Wayback !!p2ZwSzZQV2 2015/11/12 (Thu) 06:49 No. 185737 ▼ File 144731094981.png - (244.53KB, 448x619 , 0008 A girl and her mice.png)
[?] Explore the rest of this strange house.
Fed up with waiting for rest that will never come, you decide to get up and go exploring. Your little companion nearly falls off your head as you stand, but you're quick to steady her in her place.
"Stop tickling me~."
She wiggles her wings, lightly brushing the sides of your head as she does. You lightly stroke the top of her head. She continues wiggling her wings as you do this, letting out small protests while you walk towards the doorway which leads back to the house's main room.
You timidly peek around the doorway, as if the big man will suddenly be up and wondering why you broke into his house. Thankfully he's not, though you still plan an escape route in case he somehow did wake up any time soon. Without the other two to follow after, you stop for a moment and consider your surroundings.
The shelves are just as you left them earlier, still lined with various odds and ends that you're sure must be great for travelers. With that in mind you decide that this must be a shop of sorts, which means you should probably do a little window shopping while you're here! You take a quick stock of various items that line the shelves, including but not limited to: cloth bandages, some shiny powder in clear bags, preserved foods, and some articles of clothing. Convincing yourself that it's not burglary, you set some of the items aside for you and your traveling party.
As you continue looking around you notice something you overlooked earlier. A gap in the shelves opens up to a hallway. While entering you notice a staircase on the immediate right, two doors to your left, a door at the end of the hallway, and another hallway past the staircase. You peek into the doors starting from the left and find a toilet room, a kitchen, and a room full of cleaning supplies. The other hallway only has two doors, neither of which opens for you. Giving up on that, you turn to the staircase and decide to explore the floor above you.
The upper floor is even less interesting than the ground floor. Just room after room with the same furniture. A bed in the center of the back wall with a shelf on one side, a basket for trash on the other, and a large cabinet beside each door. A few rooms have some people sleeping in them, though none of them are especially interesting. Just a bunch of sleepy people like you've encountered elsewhere, with the only interesting thing being that some of them have wings while others just seem like regular people.
Not content to waste any more time up there, you quickly descend the staircase and take a left into the main room. The supplies you'd set aside are still on a shelf, but you're quick to move them to the far end of the counter the big man is resting on. It should be much easier to remember them this way, you reason. Just as you finish moving the supplies, something catches your eye.
The big man has a little book tucked under one of his huge arms. Something about the book seems to call out to you, practically begging you to get it and start reading it. With some caution you manage to slip the book out from under the man's arm. With one swift motion you open it up and turn to the first page.
Numbers that you assume must be a date line the top of the page, with words sloppily written in beneath them. Your interest piqued, you decide to flip through and look at some of what he's written down.
XXXXth year 1st month 15th day
Five customers staying the night tonight, at closing made a decent amount in sales.
Talk of fighting lately. Human population lashing out, might harm business.
Whoever this guy is, he really likes to keep it simple. Most of the entries are similar to that one, though a few different ones stand out.
XXXXth year 2nd month 9th day
Eight customers staying the night tonight, very busy. Lots of money in sales today.
The fighting's clamed down lately, should be good for business. Here's to another year of strained relations.
XXXXth year 2nd month 25th day
Two customers staying the night tonight. Poor sales all day.
City people asking to build near here, mentioned resuming road construction. Fine by me, more roads means more business.
XXXXth year 3rd month 19th day
Four customers staying the night tonight. Surprisingly good sales today.
Remember to sign off on paperwork from city people. Business is good.
XXXXth year 4th month 8th day
One customer staying the night tonight. Decent sales today.
Human unrest apparently on the rise, might be bad for business. City people should be by soon enough.
XXXXth year 7th month 18th day
No customers staying the night tonight. Below average sales today.
Bad moods all around lately. Outsiders causing trouble, people talking bad about their leaders. Might be bad for business?
XXXXth year 11th month 9th day
No customers staying the night tonight. No sales today.
No word from the city people or humans. Feeling sleepy lately.
XXXXth year 11th month 10th day
Five customers staying the night tonight. Low sales today.
Everyone that comes by is sleepy. Each day seems shorter. Still no word from the city people.
The entries stop there, much to your relief. You aren't sure how much more of that guy's writing you could take. Once again trying your best to be gentle, you return the book to its place underneath the man's arm. He shifts in place and grumbles before returning to his docile state.
You move to return to the room with the long chair and fireplace, only to be met with two confused looking girls. After staring blankly at them for a moment you realize that it's Nazrin and Doremy.
"Have you been up all night or something?" Nazrin cocks her head to one side while looking you over. "I didn't sleep long, but I expected you to be out of it like this one here."
She gestures to Doremy, who looks less than pleased to be here. She rubs at her eyes, hugging a pillow she probably swindled from the room she slept in.
As you look at them you can't help but wonder just how long you were running around here. It didn't seem like much time at all, though it could've been hours for all you know. Time flies when you're exploring a weird house full of sleepy travelers, apparently.
"Anyway, let's get going. I gotta find something to take home with me, and you two have to..." Nazrin trails off, narrowing her eyes as she looks between you and Doremy. "Right, you two wanted to find out why all these people are sleeping."
Doremy simply nods in response, and you decide to do the same. It's better to keep your mouth shut than open it and sound like a fool, after all.
Nazrin pushes past you, making her way towards the items you had set out. She takes a moment to pick each one up and inspect it, opening packages and emptying them into small sacks she had kept hidden somewhere. You see her apparently setting each one down, though some unknown force snatches each of the satchels away before you know what happened.
"There." The last of the little sacks stuffed and vanished, Nazrin nods as she turns to you. "You set some supplies out for us, right? Thanks."
She walks over to you and tousles your hair a bit before continuing.
"We don't need that much though, so I had some of my subordinates carry what we could use for us."
It's then that you notice a line of mice with small bags running into a hole in the wall. Something about this strikes you as fairytale-esque, though you're not about to dwell on it rather than more important matters. Nazrin turns as she finishes talking and makes a line for the door, Doremy in tow. The baku girl shrugs as she follows the little commander, nearly dropping her pillow mid-shrug.
You follow after the two of them, leaving behind the cozy house and returning to the snowy outdoors. The snow continues to fall from above, much like it did yesterday. The sun is barely visible at this hour, just barely peeking over the horizon.
Your companions don't seem to pay this much mind as they start to levitate. You follow suit, doing your absolute best to rise off the ground like they do. As the three of you glide away from the strange house you wave your goodbye, a little sad that you left the place behind without completely exploring it.
The road is quick to expand, nearly doubling in size not long after you've made some distance. This initially strikes you as odd until you see what lies ahead.
Buildings of various sizes fill your view, lining the left side of the road and also rising up in the distance. It seems like you've reached the city sooner than expected, but also that the city you saw was the highest point. Wherever you are now is still pretty far off from the city and mountain that've been sitting on the horizon, though you're not about to let something like that get you down.
Your two companions also appear to be taking in the sights, though Nazrin seems a little more into it than Doremy is. With her eyes half shut and her expression still groggy, Doremy holds one hand to her face and lets out a loud yawn. Nazrin swivels her head to look at her, not at all amused.
"That's infectious, you know." Doremy merely shrugs at this, not saying a word. "What do baku even dream of, anyway?"
"Well, at first I was dreaming of eating other peoples dreams. That's until I realized I was asleep, and then started dreaming about eating my own dream. It started looping on itself at that point, with the dream-me having a dream about eating her dream and her dream-self doing the same unti-"
"Nevermind, forget I asked."
Doremy grins smugly at that, apparently more than happy to stop. You can't help but wonder if she just wanted to make Nazrin be quiet again, maybe so she could dream while flying. Just as you think that she cradles the pillow against her head, her eyes nearly shut as she continues to glide along.
The three of you begin to slow down as you come upon a crossroads. There's a road to the right, which leads to a lot of trees with what you recognize as roofs peeking out from above them. The road to your left leads towards a lot of smaller houses, with some trees and what appear to be a few crystalline trees mixed into the landscape. Finally, the path straight ahead leads through a bunch of trees and looks to rise up further down, the road expanding as it ascends.
[ ] Take the right path.
[ ] Take the left path.
[ ] Take the center path.