Shallow Grave Wander !!L0A2ZkLGL2 2014/02/10 (Mon) 10:59 No. 1543 ▼ File 139202998491.png - (1.02KB, 640x480 , Eyes black as coals.png)
Probably looks good with the Darkish style.
You know what’s great about manhunts?
They. Fucking. Suck.
Unless you’re some uncatchable criminal or the gloryhound after her, you’re in for a bad time.
Say it’s 1920 in Boston and you own a deli or whatever. She comes in, orders a pastrami sandwich, and not ten seconds later, Hell itself plows through the walls of reality right into your shop. Naturally, she animates your entire stock into some sort of meat behemoth, fully capable of laying into a Fifth Circle devil on its own.
Oh, you don’t understand what that means? It’s kind of a stupid system that works differently for heavenly and hellish forces and dammit, quit distracting me! It’s like a five on the Richter Scale as far as geographic impact.
So anyway, Mega Meat has it out with a few weaker devils, the building collapses, and the owner gets steaked through the head. Kind of a shitty way to die, that. So then, his confused, pissed off soul goes to be judged and he gets to go back into the cycle. That’s how it works, right?
Dunno if you know it, but you should if you ended up here. No? Really? Ah, that sucks. Well, the system isn’t really workable with some people. They’ve hacked out their karma or mortality or whatever. They wind up as these dead zones where the gears of reality stop running reality and turn into a taffy factory of imprecise non-stuff.
It defies the Natural Order or whatever their damn excuse is. They have some sort of autocorrect in place, but that just causes calamities around the dead zone folks. Then its demons and hunters of whatever pay grade they can afford to toss at the problem.
Oh, right. Why they bother. The flexible Taffy-Reality is contagious. Some witch’s lunch break turns into a grudge match and the poor bystander gets his soul tainted. Sorry buddy, best we can do is raise your next of kin a rung when they die, assuming they don’t total out negative. You go in the trash chute so you don’t gum up the system and cause a soul overflow.
And that’s how they meet me.
Where is he now? Oh, his tale was a bit too mouthwatering for me to handle. Memories of a good sandwich are almost as good as the real thing. The souls are filling enough, if a bit bland. Ah well, a meal’s a meal.
How about you? What’s a live one doing down here?
Very interesting. I imagine she died at some point. The boundaries of my, our, prison changed awhile back. You might be able to take out her descendants, if you still have the strength.
Ah, wait. You’ve been changed too. That’s convenient.
Oh, me? I’m no one special.
Really. I eat the souls that the ministry throws away. I’m just a chained monster that works as a garbage disposal.
Fine, if you insist, I’ll tell you.
You ever hear of Napoleon? Conqueror general guy, the picture with the horse, hugeass bodyguards made him look like a dwarf? No? Ah well.
So, his army is up in Moscow, wrecking face. The Russians, they’ve got some damn fine ice magic on their side. General Winter and all that. The witch from my earlier story is there, having a mad science fling with some ice mage. Shit’s all kinds of chaotic. Only way it could be better is with some hunters breathing down the couple’s neck.
This time, it’s hell against two, not one. When shit gets real, it gets real. About two years of off and on warring later, the pair has the afterlife’s balls in a vice. They piss off for twenty years or so, the couple doesn’t lay waste to half of non-magical Europe.
With that straightened out, the witch left. Have a nice twenty years while I disappear from the grid, hon. The demons came back in force in about eight. And no one had a damn clue where she went.
Oh, right. Me.
That was, ah, some time in that first two years. Pretty sure I developed in a gel-filled vat. No idea if they contributed any of their stuff to the process.
Yes, I know how it normally works. I’ve eaten enough memories to know that much.
Anyway, that sword’s kind of shitty as a digging tool. You said you were one of those, whatever you call them, priestess types. The seals are here, here, here, and here. Let’s get to breaking out of here.
What? Oh. I could’ve eaten you at any time. I just figured you’d like to get with getting your revenge on. I could do with flipping the damn system as well. Mother needs a smackdown. Pops is probably in a hole like this one. And I can’t forget the Ministry. I’ve got about two hundred years of back payments they’re due for.
Sound good?
Damn strait.
Oh, the speaking thing? Mental Contamination’s a bitch and a half. I can think of ways to deal with it later, when we’re out of here.
Now, get to breaking that seal. I can dig a way out after that.
Things should get interesting right quick.