Tetrominon !qIDtlWKoxU 2008/11/29 (Sat) 21:52 No. 7513 ▼ File 122799912551.jpg - (34.12KB, 553x800 , 1196872352243.jpg)
You're still not about to follow after Sanae - you might have named yourself after a hound, but you're no lap dog. Still, you can't help worrying about what she might be getting into with this Hakurei person. That youkai at the eel stand seemed pretty knowledgeable about her, and willing to talk... perhaps a bit too willing. Still, she's your best lead along that line. Maybe you can talk her down. At worst, you'd probably have good evidence for self-defense.
As it turns out, you didn't really need to concern yourself about much from her. She spots you the moment you have the stand back in sight, waving you over with a worried, apologetic expression. "I'm so glad you came back," she gushes out, "I was afraid I might have scared you off, and, well, I didn't mean to, but sometimes when I get started on that woman, I just... kinda... lose it. Y'know? I'm real sorry, mister, honest." The torrent of words stops as quickly as it started, and she bows to you over the counter.
"Well, you did have me kind of worried with that knife," you reply, trying to sound as unaffected as you can, "but it's not that big a deal. Apology accepted." You take a seat at one of the stools attached to the front and reach your hand over to her. "Cu Chulainn."
She wipes her own hand on her apron before returning your handshake. "Mystia Lorelei," she smiles. "Welcome to Gensokyo."
You smile back. "I've got that newcomer look, have I?"
"Nah, educated guess. Anybody who's been around at all knows Reimu, at least well enough that they don't have to bother going around asking people about her. Oh," she manages to interrupt herself, snapping her fingers, "how about a bite to eat? On the house, of course."
"Well..." You did have Hina's box lunch while listening to Keine just an hour ago, and it was pretty filling. Still, don't want to refuse her. "...just one, thanks. And maybe something to drink."
"Comin' right up~!" Her smile gets even wider and her voice gains a sing-songy lilt as she gets down to business, reaching under the counter for a clay sake-bottle-and-cup set, placing them in front of you before bustling off to prepare your eel. You pour yourself a cup while she works, deciding to wait a while before springing the subject on her again. After she's put that knife away, preferably. You sip the wine slowly, taking stock of her while you wait. She's young - that is, she looks young, dressed in a simple brown and white dress under her white apron. Purple wings with pale pink feathers to match her hair, so she's some sort of bird youkai, but different from a tengu. Those pointed, tufted ears look like an owl's, but the wordless, wandering song she sings as she goes along sounds more like... nah, forget it. Could be any number of things, could be nothing at all. She's who she is, she's what she is, trying to pin it down any more than that'd probably just drive you insane.
Ah, the knife's gone, she's moved on to the grilling phase. "So," you start out tentatively, "I take it you don't care for this Hakurei miko very much."
"You're not going to find many youkai who do," she replies without turning around. No visible reaction, that's good. "She's kind of a hardass when it comes to us. I mean, sure, the wild ones, all they can do is cause trouble, they don't know any better. And even some of the smart ones have been known to start a few fires, so to speak. But... well, lemme give you an example. Friend of mine, works here part time sometimes, real book lover, spends just about everything she earns here buying more. She used to like reading them on her way back home from the village, or from Kourindou or wherever, but this one time, Reimu happened to pass by and just out of the blue assumed that she'd stolen them, beat her up and took them back to where she'd bought them. Even when the guy told her they'd been paid for, she wouldn't even apologize! The guy gave the books back, but if it had been up to her... and she keeps on doing it! And it's always the same, but she just... never... ohh, you get the idea. To her, youkai are just plain bad news, and that's all there is to it. It just... aagh." The rage from before sounds like it's trying to take over again at the end, but she's just too tired to pull it off, and puts it to rest with an exasperated sigh.
Which means it's probably safe to go on, then. "There's got to be more to her, though. Can't be all bad, right?"
"I guess not," she doesn't sound too convinced, "another friend of mine's friends with her. Well, not exactly, my other friend's mistress is friends with her, but, wait, this is going nowhere, lemme start again. I know a couple of people, all right folks, who are friends with her. I know her best friend's human, which I guess just makes sense, but some of 'em are youkai, too. Anyway, I gather she's not so bad once she lets her hair down, but when she means business, brother, look out! Enjoy your meal~" Shifting vocal moods with practiced ease, she spins around and places a plate next to the bottle, continuing the motion to put her back towards you again so she can start cleaning off the grill.
The skewered eel steams in the crisp air. Smells good, too. You pick it up and blow on it, letting it cool a little while you get out another quick question. "'Look out', eh? Pretty strong?" Crunch. Whoa, not bad at all.
"That's an understatement. She's gotta be strong, just to do her job. Being strong practically IS her job. It's kinda hard to put it into perspective, you being new here, but, we've got this thing here, called danmaku, it's a sort of a..."
"Actually," you cut in as soon as your mouth is free, "I already know all about that."
She stops working and half-turns to give you a Look. You're not entirely sure what kind of Look it is, but it definitely warrants a capital L. "Oh~ re~ally~?", she sings out amusedly before turning back to the task at hand. "Well, anyway then, the rules for danmaku? Part of her job is to enforce them. They don't get broken often, but when they do, the miko makes enough of an example out of whoever did it that it's a long, long time before anybody even thinks about trying it again. Hasn't happened while Reimu's been alive, that should give you some idea. No doubt she could take care of it if it happened, though, she's pretty much untouchable. I've heard of her losing, maybe a couple of times, but it sure wasn't against anyone on our level, no offense."
"Hmm." Well, that didn't make you feel any better. You're still not sure exactly how the Hakurei miko is going to take to finding out she has competition, but you wouldn't bet the farm on 'well'. She's tough, too, but then, so's Sanae. Miko versus miko... no, no, don't even think about it. She'll be fine, man, buck up. You clear your head of doubts with a vigorous shake and finish off your eel. She'll be just fine.
Time - 1:55 pm
[ ] Stick around a while longer.
- [ ] Ask Mystia about... (~20 minutes)
[ ] Thank her and excuse yourself.
- [ ] Go and check out... (~30 minutes)