Seahorse Seashell Party: Touhou Edition JustAMiko 2014/12/08 (Mon) 20:32 No. 183452 ▼ File 14180707455.jpg - (209.75KB, 850x653 , sample-026a5a1181854c1750ddfefbd9849cdc.jpg)
A Gensokyian bar. A typical Gensokyian day. Alice Margatroid, her dolls Shanghai and Hourai, Marisa Kirisame, and Patchouli Knowledge are all sitting together at a table. Konngara, the bartender, passes out the drinks they ordered. Alice takes the first drink, and Marisa and Patchouli drink after. When the drinks are done, Marisa passes out mushrooms. "Magic mushrooms! From the Forest of Magic," Marisa exclaims. She eats her serving of mushrooms. Patchouli digs right in, and Alice devours them with Shanghai and Hourai.
After the mushrooms are eaten, Marisa, Patchouli, and Alice feel a bit dizzy. Then, they see the floor collapsing behind them! "Aaaah!" they all scream! They fall through the floor.
Marisa, Patchouli, Alice, Shanghai, and Hourai soon find themselves flying through space. They drop down in a mushroom forest. "We should explore this forest," Patchouli says. "But where should we start?" Alice asks.
Where should they go?
[x] Left
[x] Right
JustAMiko 2015/06/06 (Sat) 19:07 No. 184434 "I don't feel tired," Alice said. "Well, let's continue, then," Marisa exclaimed. They went on ahead.
Giant mushrooms blocked their path! "oh, no," Patchouli moped. But then Marisa climbed on the mushroom and bounced up! She got out her broom and rode on it. Patchouli, Alice, Shanghai, and Hourai did the same, and got on Marisa's broom.
Where are they going?
[X] North
[X] West
Anonymous 2015/06/06 (Sat) 23:48 No. 184435 ▼ File 143363450388.jpg - (25.50KB, 620x348 , Adam West Batman.jpg)
[X] West
JustAMiko 2016/03/21 (Mon) 20:01 No. 187769 Marisa and the gang head west. Then a shimmering ocean of danmaku comes into view. "Wanna surf?" Marisa asks. "Of course!" everyone else says.
Where do they surf?
[X] North
[X] South
Anonymous 2016/03/21 (Mon) 22:50 No. 187773 Yo, never before I have ever seen a writer with such a great work ethic as this man.
Anonymous 2016/03/22 (Tue) 02:54 No. 187774 Short and sweet.
JustAMiko 2016/03/24 (Thu) 19:51 No. 187781 They surfed south. Soon, they were flying on danmaku patterns! Then a GIANT Hakkero came up, much like the giant Yin-Yang from before. "What are we gonna do?!" Alice cried.
[X] Attack it, you idiot
[X] Do nothing 'cuz you're a wimp
Anonymous 2016/03/25 (Fri) 00:09 No. 187783 [x] GRIND ON THE LASER BEAM
Anonymous 2016/03/29 (Tue) 22:07 No. 187817 [x] GRIND ON THE LASER BEAM
Surely this is Kanako's gift to grinds, right? It's just like surfing!
Anonymous 2016/04/01 (Fri) 07:15 No. 187850 [x] GRIND ON THE LASER BEAM
JustAMiko 2016/06/26 (Sun) 16:03 No. 190017 So they attacked it. And it exploded! But just like that, Marisa, Alice, Patchouli, and the dolls woke up in the bar. Yes, the adventure was over, it was short, and it was a shroom-induced hallucination.
Anonymous 2016/07/04 (Mon) 01:08 No. 190258 I just want to say, I respect you for your integrity. You have balls greater than most authors.
Instead of letting a story sit, unresolved, you at least gave closure. You closed a book, as it were. Yes, it was comically short, but you still didn't let it sit here unresolved.
For that, you get a gold star few receive. It's weird saying it, but there should be more writers willing to close a book that will never get finished. People should look to you as an example of writing.
Oh my god Daniellewoman 2018/10/21 (Sun) 22:11 No. 199376 I wrote this when I was 12 and it only got finished when I was 13. LMAO I was a horrible writer back then.