Youmu Trigger - 1 Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/06 (Mon) 22:34 No. 89871 ▼ File 124691969597.jpg - (103.77KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---1.jpg)
You are YOUMU. Swordswoman, Gardener and currently Cook. Right now you are preparing YUYUKO some DINNER in order to prevent her from devouring the world in her hunger. You have two POTS bubbling away and now need a third POT to continue. Perhaps in that convenient CUPBOARD...
Command? >
(some of you will know how this works. The rest of you can just pick it up. Votes are not counted, I will merely pick whichever vote(s) I find most interesting or amusing from those suggested. Votespam will not help in the slightest. Ladies and Gentlemen, Go Wild.)
Anonymous 2009/07/06 (Mon) 22:56 No. 89874 [X] Examine CUPBOARD
Anonymous 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:08 No. 89876 >Retrieve arms from CUPBOARD
Anonymous 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:16 No. 89878 >Wear POT on HEAD. Pretend to be YUKARI.
Anonymous 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:27 No. 89879 >Examine POTS.
Haha, I'm enjoying this already.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:32 No. 89881 ▼ File 124692316046.jpg - (91.09KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---2.jpg)
Command? > Retrieve arms from CUPBOARD
You already have ARMS! Really, what kind of armless freak did you think you were?
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:36 No. 89883 ▼ File 124692340519.jpg - (105.40KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---3.jpg)
You kneel down to open the CUPBOARD. However it appears to be STUCK and you are simply too SOFT to be able to force it open this way!
Command? >
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:36 No. 89884 MSPaint Adventure Gensokyo?
Youmu: Copy and paste first panel. Take spare POT.
Anonymous 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:37 No. 89885 [X] Flex those ARMS! Check your muscle development.
[X] Fling that CUPBOARD open!
Anonymous 2009/07/06 (Mon) 23:58 No. 89889 >Slice open the CUPBOARD with your ROUKANKEN and HAKUROUKEN.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 00:12 No. 89891 [x] put HARDNESS METER in OVEN
That thing looks like a thermometer, heat that thing up.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 00:18 No. 89892 ▼ File 124692589654.gif - (29.70KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---4.gif)
> Flex those ARMS! Check your muscle development.
You flex like a mighty goddess of bodybuilding power!
Your HARDNESS rises from 'Youmu' to 'Myon'!
But it's not very effective! You're still too soft to force the STUCK CUPBOARD open!
Command? >
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 00:21 No. 89893 ==> Ask YUYUKO to help you get HARD.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 00:25 No. 89894 [>] Jump through the WINDOW like an ACTION HERO
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 00:31 No. 89896 >Jump through the WINDOW like an ACTION HERO
Time to get HARD
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 00:36 No. 89898 [x] Jump through the WINDOW like an ACTION HERO
Glass is around 5.5 on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness.
Harder than a Myon? We shall see.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 01:09 No. 89900 >HOP on POT
since there's no conviently placed POP
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 01:40 No. 89902 ▼ File 124693084984.jpg - (53.13KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---5.jpg)
> Jump through the WINDOW like an ACTION HERO
After a short run-up you soar through the air, striking an action pose on the way!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 01:43 No. 89903 ▼ File 124693098172.jpg - (54.29KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---6.jpg)
Only to bounce off as you discover the hard way that PAINTINGS are not things you can simply leap though like a window!
You gained one (1) owie!
Command? >
(Ps: That's all for now, I'm sleeping and will pase the next votes when I awake.)
Millenia !Rb/qLUuxZg 2009/07/07 (Tue) 01:50 No. 89904 [X] Make Myon open the cupboard from the other side
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/07 (Tue) 02:08 No. 89908 Youmu: Ride MYON like a mechanical bull.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 02:20 No. 89909 [X] Look behind the PAINTING.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 02:52 No. 89914 >Ride MYON like a mechanical bull.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 03:00 No. 89915 ==> Find someone to kiss that owie better. It hurts, damn it!
==> Have Myon do it if no one else will. Sigh.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 03:14 No. 89916 >>You gained one (1) owie!
[x] Jump through the WINDOW like an ACTION HERO
-[x] EXACTLY like before
Turn the owie into a manly scar, providing a HARDNESS bonus.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 06:34 No. 89919 [X] Have MYON use HARDEN!
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 07:42 No. 89921 > Empty contents of POT into OTHER POT. Place POT on HEAD. Loudly declare oneself the KING OF FRANCE.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 12:30 No. 89928 ▼ File 124696980760.jpg - (101.94KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---7.jpg)
>Ride MYON like a mechanical bull.
As fun as this sounds, you can't help but notice a slight flaw in your plan. MYON is a ghost and isn't solid!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 12:32 No. 89929 ▼ File 124696996954.gif - (15.65KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---8.gif)
>Find someone to kiss that owie better. It hurts, damn it!
>Have Myon do it if no one else will. Sigh
Perhaps this OWIE is affecting your judgement! You decide to get it kissed better... only you don't wish to disturb YUYUKO and the PRISMRIVERS are likely playing far, far away so as to not also disturb YUYUKO.
You suppose MYON will have to do.
You lose one (1) owie!
But gain MYON'S FIRST KISS... and a good dose of EMBARESSMENT.
Command? >
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 13:02 No. 89930 [X] Retrieve a POT from the SECRET COMPARTMENT behind the PAINTING.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/07 (Tue) 13:13 No. 89931 Youmu: Search kitchen for HARD LIQUOR. The solution is all in the name.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 13:15 No. 89932 [X] Wrap myon around the handle and have her help you pull the cupboard open.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 13:29 No. 89933 >Youmu: Search kitchen for HARD LIQUOR. The solution is all in the name.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 13:52 No. 89938 ▼ File 124697476558.jpg - (104.85KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---9.jpg)
(Third attempt to post this without cocking it up)
>Search kitchen for HARD LIQUOR. The solution is all in the name.
You search the kitchen and eventually find some HARD LIQUOR. A mere sniff of the stuff is enough to make you light headed, you hate to think what drinking it would do. Carefully you add it to your LOOT REGISTER - whatever that means.
You also note that MYON is avoiding you out of EMBARESSMENT.
Command? >
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 14:11 No. 89939 > Empty contents of POT into OTHER POT. Retrieve POT from STOVE. Place POT on head. Loudly declair self KING OF FRANCE.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 14:30 No. 89940 > EAT MYON, kiss HARD LIQUOR, FIND YUYUKO.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 14:35 No. 89941 [X] View LOOT REGISTER.
[X] Offer one to MYON with a winning smile.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/07 (Tue) 14:38 No. 89942 Youmu: Inspect BIZARRE SPATIAL ANOMALIES manifesting in the IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS as strange smudges.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 15:33 No. 89943 ▼ File 124698081835.jpg - (47.29KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---10.jpg)
You open your LOOT REGISTER. Taking your HARD LIQUOR you attempt to pour two GLASSES but are forced to stop because you have no GLASSES and are unwilling to simply tip the liquid on the floor as YUYUKO will no doubt make YOU clean it up.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 15:36 No. 89945 ▼ File 124698097596.jpg - (101.94KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---11.jpg)
>Inspect BIZARRE SPATIAL ANOMALIES manifesting in the IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS as strange smudges.
You examine the SMUDGE on the PAINTING. Clearly this SMUDGE is the direct result of your FACE hitting the PAINTING during your ill-fated attempt at being an action hero. Hopefully YUYUKO will not notice as it is her PAINTING you damaged.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/07 (Tue) 15:51 No. 89946 Youmu: Substitute ZIPPINESS for HARDNESS to yank the STUCK CUPBOARD open.
In before the knobs rip off.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 15:56 No. 89947 > TRAIN your EVIL INTELLECT by forming a CUNNING PLAN.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 16:08 No. 89949 >Get enough space between YOUMU and CUPBOARD
>Run as fast as possible and ram self into CUPBOARD
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 16:23 No. 89950 >use HARD LIQUOR on CUPBOARD.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 16:57 No. 89953 [x] Put hard liquor on head
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 17:04 No. 89954 ==> Drink HARD LIQUOR straight from the bottle, like a REAL MAN.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 17:22 No. 89957 ▼ File 12469873452.jpg - (105.10KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---12.jpg)
You carefully pour the HARD LIQUOR over the CUPBOARD in the hopes that it may loosen something.
The CUPBOARD is far too SOFT to withstand the HARD LIQUOR, which eats away at it as if it were YUYUKO nibbling away on a cheese wheel.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 17:25 No. 89959 ▼ File 124698752354.jpg - (42.35KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---13.jpg)
Peering through one of the HARD LIQUOR created holes in the CUPBOARD you find to your horror that your beloved POT was also too SOFT to stand up to the ungodly HARDNESS of the HARD LIQUOR.
Simply put it's a wreck. You can't use this to cook DINNER with now! You're going to have to get it fixed or find a replacement... but where? And how?
As if to mock you, even your liberal application of HARD LIQUOR has barely dented the supply within the bottle. You have plenty more, so it goes back into you LOOT REGISTER.
Command? >
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 17:30 No. 89961 >Drink HARD LIQUOR hoping that the situation is somehow remedied while you are shitfaced drunk.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 18:04 No. 89965 >Check for POTS behind PAINTING.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 18:36 No. 89967 > RUN screaming into the NIGHT from the ELDRICH HORROR that is going to be YUYUKO's unfed HUNGER.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 18:41 No. 89968 > Get YUYUKO drunk with HARD LIQUOR
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 20:07 No. 89969 >Send MYON to check CUPBOARD for OTHER POTS.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 20:15 No. 89970 /Determine what RECIPE requires a third POT in the first place.
/Continue cooking DINNER in the remaining two POTS.
Can we not use the greentext for our commands, guys? I'd rather use it to quote others.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 20:28 No. 89974 /look for POT in MYON
Forget dinner; I want Myon route, and groping around inside it is the fastest way to achieve that.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 20:46 No. 89976 Vote called, it's just taking a bit to get the pictures done.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:27 No. 89979 ▼ File 124700207312.gif - (25.34KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---14.gif)
>Drink HARD LIQUOR hoping that the situation is somehow remedied while you are shitfaced drunk.
Since you can't see how things could get worse right now, what with you having just wrecked part of the kitchen, you decide to take a good GLUG of HARD LIQUOR. Hopefully things will seem better while shitfaced drunk.
Due to your SOFTNESS the HARD LIQUOR takes effect quickly...
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:28 No. 89980 ▼ File 124700213947.jpg - (172.96KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---15.jpg)
Within moments you collapse on the floor, the HARD LIQUOR having turned your cognitive functions to a delicious drunken mush.
The floor feels like such a good place to... sleep...
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:32 No. 89982 ▼ File 124700233539.jpg - (67.93KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---16.jpg)
You are KISUME, Youkai of Pots, Pans, Buckets and other shit that can be dropped on people's heads. You are currently trying to take over THE WORLD with your superior evil intellect and terrible cuteness while you wait until YAMAME calls you for DINNER. Unfortunately that damned hell-cat has absconded with a VITAL COMPONENT of your CUNNING PLAN.
There is a SUSPICIOUS TRAIL on the ground here.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:36 No. 89983 >Go in the opposite direction of the trail.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:43 No. 89984 / INTERROGATE the SUSPICIOUS TRAIL, BAUER-style.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:45 No. 89986 BALANCE as many pots, pans, buckets and other shit that can be dropped on peoples' heads on your HEAD. Attempt to find GLUE to STICK them together. RAM into WALLS.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 21:59 No. 89987 >Drop PAN on SUSPICIOUS TRAIL. If it resist your attacks, follow it.
inb4 trail is destroyed.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 22:42 No. 89988 >INTERROGATE the SUSPICIOUS TRAIL, BAUER-style.
Anonymous 2009/07/07 (Tue) 23:11 No. 89989 Command:/> Eat the suspicious trail and get a taste of your prey's fear.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 07:37 No. 90015 The SUSPICIOUS TRAIL is obviously a DECOY. Head the other way.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 13:23 No. 90019 ▼ File 124705941550.jpg - (43.62KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---17.jpg)
You open your LOOT REGISTER, not that there's much to see right now.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 13:27 No. 90021 ▼ File 124705962227.jpg - (53.35KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---18.jpg)
>The SUSPICIOUS TRAIL is obviously a DECOY. Head the other way.
The SUSPICIOUS TRAIL seems far too suspicious for you. As if this would fool someone of your superior EVIL INTELLECT!
As you head the other way you hear a hissing sound followed by a mad scramble. Arriving onto the scene you find another TRAIL and some abandoned FISH BONES. Curses! That HELLCAT must have been here and sensed your coming! And with your pathetic ZIPPINESS you simply aren't going to catch up to her in a straight chase!
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 13:30 No. 90022 Tell that damn ZIPPINESS to get its damn act together and stop dragging everybody else down.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 13:31 No. 90023 [x] Head her off at the PASS.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 14:05 No. 90024 /USE the nearby GABBRO BLOCK to BUILD a CRAFTSYOUKAI'S WORKSHOP, queue BONE CARVING to create TRADE GOODS from FISH BONES.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 14:25 No. 90025 Use CUNNING to MACGYVER a BOOMERANG out of FISHBONES. Use BOOMERANG on HELLCAT.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/08 (Wed) 14:40 No. 90028 Kisume: Take FISH BONES for unspecified MASTER PLAN and proceed down SECOND TRAIL.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 15:24 No. 90033 called, taking a bit of time.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 16:18 No. 90036 ▼ File 124706988092.jpg - (72.44KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---19.jpg)
>Take FISH BONES for unspecified MASTER PLAN and proceed down SECOND TRAIL.
Taking the FISHBONES you make haste (as much haste as one with such poor ZIPPINESS can manage at least) along the TRAIL left by that damn HELLCAT.
Soon you arrive at the BRIDGE between your rocky domain and the UNDERGROUND CITY beyond the great CHASM. PARSEE is here and, as usual, she does not look happy. In fact she looks less happy than usual - if such a thing is even possible.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 16:25 No. 90037 Her sight is based on movement. Trick her into believing you are a ROCK by using your BUCKET as COVER.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/08 (Wed) 16:27 No. 90038 Parsee: Bemoan WORLDLY GRIEFS at KISUME.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 16:38 No. 90039 Kisume: Jump on PARSEE's HEAD. PILOT her like a MAZINGER
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 18:27 No. 90047 [X] Get out of the bucket and slam it over her head.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 18:27 No. 90048 Take PARSEE for unspecified MASTER PLAN and proceed across BRIDGE.
Millenia !Rb/qLUuxZg 2009/07/08 (Wed) 19:09 No. 90050 [X] Talk to her. Ask her how she's doing, how the kids are, etc.
[X] Then ask her if she saw anyone pass by.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 19:35 No. 90052 It's okay because we have FLIGHT. Use FLIGHT to get past CHASM and not bother CRANKY JEALOUS WITCH.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:17 No. 90053 ▼ File 124708427159.jpg - (67.79KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---20.jpg)
>Take PARSEE for unspecified MASTER PLAN and proceed across BRIDGE.
Without further ado you move forwards and add PARSEE to your LOOT REGISTER so that you may use her in your cunning MASTER PLAN later. With this done you have a clear path across the -
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:20 No. 90055 ▼ File 124708443372.gif - (56.57KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---21.gif)
Wait! It seems PARSEE has taken offense at being placed in your LOOT REGISTER!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:21 No. 90056 ▼ File 12470845046.jpg - (66.19KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---22.jpg)
PARSEE'S SPELLCARD has given you three (3) OWIES! On top of that the damage has forced you to eject PARSEE from your LOOT REGISTER!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:25 No. 90057 ▼ File 124708474629.jpg - (79.40KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---23.jpg)
You are now left facing an ANGRY PARSEE. She declares loudly, "Because of that I'm not going to let YOU or ANYONE pass here!" She bemoans her worldly woes as you deal with the remains of her SPELLCARD. "It's bad enough SATORI is getting some new AWESOME PRESENT from ORIN! Why don't I ever get any gifts like that? I'm so JEALOUS!"
She glares at you. "Maaaaybe if you got me a PRESENT that was even better than SATORI'S, I might think about letting you past! Something from the SURFACE - that would really show SATORI who's better!"
Millenia !Rb/qLUuxZg 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:26 No. 90058 [X] Ask her to join you with your MASTER PLAN. It'll be FUN.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:37 No. 90059 [X] Get out of the bucket and slam it over her head.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 20:57 No. 90061 Give FISH BONES as PRESENT to PARSEE.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 21:05 No. 90062 [x] Offer her a ride in your bucket.
Anonymaster !jZ462CU1sc 2009/07/08 (Wed) 23:07 No. 90068 You can FLY. FLY around the BRIDGE.
Anonymous 2009/07/08 (Wed) 23:36 No. 90069 COMBINE your three (3) OWIES with the FISH BONES to make an UNDEAD OWIE FISH. Use UNDEAD OWIE FISH to DISTRACT PARSEE as you fly across the BRIDGE.
Anonymous 2009/07/09 (Thu) 03:25 No. 90083 [x] Use your power over pots and pans to conjure a top-quality chef's WOK.
[x] Give the WOK to PARSEE.
-[x] If she is not happy, use your EVIL INTELLECT to create a recipe for DELICIOUS STIR FRY (no doubt the evilest type of dish in existence, next to apple crisp.)
-[x] Go retrieve INGREDIENTS for the DELICIOUS STIR FRY.
-[x] Prepare the INGREDIENTS in the WOK.
-[x] Cross while she is eating.
Anonymous 2009/07/09 (Thu) 03:56 No. 90084 Can we get her to join? I'm sure her HARDNESS value could go over five meters.
Anonymous 2009/07/09 (Thu) 05:06 No. 90085 [x] Reinact the magic carpet ride scene from Alladin, substituting carpets with buckets.
Anonymous 2009/07/09 (Thu) 05:19 No. 90087 / Inform PARSEE that you just so happen to have a PRESENT from the SURFACE, in fact it's the SUPER BEST MOST AWESOME SUPREME PRESENT EVER, and it's MAGIC to boot. However, PARSEE must close her EYES and turn away, because if she were to LOOK upon the SUPER BEST MOST AWESOME SUPREME PRESENT EVER the magic would disappear and the PRESENT would turn to DUST in an instant. But so long as she keeps her EYES closed, no matter what, it will be hers and hers alone for all time, forever.
Assuming PARSEE falls for it, SNEAK past her and BOOK IT across the BRIDGE.
Anonymous 2009/07/09 (Thu) 07:40 No. 90090 Offer PARSEE the GIFT of FRIENDSHIP and a FUNCTION as WINGMAN. Then proceed to HUM the TOP GUN-THEME.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:36 No. 90135 ▼ File 124718621026.jpg - (57.77KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---24.jpg)
>Inform PARSEE that you just so happen to have a PRESENT from the SURFACE, in fact it's the SUPER BEST MOST AWESOME SUPREME PRESENT EVER, and it's MAGIC to boot. However, PARSEE must close her EYES and turn away, because if she were to LOOK upon the SUPER BEST MOST AWESOME SUPREME PRESENT EVER the magic would disappear and the PRESENT would turn to DUST in an instant. But so long as she keeps her EYES closed, no matter what, it will be hers and hers alone for all time, forever.
It works! You're a GENIUS!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:38 No. 90136 ▼ File 124718633762.jpg - (65.59KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---25.jpg)
Quickly now! Book it past - uh...
PARSEE glares at you! "What?" She asks! "Are you stupid? I mean shit, how dumb do you think I am?"
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:39 No. 90137 It's all thanks to our EVIL INTELLECT. CROSS the BRIDGE!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:40 No. 90138 ▼ File 124718645422.jpg - (74.45KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---26.jpg)
"Seriously! God damn!"
PARSEE swears some more, then BLASTS you with some DANMAKU. Given both her HARDNESS and ZIPPINESS eclipse your own, you have no hope of avoiding it!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:43 No. 90139 ▼ File 124718661449.jpg - (62.39KB, 421x295 , Youmuquest---27.jpg)
You are blown away by the DANMAKU and crash into some ROCK, where you discover that, though you are HARD enough to cause some damage it's HARDNESS is still greater than that of your soft, easily owie-d skull!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:46 No. 90140 ▼ File 124718678497.jpg - (104.35KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---28.jpg)
You awaken from your HARD LIQUOR induced coma and examine the room. Curses! It seems getting SHITFACED DRUNK hasn't helped the situation at all!
Except for MYON at least. It has got over it's EMBARRESMENT and has apparently been watching over you since you collapsed. Good MYON.
You hear some noise from the LIVING ROOM.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 00:54 No. 90142 [x] Give Myon a pat for being good
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 01:55 No. 90148 [X]Check the contents of the two POTS on the STOVE.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 02:22 No. 90149 /Give MYON a pat for being good.
/Go to the LIVING ROOM. Keep your SWORDS ready, just in case.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 02:29 No. 90150 [X] Give Myon a pat for being good
[X] Head into the living room, flailing your swords aimlessly upon entry to ward off any attackers.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 03:06 No. 90151 > RUN screaming into the NIGHT from the ELDRICH HORROR that is to be YUYUKO'S unfed HUNGER.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 03:21 No. 90153 ▼ File 124719606990.png - (371.89KB, 480x640 , c267560bc893611fdf81a39a3d3c8fee.png)
>>90151 This is Yuyuko.
hungerpower is MAXIMUM
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 03:28 No. 90154 You know, it's threads like this that make me think that we would be the worst mech pilots ever.
Also, PAT MYON for being GOOD.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 03:29 No. 90156 Now that I think about it, whatever's in those two pots must be burnt to a crisp by now.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 04:13 No. 90158 =>Check on the pots on the stove then STRIKE a pose cuz shit just got REAL
Anonymaster !jZ462CU1sc 2009/07/10 (Fri) 06:03 No. 90168 Check to see if your HARD LIQUOR induced COMA has increased your HARDNESS at all.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 13:40 No. 90178 Pat MYON for being a good blob. Then send MYON to check the NOISE.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 15:03 No. 90181 [x] Investigate the absence of BIZARRE SPATIAL ANOMALIES that manifested in the IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS as strange SMUDGES not too long ago
[x] Grope MYON for being good
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 18:23 No. 90189 [x] Grope MYON for being good
[X] Check SINK to determine HARDNESS of TAP WATER. If TAP WATER is sufficiently HARD, consider it's use as an alternative to HARD LIQUOR or an intermediary before moving on to HARD LIQUOR.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 19:42 No. 90198 ▼ File 124725495716.jpg - (35.51KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---29.jpg)
>Pat MYON for being a good blob. Then send MYON to check the NOISE.
You give MYON a quick pat - or at least you sort of waggle your fingers over MYON, which you hope is a good pat substitute for something you cannot physically touch. Then you send MYON to the living room where it finds... NOTHING.
It seems YUYUKO had been in here at some point playing one of her VIDEO GAMES.
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 20:17 No. 90203 >Use MYON on NOTE
>Start a NEW Game
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/10 (Fri) 20:48 No. 90206 ▼ File 124725891739.jpg - (72.39KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---30.jpg)
>Read NOTE
Well. This explains the noise, it must have been YUYUKO leaving. This could be a LUCKY BREAK! If YUYUKO is busy trying to eat MYSTIA then you have far more time before she is going to want DINNER!
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 21:00 No. 90208 [x] Go outside and STALK YUYUKO until she reaches that LAMPREY STAND in the FOREST OF MAGIC
[x] Wait for YUYUKO to distract that darned SPARROW
[x] Steal two POTS
[x] Equip one POT on head
[x] Take advantage of your ZIPPINESS and return to HAKUGYOKURO
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 21:02 No. 90209 Command:
Check out the EXTRAS
Anonymous 2009/07/10 (Fri) 21:18 No. 90213 Check what the square thing balancing the table is.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/13 (Mon) 15:37 No. 90373 ▼ File 124749942533.jpg - (42.33KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---31.jpg)
>Check what the square thing balancing the table is.
It appears to be some kind of DIARY. You consider removing it but quickly realise how unstable it would leave the table and television. You decide to leave it for now, until you have something to replace it with at least.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/13 (Mon) 15:40 No. 90374 ▼ File 124749962683.jpg - (42.86KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---32.jpg)
>Check out the EXTRAS
You take the NOTE, it fits neatly into your LOOT REGISTER.
You fiddle about with the VIDEO GAME for a little while, checking out the extras. They seem to mostly be out-takes and alternate scenes from the original game. Since you've not played the game they mean little to you.
An EVIL THOUGHT occurs to you and you find yourself deleting YUYUKO'S saved games! This will teach her to be so lazy when you're working your rear off making DINNER!
You feel somewhat HARDER and more EVIL after doing that...
Anonymous 2009/07/13 (Mon) 16:25 No. 90378 SEARCH for CD-CASE to replace DIARY. READ DIARY afterwards.
Anonymous 2009/07/13 (Mon) 18:39 No. 90382 PEE on the TELEVISION while BLEATING like a GOAT.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 02:32 No. 90415 JUMP through the WINDOW like an ACTION HERO
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 02:48 No. 90416 >Drink HARD LIQUOR hoping that the situation is somehow remedied while you are shitfaced drunk.
I want to get back to the bucket loli.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 03:35 No. 90421 LOOK behind the TELEVISION
How the hell is a flat-panel TV with no base being balanced on an endtable?
kirin !BX9zGDO0G. 2009/07/14 (Tue) 04:58 No. 90433 >STEAL the X-BARK YUYUKO was playing and use it as a substitute for POT
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/14 (Tue) 14:46 No. 90455 ▼ File 124758281979.jpg - (32.88KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---33.jpg)
>SEARCH for CD-CASE or BOOK to replace DIARY. READ DIARY afterward.
You substitute a number of CD-CASES for the BOOK under the table. The CD-CASES start to crack under the weight but frankly your EVIL INTELLECT is high enough for you to not care. They belong to YUYUKO anyway.
You add the book to your LOOT REGISTER, discovering that it seems strangely familiar...
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/14 (Tue) 14:50 No. 90457 ▼ File 124758302294.jpg - (66.13KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---34.jpg)
Checking your LOOT REGISTER you examine the bo-
Ye gods!
It's your missing DIARY! It went missing from your room days ago! You quickly open the book to check its veracity then slam it shut. It's the real thing!
No way in hell were you going to read this out here! Who knows who could be spying on you right at this very moment! No. This is something you can only read in ABSOLUTE PRIVACY.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/14 (Tue) 14:54 No. 90458 ▼ File 124758324178.jpg - (36.78KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---35.jpg)
Ignoring your DIARY you use your minute HARDNESS to edge the TELEVISION away from the wall so that you may look behind it. Unsurprisingly behind it is some WALL and the back of the TELEVISION.
Oh, and a MYSTERIOUS GAP which one of the TELEVISION LEADS vanishes into. Had you been anyone else your would probably be horrified but given YUYUKO'S friendship with YUKARI you have long grown used to the idea of random holes in the fabric of reality.
That still doesn't mean you're willing to stick any part of you in there though.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 15:02 No. 90459 Pour HARD LIQUOR into MYSTERIOUS GAP
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 16:01 No. 90462 [X] Go to your bedroom and read your diary.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 16:20 No. 90464 PEEK through the MYSTERIOUS GAP. Check where the CABLE leads from.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 20:51 No. 90480 STICK your HEAD into the MYSTERIOUS GAP
Because you can.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 21:02 No. 90482 [x]Pour HARD LIQUOR into MYSTERIOUS GAP
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 22:27 No. 90485 Pour HARD LIQUOR into MYSTERIOUS GAP
Let's see if she is HARD enough
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 23:22 No. 90489 [x] Toss the VIDEO GAME into the MYSTERIOUS GAP to increase your HARDNESS.
Anonymous 2009/07/14 (Tue) 23:29 No. 90492 [x] Play the FIRST STAGE of the VIDEO GAME on HARD MODE.
kirin !BX9zGDO0G. 2009/07/15 (Wed) 02:32 No. 90512 >Pour HARD LIQUOR into MYSTERIOUS GAP
Now witness the HARDKARI.
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 04:42 No. 90523 Pour HARD LIQUOR into MYSTERIOUS GAP
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 05:39 No. 90527 /Leave the building
The only thing through that gap is some poor shmuck's cable box.
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 16:15 No. 90539 hole probabally connects to Eientei. Yukari's stealan cable from Kaguya
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:05 No. 90545 ▼ File 124768113330.jpg - (46.71KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---36.jpg)
You poor a good glug or two of HARD LIQUOR into the MYSTERIOUS GAP. It's probably not a great idea, but it's better than potentially losing an arm or something in the thing.
The HARD LIQUOR vanishes as it hits the MYSTERIOUS GAP. A few moments later the MYSTERIOUS GAP belches.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:06 No. 90546 ▼ File 124768117267.jpg - (45.44KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---37.jpg)
Uh. Okay. This is probably not good.
You step back a little just to be safe.
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:07 No. 90547 ▼ File 124768126911.jpg - (62.42KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---38.jpg)
In fact this is very bad. So bad that your DOOM KARMA has just raised almost an entire KARMIC SKULL worth of DOOM.
Yuyuko is so going to kill you when she finds out about this. It seems there is only one thing to do!
Marshmallow !WYEG0VayLY 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:10 No. 90548 ▼ File 124768145191.jpg - (151.41KB, 450x344 , Youmuquest---39.jpg)
>Leave the building
Exactly! Flee the scene of the crime! Maybe you can claim it happened while you were away.
Away from the SMOULDERING TELEVISION REMAINS you find yourself calming down enough to enjoy the scenery. A right you often feel you have earned given that you were the one who made the scenery look so pretty with your GARDENING skills.
From here you can see blue skies, blossoming cherry trees, and of course YUYUKO'S HOME. In the distance you can just make out the NETHERWORLD GATE, and the breeze carries the gentle sound of PRISMRIVER MUSIC.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:15 No. 90549 Locate PRISMRIVERS to help establish FLAWLESS ALIBI
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:15 No. 90550 [X] Pour HARD LIQUOR over NETHERWORLD GATE.
Assuming no-one sees YOUMU, this helps your STORY that SOMEONE ELSE came in and did it.
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:17 No. 90551 We can't leave any evidence. Burn YUYUKO'S HOME to the ground. If YUYUKO asks about it, claim it was the STOVE.
If arson doesn't send our hardness rating sky-rocketing, nothing short of murder will.
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 18:29 No. 90553 Go to EIENTEI. See how KAGUYA's ELECTRONICS are doing.
Anonymous 2009/07/15 (Wed) 19:08 No. 90557 / Follow the PRISMRIVER MUSIC to the SOURCE and ENGAGE in a MERRY LITTLE JIG moving mostly your FEET and LEGS.
kirin !BX9zGDO0G. 2009/07/16 (Thu) 00:25 No. 90566 Locate PRISMRIVERS to help establish FLAWLESS ALIBI
Anonymous 2009/07/16 (Thu) 09:38 No. 90599 Locate PRISMRIVERS to help establish FLAWLESS ALIBI.
NewAgeRetroHippie !65yjlPfcxY 2009/07/16 (Thu) 12:42 No. 90603 Hey there, everyone. Just thought I'd drop in and remind y'all.
>Votes are not counted, I will merely pick whichever vote(s) I find most interesting or amusing from those suggested. Votespam will not help in the slightest.
While your votes for what is a delightful option that I would totally vote for are likely appreciated by the author, they won't help it win. At all. Rather than that, I'd recommend trying to come up with another also-delightful option, since it's also been shown that he's capable of blending votes more than once.
Feel free to ignore this post completely, of course, as it's essentially asking people not to vote and that's bad bad bad.
Anonymous 2009/07/16 (Thu) 16:40 No. 90616 [x] Climb a TREE. Yell like TARZAN.
Anonymous 2009/07/16 (Thu) 17:05 No. 90617 [x] Hide amongst the TREES until the DOOM KARMA goes back down to two stars.
[x] Steal a PICKUP.
[x] Tailgate at the PRISMRIVER CONCERT.
Party hard, Youmu...
Anonymous 2009/07/16 (Thu) 17:32 No. 90620 >We can't leave any evidence. Burn YUYUKO'S HOME to the ground. If YUYUKO asks about it, claim it was the STOVE.
>Locate PRISMRIVERS to help establish FLAWLESS ALIBI
Flawless plan.
Anonymous 2009/07/16 (Thu) 18:00 No. 90621 [X] Cut down a TREE.
[X] Put FELLED TREE in loot register.
Anonymous 2009/07/17 (Fri) 04:24 No. 90659 Retrieve SWORDS from HOME. Enact a SCORCHED EARTH POLICY. BURN DOWN every HOME between HERE and the HAKUREI SHRINE. CATCH a RANDOM PERSON to BLAME the ARSON on.
EZMode !iIyIHD.1G6 2009/07/17 (Fri) 05:29 No. 90664 This is all devolving into some kind of 'Burn down EVERYTHING in a fit of INSANITY'.
Anonymous 2009/07/17 (Fri) 05:55 No. 90667 [x] Burn down EVERYTHING in a fit of INSANITY.
Anonymous 2009/07/17 (Fri) 18:54 No. 90702 [x] Take some FLOWERS from the GARDEN
[x] Find KISUME
Anonymous 2009/07/17 (Fri) 19:20 No. 90703 RIDE MYON like a MECHANICAL BULL