My Power of Faith is Stronger Than Yours! AnonymousX1 !gueoJoKER. 2014/02/20 (Thu) 12:47 No. 177841 ▼ File 139290045592.jpg - (29.13KB, 101x430 , BIGSTICK.jpg)
As the new guy, I like to read some old stories in this site, and some time ago I came upon this one called ?One Knight in Gensokyo?.
it's pretty interesting, at least the religious discussion among Anons is fun to read.
But then the writer died or something.
So here's my version of crusader knight in Gensokyo. Enjoy. Or not.
Friday, 13 of October, 1307.
Father, has my time come at last?
You asked silently, with your body limp, bathed in the pool of your own blood.
You counted to five, and when you realized that you were still tied to the mortal realm, you knew that His need for your servitude is not yet over.
You rise to your feet, the white cloth of your armor -now red- feels heavy and thick from the amount of blood that they had absorbed.
And as quickly as you rise, as quickly the arrows of King Phillip's men sent you back face first to the damp ground of Paris? dark alleyway.
Father, has my time come at last?
You asked silently, with your body limp, bathed in the pool of your own blood.
You counted to five, and when you realized that you were still tied to the mortal realm, you know that His need for your servitude is not yet over.
Rise, son of Abraham.
As you secured your left arm's hold around the small chest that is your God given mission, you tightened your grip on your mace in your right hand.
The king's men were aiming for you from the rooftop.
And closing in behind you, you can hear the rapid footsteps of the Priori of Sion.
There was no way out?except?
Doing what you were planning on your head then might get you killed.
No. you were almost definitely going to get killed.
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?
You were not afraid.
For Christ had defeated death. And all that believe in him shall accept eternal life.
You are not going to die, even if you are killed.
Holding to your faith and smiling, you put your weight onto your mace and stand.
You heard a loud twang; one of the king's men had a very fast reflex.
CLANG! the arrow bounced of your kite shield that was tied to your back, slightly scrapping the red cross banner of your order.
Amongst the ranks of The Priori, you heard a very loud voice screamed orders above the sounds of the marching army. He was probably the leader of the platoon.
"To whoever bring me the Crown of Jerusalem, I myself shall pours glory upon you!"
They sent an entire platoon to capture you. You should feel honored. But you were not. For these were mere bunch of damned fools.
There are no ?glory? except in Christ Jesus.
But of course, even when they wear the same white armor like yours, they were no longer servants of HIS. They had abandoned HIS teachings, and choose to follow the way of greed.
Damnation to all of them.
You ran.
You ran towards the ranks of The Priori.
"What the..! he's coming here!"
"Is he crazy!?"
How your brothers had fallen. Mistaking one's true faith as an act of lunacy is the most obvious sign of the lost ones.
"Form a line!"
"Why? he's only one man."
All that HE needs to send every single one of these people to their early judgment is the lower jaw of an ass.
You had a mace.
You felt the arrows hitting your back, but you don't care.
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
You had a mace.
You had reached the front rank of The Priori. In their chase for you, each men ran as fast as they can, leaving their formation in shambles.
In that small alley, they were standing in line. As long as you can dispose of them as fast as they come?you can win.
The first of The Priori raised his shield, protecting his head.
Not losing a momentum, you crushed his unprotected knee, and keep on running.
Ignoring the scream of pain behind, you moved on to your next foe.
You heard another twang. At the same time the second Priori raised his sword.
You gracefully spun around him, and the man found himself with an arrow in his head. You did not kill him, but he was dead anyway.
The third one didn't react as fast. With quick, effective motion, you crushed his shoulder before he can even draw his sword.
Another one charged and tried to ram his Claymore inside your guts, but you dodged. His own momentum leaving him helpless, you slammed your mace low, and crushed his knee.
They were a rather small platoon. Just about nine men, you roughly calculated.
Three down, one dead.
That left you with five angry men trying to the stab the life out of you.
You forgot about the archers.
You were painfully reminded by the stick of arrow jutting out from your neck, which had penetrated the relatively weak chainmail between your shoulder plate and your helmet.
The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.
This pain was nothing compared to what HE had experienced under Pontius Pilate. Ashamed of your own weakness, you forced your legs to move.
But you admit, you would not be going anywhere if all you do was running around breaking every knee in Rive Droite. So you decide to save time and simply dodged and danced your way skillfully past the next three Priori.
Well, "skillfully? for a man with an arrow stuck in his neck.
Two adversaries left. The next person that tried to kill you was using a war hammer. The handle was made of wood, with iron cast hammerhead, spiked for maximum killing potential.
What happened to ?thou shalt not kill?"
The Priori brought his hammer down upon you. You smashed the wooden handle to pieces with your all-steel mace. You spun on your heel, and proceed to destroy his elbow.
Please, legs. Be strong. One more obstacle until we can get out of here.
The last Priori was wearing full plate armor. And a two handed sword the size of your mother.
Wow, those must be expensive. You thought that your order supposed to be bankers. You know, people who get paid specifically for their ability to handle money? Sheesh, traitors.
Unlike the last person, this one soldier opted for a horizontal swing using his clumsy large weapon. You ducked.
And then, you raised your very, very heavy mace, and swung it on a low arc, very, very fast?
"and drove it straight into his codpiece.
His scream ?obviously driven by horror of his imminent failure to follow God's order to procreate- filled the night air like an orchestra from Hell.
"Oh, shut your mouth, you big oaf. You already took the vow of celibacy anyway." You said to him as you finally ordered your legs to flee from the battlefield.
With most of them heavily injured, they cannot spare the effort to chase after you. You keep on running while the buzz of arrows passed your ear, missing your head just by couple inches. Fortunately, it took not long until you were already outside of their archer's range.
At long last, you reached the end of the alleyway, but your journey was not over yet. You keep on running along the main road until you reached an intersection.
Right now, you can only think of three places where the Crown of Jerusalem would be safe, and for that, you need to go:
[ ]Left; Ride to the border, get out of France and seek aid among the Hospitaller.
[ ]Straight: Go to the dock, sail with the rest of your order and treasures. An armada of eighteen ships ready to disembark to Scotland at the whim of The Grandmaster.
[ ]Right: Your original directive was to give the crown to a courier at the edge of the city, of which then he supposed to carry it all the way to Spain. But the betrayal of the Priori had let the King to know about the order's plan. The courier might already dead.
A/N: King Phillip the Sixth was a bit of a dick. Anyway, should I continue with this story or my other story?