Another 2humons adventure Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/05 (Tue) 14:10 No. 174960 ▼ File 138366062965.jpg - (331.44KB, 700x700 , 1341786635226.jpg)
Hello everyone.
Disclaimers here:
first attempt at a CYOA, or a story period.
I am planning on setting this with the 1.8 type settings for touhoumon.
I am taking a little bit of a leaf from Bread of no Consequence, and S.L.D.T, and friends in my inspiration. (alternate evolution patterns and such)
don’t hate me for my basing, hate me for my story.
other disclaimers stuff here
Today is the day. You’ve finally turned 13. Most people started their journey when they were ten, but your village was different. You all learned a bit more, and were made sure that you wouldn’t just get beaten down by wild Touhoumon, or another trainer, the moment you left town.
As you pack up your belongings,
Your tablet
the Touhou orb your parents gave you*
5 regular Touhou orbs
your catch-specs***
some potions and equipment**
some dried rations
2 spare changes of clothes
*modified slightly, gives light mental conditioning, lightly improved catch rate
**5 regular potions, 3 repels, 1 antidote
***in the tall grass, you can see where the wild touhoumon lie in wait, or are moving around at. Also have some other sight benefits, as well as improved dark vision.
You zip up your pack, and shoulder it. A few other people are starting today as well, you recall.
What do you want to do, to start your journey?
[ ] go wait in line all day for a starter, and fight over who gets what
[ ] sneak out into the grasses, and catch a wild touhoumon
[ ] write in
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 14:21 No. 174961 [x] go wait in line all day for a starter, and fight over who gets what
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 15:02 No. 174962 [ X] sneak out into the grasses, and catch a wild touhoumon
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/05 (Tue) 15:04 No. 174963 i'm not sure how fast votes normally come in on a first time story, is this slow, or fast?
and where should i probably call votes?
Sorry bout posting with the name though
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/05 (Tue) 16:05 No. 174967 ▼ File 138366755435.jpg - (177.25KB, 850x1171 , 137872838181.jpg)
Screw it, if I feel I got a few people watching it’s good enough for me.
Besides, I just really wanted to write.
[x] Sneak out into the grass, and catch a wild touhoumon
You’ve seen the demonstrations on how to catch a wild touhoumon.
Weaken it, and throw a ball at it, right?
As you look around town, you see the small wooded area near the edge of the town, and figure that would be a good place as any. The adults might see you sneak out the front gate of the town.
You clamber over the small fence they placed there, and started looking and listening around, until you see some rustling over in the distance.
A CMomiji, and a CMarisa in what seems to be a tug of war over… something.
The Marisa pulls it away and smacks the Momiji in the head with it, and runs off into the woods.
As you see the Marisa vanish into the brush, the Momiji flops down, and doesn’t seem to notice anything happening around her. You notice now she doesn’t have the sword that Momiji’s always carry.
You remember reading that if a Momiji loses her sword, they get very depressed, and don’t do anything really.
You pull your special touhou orb out, and get closer to her, and tap it to her. She gets pulled in, and it clicks easily. She doesn’t seem to resist.
With your new touhoumon secured, you haul ass back to town.
what do you do now?
[] she doesn’t seem to look too good, delay trip until you can get her feeling better
[] rush out anyways
[]see the professor
(sorry about the starter railroading. I wanted to try the touhoumon aspect with the common 2humon as a starter.)
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 16:10 No. 174968 [x] sneak out into the grasses, and catch a wild touhoumon
Remember to make updates longer and double check your spelling.
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 16:19 No. 174970 [X] she doesn’t seem to look too good, delay trip until you can get her feeling better.
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 16:38 No. 174971 [x] she doesn't seem to look too good, delay trip until you can get her feeling better
Looks like we need to get her sword back from the CMarisa.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/05 (Tue) 18:41 No. 174980 ▼ File 138367688845.jpg - (297.94KB, 882x1000 , 1338868335413.jpg)
[x] she doesn't seem to look too good, delay trip until you can get her feeling better
You notice Momiji still not moving much. What could be happening? You pick her up and carry her over to the Professor’s lab, everyone else finishing filing out, bruised and several limping.
“close call” you note.
Professor Fir looks over to you. “something the problem… what was your name again?” he asks
Write it in people
You nod “My momiji here isn’t moving around much, is something wrong?” you ask “she doesn’t have her sword on her, I saw a Marisa run off with it, and I don’t know where she went.”
he nods “That might be one problem. Take her home, and get her some rest, and I’ll keep an eye out for her sword. You shouldn’t leave, because she can’t do much. Go home, feed her and I’ll see if I can find it” he promises you.
You scurry off home, and lay her on the counter. “You hungry?” you ask her, petting her head. You start to get out some of the leftover meatloaf from last night, and start cutting out pieces for her.
As soon as you get out the knife, she perks up and looks over at you, following the knife. You set the meat in front of her, and smile. “eat up” you say, cutting it up in front of her. She starts grabbing at the knife, trying to take it from you. “is this what you want?” you ask, handing it to her. She pulls it closely, and hugs it, and tucks it in her sheath. She eats up her food and starts jumping around happily. You laugh, and get her a better knife for her to use. She smiled and hugs you, and barks happily.
“well, seems you’re all better” you say as you pet her.
Momiji likes you, you got her a sword replacement, and she’s ready to go!
Momiji also hates the Cmarisa, and dislikes the species in general.
What do you want to do now?
[] rush out and catch up on your journey
[]stay the night and wait
[]write in
Also, what do you do, who do you talk to, and what do you want to say?
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 19:15 No. 174985 Name: Luka
[X]stay the night and wait
[X]sleep with Momiji
Found the sword?
I wanna be, the very best, like no one ever wasssss~
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 19:20 No. 174986 Name: Luka
[X] Stay the night and wait
[X] Professor: Found the sword?
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 19:29 No. 174987 Luka
[X]stay the night and wait
I hope they find it.
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 19:29 No. 174988 [X] Stay the night and wait
[X] Professor: Found the sword?
[x] Juanita (ワンイタ) (sic, because pun)
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 20:39 No. 174989 [x]Write in: apply ZYoumu patch
[x]Stay the night and wait.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/05 (Tue) 21:31 No. 174992 ▼ File 138368706446.jpg - (88.69KB, 620x620 , 4254627118f22cfb0fd499e27978b550.jpg)
Name: Luka
[X] Stay the night and wait
[X] Professor: Found the sword?
You decide to stay the night, and Momiji follows you around happily.
You make sure you have everything you need for the morning, and grab an extra knife or two from the kitchen, in case she loses her blade again.
Momiji is jumping around the living room, and you get her settled down, and start watching TV with her. You decide to dig out your Tablet, and get a scan on her for information later
Wolf Tengu Touhoumon
Has enhanced senses, even for a touhoumon. Uses a sword, can be excitable. Becomes depressed if blade is lost.
Attack- Good
Defence- above average
Special Attack- terrible
Special defence- Great
Speed- Amazing
Level rating- 7
You smile and hug her close, and sniff her. “I think you need a bath” you drag her to the bathroom, and draw up a hot bath for her, and after a scuffle, she was soaking, and pouting. You make sure she is clean before drying her off, and carry her to bed, before the two of you fall asleep.
You wake up well rested, and Momiji is up, waiting in the kitchen, trying to open the fridge. She barks happily as you get more of the meatloaf out and heat it up, giving part to her. You laugh as she hits it with her kitchen knife to cut it up.
You finish cleaning up and locking the house, you step by the professor’s lab.
“hello Luca” he said “I’m sorry but I haven’t had a chance to look for her sword yet, but it seems she’s right as rain” he smiles to her.
“yeah, she just needed a new sword, I guess.” You shrug to him “well, we’re going to get started, see if we can make it to Redcoast Town before it gets too hot” You wave goodbye to your friends, and your home of 13 years, and set off onto the route.
“Well momiji, where do you want to head to first? To Redcoast, explore the coastal caves, or go around the woods?”
Where do you all want to go?
[] coastal caves
[] explore the town
[] look around the woods
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 21:44 No. 174993 Honestly, what I want to do is
[x] Hunt for that CMarisa, and try to get Momiji's real sword back.
Momiji's name; I missed the PC's-name-vote prompt.
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 22:11 No. 174996 [X] Hunt for that CMarisa, and try to get Momiji's real sword back.
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 22:40 No. 175000 [x] Hunt for that CMarisa, and try to get Momiji's real sword back.
Justice... will be served.
Anonymous 2013/11/05 (Tue) 22:49 No. 175001 [x] Hunt for that CMarisa, and try to get Momiji's real sword back.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/06 (Wed) 00:58 No. 175007 ▼ File 138369950237.jpg - (178.74KB, 667x766 , NEW_ID_by_Inubashiri_Momizi.jpg)
[x] Hunt for that CMarisa, and try to get Momiji's real sword back.
Momiji tugs on your leg, and leads you towards the woods you found her in. you follow her along, and she starts jumping up and down as you get to a clearing.
a few wild touhoumon start to gather around. A sober Csuika without her gourd, a patchouli without her book, and an Aya without a camera or a fan. Momiji looks back up at you with determination.
Momiji scampers further into the forest, and as you follow, you see another clearing, littered with assorted items… a book, a gourd, a camera and a fan, and several hats, along with several other items that don’t seem to belong to the resident of the clearing, one CMarisa.
Momiji snarled at her and pulled out her fearsome kitchen cutlery and pointed it at Marisa, barking at her.
Time to fight!
how are you going to go about it?
[ ]Aggressive
[ ]Defensive
[ ]Balanced
[ ]Berserker
[ ]Dirty
Remember- Momiji is HELLA pissed at this one marisa. She can only take a suggestion to go for this fight.
also, sorry about slow and small, but i did want the input here.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 02:10 No. 175009 [x]Aggressive
She seems to be fast and tough, so... get right to it!
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 02:48 No. 175011 [X]Aggressive
Go for it, use that speed. I don't like the idea of drawing out a fight with a Marisa of any kind.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 03:46 No. 175015 [X] Aggressive
Marisas are fast from what I remember, let's see if we can be faster. Our excellent special defence should help in the fight.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/06 (Wed) 03:48 No. 175016 ▼ File 138370969076.jpg - (36.02KB, 338x479 , 338px-Touhou_-_Momiji80.jpg)
[x] aggressive
You smile and pet her “go get her Momiji” you encourage her to go fight.
Momiji runs forward and shoves marisa, Scratching at her with her hand and her knife, while barking at her. She slashed at Marisa, and drew a line of blood across her cheek. Momiji barked at her again, and shoved her down off the mushroom she used as a chair. Marisa grinned and shot a shock at Momiji, who shuddered as it struck her.
Momiji yelped and leapt on top of her and started pounding on her with her tiny balled fists, in a cute, yet ferocious manner while barking rapidly.
*in Momiji’s eyes*
Momiji draws her new greatsword she was given by her new friend, and stared at the evil witch who had been tormenting her and her friends for almost their entire lifetimes! “Return our possessions, you bitch” she yelled at Marisa, who was playing around with several of her pilfered goods. “In the name of true justice, I shall end your reign of terror!” Momiji grabs her greatsword and charges at Marisa, drawing a series of dizzying cuts, stabs, and cleaves across the Witch’s magical barriers and her defences, until she finally struck true with a slash from the side of her hip to the edge of her face.
Marisa hissed aat her and began chanting her spell, glowing with an eldritch power, Momiji saw her attack, and tackled her off her throne, trying to interrupt the spell, but it was too late, and the powerful energies enveloped her, causing her muscles to contract and spasm, but her willpower, and strength overcame the nerve-frying black lightning.
Now in close quarters, her sword too large to swing around, she resorted to punching the witch in the face repeatedly while screaming at her “return these peoples possessions and repent!” over and over.
*back to reality*
Momiji got off marisa, and took her hat, and barked at her, while Marisa started trying to jump up to get her hat, momiji barked at her some more, and marisa grumbled and nodded.
Momiji gathered up everyone’s things, and put them in a pile in front of Marisa, and barked at her, and jumped up and down again, calling all her friends to the area, and howling in victory.
Marisa begrudgingly hands back the stolen items to each of the victims, under the constant prodding of Momiji. she looked at momiji, and shrugged, the sword nowhere to be found.
Momiji glares at her, and Marisa upturns her pockets and starts looking around to try to find the sword, but it did not turn up.
Momiji sits down, and looks up at you, almost crying. Marisa seems to be reenacting someone taking it from her, and running away very fast.
What do you do?
(all write in here, I want to see what you all would do at this point)
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 03:52 No. 175018 [x] hug Momiji then try to get the marisa to lead to where the sword was taken Momiji can then track the scent.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 04:01 No. 175020 [X] Comfort Momiji, see if the Marisa can lead us to where the sword was taken, maybe we can search for clues and track the thief.
OP, the last post seems to have several run-on sentences, and a few spelling/grammatical errors. Maybe see if you can break up a few of the particularly long sentences next time? Other than that, post length is fine, continue!
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 04:16 No. 175024 [x] Get the CMarisa to tell us where did the one who stole from her go, under threat of capture by Touhouball.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/06 (Wed) 04:45 No. 175028 been at this for almost 14 hours now. I am going to sleep for the night, and will tally the votes in 8 hours or so.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 05:29 No. 175032 [x] Comfort Momiji. See if the Marisa can lead us to where the sword was taken; maybe we can search for clues and track the thief.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 05:47 No. 175034 Holy shit your writing is awful.
At least half of your sentences aren't capitalized.
>“hello Luca” he said “I’m sorry but I haven’t had a chance to look for her sword yet, but it seems she’s right as rain” he smiles to her.
Jesus Christ this is awful.
“Hello, Luca,” he said. “I’m sorry, but I haven’t had a chance to look for her sword yet. It seems she’s right as rain, though,” he says to her.
>Professor Fir looks over to you. “something the problem… what was your name again?” he asks
God, can't you even punctuate a sentence at the end? That is the most basic of basics. Ever.
>Momiji tugs on your leg, and leads you towards the woods you found her in. you follow her along, and she starts jumping up and down as you get to a clearing.
>Momiji snarled at her and pulled out her fearsome kitchen cutlery and pointed it at Marisa, barking at her.
Ignoring the awful capitalization, pick a tense. ONE TENSE. Stick with it. Don't jump around to different tenses in the same sequence of actions.
Is English not your first language? If it's not, and it's not familiar to you, this is mostly forgivable if it gets fixed. Otherwise, get the fuck out, your writing is awful.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 06:05 No. 175037 >*in Momiji’s eyes*
We don't do that here. It's the same reason as to why we get pissy over emoticons. What you can express through actions, you can far better express through actual writing.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 09:59 No. 175059 [x] Comfort Momiji, see if the Marisa can lead us to where the sword was taken, maybe we can search for clues and track the thief.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 11:22 No. 175063 This story is far below the threshold of acceptable quality.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/06 (Wed) 13:54 No. 175071 At this point, even though I see you are willing to give me a second chance, I am probably going to scrap this story.
It seems to have gathered too much hatred at this point for me to reasonably go on.
I am sorry that I have shat upon your board with my terrible writing, though I expected more constructive criticism before the torches and pitchforks came out.
Seriously, I expected better from you all.
I KNOW I am shitty as a writer. That is why I started a story, to try to get better.
Here's a vote I'm going to check in 4 hours.
I've asked an English Major friend to help proofread, if this does continue.
[] The author continues writing the story.
[] The author scraps the story.
Keep going will take the previous vote of
[x] Comfort Momiji, see if the Marisa can lead us to where the sword was taken, maybe we can search for clues and track the thief.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 14:16 No. 175075 [X] The author continues writing the story.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 14:33 No. 175078 [X] The author continues writing the story.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 15:06 No. 175082 [x] The author scraps the story.
A live thread is not a place of learning the basics. There is IRC, and there are writer advice threads in /blue/ where you can post examples of your writing and get feedback.
Anonymous 2013/11/06 (Wed) 15:20 No. 175085 [x] The author scraps the story.
Sorry, but I think it takes a little more skill to write here.
Wolf Player !PN..QihBhI 2013/11/06 (Wed) 16:29 No. 175090 I'll go ahead and scrap the thread then.
I'm at least glad people were able to be honest with me, and help point out flaws instead of just saying I was bad, and should stop.
I also hope someone might continue this story, but it is also okay to just let it die.