or thirty persons.
Anon enters and takes a moment to look around. The room itself is huge, much larger than Anon thought could fit in the mansion, though he hasn't examined it carefully. A beautiful crystal chandelier hangs over the dining table, while several statues, vases, and other objects are placed on display on both sides. To the left, there are several paintings hanging from the wall. To the right, a set of glass doors open up to reveal a grand ballroom. It literally takes a few moments for Anon to catch his breath from the luxury.
"It is a shame that the curtains were shut", Anon says to himself.
After recovering, he peers behind him to see two women dressed in French-styled Maid uniforms. As they close the double doors shut, Anon notes that one of them has a transparent pair of wings protruding from some slits on her outfit.
Anon feels a gentle tug from his left. He turns and sees Koakuma give a gentle smile as she leads him forward.
Turning back to the dining table, he sees a small mountain of books surrounding a seat on his right. Looking closer, he spots Patchouli in the center, calmly reading a book. "That counts as a few?", Anon thinks.
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 10:31 No. 20686 [X] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 10:32 No. 20687 ▼ File 122277076077.jpg - (13.68KB, 256x274 , remilia_seated.jpg)
>>20685 At the head of the table, a young girl is seated. She is wearing a pink dress with red ribbons and trimmings together with a similarly designed hat. She has blue hair and red eyes. Red eyes.
For a moment, Anon freezes as their eyes meet.
Power. Beauty. Destruction. Thirst. Tepes. Pride. Danger. Treasure. Despair. Mist. Blood. Nosferatu. Devil. Dazzling. Caress. Kiss. Soft. Touch. Taste. Sweet. Scarlet.
Anon knows this. He knows who this is, somehow.
[ ] "Please, don't kill me."
[ ] "My Lord, and my Master."
[ ] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 10:49 No. 20688 [X] "My Lord, and my Master."
This might kill the Sakuya route, but meh.
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 11:35 No. 20689 [x] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 12:34 No. 20690 [X] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
[X] Attempt to impress her with your charm and good breeding
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 12:59 No. 20691 ▼ File 122277956870.png - (83.70KB, 478x356 , sparkalan'.png)
[ x ] "My Lord, and my Master."
Even cheese can become verbal diamonds with enough charisma!
Anonymous 2008/09/30 (Tue) 15:26 No. 20693 [X] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Ran Yakumo !RZt9E9hLys!!VjMTDlMGVj 2008/09/30 (Tue) 17:02 No. 20695 [†] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Anonymous 2008/10/01 (Wed) 09:44 No. 20712 [ ] Falcon Punch her in the gut.
But more seriously this time.
[X] Maintaining your gaze and a confident smile, you walk toward her. You gently take her hand and give it a kiss.
"Good morning, Lady Remilia Scarlet, Master of this Mansion. Allow me to express my gratitude and genuine delight at being welcomed in such a wonderful manner."
Anonymous 2008/10/01 (Wed) 10:53 No. 20713 [x] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Anonymous 2008/10/01 (Wed) 12:25 No. 20715 [x] "Remilia Scarlet, Weaver of Destinies. Your reputation precedes you."
Anonymous 2008/10/01 (Wed) 17:40 No. 20722 [x] "Remilia Scarlet, Weaver of Destinies. Your reputation precedes you."
Smooth. Hurry up and fix your votes, people.
Anonymous 2008/10/01 (Wed) 22:49 No. 20726 [x] "Remilia Scarlet, Weaver of Destinies. Your reputation precedes you."
er, I mean :
[x] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Anonymous 2008/10/01 (Wed) 23:47 No. 20731 [x] "Remilia Scarlet, Weaver of Destinies. Your reputation precedes you."
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 02:08 No. 20733 [x] "Remilia Scarlet, Weaver of Destinies. Your reputation precedes you."
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 02:54 No. 20735 ▼ File 12229160414.jpg - (164.81KB, 850x801 , remilia.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] "Good morning, Lady Remilia."
Anon clears his head. He can't afford to lose his focus. He continues walking forward and looks over the rest of the table.
Standing behind the vampire girl is another maid in a french uniform. She has silver hair, a single long braid on each side of her face, and stern expression. Anon cringes a bit as he tries to remember - Sakuya Izayoi, Head Maid, Time Manipulation, Knives.
Anon turns toward Patchouli and sees that Koakuma is standing by her side. Noticing his glance, Koakuma just smiles gently, though her fingers are noticeably fidgeting. Patchouli shows no change in expression as she turns the page of her book.
There are two seats to Anon's left. He takes the one farther from the vampire, and turns to face her.
"Good morning, Lady Remilia," he manages.
For a moment, there is silence. Koakuma looks blankly at Anon. Patchouli maintains her expression, but her eyes are not moving. Sakuya bites her lip, then glances at her mistress. Remilia, however, simply smiles.
"Our guest seems to be quite interesting. Is this what you meant, Patchouli?"
"He seems to have other abilities besides this. I was not aware that he has knowledge of Gensokyo," Patchouli says.
"An outsider with amnesia, not even knowing his own name. Yet he has working knowledge of Gensokyo, its inhabitants, and its language. He has abilities even Patchouli can't identify with her magic, and no trace that he was gapped in by Yukari. How curious," Remilia says.
Anon nods nervously as he considers Remilia's statement. This can turn bad, he has to say something.
"I know it sounds suspicious, but what you have said is the truth. I hope that the weaver of destiny can understand my circumstance. I will gladly do my best to repay my benefactor's kindness," Anon says.
"We know you are not lying," she says simply. "We have ways. And while it isn't quite clear to why fate has brought you here, I can see it is no coincidence. And as for repayment, I might just have something for you to do for me. But that can be discussed after we eat."
As she says this, two maids enter the dining room. They serve an omelette, some soup, and a European pastry of some kind. Anon eats quietly as Remilia and Patchouli talk. Patchouli is multi-tasking three tasks, as she is eating, reading, and answering Remilia at the same time. Their talk involves various persons from Gensokyo, from the lazy miko at the Hakurei Shrine to the strange lunarian doctor at Eientei. While initially curious, Anon is soon bored with this talk, as it doesn't involve him.
As he finishes his meal, the conversation unexpectedly turns to him.
"So I hear that our guest was able to deal with an uninvited guest yesterday?", Remilia asks.
"She still got a few books, but it was a welcome change from her usual visits," Patchouli replies.
Remilia turns to Anon and asks, "Would you care to share the details?"
What does Anon do next?
[ ] Tell the story, but make light of it
[ ] Tell the story as it really happened
[ ] Tell the story, but make it sound like you did something heroic
[ ] Refuse to tell the story, feign memory loss
[ ] Refuse to tell the story, change the subject
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 02:59 No. 20736 [ ] Tell the story, but make light of it
tell it how it was, we threw the ball with no knowledge of what would happen
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 03:19 No. 20737 [X] Tell the story, but make it sound like you did something heroic
[X] Custom: Really ham it up; make sure they know you're being overly dramatic
They're already amused with us, let us entertain.
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 03:29 No. 20738 [X] Tell the story, but make light of it/make it sound like you did something heroic
[X] Custom: Really ham it up; make sure they know you're being overly dramatic
I like this idea.
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 04:22 No. 20741 [X] Tell the story, but make it sound like you did something heroic
[X] Custom: Really ham it up; make sure they know you're being overly dramatic
Hario 2008/10/02 (Thu) 04:43 No. 20742 [X] Tell the story, but make it sound like you did something heroic
[X] Custom: Really ham it up; make sure they know you're being overly dramatic
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 05:29 No. 20746 [X] Tell the story as it really happened
So far we've only told the truth without hiding anything. I see no reason to change a functional strategy at this point in time.
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 07:21 No. 20751 [X] Tell the story as it really happened
Anonymous 2008/10/02 (Thu) 12:34 No. 20754 [X] Tell the story, but make light of it
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/02 (Thu) 13:41 No. 20756 {X} Tell the story, but make light of it/make it sound like you did something heroic
{X} Custom: Really ham it up; make sure they know you're being overly dramatic
{X} Custom: Do the voices
{X} Custom: And the sound effects
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 02:27 No. 20800 [x] Tell the story as it really happened
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 04:37 No. 20805 ▼ File 122309507357.jpg - (186.86KB, 605x660 , remilia_decision.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] Tell the story, but make light of it/make it sound like you did something heroic
[X] Custom: Really ham it up; make sure they know you're being overly dramatic
Anon retells the story, making sure to give a good performance. For the most part, he tells the truth, with some additions here and there. He makes sure to mimic voices and sound effects to increase the effect, as well as using exagerrated facial expressions. He presents in a manner between Broadway and a Saturday Night Live comedy skit.
"...and finally, I confronted the Black-White, chanting my prayer," Anon says as he makes a pose.
"... Our names are both known under the blue sky, but only one among us can stand under heaven." He pauses for a moment, for effect.
"...and with the power Patchouli lent me, I banished her from whence she came!"
Anon looks up to his audience, and is not disappointed. Remilia is smiling brightly, clearly amused by the performance. She almost seems like an innocent princess listening to the court storyteller. Koakuma is showing enthusiasm as well, nodding and laughing as he told his tale. Patchouli has a neutral expression, but her actions betray her feelings. She hasn't turned a single page of her book since he started his story. Even Sakuya seems to be affected, however she has the strangest expression on her face. She seems torn between rebuking him, and laughing uncontrollably.
"Not exactly as I first heard it, but I did enjoy your version better," Remilia says.
"I am honored, my Lady," Anon replies.
Remilia nods to herself, then closes her eyes in deep thought. After a moment, she speaks again.
"You are welcome to stay here as my guest."
"But Lady Remilia," Sakuya says. Remilia silences her with a stern hand gesture.
"However, you must be useful to us, as well."
Anon gulps silently, praying he isn't going to be a portable blood tank.
"I want you to assist with the various duties in the Mansion. You are going to be my butler."
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 04:46 No. 20806 ▼ File 122309557598.jpg - (35.54KB, 400x533 , 1516.jpg)
>>20805 ...OH GOD.
Then Anon was Hayate and Sakuya was the old maid, Maria!
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 05:17 No. 20809 ▼ File 122309744169.jpg - (489.94KB, 800x600 , Sakuya.jpg)
>>20805 "But my Lady, we can't let a human work for us so easily!", Sakuya says angrily. Remilia turns to stare at her.
"Are you questioning my decision, Sakuya?"
"Of course not! I just don't think it wise to trust a stranger so easily, considering the recent events around the area," Sakuya answers.
"Sakuya, you yourself said that we are shorthanded. Things have been difficult with our increasingly limited staff. I've noticed that the Mansion is starting to get neglected."
"Yes, my Lady, but," Sakuya says weakly.
"I'm worried about you," Remilia says. She is maintaining a stern face, but her eyes soften slightly.
"Even with your talents, you can't handle everything right now. You are straining yourself. A servant must know her limits."
Sakuya looks down and stays silent.
"It won't be much, but he can help. He seems harmless enough. I am saying that he can help with the basic duties around the Mansion."
Remilia turns back to Anon. She is smiling.
"He seems quite interesting, good for a laugh at the very least. We could all use some humor, especially during these times, don't you agree?"
Remilia looks straight at Anon, making sure he is listening.
"Now for the next concern. It is unfortunate that you don't remember your name. However, remaining nameless would be an inconvenience."
"For now, at least, what shall we call you?"
Remilia seems to be waiting for an answer.
[ ] "It shouldn't matter, I'm not staying long."
[ ] "I don't need a name."
[ ] "Just refer to me as the butler."
[ ] "Why don't you give me a new name?"
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 05:51 No. 20813 [X] "Why don't you give me a new name?"
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 09:44 No. 20818 [X] Hayate
Just wait for us to break a vase.
[X] "Why are you short-handed? What's happening to your staff?"
I sense people being worked to death.
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/04 (Sat) 09:50 No. 20819 {X} "Why don't you give me a new name?"
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 09:54 No. 20820 [x] "Why don't you give me a new name?"
Sakuya !jOmBcI54aU!!WwAwN5BJHj 2008/10/04 (Sat) 11:45 No. 20821 [X] Just call me, Hong Kong!
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 13:54 No. 20826 [ x ] "Why don't you give me a new name?"
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 14:59 No. 20834 [x] "Why don't you give me a new name?"
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 15:15 No. 20841 [♱] "Why don't you give me a new name?"
Anonymous 2008/10/04 (Sat) 23:54 No. 20864 ▼ File 122316448160.jpg - (85.89KB, 350x278 , tea_cup.jpg)
"Why don't you give me a new name?"
From the side of his eye, Anon could see Sakuya staring daggers at him. For a moment, he sees her holding four actual daggers in each of her hands. He blinks. He turns toward her, and sees her hands empty. Was he imagining things?
Remilia places her hand over her chin. Her eyes are closed, and her wings are erect. She seems to be in deep thought.
After two minutes of silence, she opens her eyes and looks at Anon. She has a deathly serious expression about her.
"Earl Grey."
"I've already had tea, but thank you."
Remilia coughs to clear her throat.
"Your name is Earl Grey."
Remilia smiles mysteriously
"However, you have yet to earn it in full. You are not even a Viscount. I suppose you shall be called Grey, for now."
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 00:11 No. 20865 ▼ File 122316548184.jpg - (80.09KB, 600x750 , 1222636311038.jpg)
>>20864 But...only weaklings have one name!
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 00:14 No. 20866 ▼ File 122316565360.jpg - (242.33KB, 600x600 , remilia_morning.jpg)
"A name is not to be taken lightly. It determines one's future. It can influence one's destiny. It can change one's fate."
Remilia stops smiling.
"A name is power."
He stays silent as he takes in her words. What exactly does she mean?
"But that will be enough for today. I have had a busy evening. I think I shall have some rest."
Remilia stands from her seat and hovers toward the exit. With a wave from her hand, two fairy maids immediately follow and escort her.
"Sakuya will explain your duties for the day."
Remilia pauses and turns her head slightly.
"It was pleasant to meet you, Grey. I hope you join me for dinner tonight."
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 00:59 No. 20869 ▼ File 122316838776.jpg - (117.22KB, 508x538 , sakuya_irritated.jpg)
"The garden needs to be trimmed and weeded. Inside, several rooms can use some thorough cleaning. Patchouli also mentioned that she needs assistance organizing the shelves in the library. Try to think about where you can avoid making a nuisance of yourself."
From the tone of her voice, Sakuya seems angry.
"Wear something suitable from this room. I shall be waiting outside."
Grey simply nods as she leaves the room. He turns to examine the room.
Maid uniforms. Hundreds of them. They are made from varying materials and have different designs. The dressing room is huge, it can't possibly fit the Mansion. There must be some kind of magic working here.
Grey sighs and begins to walk around. There must be something in here for a guy to wear.
After a few minutes of wandering, he spots a single open closet in the corner. It seems to be full of old suits and coats. Beside it are a pile of various theater costumes. Perhaps these are used to conduct plays. You can find quite a few outfits in the pile.
Grey's mind recalls Sakuya's instructions.
Where should he work for the day?
[ ] Gardening outside sounds relaxing. Fresh air is always good.
[ ] Cleaning inside the Mansion sounds simple. Might be able to explore a bit, too.
[ ] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
What would Sakuya consider as a suitable outfit?
[ ] Wear a dress coat and tie. Might be a bit too formal.
[ ] Wear a lion costume. Rawr!
[ ] Wear a maid uniform. Unexpectedly comfortable, but a little tight.
[ ] Wear a ballroom gown. I feel pretty.
[ ] Wear a rugged traveller's coat and pants. Adventure awaits!
[ ] Wear a fancy frock coat, checkered pants, and a top hat. A Dandy is fine too.
[ ] Wear a heavy trenchcoat, thick pants, and a heavy belt. Heavy-duty.
[ ] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
[ ] Go out with only your pants. Manly!
[ ] Keep your Outsider clothes. This place is weird enough as it is.
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 01:17 No. 20871 [X] Gardening outside sounds relaxing. Fresh air is always good.
[X] Wear a maid uniform. Unexpectedly comfortable, but a little tight.
Oh good, this! Finally I'm a pretty, pretty girl!
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 01:27 No. 20873 [x] Gardening outside sounds relaxing. Fresh air is always good.
[x] Wear a lion costume. Rawr!
dySWN !!uuLzZ1Lmp1 2008/10/05 (Sun) 01:32 No. 20874 [ ] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[ ] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 01:47 No. 20875 No no no! You're doing it wrong!
[x] Tight pants and a buttonable white shirt. Leave all but the bottom button undone and work up a little sweat, so you look like one of those guys on those romance novel covers. THEN, pick a job.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 01:55 No. 20879 [x] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[x] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 01:56 No. 20880 [ x] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[ x ] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 02:26 No. 20881 [X] Cleaning inside the Mansion sounds simple. Might be able to explore a bit, too.
[X] Go out in a fundoshi. Sexy Beam time!
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 02:49 No. 20882 [x] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[x] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 03:45 No. 20884 [x] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[x] Wear a dress coat and tie. Can never be too formal.
You're a butler. Look the part.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 04:25 No. 20886 [*] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[*] Wear a dress coat and tie. Can never be too formal.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 06:13 No. 20893 [x] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[x] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 21:45 No. 20915 [X] Cleaning inside the Mansion sounds simple. Might be able to explore a bit, too.
[X] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 22:54 No. 20916 [X] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[X] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 23:01 No. 20917 ▼ File 122324767317.jpg - (94.89KB, 324x432 , Koakuma.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] Assist Patchouli in the library. Maybe I can find a good book.
[X] Wear a simple shirt and pants combination with a decent overcoat. Make sure that all have pockets.
After changing, Grey heads toward the exit. Sakuya is already waiting by the doorway.
"Have you decided where to work?", she asks.
"I would like to help Patchouli in the library."
"Alright, leave your Outsider clothes here. I'll have one of the fairy maids wash it later," she says. Sakuya gives him directions to the library, then leaves.
Deciding to go straight to work, Grey walks along the hallways without pausing. He soon finds himself in the Mansion Library.
"Oh, I'm glad you decided to help," says a voice to the left.
Grey turns to see Koakuma carrying some books. "Don't think that you can slack off. Its been a week since Sakuya sent some help around here," she says, gesturing behind her. There are five fairy maids to the right, each carrying a pile of books. Koakuma quickly empties her load onto a pushcart as Grey approaches.
"Here, use this map and catalogue list to organize the shelves at the East wing. I need to supervise the others to make sure nothing gets messed up. You should find a pushcart on the way; you can use it to move the books. Think you can handle that?"
Grey smiles and nods. Sorting books doesn't seem that difficult.
"I'll come to fetch you in a couple of hours," Koakuma says.
She pauses for a moment, then asks quietly, "Would you like to have some tea with me afterward?"
"I'd love to have tea with you," Grey replies.
Koakuma smiles brightly.
"Then we better finish up quickly, then," she says.
Grey nods as he heads toward the East wing.
Anonymous 2008/10/05 (Sun) 23:52 No. 20919 ▼ File 122325076389.jpg - (136.23KB, 500x375 , eye_of_beast.jpg)
He can't move. He can hardly breathe. He can feel cold sweat drip along his forehead.
The Youkai has spotted him. It snarls loudly, spreading disgusting green saliva on the floor.
It looks hungry.
He can't stand around. He is going to be killed. He is going to be eaten alive.
The Youkai turns and takes a step toward him.
He takes a moment to reflect on how he got in this situation.
The East wing is only a few minutes away from the library entrance, but the sheer number of shelves is intimidating.
Sorting the books is more tedious than it looks, Grey says to himself. However, he does the work diligently. He smiles as he works, as he is looking forward to tea with Koakuma. He even hums a little tune, as he is in quite a good mood.
After about an hour and a half, Grey finds that he is almost done with his work. With only a few shelves left unsorted, he decides to look for something interesting for himself among the shelves.
Suddenly, he hears a loud crash. He leaves the pushcart (now full of books) and runs toward the noise. It sounds like something broke through the window.
Considering his previous encounter, he decides to slow down and sneak among the shelves as he gets closer. No sense in taking a Master Spark in the face. That Marisa might be pretty pissed off if she recognizes him.
A few shelves later, he finds the broken window, but no Marisa in sight. Strange. He inspects the area around the window for a moment, then he decides to head back. He can probably finish sorting the last shelves before investigating this further.
A low growl from the left gets his attention.
Then, he freezes.
He can't move. He can hardly breathe. He can feel cold sweat drip along his forehead.
The Youkai has spotted him. It snarls loudly, spreading disgusting green saliva on the floor.
It looks hungry.
He can't stand around. He is going to be killed. He is going to be eaten alive.
The Youkai turns and takes a step toward him.
Looking closer, the Youkai looks to be a horrifying cross between a crocodile and a large hound. Sharp teeth can be seen from the sides of its mouth. Scales and spines protrude from its fur. It's slender, agile limbs each end with three heavy talons. They can probably tear a man in half, from the looks of it.
The Youkai takes another step closer.
Its releasing a putrid stench, like rotting meat and medical waste. Grey almost vomits from the smell. This thing is unnatural. It is an abomination. It shouldn't even exist, except in children's nightmares.
The Youkai takes a third step, then pauses.
Its reptilian eyes shine of an alien intelligence. Its tensed body displays both inhuman speed and power. Its jagged teeth and talons promise a slow and excrutiating death.
He can't fight this thing.
Grey may have time to attempt two options:
[ ] Don't move. Maybe it will leave us alone.
[ ] Stand and fight. I can handle this with my fists.
[ ] Stop and think of other options. Maybe something nearby can help.
[ ] Run. This thing will kill us if given the chance.
[ ] Try to talk to it. Let's talk our way out of this.
[ ] Call for help. We can't handle this on our own.
[ ] Hide. The library is like a maze.
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:15 No. 20924 >The Youkai takes a third step, then pauses.
It's shy? How adorable! We must make it ours.
[x] Poor thing must be hungry. Look around conspiratorially and put your finger to your lips, then bid it to follow you quietly.
[x] Try to sneak it out of the library and into the kitchen; there must be something for it to eat there.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:21 No. 20926 [ x ] Stop and think of other options. Maybe something nearby can help.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:26 No. 20927 [X] Poor thing must be hungry. Look around conspiratorially and put your finger to your lips, then bid it to follow you quietly.
[X] Try to sneak it out of the library and into the kitchen; there must be something for it to eat there.
Oh God, the look on Sakuya's face when she walks into the kitchen and sees you feeding a gigantic monster raw meat from out of the ice chest.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:52 No. 20929 Put that Charisma attribute to some use that isn't boneheaded.
[X] Call for help. We can't handle this on our own.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:53 No. 20930 [X] Call for help. We can't handle this on our own.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 00:53 No. 20931 [X] Run. This thing will kill us if given the chance.
[X] Call for help. We can't handle this on our own.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 01:07 No. 20933 [x] Poor thing must be hungry. Look around conspiratorially and put your finger to your lips, then bid it to follow you quietly.
[x] Try to sneak it out of the library and into the kitchen; there must be something for it to eat there.
It might be intelligent enough for this to work. That, and I hear Youkai usually refrain from eating live humans if there's an alternative available. Anything's better than trying to scream and run, because that shit will get us killed, fast.
Youkai pet GET!
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 01:07 No. 20934 [ x ] Stop and think of other options. Maybe something nearby can help.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 01:10 No. 20935 I always wanted a pet bandersnatch.
[x] Call out for Koakuma
[x] Poor thing must be hungry. Look around conspiratorially and put your finger to your lips, then bid it to follow you quietly.
[X] Try to sneak it out of the library and into the kitchen; there must be something for it to eat there.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 02:38 No. 20936 ▼ File 122326072629.jpg - (51.12KB, 750x600 , oh_hi.jpg)
Good thing Handle Animal is a Charisma-based skill check.
[♱] Poor thing must be hungry. Look around conspiratorially and put your finger to your lips, then bid it to follow you quietly.
[♱] Try to sneak it out of the library and into the kitchen; there must be something for it to eat there.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 03:27 No. 20939 ▼ File 122326364294.jpg - (31.76KB, 350x250 , sakuya_angry.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[x] Poor thing must be hungry. Look around conspiratorially and put your finger to your lips, then bid it to follow you quietly.
[x] Try to sneak it out of the library and into the kitchen; there must be something for it to eat there.
"The poor thing must be hungry," Grey thinks.
Looking at the creature again, it does seem cute in a twisted, morbid way. He makes a motion for the creature to be quiet, then motions it to follow.
"I can get you some food in the kitchen," he says.
For a moment, the creature seems to make a puzzled expression. Then it nods slightly and adjusts its stance from pouncing to sneaking.
Grey carefully leads the creature toward the library exit. From afar, he can hear loud crashing noises from the other side of the library. He bids these no mind, as he must find something for the creature to eat.
He makes it to the hallway. It seems empty. Grey remembers the way to the dining room, so he heads there. The kitchen must be nearby.
Suddenly, a deafening crash interrupts his train of thought. It seems to come from the somewhere beyond the bend. Grey peeks at the corner.
A bleeding Youkai is lying on the ground. It seems to be of the same species as Grey's companion. To the right, part of the wall is broken open. It seems that something threw the creature from outside. There are voices coming from the hole. He can here someone barking orders.
Two fairy maids fly in through the window. They are carrying halberds. Embroidered on their uniforms are peculiar insignias.
Before Grey can observe further, they head straight at the creature and impale it with their weapons. The Youkai roars in defiance and shudders one last time before it lies on the ground, lifeless.
Another maid flies in through the window. Recognizing her immediately, Grey steps out.
"Hi Sakuya!"
Sakuya turns to him, first with an expression of surprise, then of cold anger.
"You are working with them? After Lady Remilia offered you such kindness? Now how shall I deal with you," she says, emotionless.
Before Grey can explain, he hears a low roar from behind. He steps to the side to see that the crocodile-hound has revealed itself and has taken an aggressive stance.
But it isn't looking at Sakuya.
Its eyes glow in anger as it stares at Grey. "Liar," it seems to say, as it prepares to strike.
Grey tries to speak, but only gurgling sounds come out. In the next moment, he feels excrutiating pain from his throat all the way down to his belly. Looking down, he sees several knives protruding form his chest and throat. Further down he sees that a large gash on his belly. His intestines are twisting out of that gaping hole. Grey had somehow found himself impaled and disemboweled at the same time.
"Oh wow," he thinks to himself as he realizes that the maid and the crocodile-hound must have attacked at the very same instant. They didn't even bother looking at each other. They must have both been really pissed off.
"This is shit," he thinks as he crumples to the ground.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 03:35 No. 20940 ▼ File 122326413836.jpg - (47.93KB, 413x720 , keine_sensei.jpg)
System Hint:
Face it, you can't make everyone and everything your friend. Sometimes, you have to choose a side. Note that earning someone's trust would take far more than some friendly chatter and a little flirting. A person may like you, but it would take far more to motivate them to do something risky on your behalf. You need to find or make opportunities to prove yourself.
System Hint:
The Mansion is under attack. By monsters. Try not to do something too stupid.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 03:36 No. 20941 Loading last scenario.
The Youkai takes a third step, then pauses.
Its reptilian eyes shine of an alien intelligence. Its tensed body displays both inhuman speed and power. Its jagged teeth and talons promise a slow and excrutiating death.
He can't fight this thing.
Grey may have time to attempt two options:
[ ] Don't move. Maybe it will leave us alone.
[ ] Stand and fight. I can handle this with my fists.
[ ] Stop and think of other options. Maybe something nearby can help.
[ ] Run. This thing will kill us if given the chance.
[ ] Try to talk to it. Let's talk our way out of this.
[ ] Call for help. We can't handle this on our own.
[ ] Hide. The library is like a maze.
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 03:47 No. 20943 [X] Intimidate the creature.
[X] Try to delay or confuse it until help arrives.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 04:03 No. 20944 He was cool until he wigged out on us.
[x] Ask him kindly for his identification.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 04:16 No. 20945 ▼ File 122326657439.gif - (90.71KB, 1024x768 , 121816841925.gif)
>>20939 I'm having a tough time justifying this Bad End. If we heard a commotion outside before the youkai entered, or if there was an intermediary choice when the bloodied youkai was thrown into the library to bolt or something I'd be more down with Grey getting sacked like the dunderhead he was. But seriously, it wasn't until the system hint that the thought of the SDM being attacked even entered my mind. The lack of forewarning or chance to mitigate makes our bloody demise feel less justified than I expect.
But it's your story man, and as long as there's no over-arching penalty for fucking up, then whatever.
>>20942 [X] Stare the creature down in a very intimidating manner.
[X] Stop and think of other options. Maybe something nearby can help.
I'm liking the way you think.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 04:43 No. 20946 ▼ File 122326818550.jpg - (73.15KB, 319x397 , chuck_norris_0021.jpg)
I was expecting the guy to be torn apart immediately. I'm guessing he threw in the other details to show another side of the Mansion.
From what I gather, if he decided to work at the garden, Grey would probably encounter youkai near Sakuya and maybe China (?) instead of Koakuma and Patchouli. Looks like pathing imo.
Oh, and we now know that the creatures have at least some intelligence, so maybe he can bullshit his way out of this.
>>20942 [X] Stare the creature down in a very intimidating manner.
[X] Scare it away using expert thespian skills.
Charisma landed us a job at the SDM. It can probably get us out of anything else at this point.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 04:55 No. 20949 ▼ File 122326892831.jpg - (13.09KB, 250x347 , 250px-Kohaku-sama.jpg)
>>20945 Ohohoho I'm in ur bad ends messing wit ur heads
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 07:43 No. 20953 ▼ File 122327903677.jpg - (159.83KB, 1024x768 , 723518_The_Stupid_Wave.jpg)
>"Hi Sakuya!"
haha oh wow
what happened to our charisma?
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 09:02 No. 20954 ▼ File 122328376388.jpg - (75.32KB, 802x602 , Gilstare.jpg)
>>20942 [x] Stare the creature down in a very intimidating manner.
[x] Try to talk to it. Let's talk our way out of this.
Changing vote a little because I think this will do what the write-in is trying to achieve better. Stand firm and with no fear. Take advantage of our high Charisma stat to intimidate the shit out of our enemy. Let it think we have some devastating super move that will ultimately seal it's fate if it dares to make a move on us. If everything works out as planned and it falls for the bluff, we'll have stalled long enough for Sakuya, Patchouli, or Koakuma will show up and then it'll either become a smear on the pavement or we'll have obtained a live specimen to study and/or interrogate. And then Grey will be declared the most badass CYOA Anon of /sdm/.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 11:21 No. 20956 ▼ File 122329207587.gif - (50.68KB, 791x613 , 1205957427340.gif)
[x] Stare the creature down in a very intimidating manner.
[x] Try to talk to it. Let's talk our way out of this.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 23:24 No. 20972 ▼ File 122333546516.jpg - (3.37KB, 156x187 , confidence.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] Stare the creature down in a very intimidating manner.
[X] Try to talk to it. Let's talk our way out of this.
He can't fight this thing.
But this thing shouldn't even exist. It defies the natural order. It defiles this place with its presence. And it smells horrible.
A scene flashes before his eyes. A beast in the shadows. A cry for help. A field of corpses.
Anger. Fear has turned into anger. This thing has no right to exist.
Grey finds that he can move. He takes a confident step forward and looks at the Youkai again.
The Youkai stops in its tracks. It eyes the human warily.
"..an eyesore," he mutters. He stares down the creature as he takes another step.
The Youkai hisses violently. It seems to have a forked tongue.
"You disgust me," he says loudly. He gnashes his teeth as he moves forward once more.
The Youkai takes a half-step backward. It roars loudly at the human.
"Mongrel," he says, sneering. The creature seems quite small right now. He feels he can take it on easily.
He steps forward and places his right hand on his pocket. He pulls something out.
"Now you die."
The Youkai turns around and bolts, yelping fearfully.
Grey turns down to his hand. He is holding a handkerchief. It seems like it was left in the pants pocket. He wipes the sweat from his brow calmly.
"What the hell was I thinking," he mutters to himself as he realizes how close he was to a painful death.
Someone is approaching from behind.
Anonymous 2008/10/06 (Mon) 23:37 No. 20974 Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to SUFFERING.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:09 No. 20975 ▼ File 122333818393.jpg - (51.05KB, 500x630 , koakuma.jpg)
"Are you alright?"
Grey turns to see Koakuma hovering nearby.
"Still alive and undamaged," he replies.
"That's wonderful," Koakuma says, smiling. Her smile really is quite charming.
"What's going on? I think I was almost killed back there."
Koakuma looks down and pauses.
"It is difficult to explain. For now we have to get you to safety. You are a human, so you are in the most danger here."
"Did Patchouli send you?", he asks.
"When I heard the crash, I headed straight here. Lady Patchouli is quite powerful, and the fairy maids reincarnate in a few days when killed," she says. She has a serious expression on her face. "I don't want you to die," she whispers.
An awkward passes in silence. Koakuma's cheeks turn bright-red.
"I mean that you are a guest, and it would be shameful for a guest to die under our care," she says quickly. She faces away, clearly embarrassed.
Grey pauses, unsure of how to reply. Unexpectedly, he feels Koakuma take his hand.
"We should go," she says. She tilts her head forward and to the side, hiding her expression.
Grey thinks for a moment.
[ ] "I'm getting out of this crazy place."
[ ] "Let's both get out of here."
[ ] "I can get out on my own, you should help the others."
[ ] "You should escape, I'll stay and help the others."
[ ] "We should go find Patchouli first."
[ ] "The fairy maids might be in trouble."
[ ] "We can't leave anyone behind."
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:17 No. 20976 [x] "Let's go make out in a broom closet while war rages around us both get out of here."
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:21 No. 20978 >"When I heard the crash, I headed straight here. Lady Patchouli is quite powerful, and the fairy maids reincarnate in a few days when killed," she says. She has a serious expression on her face. "I don't want you to die," she whispers.
80% dere
>"I mean that you are a guest, and it would be shameful for a guest to die under our care," she says quickly. She faces away, clearly embarrassed.
20% tsun
[X] "We should go find Patchouli first."
I, for one, want to find out what's going on. I mean, obviously we're under a tack, but I want details.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:38 No. 20979 >"We should go," she says. She tilts her head forward and to the side, hiding her expression.
Hint hint
[x] "Agreed."
[x] Follow Koakuma, wherever she takes you.
You're a lover, not a fighter. You can wow everyone with the story of how you browbeat a crocodile into flight later, but right now you've got a girl so worried about you that she's abandoned her own duties in order to make sure you're safe. Don't throw her concern back in her face.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:40 No. 20980 [x] "Agreed."
[x] Follow Koakuma, wherever she takes you.
Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:48 No. 20981 [Q] "Agreed."
[Q] Follow Koakuma, wherever she takes you.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 00:58 No. 20983 [X] "We can't leave anyone behind."
[X] "We must protect the library."
[X] Assemble everyone. Then Search and Destroy.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 01:06 No. 20984 [x] Smile and give her hand an affirming squeeze, before making towards the exit.
[x] "Coward, craven, say what you will, / But humans die when they are killed."
Koakuma was worried about you! She deserves some sugar. You can make fun of yourself here for fleeing to let her know you're not a complete coward.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 06:25 No. 21021 ▼ File 122336071847.jpg - (310.83KB, 2496x1664 , library.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[x] Follow Koakuma, wherever she takes you
Koakuma gives his hand a subtle squeeze before letting it go. She nods and motions for Grey to follow.
They sneak along the shelves carefully. Occasional crashes can be heard from afar, but it gets fainter as they walk. Grey sighs in relief as he sees the library entrance in sight.
Grey turns toward the cry. It takes a few moments for the scene to register in his head.
Lying between here and the library door is a single injured fairy maid. She is bleeding from a large gash wound on her left leg; it looks like she can't walk. A familiar growl can be heard from somewhere to the left, but Grey can't see the source from where they are standing. Two fairy maids are standing near the library entrance; one of them is sobbing while the other seems to be urging her to continue moving.
Koakuma still seems in shock. She doesn't say anything.
Need to think fast.
What should Grey do?
[ ] Sneak to the door from the right.
[ ] Try to distract the creature.
[ ] Head straight for the creature with his fists.
[ ] Run straight to the injured maid and carry her to the exit.
[ ] Mad dash for the exit.
[ ] Custom
What about Koakuma?
[ ] Ask her to sneak out behind the shelves on the right.
[ ] Ask her to try and distract the creature.
[ ] Ask her if she can attack the creature.
[ ] Ask her to carry the injured maid to safety.
[ ] Ask her to make a mad dash for the exit.
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 10:08 No. 21027 [X] Try to distract the creature.
[X] Ask her to sneak out behind the shelves on the right and if she can make a surprise attack from there. If she can't, she should hide.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 11:34 No. 21030 [X] Try to distract the creature.
[X] Ask her to sneak out behind the shelves on the right and if she can make a surprise attack from there. If she can't, she should hide.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 11:34 No. 21031 [X] Try to distract the creature.
[X] Ask her to sneak out behind the shelves on the right and if she can make a surprise attack from there. If she can't, she should hide.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 12:58 No. 21034 [X] Try to distract the creature.
[X] Ask her to carry the injured maid to safety.
Let's not risk Koakuma getting hurt. I'd rather get knocked bloody than watch a girl throw herself in danger.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 13:15 No. 21035 [x] Try to distract the creature.
[x] Ask her if she can attack the creature from behind.
Don't underestimate Koakuma.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 15:40 No. 21038 Remember how you said to put your charisma stat to use in an intelligent manner? Yeah, this would be one of those times.
[†] Try to distract the creature.
[†] Ask her if she can attack the creature from behind.
Bluff check to create a diversion, then Koakuma pushes a bookcase over onto it. You escape together and rescue the fairies while you're at it.
Anonymous 2008/10/07 (Tue) 15:44 No. 21039 [x] Try to distract the creature.
[x] Ask her if she can attack the creature from behind.
We're like a tank, only without the actual tanking bits.
Also, I wonder if this is the same crochound that we just scared off a few choices ago.
Ran Yakumo !RZt9E9hLys!!VjMTDlMGVj 2008/10/07 (Tue) 16:44 No. 21044 [†] Try to distract the creature.
[†] Ask her if she can attack the creature from behind.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 00:02 No. 21060 ▼ File 122342412560.jpg - (295.00KB, 600x400 , koakuma_attack.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] Try to distract the creature.
[X] Ask Koakuma if she can attack the creature
Grey grabs Koakuma's shoulder to get her attention.
"I'll divert the creature's attention from the maid. Can you attack it from behind?"
Koakuma's eyes widen, but before she can reply, Grey starts running forward.
"I'm counting on you," he says.
Without another word, he stands in front of the injured maid to face the creature. The Youkai looks like the crocodile-hound from earlier, but it is larger and has darker markings on its scales and fur. Blood is smeared on its talons and on its teeth.
"You monster! You may not pass!", he shouts, pointing at the creature.
The Youkai bellows loudly in response. Before Grey can respond, the creature quickly rushes toward him. Grey dodges the creature's claws, but reacts too slowly when it swings its tail. He flies across the room and crashes into a bookcase.
"That really hurt when it hit," he manages to mumble. His head spins as the pain starts to register. He can't move after taking that hit. He watches helplessly as the creature runs toward him to finish him off.
A red flash of light hits the creature's side, slamming it into a shelf. He strains to turn his neck toward its source. He sees Koakuma running toward him from the right.
"Are you alright? That was so reckless!"
But it isn't over.
Grey can see the creature staggering back on its feet. The Youkai is starting to run towards them. Koakuma is right beside him now. Something wet falls on his left wrist. Is it a tear? She doesn't see it coming. He is too weak to warn her. He watches in horror as the creature charges to finish them both.
Suddenly, the creature is engulfed in a pillar of flame. It stumbles a few steps forward before finally collapsing in a burning heap.
Someone in pink is flying toward them now. The figure pauses in front of the creature before turning to them. It pauses for a moment, then doubles its speed as it moves in their direction. Is that Patchouli? She has a really strange expression on her face.
It takes a moment for Grey to realize that she is capable of looking scared. It looks pretty cute on her, that expression.
Grey closes his eyes. He is about to black out.
[ ] Give in. The pain is too much.
[ ] Fight it. You need to know.
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 00:16 No. 21062 [x] Fight it. You need to know.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 00:26 No. 21066 ▼ File 122342561542.jpg - (47.89KB, 300x329 , megatron.jpg)
[x] Fight it. You need to know.
Moonie !pC9Y2o/l2o 2008/10/08 (Wed) 00:32 No. 21067 [X] Fight it. You need to know.
[X] Flail about and try to grab Patchy through her clothes. You NEED to know!
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 03:25 No. 21076 [♱] Iron Heart Surge!
-9 HP? Pfft. So what?
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 04:19 No. 21080 Just a thought, but does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Remilia named us after something that you drink?
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 04:54 No. 21082 ▼ File 122344167939.jpg - (3.61KB, 512x384 , black.jpg)
Grey hears a voice from within as he struggles to stay conscious.
"Fight it. You need to know."
The pain is horrible, and from what he can feel, he broke his right leg. He can't feel any sensation from his left wrist; that can't be good, either. The rest of his body is a huge, confusing mass of nerves and pain.
He still can't manage to open his eyes. No strength left. He decides to simply stop moving altogether and focus his thoughts on listening. He may not be physically strong, but his will can overcome this. He can't give in!
He can hear some voices, but he can't make out the words.
"..orking? ... tience."
"I've....and close... wounds."
"No, focus the ... here."
"Much better. He was lucky that he wasn't killed on impact"
"He'll be alright? That hit looked pretty bad."
"That was a pretty stupid thing to do."
After what felt like eternity, Grey noticed that he could feel his limbs completely again. The pain seems to be subsiding. He struggles to open his eyes.
He seems to be lying on his back. To his left, he can see Patchouli holding a small book on one hand while holding the other over his arm. Koakuma is beside her, kneeling and holding a tray of sorts. The pain forces his eyes closed again.
"His eyes just opened for a second! Is he alright?"
"Looks like an unconscious reflex. It would be too strange for him to stay conscious."
"Just focus on the task at hand."
The pain seems to be a numbing irritation now. He can feel the cold floor on his back. He struggles to open his eyes once more.
To his right, Sakuya seems to be standing with her arms folded. She looks like she is in deep thought. Behind her, he can see two fairy maids standing at attention. Are they carrying spears? Exhaustion forces his eyes closed. So tired now.
"His eyes opened again, did you see that?"
"He seems tougher than he looks. Maybe I can ask him a few questions, after all."
The pain is gone. But his body feels so tired. Drained.
He can't fall unconscious now. He needs to know what happened. He needs to know if anyone is hurt. He needs to know what that thing is. He needs to know how it got inside. He needs answers.
He opens his eyes once more. This time, he manages to sit himself up as well. Those around him are startled at this, and are speechless.
"So... what did I miss?," Grey says, smiling weakly.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 06:27 No. 21084 ▼ File 122344726889.jpg - (114.24KB, 670x820 , sakuya_smile.jpg)
Sakuya gets straight to business.
"A total of eight Youkai beasts were able to break into the Mansion. We're still unsure of how they got through the barrier. Five of them attacked those working at the Garden. China and I were nearby, but there were still casualties. We lost three fairy maids in the battle."
She sighs, then looks at Patchouli.
"It seems that the attack on this side was handled a bit better."
Patchouli is holding a book, as usual. Her expression is neutral.
"Three beasts broke into the library from different places. I was able to face them one at a time, so it wasn't difficult. Koakuma and our guest kept them entertained for some time. No casualties."
Patchouli turns a page of her book.
"However, I believe that our guest was far too reckless with his heroics. Koakuma and I had to use quite a bit of power to restore his condition."
Koakuma nods solemnly in agreement.
"Sakuya, I am a bit tired. I think I will have some rest. Koakuma, could you make me some tea?"
Patchouli turns around without another word and flies deep into the library. Koakuma bows politely, then quickly follows after her. Is her bedroom somewhere in here?
"Just to be clear, I still don't trust you," Sakuya says. "I don't know who sent you, or who you are working for. I still think you are hiding something."
Grey turns to face her. She has a cold expression on her face, but she doesn't seem as angry as before. The two sentry maids behind her have started walking toward the library exit.
Before Grey could reply, Sakuya does something unusual.
She smiles.
It isn't a sneer or a smirk, but a genuine gesture. Her eyes are clear and focused. Her stance is relaxed. She isn't holding any knives. She is powerful and elegant.
At that moment, Grey realizes that this woman is really quite beautiful.
"You did well today. Few humans would do that for someone other than themselves."
She turns and starts walking toward the exit. After a few steps, she pauses.
"You are free for the rest of the day. You are still a guest, after all. I'll take care of the rest," she says without looking back.
Grey watches in silence as she leaves the library.
He realizes he is alone near the library exit. He turns back to the library, but he can see no sign of Patchouli or Koakuma. In any case, he should let them rest after what happened.
Grey takes a moment to think. It seems like it is almost noon.
[ ] Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
[ ] Go outside. Meiling may be around somewhere.
[ ] Explore the Mansion. Try to find something interesting.
[ ] Return to his room. It may be a good time to be alone.
[ ] Custom
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/08 (Wed) 11:53 No. 21089 {X} Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 12:36 No. 21090 [x] Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
In loving memory of the Youkai we couldn't take to the kitchen and feed.
U. N. Owen !MqTkhp80TA 2008/10/08 (Wed) 12:53 No. 21092 [+] Return to his room. It may be a good time to be alone.
In times like this, after such a random and jarring event, it may be best to reserve oneself for a spell, and fall back onto personal introspection. There are always questions to be answered, and the sooner one sorts out the feelings in his head, the better off he will be in the future.
Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2008/10/08 (Wed) 15:53 No. 21093 [Q] Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 16:12 No. 21094 [x] Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
Eat an extra stake for my lost homey.
Ran Yakumo !RZt9E9hLys!!VjMTDlMGVj 2008/10/08 (Wed) 17:32 No. 21096 [†] Go outside. Meiling may be around somewhere.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 21:37 No. 21098 [†] Go outside. That gate guard may be around somewhere.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 22:07 No. 21099 [X] Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
Good idea is a good idea.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 22:29 No. 21100 ▼ File 122350498063.jpg - (46.56KB, 346x346 , breakfast_plate.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] Head toward the kitchen. Could use some food.
Grey heads toward the kitchen. It must be somewhere near the dining room.
"Could use some food," he mutters. While he feels completely healed, he still feels quite tired and weak.
He arrives at the dining room without incident. The place is empty. The kitchen is deserted as well.
"Guess vampires don't eat lunch," he says aloud.
He finds a variety of ingredients available: eggs, vegetables, meats (normal ones, strangely), spices, etc. Strangely, he finds no suspicious looking foodstuff. Maybe they keep the blood packs somewhere else?
He decides to cook something simple and quick - crispy bacon, two eggs, some home fries and toast. It isn't exactly time for breakfast, but then he isn't exactly a great chef either.
For a moment, he pauses.
[ ] Make one serving.
[ ] Make two servings.
[ ] Just make a sandwich.
He also thinks about where to eat.
[ ] Eat in the kitchen.
[ ] Eat in the dining room.
[ ] Take the food to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 22:44 No. 21101 [X] Make two servings.
[X] Eat in the dining room.
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 23:19 No. 21102 [X] Make two servings.
OP's pic related.
[X] Eat in the dining room.
Feelin' fancy.
U. N. Owen !MqTkhp80TA 2008/10/08 (Wed) 23:54 No. 21103 [+] Make one serving.
[+] Eat in the kitchen.
Mr. Earl Grey is a guest, yes, but he is working for his bread. It is best not to overstep one's bounds at first, acting as humble as possible. A double serving implies either you are very hungry, or intend to dine with another, neither of which seem very humble to me. The same goes for eating in the dining room, as well. A simple meal for yourself in the kitchen will suffice for now.
Remember: your name is not your own. You are not as free as you would like to be. Proceed with humility and dignity, letting the ones in power rise you up in their own time. As the age old saying goes, "Blessed are the last, for they shall be the first."
Anonymous 2008/10/08 (Wed) 23:59 No. 21104 [x] Make one serving.
[x] Eat in the kitchen.
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 00:12 No. 21108 ▼ File 122351115353.jpg - (220.26KB, 800x800 , lolpad.jpg)
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 00:14 No. 21110 ▼ File 122351126310.jpg - (130.53KB, 640x480 , 1223226346817.jpg)
>>21107 VOTE PAD= YAF
[x] Make one serving.
[x] Eat in the kitchen.
[x] Make sure you clean up after yourself.
Dunefag 2008/10/09 (Thu) 01:13 No. 21117 [x] Make one serving.
[x] Eat in the kitchen.
[x] Make sure you clean up after yourself.
Best option, in my opinion.
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 06:34 No. 21139 ▼ File 122353406472.jpg - (29.31KB, 475x368 , thought.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] Make one serving.
[X] Eat in the kitchen.
Grey decides to cook a single serving of his breakfast-style lunch. He isn't planning to meet anyone, after all.
Staying in the kitchen, he takes his plate and quickly shovels the food down his throat. It isn't that good, but anything tastes great when one is starving. No need to act polite either, as no one else is in the kitchen.
His hunger satisfied, Grey takes his dishes and cutlery and begins washing. He finds his thoughts drifting as he cleans up.
He thinks about his sudden appearance at the Voile Library. He remembers the encounter with the witch girl Marisa. He reflects on his unnatural knowledge of Gensokyo, its language and its inhabitants. Somehow, it doesn't feel like an accident at all.
He thinks about Patchouli. Although she seems cold and detached, he feels that she is really a kind girl at heart. He remembers how she asked him to stay in the Mansion last night. And he remembers how she saved his life just a little while ago.
He thinks about Koakuma. From the start, she has been helping him. She can't be acting on duty alone, as she seems to show genuine concern. She helps him even without her Mistress' orders. She may very well be the one he can count on the most.
He thinks about Remilia. She employed him as a butler, seemingly on a whim. He remembers his new name, and her solemn words, "A name is power." She definitely seems like she knows much more than she says.
He thinks about Sakuya. From the start, she displays open suspicion. But from earlier, in that single moment, he thinks he saw another side of her. Perhaps she isn't what she seems to be.
He thinks about the letter he found. "THIS PLACE IS CURSED," it read. Then he remembers the attack. Something is definitely wrong with this place, but nothing is clear. Maybe he needs to investigate the Mansion a bit more. He does have some free time right now.
"So how long are you going to scrub that plate?"
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 06:43 No. 21141 ▼ File 122353462452.jpg - (280.24KB, 700x1000 , sakuya_serious.jpg)
Grey jumps, almost dropping the dish. He turns his head to see Sakuya staring at him, arms folded. She has a serious expression on her face.
He quickly rinses the dish and puts it away. "How long was she standing there? I didn't even hear her footsteps," he thinks. Drying his hands, he tries to compose himself. He takes a quick breath before facing Sakuya.
She frowns.
"We both have questions."
Grey nods carefully.
"You start."
[ ] Custom
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 07:19 No. 21142 [x] "Where do you hide all those knives?"
[x] Okay, deep breath. "I found a watch and a notebook with a vague and ominous warning written in it in the drawer of the nightstand in my room. Soon after I found my door had magically unlocked itself somehow, without anyone appearing to enter or exit the room. Was any of that you?"
Just be frank with her about your concerns.
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 12:30 No. 21145 ▼ File 122355540055.jpg - (154.62KB, 491x445 , 1214887332345.jpg)
[x] Okay, deep breath. "I found a watch and a notebook with a vague and ominous warning written in it in the drawer of the nightstand in my room. Soon after I found my door had magically unlocked itself somehow, without anyone appearing to enter or exit the room. Was any of that you?"
Anonymous 2008/10/09 (Thu) 12:45 No. 21147 [x] Okay, deep breath. "I found a watch and a notebook with a vague and ominous warning written in it in the drawer of the nightstand in my room. Soon after I found my door had magically unlocked itself somehow, without anyone appearing to enter or exit the room. Was any of that you?"
[x] "What were those things? Those crochounds. Do you know where they came from, or what they wanted here?"
Ran Yakumo !RZt9E9hLys!!VjMTDlMGVj 2008/10/09 (Thu) 13:28 No. 21149 [†] Okay, deep breath. "I found a watch and a notebook with a vague and ominous warning written in it in the drawer of the nightstand in my room. Soon after I found my door had magically unlocked itself somehow, without anyone appearing to enter or exit the room. Was any of that you?"
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 02:58 No. 21168 [X] "What were those things? Those crochounds. Do you know where they came from, or what they wanted here?"
[X] "You mentioned something about a barrier?"
[X] "Do you know why Remilia wants me here?"
[X] "Have you had any Outsiders here before?"
Telling everything to Sakuya seems like a very, very bad idea. Let's wait for her turn to ask questions.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 04:29 No. 21178 ▼ File 12236129512.jpg - (62.22KB, 800x513 , SDM_lobby.jpg)
Loading User Commands:
[X] "What were those things? Those crochounds. Do you know where they came from, or what they wanted here?"
[X] "You mentioned something about a barrier?"
[X] Okay, deep breath. "I found a watch and a notebook with a vague and ominous warning written in it in the drawer of the nightstand in my room. Soon after I found my door had magically unlocked itself somehow, without anyone appearing to enter or exit the room. Was any of that you?"
Grey decides to start with the immediate concern.
"What were those things - those crochounds? Do you know where they came from, or what they wanted here?"
Sakuya shakes her head.
"We aren't sure ourselves. For the past few weeks, there have been attacks around the area. At first, only humans from the Village were involved, so we didn't mind it. Then, some of the fairy staff were getting attacked; we got most of our information from those that reincarnated. Today was the first time the creatures actually broke in."
She pauses for a moment before continuing.
"Patchouli, myself, China, and even most of the fairy staff are strong enough to easily crush wild youkai, but those creatures are something else. They are physically tough, and seem to have some resistance to magical effects as well."
"You mentioned something about a barrier?" Grey asks.
Sakuya nods.
"Patchouli set up a magical barrier around the Mansion and the grounds. The barrier is strong enough to prevent the entry of humans and weaker youkai. Only powerful youkai and humans like the Black-White or the Red-White have the ability to break through at will. The main gate is the only point where the barrier can be opened to allow regular entry of guests, but we have China to handle that."
Sakuya closes her eyes, seemingly in deep thought.
"What worries me is how those things broke in. The youkai themselves didn't seem powerful enough to force their way on their own. It would take something extremely powerful to rip a hole in the barrier. Either that, or the barrier was somehow weakened from the inside."
"There's something I haven't mentioned," Grey says. He takes a deep breath.
"I found a watch and a notebook with a vague and ominous warning written in it in the drawer of the nightstand in my room. Soon after I found my door had magically unlocked itself somehow, without anyone appearing to enter or exit the room. Was any of that you?"
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 04:56 No. 21180 ▼ File 122361459464.png - (121.45KB, 700x669 , sakuya_angry.png)
Sakuya frowns at Grey.
"Last night, Remilia told me that we had a guest. All I did was check which room was being used. I saw you looking out of the window before I left. I was told not to disturb you."
"Then you didn't leave those notes, the letter, or that digital watch for me to find?" Grey asks.
"A digital watch... from the Outside?"
Grey nods. Sakuya pauses for a moment, trying to remember. Then she vanishes.
Suddenly, pain. He feels like someone just threw him across the room.
Grey opens his eyes to see an arm pinning him against the wall. The other arm is holding knives close to his neck. Its owner is staring darkly into his eyes. It takes a moment for the scene to register in his head.
"Sakuya?" he asks weakly.
"Who the hell are you? Who sent you? Who are you working for? Answer me, you lying scum!"
"I don't know what you are talking about! I already told you, I can't remember anything!"
Sakuya presses one of the knives against his neck.
"I won't allow anyone to harm Lady Remilia, or anyone in this house again! Now tell me the truth before I start slicing off your fingers."
Grey feels blood trickle down his neck. He looks up to see yet another side of Sakuya.
This is nothing like her usual cold, calculating demeanor. This is a world apart from that single, genuine smile. This is uncontrolled rage. Pure anger and hatred. Killing intent, without reason nor remorse. She is going to kill him where he stands, with or without an answer. He is going to die.
They stand like that in silence for what seems like eternity. Then, they hear footsteps. Someone is walking nearby.
"Dammit!", Sakuya says.
She pulls herself away from Grey. The knives vanish from her hands.
"We will finish this at another time," she says before vanishing completely.
Grey rubs his neck as he tries to calm himself down. The wound isn't deep, but he needs to stop the bleeding. He quickly finds a table napkin from a nearby drawer and presses it against the wound.
The footsteps are now fading away; the person must have just passed by the hallway.
Grey needs to get away from here. If Sakuya finds him, he is dead for sure.
[ ] Head toward his room on the second floor.
[ ] Wander the hallways on the first floor.
[ ] Try to find a way outside.
[ ] Hide in the basement.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 05:32 No. 21185 Weird.
We already went over this stuff with Koakuma. She then showed that stuff to Patchouli. All on the first day. What stopped them from trying to ice the suspicious outsider, or from warning us about this, or telling anyone else? And what is Sakuya talking about? Better ask them about this and previous events when everyone cools down.
[x] Hide in the basement.
I don't think Sakuya will try to kill us in front of Flandre.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 06:11 No. 21192 [x] Head back to the library; the surest way to survive is to make yourself useful.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 07:40 No. 21194 I knew that was a fucking dumb idea.
[x] Head back to the library; the surest way to survive is to make yourself useful.
Ran Yakumo !RZt9E9hLys!!VjMTDlMGVj 2008/10/10 (Fri) 07:54 No. 21195 [†] Head back to the library; the surest way to survive is to make yourself useful.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 08:02 No. 21196 Put yourself in Sakuya's shoes for one second.
There's a guy crawling around in your mansion that's so suspicious that you'd sooner kill him dead than learn to trust him. In fact, you tried, but a distraction got in the way. Now it's gone, and you're certain that in the time he bought, he's going to run to another location to seek safety. Now backtrack and consider his actions in the past.
Where did he first appear in the SDM? The library.
Where did he decide to work when Remilia hired him? The library.
Where do you think he's going to go when he realizes he's in immediate danger?
I bet you anything you're going to get knifed in the back before you can even open the library doors. The most obvious choice you could make here probably wasn't put in your selection of choices for a reason.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 10:48 No. 21202 Observations:
1. Sakuya left after she heard someone coming. She is probably acting on her own. Until she cools down, finding company may be a good idea.
2. "I won't allow anyone to harm Lady Remilia, or anyone in this house again! - Something else happened before this, could be useful to investigate
3. "...the barrier was somehow weakened from the inside." - The SDM is pretty much a fortress on its own. However, if someone inside has been compromised...
Heading somewhere Sakuya can find him ALONE is just asking for a bad end.
[X] Hide in the basement.
Last place she would check. China might just follow Sakuya's orders.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 12:46 No. 21207 ▼ File 122364278059.gif - (15.98KB, 128x128 , 1207783223005.gif)
[X] Hide in the basement.
Flan-chan recruitan'. Or dyan'.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 12:50 No. 21208 [x] Wait in the kitchen. You can't spend your days here in fear of being caught alone; you have to attempt to level with Sakuya.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 14:02 No. 21209 [x] Head back to the library; the surest way to survive is to make yourself useful.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 14:58 No. 21210 [x] Hide in the basement.
Can we avoid setting ourselves up for a predictable ambush?
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 15:48 No. 21211 Damn, how can we avoid getting killed here...I know, let's go hang out with Flandre while we're bleeding from the neck!
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 23:00 No. 21215 Damn vote split.
Waiting for insightful post by U.N. Owen or the other writefags.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 23:00 No. 21216 Damn this vote split.
How about some input from the other writers in here? I'd like to hear what U.N. Owen or Sakuya has to say.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 23:12 No. 21219 There are my posts! Dammit.
Oh requesting U.N. Owen to bring in an argument to break the vote split.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 23:34 No. 21222 [X] Hide in the basement.
This is autosaged already? Damn.
Anonymous 2008/10/10 (Fri) 23:34 No. 21223 [X] Hide in the basement.
This is autosaged already? Damn.