Dr. Q !4WBwMSuyxE 2009/10/22 (Thu) 17:56 No. 27555 ▼ File 125623417495.jpg - (247.69KB, 912x1280 , 6b0a1f7218cef1329f62292face7fe66.jpg)
Behind you,
A small rush of wind, a faint, held breath,
The sound of a blade, cutting through air.
You curse, loudly, twisting your body to catch the attack at an angle. The point of the sword tears across your back and shoulders.
"Get down!"
Your body obeys on instinct, falling to the dirt and wet grass. Above you, the air shrieks, flowing past like a knife. Thin, white lines, almost blinding, trace across. You hear a familiar splash as warm blood splatters on your back.
"Go! Now!"
Gritting your teeth, you pull yourself up, willing your legs to move.
Rumia leaned back, blood flowing from the numerous, deep gashes along her body. With a short, rasping ?Ha!" she snapped forward, a burst of power flowing through her body and erasing her wounds.
She straightened up to face her new assailant. The Woman of the Village. The sword in her hands was blindingly bright, leaving lacerations in the darkness.
The woman blocked the route to the village behind her, her posture clearly defensive. The child and the last maiden scrambled past her.
She raised her blade again, bringing it down heavily with both hands. Some of the whiteness came free, riding the wind. Rumia raised her own sword, striking back with mighty black wave. The two collided, sending out little invisible ripples through the air.
She smiled. This could be a good opponent~
Rumia's wings spread, encircling her foe. Keine closed her eyes, holding her sword out to the side.
"Leaving yourself open like that isn't a good idea~"
Barely touching the ground, she bounded up, into the air, bring her sword down with all its power. The woman sidesteped slightly, and the attack cleaves through her shoulder, down, across one breast-
Her wrist twitched ever-so slightly. A searing hot pain pulsed through Rumia's arms, and she screamed, leaping back. The white-haired swordswoman swung twice more, sending blades along the wind to cut through her and the darkness.
With another surge of power her arms reformed, the excess becoming projectiles of her own. The two sets struck, the gusts deflecting away into the forest harmlessly.
A silver-blue banner, not unlike a scroll, unwound from her body, her wounds vanishing with it.
Rumia smiled, though a part of her pleaded desperately to flee. She ignored it, instead grasping another handful of black ?feathers? and molding into a new blade. Longer, sharper, with a single edge.
She rushed again, thrusting up through the woman's ribcage. The sword moved quickly, but instead of blocking it simply turned the blade to the side, sliding through her lung. Instead of backing up, though, Keine stepped into the blade, driving it deeper through her body.
The bright sword struck Rumia again, cutting across her left side, narrowly missing her heart and severing a ?wing?. She dragged her claws across her foe's face, removing most of it, and repelled again. The scrolls moved again, uncoiling and dissolving into the air, leaving her behind, unharmed.
Rumia screamed, forcing out her claws longer and healing her own wounds. She didn't need a sword for this.
She set upon the woman, tearing, slashing, biting, stabbing her again and again as the blinding burning white sword cut into her flesh in so many places. Scrolls emerged by the dozen, her wounds vanishing as fast as Rumia could inflict them. She raised one arm and plunged into Village Woman's heart, only for another scroll to emit from her own arm, erasing it.
Redoubling her power, another grew in barely a second. The scroll reappeared, winding back around her new limb. For a sick, distorted moment the flesh bulges out. Wet cracks and pops and tearing sounds, and another scream of pain. She swung quickly, slicing it off. She brought her remaining hand back, across the girl's face, her claws carving into her head. The horrible blade plunged into her heart, stinging burning hot like a branding iron, turning flesh against flesh. She screamed until her vocal cords died, leaving a hoarse ragged gurgle.
She staggered up from the unmoving body. Her eyes focused, barely on the point in the distance. She needed to eat. Ahead of her in the breaking twilight, she saw food.
But wait! There's more! Next part should (probably) be the final.