Misadventures in Gensokyo, thread 13, Day ? Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:02 No. 11735 ▼ File 120795136634.jpg - (16.82KB, 642x479 , jail(2).jpg)
You quickly reach your arm back in, and after fiddling with the slider a bit, you push it all the way to the other end. There’s a thunk, followed by a grinding noise. Above you the commotion, pauses for a moment. The breeze coming out of the hole becomes much stronger suddenly. You pull your arm out and back away from the hole. The grinding comes to a stop, and a slight rushing noise can be heard. The wind coming out of the hole gets even stronger. Someone shouting can be heard above. You wonder just what in the hell you just did.
Suddenly, water comes rushing out of the hole, quite forcefully. The blast catches your good arm and knocks you to the side before pouring out full force against the cell door. The door rattles on it’s hinges, but it seems that it was designed to take this. Falling into the wall stops your movement, but knocks the breath out of you. Really not quite sure what happened, you think you hit a trap that was designed to put a damper on any plans that Mokou might have had of escape. The water continues to pour forth from the hole, but with significantly less strength now. The water is roughly around ankle height now. Upstairs more shouts issue forth, and there’s a significant amount of running around. You’re not certain that the amount of running could be generated by just three people, but you’re not exactly sure how many people Reimu had with her.
[ ] Examine door.
[ ] Try to stop the water
[ ] Search the cell
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:04 No. 11737 [X] Examine door.
Time to use that key methinks
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:06 No. 11742 [X] Examine door.
Damn again screwed up, we shouldve picked it one choice before
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:09 No. 11746 [ ] Examine door.
Failing that, [ ] Search the cell.
Perhaps we hit an anti-escape trap, or perhaps we did not. We must look thoroughly to see if there's anything different we can use.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:11 No. 11751 Guys, our power increases whenever we have a drink!
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:11 No. 11752 [X] Examine door.
Escape time, if possible. We'll just have to be really careful.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:13 No. 11754 [x] Examine door.
At least find out if the key works.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:14 No. 11755 When someone comes down, take em and drown together with them. that will teach them no to mess with Anon
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:15 No. 11756 I think the door is looking in the wrong direction.
All that water had to come from SOMEWHERE, and if there was a breeze even before we pulled the switch, it's possible there's a reservoir or something outside that it's connected to.
I think we should still focus our attention on the X on the map, and try to get out through there.
Lily White !DWdJUrHcKI 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:15 No. 11757 [x]I decide to wash my hair
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:16 No. 11758 >You’re not certain that the amount of running could be generated by just three people
The rabbits are coming hooray hooray!
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:16 No. 11759 even in MiG: LAAAAAAAAAKE
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:16 No. 11760 IS it too late to choose [X] Sit in the corner and cry?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:17 No. 11762 [x] Genuflect
The Lake has come for us.
Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:18 No. 11763 You examine the door quite closely now. It seems to have some sort of standard hinge on there, and the lock seems to be quite intact still. Cursing your luck you push on it and the door rattles some, seemingly loosened by the blast of water. You push on the door in all directions, but fail to move it beyond rattling it, due to the weight of the object. You right the bench and sit down on it wondering how you might be able to get out of here. The door out of the dungeon rattles suddenly. It seems to be jammed by all the water. The voice on the other side sounds quite agitated, and apparently starts calling loudly. You presume for someone else. This is it folks. You’ve got one shot to get your sorry ass out of this mess before it’s torture tiem. Do or die Anon, What do you do?
Free choice- Input command.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:20 No. 11767 STOP. THINK. This is important.
Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:21 No. 11769 Oh. I'll give you one hint. You have the soloution, It's very close to you. So close indeed, and it only requires one item, wether in your inventory or not. Choose wisely anon. Choose wisely.
Lily White !DWdJUrHcKI 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:21 No. 11770 [x]SPRING IS HERE!
That or put doll against wall, pull string, profit!
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:21 No. 11772 We has a bench? Since when did we has a bench?
... can we use this somehow?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:22 No. 11777 stop thinking
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:22 No. 11779 could use the bamboo sprout as a snorkel
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:22 No. 11780 Throw the card at the wall and hope for the best?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:23 No. 11781 USE THE FUCKING KEY. K.E.Y.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:23 No. 11783 Put doll against door, pull string.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:23 No. 11784 The door is jammed. Magnificent.
Anyone notice any other ways out of here?
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:24 No. 11785 Oh god...
lets make this clear. NO CHOICES. Until we know what we're damn well doing.
We has... Stuff.
A Cell bar Wall thingie with door.
A bench.
Lots of water.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:24 No. 11786 drink hourai elixier and use bombdoll
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:25 No. 11791 [x]Use berserk pack and RIP AND TEAR the door and anyone who is on the other side.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:26 No. 11793 Put doll in the hole the water is coming from and pull the string.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:26 No. 11794 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:26 No. 11796 [] Insert Key in door
Sometimes the simple choice is the right one
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:27 No. 11798 We have a key u know, open the freaking door.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:27 No. 11799 I'm thinking we should drink the Elixir, drown, and wake up in a morgue.
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:27 No. 11800 I'm thinking a lot of anon don't watch any goddamn movies.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:27 No. 11802 WAIT THE FUCK
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:28 No. 11804 The "closest" thing to us would be the spell card in our pocket. Use the spell card on the hole to blast it open?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:28 No. 11805 What happens after we open the door, anon? We're going to run into whoever is up there.
Thats BAD.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:28 No. 11806 [X] Wait quietly
*\ it isn't really torture tiem - yet
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:29 No. 11811 Can't use the key to go up. People will be waiting for us, and that door is jammed.
Blowing the wall apart with a spell card is an option, and it takes 1 item. Putting the doll in and using the string to blow it up from a distance is another option that takes 1 item.
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:30 No. 11813 Anon, Anon Anon Anon...
I tried to let you work it out...
But is the answer not obvious?
It works in the movies no?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:30 No. 11814 Hey - could we have an inventory listing again?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:30 No. 11815 Use the spell card on the wall indicated with an X on Kaguya's map.
The door is guarded
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:30 No. 11816 Guys, we don't even know who is coming to get us, or who they are calling for. There was a ruckus upstairs, and now some unknown person is trying to get us out. We should see who it is first.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:30 No. 11817 [x] investigate hole the water came through, if we can't fit through it, blow it up so we can with either the spell card or the doll
I doubt theres more than one way out of the dungeon.
That guy who archives threads 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:31 No. 11821 Okay, valid suggestions so far:
[ ] Ram door
[ ] Use key
[ ] Blast open door with spellcard.
Any more suggestions/comments on current choices?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:32 No. 11822 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:32 No. 11823 The cell was designed to hold MOKOU. Fucking MOKOU guys. I doubt that an artful sacrifice, the weakest spell card from IN, will get us out of a prison designed to hold an extra boss.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:32 No. 11824 Do not use the spellcard on the door; that way leads torture. Use the spellcard on the wall leaking water, and escape through the reservoir.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:32 No. 11825 Kira can I ask for some clarification? If our next move is wrong is it insta death or do we have a chance to perform a sequence of actions first?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:34 No. 11831 Put the doll in the hole and pull string.
Should that fail, use the spell card on the wall.
That guy who archives threads 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:34 No. 11834 Okay:
[ ] Slam door w/ bench
[ ] Use key
[ ] Blast open door with spellcard.
We suspect that Moku was housed in here. What would that mean?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:35 No. 11837 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:35 No. 11839 Goddamn it. We have a fucking map with a goddamn "X" marked right on where the fucking hole was.
We have a definite opening in said hole that seems to lead outside, if the breeze was any indication.
We have an item that should allow whatever we use it on to go BOOM.
I don't know how to make this any clearer, here.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:36 No. 11845 [12:29am]« Dark_Mercury » The item you need may or may not be in your inventory.
[12:29am]« Dark_Mercury » You may have interacted with it recently, it may have been mentioned in EVERY GODDAMN POST SINCE YOU'VE BEEN IN THE DUNGEON.
That guy who archives threads 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:37 No. 11846 [ ] Slam door w/ bench
[ ] Use key
[ ] Blast open door with spellcard.
[ ] Blash open wall with spellcard.
We suspect that Moku was housed in here. What would that mean?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:37 No. 11847 >You have the solution, It's very close to you.
>So close indeed
>It only requires one item
>whether in your inventory or not.
....That last one is driving me nuts.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:37 No. 11849 [X] SCREAM SHITSUX
...or that. We could do that.
Unless we for some reason have to use Kaguya's computer for some reason, I honestly have no clue what possible use a password would have in this case. Considering it was on the same note with the map of our cell, I can't help but think they're connected.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:37 No. 11850 Hourai, are you prepared to become a star?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:37 No. 11851 Why would Kaguya leave a key in the wall if she expected us to blow it up? That makes no god damned sense.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:38 No. 11855 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:39 No. 11858 I have no fucking idea what to do!
Kira help us
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:40 No. 11859 ...
Bench. Bars. Leverage. Combine the three.
Of course we could always try 'piss shirt bend bar' if you want.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:40 No. 11860 The state we're in right now is giving me motivation to follow through with the game idea I had. By the looks of it, hardly any of you could beat it.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:40 No. 11861 I say we:
[X] Blow the wall open.
If there's a breeze that way, then it probably connects to something a lot larger. Don't forget that our map claims there should be three cells down here.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:41 No. 11862 >>EVERY GODDAMN POST SINCE YOU'VE BEEN IN THE DUNGEON
Times like this make me sad at the fact I have the short-term memory of a gnat.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:41 No. 11863 Blow up one of the walls leading to one of the other rooms. Then you will probably need the key or to scream shitsux.
Com'on, guys.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:41 No. 11864 GUYS ITS TOO LATE
That guy who archives threads 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:41 No. 11865 [ ] Slam door w/ bench
[ ] Use key
[ ] Blast open door with spellcard.
[ ] Blash open wall with spellcard.
It seems safe to assume that Moku already tried blowing stuff up with fire and magic, so maybe the spellcard options aren't that smart.
Bashing door with bench seems fine to me.
Key seems a bit obvious, but possible. Moku probably would've found it as well, if it was there when he was locked in there.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:42 No. 11866 ▼ File 120795372164.jpg - (59.08KB, 583x498 , 1205947111086.jpg)
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:42 No. 11871 KIRA! KIRA! TASUKETE KIRA!
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:43 No. 11874 [x] Blast open wall with Hourai Doll
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:43 No. 11875 clkfdjglkjg
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:43 No. 11876 So far, the only good, workably feasible idea I've heard is to use the bench to pry open the bars. Downside: that'll lead us right into our captors. Lessening this: they seem to be in a state of chaos.
Everything else is iffy, and requires we blow one of our one-shot items.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:43 No. 11877 [X] Slam door with bench.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:43 No. 11878 Use the bench as a lever to open the LOOSENED AND DAMAGED door. There may be something else int he dungeon we can use after that point. Perhaps in the other cells. The other cells have holes in the back as well.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:44 No. 11879 >“While I did enjoy watching you run around Gensokyo, it was never my intention for you to be killed. I only stopped watching for a short while, and when I came back, You’d apparently flung yourself from a roof. I really must apologize.”
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:44 No. 11880 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:44 No. 11881 lol someone is probably trying to free us, but we screw up again and they die or get caught.
We bring only misfortune
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:44 No. 11883 [X] Use the bench as a lever to open the damaged door. Basically what the namefag said.
That guy who archives threads 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:44 No. 11884 And by "slam door with bench"
I actually mean
"Use leverage on door with bench"
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:45 No. 11887 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
[X] Sit in the corner and cry
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:45 No. 11888 [X] Leverage the doors open with the bench.
Our best option.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:45 No. 11889 [X] Smash the door down with the bench
Also, whack any hostile touhoes with the damn thing if they're in range when we bust out.
Wait for the door to open, and chuck the bench through the open door if there are unfriendlies on the other side.
Start freaking the people on the other side out. More "KILL THE SPARE" type creepy stuff. Psychological warfare is fun if you're the one waging it.
Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:46 No. 11890 Do you want to use the bench on the door?
[ ] yes.
[ ] no.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:46 No. 11892 [X] Use the bench as a lever to open the damaged door.
I guess even if we got led to our captors, we still have the Hourai doll to throw as a distraction. Time to run like hell.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:46 No. 11893 Guys, seriously, THINK.
What have we used recently?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:46 No. 11896 [X] Sit in the corner and cry
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:46 No. 11898 ... and now he psychs us out.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:47 No. 11904 If for no other reason than to advance the story already
[ ] yes.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:47 No. 11905 [X] yes.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:47 No. 11908 God help us, because Suwako and Reimu sure as hell won't.
[x] yes.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:47 No. 11909 [ ] yes.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:47 No. 11914 From the first Dungeon post
>>trying to think of something, ANYTHING to get you out of here. You still have the note, the bottle from before, and the doll seeing as they didn’t bother to search you when they threw you in the prison. There’s a bench in here also, and some straw on the floor.
>>There’s a bench in here also
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:48 No. 11916 [x] no
fucking gurofags
do not want torture
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:49 No. 11918 Wait until the water rises before knocking down the door.
The splash should knock anyone outside off balance.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:49 No. 11921 I hope we can choose who tortures us, i would go totaly for Alice
Dr. Doujin !6zq1qwwMaI 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:50 No. 11925 ▼ File 120795423467.jpg - (29.03KB, 400x300 , touhou12maincharacter.jpg)
[x] yes.
Trust me. I was a guy do it once. Then again he also made the bars but that doesn't matter!
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:51 No. 11926 So Kira, when we end up failing do tell us what was the correct choice so we can all feel like dumbasses.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:51 No. 11927 This thread fills me with rage.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:52 No. 11934 BECOME THE FUCKING MCGUYVER
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:52 No. 11935 there is still the doll and the elixier ...
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:53 No. 11936 Can you just tell us what the fuck to do for the sake of a better plot?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:53 No. 11937 That's it, fuck this. I'm taking the cyanide pill.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:54 No. 11942 Plug water hole with bench !
Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:55 No. 11943 Typing up now. Wall'o'text incoming. Will post when I'm finished. 7 minutes, tops.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:56 No. 11946 kira just get it over with. Anon can't agree with himself so lets just take our lumps like a man.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:56 No. 11947 [ ] Drop trow, fuck doll, and be glad that at least we won't die a virgin.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:56 No. 11948 I suspect half of you really just wanted torture.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:56 No. 11950 >>Pushing aside the pile of straw you were sleeping on, you see several large scorch marks. You move the bench aside, and see more of the same.
Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:57 No. 11951 Oh, choice's been made. It just requires a wall of text. I've just gotta finish typing it up. Good luck guys. I'm rooting for you.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:59 No. 11955 >>It just requires a wall of text. I've just gotta finish typing it up. Good luck guys. I'm rooting for you.
This means either one of two things. Either we're very very very much in danger, or we're very very very much...safe.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:59 No. 11957 Hey Kira when we are being tortured have us lose an eye. Then we get an eye patch. Yes.
Dr. Doujin !6zq1qwwMaI 2008/04/11 (Fri) 15:59 No. 11960 ▼ File 120795478519.jpg - (164.63KB, 546x756 , 1203614388609.jpg)
>>11951 We're doomed. Its going to be awesome.
No chance.
No hope.
Reimu tortures us.
Final Destination...
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:01 No. 11963 You guys are forgetting the Hourai Elixir Generic Brand that we carry. Although the effects are temporary, just drinking it before the torture should allow us to survive.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:03 No. 11970 I bet we leverage the door up and it immediately falls on us
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:04 No. 11974 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:06 No. 11977 >>Also, MiG's anon is now officially called Frozen Frog
this anon wins the internets
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:06 No. 11978 Oh goddammit, we actually answered 'YES?!' You're breaking out from a cell into a dungeon! That's a REAL step up.
...just bloody hope that the water keeps the main dungeon door closed for longer. Tewi's luck oughta be kicking in now, if ever.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:06 No. 11979 Whose gonna play the part of Revolver Ocelot
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:07 No. 11981 F5ing like the fist of the north star.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:08 No. 11983 ▼ File 120795530760.jpg - (21.28KB, 400x282 , o597o8.jpg)
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:09 No. 11984 The Hind battle will be against Lily.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:11 No. 11985 Is there going to be a new thread or what?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:12 No. 11986 we are holding our breath of what to come now
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:13 No. 11988 YOU SAID THERE'D BE TEXT KIRA
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:13 No. 11989 We are goin to overcome the torture and be Big Boss
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:15 No. 11991 We need to warm up our fingers for the Key hitting
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:16 No. 11993 we should threaten to kill ourselves so that they will never figure our what is killing reimu. take yourself as hostage.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:17 No. 11994 20 minutes already, hurry, F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:18 No. 11995 He said 7 minutes. That number look familiar??
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:19 No. 11999 I still think the ring on the back of the doll is the way Alice controls them, NOT the trigger for an artful sacrifice. Also, I believe Alice used Shanghai in IN, where she used artful sacrifices. We have a Hourai doll, do they even do that?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:19 No. 12001 Suddenly
"Guys i have to go see you tomorrow"
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:20 No. 12004 what happened to the black button we had in our inventory?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:22 No. 12006 Kirs looking into Medieval torture pratices books for reference
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:27 No. 12012 .....we have been trolled
he said 7 minutes tops
we took that as a joke
....................he's probably planning on continuing tomorrow
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:28 No. 12013 no, its only 30 minutes, still reasonable.
Just go back to waiting and F5
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:29 No. 12017 >>I'm stupefied at all the pro-torture people who wanted to use a bench instead of the key to open the cell.
Any bets that a number of them were a part of the "USE THE CAMERA NOW! SHE CAN'T DEFEND AGAINST IT" crowd?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:30 No. 12020 Hes going to make a bloody and Gory Torture Scene. And its going to be awesome
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:33 No. 12026 I told you niggers to use the card on the scorch marks or block the water flow with the bench, I doubt that's what Kira had in mind but I'm sure he was open to a certain level of creativity.
But no, you retards wanted to use a BENCH instead of a KEY on the door that leads to our CAPTORS!
Kira is a cunning devil, he knew we were going to play it cautious so he threw us a curve ball. Think for your self.
I pray all of you die in a fire.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:35 No. 12030 If we die, its the fault of the people who voted to take Alices Picture instead to wait
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:39 No. 12036 I waited for you Kira....
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:42 No. 12038 >>Wind didn't start coming out of the hole until after we'd pulled the lever; more likely, that was just air rushing out of the way of all the water.
No, there was wind coming from the hole even before we even knew about the lever.
>>Moving across the wall opposite the cell door, you tap on one of the stones, and find it loose. Prying it out, You see a small cubbyhole. You can’t see well enough to be able to tell if there’s anything in there, but a slight breeze blows out from within.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:44 No. 12039 It looks like the was meant to happen. We just need to survive the torture then figure out how to get out. Or we can wait for GrayFox/Otacon/Yukari/Moukou/Whoever to plot hax us the fuck out of there.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:49 No. 12046 Before it was just stage 1 and 2 bosses we were messing with, no real threat to Yukari. Now our continued existence might not be worth pissing off the big 3 upstairs, plus anyone else who wants a piece of us.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:57 No. 12051 We wasted a whole thread bitching about what to do. Nice job guys.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 16:58 No. 12053 Should have quicksaved before choosing you fagets.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:07 No. 12061 If the button was indeed a Reisen ear codec, she might've been able to coach us through escaping cell and torture without needing other items.
Spellcard's effects are unknown except it's offensive and only works at close range, implying concentrated directional damage, which would work against the wall if sonic, kinetic, explosive, but not other types like fire. Possibly dangerous; danger abolished by Hourai Elixir.
Considering it was found as a booby-trap and Alice doesn't use physical strings, the Hourai Doll was possibly an explosive (per Artful Sacrifice), but its booby-trap purpose indicates there's no safe distance at which to pull the cord. However, lodging the doll in the cubbyhole could potentially absorb the effect. Hourai Elixir would abolish the danger.
The Hourai Elixir alone might've opened an escape if they assumed you just drowned and dumped the body.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:12 No. 12065 The problem with any plan involving getting out through the cell and dungeon doors is that we would then still have to get out of Eintei itself, with Marisa, Alice, her dolls, and possibly even Suika and who knows what else roaming about.
We're out-numbered, out-gunned, and wouldn't be able to stand up to just ONE of them in a fight, nevermind all of them at once.
If we had attempted the hole, there was at least some chance we would have landed outside the building, hopefully evading most of the security that would now be inside.
Oh well. Even if we're just going from one fuck-up to the next, so long as we're still alive there's always SOME chance to get out. Usually.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:18 No. 12074 ...we're totally going to end up tortured. If the bench usage were successful, he could have quickly written it out and asked for our next move.
The bench was a mistake, Anon. The bench was a mistake.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:20 No. 12077 I get it now! The camera is behind all of this! It's manipulating everything behind the scenes for its own purposes.
Angry Desu 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:21 No. 12078 he is either writing epic fail the likes of which we shall never forget,
or epic win the likes of which we shall never forget.
Writing epic *anything* takes time.
Dr. Doujin !6zq1qwwMaI 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:21 No. 12079 Anon won't be tortured...
...because the REAL torture is waiting for his post! eh? eh?
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:28 No. 12084 Another thing we should have considered was the fact that we were left alone down there, with no guard to watch us.
That means either they didn't expect us to be able to escape at all, or that if we DID try to escape that we wouldn't be able to get through them without getting caught, which suggests that they are unaware of any other means of getting in or out of that place aside from that one door.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:29 No. 12086 The Suspense is killing me. What a Cliffhanger he left us
Kirakishou !UdzMmUq0Oc 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:32 No. 12088 New post inc in new thread.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 17:38 No. 12107 >>And even if it wasn't, surely it was better than "LOL USE BENCH ON DOOR"?
No, it really wouldn't. It would have been stupid.
Anonymous 2008/04/11 (Fri) 21:36 No. 12498 When someone speaks of using a bench on a door, I immediately assume they're speaking of bracing one against the other, forming a block.