[x] Go to that weird red mansion who's probably not the SDM.
-[x] Knock at the front door.
“So what's the plan?”
I try to sounds NOT ironic, but I guess I failed.
“Well, I was thinking we could see if there's someone living here! I mean, we're lost and we don't have any food! The situation can't get worse!”
“Ding-a-ling! Do you hear that? That's the song of your doom coming near. Do you have matches?”
Unable to understand my tip-top class epic humour, she ignores me, and start walking to the mansion. While talking to herself.
“Wonder what kind of mansion it is. I wonder who's living here. Probably a powerful youkai. Or a very powerful human. I wonder if he's in Lady Akyuu's chronicles. I wonder what kind of human would live here.”
Me thinks that the thing living here is probably not human. But hey, trying to reason that girl is like speaking ethic and the Geneva Convention with an yankee G.I.. She won't understand anything, just nodding silently.
“Well, I think-”
“Let's go!”
I'm going to beat you down, and I'm going to freaking enjoy every second, until you're again crying and begging for mercy, you... too innocent girl.
Slowly walking, I silently follow that hyperactive girl, wondering how a village like the one I saw could make girls like that one. She's not ugly, no, in fact she's rather attractive, but... what's the good word? Ah, yes. She's 'nuts'. She knows that youkais must be avoided, but she can't comprehend the notion of 'dangerous area'. For her, every place is a friendly place, until she finds an youkai. Then, she usually panics, and screams in fear, attracting everything else. She's a screamer. Uh. A screamer.
“Ha ha ha...”
She's a left 4 dead cut special infected.
“You! Stop right where you are! That is an order!”
“What! Who talked? Is that you?”
“No! I though that was you, Badger?”
“So you're implying that my voice sounds like a woman's. I'm not going to forget that.”
“So who talked anyway?”
“It's me!”
“Who said that?”
“Me! Right in front of you!”
“I can't see shit. Nice to remind me that.”
There's someone else. I don't know her, but I know that she sounds very aggressive.
“So who are you, Unknown Girl?”
“My name is Elly, and I'm the Mugenkan's Guardian.”
“Nice to metcha girl. I'm Badger. And this is...”
The village girl quickly mumbles her name, while I listen in shock. I mean, come on! It's HER! Just... when am I am? Seriously? When is this happening? Now that's just weird.
“What are you doing here exactly? State your business.”
“We're kind of lost right now.”
“We're lost.”
He girl -Elly- stays silent for a moment, before explaining shit:
“Truth to be told, I knew it. You can't reach Mugenkan if you're looking for it. You have to be either lost, either following someone else.”
“Why would you even ask if you know?”
She's silent now.
“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
“No. Matter is, as I said before, you can't reach Mugenkan on purpose-”
“I think you're overthinking it. We just walked through that weird forest, and up we go. Right?”
“Badger's kind of right about that!”
“What the hell? Only 'kind of'?”
“We just got lost in that weird forest, got hunted down by a scary monster, and that's all! No tricks!”
“See? She's saying the same.”
“Even like that, if you appeared here, there's a reason. There's always a reason.”
“Do you believe in fate, uh, Ellis? Elly?”
“I do, Bugger. Badger. Whoever you are. If you are here right now, there's a reason.”
“There is one, yeah. We. Are. Lost.”
I'm getting angry after that stubborn woman.
“Don't take that tone with me, young man.”
“Last girl who called me young man was my teacher. Are my teacher?”
“No, but I'm-”
“TUT, not interested. We're leaving. Come with me.”
“Wait wait wait, Badger!”
he girl leans on me, whispering in my ear, while Elly politely waits.
“If we can get informations on that place, Lady Akyuu will be pleased if we can get informations on people that the Hakurei hasn't defeat yet.”
“Okay, I'll admit, that's unusually clever from you. And I though you were the clueless type.”
“I learn fast.”
“Still, that idea you had to try and talk with that youkai several days ago...”
“Okay, okay! I don't learn as fast as I should!”
“So, what's your plan, clever girl?”
“You...you mean I'm in charge?”
“I'm too tired to drive a bargain. You do it, you have the socials skills.”
“All right then! I won't disappoint you!”
I'm sure you won't. But I keep that for myself. Overconfidence is the enemy.
“So, Elly! How's your life?”
“Excuse me?!”
“Your life as the Mugenkan's keeper? It must some very precious place, right?”
“Well, yeah, it is! And it's an honour to be trusted with the duty to keep that place!”
“So, since it's a precious place, it must be full of precious objects, right?”
“Well, yeah, but what's your point?”
“I'm just asking!”
Meanwhile, I relax, rub my neck, and listen to the verbal exchange between the gatekeeper and the innocent and clueless girl. Poor Elly. She does not know who she's talking to. That girl can keep you in the conversation for many hours.
“But if you're the gatekeeper, it means that someone else must be in charge of the mansion, right?”
“Well, yeah.”
I slowly sneak behind Elly, walking my way in the mansion. I blink at her, silently thanking her for her sacrifice. She probably won't be able to speak for a while after that. But as long as she speaks, Elly will be busy here, and won't chase after me.
Now that I'm close enough, I can see that mansion clearly. It's not build in scarlet bricks like the SDM. Instead of that, it's more like... the mansion is made from a single stone. Like, they took a red stone, and carved the mansion in.
Pushing the main door, I enter.
(Totally not threatening background:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0aKOqvcKbI )
Wow, that's pretty! Well, as far as I can tell with my eyes. Short-sighed, you see? 'Myope', as we say.
The entrance hall is pretty dark, with only a few lights, spread all over the walls. With my inefficient eyes, it first looked like I was in a totally different place, but now that I think about it, I don't remember seeing any windows from the outside.
I can barely see a double staircase, probably leading to the first floor. Or the second if you're american. My dictionary tells me that, for american, ground floor and first floor is the same. Silly american. Silly me, being in that mansion. I must be crazy.
[] Take a light, and explore the ground floor. Be careful of any grue.
[] Take a light, and visit the first floor. Be careful of any grue.
I'm obviously using horror clichés. Or portrayals. Not sure. Hey, I wonder if something is going to happen?