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File 159029214281.jpg - (300.16KB, 800x800, shizuwipeout.jpg)
Thread 1: >>38360
Thread 2: >>39475

[x] Find a restraint to ambush Shizuha with.

You twist around and look through a nearby crate, finding… belts. A huge pile of belts mixed with thin, wooden blocks and small widgets. You find some of the belts long, some short, some with, wait a second. Some are very short. Far too small for her waist. Too small even for a fairy’s waist.

What on earth…

Shizuha takes her first step up the ladder. Forget the belts, you need-

Those smaller ones might just fit around her wrists. If that’s so…

No time to think. You reach in, scoop out a large handful, and leap toward the ladder. Shizuha flinches as you dump them beside that ladder.

“What the…”

She turns her head sideways just as you grip her ankle and tug. She clings for a second. You tug again, tearing her free.

There’s a moment of slow, dawning realization, just before she crashes into the wood before you.

Groaning, she starts to pick herself up. Panicking, you reach into the pile and pull one of the smaller belts out. Dropping to your knees, you swing it around her exposed ankles and bind them together, buckling it tight.

“Wh- the hell?” She kicks out, half-groggy. You lean to the side, avoiding her feet just as she throws a hand out, firing out a small cluster of yellow bullets . She plants her hands under herself, pushing herself sluggishly upward.

Snagging another, wider belt, you throw it over her back. Another sloppy, wild volley launches out from her, forcing you to lurch to the side. The moment it’s gone, you drop yourself atop her back, knocking her back down.

“Who the fuck? How did you get out?”

You grunt, pulling the belt around her left arm, then around her torso. She flails, kicking the ground. You feel a burning pop as something strikes your gut, knocking the belt out of one hand. Groaning, you snap it back up and, dragging it up her right side, buckle it tight, underneath the arm.

She squirms, her left shoulder twisting as she strains to free her arm. Soon giving up, she flails her free arm, smacking it against your side as you grab another belt.

Another, loose smattering of bullets sail out from her flailing arm, all of them scattering, barely flying anywhere near you. You wrap the next belt around her free arm and torso, pinning them together.

“Seriously, what the hell!”

She twists and tugs her arms, shifting the belts just slightly.

Shit. If she gets those loose…

Sweating, you grab a few smaller belts and, folding her forearms together, snap the first on, buckling it tight before moving to the-

A swarm of dry, brittle stuff swarms around you, blocking your eyes and filling your mouth. Coughing, you spit it back out and tear it off your face. Watching them as they fall, you recognize the red, orange, and yellow leaves a split-second before they fly back to your face. Grunting, you tear them back off only to find that Shizuha’s wriggling again.

Groaning, you press her arms hard against her back and wrap another belt around those arms. You blink, amazed at your success. This was the woman whose power you depended on?

You buckle it tight and watch the way her arms strain. The split-second she gets out, you’re fucked. Sweating, you roll a third belt around those arms.

You snap the belt shut and, breathing hard, pull back. She’s still twisting and wiggling, but her arms barely budge now.

Good, good.

You exhale, long and slow. Then, jerking one leg up behind you, she slams her heel into your back. You grunt, shift her back toward the crates, grab a few more belts, and shuffle down her legs until you’re sitting on the underside of her knees. You wrap one belt around her upper thighs, then another just above those knees.

You feel a shift, then a quiet gasp. “Who the hell are you!”

Her movements grow more frantic by the time you grab the next belt and turn around, but they amount to little more than wild twisting and bucking. Panting, you slam her flailing ankles to the floor and lock one last belt around them, then pull yourself back to your feet. Her skin dips hard around some of the belts.

You’ll want to change her out of those before too long.

“For autumn’s sake, say something!”

Leaning down, you grab her by the shoulders and haul her to her feet. “Sorry, Shizuha. I can’t let you-”

She freezes, shuddering. “N… Naoko? No. It’s not you, it’s not…”

“Wrh! Haoho? Haoho! Hweh hph!”

Ignoring Kogasa’s inanity, you snatch another, longer belt from the floor and turn to Shizuha, staring her in her twitching, devious eyes. “Why does this place exist, Shizuha?”

Her lip twitches. “I, I…”

Her dress explodes. In a flash, your vision fills once more with Shizuha’s colors. Then black. A tight, leafy strip seals over your lips as more of them cling to your hands, hindering their movements.

Leather creaks in front of you as you poke and prod at your mummified face. The smell of autumn fills your nose as its taste smothers your tongue. Mercifully, after a few seconds of beating, the leaves trail off your hands. As they do, you grip at the leaves on your face and rip them off. Spitting leaves out once more, you rip them off your eyes and look around to find…

Shizuha still twisting in that mess of belts. They still dig into her skin as hard as before, in all the same places.

…As far as you can tell.

Dragging her to the nearest pillar, you drop her at its base and run your belt behind it. “Shizuha. Why does this place exist?”

“Why did you…”

Another mass of leaves rises from the floor and floats toward you, barely clinging to your sides before they fall off.

You growl, buckling the belt around her arms, just under her breasts. You step away to grab another…

You glance back. The belt sits just under Shizuha’s modest, naked breasts, pushing them up just slightly. You glance down, finding a familiar patch of blonde hair just between her thighs. Her eyes follow yours, narrowing as her skin turns red. With the dress gone, her leaves cover the floor beneath you more than her smooth, supple…

You glance away, grabbing the next belt to secure her with.

She groans. “What? Your orgy wasn’t enough?” Her breath hitches. “Now you need to fuck me, too?”

You shake your head, returning to wrap the belt around her waist, barely above the floor. Securing it, too, to the pole, you sigh. “Shizuha, you of all people know I’d never do that!”

She spits on the ground. “You just attacked me! And, and now this… how the hell am I supposed to interpret it?”

You flinch back, but grab one more belt. “Shizuha! Wh-”

“Why? Why, Naoko? How could you!”

You flinch, your very bones quaking with nervous energy. “Why? Why?” You throw the belt away, staring her in the eyes. “Shizuha, look at this! We’re in a dungeon! Your dungeon! How am I supposed to take this!”

“You shouldn’t have looked! You said you trusted me! If you just let me do my job, I could have had them locked away and, and…”

“You have a dungeon, Shizuha. Why do you have a dungeon?”

“It’s not a dungeon!” Shizuha breathes hard, still twisting her body, what little the belts allow. “It’s just, just a storeroom.” You glare. She flinches. “A… a secure storeroom.”

“With a hidden prison cell. And look at this!” You pat the belt around her wrists. “What possible waist would it fit?”

“That’s… that’s…” She sags. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear.”

“What else could it even be?”

Chest shaking, she swallows, still tugging at her belts as she looks down. “Can’t you trust people? Can’t you trust anyone? I just want to help you, to protect you. I…” her voice trembles, “I made a promise, Naoko. I had to protect you somehow.”

“Protect-” You breathe in. “Shizuha. You know who I am. What I am. I need to know what the hell this is.”

She twists, thrusting her body against the belts. She then sags, breathing hard. “It’s not important, Naoko. Please, who else are you going to trust? Them?” She nods to the cell.

You kneel down, picking the belt back off the floor. “Just tell me why you have the prison cell. What is it for?”

She gulps. “It’s not, it…” She strains, shoving herself against the belts before once more collapsing into the pole. “I never planned to use it, anyway. I was just in case, just in-”

She freezes, looking the other way.

You frown, folding the belt in your hand. “Just in case what, Shizuha?”

She glances to you, eyes wide and lips tight. “Nothing! That’s not important, I sw-”

“Shizuha. Just tell me. If you-”

Crack! Your belt delivers a resounding blow across her breasts. You pause a moment, listening in disbelief to that sound. You just… whipped her. Shaking your head, you clear your throat. Your voice takes on a harsh, brittle edge. “Tell me, Shizuha. What was this place for?”

Her mouth opens, then locks. She shakes her head, looking down.


She yelps, but keeps her lips shut. You grit your teeth.


She whimpers. Your lips shift, a small sneer forming.

“Just tell me!”

Thwack! Thwack!

Something feels wrong about this. The way she twitches, whimpers, tries to avoid your blows. Even worse, the excitement that grows and bubbles within you as you deliver each strike. But… this place, the way she tried to hide it, and now that you’re here, still refusing to just say what it’s for…

You bring the belt back down to-

“It was for you, okay? Was that what you wanted to hear?”

You lower the belt, shaking. “So, you really were just like the rest? You’d come to me, gotten me to trust you, to, to…” Your breath is shuddering, even breaking.

Red marks cover her chest and stomach. She looks down. “No, no.” She shakes her head, bringing it back up to stare at you. “Of course, not! Listen, Naoko. You’re… you’re hard to protect, you know? I’m weak, so…”

“So you had to keep me somewhere else, so you could have my body all to yourself.”

“No! Damn it, Naoko, no!” She shudders, sniffling. “It was to protect you! They couldn’t hurt you if they couldn’t find you, so…”

“A cell doesn’t keep people out, Shizuha.”

“It could have! I could’ve locked it, taken the key, and…” her voice trails off. She glances up at you. “I know it sounds bad, but you would have been safe, Naoko. No one could have gotten you.”

You slap the belt on your palm. She flinches.

“Except you.”

“I, I wouldn’t have…”

“You got awfully sore to learn I fucked other girls.”

“That, that was…”

Thwack! She yelps, twisting her torso.

“You wanted my body, admit it!”

She hisses. “I wanted to keep you out of trouble.”


“You wanted to control me! To keep me under your heel!”

“You kept getting yourself fucked! I was better than any of them, wasn’t I?”


You knew it. She really was just like the rest.


Then, just like the rest, you can toss her into cell, put one of those collars on her, and...

She sniffles, breath shuddering. Glimmering moisture builds around her clenched-shut eyes. She… she’s crying. A warm, pleasant tingle crawls down your spine as you raise the belt again. Finally, now you can…

“I’m sorry!”

Your hand lowers back down. What?

“I, I, I…” She sniffles again. “I thought I was doing it for you, I swear!” She hiccups. “I, I… didn’t… I don’t know when I, when it…” She shudders. “Somehow, s-somewhere… it just, it…” She takes a moment to breath, chest quaking. “I’m sorry, Naoko. I’m s-so, so sorry. I don’t…”

She gulps, staring down her chest as she bites her lip. “I wanted you. I wanted you the way they did. I just… I just kept telling myself it’s for your good.”

Your hands fall limp, dropping the belt to the floor. Shaking, your legs stagger backwards.

Your lips tremble. She sounds so broken. And yet, you were going to, you were thinking of…

You gulp. “Then, when we, last night…”

She shivers. “Do I even have to say it?”

It’s true. It’s all true. Your heart pounds as you stare her down. What do you do? Punish her? Punish yourself? No, not here. Not now.

She quakes, voice small. “Please, Naoko. Give me just one more chance.”

A garbled chirp floats through the air, accompanied by Wriggle’s similarly incoherent, mocking shout. You glance back to the cell. Now… now what? You have four captives and no one to help you. All of them are too corrupted to trust, but you can’t control them all alone. You can’t just hole up here, and you don’t dare leave on your own. You’ll need to give some freedom to someone here.

But… who?

You’ve trusted Shizuha until now, but that was clearly a mistake. If she’s hidden this for so long, she may be even more dangerous than the others. Maybe Kogasa? You did get her kind of obedient up until now. Her mastery over tools and restraints means you’d always be one step away from bondage if she ever slipped out of her leash, but would make her very helpful in the meantime.

Mystia’s obnoxious as hell, but may be less likely to try to outright enslave you if she broke free. And Wriggle, maybe if you… no. Terrible idea. You glance back to Shizuha. She’s dangerous, but she seems contrite. If you exercised your authority now, maybe you could get her back?

Do you dare try to exercise that level of control, given how close you’d come to abusing it?

Either way, you need to rely on someone. To reduce their restraints just enough to be useful, until you can settle down somewhere safer.

[ ] Utilize Kogasa. She’s been the most obedient and you need a good binder, anyway.

[ ] Utilize Mystia. She’s the least dangerous if she tries to overpower you.

[ ] Gag Shizuha. She’s your best bet, but you’ve got too much to worry about right now..

[ ] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.

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Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/05/27 (Wed) 19:00

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[X] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.

Poor Shizuha. She's helped us out of many a pickle, she doesn't deserve this.
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[ ] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.
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[x] Utilize Kogasa. She’s been the most obedient and you need a good binder, anyway.
Continuing to rely on Shizuha is a purely emotional move, contrite or not she managed to keep us fooled for who knows how long. Giving her a chance now is the same as telling her to backstab us when it's convenient for her. Thus, the real choice is between Mystia and Kogasa. And it does seem to me like Kogasa enjoys being used enough that that alone makes her "trustworthy" to some degree. Well, at least within the shitty choices we have.
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[x] Utilize Kogasa. She’s been the most obedient and you need a good binder, anyway.

She giggles. “Aren’t they amazing? I made them so they’d keep even an oni restrained.”

Kogasa's restraints are likely the best defense against youkai. It'll be needed since Myouren Temple might be an issue soon.
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None of the choices are great. From a less emotional standpoint Naoko can probably manipulate Shizuha because she cares about Naoko on some level, or at least she cares about her sister. More worrying is the fact that Shizuha is weak, if we can overpower her then how useful is she going to be really?
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Besides that point, if we want restraints, we don't really need Kogasa free. We can just take her restraints. And Sizuha is the only one who hasn't actually confined us. She's might have been planning some stuff in the far future, but she's been alone with us a bunch of times without issue and she seems to be the only one actively resisting our influence instead of riding it into depravity.
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And none of the others are really powerful either. Nobody here would really be able to take any real threats in a fight, loyalty is the bigger concern.
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[X] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.

Every option is pretty bad, but, Shizuha despite her rather dubious intent for the future has helped out Naoko far too much just to throw away. And, compared to the other who have raped her before and she still seems sane-ish.
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From and optimal standpoint we should take like a couple of weeks to properly break all four of our prisoners and turn them into loyal slaves, but unfortunately PLOT is not going to give us the time.
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None of them are powerful, and none of them are loyal either.


She's also the sneakiest one about NOT being able to resist our influence, making her the most dangerous. Better to deal with the devil you know rather than the devil you don't.


>turn them into loyal slaves

Bit of a stretch innit? This ain't one of those Chinese cartoons.

Truly, for this, there can be only one remedy;

[X] Kill. Them. All.
[X] Utilize Kogasa. She’s been the most obedient and you need a good binder, anyway.

Simple, we voluntarily keep her sexed, and she'll help us out willingly. Her motivations aren't shrouded in secrecy.
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[x] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.
keep yaself smart
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[x] Utilize Kogasa. She’s been the most obedient and you need a good binder, anyway.
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Dont know how to edit so im just changing my vote
[X] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.
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[x] Utilize Kogasa. She’s been the most obedient and you need a good binder, anyway.

Ugh sorry i dont know how to edit my vote but after thinking about it some i changed it again ignore my other one please, sorry T_T
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Again sorry, I know im not the deciding vote but i just wanted to let you know that the last two posts above this are mine im sure theirs some way you can tellthat but im not entirely sure what it is as i have no idea what im doing
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Who is your favorite Touhou?
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Flandre lol
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Also is there a freaking instruction manual for this site or something for the ui jeez
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If you kept your deletion password the same (shown a little bit below the text entry field), you should be able to hit the check-mark by the comment you made (just to the left of "Anonymous") and scroll to the very, very bottom-right corner of the page to hit the Delete button.

Yeah, it's kind of awkward to figure out.
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File 159193179546.jpg - (48.69KB, 870x552, shizuhaleaves.jpg)
[x] Rely on Shizuha. After your outburst, you need someone like her to keep you sane.

You sigh and kneel down before Shizuha. Shaking, you swallow the lump in your throat as you stare her down. She shivers, her breasts barely…

You glance away, listening to the creak of her belts. You breathe in and out a few times, slowly calming back down. “...Okay.”

Those creaks pause. You turn back to face her, keeping your eyes away from… on her face. She stares back, eyes narrow.


Slowly, you nod. “Yes, I’ll give you another chance.”

She twists, what little she can. “Great. Then, about these…”

“Oh, yes. Of course.”

Nervous, you reach around and unbuckle the upper belt tying her to the pole. Then, pulling it back, you peel off the one around her waist. Freed from the pole, she sags forward just slightly.


Wiggling her shoulders, she turns her tired eyes your way.

You glance away. “So, do you keep any futons around here?”

She grunts, straining against the belts she still wears. “Uh, hello? I’m still smothered in these things. What, are you just going to… you’re not leaving me like this, are you?”

You fiddle with her belts, loosening up the tightest ones by a notch. “I need some time to think, Shizuha. Now, do we have any futons to use?”

She sighs. “No.”

“Great. What about blankets or cushions?”

That leather creaks again. “Please, Naoko. At least let me walk.”

You take a step toward the ladder. “Maybe later. Do you want to sleep like that, out in the open?”

The creaks pause. A moment later, you hear a garbled squeal from Kogasa, inside the cage.

“Wrh ahrh hwuf?”

“I don’t keep bedding here, Naoko.”

Of course, she doesn’t. But you need something to rest on, so you approach the ladder, only to hear a rustle of leaves behind you. Spinning around, you find them gathered in a small pile beside Shizuha.

You glance to her. She glances away, still wiggling her shoulders.

“You’re giving me another chance, right?”

“Um, yes?”

She huffs, voice tense and half-sarcastic. “Then, this is as good as I can do tonight. Enjoy.”

A small smile returns to your lips. “We’ll see.”

You step forward and settle down by the leaves, just in front of Shizuha and her smooth, nipples. You wiggle around a bit. They’re fluffy, but too coarse and rough to try to sleep on. You clear your throat.

“Shizuha. Smooth these out.”

She grimaces, but then sighs. A moment later, a smooth, soft surface forms on the top.

With the slightest tremor in your breath, you scoot to the edge, away from her, and pat the makeshift bed.

Her eyes narrow, face flushing. “What are you…”

“You’ve got nowhere else to sleep, right?”

She hisses, wiggling her body. “Get me out of these things already!”

You level a cool stare her way. “Soon, Shizuha, soon. If you don’t try anything strange first.”

She groans, but then wiggles her legs, inching toward the leaves. You roll over, facing away from you as she sidles up, pressing her belt-wrapped arms to your back.

A few muffled squeals float through the air, through the cell wall, from Mystia. Struggling to muster the energy, you manage to conjure a couple glowing hearts, which, carefully, you guide between the cell bars and slam into the far wall, earning three startled, incoherent yelps. Followed by blissful quiet.

You close your eyes, shutting out the dungeon’s lantern light. You struggle to calm a fast-beating heart, from the subtle shifts of Shizuha’s bound, naked form against your back. The way her shoulder blades rub along yours, the way her firm ass bumps against you every now and then. But as a few leaves shift, floating up, over your body to transform into a paper-thin blanket, that calm slowly, painfully, arrives. Slowly, ever so slowly, you drift to sleep.


The first thing you feel, as you return to waking, is the soft but brittle touch of leaves beneath you. Then you feel the modest breast, cupped in your right hand, draped over her side. And the firm, inner thigh underneath your left, running underneath her. As you stir, you feel Shizuha’s locked arms once more… pressing into your belly, rather than your back. Shizuha twitches, just slightly.

Why are you… what did you…

With a start, you realize there’s a faint hint of moisture at the base of your thumb, right where it rubs against her…

You didn’t fall asleep like this, did you?

Did she do this? Did you? She’s not… is she awake?

Does she want you to keep going? To stop?

Thoughtlessly, you find yourself squeezing her breast just slightly. It barely fills your hand, but the barest hint of gentle softness in its otherwise firm, strong texture drives you to a second squeeze before you fully wake. The way the areola raises ever so slightly from the breast, the way she moistens your other hand, the way her nipple…

She lets out a quiet yelp, twisting her body. Your eyes fly open. One hand jerks back, off the breast, while the other falls to the floor and you wiggling it back from underneath her. Grunting, you pull yourself to your feet and knock the leaves off your rumpled kimono.

Shizuha grumbles, wiggling in her belts. “Oh, you’re awake. Do y-”

“Wrheh hf.”

You turn upon hearing Wriggle’s dour, bitter voice. A clump of leaves barely clinging to the sides of her head, she stares at you through wooden bars, that ring still between her teeth.

“Wrh! Haoho? Hfee huh?”

Mystia. You barely catch Kogasa behind the bars, her blindfolded face downturned. Is Mystia lying down or just further in?

Shizuha glances to the cage briefly, then back to you, quizzical.

You turn away, forcing out a loud, dramatic yawn as you stretch your arms and legs. Limbs shaking a little, you make your way to the ladder.

Feeling a subtle pang of hunger, you decide you’ll eat first, then decide what to do next.

You grip the ladder just as Shizuha speaks up again.

“Not going to…” She glances down her body, inhaling. “You’re not leaving m-us, are you?”

You glance back. Shizuha lies on her bound back, looking up at you. You turn around and climb up. “I’m getting something to eat.”


That’s all she says before you reach the trap-door. Pushing it open, you crawl out to the mess of crates above. Popping the lids off of them, you find a chisel and wooden mallet, a few brushes, and loose rope. Among the crates are a few clay pots which, upon opening, appear to store either water or various, rustic-colored powders. Paints? You shake your head and keep looking. There’s a couple bales of rice, but you’d need a fire or hot coals to make much use of them.

Finally, you find a crate with bags full of pickled meat and fruits. Scooping out a handful of the fruits, you pop them in your mouth one at a time. To no one’s surprise, they’re smothered in salt and near-tasteless otherwise. But as you keep munching, your hunger fades. Mixing in a little of the meat, you close your eyes to enjoy what little taste there is, feeling…


The expected four clusters of it crawl up from below you, but they’re not alone. The same dripping lust from yesterday flies overhead. What’s it doing and why is it here?

Scooping up a bag of fruits, you scramble over to the trapdoor and gingerly climb back down.

“Good. You’re back. Now get these…”

You drop to the floor, set the bag down, and climb back up to the top. Gripping the door, you shut it over yourself and return to the floor below.

Shizuha, face flushed, cocks a brow as you turn to the bag. She’s sitting now, resting her back against the rock wall.

Pulling out a few slices of dried ume, you turn and, crouching before her, extend a hand out. She wiggles.

She turns her head away a moment. She grimaces, then huffs and returns to face you. Grumbling, she presses her lips to your hand, then bites down on a slice, pulls it into her mouth, and chews. She then eats the next in the same way, then the next.

Getting up, you turn, reach into the bag, and offer her a few more slices. As she finishes those, you haul the bag toward the cage.

Feet shuffle and you soon find Kogasa and Mystia pressing themselves to the bars. Mystia lets out a garbled but amorous coo.

“Hey! I didn’t-” She huffs, glancing down. “It won’t last long if you feed it to everyone.”

You stare back, eyes narrow. “Of course. You didn’t plan to keep anyone else here, did you?”

She turns away. You turn to the cell door and the keyhole therein.

“Shizuha. Key.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

“You’d let them starve?”

“You nee…” She catches herself, then takes a breath. “Be careful, Naoko. You know what they’re like.”

You answer with a curt nod. “Key, Shizuha.”


“I don’t know, okay? I had it when you att- when you showed up.” She flexes her useless hands. “I must’ve lost it when I used my dress, but it’s got to be in here somewhere.”

You frown. She squirms, craning her neck as she scans the room.

“It’s… it’s small, dark...”

You glance around. There’s the crates, the pillars, the chair…

There. Right up against the cell walls, in the corner. You rush over and, bending over, pick it up. Cheap, dark iron from the looks of it. Palming it, you step over to the door, slip it in, and turn.


Whistling in satisfaction, you swing the door open and step inside.

Like the rest of this place, you find bare wood under your feet and uneven rock walls to your sides. But just stepping in puts you almost at the far wall. Still twitching, Mystia curls into the far left corner, rubbing up against Kogasa’s cuffed shins, a slight red tint to the skin just around her ropes. Chains clinking, Kogasa kneels down, offering a slight bow.

Both their generous, naked breasts draw your eye before you drag it back up to their faces.

A metal bar runs between her teeth, thinner than the wooden one between Mystia’s. You barely have to turn to run your hands along her cheeks. She shivers as you slide them behind her head, unbuckling the gag and rebuckling it underneath her chin.

She swallows, licking her lips. “I’ll be good, Naoko. I promise. But, uh… would now be a bad time to ask when I get to f…”

“Yes.” You step around her and to Mystia. She shudders as you approach. You crouch down and pop the wooden bar free of her lips as well, once more draping the gag over her shoulders instead.

“Please, Naoko… I can’t take it. At least let me touch…”

You ignore her, turning to Wriggle. Despite the way her legs are forced apart, and the bar trapping her wrists behind her back, she’s managed to get her shorts back over her crotch. Or… Shizuha jerked them back up? Either way, she stares back, defiant, as you undo her gag and peel the ring from between her teeth. She works her jaw as you affix it around her neck and step back.

You turn to the back for-

“I’m never going to be made your bitch, you know.”

You level a stern glare at Wriggle. She puffs out her chest. “Just you watch. I will break free, then your ass will be mine! Do you hear me? You’ll scream for mercy, but I’ll have none to give! By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging to eat my a-”

You jam the ring behind her teeth and reaffix the gag, pulling the straps tight around her cheeks.

“Hrph hwuu!”

“I’ll feed you later… maybe.”

Leaving her to twist, squirm, and sputter angry, gurgling shouts, you grab some of the food from the sack and offer it first to Kogasa.

She smiles. “Thanks for the food.” Rather hastily, she gobbles the food from your palm. You turn to grab more. “Um, Naoko. You know, my cage is better than this dusty old cell. You don’t suppose we could go back there, do you?”

“No!” You both turn toward Mystia at her outburst. She squirms, shifting her hips. “I, I mean… it’s eas-no, bigger here. This is already too cramped. I can’t go back to somewhere that small.”

You scoop out the next handful, bringing it close to Mystia. She gives it a cautious look. “You’re not feeding me like this because I’m a bird, are you?”

You growl. “Do you want the Wriggle treatment?”

She yelps. “No, no. I’m good, I’m good.” She buries her face in your hand, snapping up each slice, then chewing.

As she eats, Kogasa glances to her, then to you. “Um, Naoko. We are going to fuck again sometime, right?”

“That depends on whether or not I want it. Right now, we have more important things to worry about.”

She glances downward, hips twitching. “Oh. Okay…”

You let Mystia finish eating, waiting for her to finish licking your palm before unbuckling the bar hanging from her shoulders and lifting it to her lips. She gives only a defeated sigh.

“Just… let me cum again soon, okay?”

With that, she lets you jam the bar back in and reaffix the gag. You turn to Kogasa and readjust hers as well, locking it between her teeth once more. Then, taking one last look at their nervous faces, you turn and step out of the cage, hauling the sack with you. Then, setting it down, you close the door and slip the key in to lock it. Once you hear the click, you pull it out and turn to Shizuha.

Her breathing picks up as you approach, those lovely, firm breasts…

You shake your head, keeping your eyes fixed on her face as you squat down before her. She glances away.

“Looking to finish what you started this morning?”

You pause. There’s something… strange in the way she says that. Her voice is bitter, worried, and… something else. Still, you hold your gaze on her, eyes hard.

“No. You screwed up, Shizuha. I don’t know if I can trust you anymore.”

She mumbles something, looking away. “Yeah, yeah.” She then looks back. “...Sorry.”

“But…” You slide your hands around the belt above her breasts. “I don’t know if I can trust myself, either.” Gingerly, you unbuckle the top belt and slide it away.

She stares at you, eyes wide.

You release the belt below her breasts, then start to work on her legs. “I need someone to help me out around here, and I need someone to talk to. Right now, you’re the best I have.”

She lets out a clipped, sarcastic laugh. “Well, who am I to refuse?”

“I’m sorry about this morning. I don’t… know what came over me.”

“That’s… fine. It’s just… fine, Naoko.”

Your heart clenches as you recognize that tone. That need to placate, mired by wounded uncertainty.

At least she holds still, twitching just slightly as you remove her belts one at a time, working down her bare legs. Peeling the last belt off her ankles, you kneel down, slide your arms around her back, and start undoing the ones around her forearms.

You can’t help but notice how close her breasts are to yours now, or the way her uneven breaths blow across your cheek as you work. Still, one by one, you peel the belts off until the last one. Hands shaking, you finger the clasp.

“I’m not… not ready to free you entirely just yet, okay?”

She frowns. “What do you mean?”

“I-I just-I’m scared, Shizuha. I’m really, really scared. I need you to let me keep your wrists secure right now, okay?”

She jerks on the last belt a couple times, then, with a clipped sigh, she levels a cool stare at you. “...Fine, if that’s what it takes to calm you down.”

You breathe out, peeling the belt’s slack, slowly, from its buckle.

Shizuha shifts her arms, flexing her fingers. You take a sharp inhale.

“Shizuha, Shizuha. I’m trusting you here, okay? You’re not going to… use this dungeon the way you’d planned to, right?”

She flinches. “I… won’t.”

“Really? I… I, I, I really need someone to trust. I’m trusting you, so you won’t…”

“It’s fine, Naoko. I swear I won’t betray you, okay?”

“Oh… okay.” Breathing in again, you undo the final belt. In an instant, she jerks her hands away. You lurch back, drawing on your near-nonexistent magic as she flinches, then drops her hands in her lap. You snap her wrists up, sliding the belt back around them. You hear her breath catch, her whole body shaking as you draw the belt tight. She gulps, looking away as you finally buckle the belt shut.

Grumbling, Shizuha pulls herself to her feet and, with a flutter, your ‘bed’ disintegrates, recreating her yellow and orange dress once more. She rubs her hands. “So, what now, Naoko?”

You look up, into the small cavern’s uneven ceiling and the thick bar of wood running between the columns, with the dungeon’s single lantern hanging from it. “Hm…” You fold your arms. “Three dangerous, barely compliant youkai, held back only by a mix of restraints and a wooden wall, another youkai lurking overhead…”

“Another one? Damn it, Naoko. How many predators do you have?”

You fight back a whimper. “Too many.” You lean back. “Do you think Yuyuko will leave us alone for now?”

“Without you or Kogasa? I have no idea.”

“Hm…” Your lower your eyes back to Shizuha. “What would you do?”

“Me?” She groans. “We…” She lays back, pondering. “If we’re keeping these b… girls, we’ll need supplies. My shed will last us a few days with them, at best. We should probably clear out your old house, too. And above all…” she lifts back up, staring straight at you, “we need to talk, Naoko. I think we should return to the village for a bit.”

She’s probably right about the supplies and, if you’re going to rely on her, her loyalty will be most important. But… you glance back at the cell. You worry about leaving the other three to their own devices for too long. And then there’s the youkai above. If she finds you here, you’ll have nowhere to run, and no one to help you. If you look around, you may be able to get the drop on her first. And then there’s Yuyuko. If she does get pissed, there won’t be much you can do. Even if you don’t want to trade Kogasa away, maybe you could… lend her to Yuyuko for a few hours or something?

[ ] Take Kogasa and look for Yuyuko. You need to be sure she doesn’t decide to do anything strange.

[ ] Investigate the outside presence. If it finds you down here, you’ll have nowhere to run.

[ ] “Train” the captives. You need more support as soon as possible.

[ ] Return to the village with Shizuha. You need her loyalty.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/06/15 (Mon) 18:00

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[X] Return to the village with Shizuha. You need her loyalty.

In for a penny, in for a pound. Full commit to Shizuha Route. Besides, the unidentified flying object didn't interrupt during the night so it's probably at least neutral.
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[X] “Train” the captives. You need more support as soon as possible.

Do youkai even need material food? Maybe we can just let them snack on some fear for a few days.
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[X] Take Kogasa and look for Yuyuko. You need to be sure she doesn’t decide to do anything strange.
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[x] “Train” the captives. You need more support as soon as possible.
Shizuha route? How about a harem route.
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[X] “Train” the captives. You need more support as soon as possible.

As our only real defense, we may as well get used to using our new tools. We should probably give Kogasa over to Yuyuko if we run into her though.
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[X] “Train” the captives. You need more support as soon as possible.
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[x] “Train” the captives. You need more support as soon as possible.

You hum, putting a hand to your chin as you glance between her and the cell. “Alright. We’ll do that next.”

Shizuha stammers. “W-what? Next?” She breathes in. “…Okay, of course. But what are you doing first?”

You glance back, licking your lips. “I need to see if I can make any use of the others.”

“Oh.” She turns her head aside, glaring at the chamber walls and wiggling her bound wrists. “Are you s…”

You study her. She grunts. “We can do without them, Naoko. You said you’d rely on me, right?”

You keep your eyes flat. “To help. I’m sorry, Shizuha, but you’re just not enough anymore. I’m… not sure you ever were.”

She turns from you to her belt, twisting her wrists. She groans. “Fine. Then, um…” She looks up. “How about I go get those supplies while you do that?”

“Sure, sure.” You turn back to the cage, walking…

“Um, Naoko.”

You glance back. She holds out her wrists. “I can’t go to the village like this, you know.”

Your eyes narrow. She raises her hands, defensive. “You wanted my help, right? This is the best way to help you, so…”

You sigh. You did choose to trust her. Swallowing, you reach forward and pull the buckle loose. Sweating, you undo it and let the belt drop to the floor. Then, you take a step back, readying your…

As your gaze returns to her eyes, you catch the hint of what almost looked like a sneer, only for it to give way to a flat, neutral gaze. She gives a curt nod, then spins on her heel and climbs up the ladder.

You wait until she disappears, then closes the trap door behind her. You breathe out a long sigh of relief before returning to the cell. Snapping up the key, you-

You pause. Mystia or Kogasa may be trainable, but Wriggle’s not. At least, not yet. You’ll need to… soften her up, first. And you should get started on that now. You could set her up somewhere close, so you can play with her while you work on the more promising captives. A light tingle climbs up your spine as you study the small chamber for a good spot. Somewhere secure, but uncomfortable…

There’s the chair with odd straps by the left wall, but you’d need to release her restraints to get her in it. That’s not happening. Otherwise, there’s…

The crates, the loose belts, the cell itself, the pillars, and the beam between…

And those ropes, hanging from the upper beam.

With a short, magic-assisted jump, you snatch the ropes and yank them down. Three of them, moderate length. No need to risk freeing Wriggle if you can just tie her down with these. But what to…

You could bind her to the pillars, but at that point, you may as well just leave her in the cell. No, you want her somewhere you could wear down on her while working. Oh, oh…

You drag them over to the crate of belts, place the lid back in position and, with some straining, get the ropes laid out underneath it.

Then, with a skip in your step, you spin around, unlock the cell door, and stride inside. Kogasa stares back at you while Mys-


Mystia rushes toward you, barely holding back from a full tackle as she presses her bound, naked breasts into your chest, nuzzling her gagged, sticky face into your neck.

This won’t work. You need to get her under control, but how, how…

You shove her back, panting. “Obey me, would you?”

She shakes her head. “Hu hoph! Hiwwee hoph hwifh.”

You growl. She pulls back, shrinking. You know what? Fine. Clearly, you’ll need to speak the only language she understands anymore.

“You want a piece of me?”

Twitching, blushing, she nods.

“Then wait a moment so I can get ready.”

She sighs, then takes another step back. Heart pumping, you whirl around and level your glare at Wriggle. She keeps her eyes fixed on the cell wall, her legs spread wide in front of her. You lean down, grip her shirt, and haul her to her feet.

“C’mon, insect. Time to stretch your legs.”

She stares back, her eyes glaring hard enough to make up for her gaping mouth. “Hwuh hoo.”

You huff, tugging her shirt forward. “Would you rather fall on your face?”

She glances to the floor, then to you. You tug her back until she’s hanging from her tiptoes.

“Hwu hiph.”

Awkwardly, she swings one foot slightly forward, then the other. With a little careful maneuvering, you get her out of the cage and up to the crate. Her eyes narrow as you step back, behind her.

“Lean forward.”

“Hwo!” She wiggles her wrists, flexing her fingers.

You plant your foot on her back and shove.

Startled, she jerks down, onto the crate. Wasting no time, you drop down, grab the ends of the ropes on the right, drag them back up, and loop them around her right arm.

She sputters and gurgles, but by the time she’s mounted a meaningful resistance, you’re tying the ropes off. As she strains and tugs, you shift to the other side and pull those ropes up. She lifts her left side to avoid them, but a simple shove to her back gets her in position. You loop the ropes around and tie them off, then step back.

She’s still grunting and tugging, but she’s stuck and bent over. You feel another tingle as you watch her frantic, pointless struggles. Then an idea comes. Licking your lips, you lean over her and slip your hands beneath her waist, where you undo the buckle on her shorts.

“Wrh hu hu hueh!”

With a quick zip, you slide your hands back to her hips and grip the waistbands both of her shorts and the panties underneath.

“Woh! Woh!”

You tug them down, baring her firm, smooth ass. Sighing in satisfaction, you lift your hand, then deliver a couple hard whacks across it. She yelps, still squirming, as you turn back to the cage.

Kogasa huddles behind the door, spit trailing from the bar in her mouth. Mystia leans back, stretching her fingers and biting down on her own bar.

You gesture outward. “Get out here, now.”

Mystia hums and scampers to your side. As she arrives, Kogasa nods and trots out, hands bouncing off her bare ass. You give Wriggle’s ass another parting slap, earning an indignant yelp, then turn your attention to them. Finally, time to see just what you can do with these bitches.

Starting, of course, with… what? You blink, thinking. They glance at each other. Groaning, you settle on the first thing you can think of.

“Bow for me.”

They lower their heads a moment, then start to pull them up until you, rather loudly, clear your throat. They pause.


Mystia’s ropes creak and Kogasa’s cuffs jingle, but they lower their heads again. Still, you’re not quite satisfied. You frown.


They drop down, nearly to a right angle. That’s better, but they’re slow. You need active obedience, not minimal compliance.

You nod, hoping to hide your churning thoughts. “Good. I’m… feeling generous today, so…” So what? You offered Mystia a piece of yourself earlier, and that seemed to work. Perhaps you’ll need to keep pressing on that theme for now. “So, the girl who lasts the longest gets a reward from me.”

You can barely see their faces from this angle, but as you fondle Wriggle’s warm ass, you see both brows shift, seeming much harder than before.

And so you wait.

Soon, they start to twitch and shiver, but they both hold otherwise firm. You give Wriggle a few more swats, idly glancing down her rumpled cape as she jerks and grunts with each blow. Come to think of it, what did she force you to do, back at that house?

Amid the cloud of memories that resurface at this thought, one of them puts a long, sinister sneer on your face. “Hey, insect. Wanna lick my feet?”

She shakes her head.

You shrug, still grinning. Then strike her ass again. Her pained grunt makes your heart sing, but you find your right hand growing warm and sore itself. With a quick glance, you find and pick up one of the smaller belts.

Despite their bodies now shaking, Kogasa and Mystia still hold their bows. You pause. Should you just make them keep waiting, or… no. You shake your head and step around, behind them. Nothing wrong with dropping in a new surprise every now and then, right?

“I have a new rule. You must also remain silent to win.”

Seemingly on instinct, they both utter vaguely assenting gurgles. Gripping the belt in your right hand, you give it one light swat into your left. Both of the girls gulp. You then run your left hand along Mystia’s ass. You feel it clench just before you pull your hand back.


She jerks forward, her feet stumbling but managing to regain her balance. Kogasa mutters some strange, gurgling noise. You answer with a short, dismissive snort, then…


Kogasa squeals in indignation. You grin. “Mystia, you win.”

She shoots upright, a warm but garbled chirp floating past the bar between her teeth. Ropes creaking as she turns around, she smiles around her bit. You grin back and step around, behind her. She lets out another garbled chirp, this one vaguely questioning, until you lean in close and wrap your arms around her stomach.

In an instant, she melts to your touch. You slide both hands up to cup her rope-pressed breasts. She moans as you start to rub them, your uncertain hands starting from the bottom and working up to the sides.

“Wrh! Hwo hwearh!”

You send a cold glare Kogasa’s way. “Tell me. Just who was it that demanded I let her stuff her disgusting panties down my throat, because I had, what was it… lost fair and square?”

Her chains clink as she holds her indignant glare another moment, then she glances away.

For a second, you roll Mystia’s breasts around, pressing them to each other, incertain of what to do next. Ultimately, you return to kneading them as she rubs her back and ass into your body. Once she moans again, you slide your left hand down, to the ropes over her pussy and the dildo underneath them. Oh, crap. You can’t finger her, so… you give the dildo a little push, instead. She shivers.

You massage it, sending little, feathery quivers up and down her spine as you suppress a relieved sigh. Her bound wings twitch as your right hand continues playing with her bound breasts. Slowly, as your hands start to move faster, small quakes start to join the host of subtler shakes and shivers.

You close your eyes a moment to savor the raw, helpless desire rolling off her.

She’s panting and moaning, nestling her back into you as she presses her crotch on your hand. A small, hungry quake rolls through your own body. You hold her pleasure in your hands. So, of course…

Your hands leave her flesh and you take a step back. She twists and moans a little more, but, grinning ear to ear, you ignore her. You wonder just what she’ll do for the chance to touch you again, shuddering at each thought that rises to your mind.

Then, remembering your goal, you clear your throat. “Alright, girls. Time for your next challenge.”

Mystia sighs in audible disappointment. Kogasa’s face perks up.

You study their bodies a moment. They can’t do much for you like this, but what do you take off?

You reach through Mystia’s fluffy pink hair to grab the buckle to her gag. Snapping it open, you lift the bar out of her mouth and drop it on Wriggle’s cape. The insect flinches and snarls as it lands.

So, naturally, you pick the belt back up and deliver a resounding blow across Wriggle’s ass, earning a delicious, pained squeal.

Mystia shudders, twisting her bound shoulders to face you. “If I win the next one, you’ll pick up where you left off, right?”

You smile, setting the belt on Wriggle’s back. “Maybe. Or maybe you’ll just get a… kiss?”

A kiss? Really?

She stares, then sighs. “I’ll take it.”

“Good.” You step out and around, to face Kogasa. She grins around her bit and leans toward you, just slightly.

You unbuckle her gag and drop it on the wood below.

She works her jaw. “Is a kiss really all that’s left?”

You frown. “You’ll see what’s left.”

She pouts. “Okay. I guess I can’t let Mystia get everything.”

“Good.” You shake your head, taking a step back. “First things first…”

You wait a moment. Kogasa’s chains clink as she shifts her weight, rolls her shoulders, and tugs on her wrist chain. Mystia’s more subdued but keeps a slightly drooling stare fixated on you. You clear your throat and plant a bare foot out.

“Kiss my ankle.”

They both blink, the glance at each other, then-

You shake your head, a twitching sneer forming. “You both lost.”

Kogasa’s head droops. “What? But we didn’t even start!”

“Then move faster next time.” You clear your throat again, holding out a hand, palm down. “Kiss my hand.”

This time, they both lean forward, only for their heads to bump into each other on the way to your hand. Kogasa reels back, while Mystia swoops in and plants a quick peck on the back of your hand.

In response, you grab her scalp and plant a matching peck on her forehead. She blushes, giggling, which cracks into a hiss as you give her crotch rope a quick tug.

You pull back, thinking. Kogasa frowns, but you ignore her. “Hm. Roll over.”

Mystia’s mouth opens, but Kogasa drops to the floor. Seeing that, Mystia scrambles down, but Kogasa’s already rolling by then.

“Good, now back up.”

They both twist and stumble back to their feet and you place a kiss on Kogasa’s cheek, giving each breast a quick squeeze as you do so.

“Alright. Give me another kiss, this time on my…” You pause a moment, then stick your left foot out again. “My shin.”

Dropping backward, onto her cuffed wrists, Kogasa swings forward and plants her lips just below your knee. She then hops back up and you give her other cheek a kiss, this time accompanying it with a pat on her ass.

“Alright.” You reach outward, pulling your sleeve up to your shoulder. They’re already puckering up and leaning toward it. “Arm next.”

Both pairs of lips land on your arm, but Mystia’s just a hair faster this time. You reward her with a kiss to her cheek, leading into a short nibble on her fluffy ear. As she shivers, panting, you pull back and undo your sash.

Tossing it aside and letting your kimono fall open, you stick out your right leg, exposing it almost to your hip.


Once more, Mystia beats Kogasa by a hair. Kogasa huffs.

Your heart’s starting to beat faster. That orgy was one thing, but this… Why, they’re practically eating from your palm.

As Mystia pulls herself back up, you lean down and press your lips to her neck, sucking on it. She shudders at your touch. You pull your lips back, running a hand over the rope crossing her right shoulder to finger the base of her wing.

You step back, clearing your throat again. You pat your stomach. “Here.”

Kogasa elbows Mystia away and squats down, planting a wet kiss on your belly button. Pulling her back up, you reward her with a quick peck on the lips. Then, as you pull away, you offer a low-lidded, sensual grin.

Twitching, moistening, you shrug your kimono off and turn around, patting your back. In an instant, you feel one pair of lips pressed between your shoulder blades, just before the other lands further down, just above your waist. You turn around to see Kogasa lifting back up.

You pull Mystia in and plant your lips, gently, on her own. Then you pull back. She pants, almost sighing.

Finally, you lower your hands to cup your own breasts, giving them the slightest squeeze. “Here-”

Mystia presses her lips to your right breast and Kogasa your left. Almost thoughtlessly, they stay there, trailing spit around your areola before finding your nipples. You’re panting now, your body hot and wet at the wet devotion they apply to your breasts.

Kogasa lands there first, sucking hard. Sighing, you shove them both off and pull Kogasa in to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

They’re just so, so… obedient. So docile.

Shivering, you glance around. As your eyes land once more on Wriggle’s bare, twitching ass, you decide to pick the belt back up and give her a few more hard whacks.

She yelps, her voice slowly growing ragged, with each blow. You set the belt down, admiring the bright red hue of those cheeks. “So, how about now? Want to taste your mistress’s feet?”

“Hrwe hu!”

You shrug, drop the belt, and return to glance at Mystia and Kogasa’s uncertain, submissive stares. You shudder and step back, bumping into the wooden cell wall. You can’t take this anymore. You need to, to…

You yank your panties down and around one ankle, then spread your legs.

“Alright. You want something deeper? Make me cum!”

They both drop to their knees and scoot forward, butting heads to get themselves between your legs. Mystia shoves Kogasa out of the way and mashes her face in your crotch, burying her tongue inside you.

Kogasa squirms a bit. “Um, um. Naoko. Could you maybe step forward a little? I’m sure I could-”

You shiver as Mystia’s tongue shifts and presses into you. “No. You w-want the k-k-hiss, y-you get in here.”

A shudder rolls through you as Kogasa nods, dejected. Then, she jostles Mystia. Mystia jostles back, just barely managing to keep her tongue inside. She stretches it up, dragging a quake from your body before her head’s knocked aside and her tongue pops free of your pussy.

Kogasa mashes her face into your crotch, rubbing her nose over your clit as her tongue plunges deep inside, grinding into you until she pulls it back. Mystia jostles her, but she holds on long enough to pound her tongue back in.

You gasp, quaking again. Mystia knocks Kogasa back out and starts sucking on your pussy, gulping down the juices that flow out. You moan, long and loud as Kogasa slams herself back in position.

They’re fighting each other. Struggling for dominance. Not over you, but to serve you.

All because they want your body, your touch. Because you control when they get it. Because you’ve denied them and you still can, if they fail to please.


Kogasa’s tongue pounds you, your body jerking to her rhythm as you feel release coming. You freeze a moment, shuddering, before another couple quakes roll through you. Mystia knocks her back again, but it doesn’t matter. You climax, pouring your juices over Mystia’s face as you do.

Eager, almost desperate, Mystia licks your thighs clean. You sigh, almost giddy, as you slide down the wall. Mystia crouches lower and lower to keep licking, but you push her aside and pull Kogasa close.

She blinks, confused but happy, as you breathe in, attempting to steady your pounding heart. You mash your lips into hers, rolling them sloppily across her mouth before pressing your tongue inside. Your own perverted scent fills your nose as you drink your own juices off her tongue, but you don’t care.

You press your tongue deep inside to taste every corner of her mouth. Her own tongue, while fast and eager, only nudges at yours. She probes your tongue from every angle, panting, but never tries to overpower you. She lets you take the lead at every chance.

But your tongue slows and pulls back, leaving a dazed, happy Kogasa, as you remember your goal. The purpose of this whole exercise. You need to, to keep testing their control, their restraint, to that end…

Of course!

Panting, you reach around Kogasa. Carefully, you… find a lock on her handcuffs. Damn it. Your eyes spin around the room, finding the key to the cell, but that wouldn’t be it, would it? No, no. You step back and pace around the small, enclosed space until… there. Under the the chair. Snapping up another key, you grab Kogasa’s wrists and slip it in.


Sighing in relief, you snap her handcuffs open and drop them on the floor. You then shoo her back. “Take the other cuffs off while I work on Mystia.”

Kogasa nods, enthusiastic, and you turn to see Mystia sucking in a sharp, excited breath. It takes you longer to work out the harness running up and down her chest, pressing those fat tits out, and keeping the toy jammed inside her, but eventually you find one of the key knots. With a little wrangling, you get the knot loose and work from there to the rest of the harness.

Slowly, bit by bit, strands fall to the floor, ultimately spooling into a heaping pile of rope. You work your way around the bound wings, leaving one last symbol of her status behind. Red marks crisscross Mystia’s belly, chest, crotch, and back. As the last rope falls, you peel the dildo out and toss it into the cell. The last thing you need is to allow them access to that for this test.

“Alright, now step back.”

Kogasa and Mystia step back, both red and panting. Mystia reaches behind her back.


They kneel down, fidgeting. You can’t help but notice how hard both their nipples are, even as Mystia starts poking at the base of her right wing.

“Hands behind your backs.”

Kogasa’s arms snap behind her back. Mystia huffs, then follows suit

You pick the belt up and deliver one last blow across Wriggle’s ass. She yelps

You glance back to her. “Still feeling stubborn?”

She answers with a long, ragged grunt. You shrug and return to the naked, horny youkai in front of you.

“This one will be easy. I’m going to fuck one of you. All you have to do to win the privilege is sit still longer than the other. No complaints, no demands, no touching yourself. First to speak out of turn, to move, or to do anything with those arms, loses. Understood?”

They both nod.

“Good, now…”

You walk around and drop yourself into the strapped chair. Face a little red at the thought of what you’re about to do right in front of them, one hand wanders to your naked breast as the other slides to your bare, moist pussy. Offering a shaking but otherwise cocky smile, you roll your hips.

Slowly, blushing, you slide your left hand up and down your breast, rubbing your nipple, as your right hand grazes your hood. Despite your pleasure at the way you control these two, the way they bend and scamper after your every whim, your body’s still cooling down from its last release. You grunt, pawing at your breast as you part your hood.

In a moment of lucidity, you realize just how dangerous this is. Any moment, they could realize their advantage and overpower you, dragging you back to the very hell you hope to escape. But… despite your heart pounding and your breath shaking at the thought of it, you realize you’re in too deep now. Either this works and you walk away with semi-usable slaves, or it fails.

And you can’t afford to dwell on that thought now.

The two stare at you, their eyes locked on your pussy. Gulping, you slip a finger inside. Your pussy clenches, still sore, but moistening. You grunt again, sliding your left hand across to your right breast. Both girls shiver. Kogasa opens her mouth, then shuts it. Mystia’s elbow shifts, then returns to its position.

Very slightly, they lean forward, transfixed. Despite the heavy, almost overbearing waves of lust wafting over you, neither of them moves.

As shaky as your position is, that sense of raw power gets to you.

Unconsciously, you slip a second finger inside. As your body warms, as your pussy starts dripping once more, as you start to pant and groan, the other two follow suit. Mystia gulps, squirming and licking her lips. Kogasa merely stares, seemingly oblivious to the shimmering strand of drool trailing from her open jaw to her fat breasts.

Slowly, you part your legs, giving them as much of a show as you can. Mystia shifts one arm.

“Ah-ah-ah!” You hiss, still stirring your fingers, grinding them inside yourself. “R-remember! One, move. And, and y-you’re out!”

Mystia hesitates, then pulls back. But a quick glance Kogasa’s way show’s she’s been considering the same thing.

“U-urgh.” You roll your hips again, this time to push your fingers in further. You moan, light and almost shrill. You’re getting close.

But, but… You grunt, leaning forward and jamming another finger inside yourself. You’re not satisfied. You’ve seen some of your control. But you want more. What… what would happen if you brought your pussy near Mystia’s face? If you dragged your ass around Kogasa?

They’d be so close, but unable to so much as touch you, if they wanted any real pleasure. A small, choppy giggle escapes your throat at the thought. Maybe they’d forget the rules, but maybe your other captive could take care of that.

And-you hiss, pounding your fingers as far as they’ll go-maybe it would be worth it, just to see that moment of frustration.

Of course, if the first girl holds it in, you’ll bring that temptation to the other one, next.

Maybe there’s a way to taunt them both at once?

Gasping, you…

[ ] swing your dripping pussy around Mystia. It’s her own fault for pushing herself on you so often.

[ ] swing your bare ass around Kogasa. You haven’t forgotten that beating she gave you.

[ ] hold back. One of them will break, but it will happen fair and square.

[ ] stagger over to Wriggle and grind yourself on her face. Torment all three of them at once.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/07/03 (Fri) 18:00

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[X] stagger over to Wriggle and grind yourself on her face. Torment all three of them at once.
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[X] hold back. One of them will break, but it will happen fair and square.
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[x] hold back. One of them will break, but it will happen fair and square.
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[X] hold back. One of them will break, but it will happen fair and square.
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[x] hold back. One of them will break, but it will happen fair and square.

Sweating, you shake your head. No, no. Grinding your palm over your hood, rubbing your exposed clit, you clench your teeth. You’re not here to play. You’re here to test. To test and to tr…

A deep, rumbling gasp boils in your gut, then rises through your quivering throat, to escape in the form of a shrill, needy moan.

Both Kogasa and Mystia jump at the sound, somehow turning redder. Kogasa fidgets, her hips twitching.

Your fingers slow. You’re almost there, but you can’t finish. Not… not yet. Gulping, you massage your hood and rub shove your fingers inward. You hunch over, breath shaking, sweat dripping from your chin and your breasts. Juices ooze from your pussy, staining Shizuha’s-no, your-chair.

Time seems to grind to a halt. Your body screams for release and yet, you hold it back. You must. You need to wait until one of these two break.

You rub, you massage, you gasp and pant and moan. Your sweat and juices drip. Your body shakes. More than anything else, you yearn to move a little faster. To finally cu-

“Urgh. Take me!”

You glance up to find Mystia’s full, curving body lunging your way. Your fingers freeze as you shrink back into your chair. In that split-second, you realize your mistake.

And the only way you can hope to recover.

“Kogasa! Get her!”

Mystia’s fluffy head crashes into your shoulder, her arms slipping around your sides. Frantic, you press your own hands against her gut, wincing at her frantic, loud sniffing.

“We’re gonna rut like wild animals, Nao…”

Then, just as you start pushing, she’s dragged back off you. Kogasa throws her away from you.

Shaking in both fear and need, you lurch off the chair as she turns around. Then, gulping, you stagger her way.

Kogasa levels a questioning gaze your way. You simply nod to her, then the chair. Mystia swings toward you, grabbing at your breasts as Kogasa holds her back.

“C’mon, c’mon! Just a little touch! A little lick! Something!”

“No! I held back. She’s m…”

You glare. She squeaks. Mystia stills.

“I didn’t mean that!”

You grunt and grab one arm, holding tight to keep it under control until Kogasa grabs the other. Struggling with her strong, squirming body, the two of you shove her into the chair. Gasping, unthinking, you yank the nearest armrest’s belt up and around her wrist, buckling it tight. She grunts, tugging at it. With a passing glance Kogasa’s way, you find she’s dutifully secured the other.

Sighing in relief, you drop down to secure her ankles to the chair’s legs as Kogasa steps back. Snapping the last belt shut, you wipe your brow and step back yourself.

The leather creaks as Mystia tugs and squirms, but it holds. At least, for now.

She hangs her head. “C-c’mon, Naoko. You forced me on edge for hours. What could I have done?”

Pulling yourself straight, you click your tongue. “You could have obeyed your mistress. Now…” You turn to Kogasa. Sliding one arm around her hips and the other across her shoulder, you pull her close. “Watch close, Mystia. Next time, if you learn to behave, this could be you.”

Mystia whines. Kogasa’s face lies in a state of frozen excitement. Even euphoria. You groan, then plant your lips on hers. Her arms snap around your back. One hand slides up, into your hair, as she presses her face to yours. Her tongue once more surges between your teeth.

You snort in disapproval, pressing your own tongue over hers. She squeaks in surprise as you press her tongue down. Obedient, she follows your lead, barely poking your tongue with her own as you explore her mouth.

But a moment later, you pull back, breaking the kiss. She sighs.

“Now, you get the privilege of using that tongue to pleasure m…”

“Um, Naoko-”


“Yes, mistress. Didn’t I already do that?”

You blink, stepping back. Shit. Shit, she did. Um, uh…

“Oh, hey!” She grins. “Since I already helped eat your pussy, maybe I could instead eat your…”

She waggles her brows as she leaves that thought hanging. Hopeful, she glances down toward your crotch. You narrow your eyes as she cranes her neck just slightly staring more at your hips.

Then it dawns on you. Of course. She wants to eat your ass. Shuddering, you plant your hands on Mystia’s knees. “Get to it, umbrella.”

“Yes, mistress!” Kogasa clambers around behind you and buries her face between your ass cheeks, bumping you forward.

You grunt, fixing your eyes on Mystia. She glances down, muttering.

“You know, I would have suggested something nicer, like rubbing our pussies together.”

Kogasa pulls back just far enough to slather her tongue across your ass. You groan. “No wonder you lost.”

She blinks. You sigh, flinching as Kogasa drags her lips all over your ass. “You’re still questioning me, when you could be f…”

You hold back a peep as Kogasa slides her tongue from your cheeks to your crack.

Cheeks warm, you force your flustered face to scowl. “Focus on what matters. Pleasing me.”

Your hands shake, your body warming back up as Kogasa rubs her tongue and nose up and down. Mystia frowns, eyes shimmering.

“But, but…”

You shake your head. “Give it up, Mystia. You need to learn y-”

You squeak as that tongue probes your sphincter. Gulping, you level a red, flinching stare on her. “You need to-” Kogasa starts pushing “-to learn your pla-ACE!”

You squeal as her tongue breaks through, gasping as a full-body shiver rolls down you.

Panting, you wince as that strange tongue surges through you, stuffing you tight as it snakes upward, deep inside. You sigh as she pulls back, only to jerk forward, hands pawing across Mystia’s lap, as she shoves back inside you. As Kogasa’s tongue presses through you, as she pounds it in and out, you catch glimpses of…

Of moisture between Mystia’s legs. Is, is she…

“Hrrgh!” Your body clenches, quaking. As Kogasa’s tongue pounds your ass, you find a devious desire burning inside you. She needs to practice her restraint, so why not… help her out?

Shuddering, you fumble your hands up, pawing at Mystia’s breasts until you reach her cheeks. Breath cracking, chest heaving, you yank her down and plant a wet kiss on her lips. She hums in confused pleasure as you pump your corruption into her, restraining it as you stuff it in.

Her breath hitches, her body shaking. The heat, the need eases up as you pull back to stare back at her red, shivering body. She hisses as…

You jerk upward at the force of Kogasa’s tongue, scraping through your flesh. Already, that heat’s flaring back up as your body settles back down. Gasping, you plant your hands on her head, struggling to shove her further inside you. Then you hear the rattle.

“N-Naoko, you, you…”

Vision cloudy, you stare forward to find Mystia shaking, tugging at the belts, and clawing at her armrests. “I’m, I’m going to fuck you, Naoko! I, I…” She trails off, panting as she beats the chair she’s bound to. Shivering at the sight, at her desperate, fruitless desire, you shake your head. Sweat drips from your chin as you…

That tongue shoots back down, emptying you. You groan, squirming as Kogasa tastes your rim. Then you screech as she shoots back up, knocking you forward again. A wave of… of something rolls through you.

It should have been euphoria, but instead you’d felt… frustration. A hint of pleasure, but nothing more. Already, your body starts to cool, leaving bare a vast sea of need.

You sag backward, resting your weight on Kogasa’s face for a moment before pulling yourself up, off Mystia, and swinging around. Then, lightheaded, you collapse back to the ground. Kogasa looks down on you, worried.

A subtle, crooked smile creeps across your face.

Eyes fixed on her blank, hopeful grin, you lean forward and crawl toward her. She gulps. Hot and shivering, you grab one leg and sling it over your left shoulder. Then, swinging your right leg over hers, you yank her back, pressing yourself up against her pussy.

She squeals. “H-hey. Isn’t this kind of like our first…”

You… you twist your body slightly. You rub your pussy near hers, grazing her hood. How did she do this?

She squirms, panting. “Um, do you need…”

You grunt, folding her leg tight to her body as you lean down, pressing yourself tighter to her pussy. She whimpers, smiling and blushing.

“Be gentle, okay?”

You let out a shuddering, low sigh, looking into her wincing eyes.

You drape your left hand across her cheek. “No.”

Gritting your teeth, you grind your pussy down her-

You groan, pleasure lancing through you. Kogasa still squirms, but you care little anymore. You grind yourself up and down her pussy, feeling the heat, the moisture, mix with your own. Your body burns and shakes. Your breath trembles. Kogasa winces, her arms folding by her sides as her body arches.

But she’s not quaking, she’s barely shivering. While you are about to…

The pleasure builds. Your head starts to swim. Hissing, you take your pleasure and shove it down into Kogasa.

She screams, her body twisting beneath you as you grind into her. The fog fades, letting you keep going, even as juices pour from her cunt, wetting your crotch. She twists, heavy quakes rolling through her body until, with one last squeal, she falls still.

But even as she goes limp, you keep rubbing yourself on her. Her hips bounce ever so slightly with each rub, each shift and twist, but she holds still. Every now and then, she jerks, some quiet, giddy mumble slipping from her slack lips.

You frown. This isn’t enough. You need to push her further. Much further.Still grinding yourself into her, you clear your throat.

She doesn’t respond, still bouncing to the rhythm of your hips. Then, a moment later, she stirs.

“Kogasa. Slave. Get back to work.”

“But, but…”

You slam your hips into her. She jerks. Holding her leg aloft with one hand, you smack the other across her bouncing tits. She yelps. “Okay, okay!”

Sluggishly, she wraps her free leg around your back and starts gyrating.

A light, airy giggle bubbles up from within you. You could get used to this.

You lean further down, savoring the way her leg resists folding any further. You roll and press your hips, grinding into her. She struggles to grind back.

Your body grows hot, your pussy dripping, your limbs shaking. Yes, yes, yes. Even mid-recovery, she’s trying to follow orders.

You grind harder, faster. Your breath hitches, your chest heaves, your skin drips with warm, eager sweat.

She wraps her shaking arms around your back, pressing herself back into you. She’s just so, so…

You scream, your vision flashing white as your hearing, your balance, even your sense of time start to fade. You hear a distant, concern squeal as you fall forward, toward a pair of wide, soft breasts.

She’s just so… servile.


You intertwine your hands, letting out a long yawn as you stretch your arms. Mystia sags into her chair, the wooden bar once more splitting her jaw. Drool drips down her chin, to her drooping breasts and, from there, down her bare stomach to pool with the mixture of her juices and your own, between her legs.

And from there, it drips down, to the wood beneath.

You need a good bath. You’ve needed a lot of those, lately. You sit on one crate, idly stretching a small belt between your hands. Just how long had Shizuha planned this? This dungeon, that is. And more importantly, how close did you cut it? If you just kept going along with her, how long would it have taken for her to… to use this place?

For what she’d first built it for, that is. To confine you.

You set the belt down. Gripping the fabric of your hastily-donned kimono, you glance up, toward the ladder. For that matter, how long does it take to fetch supplies? She must have left hours ago. Probably.


It’s hard to tell, down here. You stretch out, yawning. You rub the side of your sore ass. As sturdy as the crate beneath it is, its unyielding, rigid surface bites into your flesh. Obediently, Kogasa kneels by your side, still as naked as Mystia.

Mystia gives her restraints a few tugs. She’s done that a few times so far and, predictably, she once more gives up, sagging back into the chair. Her legs, even her torso, squirms. She shifts from side to side, pulling her legs inward. No doubt in a vain attempt to relieve her raging desire. Each struggle, each fruitless attempt to sate that need, triggers a warm, pleasant tingle with you. But it also leaves you too worried to try to peel her out of that seat just yet.

Idly, you stroke Kogasa’s soft, smooth hair. Where is Shizuha?

Nervous, agitated, you step off the crate.


You ignore Kogasa and take a step toward Mystia, then turn toward the empty cell. You walk up to the door, then spin on your heel and march to the ladder. You shut your eyes a moment, concentrating on the area above you.

It’s faint, but you can still feel a perverse presence somewhere outside. Whoever that youkai is, she’s still up there. You gulp. She should be back soon, right? She still wants to hold to her promise, right?

You rub your sides. What if she’s not coming back? You shake your head. No, she is. She has to be.

...Does she have to be?

You sigh, marching back toward the cage. Kogasa still sits by the crate, though she gives you frequent, hopeful glances. Maybe you can make do with these girls if needed. But…

“Whrh! Haoho!”

You blink, your eyes sliding toward the other crate. Wriggle still squirms atop it, her bare ass still sticking out. Grinning, you march toward her. Giving Kogasa’s head a quick pet on the way, you pick the belt back up and turn toward Wriggle. Her eyes fixate on the belt. She grunts and squirms.

You smile, stepping behind her. Those cheeks are still a rather tasty shade of red. You lift the belt.


She screeches, then whimpers.


You turn. Kogasa frowns. “That’s not what those are made for!”


Wriggle yelps as you pull the belt back. Squeezing its leather, you turn and march toward Kogasa. She shrinks back. You slap the belt across your palm.

“Excuse me, slave? Want to return to the cell?”

She pouts, then sighs and turns away.

“Good.” You turn on your heel, march up to Wriggle, and stand behind her. You lift the belt. “How about a few more for good measure, eh?”

You stroke her red ass. She twists and tugs at the bars and belts, gurgling incoherent pleas.

Whack! Whack!

Finally, you lower the belt and circle back around to stand before her. Grinning, you kneel down and lift the belt to her spit-slick chin, lifting it ever so slightly. “So, ready to start obeying, bitch?”

Clenching her moist eyes shut, she nods.

Your grin splits into a full-face, almost giddy leer.

Oh, you’re going to have fun with…

Wait, is this what you should focus on? You take a deep breath. “Hm…”

Wriggle’s finally cracked, but Shizuha’s missing and that youkai still lingers. Maybe you should climb out and poke around outside, just to see what you’re dealing with. It’s dangerous, but you’ve got no truly safe options. But then…

Looking out, over Wriggle’s back, you sweep your eyes across Kogasa and Mystia. Mystia needs a few more chances to prove herself. Maybe you could cuff her, pull her out of the chair, and send her up in your place?

But then, if she decides to try to work out a deal with the unknown youkai…

Maybe you should stay down here. Who knows, perhaps you could still pray to Shizuha, see what that does. And if not, well, you can always play with Wriggle.

[ ] Play with Wriggle. Getting these girls trained remains your priority.

[ ] Pray to Shizuha. She’s weak and flakey, but you’re still worried about her.

[ ] Send Mystia up. You need to know about the youkai, but you’re not going to take your chances.

[ ] Climb outside yourself. You need to see this with your own two eyes.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/07/22 (Wed) 18:00

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[ ] Climb outside yourself. You need to see this with your own two eyes.

Trust noone except yourself
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[x] Climb outside yourself. You need to see this with your own two eyes.
Bad end?
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[X] Play with Wriggle. Getting these girls trained remains your priority.
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[x] Climb outside yourself. You need to see this with your own two eyes.

You sigh. You’d love, more than anything, to finally pay Wriggle back for all she’s put you through. Not just a little pain here, a little degradation there. No. You want to put her through what she’d forced you through.

But… What good would that be if some other youkai manages to snatch you away again before you’re really done with her? No. If you want her pain, her humiliation to last, you need to make damn certain that no one can swoop in and ruin your life.

And without Shizuha, there’s only one way to be sure. Mystia’s too flaky and not even Kogasa’s earned your trust just yet. You’re leaving the dungeon and studying that youkai with your own eyes. You take another look at Wriggle.

Ragged hair hangs from her dejected head, drool still trailing from her lips.

Groaning, you run a hand through her hair, squeeze, and wrench her head upward. She hisses in pain, biting into her ring. You hold her there a moment, savoring her wince. Then you sigh and drop her head. As she sags back down, you step around and finger the knots holding her to the crate.

“You’re getting off for now. But you’re going to leap to my commands when I’m back or I’ll find new and exciting ways to hurt you, do you understand?”

She holds still. You slap the belt across your palm again, hard enough to sting. She flinches back.

She takes a gurgling breath. Shaking, she answers with a curt nod.

“Good.” With a little work, you free one arm, then the other. As the ropes fall to the floor, she twists those arms, failing to rattle Kogasa’s wrist bar. Gurgling in defeat, she lies over the crate. You frown. “Up.”

She groans but pulls herself to her feet. You grip her shoulders and spin her around, then give her a hard shove toward the cell. “Move, bitch.”

She holds still, twisting around to glance back toward you. Then, angling her drooling face downward, she wiggles her bare ass. She stretches her arms downward, reaching toward the hem of her shorts.

You shove the hands away and…


She yelps, giving you a bitter glare. Then, groaning her whole body sags and she flicks her head away. Grumbling, she shuffles her barred feet toward her prison, jerking and twisting her hips on the way.

Face hard, you watch her take awkward, wobbling steps through the door. Then you breathe a sigh of relief and turn to Kogasa.

She pouts, staring at the crate. You clap your hands. She flinches.

Slowly, she raises her eyes toward you. You point to the cell. “Get in.”

“W-what? But, but, I’ve been good! And… and Myst--”

You take a step toward her, eyes narrow. “In, umbrella.”

She leaps to her feet, her bare breasts bouncing as she does so. Then, she lowers her head, not quite looking at you. “Okay, mistress.”

As she shuffles past you, you take a quick look toward Mystia. She stares back, skin still flushed, as she squirms in her chair.

You shake your head, waiting for both girls to step behind the wooden wall. As they do so, you grab the key, slam the door shut, and lock it in place.

Spinning on your heel, you march toward the ladder. You grab the nearest rung and…

“Wait, Naoko!”

You hiss, turning around. Kogasa grips the wooden bars.

“Um. If you’re going outside, could you look for my other half?”

You blink. What? Her other…

Her umbrella. That… no, you shake your head. “I’m just going for a quick walk outside. Maybe later.”


You turn back to the ladder, climbing up a couple rungs before she pipes up again.

“B-be careful, okay? I don’t think I’m being held by a good person…”

You shake your head. “I’ll be fine.”

You climb the rest of the way up, throwing the door aside and climbing out, into the mess of boxes. Daylight filters through the windows and you take the chance to breathe in the fresh air before dropping the trapdoor shut and settling atop it.

Slowly, you close your eyes, feeling out for the presence.

Small pinpricks of faint desire float through the air, all too weak and distant to care about, save the one that had caught your attention.

It’s slowed down, almost dead still, several paces behind you, outside. Good, you have some distance. Opening your eyes, you creep toward the door, breathing soft and slow.

You lean against the door, pausing to double-check that youkai’s location. Still calm, still a good distance. Gently, you slide the door open and slip through it. Once back outside, you nudge it shut and creep around the outside of the shed, stepping toward the figure.

Splitting your attention between the tightly-packed trees around you and the figure ahead, you realize that something feels… familiar. The lust drips off of her. It eddies and swirls, but it’s nothing like any of the girls you know. So why does it…

You shake your head. Nothing comes. Was it one of the first assailants? Someone who’d almost pinned you down, only for you to slip away? It certainly wasn’t anyone who attacked you after you’d learned to sense these things, or you’d know who…

A branch crunches under someone’s foot.

You flinch, ducking between a wide pine tree. The presence moves, accompanied by a faint sigh. She’s close. You wait there, heart beating, until you feel the presence shift, moving away. You twist and angle your out, around the tree.

Then you spot her.

The sailor girl. The one… from the temple? She struts between the trees, her eyes wandering. You return to pressing yourself up against the tree. Why is she here? Why does she want to fuck you?

You’d barely even met, only at the temple after you escaped from Mystia. Shou saved you, you met her and a monk, then there was a mock duel. She antagonized you, threatened to rape you, and then…

The beam. The first time you’d used your aura on anyone deliberately. You didn’t even mean to, but…

Was that it? Or was she sincere in her threats beforehand? If she was, how had you avoided her until now?

Just how are…


You bite back a scream and clench your eyes shut. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay…

You have some magic. You’ll just burst out, fire off…

She’s moving further away. You blink, gasping for breath. Shaking, you peek out again to find another figure among the trees. Something very… green.

Deep green dress, pale green hair, very long side bangs…

It’s one of Okina’s minions. Mai something.

What the hell is she doing here? Is she looking for you? If so…

The sailor-Murasa, that was her name-jogs up to her and starts talking. They’re too far away to hear.

Gulping, you slip out from the tree and creep forward. One step at a time, you tiptoe around the loose branches and roots. Slowly, bits and pieces float out from the conversation, just loud enough to make out.

Something about… balls? No, something small, or quiet…

Carefully, you creep from tree to tree, edging closer. Murasa steps back, frowning.

Mai steps forward, pleading.

You slip one more tree forward, now dangerously close.

“...some of the finest wine you’ve ever seen!”

Murasa rubs her chin. “Look, sorry. I’m kinda busy right now. I gotta…”

“Find Naoko, right?”

She flinches. “Uh, yeah? You’re not thinkin’ o’ tryin’ to stop me, are ya?”

She shakes her head. “Don’t worry. I’m on your…”

A finger pokes your shoulder, slamming your heart into your throat. Biting back a scream, you spin around to find another familiar face.

Soft brown hair cascading around a not-quite-vacant stare. An expression clouded by passive disinterest or amusement, but with something strange underneath.

A face topped by a floppy, shoe-shaped, black hat and flanked by absurdly long bangs.

You glance back to the couple and find them walking away, into the distance, Murasa asking Mai questions.

Softly, the intruder’s voice floats to your ears. “It’s time~”

You lick your lips, swallowing. “Time for…”

“Our mistress has decided to call in your favor. She’s throwing a party for you. Come, this way~”

You spin back around, studying her. She smiles, that faint hint of emptiness lingering in her eyes. “If I…”

“Now, now. Do you want to make her angry?”

Your jaws snap shut. A goddess who could steal you away at any moment, who could disappear you to do whatever she wanted, or even dump you anywhere in Gensokyo? Slowly, twitching, you shake your head.

“Good, now,” her eyes harden, “this way.”

She spins around and, dumbly, you nod. Then you follow. Together, you step back between the trees, return to the shed. You take one fleeting glance through the window, a nervous, fluttery sensation floating through your gut as she comes to a stop.

She’s not… going to ask for your captives, is she? Wait, what if she doesn’t know? Would that give her any…

She clears her throat, rapping her hand on the door. “Ready?”

Twitching, you nod. She grins and pushes the door open. A faint, warm light shines from inside, spilling out into the canopy’s shadow around you. A light you’re certain wasn’t there when you left.

Of course, you’re dealing with the mistress of back doors. That could be leading anywhere. She holds a hand out, gesturing inside.

You gulp. Once you walk in, you’ll be alone. Again.

As unreliable-no, dangerous-as those other girls have been, the world seems more sinister without them.

Somehow, you’ll need to do whatever this favor is alone, if you’re ever getting that goddess off your back.So, taking in one last, nervous breath, you step inside.

Inside is…

A shimmering mahogany desk, with a thin, shallow box on it and a tall chair behind it. The chair faces away from you, flanked by two smooth, oak doors as it rests against the desk. The materials alone are probably worth more than your entire family’s farm.

The door behind you clicks closed and the girl steps out from behind you. She stops at the desk, then turns back to you and gestures you approach. One step at a time, you walk up beside her.

“Now, all you need to do is serve a few drinks and entertain this party’s guests. You can do that, right?”

She runs her hand along the box.

You study the box, wondering what lies inside. “That’s it? No tricks? No…”

“No tricks.”

You flinch. That wasn’t her voice. That was…

The chair swings around, to reveal a familiar pair of dark, cutting eyes, framed by wild blonde hair and topped by a dark hat with little… bits pointing out to the right and left.

The goddess these girls serve. The one you owe the favor to.

She lounges in her hair, both elbows planted on the armrests and the heel of one arm wedged into her cheek. Faint wisps of lights radiate off her, like small, ethereal flames. Green, orange, blue…

She pulls herself upright and brings her hands together, interweaving her fingers as the faintest hint of a sharp smile graces her lips.

“Now, you also need to entertain me. That is, after all, why you’re here.”

You hold your stare as she takes another step forward. “Entertain you… how?”

“Oh, it’s easy. Just get my guests to make fools of themselves, would you?”


That smile disappears. “Oh, is that beyond your capabilities?”

You take a step back. “I don’t-”

Her lips curl into a faint snarl. “Now, now. Surely even you must realize what I’ve done for you. How many times I’ve saved your dainty little ass. You’re not going to turn your back on me now, are you?”

“I…” You sigh. “How do you want me to embarrass them?”

She beckons you closer. You lean forward. Flicking her hand out, she lifts a finger to your lower lip. “I’ll leave that to you. After all, I can’t ask anything… inappropriate of you, now can I?”

“What does that…”

The other girl clears her throat. “Satono, show her the uniform.”

You turn to Satono. She pops the lid off the box, revealing a deep red dress with pale lavender trim and a white… bib. A dress that looks oddly familiar. It’s…

It’s her dress, but in a different color.

Atop the dress, you find a pair of red shoes and a dark, floppy hat. Like the one she wears.

You turn back to Okina.

She shrugs. “You’re working for me right now, aren’t you?”

You turn from her to the dress, thinking. Why does she want you to do this? Just how would you make fools out of a crowd of people you don’t know? To make them act outside what they’d otherwise find acc…

Your aura. That’s why she’s using you. You glance back to her, eyes narrow. She grins back. You… can’t do that, can you? You shouldn’t, right? Your very future depends on precisely the opposite. But… to go up against her...

[ ] Reject the dress and walk out. You can’t trust someone who’d push you into this.

[ ] Accept the dress with protest. You’ll serve your role, but you’re not going to rile anyone up.

[ ] Accept the dress silently. You’ll serve your role and let the aura do as it pleases.

[ ] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.

[ ] Snatch the dress. You’ll use your aura to its fullest, even on her and her minions. Better to try to disappear in the chaos than to trust her.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/08/17 (Mon) 18:00

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So uh, yeah. That took too long. I realized it'd be delayed when I decided to try to put something up for the ongoing contest, and I should have let you all know when I figured that out. So uh... sorry.

Next update should come out sooner, but I also intend to try to be more transparent about these things in the future.
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[X] Snatch the dress. You’ll use your aura to its fullest, even on her and her minions. Better to try to disappear in the chaos than to trust her.

Pay back the favor and don't get involved more than neccesary
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[X] Snatch the dress. You’ll use your aura to its fullest, even on her and her minions. Better to try to disappear in the chaos than to trust her.
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[X] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.
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[x] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.
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[x] Snatch the dress. You’ll use your aura to its fullest, even on her and her minions. Better to try to disappear in the chaos than to trust her.
This stinks of a sexy bad end. I like it.
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[X] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.
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[x] Snatch the dress. You’ll use your aura to its fullest, even on her and her minions. Better to try to disappear in the chaos than to trust her.
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[X] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.

I'm here to make a mess of things
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Alright, you all asked for it. Votes are tied, so the first new vote for one of the leading options wins, if it comes in before I start outlining. (I'll give you at least a few hours, but probably no more than a day.)
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[X] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.

This also stinks of a sexy bad end. I like it.
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[x] Accept your task. You’ll ace this to keep her off your back for good. A few horny youkai? Easy.

You reach into the box and, running your hand through the surprisingly soft cotton, you lift the dress out. “You want me to make a mess? Fine. But we’re done after this, right?”

She leans back, chuckling. “Oh? No thanks? No appreciation for all the effort I, a great sage, put into protecting and aiding your sorry ass?.” Slowly, she positions one curling hand beneath her cheek and slouches to the side. “Well, no matter. There’s plenty of fish bigger and more exciting than you. Now, hurry up and change, would you?”


She snorts. “What? You want me to turn around for your modesty?”

You flinch back, hairs raising. How dare she… no, no. Whatever her game is, fighting her here won’t help you. So, swallowing your pride, you undo your sash and shrug off your kimono. You send a nervous glance Okina’s way, only to find her sharp eyes slanting in…


An irritated twitch flicks through your body, even as a quiet sense of relief rides beneath it. She’s disregarding you, entirely.

But, mercifully, she doesn’t want to fuck you. At least, as far as you can tell.

Grunting, you step out of the discarded kimono and lift the dress out of the box. You’re… going to wear this odd, ugly thing.

You groan. Better something ugly than trying to go naked, at least. With a little guidance from Satono, you get the dress up, over your head, then onto your shoulders. Soon afterward, you’ve got the shoes figured out and strapped around your feet, then…

You lift the floppy hat out of the box. This… this is going on your head. This stupid, floppy… thing.

“Ready, Naoko?”

You gasp, then turn to your left. Satono stands there, holding a silver tray with a bunch of cups on it, each filled with what smells like sake. You shake your head, then drop the thing on your scalp.

Adjusting the hat to sit better on your head, you level a firm, professional smile her way. At least, what you hope is professional. “Ready.”

“Good.” She extends the tray. Taking one last breath to calm your nerves, you accept it. She points to the door behind you. “Serve one of these to each guest, understood?”

You nod. She steps to your side and rests her hands on your shoulders, squeezing the soft fabric. Firmly, she guides you to the door you came from. Then, letting go, she steps aside and plants a hand on the door’s round handle.

For a moment, you close your eyes, breathing in and out. Corrupting a crowd of youkai will be easy, but getting out in one piece? Hoping Okina will protect you from the results, you adjust your grip on the tray and open your eyes.

She twists, then pushes the door open, revealing a brighter light beyond and the faint sound of feminine chatter. Wasting no time, you step through. A wide, low table of smooth, fine pine fills the room you walk into, surrounded by six familiar figures sitting on seven colored cushions, the one closest to you left empty.

Two polished doors rest in each wall, with tasteful portraits hanging between and around them. Each image depicts a rather striking, powerful figure, but holds no other meaning to you.

The six guests sit in three isolated pairs. To your left sits a prim looking woman, shoulders stiff, with a familiar, sailor-suited figure clapping her back through the mane of smooth brown hair running down it. Across from you, a pair of women clad in pastel colors whispering to one another and, once or twice, giggling. One, a soft face framed in fluffy pink hair, the other a sharper, red-eyed grin framed in lavender. You clench your teeth, fighting a shiver at their presence. To your right…

“Oh? Why, if it isn’t the talk of the town?”

A familiar, cocky grin bares down on you as the discussions cease and all faces swivel your way. Aya. And n…

There’s a hard thump on the table, as the girl next to her locks a pair of wide, frozen eyes with you. Frozen eyes with just that faint, dour hint you’re used to seeing.


Why is she… wait, Aya, Shizuha, Yuyuko…

A fist slams into the table, jolting you to attention. Murasa groans. “Oh, hey! Took you long enough!. Those are our drinks, right?”

You glance down to your tray.

A soft, lady-like giggle floats on the air. Remilia frowns.

You clear your throat. “Oh, right. Yes.”

Remembering your mission, you step up to Kagerou’s side, then kneel down. Carefully sliding your one hand further beneath the platter, you rest it partially against your gut and gingerly lift the other hand away. It wobbles slightly, but you manage to keep the cups from spilling. More eyes wander your way as you lift one cup from the tray and set it before her.

She smiles and nods, gently fingering her cup. As she does, you rest your eyes for a split-second, feeling out her aura. Her lust floats on the air toward you, but it’s slow and somewhat… muted. Gulping, you push your aura out, just slightly, and feel the way it clings to her.

Then, opening your eyes, you gingerly move around behind her, up to Murasa’s side.

She grins, her eyes sliding up and down you as she lifts the cup to her lips. “Finally, some drinks.”

Gulping, you feel her out as well. She’s…

Dripping, pouring out around you. You’re half-impressed she hasn’t jumped you yet. Moving along, you serve the women at the back, Remilia and Yuyuko. They answer with polite nods, but little else. You catch only the faintest hints of any desire from them and so make sure to push quite a bit more into them.

Aya is… not much different from before. Her corruption still swirls around you, wafting around you and clinging to you. As you set the cup by her side, she gives you a thin, amused grin.

After her, you place the last cup down by Shizuha’s side. As the cup touches the table, she jumps, her eyes leaping to you before they freeze, wide open.

“Naoko. Why are y-”

“She’s your server for the day, of course.”

You look up to find Satono pushing an elegant, rolling seat forward, which Okina lounges in. Satono stops shortly before the table. With a flourish, Okina stands up, then settles to her knees on the last cushion. She locks eyes with you, then glances downward to…

To your tray, with one cup remaining. Blushing, you slip around Shizuha to place that cup by her side. You take a step back, glancing back to Shizuha and…

“Now that we have our drinks, how about you serve us some snacks.”

You blink, opening your mouth just as a hand grasps your shoulder.

You glance back to find Satono staring back.

She gestures back to the door you came from. Without any further words, she nudges you back to your feet and away from the table, guiding you to the door. As she does so, Okina plants her hands on the table.

“Dear guests, in light of recent troubles, I’ve chosen to ease your burdens and get to know you…”

At a rather insistent tug from Satono, you tune her out. Grasping the empty tray, you find yourself shuffled to a new, dimmer room lined with shelves and counters. Carrots, potatoes, baskets of berries, and numerous other plants fill the upper shelves, while packaged meats fill the lower ones and, off to one side, you find a series of shelves filled entirely by assorted bottles.

“Over here.”

You blink to find Satono pointing to the counter, where Mai places the last few thin slices of meat onto a skewer. A skewer among another couple dozen or so, all laid out on another silver platter. She lifts it and turns to you.

Blinking, you set your own down on the counter and grab hers. But no sooner are you done then both of them nudge you around and push you back to the door. You stumble back out into the party, to the tune of Okina continuing her speech.

“Whether today, tomorrow, or some distant future, I hope you all…” She passes a sidelong glance your way. “Hope you enjoy this party. Cheers!”

She lifts her cup toward the center of the table. Reluctantly, the other guests follow suit. Except for Murasa, who thrusts her cup forward with aplomb. The cups click together and they all fall back to their chairs, drinking them down.

Crouching down, you pass the skewers from guest to guest, letting more of your aura out. Little has changed and, barring the occasional sidelong glance, no one’s paying any more attention to you. So, you…

A hand tugs your skirt. You turn back to find Murasa grinning your way. “Hey, cutie. Mind refilling my cup?”

You glance at Okina. She rolls her eyes. “Why don’t you get everyone here a refill?”

You blink but then, stiffly, nod and turn on your heel. You scurry back to scrounge up another tray, then grab the cups. Mai pulls a couple bottles from a nearby shelf and sets them down, beside you. Carefully, you pour the sake into each cup, then, setting the bottle back, nestle the tray into your gut and march back out.

In short order, you have the fresh cups set by each guest. You take a second, breathing, to slip behind Yuyuko and Remilia, both of whom carry very little of your aura, and push as much as you can hope to get away with into them.

Remilia twitches and you jump back, biting down a squeal.

But no sooner do you catch your breath than Okina orders you to do away with the old cups. And by the time you’re back in the kitchen, Satono pops in to order more snacks.

As you step back out, you notice a subtle shift, now. Murasa’s watching you more, Kagerou’s avoiding your eyes, and Shizuha’s just short of glowering.

While you were gone, Yuyuko had started a story about some vengeful ghost, who attacked…

Okina clears her throat, shaking an empty cup. You groan, then snatch it and return to the kitchen to get more drinks.

Then, barely a moment after you return, you’re called to fetch another round of drinks, then sweets. Around and around you go, barely finding time to squeeze more of your aura out each trip. Slowly, the girls finally start to demonstrate more interest in you. Aya and Shizuha’s eyes start following you every time you arrive. Kagerou keeps her attention fixed away each time, a blush staining her cheeks. Murasa openly leers. Remilia slumps over her drink, fingering the cup’s lip while Yuyuko shifts her weight. But both still give you only passing glances.

Just as you’ve set the latest platter down and start making your way back, Shizuha grips your shoulder and spins you around. She’s glaring at you as she pulls you close. Voice low, she whispers, “what the fuck, Naoko?”

You blink. “What do you…”

“You’re corrupting me, aren’t you?”

“Look, Shizuha-”

She inhales. “Look, Naoko. I’ve been patient. Even after you betrayed me, I’ve held back. I thought you might have been right. But if you keep doing this…”

“Please, Shizuha. It’s not my choice.”

Her voice grows ice cold. “Explain. Now.”

You glance back to Okina. She frowns, shaking her head. You return to Shizuha. Her glare…

You gulp, dropping your voice to the faintest whisper you can manage. “It’s my job. Okina’s orders. If I don’t, she could…”

Shizuha glances between you and her. Okina shrugs, as if she’d heard the whole thing.

Shizuha’s hand shakes. “Okina…”

She glances back around the room, speaking under her breath. “Me, Aya, Yuyuko, the vampire, and…”

“The wolf that attacked me, and the one I’d… um, blasted.”

A finger of hers points outward, bouncing from person to person. “Then, they’re all-no, we’re all…”

Shizuha pulls herself out from the table and staggers to her feet. The nearby chatter dies down. She straightens her back in response. “E-Excuse me.”

She marches around, behind you, straight to the left door behind Remilia and Yuyuko.

She throws the door open and marches through. Then comes out from the one to its right. Scanning the room, she turns and marches back through, only to come out from one behind Okina, the one you’d just been using. She blinks, glancing to you, then to Okina, who wears half of a vicious grin, slowly creeping across her face.

Yuyuko and Aya chuckle. Murasa snickers.

Spinning on her heel, she marches back through that door, only to come back out from behind you. The table breaks out into scattered giggles. Turning red, Shizuha studies the walls, then shuffles back up to your side. “Naoko, we need to-”

A hand taps your shoulder. You spin around to find Mai staring down at you. “Get these girls a few bottles. You know where they are.”

You offer an apologetic smile to Shizuha, then pull yourself away. You stride around behind Okina and, as you leave, find her minions stepping up onto the table.

Slipping through the door, you shut it behind you and take a moment to breathe. Something about that show with Shizuha sends a cold tingle down your back. You glance down your white bib and gaudy red dress.

If this goes poorly and Okina doesn’t bail you out, then…

No. You shake your head and reach for the booze shelf. Even here, a half-sigh escapes your lips. Even the sakes on display would likely cost more than your farm, to say nothing of the western wines, the beers, the spirits…

Grunting, you pull out a bottle of high-grade sake alongside one of some strange beer. Then, sparing one last glance for those shelves-you pause, staring at the shelf beneath.

A wide range of herbs and spices fill the shelf, but one in particular stands out to you. A very peculiar kind of ground root herb, one whose texture looks awfully familiar. Curious, you pull it off the shelf and peel the lid open. Even a brief whiff tells you exactly what it is. Something you’ve never heard the name of, but which you’d seen your neighbors use to sedate their cattle. Why would…

Whatever. Your whole mission was to please Okina and now is not the time to drag your feet. You spin and toss the door open once more, marching back through. As you do, you find Okina’s minions spinning around, elbows linked. Mai throws Satono around herself, then sets her back down. Somehow, they manage not to kick anyone’s cups away.

As you stride toward the table, you feel something different in the air. Something you can’t quite…

Aya’s eyes snap to you as you approach the table, but it’s another pair that gives you the willies. Murasa looks you up and down, a crooked, goofy smile plastered across her face. You ignore her and step up beside Okina-on the side away from Murasa-waiting for her minions to calm down.

A hand claps your ass. You spin to find Aya’s smug, sloppy grin.

Okina claps and they slow their motions, bowing to the women beneath them. You set the bottles by Okina’s cup and, slipping back around, step back to-

A hand grips your wrist and yanks you back to the table, followed by another one snapping around your shoulder.

Murasa gives you a sloppy, half-lidded gaze as she jerks you forward. “Why don’ you sit on m’lap?”

You hear an indignant screech. “Lay one finger on her and I’ll…”

You blink, twisting slightly as she presses down, shoving you to your knees.

You grab her arms, pushing on them. She responds by sliding her hands down your back and pulling you close. “C’mon… just gimme a little,” she hiccups, “kiss.”

You jerk again, straining to pull away from her lascivious gaze. “Ma’am, please. I have work to-”

She snarls, one hand reaching up your back to run through your hair. Gripping it tight, she yanks your head forward, smashing your lips into hers.

A couple airy, feminine gasps rise from the table, accompanied by a rather raucous whoop.

You squeal, twisting and pulling as her lips lazily part, a sake-drenched breath wafting across your nose. You grunt, pushing against her body as her right arm slides slightly, the elbow landing against your back.

She leans forward, her tongue beating into your teeth.

You fumble for her shoulders, still pushing and straining. She twists your hair. You bite back a pained hiss. Just barely, you manage to hold your jaw closed, denying her entry. She slides her left arm back to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

You grunt and yelp. Then a new pair of arms slides around your gut. Your eyes fly open, but all you see is Murasa’s eager, green eyes staring back. For a split-second, you freeze in confusion. Your lips part slightly and her revolting tongue slides…

The arms around your gut slide to one side, making room for a second pair. Someone’s fat bust presses into your left, a smoother chest pressing into your right. You start thrashing.

A moment later, they heave, ripping you from Murasa’s grip. As your lips part and you’re dragged off her, you glance to your left. Satono’s flat gaze stares back. To your right, Mai grins.

Lifting you back onto your unsteady legs, they step away. You stumble backward a half-step before recovering your balance. You gasp.

Murasa stairs back, her sour gaze sliding to either side of you. To Okina’s minions. Mai steps toward her, waggling a finger. “No harassing the staff.”

Murasa grunts, turning aside. “Oh, come on. You expect me to just ignore a girl that cute?”

Mai shrugs. “Yes.”

She huffs. Satono sighs. “Say, Naoko. How about you fetch her another drink?”

You flinch, locking eyes with her. “What? Why?”

“Well, we can’t trouble our guests too much, now can we?”

“She attacked me! Shouldn’t you kick her-”

Okina clears her throat. Loudly. You gulp as she turns to you. She’s still grinning. As if that attack was part of some master plan. “Get her a drink, now.”

Shrinking back, you meekly nod and turn back to the kitchen door. Striding through it, you shut it behind yourself and study the room. You take a few deep breaths. If your mission was to rile the youkai up, at least you’re succeeding, but…

If you go back out there, that will happen again. Okina might bail you out afterward, but she won’t protect you. Not fully, at least. What can you do, what can you do…

You shuffle back to the booze shelf. Okina wants you to keep as you’ve been going, no doubt. You don’t dare challenge her, but… Murasa’s far from the only girl in there who wants a piece of you and you’ve still got some corruption left in you. If you loaded them up on the hardest booze you could find and poured out everything you had left, maybe you could get them to fight each other for you.

It… didn’t work with Kogasa and the wolf, but if there’s enough of them, then maybe?

Your eyes wander back to that herb, another thought rising. You’re not sure if it’d work on youkai, nor how much you’d need, but you won’t piss her off if it fails, anyway. If it did, then… Okina couldn’t get too upset, could she?

Tapping your chin, you decide to…

[ ] Just get a normal drink and continue the show. Okina seems pleased and now’s not the time to risk spoiling that.

[ ] Load up on high-grade booze and ready your aura. She can’t complain about a wilder party.

[ ] Spike a particularly strong drink with the herb. You’ve already had enough of this party.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/09/07 (Mon) 18:00

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[X] Just get a normal drink and continue the show. Okina seems pleased and now’s not the time to risk spoiling that.
Let's see this master plan
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[X] Load up on high-grade booze and ready your aura. She can’t complain about a wilder party.

Chaos sounds wonderful.
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[X] Just get a normal drink and continue the show. Okina seems pleased and now’s not the time to risk spoiling that.

Welp... Nakoko is totally screwed
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[x] Just get a normal drink and continue the show. Okina seems pleased and now’s not the time to risk spoiling that.

You lick your lips, waiting a moment to calm the shivers in your arms. Once prepared, you pull out a bottle of sake and nestle it into your gut. Taking a few quick breaths, you turn and push back through the door, returning to the main room.

Murasa waves as you approach. You gulp, but keep your eyes on the table and march forward. One foot in front of the other, until you stand between the pervert and the wolf girl. Murasa’s hand pats your ass, rubbing it as you pour her drink.

You breathe in and out until the cup’s full. As you lift the bottle back up, you find the wolf girl staring your way, her own cup raised.

You turn the bottle her way, only for her to lower the cup back to the table. Frowning, you nudge Murasa’s hand away and kneel down, lowering the bottle toward the wolf’s cup. But as you start to pour, she leans toward you and slides a hand across your shoulder, fingering your hair.

“Please, miss, don’t…”

She slides her other hand across the opposite shoulder, giggling. As you finish filling her cup, you glance to her flushed, sloppy face and find her puckering her lips.

You shake your head, pulling back. But she growls and tightens her grip, forcing you forward as her sake-choked breath smothers you and she…

A pair of hands slip beneath your arms from behind and rub your breasts through your dress. You yelp, startling her.


You glance aside to find Aya grinning and sticking her thumb up. Okina chuckles, slouching back.

You shake your head and set the bottle down, then grab the wrists under your arms, tugging hard on them. You crane your neck, staring over your shoulder to Murasa’s drunken grin. She hiccups, rolling your breasts as she does so. Gripping her right wrist with both hands, you yank it off. She gasps, squeezing your left breast and she returns to your right.

You leap to your feet, snap the bottle back up, and take a step back. Yuyuko sighs, shaking her head. Okina frowns.

Breath shaking, you turn around and…

Feel a pair of sharp-nailed hands grab your thighs, accompanied by a low growl. You grab at Kagerou’s wrists, just in time for her to spin you around. Her hands then slide to your ass as she buries her fluffy brown mane in your crotch. Panting and taking long, loud sniffs, she rubs her face between your thighs.

Remilia whistles, Yuyuko giggles, and Aya whoops.

Okina snorts, smiling as she shakes her head.

With your hands full, you’re forced to stand, letting her sniff and rub you until, finally, Kagerou pulls back. A wide, sloppy grin sits plastered across her face.

The second she lets go of your hips, you stumble forward and swing around to Yuyuko’s side. She and Remilia giggle as you refill their cups, but hold back from touching you. Uncertain, you spare a brief glance Okina’s way. She still smiles, though with an edge of… expectation to it. Is she waiting for you to do something? For them to do something? Something other than what they’re already doing?

Whatever it is, it hasn’t happened yet. Which means you’re not done yet.

Gulping, you push just a hint more of your aura into Remilia and Yuyuko, then move on to Aya, then finally Shizuha. She glares across the table as you step away and…

Murasa slams her cup into the table. “Gimme another round, babe~”

You glance to Okina. She ignores you, but you catch Mai, standing behind her, frowning at you and nudging her head in Murasa’s direction. With a quick bow, you shuffle your way back to her. Stepping between her and the wolf again, you kneel down and-

Murasa swipes the bottle from your hands and slams it on the table before her. You barely have time to blink before she yanks you back down, shoving you into her lap.

You glance around, grabbing the arms that pin your waist against her. Then, holding you firm with her left arm, she lifts her right hand up, behind your head. “Alright, girls! What should I do with her?”

Yuyuko coos. “Tickle her, tickle her~”

Shizuha glares, leaning over her cup. “Let her go, she…”

Aya smacks a hand across Shizuha’s back. “If she’s not enough, there’s always me~”

“No, no, no…”

You squirm in Murasa’s lap as Remilia rolls her cup. She flashes a toothy, crooked grin your way. Satono and Mai prance off, peeling open the door behind her and disappearing.

“Do you just want to play with her, or make her beg for your touch?”

You tug on Murasa’s arm, then pause as Kagerou swings a leg over your lap and drops herself atop your thighs.

Murasa rubs your hair. “Begging, huh? I’m listening…”

Remilia pauses, her grin growing wider as she takes a slow, dramatic sip. Gently, she sets the cup back down. “Massage her. Rub her. Taunt her. Warm her up, then leave her to fester.”

Aya coos. “If you need some help, just watch me~” She slides her hands over her breasts and massages them through her blouse. Shizuha snorts, eyes dark and lips tight.

“Hm…” Murasa’s arm leaves your body, but Kagerou’s weight keeps you pinned in place. Her hands slide up and down your sides. “You say that, but where to begin…”

Yuyuko giggles. “Don’t forget to let the rest of us have a turn with her~”

You let out a shaky, quiet laugh. “Um, you don’t have to. If… if you need entertainment, then I could…” Kagerou’s hands slide up your cheeks and pull your eyes to hers. They’re low-lidded, looking straight at you.

She licks her lips. One hand leaves your cheek to slide down to your bust. She leans in close, her breath once more smothering you.

You gulp. “I, I could…” Nothing comes to mind. As she presses her lips to yours, whatever ideas you had fray away. As she bunches your bib into her not-quite-claws and breathes deep, you brace your hands on Murasa’s arms. Kagerou’s muscles tense. You want to fight, to resist, to assert yourself. But…

You can’t fight her. Where is Okina? Where are… plates clink and fluids pour into cups. They’re serving the guests. They’re ignoring-


She tears your bib away and claws at the rest of your dress.

Shizuha screeches. “Hey! She’s m-not your toy!”

Murasa cackles, rubbing her hands over your gut. “Oh, c’mon. You’ll get a turn! Just give us a moment, would ya?”

Remilia clicks her tongue. “Such barbarians. There are far classier ways to strip a girl.”

As Kagerou yanks the buttons off your blouse, Murasa unties the ribbon on your waist. The whole time, Kagerou mashes her face into yours, her tongue soon pounding against your teeth. Panic rises, pushing you to shove against her arms, but something’s come over her, now.

As she rips your blouse wide open, her lips pop free of yours. You sigh in shaking relief, having escaped a fast-deepening kiss. Until she plants her lips on your neck, sucking hard. Then Murasa pops your bra up, exposing your breasts.

Yuyuko and Remilia only giggle and grin at your troubles. Shizuha’s glaring, but hasn’t moved, and Aya…

She’s rubbing herself, right between her squirming hips.

Murasa rubs the underside of your breasts as Kagerou kisses lower, this time on the collar bone. Murasa’s hands slide up, cupping your breasts and pushing them together. As if on cue, Kagerou scoots back a hair and buries her face between them, breathing deep.

As Murasa’s hands leave your breasts to return to your stomach, Kagerou pops her face out and licks one breast, planting her lips over the nipple. You gulp.

Then a hand slides between your thighs, slipping under your panties. Shaking, a whisper falls from your lips.

“No, please…”

“Shshsh….” Murasa chuckles. “We’re all friends here~”

Kagerou lets go of your breast, kissing the other nipple as Murasa’s hand slides up and down. You shiver, a faint warmth igniting. Kagerou’s hands return to your dress, tearing it in half to expose your panties. The ones now bulging over Murasa’s knuckles.

In haste, she yanks your panties down hard enough for them to tear, almost peeling completely off your legs, then throws Murasa’s hand aside and buries her face in your crotch.

You yelp and reach for her head, only for Murasa to shove it out first.

“Back off, I got there first.”

Kagerou growls. Growls. “You’re barely touching her!”

“Give it a moment, would you?” With her left hand, she gropes your breast.

Kagerou glowers. “You’re wasting her.”

“I’m warming her up.”


“You’re both stealing my property!”

A plate crashes to the floor, shattering. All your heads turn to find Shizuha knocking a couple cups to the floor as she scrambles over the table toward you. You shrink back into Murasa’s body, uncertain who you’d…

Mai leaps to the table, blocking her path.

“Sit down.”

“Out of my way!”

Shizuha grips Mai’s shoulders, attempting to move her. But Satono leaps up behind her and yanks her arms away. Together, silently, they haul Shizuha off the table.

“Let me go! They’re spoiling my girl! My disciple! They’re…”

Murasa cackles. “Oh, come on! If you want it that badly, I’m sure we could…”

Red and yellow lights appear around Shizuha. “You’ll get her over my cold, d-”

There’s a flash of light and a crash, then Shizuha crumples to the ground, twitching and squirming as Okina’s minions carry her away, into a side door.

Okina growls. “You’ve caused enough of a scene, young goddess.” She sighs and rises to her feet, following a few steps behind them.

There’s a moment of tense quiet until Yuyuko clears her throat. “That tengu seems awfully frustrated, perhaps you should let her in, instead~”

You look up. At some point, Aya had crawled onto the table, stripped her shirt and skirt off, and started playing with her tits. She’d popped her bra up and slid her panties down to one ankle. She’d spread her legs wide, showing off, well… everything.

As your eyes meet, she breaks out into a wide grin. “Oh, I love that look you’re giving me. Please, feast on my body to your heart’s content~”

You shrink back, only for Murasa to grip your head and hold your gaze forward.

She snickers. “Hey, crow girl. Scoot closer, would you?”

She shudders. “With pleasure~”

She wiggles her hips, shuffling up to the edge of the table. Murasa nudges you up and pushes your head downward, lowering it between those firm, meaty thighs. Your face lands right on top of her wet, dripping pussy.

Remilia cackles. “The waitress never did get a chance to eat, did she?”

Yuyuko giggles. “No, I don’t think she did~”

“Oh? Well…” Aya shuffles her hips, rubbing your mostly-bare back, “how about I give you something to snack on?”

You lift your head above her crotch, wincing at the sticky fluids trailing from your cheek. “It’s okay, I don’t need…”

Murasa shoves your face back down. “C’mon. That ain’t in the spirit, is it? Eat her! Eat her!”

Her hand pulls back and you start lifting your head again. But this time, Aya slides her legs over your back and knocks Murasa’s hand away, running her fingers through your hair as it leaves.

“Aw… don’t be a party pooper~” She ruffles your hair, pushing your head down between her legs as she does so.

One hand strokes your ass as you twist and squirm. Aya’s scent fills your nostrils, her juices clinging to your face and sticking to your lips. You grunt, pushing on her hips, even as-

Murasa yanks your wrists back. “I think you’ve been squirming long enough, babe.” Pinning them to your back with one hand, she pulls a stretch of torn cloth over your twisting arms and around your belly. Entangling several strips together, she winds it down your wrists and over your hands, balling them together. Then, she drags a ribbon around your wrists, pulls tight, and ties it in place. Sighing in satisfaction, she reaches around your arms and grabs your breasts.

Someone shifts beneath you. Her fluffy hair ruffles against your shifting gut, a pair of erect, pointed ears grazing up and down it.

Your stomach clenches. Small giggles bubble up from your chest as she tickles your stomach. Murasa lets go of your ass to lean over you and grab both breasts, squeezing you as Aya presses her hips forward. She slides up and down as Aya’s thighs shift, rolling your head between them.

Aya chuckles. “Aw… you’re refusing my superior, tengu body. Are you too shy? Afraid to offend?”

The girl below you growls in frustration, then pulls away.

Murasa clicks her tongue. “Hm… Something’s missing. Gimme a sec.” Mercifully, her hands leave your breasts and her hips pull away.

You mumble a relieved sigh into Aya’s cunt. Then another pair of hands grabs your ass. The ones with the nails.

A ragged, hot breath pours down your crack, just before you feel a face slam inside it. You grunt, rolling your head through Aya’s pussy as Kagerou rubs your ass-cheeks.

You yelp as her tongue pokes your asshole.

You squirm, tugging your arms from your back and pulling your head up. You catch a glimpse of Okina’s twinkling grin as she settles back at the table, just before Aya leans back and shoves your head into her flesh, smothering you.

You gulp, twist, and even thrash. She clicks her tongue. “Aw. Now you’re hurting my feelings~”

Slowly, lungs clenching, your struggles slow. As they do, she lets go. You lift your head, sucking in air. As Aya smiles, stroking your hair, Kagerou’s tongue plunges inside you.

You squeal.

Then Murasa swings into view, leaning backward against the table, swinging the sake bottle in one hand. She takes a long swig, then eyes Aya.

“Hey, scoot back a little, would ya?”

Aya huffs. “Excuse me? We’re just getting started!”

“Sure, sure. But she didn’t drink yet.”

Aya shifts her hips, jostling your head.

“Fine.” She scoots back, letting go and freeing you of her pussy.

Your muscles sag for only a second before Murasa pinches your cheeks between her fingers and drags your face her direction. Then, still holding your face, she shoves the neck of that bottle between your teeth and forces your head backward. Sake pours down your throat, almost too fast to drink.

Just short of panicking, you gulp it down as fast as you can, until the last few drops trail down your tongue and Murasa pops the bottle from your lips. Then, she grins and steps backward.

For a few merciful moments. Nothing happens. Nervous, you pull yourself up and away from Aya’s legs. Knees shaking, you lift up and…

A hand grabs your shoulder, yanking you backward into another girl’s lap. Murasa chuckles as you squirm, then leans forward and slides the bottle, neck first, down the gap between your thighs.

You gulp, wiggling your shoulders and…

“Hwo pwuh hrh!”

Shizuha flops to the floor, behind Remilia and Yuyuko. Behind her, Mai and Satono exchange satisfied nods, then disappear into the kitchen. Shizuha’s fingers flex, trapped somewhere against her lower back. A red ball stretches her lips back, held in place by brown straps. She flails and twists on the ground, pulling at a short chain between her ankles, held firm to red, leather cuffs.

Her rumpled dress folds and shifts as she…

Murasa presses the bottle’s neck into your crotch. You yelp, clamping your legs shut as, slowly, she slides it down. You hiss as she rubs it up and down your pussy, sliding just between the lips. You gulp, shaking your head. “Please, please…”

“Shsh… You’ve made me feel real good so far. It’s only fair I returned the favor, isn’t it?”

You lick your lips, wincing. “It’s fine. Please, I can…”

“Hey,” Kagerou rubs your arms, “don’t leave me out.”

She slips her hands around your arms and cups your breasts as Murasa angles the bottle slightly, pressing the neck deeper inside you. You squirm. “You don’t, you don’t…”

Still pushing, Murasa creeps forward, licking her smooth, wet lips. You lean back into Kagerou’s heavy bust, even as she rolls your breasts in her hands. You wiggle your arms and push, barely loosening the cloth around them as Murasa leans further forward, her hot breath bathing your nose as she parts her lips.

“Hwrh hrh hwo! Howrah hr…”

Shizuha yelps. Craning your neck around Murasa, you catch her sitting in Yuyuko’s lap, a hand sliding up her stomach to-

“Hey, open her up for me, would you?”

Kagerou’s hands leave your bust to fondle your thighs. She pushes between them and, to your horror, peels them apart. Grinning, Murasa shoves the bottle forward. You gasp, squirming as it forces its way through you. You squeal, twisting as your pussy clenches down on it. No, no, no, no, no…

Murasa leans further forward, planting a quick peck on one of your nipples. Kagerou places a kiss of her own, much longer and wetter, on the back of your neck. Your arms twist and strain, wiggling just a bit more than before.

Remilia cackles. “Hey, save some for us, would you?”

Yuyuko sighs. “Oh, hush. Let them have their fun.”

This, this…

You arch your back, twisting to one side as the hard glass bottle pushes through you. Your arms flail, hands wringing as you stretch the fabric binding them together. Finally, there’s a quiet snap as the ribbon falls free of your wrists. Panting and straining, you wriggle free of the dress’s scraps. Your hands burst out, snapping to Murasa’s wrists.

You push back on her. In response, her eyes narrow. You glance around. Yuyuko whispers something to Remilia as she squeezes Shizuha’s breasts. Aya frowns, her hand returning to her crotch. Okina looks you in the eyes, frowning.

She… wants you to just let this happen, doesn’t she?

But you can’t just roll over for them, can you? But do you dare risk her wrath and resist?

You glance back to Remilia. She said something about wanting some of you. Maybe if you asked… but then, would she be any better than these two? And what if Okina just lets these girls keep you after the party?

You need to get out, right? But… how? They’re stronger than you. All you’ve got is some of your magic, maybe enough for a few volleys. That…

Shizuha squirms in Yuyuko’s lap, shutting her eyes at the steady, rhythmic pressure applied to her chest. If that’s how she turned out when she brought bullets out, will the same happen to you if you try?

Shivering as Murasa presses the bottle a hair deeper, you…

[ ] Let it happen. It’s your only hope of escaping whatever other hell Okina might put you through.

[ ] Ask to ‘serve’ Remilia and Yuyuko. They must be better than this.

[ ] Danmaku, then run. You can’t take this. You just can’t.

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Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/10/08 (Thu) 18:00

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[X] Let it happen. It’s your only hope of escaping whatever other hell Okina might put you through.

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[X] Let it happen. It’s your only hope of escaping whatever other hell Okina might put you through.
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[X] Let it happen. It’s your only hope of escaping whatever other hell Okina might put you through.

Must be rough being Naoko.
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[x] Let it happen. It’s your only hope of escaping whatever other hell Okina might put you through.

Wincing, you drop your shaking arms to your sides and let her push through. The lip pushes in, squeezing through you. Kagerou rubs her hands up and down your thighs. She places a soft kiss on your shoulder.

“There, there.”

You grunt, gulping as the neck pushes through your clenching pussy. Murasa leans closer, licking her lips.

Your lip trembles, fighting back a defiant frown only to freeze as those lips approach yours. You shut your eyes, breath quaking. Your body seizes for a second, clenching down on the bottle as she kisses you.

She holds that position, pressing her lips into yours as she twists the bottle, stuffing your cunt just that little bit more. She presses her tongue forward. You gulp and, trembling, part your lips for her. She rolls her head from side to side, shifting her lips and tasting your mouth.

Your chest heaves as you struggle to keep your hands down, to keep from pushing her away. You just, you just need to make it through this. To endure whatever she…

She grunts, pressing down on your tongue. Reluctant, you raise it to press back into her. She hums, rising up to sweep around and bat at yours..

Kagerou nestles into your neck, sniffing your twitching shoulders as Murasa pulls back. With a half-vacant grin, she licks the dripping saliva from her lips.

She flicks her curly black hair aside, then cups your cheek with her spare hand. “C’mon, babe. I’ll make this fun for both of us.” She adjusts her grip on the bottle.

You have only a second to widen your eyes, still catching your breath, before she shoves.

You gasp, muscles locking up as she pounds it into you. Kagerou’s long, pointed fingers leave your thighs to wrap around your breasts and Murasa jams the bottle up to the base of its neck, screwing it just slightly as it sinks all the way in.

You throw your head back, clenching your fists just to keep from pushing back on her. Slowly, haltingly, pulls it back. You hiss, face warming at the wet, squelching noise your body makes, clinging to and clamping down on the retreating neck.

Kagerou’s hands roll around your breasts, gently massaging them.

Murasa grins, then angles the bottle up and down, shoving it back in. Despite it’s hard, unyielding surface and the uncomfortable shape, your pussy welcomes it, dragging it further in. Your stomach clenches even as your heart pounds.

At every turn, your body betrays you.

Slowly, you shake your head. In response, she slows, still smiling. “Relax, babe. Relax.”

Kagerou squeezes your breasts as she nestles her face into your hair.

You turn away, shutting your eyes at the long, heaving breaths she takes.

Murasa rotates the bottle, angling it from side to side, as she pulls it back out. You sigh. She slams it back in, dragging a distressed yelp from your lungs. You clench your hands into fists, chest heaving as she pushes it back through you. Kagerou, still squeezing your breasts, plants another kiss on your shoulder. Your body twitches, stuffed. But Murasa keeps pressing and dragging the bottle through your dripping, squeezing flesh.

Your hips jerk, twitching and bouncing. You need to fight back, or slip away, or, or-You shake your head. No. Just a little longer, just a little…

You squirm around the shifting, pressing bottle. A small, relieved sigh floats up from your tiring lungs as Kagerou eases her grip. Then she lifts your breasts up, pinching your nipples between her fingers.

The pressure’s softer than you expected, her fingers tweak and roll your nipples. Almost playfully.

Your breath hitches, your skin growing warm and wet, as Murasa keeps pounding and twisting the bottle into you. Small shivers roll up and down your spine as Kagerou flicks your nipples between her knuckles.

You gulp as the bottle slows, shifting and shaking, pressing into-

Your back arches, little shivering moans slipping through your lips. Kagerou kisses your neck.

That bottle wiggles, shifting and angling into little-

You gasp, then utter a long, halting groan, as the pleasure recedes. The bottle pauses. Murasa stares into your eyes.

Shaking, you just barely manage to hold your eyes on hers. She frowns.

“That’s it?”

Remilia groans. “All this for that pathetic display? You lot couldn’t do better?”

Yuyuko sighs. “Now, now. It’s not their fault that their partner needs so much more… stimulation.”

Kagerou plants a kiss on your neck. “Oh, do you? How about another round, so I can make you feel even better?”

A hand snakes out from behind Murasa and grabs her shoulder. It then shoves her aside, revealing Aya’s red-faced frown.

“You had your turn, now it’s time for my round with her.”

“Wrh hrh he--iiii!”

Gulping, you glance aside to find Yuyuko sticking a hand down, between Shizuha’s twitching thighs. She flings her head from side to side, shuddering as Yuyuko slips it under her dress.

Murasa sighs. “Alright, fair’s fair.” She pops the bottle free of your pussy and sets it aside.

Kagerou twists your nipples, her nails digging into your skin. “Fine, but I’m getting her next.”

Finally, she lets go of your breasts. Shivering, naked, you rise to your feet. Aya scoots back along the table and beckons you forward. Looking at her, the way she grins, the intense focus in her eyes, you freeze up. She frowns.

“Go get her, babe!”

You glance back to find Murasa giving you a thumbs up. You turn back to Aya.

Gulping, you crawl up onto the table, after her. Grinning, she pats the open space beside her.

She licks her lips. “Lie down here, would you?”

Breathing in, you lower yourself down, then roll into your back, your shoulders rubbing up by Aya’s legs. You take another deep breath, wondering wh-

She swings a leg across, over your head, to drop the knee by your shoulder. Her firm thighs flank you. Her bare pussy hovers over you, her moisture dripping down and landing on your cheeks.

She drops her hands down, on either side of your hips, her breasts hanging just above your quivering stomach. She lowers her head down, licking your twitching pussy. You grit your teeth, struggling against the rising, foggy heat until her hips descend until her own dripping, rank cunt presses into your face.

Each shallow, halting breath fills your lungs with her scent as she kisses your inner thigh, then drags that tongue down. Blinded by her pussy, thighs, and ass, you shut your eyes. The overwhelming, swirling, smothering lust of the room brings a shriek to your lips, only to choke it back down. What sort of hell have you…

She dips between the lips of your pussy, dragging a muffled squeak out of you as she presses her entire body down. Her breasts push into your gut as she rolls her pussy over your face. You writhe beneath her, struggling to pull yourself out. Lifting her tongue back out, she laps up the juices still clinging to your crotch.

Then, as she dips back down, burying her face in your pussy, her thighs snap together, pressing into the sides of your head. You yelp as the pressure builds, as she grinds her legs into you. With her fat pussy still slathering its juices over your lips, her message is clear. Struggling to breathe under her weight, heart pounding, you thrust your tongue inside her.

The pressure eases, but you keep licking. You know what’s expected of you.

Small jolts and shocks run through your body, both of pain and pleasure, as Aya’s tongue digs into you. You grunt and gasp, plunging into her pussy and sucking the juices that flow out from her. Don’t think, just serve. Your body quakes, twitching into and away from Aya’s probing tongue. Your lungs clench and heave. Your muscles ache.

You’re tired. But you must keep going.

You sweep your tongue across the squeezing, quivering edges of her pussy. Corruption pulses out from her, pushing through you like heavy winds.

You need to get her off. Get her off before she…Y

She coos, still tasting and probing your own pussy. You’re hot and wet, but your tongue struggles to keep pushing.

You plunge deep into her, straining to reach as far as you can.

She moans, wiggling her hips and, with them, your head. You groan, but keep pushing, keep pumping.

Her whole body shakes as she pulls back, lifting her tongue out to-

Your tongue falls limp as she sucks on your clit. Then, as she returns to sucking the juices from your cunt, you pound your tongue into hers.

She’s already shaking and moaning, so soon she should-

She screams in pleasure, several long, shuddering quakes rolling up and down her body. Then, she falls limp. You yelp as her sopping wet cunt smothers you, as the entirety of her weight presses into you.

She responds only by squirming atop you. Idly, she drags her tongue over your pussy lips, still drinking up the slow, steady flow of juices you produce.

You grunt, planting your hands against her gut to…

Someone clears their throat. Aya sighs, then pulls herself up, into her knees.

…With her pussy still pressed to your face.

You grunt again and, finally, she slides a leg off. Precious, open air returns to your lungs. You breathe deep, until you feel a pair of hands gripping your sides. You blink, then find yourself dragged upward and into Aya’s naked lap. She grins.

She runs a hand through your hair, then jerks your head forward, smashing her lips into yours. Your stomach lurches at the taste of your own pussy. You yelp as she forces her tongue through your lips. Gripping your hair, she rolls her lips over yours as she bats your tongue around with her own.

She moans, breathing hard but not letting go. Hesitant, you lick at her tongue, more in the hopes of keeping her entertained than anything else. She pops her tongue free and pulls back, licking her lips.

You gasp, breathing hard. She just grins.

“Hey, turn her around! Let’s see the star herself!”

Aya grins, and pushes your shoulders, rotating you until your naked back rests against her firm breasts and hardened nipples.

Remilia cheers. Shizuha freezes, gurgling around the ball between her lips and squirming on Yuyuko’s hand. Something glistens on her face. Yuyuko smiles.

“Hm. Would you be so kind as to give us a better view of this fine lady?” She’s looking over your shoulder, at Aya. “Show us how much you’ve warmed her up, would you?”

Aya chuckles, then fondles your thighs. You turn away, squirming as she peels them apart and presents your pussy to those two women.

She then shuffles her hips forward, pushing you with her, scooting between two plates, until you’re both near the table’s edge. “Why don’t you take a closer look?”

Satono and Mai slip around the corners of your vision, snatching cups and plates off the table around you.

Yuyuko giggles. “Oh, that would just be too crass for someone such as myself~” She clicks her tongue. “But I know a goddess who’s worked so hard to help this girl. Maybe I should reward her?”

“Hwo hweh hahweh! Hwoh! Hwoh!”

You shudder, turning her way as she pulls a shimmering hand out from between Shizuha’s legs. Her hands then slide up the goddess’s arms to hold her by the shoulders. Shizuha twists and shoves her body into Yuyuko. Yuyuko clicks her tongue, then releases one and hurls it across Shizuha’s ass. Shizuha yelps, lurching forward until Yuyuko drags her back.

Yuyuko plants a hand on Shizuha’s head, holding it in place. “Now, now. You know better than to resist me, don’t you?”

Shizuha holds still, sulking.

“Good enough~” Yuyuko grabs both shoulders again and shoves Shizuha forward, until her trembling, gagged face approaches yours.

You shrink back, but Yuyuko just pushes her forward, pressing the hard red ball to your lips. Shizuha winces, her breath falling over your nose. Her breath and… something else. A smell you recognize.

Your own. The scent of your lust, your pussy. Why? How?

Her head shifts, pushed from behind. The ball rolls over your lips, to the point where you feel her own lips graze yours once or twice. Shizuha’s eyes… flutter. She looks at you as her face is mashed into yours, eyelids low. She breathes hard, her spit trailing to your chin.

She wiggles, thrusting her chest forward and-

Yuyuko yanks the goddess’s head back. She screeches, thrashing until Yuyuko’s hand jerks downward, striking her crotch. Gurgling, she hunches forward as Yuyuko returns to rubbing her. Yuyuko giggles, drawing Shizuha close to her wide, soft body.

“You really should learn how to behave around me, you know~”

“Hmhmhm…” Remilia looks you up and down, frowning. “You’re not much of a catch, are you? All soft and frail. Delicate, but not in the way of a refined flower, more…” she leans forward, hovering a hand over your breasts, “like a starved dog, I suppose.”

She snickers. “Still, at least you’ve got one thing going for you.”

You look to her, blinking. She smirks back.


She strikes a hand across your chest, blasting it across your bare breasts. You hiss in pain, squinting until-


You yelp as she backhands your breasts.

“You’ve got a decent pair of tits on you. Good enough to attract a proper owner, I imagine~” her hand slides down your gut, between your legs.

“Oh, Naoko~”

Remilia flinches back. Shuddering, you look up to see, to the left of Remilia and Yuyuko, Kagerou.

Part of her long brown mane drapes over her shoulders, almost reaching the erect brown nipples atop her wide, fat breasts. From there, you find nothing but smooth, bare skin until your eyes reach her hips, where a trio of black straps affix a shiny red cock to her crotch. And judging by the way it shifts as she approaches, it continues past those, inside her.

Remilia snickers, stepping back. “I’ll leave you to your betters.”

A wide grin splits Kagerou’s face, her body shivering, as she steps up and cups your cheek. Gently, she grabs your shoulder and nudges you forward, off of Aya’s lap. Swallowing, you let her turn you around until that cock rubs up against your taint from behind.

Until your neck is nestled between those heavy tits.

Gently, she swivels until both of you face Yuyuko and the girl who’s still twitching and gasping under her ministrations. Then, Kagerou drops down, wiggling her toy cock as she pulls you into her lap. Then, she leans back. As you fall with her, you find Murasa wearing her own sloppy, drunken grin.

And also wearing nothing but a fat, false cock strapped to her crotch. This one colored blue. She steps forward and crouches before you. Leaning forward, she grabs your thighs and lifts them into the air.

There’s a light click to your side, followed by a pop. With one hand, Kagerou grabs and massages your left breast. With the other, she…

Something pushes her dildo away, followed by a pair of hands gripping your ass-cheeks. Blinking, you glance to your sides, finding Mai to your right and Satono to your left. They both offer professional smiles as they peel your cheeks apart. Mai leans close and rubs something wet and slippery into your crack, pushing her fingers into your…

You gulp, shaking your head. Murasa tuts as, folding your legs backward, she lines her cock up with the lips of your pussy. Then, resting it between your thighs, she glances up. “Hey, Aya! Wanna join in?”

Aya slings her naked legs over the table’s edge. “Oh, I suppose I could participate a little~”

Then, grinning at you, she swings up and plants one foot on either side of your stomach. Mai forces her fingers through your asshole, slathering that weird, cool liquid inside you.

Murasa snickers, rubbing her shaft up and down your pussy.

Then, finally, Mai yanks her hand out. You exhale, relieved. Until, as she and Satono step away, Kagerou presses the tip of her dildo into your moistened asshole.

Aya scoots forward and lowers herself down, filling your vision once more with nothing but her pungent, dripping pussy. Then, as her wet slit touches your lips, you--

Kagerou slams her hard, sterile cock up, plunging it inside you. You jerk upward just as Murasa slams hers in, slamming you backward. You yelp, only for Aya to muffle it by dropping her pussy over your face. Gripping your hair, she saws her crotch up and down, trailing her juices over you and mashing her squelching pussy over your nose and mouth.

You grunt, tasting nothing but Aya’s hot, wet pussy as she grinds it up and down your face. Snapping up your hands, she rubs them over her ass as Murasa wiggles her hips, pressing her dildo deeper inside you.

Kagerou roars, her lust clawing and sinking to the hilt. Murasa teeters forward, the tidal wave of her hunger crashing into you. Your pussy clamps down, your ass clenching tight as they pour their desire, their need, deep inside you.

You hear a whistle, followed by the next overbearing wave. Aya’s oppressive lust hangs over you, pinning you down and choking with the steady, dripping flow of her choking desire. You writhe, tossed about by Murasa’s tide, by Kagerou’s fervor, and by Aya’s overbearing musk.

Everywhere you turn, Aya’s pussy finds you. Every breath you catche, Kagerou and Murasa slam back inside you. Your head swims, your heart pounds, your lungs and muscles ache. And somehow, they keep going.

You bounce and twist and strain and gasp. New waves of lust, of greed, and insane, unbearable fervor, crash over you, burrow inside you, and blanket themselves across you.

You grip tight on Aya’s ass-cheeks, clinging to anything for dear life as your body’s smothered and hurled about.

You bounce and groan, still enveloped by Aya’s unrelenting, inescapable pussy. Fluids drench your body, whether sweat, juices, or something else, you’re too far gone to tell. They bead up from your skin, they pour down your throat, and they slip and squelch around slick, rubbery cocks.

Soon, your breathing goes shallow and fast. Sweat pours from your skin as your body quakes. You pant and heave and moan. Your pussy clenches, your ass burns.

With each thrust, each yelp and groan, Aya squeals, sighs, and coos. Your body arches, your legs shaking as your breath catches. Pleasure boils up from your core, flaring through your body, searing through your nerves.

Your body shudders, then quakes, then shudders again. Your breaths, the few you can squeeze between the grinding trips of Aya’s cunt across your face, come short, halting, and shuddering. More wheezes than proper breath.

For a split-second, every part of you freezes, locking up as an explosion rocks your bouncing, heaving body. A scream, almost strangled by the unbearable release, rips and tears its way up your throat, across your tongue, and through your lips.

As the pleasure fades, as the mental haze clears, they’re still thrusting, pounding, and grinding. Soon after, your mind swims and fades.


Some time later, they’d finally fucked you to their satisfaction and peeled themselves off. Those two minions helped you to your feet and returned your kimono. Staggering, struggling to keep yourself upright, you managed to get it over your shoulders and the obi tied around your stomach. It hung loose, exposing some cleavage, but kept you mostly modest.

Okina acknowledged your service and expressed some interest in the effects of her party. Then, with a dismissive wave, she let you go. Whatever it was she had in mind, you were just too tired to care.

From there, you’d staggered through some door or other and found yourself back outside the forest shed. It was over. It was finally, finally over. You had your body back to yourself, at least for now.

Shaking your head, you shove the door open and drop to your knees. Pawing around at the floor, you snatch up your cell key, then find the trap door and lift it open. Almost drunkenly swinging yourself down, onto the ladder, you descend into Shizuha’s… no, your dungeon.

“Naoko? Naoko! Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”

Belts rattle. You step onto the familiar, coarse floor and turn out to find Mystia twisting, tugging on the belts, straining to break free of her chair.

In the cage, Kogasa grips the door, eyes worried. Wriggle slumps in the corner, still locked in those bars. They both flinch as you approach.

“Um, mistress, did you see my other half?”

Shuffling forward, you groan. “No, I didn’t.”

“Oh, okay…”

You turn toward the crates and collapse into the floor, resting against them. A long, tired sigh falls from your worn-out lips.

“Mistress? You look like you need some help. If you let me out…”

You groan, but nod. Pulling yourself back to your feet, you shuffle over to the door and unlock it.

You pull it open, letting Kogasa step through, then shut and lock it again. Wriggle grumbles through her gag.

Kogasa throws her arms around you, then pauses, her hands hovering over your back. She looks into your eyes, uncertain.

Groaning, you nod. She squeals and wraps her arms tight around you, pressing you into her naked bust.

She wiggles from side to side, rubbing your hair. And your ass. She shivers, then lets go of you. Bashful, she glances between you and the the crates. “So, uh… have I been good?”

Despite yourself, you chuckle. “You’ve been…”

A pair of light feet thump into ladder rungs. Spinning around, you find Shizuha climbing down. Dropping to the floor, she levels a dour gaze your way and marches up to you.

You open your mouth, but she presses a finger to it. “Talk later.” She brushes past you, throws the cell door open, she shoves Kogasa inside. Then, shutting it, she grabs your sides and pulls you close.

Nestling her head into your shoulder, she lets out a long, frustrated groan.

“That was disgusting. How could they-how could you let them…” She sighs, pressing her body close. “Naoko, we need to do something. We can’t just let these things happen.”

You rub her back. “We had to, Shizuha. Okina’s not someone you can just ignore.”

Shizuha growls. “Maybe not her. But we can ignore everyone else!”

You blink. “How?”

She shakes her head, inhaling deep. “I-look, you may not like it, but we can just stay here. Where no one can find us. Where no one can find you. Just,” her chest beats against yours, “just for as long as it takes.”

A cold shiver rolls up your body. “And how long would that be?”

“I don’t know, okay? Maybe a few weeks. Maybe longer. Even if it takes forever, wouldn’t that be worth it? There’s too many predators out there. Too many women looking to abuse you, to rape you, to claim…”

She sighs. She’s… clinging awfully tight to you.

She’s not all wrong. If you just kept down here, you might be able to better protect yourself. But do you trust her enough to do that? She’d made a dungeon for you and almost used it. On the other hand, you do still need her help. At least, until you can count on some of your captives more.

You’d chosen to count on her before, but should you keep doing so? Wrapping your arms around her back, you…

[ ] Tenderly reassure her. You’ll still rely on her, regardless of her mistakes or excesses.

[ ] Firmly reassure her. You still want to be her friend, but you need her to work with you first.

[ ] Confine her. Her possessiveness is getting too alarming to ignore.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/10/24 (Sat) 18:00

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[X] Tenderly reassure her. You’ll still rely on her, regardless of her mistakes or excesses.

Tenderize and marinate
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[X] Tenderly reassure her. You’ll still rely on her, regardless of her mistakes or excesses.

The soft option.
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[x] Firmly reassure her. You still want to be her friend, but you need her to work with you first.
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[X] Tenderly reassure her. You’ll still rely on her, regardless of her mistakes or excesses.
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[x] Tenderly reassure her. You’ll still rely on her, regardless of her mistakes or excesses.

You wrap both arms around Shizuha’s back and press her into your body. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here for you.”

She mutters into your shoulder. “Wasn’t that supposed to be my job?”

You sigh, tired and beaten. It was, wasn’t it? She never got you out of a mess before you’d suffered some abuse, but she did get you out. Eventually. …Sometimes. Is she the best place to put your faith?

Would it be a good idea, even if you could?You shake your head, nuzzling into her neck. “We’ll make it through all this, together. I promise.”

She snorts. “You’re too optimistic, Naoko. Way too optimistic.”

You sigh. “I need you, Shizuha. And you need some cheer. Please, let me…”

She groans, clenching parts of your kimono in her fists. “Someone’s going to take you away from me. Or they’re going to take us both. Something needs to be done before, before…”

She growls, but says nothing more. The two of you stand there, in her dungeon, clinging to one another. Her breath blows across your shoulder, the smell of leaves and pine fill your nose, her modest chest rises against yours, then falls away.

Finally, as her heartbeat slows, you clear your throat. “Why were you at that party, anyway?”

She grumbles. “Why do you think I was? That bitch knew about my cav-” she pauses, “she knew about this… cellar. She knew about you, about the girls, about everything. If I didn’t go, she’d take you away fr-she’d take you… you were right, Naoko. We couldn’t ignore her.” Her arms tighten. “We really couldn’t.”

You pat her back. “At least we’re done, now. She got what she wanted and we got away. I wonder what she wanted, anyway? She seemed like she had some grand plan in mind, but she never told me what it was…”

“Who cares? You saw who was there, didn’t you? Next to them, we were nothing. Nothing but pawns.”

The faintest giggle rises from your lungs. “Then we really are safe from her now, aren’t we?”

Shizuha sags into you. “Her, maybe. But the way everyone else looked at you… You really need to stay down here, Naoko. At least for a few days. At least give them a chance to forget about you, or stop looking in common places, or something.”

Your hands slide from her back to her sides. Gently, you push her back, separating from her. “You didn’t get to finish that supply run, did you?”

She frowns. “No. No, I did not.”

You shuffle over to a crate and drop down onto it. Your crotch aches at the sudden movement and your ass burns as it touches the hard wood, but tense muscles and heavy bones sag in relief. “What do we still need?”

She follows you and drops onto the other crate, resting her elbows on her knees. “Plates, chopsticks, oil, and something to sleep on.”

You cock a brow.

She shakes her head. “I like my leaves, but I don’t like sleeping on them any more than you do.”

You shift your hips, bringing only minor relief to your aching asshole, and glance around the dungeon. Mystia’s sagging into her chair, barely even squirming anymore. Kogasa clings to the bars, her wide, worried eyes focused on you. You drag a long, heavy groan from your worn-out lungs. You’re exhausted, but you can’t rest just yet. You need to take care of these girls.

You drag your aching bones off the crate, wincing at the pain flaring in your ass. Taking a few slow, shaking breaths, you wait for the pain to subside, then shuffle toward the cage. Picking up the key, you lift it to the lock.

“Hey, Naoko. What are you doing?”

You swing back to meet Shizuha’s questioning eyes. “Gotta put Mystia away. I’m sure you’d rather rest, so I’ll use Kogasa instead.”

She frowns, opens her mouth, then shuts it. She sags forward, wrapping her arms around her gut. “Hurry up, then.”

Returning to the door, you unlock it and swing it open.

Kogasa throws her arms out, then, hesitating, pulls them back. Eyes wide and waiting, she clears her throat. “I’m ready to serve, mistress.”

“Good. Get something to restrain Mystia’s hands, then help me peel her out of the seat.”

Kogasa smiles. “Yes, mistress!”

As she scampers off, you turn and shuffle to Mystia. She twists her arms, muscles pulling visibly taut as she struggles with the belts.

“Come on! I can be good, I promise. Just fuck me!”


The back of your hand stings from the blow, but Mystia shudders, her cheek pleasantly red.

Your voice drops, landing just above a whisper. “Do what I say, when I say it. Speak only when spoken to. No questions, no retorts, no complaints. If you ever want to see, feel, or taste my pussy again, you will obey all of this to the letter. Do you understand?”

Gulping, her eyes widen as the color drains from her face. She nods.

You sigh. “Good. Kogasa, did you find something?”

“Right here!” She hops to your side, holding a pair of leather cuffs.

“Good.” You reach down and unbuckle her right wrist from the chair.

She flexes her hand, looking between you and Kogasa. Gulping, she holds it in place as you buckle one of the cuffs around it.

You turn to Kogasa as you move to the other hand. “Hold her.”

She nods, pressing her hands to Mystia’s cuffed wrist. Gingerly, you release the second wrist.

Her hand snaps up, only for Kogasa to catch it. She drags Mystia’s wrists together, in her lap, and buckles the second cuff on. Mystia twists her wrists, pulling at the chain between them.

Then, frustrated, she sighs. You unbuckle her ankles and step back. As she rises from her chair, you stick your finger toward the open cell door.


You clear your throat. Loudly. “What was that?”

Mystia squeaks, then looks away. Kogasa nudges her toward the cell and, reluctantly, Mystia follows.

You follow close behind, watching the subtle twitches of her wings as Kogasa pushes her inside. Kogasa then turns to you.

“Naoko, do you need a hug? Because if you do, I’m here…”

You sigh, then pull her close, feeling her heavy, naked breasts press into you. “I’ll be fine. Just… give me some time.” Patting her back, you let her go and nudge her into the cell, after Mystia.

She hesitates, but heeds your guidance. As she steps in, you take one last peek. Hunched over in the corner, Wriggle locks eyes with you.

She glances away for a moment, then, groaning, her gaze returns. Shuddering, she lowers her head further.

Bowing, it seems.

“Hrheeph. Hweeh hee.”

Looks like she’s remembered her lesson. As a tired grin spreads across your face, you step out of the cell, grab a mix of dried fruits from the bag in the main chamber, and slip back inside.

Idly, you offer a few pieces to Kogasa and Mystia, who eagerly accept them, then turn your attention to Wriggle.

She flinches as you approach, her eyes fixating on your handful of food. With your spare hand, you reach behind her head, and loosen the gag as you did before. Once the ring pops free and hangs from her shoulders, you bring the food closer.

You stop before it reaches her lips, though.

“Now, Wriggle, tell me. Who do you belong to?”

She gulps, parting her lips. Then, clenching her teeth, she shakes her head.

You frown.

She shivers, her antennae flinching. Her breathes come out shallow and uneven. Her lips move, but she says nothing.

You grab her chin, clenching her cheeks between your fingers. “It’s a simple question, slave. Who. Do. You.Belong to?”

She winces and, slowly, bites out the words you’ve longed to hear.

“Y-you. I belong to you.”

Grinning, you let go of her cheeks and bring the fruits closer. Shuddering, she buries her face in your hand, eating them from your palm one at a time. As she does, you-

“Bed’s ready, Naoko! Let’s get some sleep!”

You flinch. Wriggle scrambles to stuff the remaining food into her mouth as you turn to find Shizuha stumbling to the cell door. She strides in and grabs your kimono. “C’mon. We gotta… do the thing, the shopping, tomorrow. Let’s get some sleep.”

Gripping fiercely tight, she starts dragging-

Kogasa grabs her arms, throwing them off. “Let her go! She’s…”

You wave Kogasa away. “It’s fine. I… I need to sleep, anyway.”

Wordlessly, Shizuha nods and grabs your hand. The two of you drag your weary bodies to her autumn-colored cushion and collapse into it. As the blanket forms over you, Shizuha wraps her arms tight around your stomach.

You wheeze, struggling to breath under her vice-like grip.

“Um, Shizuha. Ease up a little, would you?”

She mutters something you don’t understand, but her grip slackens. As you drift off, an odd thought strikes you.

She’s still wearing her dress, this time.


Shizuha’s hands slide off your gut and, with a rustle, she throws the leafy blanket off. You groan, one hand sliding down your side to rub your crotch. Your pussy and ass still ache from the party, utterly used and worn. Blearly, you rub your eyes and glance over the dimly-lit hole that is Shizuha’s ‘secure storage.’ A handful of loose belts litter the floor, but at least all the captives are still trapped in her cell.

Or is it yours, now?

She stretches, then stares down on you. “Wait right here for a moment, would you?”

You shrug. “Sure.”

“Good.” She swings up onto the ladder, then climbs up and out, closing the door behind her.

You lie back a moment, until...

“Um, you guys have something for breakfast, right?”

You blink, glancing to the cage. Kogasa clings to the door. “‘Cause I’m feeling a little hungry, and Mystia…”

Mystia presses herself to the bars beside the door, legs squirming. She nods.

You sigh and shuffle over to the sack, sling it over your shoulder, then approach the cell.

Snapping up the key, you raise it toward its hole. Gripping the sack as you slot it in, you…


Kogasa jerks back from the door. She squeals, twisting and squirming.

“Kogasa, what are you…”

She flinches, then yelps. Shuddering, she gasps. “My, other, half. Someone, hurting…” She gulps and falls back into the cell. She pants.

You twist the key, open the door, and reach for her to…

A hand snatches your wrist and yanks you out, then shuts the door. You turn to see Shizuha’s scowl.

“Come on, Naoko. We’re leaving.”

You blink. She groans.

“The supply run, Naoko. I need you sleeping somew… we’re not sleeping in my leaves again.”

“Weren’t you able to do that on your own before? What are you…”

She tugs on your wrist, dragging you toward the ladder. “We’re leaving, Naoko. Now.”

“But, you, her…” You turn from Shizuha to Kogasa and back. Sighing, you wait for her to let go, then follow her up, into the shed proper.

She stops at the door, studying your face. She frowns and peels open a crate. A swarm of warm-colored leaves flutter out and swirl around you. Clinging to your body, they take the shape of a heavy traveling cloak with a low hood.

She turns to the door. “Wear that. It should conceal your identity, at least.”

You poke at the leaves, hesitant. You saw what they did to Kogasa, how she tried to use them on you. Do you dare trust them now?

But what if it does help obscure your identity? If you’re going out into the open, even to the human village, that would help you. Gulping, you let it go and, as she opens the door, you follow her into the woods.

With her guiding you through the woods, you take a moment to breathe in and close your eyes, feeling out the world around you. Small scatterings of lust dot the skies, urging you to hold the dubious cloak close, even as you’re brought to the open road.

Eyes fluttering open, you watch the trees and after about a half hour, the approaching walls. Passing through the gates, you join the bustling throng. Shizuha pushes through it and you follow behind. She moves from the food stalls to tailors and toolmakers. Twitching, you glance around, eyes peeled for horns, ears, and other oddities. A quick feeling out reveals several dangerous youkai among the crowds. You hold close to Shizuha and keep your voice low.

“I don’t need to be here. How about you take care of this while I…”

Shizuha pulls you to her side. “I don’t like it either, but I, I… need you. We’ll be out of here just as soon as we…” She pulls you to a small tailor’s shop. Stepping through the curtain, you find a series of loose fabrics hanging behind the counter. On your side, you find sashes, ribbons, a few small cloths, and a couple futons hanging from the walls.

Behind the counter stands a man with a rugged, aged face, wearing a simple brown kimono.

You step up to the counter, glancing at the futons. “Excuse me, ms. How much is-”

Shizuha muscles her way in front of you. “We want the futon. How much?”

“Why, you’re in luck. It’s only 500 ryo.”

Shizuha’s eyes narrow. You clear your throat.

“Maybe we could-”

“200. We’ll take it for 200.”

The man flinches. “200? Are you crazy? 475, maybe. But there’s no way I could sell it for so little!”


You pat yourself down. You’ve got nothing to add.

“Look, lady. These may not be the most elaborate works, but they’re worth well more than that. Perhaps 460?”

Shizuha growls, looking into a pocket in her dress. “...208.”

You don’t recall seeing pockets on it before.

The man groans. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but I really can’t go that low. Perhaps you’d be interested in something smaller? A cute bow, perhaps?”

Shizuha growls, grabs your wrist, and turns on her heel. Dragging you outside, she works her way through the streets to another shop, to similar results. Visibly agitated, she prowls the districts until you catch a head of blonde hair with cat ears, bouncing in your direction. You jerk Shizuha to the side and slip around the corner, flattening yourself up against a wall.

Shizuha follows your eyes, the flinches. She pulls you close, glaring at the cat-eared woman until she turns away. She breathes slow and heavy. “Don’t worry, Naoko. I won’t let them take you away.”

Slowly, the two of you return to walking the streets, but Shizuha keeps you close to her body, now. She searches the streets for another tailor as you search your memories for other stores.

Nothing comes up and she finds very…

“Naoko? Is that you?”

You suppress a scream and, shaking, turn around. Some woman with curly red hair approaches you, a familiar, inky sensasion floating off her. “It is. Oh, I wasn’t sure at first, but it’s you! Say, how about you ditch the blondie and come with me?”

You cling to Shizuha. “I, um, I’m busy. I need to find-”

“She’s not ditching anyone.” Shizuha turns and tugs you away.

“Wait! Please, just a moment. I need to…”

Shizuha starts jogging, then sprinting. You stumble forward, pumping your legs to keep up. Slowly, the corruption bleeds away into the murky background noise of the village. Eventually, the two of you slow down and return to a moderate pace. Shizuha returns to scanning buildings when you remember something.

“I have a futon back at my house. Perhaps we could-”

Shizuha stops. “Of course. That useless dump. We’ll strip it down and sell it. Whatever we need, we take to the shed. Sell everything else.”

“It’s not a dump. I need somewhere to live, Shizuha.”

“Of course, you do. That’s what the futon’s for.”

You blink. “What?”

Shizuha groans. “They know where your house is now, remember? You can’t live or sleep there, so we get your futon and move it somewhere you can live.”

You grumble, but start working your way toward the neighborhood you lived in. “Not the dungeon, though. That’s just a temporary measure.”

“Yeah. Right.”

Silence falls. Finally, the two of you break away from the markets into nicer, more residential streets. As a result, the presence of corruption fades. No youkai live in the village, as far as you’re aware, so very few venture into these parts. Eventually, the finer houses give way to smaller, more spartan ones and, eventually, to…

“Oh, my my. How strange to see you two here.”

Shizuha locks up. Shaking, you turn around.

A serene smile adorned in fluffy pink hair glances back. A frilly, light blue dress cascades over rounded breasts and a full, not-quite plump figure.

Spinning a familiar, purple umbrella in her hands. One with a big eye and a fat tongue.

Yuyuko steps forward. “I do apologize if I’m interrupting something, but I really must insist on a little chat, young woman.”

“What is-”

Shizuha pulls you tight to her side. “What is it?”

Yuyuko keeps her eyes fixed on you. “Have you been doing well, lately?”

Shizuha takes a step back. “We’ve been fine.”

The umbrella… squirms in Yuyuko’s hands. She gives it a hard jerk. It flinches, then stills.

She says nothing. Her eyes don’t leave you.

You gulp. “We’ve done okay.”

“Why, that’s great to hear~” Slowly, her smile fades. “Now, I do believe you owe me the other half of this umbrella.”

“I… do, do I?”

Her eyes narrow to slits. She frowns. “Are you sure that’s a question you wish to ask? Do you want me to forward it to my gardener? Why, I’m sure she’d love to tell you all about it.”

Gardener… Someone working for Yuyuko… Kogasa… Oh, the swordswoman.

Oh. That… had gone poorly.

Shizuha lets out an exasperated gasp. “We’ll give you the umbrella. Actually, how about a sparrow and a bug? We’ll give you those too!”

Yuyuko shakes her head. “So, Naoko. Will you deliver what you owe, or will you learn what it’s like to cross the ‘queen of the dead’, as you so eloquently put it?”

You lick your lips. Should you? Without her, all you really have is Shizuha. And Shizuha won’t work with Mystia or Wriggle. How far dare you trust her?

Shizuha nudges you. “Yes, we will. We’ll give her-”

“Well, Naoko?”

Shizuha’s glowering at Yuyuko, but that woman’s eyes and her endless light, airy smile remains fixed on you. You glance between them. “Is there… no other way to repay you?”

Yuyuko’s face darkens. “Oh? You’re not so ridiculous as to try to take her place, are you? Think carefully, little girl.”

“You’re not getting h…” Fant, glowing butterflies rise into the air. Staring daggers, Shizuha closes her mouth.

Is it ridiculous? You were powerless to help the swordswoman, but you doubt Yuyuko cares. You need to do something. To think of something. Failing to appease Yuyuko is…

Dangerous, to say the least.

But Kogasa’s easily your most helpful captive and the only one who’s shown herself ready to truly help you.. And if you just sold her off, how would that affect the obedience of the others?

Despite her tone, maybe you could try to bargain, somehow? As much as the thought terrifies you, offering to take her place temporarily may just appease her enough to let you keep the umbrella.

Shaking, you…

[ ] Give up Kogasa. You need to keep some captives, but you can’t take any chances with Yuyuko.

[ ] Give up all your captives. If you’re giving up Kogasa, you may as well go all the way and make Shizuha happy, too.

[ ] Bargain. You need Kogasa and you need Yuyuko happy. Any risks or sacrifices to that end are worth it.

[ ] Refuse. You’re not risking what little power you have for anything.

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Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/11/06 (Fri) 18:00

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[X] Bargain. You need Kogasa and you need Yuyuko happy. Any risks or sacrifices to that end are worth it.

I want to see a disaster
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[x] Bargain. You need Kogasa and you need Yuyuko happy. Any risks or sacrifices to that end are worth it.
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[X] Bargain. You need Kogasa and you need Yuyuko happy. Any risks or sacrifices to that end are worth it.
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[x] Bargain. You need Kogasa and you need Yuyuko happy. Any risks or sacrifices to that end are worth it.

You gulp. “Ms. Yuyuko, would you… consider a compromise?”

Her eyes remain narrow, but she doesn’t say no.

You rub your arms. “Perhaps, perhaps…” The thought sends jittery twitches crawling up and down your body, but to keep Kogasa… “What if I did take her place, just for a moment? Would you let us both go then?”

The umbrella… shudders, somehow. Yuyuko giggles, taking a step closer.

Shizuha growls, then pulls you close. She whispers, “she’s not worth it, Naoko. You have-”

Yuyuko pushes her aside, still twirling the umbrella. Wearing a soft but foreboding smile, she leers down over you. “Do you have any idea what you’re suggesting, little girl? You know just what she did to my poor gardener, don’t you? Are you sure you can handle her… punishment?”

Your breath shakes. Idly, you slide a hand down to your hips. Your ass and pussy still ache from yesterday. Whatever she has in mind…

You shake your head, chest still quaking. You glance back to Shizuha. She frowns, eyes fixed on you. Kogasa’s the only girl other than her that you can even begin to trust. If you lose her, you’ll need to depend entirely on Shizuha’s reliability and good will.

She huffs, stilling glaring at you from the corner of her eye. That’s… not a gamble you’re ready to make.

You breathe in, then out. You turn to Yuyuko. The umbrella’s spin slows as she fixes her eyes on you. It winces, still wiggling ever so slightly.

“I, I can take it. Whatever I must.”

Her eyes widen, slowly. “All for a girl who raped you?”

You shudder. “Yes.”

To keep her.

She hums, twirling the umbrella again. “Such a curious proposition. Hm…”

“This is a bad idea, Naoko. You’ve got me. Why are you even-”

Yuyuko giggles. “No. This little umbrella abused my favorite servant.” She squeezes the umbrella shaft. It quivers. “I can reduce her penance, but nothing more. That’s not a problem, is it?”

You rub your arms. None of this sounds good, but… “That’s f-”

Shizuha grips your shoulder. “How long? When will Naoko be back?”

Yuyuko glances between the two of you, her expression worryingly flat. Slowly, you nod, silently requesting an answer.

She tuts. “You will be back before sunset tomorrow.” She extends a hand out. “Now, let’s fetch that little scamp, shall we?”


You both turn to Shizuha. She glares at Yuyuko. Yuyuko tuts. “Again? Do tell me, little goddess. What wise thoughts do you have this time?”

Shizuha flinches back, then clears her throat. “I-I’ll get her. You just… wait by, um, her forge. The one outside the village. The last thing we need is to make a scene.”

Yuyuko shakes her head. “Do be quick, then. I’d hate to think of what I’d do if you wasted any more of my time~”

Wordlessly, Shizuha nods and turns on her heel.

Yuyuko smiles, then places a firm hand on your shoulder. Propping the umbrella under her opposite arm, she waits for Shizuha to disappear.

“I do wonder what you see in her. Is it her firm ass, or her small tits?”

You turn away. “She protected me, when no one else did.”

She giggles. “So noble~ But why do you still keep her close. It’s that you prefer submitting to others, is it?”

“No. Why would you even…”

Yuyuko links arms with you. “This way~” She nudges you forward, through the streets. An awkward silence falls as she glides through the crowds, to the gate, and out onto the open roads. From there, she scoops you up and lazily drifts over the roads. Before you know it, she’s taken you off the major roads and straight to Kogasa’s home.

Finally, she stops just outside the fenced-in forge.

She hums, still holding your arm close. You glance around, looking out either for Shizuha, or signs of predators nearby.

There’s the occasional blip, the hint of a threat, but the wait is otherwise uneventful. Even as the sun climbs ever so slowly toward its peak, you merely stand there, waiting. You shift a little, finding Yuyuko’s arm pinning you tight to her. Idly, your spare hand wanders to your ass, massaging the cheeks.

“You weren’t a very good waitress, were you?”

You turn to Yuyuko. She keeps her eyes on the trail leading out from the house. She clicks her tongue.

“I’m sure that any other girl could have gotten us our refreshments much sooner, for one. And your choice of sake, really.”

You groan. “I did my best.”

She sighs. “I do believe your best would have been to let that poor sailor have what she wanted.”

Your hips squirm at the reminder, still sore. “But she got what she wanted! Everything she…”

She tuts. “I would jump at the chance to please, were I in your shoes. It would serve you much, much better.”

What do you even say to that? Give up on your life, your autonomy, completely? An awkward silence descends, stretching from seconds to minutes. Eventually, a sound catches your attention.


You focus your eyes on the trail. Shizuha appears, leading Kogasa on a rustic-colored leash, with a matching blindfold wrapped tight to the girl’s face.

And still, those round, heavy tits hang from her otherwise naked body. She shivers, turning her head this way and that.

Shizuha groans, steps behind her, and shoves her in your general direction. Blind, Kogasa stumbles forward but, somehow, manages to right herself. Finally, Yuyuko lets go of you to grab her bare shoulders.

Kogasa gulps. “Wh-where am I? Who is…”

Shizuha huffs. “There. She’s yours. You can keep her for all I care.”

Yuyuko’s eye twinkles. “Someone’s been a naughty, naughty girl. Now, what does she…”

Shizuha steps up to you and pulls you close. “You’re really doing this, Naoko? You’re trusting that bitch more than me?”

You keep your voice low, matching hers. “We can’t just ignore her, Shizuha. If she’s not satisfied-”

“You could have just given her Kogasa. We don’t need her. We never needed her. If you just trusted…”

Yuyuko clears her throat. Reluctantly, Shizuha pulls away.

Holding a firm grip around Kogasa’s shivering body, Yuyuko beckons to the sky. “Time to fulfill your promise, Naoko~”

You give one last, apologetic smile to Shizuha, then march up to Yuyuko. Shizuha glowers at Yuyuko and stomps off. Yuyuko wraps her arms around Kogasa and lifts up, into the air. “This way.”

Inhaling, you pull yourself into the air after her. Slow and wobbling, you float in her general direction.

Leaves descend from the air, first one at a time, then in small flurries.

Yuyuko looks down, frowning. “Do hurry up, Naoko. I don’t have…”

“Leave this to me!”

Kogasa breaks out of Yuyuko’s arms and floats down to you. She smiles at you, her leash and blindfold completely gone. Scooping you out of the air, she turns and swoops back up, soaring after Yuyuko. She cradles you close to her tits as she catches up.

Yuyuko looks down on you, her eyes open wide. She still holds Kogasa’s umbrella close to her body. She shakes her head and leads you to a great gate in the sky.

The same one you’d followed Youmu through when you left. Yuyuko shoves the gate open and sails through it.

On the other side, Kogasa carries you over the great stone stairs. As she crests them, you have a moment to witness the sprawling estate before you as she drops to her feet. Then, still carrying you, she follows Yuyuko down the wide, well-paved path to her mansion. Oddly, you can’t find a single guard, servant, or visitor around.

Faint, wispy mists and pale lights hang in the air. They cling to the walls and rise from the ground. With every step, you feel the presence of something watching you.

Kogasa gulps. “Um, that umbrella you’re holding. My umbrella. Could I have it back?”

Yuyuko shakes her head, giggling. “No, I don’t think so~”

“But, it’s a part of me! Literally!”

Yuyuko fondles the umbrella shaft. “Oh, I know~” One hand slides up, into the spokes, eliciting a faint, quivering yelp.

Kogasa cringes, shrinking back. “N-nevermind…”

Yuyuko smiles, then steps inside. “This way.”

Kogasa’s eyes wander around the wide hallway. “W-where are we going?”

Yuyuko titters. “Oh? You don’t know?”

“Shizuha just told me I was going away, so…”

“Well, why don’t you wait and see? I’m sure you’ll love what I have in store.”

Kogasa shudders.

You clear your throat. “I can walk, Kogasa.”

“Oh, right!” Kogasa giggles, abashed, and sets you on your feet.

Yuyuko leads the two of you through some wide, empty hallways and into a small, secluded room. She sets the umbrella down, outside the room. As she shuts the door behind you, you look around.

The room itself is similarly sparse, save a pile of rope in a near corner and a wooden, triangular object against the far wall. One with a shining metal tip running along the top. Yuyuko pats the wall between you and the hallway you entered from, across from the triangle.

“Over here, girls.”

You walk up to the wall. With both hands planted over her bare crotch, Kogasa follows you.

Yuyuko clears her throat. “Naoko, remove your clothing.”

Your face warms. “Wh-”

Yuyuko claps her hands, the room almost vibrating from the impact.

“Your clothing, Naoko. Remove it.”

“Y-yes, ma’am.” Shaking, you untie and discard your kimono. Yuyuko taps her feet. You remove your bra and panties too.

“Good. Now, both of you, kneel.”

You drop to your knees. Kogasa looks to you. You nod. She follows suit, settling down beside you.

Yuyuko hums, then strides to the pile of rope. Picking up a long strand, she coils it around her arm and walks back around, behind you. Humming, she folds the rope in half and slings it around your chest, just above your breasts. You quiver as she hooks it around itself behind your back and pulls it back around, beneath your breasts. She crosses the strands again and pulls them up, twisting them around each other as she winds it between your breasts. Then, tugging hard, she knots them into the upper rope.

“Um, Naoko. If you want her to stop…”

Yuyuko tuts, leaning over your shoulder. “If you want to keep your little umbrella, I suggest you muzzle her. Soon.”

You gulp, struggling to stay calm as the ropes bite into your breasts. “It’s… fine, Kogasa. We just need to, to what she says.” You shudder, wiggling as she pulls the ropes up and over your shoulders, then ties them into the knot on your back. “Whatever she says. If, if we do…” She pulls your arms behind your back and folds them together.

Kogasa shudders. “I don’t like where this is going…”

Yuyuko brings the ropes further down. You take a deep breath. “I’m ordering you to obey her, Kogasa.”


Yuyuko winds the ropes around your arms, lashes your wrists to your elbows, then brings the ropes up your sides. You wiggle your back as she lashes the ropes beneath your breasts, then the ones above them. Then, finally, she brings them back to the central knot and ties them off.

She wanders off, grabs a couple smaller coils of rope and brings them back. Kneeling down, she lifts one of your legs up. She keeps it folded as she winds the rope around it. Then, as it reaches the knee, she lashes the ropes together, one strand at a time, until she reaches your ankles, where she ties it off.

She ties the other leg in a similar manner, then steps back. You look back up at her, twisting in the ropes. She was… thorough. The ropes dig into your arms, your chest, your back… even your legs. It feels oppressive, overbearing, and so, so tight.

You flex your hands as she returns to the rope and brings it to Kogasa.

Kogasa yelps as Yuyuko gets started. “Um, uh, Naoko. I don’t know…”

Yuyuko turns a narrow gaze to you. You whimper. “O-obey me, Kogasa!”

Kogasa flinches as Yuyuko works the ropes. “Yes, ma’am!”

Yuyuko raises a brow as she winds the ropes around Kogasa’s soft, naked flesh.

Still, Kogasa keeps squirming with each loop and knot, pushing out those fat tits, pinning her arms to her back and, eventually, her legs to themselves.

Finally, Yuyuko steps back and smiles. The kind of smile that makes your skin crawl. “Good, now stay still and think about what you’ve done, okay?”

You lean back, feeling the ropes bite and creak at even the slight movement. “Yes, Ms. Yuyuko.”

Kogasa grunts, then tilts slightly to her side, toward you. “What did I-”

Yuyuko tuts as she picks up an angular, flat stone from beneath the ropes and carries it toward you. Gently, she lowers it into your lap. You take a sharp breath as its weight sinks into your legs, almost hard enough to grind them into the floor.

She picks up another one and holds it over Kogasa’s legs. “You should thank this generous young woman, you know. Both of these were meant for you~”

She unceremoniously dumps it into Kogasa’s lap, then presses her foot into it. Kogasa squeals.

“You really don’t remember the lovely young woman you assaulted? Why, do you know that, even now, she avoids going out without my presence?” Kogasa groans as Yuyuko leans forward, sinking more of her weight into the girl’s lap. She strokes Kogasa’s chin and forces her wincing gaze upward. “Now, tell me, why is she so afraid?”

Kogasa grunts. “D-did I do something?”

Yuyuko growls. “Cute young maiden. Short, white hair. Excellent with landscaping and swordplay. Strong, but easily flustered. Ring a bell?”

Kogasa shudders. “O-oh, her… I’m sorry! I thought she, I really, really thought she wa-”


You wince as Kogasa’s head jerks hard to the side, blasted aside by Yuyuko’s open palm. Clearing her throat, Yuyuko steps back and walks around to the door. Then, sliding it open, she steps outside.

The door slides closed, leaving the two of you alone, naked and constricted. You shift your hips, struggling to find a way to make the weight of the stone and the growing soreness in your legs more bearable.

It’s of little use. Your legs hurt, the ropes bite into your skin with every shift or twitch, and each breath comes out a little more ragged than the last.

Kogasa trembles. “I-I-I… I had no idea. I swear. I swear, I swear.”

You lean back. Your whole body aches. This, this is… fine. If this is all Yuyuko has in mind. You can, you can…

The door slides open again. Yuyuko strides in, carrying a long whip. Your eyes widen and in response, she grins. Shutting the door, she steps up to you and cracks it just by your thighs.

You flinch.

She steps to your side and…


It rips across Kogasa’s breasts. She yelps. Yuyuko hauls back and strikes it across Kogasa again. She whimpers.

She hauls back again. Giggling.


You screech as it tears across your chest. Searing pain blossoms in-


You gasp, hissing from the blow.

Yuyuko lets out a happy sigh. “Do you know how long it took me to get her out of the house after the little stunt you two pulled?”

You shiver, legs burning. “I, I tried to help, Yuyuko. I sw-”


You scream as your breasts burn, searing from her blow. You clench your eyes shut as she pulls back for the next one.

“I recall giving you one single task, Naoko. One thing you had to do. Did you do it?”

You look down, shuddering. “I, I tried. Really, I did everything I-”

The whip blasts across your breasts again. You screech. You lean forward, gasping for air. Sweat drips from your panting lips and down your burning breasts. She places the whip to your chin, forcing your eyes up, toward hers.

She frowns. “Did you do it?”

You wince. “N-no. Ms. Yuyuko. I, I didn’t.”

She huffs and turns away, planting her foot on your stone, digging it deeper into your burning legs. Even as she whips Kogasa, all you feel is relief that it’s not you. Even as Kogasa screams and squeals in pain, as she flinches and, fruitlessly, tries to squirm away from the blows.

The whip cracks across Kogasa’s poor body one last time, then stills. “And you. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please, have mercy! I’m begging you!”

Yuyuko tuts, then lifts the rock off her lap. “Very well, I shall let you go~”

Her tone, almost sing-songy, makes your gut sink. And judging by Kogasa’s shivers, she’s felt it too.

Yuyuko squats down and grabs Kogasa. Single-handedly lifting her into the air by her harness, she turns and strides to the triangular… thing.

Kogasa squirms as they approach, her ropes almost burrowing into her. “Wait, wait! What is that? What-”

Yuyuko lowers her down, centering Kogasa’s crotch on the metal tip as she lets go. Kogasa screams. Her bound legs hanging off either side as she shudders in pain.

She screeches as Yuyuko whips her from behind. You flinch away as the whip cracks across her back another couple times. Kogasa wiggles, desperate to avoid the blows.

“Hmhmhm~” Yuyuko turns back to you and approaches in slow, languid steps. With Kogasa still shifting and grunting behind her, she lifts the stone off your lap and sets it beside you.

You sigh in appreciation, however much your legs still hurt. She kneels and leans forward. Gripping your hips, she scoots you toward her, then stands up and steps back.

“Turn around for me, would you?”

Muscles tense, you nod and… and what? You wiggle your hips and twist your bound legs. Yuyuko growls. You wiggle harder. Eventually, you shift around until you’re facing the wall opposite her.

“Good. Now, bend over for me, would you?”

With your face obscured from her, you dare to mouth a silent protest. You close your locked hands into fists. Once more, you’re at a loss of how to proceed. Without any degree of control over your arms or legs, you can only rock your hips back and forth.

Yuyuko lets out a condescending sigh. Then, gripping your hip with one hand, she grabs your head with the other and shoves you forward, into the tatami floor. You yelp, then grunt as you land.

Finally, she strokes your ass. You shiver at the attention. That, from someone in her mood, is never, never-

Her hand slides off your ass and slips between your thighs, rubbing your hood. You gasp, shuddering as she slides her fingers between the lips.

“Now, tell me, Naoko. You also abused my gardener, didn’t you? If you would be so kind, I would love to hear what possessed you do think of such a thing~”

You clench your eyes shut as she pushes her thin, delicate fingers further inside you. Even as soft as they are, your well-worn pussy aches at the pressure. “I, I… I had no choice!”


You yelp as her hand strikes your ass. “No choice but to rape my gardener?”

You gulp, heart pounding. “She was already…”

She strikes your ass again. You squeal. She slides her fingers, slowly, in and out. “Oh? Was she going to do something to you? How terrible. But I’m sure my precious gardener’s purity was less important, wasn’t it?”

You grunt. “She was already fucking her! All I could do was take her more gently, I-”

Her backhand blasts across your ass, followed by a vicious open palm. You scream, then shudder as slaps your sore pussy, then shoves her fingers back in.

“And your reason for helping this terrible girl beforehand?”

You whimper. “I, I had to. She…”

The fingers slow. She doesn’t spank you. “Oh? Please, do tell~”

“She, she was…”

“I’m sorry, Mistress!”

You blink. The fingers slide out.

“I… I shouldn’t have gotten you into so much trouble. I’m, I… I’ll do better next time, I swear!”

“Mistress?” Yuyuko wipes her slick, sticky fingers over your thighs. “Tell me, little umbrella. Just what are you to her?”

“I’m her, her…” Her voice audibly warms. “I’m her cute little slave, right Naoko?”

You pant, your body aching. “Yes. That’s, what she… is. To me.”

She laughs, her voice high and haughty. “Oh-ho-ho. Well, in that case…”

Those fingers stroke your ass again.

“How about you take responsibility for your property’s misbehavior, hm?”

You blink. Twisting your head, you glance back to the triangle. Kogasa sags atop it, sweating. Catching your gaze, she tries to smile back, but it’s strained. She’s breathing hard. That…

That metal strip is wedged awfully tight against her pussy. That has to hurt.

You… can’t possibly take her place, can you? To sit there, like that… you shift your bound chest. To endure all that pain, for Kogasa? No, you can’t. Impossible.

Sure, she’d probably love it if you did. Maybe you could somehow hold it over her afterward, make her do something she’d otherwise refuse to. But there’s no way it could possibly be worth that kind of pain.

Could it?

Would that be worth it?

[ ] Take her place.

[ ] Leave her be.

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[X] Take her place.
In for a penny. In to get pounded.
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[X] Take her place.
Whatever gets Naoko into more bondage
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[X] Take her place.

Submit to the BDSM you can't resist Naoko~
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[x] Take her place.

You shift your bound, aching legs and your sore crotch. Your chest, compressed and forced out through Yuyuko’s tight, constricting ropes, heaves as you go over what… no, don’t think about it. Just-“I’ll do it.”

She giggles, delivering a light, seemingly playful smack to your bare ass, then pats your rope-smothered back. “Such a generous, responsible little mistress you are~”

She stands and steps away. Kogasa gasps, her chest rising. “Mistress? You’re really going to…”

Kogasa yelps, followed by the creaking of ropes. Craning your neck, you just manage to watch Yuyuko lift her back into the air and, approaching you, set her down beside you.

She offers a bashful smile the moment before a dainty hand wraps itself between the ropes and your back. Your ropes bite deep into your skin and the ground drops away from you.

Your breasts ache, feeling almost like they’re squeezed away from your body completely. But in a flash, that pain evaporates as you’re swung up and over the triangle. That hard, metal tip lies beneath you. The one that made Kogasa scream. It’s flat on top, but with a surface barely wide enough to even see, dropping off to the rest of the structure at sharp angles.

Yuyuko’s hand lowers, bringing the triangle closer. Your knees bump into the wood, then slide down. For a split-second, she pauses. Your thighs rest against the wood, almost entirely. The metal strip brushes against your pussy. Your breaths come hard and fast. Your arms and chest burn, but you barely even notice.

Any moment now, any moment, she’ll…

She lets go. The strip slams into your pussy. The blinding pain blossoms, then explodes, from your pussy, up your chest, and blasts out from your lungs in a ragged scream. The scream continues for a few seconds, wringing every ounce of air from your lungs before finally trailing off.

Distantly, Kogasa whimpers.

Yuyuko claps her hands. “Such a lovely scream~”

You twist your torso and wiggle your hips. Gasping for air, you hunch over the structure. She deposited you dead center on it, too far from either end to hope to wiggle off. Getting off of this is…

Not happening, unless she lifts you off or undoes your bindings.

You lean back, easing some of the pressure from your pussy, and glance around the room. Kogasa tries to smile back, as if to reassure you. Yuyuko…

She picks her whip off the ground and steps around, behind you. Shuddering, sweating, you shake your head. “Please, Yuyuko. The triangle-”

“Wooden horse, Naoko.”

You gulp. “The wooden horse.” Horse? Why h… “It-it’s plenty-plenty painful. On its own. Please, please-”


You screech, your torso lurching forward. Pain blossoms across your back as the bar manages to bite deeper into your battered crotch. Yuyuko giggles. You flinch at the sound of another whip crack, though it doesn’t strike you this time. You take a shaking sigh of relief and-


You scream, leaning far forward. Your pussy burns, forcing you to lean back, only for the whip to blast across your back again. You sag, then scream as it strikes your bound arms, then your back, then your arms again. She whips you again, and again, and again. Each blow engraves a new line of scorching pain, jerking you forward and dragging some yelp, grunt, or screech from your lungs.

“H-hang in there, mistress!”

You grunt in response. The weak comfort her voice offers is torn away by the next lash beating across you. You soon lose track of how many you’ve suffered, of how long she spends tearing into your abused back.

Finally, the whip stills.

Blinding pain radiates off your back as the metal strip buries itself in your throbbing, aching pussy. You wheeze, gasping for breath.

She tuts, then leans over you, sliding her arms around your own. Gently, almost lovingly, she cups your compressed, sore breasts. “This is only what you deserve, you know.”

You force out a slow, shuddering breath. “Yes, ma’am.” Anything to keep the pain away.

Slowly, she squeezes your breasts between her fingers. “Next time, you’ll throw yourself before any woman before letting them take my precious girl, right?”

Wincing, shifting your thighs, you nod.

She massages your breasts, then fingers your nipples. “You’d do anything to protect her, right?”

You clench your useless hands, but you nod.

“Good, good.” Yuyuko squeezes your breasts tighter this time.

You gasp, heart pounding as your body aches.

“Now, tell me precisely how you feel.”

“I-I…” You shudder, struggling to focus. “I… it hurts, Lady Yuyuko.”

“Of course it does, silly girl.” She lifts your breasts, then presses down on them. “Tell me where it hurts the most~”

“In m-my…” You gasp, struggling to think straight. “My pussy, Lady Yuyuko. It…”

She pushes your breasts upward, gently bouncing them in her palms. “But isn’t that the most appropriate place? After all, you could have saved my gardener had you offered it up, couldn’t you? And yet you chose not to.”

You groan. “I don’t, I don’t-”

She pinches your nipples. You hiss. “Y-yes. Yes, I c-could have. I-I’m sorry…”

“That’s a good girl~” Her fingers slide off and she steps away, leaving you to the agony still pounding through your pussy, your breasts, your back…

You squirm, blinking away tears as you shift your weight. You lean forward, moving the pain from your pussy, then lean back, shifting it to your crack, then forward again. No matter where you sit, somewhere’s burning, throbbing in pain.

Then, Yuyuko’s hands return, holding a pair of clips in front of your eyes. The sort you’d use to hang clothes from, but thinner, with a smooth covering at the short ends. And a chain dangling between them.

She brings them down to your chest. Squeezing the long ends, she pries the short tips apart, then brings them close to your nipples.

Your eyes have only a second to fly open in realization, before she presses them to your flesh and snaps them shut. You yelp, gasping as they pinch your nipples viciously tight. Even as the weight of your body grinds your abused pussy ever deeper to the metal beneath you, you shudder and gasp at the searing pain of your tortured breasts.

Yuyuko hums and leans down, taking a light grasp of the chain now dangling between your nipples. Gently, tauntingly, she lifts it before your eyes. Tears forming at the corner of your eyes, you mutely shake your head. She smiles.

Then she yanks it upward.

You scream again, arching your back in a desperate effort to mitigate the pressure tearing at your breasts. Still tugging, still smiling, Yuyuko leans in close, licking her lips.

You wheeze. Between your legs, your arms, your torso, your ass, and especially your breasts and pussy, everything hurts. Everything aches, throbs, burns, or worse.

Weight, compression, and sharp, biting pressure dig into every part of your body, for…

A pair of lips press themselves to yours. Your eyes flutter, your body and mind utterly overwhelmed. What-but-when-why?

The lips pull back and the pressure eases from the chain. Your nipples still burn, but the pain in your breasts eases. Jaw hanging, spit still training from your lips, you stare up at Yuyuko. She smirks, then leans in close. Rubbing one hand along your breasts, she slides the other down your bare belly, stopping just above your tortured pussy.

From there, it slides around your back to gently squeeze an ass-cheek as she whispers into your ear.

“Remember what your ‘slave’ did to my precious gardener?”

You gulp. She did… she took…

Something. Something… sexual.

Yuyuko pulls back and steps away. She walks away from you, to, to…

The door. Where she…

You shift your weight again. Your body burns. You wiggle, only managing to somehow wedge your crotch deeper onto the device. There’s… words, possibly. Yuyuko is, Yuyuko is…

She’s saying something? To someone?

You pant and heave, struggling to listen, to pay attention to anything but the pain.

“Excuse me.”

That wasn’t Yuyuko or Kogasa. That was… You tilt your head to the side, catching a glimpse of short, white hair adorned by a black ribbon.

Youmu. Youmu’s here. She will-she could…

You screech as, suddenly, the ropes dig deeper into your flesh again, then gasp in relief as the pressure finally, finally leaves your battered, throbbing pussy. You wheeze out a faltering “thank you.”

Yuyuko chuckles. “Oh, don’t thank me yet, little girl. Your punishment’s only half done~”

You blink as she sets you onto the floor by the triangle-the ‘wooden horse’-and steps back. You curl forward, as if to ease the deep, almost unbearable ache between your legs. What else would…

You glance to Kogasa, still kneeling, bound, and naked. She offers you a faint, hopeful smile. Nearby, Youmu stares down at her, eyes hard and lips thin. She’s-

Yuyuko kneels by you and ties something under your left shoulder, then something else under your right. Next comes your ankles, then she finishes with the spot directly behind your breasts.

Youmu’s voice floats to your ears, so cold and merciless that you barely recognize it. It carries only a single word, directed to someone else. “You.”

Something shifts in the new ropes, just as you hear a hard thwack.

Kogasa yelps. Then, with the next blow, she squeals. You glance aside to find Youmu hauling back just as your ropes bite harder into your ankles and arms. As Kogasa yelps, twists, and cries, the ropes haul you up, over the tatami floor.

A few tearful cries later, the ropes stop. Creaking, they hold you suspended over the floor. Yuyuko’s hand glides over your ass. Then, it slides up your back and presses down, grinding your body into your ropes.

You gasp through the pain as Yuyuko clears her throat.

“Oh, Youmu~”

The strikes cease. Kogasa gulps.

The hand eases from your back. “I think there are other, better ways we could punish these two scoundrels.”

Youmu turns to face Yuyuko, cocking her head to one side. “Do tell, Lady Yuyuko.”

Yuyuko jostles your ropes. “Get her in this position and I’ll show you, okay?”

Youmu fingers the ropes, her cold, firm eyes fixed on Kogasa. Then, with a slight slump of her shoulders, she sighs. “Yes, Lady Yuyuko.”

Yuyuko steps away from you and tosses some ropes to Youmu, who scoots Kogasa up beside you. The ropes holding you aloft sway, slowly rotating you one way, then another.

Youmu starts at Kogasa’s ankle, working the first knot.

You wince as Yuyuko’s hand slides across your ass again. She gives one cheek a squeeze. “You remember now, right? What punishment you still need to endure? What your selfishness cost her?”

Your breaths grow fast and shallow. What Youmu endured, from Kogasa…

Your pussy still burns, and your ass is barely better. If she, if she…

“Oh, no no, that’s not even close, silly dear.” Her hand leaves your ass. “Here, Youmu. Let me take care of that.”

You glance down to your side. Youmu’s still struggling with the first knot when Yuyuko shoos her aside. Youmu blushes, but rises back to her feet and steps back as Yuyuko gets to work.

Then, she approaches you, stepping around to the side opposite Yuyuko, she squats down, bringing herself level with your swaying head.

“I’m sorry, Naoko.”

You blink. What?

She keeps her voice low. “I’d failed in my duty to you and, because of that…” She shakes her head. “I know you did your best.”

A long rope trails from the knots Yuyuko’s working into Kogasa’s harness and ankle ties, which she’s nearly finished with.

“I cannot deny my mistress but, perhaps, I could maybe, um, punish you in her place.” You blink, locking eyes with her. She answers with a firm gaze of her own, though with… something lurking in its corners. “Rest assured, Naoko. I’ll be much gentler than she would.”

That’s… a tempting offer. As Yuyuko starts to lift Kogasa into the air, your mind races. You have maybe a second left to make your decision. So, you…

[ ] Ask Youmu to punish you.

[ ] Ask Youmu to go easy on Kogasa, instead.

[ ] Let Yuyuko do as she pleases.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/12/01 (Tue) 19:00

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[X] try to choke youmu with your ankle ropes

[X] Ask Youmu to punish you.
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[X] Ask Youmu to punish you.
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[X] Ask Youmu to punish you.

Hopefully (?) as gentle as she says.
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[x] Ask Youmu to punish you.

The four ropes suspending you creak. You sway slightly, but Youmu holds you close. You whisper, “please, I… I’d rather it be you, Youmu.”

A wide… strange smile spreads across her face. One with a distinct, lascivious edge to it. What-

She cups your cheeks in her hands and scoots closer. Smiling, she places a light kiss on your lips, then pulls away. Her breath wafts over you as her lips part. She whispers, “I’ll do it.”

She steps back and raises her voice. “Lady Yuyuko, please let me take care of Naoko.”

Kogasa grunts as Yuyuko finishes tying off the last rope. She hangs very, very close to you. She squeals as Yuyuko rests an arm-and some of her weight-on the poor girl’s back.

“Is that what you really want?”

Youmu clears her throat and straightens her back. “Yes, mistress. I would love to.”

“Very well~” Yuyuko shrugs and steps away.

Youmu grins, crouches back down, and pulls you into another kiss. This time, she holds you there, planting and pressing her lips tight to yours.

She… doesn’t do anything else, just holding your head and pressing her face up against you. Her breath fills your nostrils and your lungs grow tight, until you hear a door slide.

Youmu’s eyes fly open and she pulls away, rubbing her lips as she turns to the sound. Following her gaze, you find Yuyuko shuffling through a closet. Your breath catches as she lifts a pink, double-headed dildo out. You gulp as she lifts another one out, this time with straps leather attached.

“Oh, Youmu~” She extends the one with straps out, toward her.

Youmu blinks, tilting her head to one side. Hesitantly, she accepts the offered dildo.

Yuyuko sighs. “Strap it around your hips so you can… satisfy yourself with her.”

Youmu’s eyes narrow, then her face turns red. “That-that…”

Yuyuko shakes her head, fondling her own toy. “It’s too late to deny it now~” She clears her throat. “Now, remember that one end goes inside of you, okay?”

Youmu stutters, then nods. Smiling, she walks around, behind you. You crane your neck to one side but can’t turn far enough to see anything behind you. Cloth slides across skin.

You wiggle. Your shoulders bump into Kogasa’s. The two of you share a nervous glance as wet, squishing noises sound behind you.

Yuyuko moans, sending a startled shiver through Kogasa’s body. “Get ready, little rapist. I’m going to have so very, very much fun wringing apologies from those devious lips of yours~”

Kogasa squeaks. “I-I’m sorry.”

Yuyuko chuckles. “Oh, yes. You will be.”

You wiggle, twisting in your ropes as you hear buckling behind you. Then, a smooth, slippery dildo rubs up, between your legs, alongside your battered pussy.

A pair of hands glide up and down your rope-crossed back. “Oh, Naoko. You’re so, uh… hot~”

You giggle, audibly nervous. “T-thank you?”

“Oh, no.” She leans forward, resting her weight on your ass. “Thank you.”

The dildo pulls back, then pokes its head at your pussy. You gulp, shuddering.

Whack, whack!

Kogasa yelps. You flinch, glancing aside to find Yuyuko’s hand striking Kogasa’s back. Kogasa squirms and-

Youmu’s hands slide up and down your back. “Ignore them. Right now, your body belongs to me~”

Slowly, the head presses forward, parting your pussy’s lips. You grunt, shuddering as her hips press forward, slowly pushing the dildo deeper inside. Slowly, she-

Kogasa screeches, jerking forward. She bounces back, then squeals as she jerks forward again. Sh-

You groan, squirming as Youmu’s toy cock sinks deep, deep inside you. Your pussy aches, its sore walls stretched painfully wide around her.

Youmu pants, sinking deeper until her crotch hits yours. She shudders and something drips onto your back.

“Y-you’re so, so… it feels so good…”

Kogasa jerks and whimpers to your side as Youmu slides her hands to your ass. Your breath hitches as she gives it a long, loving squeeze. She pulls her hips back, easing the pressure inside you.

Kogasa’s creak as she swings back and forth, her grunts and squeals the only sounds you hear as…

Youmu presses back into you, cute little moans slipping from her lips as she plunges deeper.

“S-so, so good…”

You grunt, wincing as she grinds through your sore pussy. Her grip on your ass eases, slightly.

Your pussy, slowly, grows wetter, easing the strain of accommodating her dildo’s unyielding girth. Her hands shift. She slides them up, massaging your back.

Your breathing grows ever so slightly labored as she pushes in, stuffing you, then slips gently out. Her hips shift as her gentle but painful thrusts grow smoother. As she leans forward, her hands drift further up your back, to your shoulder blades. Her weight sinks, through them, into you, grinding you into your harness.

You hiss, gasping in discomfort, dulled only by the faintest hints of pleasure.

Kogasa’s squeals slow down, giving you short breaks of relative quiet between each one. But they also grow louder, as does the creaking of her ropes.

Were it not for the rubber cock filling you, grinding back inside your moist cunt, you might even have been able to count her…

Yuyuko gasps, loud enough to startle Youmu. At least, based the way the dildo jostles inside you, then pauses. Something squelches nearby.

Kogasa whines. “D-don’t leave me now…”

“Oh? What a bold little…”

Youmu pulls out, her dildo almost popping free of your pussy. You gasp, shuddering.

Then you scream as she plunges back inside. She pants and groans, her sweaty hands slip back down, toward your ass. She pumps her toy cock in and out, pounding you. You bounce on her thrusting hips, struggling to breath as she rubs her breasts over your back.

Youmu’s voice drops, growing deeper, hungrier. She slides her hands down, gripping your waist as she grinds through you. Your sore, throbbing pussy squeezes down on her, dragging her deeper inside. You whimper. Your chest heaves, struggling to push out every shallow, shaking breath it can.

Despite the pain blossoming anew across your body, your hips push back, grinding on her juice-stained shaft for more.

Loosely, you recognize Kogasa’s voice somewhere in the room with you. She’s… complaining? No, panting. Moaning. Yuyuko’s mocking her, but you can’t make out the words.

Your worn, used, aching body keeps pushing back. Your voice comes out wet and hungry. Then, your muscles seize. Youmu’s grunting and moaning. She’s loud. Too loud. Far, far to…

You gasp, soft and shallow and possibly even cute. Everything freezes. Your vision blurs, your lungs freeze.

Then, then you scream. A ragged, almost broken scream of pain and pleasure blasts from your exhausted lungs.

As the pleasure fades, you find yourself still bouncing on Youmu’s rubber cock. Your pussy burns and throbs. It’s too hard, too fat, too…

You gasp. “E-enough, please…”

Youmu grunts, hot and hungry. Wordlessly, she keeps thrusting, keeps slamming herself inside you.

You squirm, twisting your hips, but it’s pointless. With your legs suspended, there’s no way to even try to wiggle off the shaft she’s impaling you with.

You can only groan in fatigue and pain as she keeps thrusting, keeps pounding.

Kogasa moans. “I-I’m sorry, Yuyuko! I di-” She yelps, squealing. This time in pleasure. “P-please stop. I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough!”

Whatever Yuyuko’s doing, she doesn’t pause or even slow down. Kogasa gasps and yelps and moans, wiggling as fruitlessly as you had.

Youmu’s fingers bite deep into your sides as a long, ragged moan drags itself from her lips. Finally, mercifully, the dildo slows. It still moves, but only in short motions, gently sliding back and forth. Her grip soon eases and, leaning forward, she wraps her hands around your battered breasts. Idly, she gives them slow, gentle squeezes.

“T-thank you, Naoko. That felt so, so, so good…”

Wincing, you nod. “O-of course. A-a-anything for you.”

As Youmu’s hips rock gently back and forth, Kogasa’s voice climbs in pitch and volume.

“Please! Ms. Yuyuko! Plea-SE!” A loud squeal interrupts whatever else she’d intended to say.

“All this, from merely my fingers? What a dirty, dirty girl~”

She grunts and mutters something between gasps and squeals, but it’s impossible to make out.

“You’re already about to cum, aren’t you? All from a few light touches to this tiny little thing?”

She groans, her breath erratic and heavy. She shudders.

“Did you cum for your mistress this easily? From a finger or two on your tiny little nub?”

She shakes her head. Yuyuko laughs, loud and cruel.

“Such a shame. Now, cum for me, right beside her.”

She bites her lip, grunting. “N-no…” She shakes her head, harder. “No-o-o-oh…” She groans, her body quaking. Drool slips from her gasping lips.

Then, she screams. Quieter than you. Cuter, too. As her cries die down, you hear a few strikes across her body. Spanking, from the sounds of it.

She sniffles, her body shaking. “Please, forgive me, forgive me…” She shuts her eyes as a couple tears leak from them.

Yuyuko sighs. “Good enough for me~ Now, help me get these girls down, would you, Youmu?”

Youmu’s hands slide off your breasts and her dildo slips free of your pussy. “Yes, Lady Yuyuko.”

You utter a sigh of relief, watching as Yuyuko loosens one of Kogasa’s ropes. There’s a squish behind you, then Youmu walks around to your front. She holds her skirt up, revealing trails of juices running down her thighs. Whether hers, yours, or both, you’re…

She grins and steps closer, holding her bare pussy close to your face. “Clean me up and I’ll let you down, okay?”

You raise your tired head to stare at her, only to find her skirt blocking your view. She takes another step closer. The scent of those fluids fills your lungs, both hers and yours.

Gulping, you extend your tongue out and lap the fluids from her thighs.

As you drink yourself and her down, she squats down slightly. In response, you press your tongue to her pussy, drinking up everything there, too.

After a few passes, she pulls back, freeing both your tongue and nose of the stench and taste of sex.

Or at least, reducing it.

Youmu ruffles your hair, then gets to work on your ropes. Eventually, several moments after Kogasa had settled into an awkward, bound kneel, Youmu undoes the last rope. Finally freed from the ceiling, you curl your legs forward.

From there, Youmu settles down behind you and slides her hands along your thighs. Slowly, she unties your legs.

Yuyuko hums. “Say, Youmu, how do you feel? Have they served their sentences?”

Youmu works on your legs in silence for a moment, then clears her throat. “I’m done with the umbrella, but perhaps we could keep this one?”

Your gut sinks. That… that wasn’t the deal, was it?

Kogasa gasps. “No!”

Yuyuko shoves her forward, then spanks her. She then returns to untying Kogasa’s wrists. “Are you sure? You’d be responsible for feeding, watering, and training her, you know.”

Feeding? Water-Training? Your heart pounds, your worn lungs heaving. No way, no…

“Hrm.” Youmu frees your right leg, then moves to your left. “What about for just a little bit? Try her for a week?”

Yuyuko frees Kogasa’s forearms, then gets to work on the rest of her harness. “Her punishment cannot be extended so far. Now, has this been sufficient or not?”

Freeing your other leg, Youmu turns to your back. She sighs. “Very well. I suppose this has been enough.”


You gasp in relief, your heart slowly calming.

Over the next few minutes, they finish untying the two of you, then Youmu personally returns your clothes. In something of an awkward silence, you get yourself dressed.

Then, Yuyuko leads you back out, picks Kogasa’s umbrella up, and-

“Thank you, thank you!” Kogasa snatches it from her hand and pulls it tight to her chest. “Oh, I’m finally back together again…”

You turn to her and bow. “Thank you, lady Yuyuko, for letting us go.”

Yuyuko sighs. “Yes, yes you are. Now, you know the way out.”

Kogasa bows alongside you, then the two of you make a polite but hurried exit. As you leave the estate and start to march down the great stairs, you find yourself moving… awkwardly.

Your whole body still aches, your pussy and ass burn. You take slow, gentle steps, where you can.

“Thank you, mistress.”

You blink, turning to Kogasa. She blushes, looking away.

She giggles. “That horse really hurts, doesn’t it?”

You groan. “Yeah, it’s a bitch.”

She sighs. “And the whip, too.”

You shift your shoulders. “Yeah.”

The two of you walk in silence a moment, before she pipes up again.

“I, I don’t know how I would’ve handled it, if I had to stay on any longer. You really saved me.”

You reach the bottom of the stairs and the great gate back to Gensokyo.

You step ahead, through it, and-

You fall, hurling through the air until a pair of soft, bare breasts thump into your back, followed by a pair of arms wrapping around your stomach.

Kogasa giggles, clutching you tight to her body. “Really, mistress, thanks.”

The two of you descend among the trees, until she settles you on your feet, amid the underbrush. She rubs her scalp.

“I think I’ve got some money left at my place. And, you know,” she gulps, “my, uh, clothes. Maybe I could treat you to something nice afterward?”

Something nice, huh? From Kogasa? Maybe that…


You both flinch and spin to find Shizuha marching toward you, her arms crossed and a dour frown on her face.

She grabs your hand. “We are going straight back to the shed and getting some rest. Naoko has already spent plenty of time on your business.”

Kogasa whimpers. “But, but, I just wanted to do something nice for her, since she had-”

Shizuha turns on her heel and nudges you with her. “We’re leaving.”


You are exhausted, so some rest would do you wonders. But a chance to wash down the juices still clinging to your tongue would be awfully nice as well.

And even if you did return to the dungeon, there’s something else still gnawing at you. Something you’ve wanted to do for so very, very long. After being pushed around for two days straight, a chance to play with Mystia and especially Wriggle sounds lovely.

[ ] Return to the dungeon and rest.

[ ] Take Kogasa up on her offer.

[ ] Return to the dungeon and play with your captives.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2020/12/13 (Sun) 19:00

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[X] Take Kogasa up on her offer.
highest chance of getting to the next plot hook and pissing off Shizuha is our favorite pastime.
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[X] Return to the dungeon and play with your captives.
The more BDSM, the better
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[X] Take Kogasa up on her offer.
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[X] Take Kogasa up on her offer.

Nice umbrella.
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[x] Take Kogasa up on her offer.

You hold your feet in place. “No, we’re not.”

Shizuha pauses, her grip on your wrist tightening. She stops, but doesn’t look back. Eventually, she inhales. Her voice, when it comes out, is thin and tense.

“What, exactly, do you mean, Naoko?”

“Yuyuko…” You wince. “Yuyuko put us through a lot, Shizuha. We both need to unwind-”

Shizuha’s teeth audibly clack. You flinch back.

“I need-” She clears her throat. “You need to rest, Naoko. Not play around with your new toy.”

“She’s not my toy, Shizuha.”

Shizuha growls. Her nails digging into your wrist, she-

“I’m not?”

You both turn to face Kogasa. She whimpers.

You straighten your back. “I just need to rest, Shizuha. Somewhere comfortable.”

Finally, Shizuha lets go of your wrist and takes a step back. “Don’t waste your time with her, Naoko.”

You groan, but step away and nudge Kogasa. “It’s just a meal. Something nice to eat, for once. We’ll be back soon.”

Shizuha grunts and glances back. She stares-no, glares-at you from the corner of her eye. Then, with a huff, she marches away.

You sigh as she disappears into the woods. She might be upset now, but you’ll worry about it when you return. Once you’ve forgotten about Yuyuko’s…

Shuddering, you wipe your brow. Kogasa wraps an arm around your side, pulling you close.

She pouts. “I’m not your toy?”

You shake your head. “No. You’re my tool. Now, wh-”

She giggles. “Oh, okay!”

You blink. Really, that was it? She liked…

That trick back at her forge really worked, didn’t it? You must’ve really convinced her to get off on submitting to you.

You shake your head. “Your forge, Kogasa. Get moving.”

“Oh, right!” She giggles. Again. She glances left and right, then, still gripping your side, starts walking.

You pull away, grinning as she eases her grip in response. Instead, the two of you walk side by side until you return to her house. Stepping through the fenced-in forge to the house behind it, you return to the place where Wriggle tried-again-to enslave you. And where Mystia tried to help her.

There’s a light clack as Kogasa sets her umbrella against the wall.

The cage, the raised board, the box of assorted restraints…

Perhaps you should bring some of those back to the dungeon? Or perhaps, given this house is comfier, situated closer to a major road, maybe…

You hear cloth shifting. A quick turn reveals Kogasa pulling a pink, frilly pair of panties up her legs. She winces as she pulls it over her puffy, reddened pussy. Almost on instinct, one hand slips to your hips as a pang of sympathetic discomfort strikes.

Perhaps you should attempt to acquire one of those triangular devices. That way, if Mystia ever got a little too grabby again, you could just…

You lick your lips as her pained, begging face fills your mind. Her helpless squirms, her writhing body, burned redder than Kogasa’s back…

Not that your own back would look much better, right now.

Kogasa hisses as she snaps her bra on.

And what of Wriggle? What will you make her do? You can’t help but wonder, as Kogasa slides her skirt over that plump ass of hers, what to do with the insect’s growing obedience.

Make her lick your feet or ass, like she forced you to do? Or just torment her more? Make her beg for the chance to degrade herself before you…

Fully dressed in her light blue skirt and vest, Kogasa picks her umbrella up and offers her hand as she steps through the door.

Sighing, you accept it. She pulls you close, pressing her body against yours.

“Thank you again, mistress~”

You flinch but, just this once, let her have her fun. Eventually, she pulls away.

When she does, you brush past her and march toward the road. “You’ve got your money, right?”

“Of course!”

“Good. Now, treat me, slave.”

She sprints up to your side and holds her umbrella out, over you. “Yes, mistress!”

She hums a peppy, cheery tune as the two of you make your way down the road. The sun sinks, ever so slowly, until you reach the gate. In the dimming evening light, you pass through it and into the main streets. Kogasa guides you down a side path to a humble store.

Passing through the curtains, you find a warm and cozy stall inside. Kogasa chatters with the chef as you delicately try to ease yourself onto the stool. You hold your breath as your ass touches it.

Your crotch aches, but you need to rest somewhere. Gulping, you ease your weight further down.

You wince but, eventually, settle into it.

Kogasa giggles. You glance up to find her blushing and shaking her head.

“Oh, us? We’re, uh… girlfriends?”

“No, we’re not.”

The chef turns to you. She’s a somewhat plump woman, with a soft, gentle face. Working over some steaming basket, she watches you, questioning.

You press your hands to the counter. “She’s… working for me.”

Kogasa whistles. “I’m working hard for her.”

You press a hand to her arm and squeeze. She flinches, then falls back into her stool.

She yelps, then calms down and rubs her neck. “I-I mean, uh… yeah. I’m working for her.”

The chef chuckles. “Say no more. Your secret’s safe with me~”

You groan. Kogasa blushes. The chef works on your food.

Thankfully, you’re the only two here tonight. It must be a fairly quiet shop to be so slow, even at this hour.

You shift your hips slightly to ease the pressure on your aching crotch. It helps, but only for a second or two at a time. Glancing Kogasa’s way, you find her own crotch twisting ever so slightly.

Kogasa starts to say something, then stops. You turn to her, only to look away as her eyes meet yours. As the smell of cooked eel fills the air, you sigh.

Eventually, the atmosphere grows unbearable so you resort to the only tactic you can think of. “The barley was looking good when I left. I hope my family has a lot to harvest.”

Kogasa rocks slowly back and forth. “Barley, huh? You guys are farmers?”

You frown. “Yeah.”

“Huh…” Kogasa stares at the ceiling. “I had to repair a couple hoes once. And… there’s this one guy who needed a new scythe, but then the witch chased me away and I couldn’t find him again.” She slumps forward, pouting. “It’s so hard to do good business when people are always chasing you around.”

You slump forward as well, though not without sending her a somewhat dark stare. “You don’t say.”

She giggles as she turns her head away. Then, she clears her throat. “Sorry…”

You huff. “You didn’t even know anything about me, did you?”

“I knew you were cute. What more does a girl need?”

You groan. “Nothing, apparently. That’s all anyone ever needs to know-all anyone ever cares about me. Am I cute? Am I hot? If so, then…” You sigh, long and tired. “Really, am I ever anything more than a pussy and tits to you people?”

Kogasa huffs. “Of course, you are! You never mentioned your cute butt!”

You thump the counter. Kogasa squeaks.

“Uh, uh… sorry.”

“There, there.”

You glance up to find the chef handing you a steaming plate of unagi-slices of eel glazed in soy sauce, all atop a bed of rice. She then hands Kogasa a matching plate. “You’ll both feel better on a full stomach, trust me.”

Accepting the pair of chopsticks she offers, you snap them open and feed yourself small bits of rice and eel. It’s… it’s good. Kogasa knew who to go to.

Kogasa munches for a bit, but pauses. “I… I know that feeling too, you know.”

You glance her way from the corner of your eye.

She slouches forward. “I-I mean, no one really wants my body, but…” She sniffles. “They don’t want me for much of anything, really. Sometimes they’ll let me make them things, but that’s it. No one wanted me when I was just an umbrella, and no one wants that part of me now, either. They don’t like me when I try to babysit, or when I try to scare people, or even when I’m minding my own business.”

She shudders, breath shaking. “So, uh… I’m sorry, I guess. Sorry that I forced that same loneliness on you.”

You chuckle, dry and bitter. “So, you’ll stop chasing my ass?”

Kogasa shakes her head, her eyes hard and intense. “No! I’ll just learn more about you while I cuddle it!”

You throw a soft, half-hearted punch into her arm, jostling her. “You’ll go near it when I say you can.”

She chuckles. “Yes, mis-I mean, yes, ma’am.”

You sigh, soon accompanied by Kogasa.

“Thanks, by the way. For protecting me.”

Kogasa blushes. “Heheh, you’re welcome~”

You grunt. “You’ve helped me out a lot, lately. I hope you keep…”

Kogasa giggles and reaches toward you. “Aw, c’mere~”

You push her back. “No.”

She pouts. “Oh, c’mon. I’ve been good, right?”

You return to your food. “What was I just talking about?”

“How good I’ve been, duh!”

“Before that!”

She groans, leans back, and presses a fist to her chin. She rocks her head from side to side. “Oh, this is about the body stuff, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” You grumble, then chow on the eel. The next few moments pass in a silence almost as awkward as the first.

Once or twice, Kogasa tries to scoot her stool closer to yours, but a quick glare proves sufficient to scare her back each time.

Once you’ve finished your meal, you set the plate and chopsticks back, then pull yourself to your feet. The chef gives you an uncertain look, which you answer with a nod to Kogasa.

“She’s paying.”

Kogasa blinks, then gobbles up the last of her dish and swallows. “Yes, I am!”

As she fishes through her skirt, you excuse yourself and step away. Walking back through the curtain, into the streets, you take a deep breath.

And wince at the relief you feel, now that you’re off the stool. Coins clink and idle banter occurs behind you, but that’s none of your concern, until-

“...no way to treat your lady. You need to show her you love her, not just…”

You shake your head. No, no. No way in hell. She’s a decent slave, but you’d never let her become your partner. Not after what she’s done.

You march away, down the streets. You need to get away. You need to…

Something clacks against the walls, followed by frantic, hasty footfalls pounding toward you. Soon, Kogasa staggers up beside you, breathing hard. Holding her umbrella over you again, she reaches for your arm.

You shake her hand off and march forward. She audibly frets, but keeps walking beside you.

“Did, did I do something?”

You groan, turning your eyes to the buildings around you. “You…”

Honestly, no. Not tonight, that is. Not as far as you know. You had to take a beating thanks to her, and she’d done even worse to you, personally. But none of that was anything she’d just done. It wouldn’t help to harp on her crimes right now, anyway.

You sigh. “I just need some space right now.”

“O-oh, okay.” She slumps forward, but keeps sheltering you. Even though the sun’s almost down and there’s not a drop in the sky, she keeps the umbrella positioned perfectly above you.

After only a few more steps, she steps closer to you. Close enough that you’re rubbing elbows.

“Um, Nao-mis-ma’am. Uh…” She tilts her head, her eyes shut.

You narrow your eyes.

She frowns. “We… we’re still going to do something fun when we get back, right?

You pull away from her.

She snaps right back to your shoulder. “I, I mean… you know I can do it however you like, right? If, if I’m not good enough, I can practice. Don’t you want a fun round to wipe away what Youmu-”

Your eyes narrow.

She stutters. “I-I-I-I mean, uh, I really appreciate what you did for me, you know? I wanna be useful, and helpful, and, well…” she grows a bit quieter, “I wanna show you how much I appreciate it and all.” She finishes it off with a laugh. One that’s blatantly nervous.

She wants to fuck you. Badly.

And she’s not really listening to you anymore. She needs to be punished, but how?

Something immediate and harsh, perhaps? Go straight back to the dungeon, bend her over the crate, and beat her until she comes back to her senses?

Perhaps. But immediate, short-term punishments don’t seem terribly reliable. Perhaps you should go back to her forge first. Get some restraints-especially a good old gag-and lock her up until she learns.

But then, if you do end up needing her for something, she’ll be just about useless.

It’s getting late and you really do need to rest, now. Perhaps you should simply offer a light warning, remind her of her position, and consider the full punishment tomorrow.

Assuming she doesn’t try anything weird before then.

[ ] To the dungeon. Punish her hard and fast.

[ ] To the forge. Leave her with some lessons to remember.

[ ] Just a reprimand. You’re too tired to bother much with discipline tonight.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: :: Timer ended at: 2021/01/02 (Sat) 19:00

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[X] To the forge. Leave her with some lessons to remember.

She seems like a visual learner. Better make sure the lesson sticks.
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[X] To the forge. Leave her with some lessons to remember.
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[X] To the forge. Leave her with some lessons to remember.
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[x] To the forge. Leave her with some lessons to remember.

You huff and turn on your heel. You march down the streets toward the gate. The hasty footfalls thumping and clacking from behind assures you that Kogasa’s following close by.


“U-uh, Naoko? T-t-t-the offer?”

You flick your hair. “Follow me and keep your mouth shut.”

“O-oh. Okay…”

Despite the worry in her voice, she holds as close as she can, and keeps her umbrella held over you.

The two of you make it through the gate out, onto the open roads. Finally, once you’re a good distance from the walls, you decide to speak.

“We’re going to your forge.”

A brief, awkward quiet falls. Kogasa’s eyes fixate on you as her mouth alternates between a tight-lipped frown and almost speaking.

You sigh. “You can speak now.”

She smiles. “Oh, thank goodness. So, uh, why are we going back? Did we forget something?”

You shake your head and turn your gaze back to the road. “No.”

“But then, why?”

The faintest, dark smile creeps across your face. “You’ve stepped out of line.”

“I-I did? When?”

Your smile vanishes. “If you have to ask, you need more correction than I thought.”

She gulps. “Is… is it the fun kind of correction?” A hint of a smile dares to creep into the corner of her lips.

“Did you enjoy the kind that Yuyuko gave you?”

Silence falls as you move off the main road. Your feet shuffle through the softer dirt, beneath a dimming sky.

“Uh, uh, uh...” She frets. “I-it’s not the stocks, is it? Or that thing you did last time, with my wrists? It really, really hurt, you know…”

You hold your tongue.

“Um-uh, I, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you’d get upset! Maybe you c-could tell me, uh…”

You step up to the fence.

“I’m really sorry! Whatever it is, I won’t do it again! Please…”

You step up to the door and push it open.

She pulls her umbrella close. “Please, mistress! I…”

You step gesture inside. “In, slave.”

Kogasa shudders, but takes a step forward. “Y-yes, mistress.” Twitching, she closes her umbrella and walks inside.

You follow her, shutting the door behind you.

“Uh, mistress? What do you want-I mean, what should I do?”

You ignore her and pace around her room. The cage, the panel, the bed…

All more or less as you left them. But what you’ll use to restrain…

There, in front of the cage. That metal panel she’d used, and the accompanying cuffs.

You skip over to it and run a finger along the panel with your name engraved on it. Your smile returns.

Almost reverently, you lift it into the air and turn around, fixing your eyes on Kogasa.

She blinks as her blank stare slowly drops into a frown. Then, she shakes her head.


You flinch. She’s, she’s not…

“No way! Please, mistress. Not that. Anything but that!”

Good, good. She still sees you that way.

But she doesn’t show your status the respect it demands.

You take a step toward her. She takes a step back, hugging her umbrella.

“Please, Naoko. Mistress. Mistress Naoko. I-I know you don’t like to worry about these things, but I went way out of my way to make th…”

You growl. “Who do you belong to, Kogasa?”

“Y-your a-I mean, you, of course.”

You rotate the gag, facing the engraving toward her. “Don’t you think this is odd?”

She stops and blinks. Absently, she sets her umbrella aside. “Odd?” She shakes her head. “It’s a masterpiece! How dare you ins-”

You tut. “Not that, this.” You point to the name.

She stares. “Uh, it looks fine to me. Do you spell it differently?”

You groan. “Why is it my name?”

She looks up to your eyes. “Because it goes-I mean, was supposed to go-on you, duh.”

You shake your head. “That’s what’s so strange, little umbrella.” You flip the gag around again and gently press it to her mouth. “Why my name, and not yours?”

She presses your hands back, just slightly, but you don’t fight her. “Because that’s not who I made it for!”

You snicker. “Precisely. It looks much better like this. Showing not the name of its wearer, but her owner.”

Her eyes narrow. On anyone else, perhaps even on herself a week ago, it might look intimidating. Now it just looks cute.

“What, what are you saying?”

You pull it back. “Think back to when we met in that mansion. When you chained me.”


“You remember what you did before placing this on me, don’t you?”


You grin wide. “Take your panties off, slave.”

“W-w-what are…”

You stomp one foot down. She trembles.


“O-okay!” Shaking, she slips her hands under her skirt, grips the waistband, and shimmies them down her legs. She steps out of them and lifts them to her chest, then looks to you.

You lower the gag to your side. “Now, roll them into a ball.”

She rolls them and, as she does so, you step around, behind her. Slowly, extend your hands around either side of her neck and hold the gag just beneath her chin.

“You know what to do next, don’t you?”

“N-Mistress Naoko, please, I beg you. I’ll do-”

“You’ll do what I say, bitch.”

She flinches. You sigh.

“All you had to do was obey me and not to pester me about what you damn well know will irritate me. Now, will you obey your mistress or do I need to leave you here?”

Holding so close to her, you can feel her body shake, hear her rapid, uneasy breaths. Her corruption hangs thick and heavy in the air. After a moment of uncertainty, she slowly brings her panties to her lips and stuffs them inside.

Your grin grows wider. As her hands slide back down, you move the panel to them. Kogasa, reluctantly, grips it. You let go and take a step back.

Moving carefully, she pulls it to her mouth and, one by one, wraps the straps around her head. Slowly, awkwardly, she pulls them together and, after a couple attempts, buckles them tight. Possibly tighter than you would have.

You slip back to where you’d picked it up and lift a couple other objects off of it. The collar’s gone-without the key, you’d been forced to destroy it to get out-but the cuffs remain. You lift the wider pair off and toss them toward Kogasa.

The subsequent sound of clicks warms your soul.

Still, she does need…

You glance backward. A modest chain now hangs between her ankles. “Kogasa. Get yourself a collar and a leash!”

She groans but dutifully turns toward the chest. “Hweh, hwihweph haoho.”

Grabbing the thinner cuffs, you turn and stroll toward her. She lifts a simple, plain leather leash from the chest, which she buckles around her neck. But rather than a leather leash, she finds a modestly-long chain, which she attaches instead.

You nod in approval, then hand her the cuffs.

She accepts them and clips one cuff around her right wrist. Then, head bowed, she stares at them a moment.

“Hwh, hwooh hoh haph?”

What? You stare at her. In response, she holds both wrists in front of her for a second, then swings them both behind her back. After another second, she swings them forward again.

She… wants to know where to put them?

Oh, right. Once they’re cuffed, they’ll be trapped on one side or the other.

You pause to consider, briefly, where you want them. As annoying as she’s been, as much as you need your lesson to sink into her dense, horny mind, she’s still more useful than Wriggle or Mystia. You sigh.

“Keep them in front.”

She nods and, with her wrists out in front of her, she clips the remaining cuff to her left wrist.

She looks back to you, timid eyes peeking out from above the plate with your name emblazoned on it. You can’t help a slight shiver as the sight, especially as you listen to the clinks and jingles of the chains hanging from her wrists, her ankles, and her neck.

You were right. That does work so much better as the mistress’s name. You slip behind her and slide your hand up her back, just between her shoulders. She grunts.

You slide it down and grab her ass through her skirt. She moans.

“You want my body, don’t you?”

She nods, fervently.

You grin, then lift your right hand and deliver a hard, open-handed blow across her ass. She yelps.

“Now, who decides when you get to taste it?”

She sighs. “H-hwuu.”

You smile, but deliver another hard spanking. She jerks and yelps again.

“Does it seem right to you, for someone’s property to pester them for such things?”

She shudders but, slowly, shakes her head. You chuckle.

Then slam your palm as hard as you can across her fat, impudent ass. She screeches.

“You won’t dare push your urges on me again, right?”

She groans and hangs her head. She nods. You smile and, despite your now-stinging palm, rub her ass. “Good.”

You step back around and grab the chain leash with your left hand. Then, returning to the front door, you jerk her toward you. She snatches her umbrella back up, then follows. Despite all her complaining, a gentle tug is all it takes to drag her outside, through the outdoor forge, and toward the road.

You hear a small click and find that umbrella once more popped open and held above your head. You send a quizzical glance over your shoulder, to find her trying to… smile, possibly, around the giant metal plate over her mouth. The chains between her wrists and ankles clink and bounce, but she still tries to hold her umbrella over you.

You groan and turn back to the road, then the woods beyond it.

“You’re getting less than you deserve, you know.”

Her chains clink, but she holds quiet. A good idea, given her recent… accessories.

“First, you shove your disgusting tongue up my ass, then something even worse, then force your wretched cunt on me. All in one night. And what happens the next time we meet?”

She whimpers. You give her another tug, just to see her stumble.

“It had been less than three days, but you just had to humiliate my guardian, rape her, then assault me. Again. And what happens when I use what little I have to try, for once, to just get away?”

Silence. Nothing but the clinking of her chains accompanies your tirade.

“You beat me, restrain me tighter, and rape me. Again.”

She mumbles something.

“And after all that, after I sacrifice my body and dignity again, just to keep you around, what do you do? Demand even more sex.”

She sniffles. Somehow, despite all that she’s capable of, despite the warmth still clinging to the air, she shivers.

You sigh. “Shizuha wanted to just get rid of you, you know. Maybe she had the right idea.”

She stares at her cuffed feet and sniffles again, but still follows you.

The forest grows dark, much like the first time you tracked Shizuha through here.


She was a much different kind of trouble. She’d sacrificed so much to save you from that awful book, the first time you fought it. She then tried to help you escape that same book’s puppet-Akyuu, apparently-and still tried to help even after you’d gotten separated.

She’d helped you get away again when it found you in the mansion and even got you back to the village once that monster was finally gone. If not for her, even the week of respite may never have happened. But…

Things started to get weird after that. Sure, it wasn’t comfortable to find out that some of your corruption had seeped into her, but she’d done so well in holding it back. Even after you’d drained Aya and needed somewhere to, well…

To vent the desires that caused. She was there for you, and she held herself perfectly well in-check afterward, too. But then there was her dungeon. The one she made specifically to keep you inside. Ostensibly to protect you, but she herself admitted she wanted your body, too.

Of course, she’d apologized and sworn to help you afterward. And you trust her. You have to. There’s no one else to turn to.

What would you do if you couldn’t? What could you do?

A faint, keening groan floats on the wind. Kogasa gurgles, possibly in concern. You don’t have time to bother, however, and keep marching until you reach the faint hint of a shed. Shizuha’s.

She’d done well to mask it.

You march up to it and-


You turn to your right to find Shizuha’s wide eyes returning your stare. She stops just a few steps away.

She takes a step back, then sighs. “Oh, there you are. Good…”

She turns, blinking as she takes in Kogasa’s chained, if modest, visage.

She smiles. “About damn time. I told you she was dangerous.”

Her breath is shaky. She’s panting more than breathing when she wipes her brow. She skips over to you, glancing you up and down. “I take it your date didn’t go quite so well.”

You shake your head. “It went fine. It’s just that someone-” you jerk the leash again, “couldn’t keep her thoughts to herself.”

She laughs. “Well, as long as you’re treating her with proper caution, that’s good enough for me.”

“Of course.” You step up to the shed door, then turn back to her. “Thanks, by the way, for all you’ve done for me.”

Shizuha gulps and gives you a warm yet tense smile. “Oh, it’s only natural. Anything for my few believers, after all.”

Oh, right. She’d started all this to satisfy your sister’s prayers. It must be a testament to the sheer mayhem you’ve been through that you could forget her like that.

You nod and slide the shed door open. “Well, today’s done a fine job of utterly draining me, so I’ll turn in for…”

Shizuha grabs your wrist and pulls you back. You blink, dropping Kogasa’s leash. She stares at you, deep into your eyes. Then, she swallows.

“I-I’m grateful too, you know. Even after my, my mistakes, I… thank you for keeping some faith in me.”

You smile, but tug on her wrist. “You’re welcome?”

She smiles, then answers with a firm nod. She takes a step back, letting go of your wrist. “In fact, I’d…” She glances around the woods, then to the shed, then to the base of the door.

Then, she turns to you. “I really do appreciate your patience. In fact, I’ve… made a, a gift. Of sorts. For you, in return. It’s, it’s in the storeroom.”

You blink. “The storeroom?”

“Yes. The one underground. Beneath the shed. Where we sleep. It…”

There’s another wail, somewhere in the distance. Still muffled, but loud enough to hear. Barely. Kogasa squeaks, then turns to you. Her downturned eyes are wide.

It’s cute, almost, how easily scared she is by odd forest noises.

Shizuha twitches, but steps through the door. “Please, Naoko. I lo-I trust you. Let me show you how deeply.”

You glance between her and Kogasa. You have sworn to trust her, so you pick the leash back up and…

Shizuha places her hand, gently, on yours. She looks you deep in the eyes. “Let’s leave her behind, okay? This is just for the two of us.”

You give Kogasa one last glance. She’s still staring out in the distance. Whatever’s bothering her… no, it’s not your problem.

Facing Shizuha, you…

[ ] Let go of the leash. After all Shizuha’s suffered through to help you, a moment of privacy isn’t much to ask.

[ ] Bring Kogasa with you. There’s nothing worth showing you that her (restrained) presence will interfere with.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: ::Timer ended at: 2021/01/16 (Sat) 19:00

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[X] Let go of the leash. After all Shizuha’s suffered through to help you, a moment of privacy isn’t much to ask.
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[X] Let go of the leash. After all Shizuha’s suffered through to help you, a moment of privacy isn’t much to ask.

Smells like trouble, but let’s see what Shizuha has in mind.
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[X] Let go of the leash. After all Shizuha’s suffered through to help you, a moment of privacy isn’t much to ask.
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[X] Let go of the leash. After all Shizuha’s suffered through to help you, a moment of privacy isn’t much to ask.
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[x] Let go of the leash. After all Shizuha’s suffered through to help you, a moment of privacy isn’t much to ask.

You smile. “Okay, I’ll leave her here, just for now.”

The leash falls from your hands, clattering to the ground as you step inside. Kogasa grunts in confusion. Glancing back through the door, you wave her off. “I’ll be back for you in just a moment, slave.”

Shizuha shuts the door behind you, then darts around you and throws the trap door open. Giving the door one last glance, she swings herself onto the ladder. She stops just before her head sinks into the floor and passes you a sly but warm smile. She opens her mouth, then shakes her head and disappears into the shaft.

Once she’s gone, you step over the door, ease yourself onto the ladder, and climb down.

It’s oddly quiet as you descend. No squawking, gurgling, rubbing, or…

You touch down and spin around to find… nothing.

What did she want to show you? And for that matter, where is she?

You take a few steps forward and peer through the cell walls. At least your captives will still be…

It’s empty. They’re gone. Startled, you-

A foot slams into your back, throwing you to the wooden floor.


Your body crumples as it crashes down. Bones aching, you plant your hands down and-

Someone drops her ass on your back and presses your wrists to the floor. You twist your head to the side to see…

A confusing mess of red and yellow. You blink, only to find a swarm of leaves pressing themselves to your face. You shake your head, struggling to dislodge them.

But, as you do so, your assailant wrenches both of your wrists behind your back, presses them together, and…

You scream, only to find the leaves now filling your mouth. You twist and buck. You jerk your shoulders.

She wrenches one arm way too far to the other side. You groan in pain, easing your struggles until she shuffles back and lines up your wrists, pressing them tight together. You squirm, rolling your back and tugging at her grip as she wraps a small belt around them. As she buckles it, tight enough to bite into your skin, you find the leaves falling back out.

You work your lips and lungs. It can’t-no, it certainly is, but, no, surely…

You wiggle beneath her, kicking the ground. She moves, swinging her body up, then back down, on top of your arms. You press your face to the wood and push your back upward. She lifts herself off you.

Breathing deep, you-

She drops her ass back down, shoving you to the ground. You gasp, groaning and dazed as she wraps another belt around you, this one a little further up your arm. You grunt in pain as she tightens and buckles it. It doesn’t bring your arms fully together, but it still forces them excruciatingly close.

Strength fading, you finally find your voice, though it’s weak and hurt.

“Why? Shizuha, you…” You twist your shoulders, still struggling beneath her weight. “How, how could you?”

She snorts. “How could I what?” She winds another belt around your arms, this one up against your elbows. Once more, she tightens until it’s a vice. “Betray you?”

You slam your feet to the ground and throw your head upward. She’s jostled, but barely.


She chuckles, her voice darker than you’ve ever heard it, as she winds another belt around your arms, on the other side of your elbows. “I’m just returning the favor, of course.” She tightens it until…

You scream in pain, your arms burning.

In the faintest mercy, she eases it slightly before buckling it. “Isn’t that what gir-what friends do?”

You twist your arms, pushing and straining against the belts. They creak as she pulls herself up.

Panting, you roll to the s-

She kicks you, shoving you to one side-toward the crates. You hiss as she grinds her bare heel down, reducing you to weak wiggles as she shoves the lid off one of them, then drops back down, this time sitting on your aching arms. You lift your head, struggling to get any kind of view of your back. In desperation, you throw your legs upward and hurl them in Shizuha’s general direction.

A few kicks, barely, strike her gut.

She grunts, then grips your scalp and shoves your head into the floor. You gasp, compressed lungs heaving as your legs shift, readying to-


Her hand blasts across your ass, ripping a fresh scream from your lungs. Your legs fall to the floor.


Your already tender ass screams in pain as she pulls her hand back. You gasp and sputter as she slides yet another belt around you, this time buckling the base of your thighs together.

You let out a wheezing cough. “S-Shizuha…”

She ignores you, buckling your lower thighs together.

“Shizuha, I-I-I… I had to restrain you back then! You yourself admitted that! Please, just let, me, go!.”

As she moves to your shins, she clicks her tongue. “So you can ambush me again?” She keeps moving, buckling one belt, then the next. “No. It’s too late to lend you any trust, Naoko. Far, far too late.” She finishes by locking your ankles together.

You sag, muscles heavy, as she pulls your shins back and folds them against your thighs.

You whimper. “Shizuha, please. Don’t… you don’t have to do this, I swear. I-I-I don’t know what you want, but we could, maybe, work something out. Please, Shizuha!”

She ignores you, winding new belts around both your shins and thighs, binding them to each other. Then she slips new belts beneath your stomach, brings them up, and buckles them over your arms, pressing them tight to your back.

You squirm, sniffling. “Shizuha, please… I, I trusted you.”

She sighs as she winds the next over arms, just beneath the shoulders. Then, she slips a hand around your side and reaches into your kimono, dragging your keys out.

The key to the cell, and the one for Kogasa’s restraints.

When Shizuha pulls herself off you, you wiggle and twist but…

You can barely move. Your knees are completely useless, your hips are barely better, your shoulders and elbows are locked tight. The belts creak, sure, but they don’t move any more than they did a few seconds ago.

You can wiggle your feet and fingers, but have no hope of reaching any buckles with them. You barely squirm as she rolls you onto your back, pressing your trapped arms and feet beneath it.

She stands over you, her eyes narrow and her lips tight. Panting through her nose, she plants her hands on her hips.

“I trusted you too.”

Frowning, she places one foot on your stomach and slowly presses it down. “Now, tell me, how did that turn out for me?”

You groan. “You made this dungeon! Y-”

She lifts the foot and pounds it into your gut. “No excuses.”

You gasp. “But, w-”

She shoves it down again. “Do you have any idea how useless you’ve been?”

You flinch. …What?

She glares, idly kicking the underside of your breasts

“First there’s that cursed book. I do everything I can to try to save you and what happens?”

Your gut sinks. That was…

She thumps her foot into your stomach. “I’m forced to eat your ass!”

She growls. “And then you disappear for a day and a half! Partly because you’d been hiding from me!” She presses her foot deeper, forcing a ragged wheeze from your lungs. “When all I wanted was to help!”

You cough. “Aya, she…”

Shizuha rolls her eyes. “Oh, sure. Trust the girl who admitted she was a step away from kidnapping you at any moment. That’s a brilliant idea.”

She shifts her foot up, between your breasts, and…

You throw your head to the side just as she stomps her foot back down, into your head.

She grinds her bare heel into your cheek. “And the moment you find another girl who wants to tie you down and fuck your brains out? Why, spend as much time as possible with her, of course.”

Still pressing her foot down, she gives your cheek a couple light but painful kicks. “I’ll even look over the little orgy you arranged. Instead, let’s talk about Okina’s party. The one she’d blackmailed me into attending.”

You groan, struggling to breathe. “Did she really-”

Shizuha digs her heel in and uses it to jerk your head back upward. She then presses it over your face. “Shut up, Naoko.”

You cough. She presses her toes around your nose, pinching it between them. “What happens? You, the person I’ve been desperately trying to help, who I specifically insisted keep her disgusting aura to herself… well,” she snarls, then spits on the floor nearby, “you just couldn’t help it, could you?”

For a split-second, she lifts her foot.

You sputter. “O-Okina, she…”

Shizuha glares, then presses her foot back down, over your lips. “Yes, yes. You had no choice. Because you never have a choice but to fuck me over.”

Finally, she sighs and, pulling her foot to her side, drops back down. You yelp, gasping as she thuds into your gut. She frowns, though softer than before, as she looks deep into your eyes.

You wiggle, struggling to avoid her as she…

She rubs her hands up and down your sides. “Hold still, would you?”

You whimper but, slowly, ease your squirming.

“Good.” Her face still dour, she nods. “Everything will be fine, Naoko. However, I am taking charge now. All you need to do is trust and obey me.” She leans forward, breathing over your face. “That’s not too much to ask, is it?”

You lick your lips. “That’s, I-I mean, Shizuha, you…”

“It’s a simple question, Naoko. Yes, or, no.”

“N-no. Shizuha, you can’t j-”

Shizuha leaps to her feet. As she does, a flurry of leaves bursts to the air.

“Shizuha! W-lph!”

They dive into your mouth, soon forming a smooth but fat ball. It fills your mouth to the brim, stretching your cheeks out as the rest form a smooth, tight seal over it. The stale, sour taste almost makes you gag.

Shizuha dusts her dress off. “Good luck tearing that out.”

She steps to your side and, squatting down, hefts you into your arms, lifting you barely to her knees. Grunting, she turns and shuffles forward. You crane your neck to find…

To find her carrying you through the cell door.

“Wrh! Hwoh! Hweah…”

A few steps later, she lowers you back down and steps back. You twist yourself around to try to…

She shuts the door and, with a click, locks it.

You’re trapped, inside the cell, smothered in belts and leaves. Helplessly, you watch her stride away and climb up the ladder.

Breathing hard through your nose, you arch your back. Stretching your fingers as far as you can, you just barely reach your toes. You wiggle and shift, gulping as you struggle to shove them as far as they’ll go. If, if you could reach your ankles…

At the peak, your fingers barely get past your toes. Then, you collapse, falling to your side. What else, what else…

You rock yourself from side to side and squirm around, scanning the chamber.

Wooden floor, rough stone walls, wooden bars. You roll yourself over to the stone wall and rub up against it. It’s course, but it just scrapes your skin more than the belts. Idly rubbing your sealed cheek against the wooden floor, you study the bars.

There’s no way you could fit through them, but the door…

Maybe you could dislodge it if you hit it hard enough. But to that, you’d need to get yourself on your feet and… no.

You shudder. Was this how Wriggle felt, when you bound her and locked her up?

Actually, where the hell did she and Mystia go, anyway?

Will Shizuha treat you like… no. No. Blinking away tears, you shake your head. Shizuha was the one person you could trust.

Maybe not to save you, but at least to try to help. To be there for you, whatever good that was.

She wouldn’t, she…

There’s a clatter, somewhere…


You perk up as a mess of chains and blue crashes to the floor. You wince, dreading to consider just how painful the heavy, cracking thump sounded.

Chains clink as the lump stirs. Kogasa groans, her sky-blue hair shifting slightly.

Then, hearing a series of taps further up, you find Shizuha climbing back down the ladder, with a slim, purple mass tucked under one arm. You crane your neck, peering around the bars to find a wide, floppy tongue and a clenched-shut eye on it.

Kogasa’s umbrella.

Shizuha then drops to the floor, grabs a couple belts, and presses the umbrella to the column.

She drags the belts around the umbrella and, with them, buckles it in place. As she works, Kogasa rolls onto her back and finally, groggily, pushes herself onto her shaking, folded legs. From there, she drags herself upright, though wobbling. Her hands, oddly, now rest behind her back. The chains clang and Kogasa glances around the chamber. Then, seeing you, she rushes forward.

She lets out a gurgling yelp as Shizuha grips her leash and yanks her backward.

Shizuha sighs, then strides toward you. As she walks, she pulls the leash short, forcing Kogasa to walk beside her or choke.

Shizuha stops before the bars and shoves Kogasa forward, pressing her against them. She winces but tries to… smile, probably?

The panel makes it difficult to tell, but her eyes are soft.

“Hweoh, hipheh.”

Shizuha pulls her back, then shoves her into the bars again. Kogasa groans. Shizuha stares through them, at you.

“I’m done making requests, Naoko. I’m done asking you to do things. And I am done letting you ignore me. From here on out, I’m giving commands, and you are going to obey them.” She pulls Kogasa back and shoves her forward again. Kogasa whimpers. “Do you understand?”

You shudder, cringing away from her display of aggression. You… don’t nod, but don’t shake your head either. Her eyes, her demeanor, her manhandling of Kogasa, they all root you in place, unable to act.

Kogasa squirms and lets out some muffled but vaguely pleading noise.

Shizuha responds by rubbing her face across the bars, which clack as Kogasa’s gag bumps into them.

She chuckles. “I suppose I should thank you for one thing, Naoko. You forced me to keep this bitch around.”

She leans forward, breathing over Kogasa’s neck. “I hate to keep unneeded weight, but I’m sure I’ll find some use for her.”

But then, her eyes narrow and her lips grow thin as she turns to you. “A real use. Not just a toy for you to play with, or improve your wretched powers on.”

From there, she turns on her heel and drags Kogasa-by the leash- backward. Kogasa gurgles and sputters, stumbling backward and struggling to turn around, until she stops, next to another column.

There, Shizuha winds the leash around it, pulling it back until Kogasa’s neck is pressed against it. At that point, she does… something with it-something too subtle to make out through the bars-and steps back. Kogasa twists and strains, but whatever Shizuha did keeps her neck rooted in place.

Shizuha turns to you and marches back toward the door. She smiles as she stares you down. One hand moves near the lock.

“I’m going to open this door and you’re going to drain your corruption out of Kogasa. As much as you can possibly squeeze from her. Understand?”

The seal over your mouth breaks apart and the bundle inside splinters, then flies away. Shaking, sweating, you lick your lips.

If you do that, you’ll be turned-you’ll become a beast. A being consumed by lust and unable to achieve true release. Shizuha knows that. So why, why is she…

Is she that bothered by Kogasa’s demeanor?

Parting them, you…

[ ] Accept her demand. Resisting her will only bring more pain.

[ ] Refuse. This isn’t the Shizuha you know. Surely, you can still persuade her somehow.

[ ] Lie and drain Shizuha instead. Maybe, just maybe you can still get the old Shizuha back.

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Time remaining: ::Timer ended at: 2021/01/24 (Sun) 19:00

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[X] Refuse. This isn’t the Shizuha you know. Surely, you can still persuade her somehow.
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[X] Lie and drain Shizuha instead. Maybe, just maybe you can still get the old Shizuha back.
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[X] Lie and drain Shizuha instead. Maybe, just maybe you can still get the old Shizuha back.

Feels like Shizuha’s gone down the deep end, poor Naoko.
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[x] Lie and drain Shizuha instead. Maybe, just maybe you can still get the old Shizuha back.
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[x] Lie and drain Shizuha instead. Maybe, just maybe you can still get the old Shizuha back.

You squirm again, straining against the belts in one final, vain effort to escape. Collapsing back, you sigh. “Okay, okay. I, I’ll drain her for you, Shizuha.”

Shizuha smiles and fits a key into the lock. A moment later, the door clicks and, swinging it open, Shizuha steps inside.

You wiggle. Tutting, she crouches down and pops off the two belts binding each of your legs to themselves. You drop your bound shins to the floor, sagging in faint relief. She pops another couple belts off, freeing your shins completely.

Gripping your arms, she hauls you up to your feet. You wobble a bit, then take a step forward, then two. Well, more shuffle than step. With your thighs still trapped together, you’re only able to shift your feet slightly without wobbling.

Still, with Shizuha’s hand on your shoulder, you manage to shuffle out of the cell. Kogasa gulps as you approach. You sniffle as you stare at her chained body. All that work. The orgy with Okina, the abuse from Yuyuko and Youmu, the tensions with Shizuha. All so that you could have her on hand. To help and protect you.

And now…

Shizuha squeezes your shoulder. “Time to work, Naoko.”

All of it, gone in an instant. You shut your eyes.

No. You were so close. So close to freedom. To power. To a lifestyle where you decided how to live your life. Where you had control over your own body.

You can’t give up yet. It’s a long shot, but there’s one last thing you can try. One final, possible way to save Shizuha from your corruption.

And, through her, save yourself.

Shizuha squeezes harder.

You breathe in. You feel it. The disgusting, inky mess pouring from Kogasa. And, more importantly, the brittle, flaky brick being compressed inside Shizuha.

You pull, you tug, hard, on Shizuha’s corruption. Your body pivots slightly, tilting toward the source. Pulling it hard and fast, your lips p-

“You double-crossing bitch!”

Your eyes fly open just as Shizuha snarls and shoves you backward, grinding you into the wooden bars.

You blink, dazed. “Shizuha, wai-”

She presses you into them. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” And again, she drags you close and beats your body against the bars. “What, you think you can just turn me into one of them?”

“Shizuha, I’m not-”

She drags you back again. Then, she slams your body against them. “You thought I wouldn’t notice, didn’t you? You thought you could fill me up, then do with me as you pleased!”

You groan. “Not-not corrupting. Draining. Shiz-”


Her hand blasts across your cheek, knocking your head against the bars.

“Bullshit. You just thought you could add me to your slave harem, didn’t you?”

“What? No! I-”


Your head jerks to the other side, ringing in pain.

Shizuha pulls back for a second. Nervous, you squirm and, desperately, try to shuffle to the side.

She comes back, this time holding a folded belt in one hand. “Come here, Naoko.” She slaps the belt across her open palm.

Voice strangled in terror, you shake your head. She steps forward, slapping the belt again.

You shuffle another tiny, half-step before she clamps down on your shoulder again. You whimper, shutting your eyes.

Then, as the belt rips across your breasts, you scream. It strikes again, tearing across your bust from the opposite direction.

You groan in pain. You peel one eye open to find her panting and grinning back. Your lips tremble.

“Shizuha, please. This isn’t t-AAARGH!”

The belt strikes you again, and again, and again.

“Shut up, Naoko!”

Lines of burning, stinging pain crisscross your breasts.

“Shizuha, listen to me! You’re n-”

You screech as another blow lands, this time on your left hip.

“I’m just another pawn to you, admit it!”

“Think about this, Shizuha! Pl-”

You gasp from the next blow, this time striking your stomach.

Then your left side, then your right hip.

“I have thought about this! I’ve thought about it for months!”

“Shizuha-urgh! Lis-ow! Stop! I…”

She strikes your breasts again, then your stomach, your crotch, even your face.

She takes a step back, panting and visibly sweating.

“Shizuha, I know you’re in there somewhere. If you’d just…”

She clenches her teeth, then grabs a handful of your hair.

“Owow! Shizuha! I…”

She twists and drags you toward the crates, then hurls you forward. You stumble, trip, and crumble atop the nearest one.

“Shizuha…” You gulp, compressed chest heaving. Your voice cracks, your eyes growing wet. “Shizuha, please, please, please…”

A thin, delicate hand slides across your ass, just beneath your locked hands. Pressing slight folds and creases into your kimono, it travels from one cheek to the other, wandering in slow, lazy circles around each.

Wincing, you bat at the hand. In response, you hear a tired, frustrated sigh.

But, mercifully, the hand leaves. Instead, Shizuha presses herself to your legs and, based on the fleeting glance you catch by craning your neck to one side, she leans over you.

Her hands slide up your arms and pop a couple belts off of them.

The two holding your arms to your back. Then, with one hand, she lifts your arms up, forcing your head down.

You twitch as something new slides across your ass.

Her belt. Your chest clenches.

“Wait! Waitwaitwai-”


You jerk forward, yelping as it burns a fresh, burning line across your sore, abused ass.


It strikes again, then again.

“Please-urgh! For-give! Me!” Your body twitches, your lungs seize. You yelp and gasp, but still struggle to speak between her blows. “Shizuha! I’m-I’m sorry!”

Until, finally, her blows slow down, then stop.

She sighs. “Oh, you will be.” She pulls back.

Then, she drags a long, folded rope around your lower thighs, wrapping it around the crate once before pulling it until it bites into your flesh. She wraps it around a second time, this time further up, near your hips, then ties it off.

Your bound shins rest on the wooden floor and your head hangs off the end. You haul yourself up, only for Shizuha to plant a hand on your back and shove you back down, beating your chest against the crate. “Sit still, Naoko!” No matter how much you twist and squirm, you find yourself rooted to the crate.

You glance around, barely able to catch Kogasa’s helpless form in the corner of your eye.

Shizuha’s footsteps move away, but you dare not lift yourself high enough to see much more than the rock wall in front of you.

Soon, the footsteps turn into a series of upward-moving taps. She’s climbing up the ladder.


You groan, sagging into the crate. What now? Could you still try to drain her? Would it even save you if you did?

You shake your head. You sniffle. Why? Why, why why? How could she? How…

“Hwah woo hwoway?”

You twist to the side, tilting yourself just far enough to get Kogasa back in view. She’s looking back at you, her eyes soft and… sad?

She gurgles some vaguely sympathetic noise.

You sigh, shaking your head. You have been in worse spots than this. Maybe there’s still…

The taps return, then the footsteps. Shizuha shoves you back to the crate, then glides that same hand up and down your ass. You shiver, until she rubs something else against it. A thin, metallic… thing. Like a knife or… more a dagger, really. Only with a flat, blunt tip.

One which she trails up and down the dead center of your ass. Between the cheeks.

You shudder. “Shizuha, please. Please, Shizuha, I-”

She hauls back and slaps it across your ass. You screech.

“Naoko, dear.” Shizuha’s voice drips with venom. “You have one job right now. That job is to sit your useless ass down and let me do whatever I so please. Do you understand?”

You quiver, but nod. She pulls the fabric taut over your ass and drives the dagger thing down, wrenching and twisting it in.

You squirm and groan as it thumps, scrapes, and bites your skin. The sheer pressure Shizuha’s driving into this thing…

Then, you hear a loud rip as the blade sinks beneath the fabric of your kimono to strike your panties. She drags the blade up and down, tearing through the gap until she hits the belt on your ankles. Then, lifting your hands back up, she drags the blade back up until it’s bouncing along your spine.

Why does she want to…

You gulp, hissing as she lifts your panties, wedging them into your pussy. Then.

Then you hear a snap, followed shortly by another. Your panties fall back down, over your ass, and crumple into the space between your thighs.

Shizuha glides her open palm across your bare cheeks. She hums, then pulls back.

Kogasa grunts, her voice suddenly packed with excitement.

You glance toward her, only for Shizuha to drag your head back. Back to face down a floppy, rubbery, bright red cock, hanging from her hand.

You glance back up to her. She frowns, then presses the head to your lips. Quivering, you shake your head.

She slides a pair of fingers over your nose.

And pinches them down, wearing a sick smile that turns your stomach. You can’t bear to look.

Your lips tremble and your lungs soon burn, but you hold your jaw shut.

No, no, no, no, no!

Not Shizuha. Not her.

You can’t let her-

Your jaw forces itself open for air and Shizuha shoves the toy cock down your throat. You gasp and gurgle as she presses it in.


You shake your head. She answers by shoving it deeper, toward your throat.

Your throat seizes. You gag on her shaft until she pulls it back. Shuddering, blinking fast to stem the tears, you lift your tongue to it.

You get the message.

Slowly, she rotates it. Obediently, you slather your tongue across it all the while.

Then, finally, she pulls it out. As it pops free of your lips, she smiles and pats your head.

“Good girl~”

You can only hang your head as she skips around, behind you. This is it.

Your one lifeline. The one woman you trusted. Even when her most dangerous urges laid bare before you, you still gave her the benefit of the doubt. You gave her another chance.

You clench your eyes shut as you hear a squelching noise behind you. Why?

One hand clasps your ass-cheeks. That wretched, rubber shaft pokes between your legs, rubbing up against your pussy.


It slides back, ever so slightly. You brace yourself for-

She pounds it through you, grinding through the dry, unyielding flesh of your pussy.

You throw your head back and scream.

She pants and huffs, but keeps pressing.

“Oh, Naoko. You feel so, so, so good.”

You gulp and squirm. Why is it so dry? Why did she even make you lick…

She’s still pushing, still shoving it deeper inside. You grunt, lungs heaving and heart pounding. Both of her hands now grip and squeeze your ass as she plunges deeper.

“Just… just think, Naoko. You could, have, enjoyed this with me. If, if you just did what I said!”

You yelp as she buries herself the last short distance. Her hips rest against your ass, her dry dildo wedged deep inside you.

You twist and groan as she drags it out, still grinding through sore, tender flesh on her way.

‘Enjoyed this?’ What is she…

You whimper as she pulls to a stop.


You scream again, this time from a vicious slap across your tenderized ass. Then scream again as she plunges back inside, hissing as she pulls back out.

Panting and moaning, Shizuha pumps herself in and out. Her hands-moist with sweat-massage and squeeze your ass-cheeks with each thrust, each pump.

“I, should have, done, this, so much… sooner.”

The belts and ropes bite into your skin. No matter how you twist or squirm, you can’t so much as pull yourself off her fat dildo. You can’t even lift your chest off the crate, anymore. Painfully slowly, moisture begins to trickle from your pussy.

“I, I’ve been, waiting. Waiting, so, so long.”

She stuffs you, pumps herself into you. Your pussy burns and gapes, struggling with each thrust to accommodate the toy’s unyielding girth.

“That little, taste of, of glory. After you, drained Aya.”

Then, in her one act of mercy, she pulls out.

You’re left gasping and sputtering for breath when she does. She sighs.

“It just, wasn’t, enough!”

Then, the dildo shifts, into your crack, and prods against your asshole.

A suppressed, shrill scream slips through your teeth.

“NO! No, no, no, nORRRGH”!

She pounds it once, then twice, then plunges through your sphincter.

You wail and screech in pain. You twist, you squirm and writhe. The ropes creak, the belts groan.

And Shizuha’s wet shaft sinks deep into your helpless, clenching ass.

“Shi-hu-huuurgh!” You wheeze. “Shi-shi… li-liste…” You shriek as she keeps pushing. Drool trails from your sagging lips.

She grabs the belt between your wrists and lifts it, dragging them with her. She jerks them high enough to force your head down, but keeps lifting. Your shoulders burn, then flare out in searing, intolerable pain.

You sputter, struggling to breathe, let alone to think or squirm. When Shizuha finally lets go, her hands shift back to your ass and, squeezing down, she shifts her hips slightly.

With how fat her dildo was, it barely budges. It slides back, but all hope is gone. There’s no doubt where she’s-

She surges forward, ramming herself in. You screech, loud and long until she sinks to the hilt. You’re wheezing and quaking, but she ignores you.

She pounds herself through your aching, beaten ass again, and again, and again.

Despite the ropes, you rock slightly, back and forth, with each push and pull. As is, all you can do is gasp and groan and yelp.

Through it all, Shizuha only pants, then starts to moan.

As the dildo stuffs you, as it scrapes through your abused asshole again and again, as Shizuha mercilessly pumps it in and out, in and out, in and…

Shizuha groans, long and loud. She slows down, her hands slide up your back as she pulls back.

Only to shove herself hard and fast, dragging another agonized squeal from your lungs as she sinks in.

Then out, then back in. Sweat pours from your skin, drool trails from your tired lips.

Then, with another vicious thrust, as Shizuha sinks back to the hilt, it drags a longer, louder, hungrier moan from her lips.

And, finally, finally, the dildo stops.

It stops, buried inside your ass, as Shizuha’s body collapses atop your arms.

But at least it stops.

You pant and groan. Your breasts hurt, your ass-cheeks hurt. Your pussy throbs and your asshole pounds.

But, other than the occasional twitch or stir as Shizuha shifts her hips, you have a chance to just lie there.

Exhausted, battered, and helpless.

As Shizuha pulls herself back up, you twitch. The dildo shifts. You gulp, then whimper as she slowly, agonizingly drags it backward, through your aching, burning ass. You groan as it finally pops free and her hands shift to the ropes at your legs which she unties, then unwinds.

Then, she lifts herself up and, gripping the belt just beneath your shoulders, drags you off as well.

Taking a couple steps from the crate, she shoves you down, to your knees. As you land, she staggers around, in front of you. Gripping the base of that red dildo, still hanging from her stuffed pussy, she grips your hair with the other and drags your face toward it.

That, you…

That dildo was just inside your ass. Your gut sinks. You lick your lips, shuddering.

“Sh-Shizuha. I-I-I’ll do anything, I swear. Please, don’t-”

The twists your hair. You screech.

“You’ll lick yourself off my toy, Naoko. Now.”

Your body quakes. Nononono. You shake your head.

“Shizuha, p-glph!”

She shoves it down. The cock, crammed almost to your throat, tastes sour.

You gurgle, blubber, and twist your head this way and that.

But with each attempt, she just yanks or twists your hair. Soon, the pain is enough to make you obedient. Sniffling, you lick yourself off it.

The taste of your ass drenches your tongue by the time she finally pulls it back.

You cough and sputter. If you had your arms, you’d be rubbing your lips and tongue all over them, just to get it out.

Shizuha jerks you backward, by your aching scalp, until she has you laid out on the wooden floor. Kogasa, still leashed to a pillar, watches you from the side as Shizuha presses your legs up and forward, folding you almost in half before pressing that awful, rubbery cock to the lips of your pussy once more.

And, once more, plunging herself back inside.

Details, sense, and senses bleed from your mind as she resumes pumping herself in and out. Your pussy’s wetter this time, but it’s so worn and abused that you barely notice. Your lungs burn as she drags yet more pained, broken screams from you. As you writhe, helplessly, beneath her.

All you can feel is pain. All you can hear are her fervent, hungry pants and groans. You bounce, you twist, you whine.

And she keeps pounding away.

Soon, you find your pants and screams fading to weak, wheezing breaths. Your lungs clench and strain as you gasp for breath.

Eventually, she lets out another loud, wild moan, then falls back.

You lay back, gulping down air as the dildo falls from your pussy. Your breasts heave as your senses return. Frantic, you spin around. Shizuha, Shizuha, she’s…

She grasps your hair and, ignoring your pained screech, drags you to your feet, then shoves you back, into the cell.

Glaring, she steps inside and, grabbing your shoulders, forces you to the floor. Moving quickly, she wraps the belts back around your shins and buckles them shut, then folds them together and, once more, buckles them back to themselves.

She marches out. You sniffle. “Shizuha…”

Your eyes fly wide as the swarms of leaves return. Frantic, you shake your head but fail to shut your teeth before the dry, bitter leaves return and stuff your mouth.

Then, as the seal reforms over your lips and cheeks, Shizuha returns with a pair of belts. Heart sinking, you barely resist her as she wraps them around your chest and arms.

You barely have a chance to glance her way before she lifts herself back to her feet and, stepping out, slams the door shut.

She doesn’t lock it, but there’s no way you’re getting through it like this.

You can barely wiggle.

Chains clink and clatter. Then, a moment later, the door opens again and Shizuha hurls Kogasa toward you.

She squeals as she thuds into the wall. Shizuha glares down on you.

You stare back at her, eyes desperate and pleading.

She shakes her head, shuts the door, and locks it.

Exhausted and aching in every part of your body, you bite into the hard, leafy ball. Finally, the tears start to flow in earnest, streaming from your blinking eyes.

Even Shizuha, even Shizuha…

Gurgling a low, pitying noise, Kogasa eases herself down to the floor beside you and scoots close. She nuzzles her metal-smothered face against yours, cooing.

And drapes a knee over your hips.

Shaking, crying, you…

[ ] Squirm away. You need peace right now, not her lust.

[ ] Cuddle with her. She’s the closest thing to comfort you’re going to get.

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Time remaining: ::Timer ended at: 2021/02/06 (Sat) 19:00

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[X] Cuddle with her. She’s the closest thing to comfort you’re going to get.
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[X] Cuddle with her. She’s the closest thing to comfort you’re going to get.

When the woman you trusted the most betrays you, embrace the umbrella.
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[X] Cuddle with her. She’s the closest thing to comfort you’re going to get.
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[x] Cuddle with her. She’s the closest thing to comfort you’re going to get.

You lean into her embrace.

She wiggles closer, rubbing her breasts against your kimono. Unable to speak, you gurgle an appreciative noise back at her. The hard, wooden floor presses into your tender flesh. A wad of what once was underwear nestles into your knees.

And yet, despite all that, despite the way Kogasa’s moist crotch presses against your hip and the open air brushes over your abused ass…

Somehow, eventually, the feel of Kogasa’s warmth, the gentle pressure on your chest, and the low coos she offers, all ease your soul.

Slowly, your worn muscles soften, your mind unwinds, and your eyes, ever so gently, close.

Sleep, finally, takes you.


Your hip is moist. Wet, even.

A smooth, fat pussy rubs itself up and down that same hip.

You groan, almost choking on the bitter taste of moist leaves. You try to spit them out, only to find nowhere for the leaves to go-a smooth wall of more leaves seals your mouth completely.

Your tits and ass ache. Painful cramps strike your arms and legs.

Your legs can barely move, but your arms are completely immobilized.

You drag your eyes open to find another pair-one red and one blue-languidly staring back.


Her hair shifts and bounces slightly as she grinds her pussy on you.

You hiss, then shove your shoulder into her and wiggle backward. She grunts, still smothered by the plate spread over her mouth.

The one emblazoned with your name.

You sigh, then roll onto your back.

You glance around your body. You’re still in the cell. The wooden bars stand tall to your left, flanked by coarse stone to your right. You’re here because, because…


You groan, blinking rapidly. How could she…

No, no.

You groan, arching your back and desperately trying to crawl your belted hands down your feet.

Kogasa gurgles… something. Something sad and… sorry, maybe? You shake your head.

Whatever she said, you’re gagged as well.

You… you’ve been in worse spots before. Probably. You just need to…

You grunt, stretching your bound arms as far as you can. If you could just…

You hiss and collapse inward. Panting through your nose, you study the cell. You need a way out. Maybe a way to contact someone for help.

You groan. Someone to help? That was Shizuha. Just last evening, that would have been Shizuha.

You throw your shoulders from side to side, hoping to stretch the belts, or reach something or…

You screech in frustration, though the sounds barely penetrate the leaves stuffing your face.

You screech again in frustration, this time for just how quiet they make you.

Kogasa gurgles something else. You ignore her.

Wooden floor, wooden bars, locked door, coarse stone…

There must be something.

Bars way too tight to wiggle through. Can’t reach door handle, even were it unlocked. Come on, come on, come on!


A door, somewhere outside the cell and above you, swings open. A series of taps descend from there, growing louder and clearer.

You roll to face the bars. Kogasa’s smothered face and naked tits fill your vision instead. She blinks.

You grunt and slowly wiggle, trying to get past her head.

Footsteps tap across the wooden floor outside. Giving up, you swing to your back and, planting your hands down, lift your head barely over her body.

A moment later, you’re greeted by the familiar red-and-yellow gradient of Shizuha’s dress as she stares down on you, through the bars.

Your stomach drops, your skin grows cold. Despite the bitter flavor polluting your spit, your throat clenches, attempting to gulp it down.

Carrying some cloth bundle, she huffs, then strides to the door, unlocks it, and enters the cell.

Kogasa barely lifts her head.

You flop across the ground, covering as much distance as you can manage by twisting your shoulders and hips until a bare heel kicks your gut, shoving you onto your back.

The bitter glare leering down from Shizuha’s face makes you freeze.

She drops herself down, onto your stomach, and sets the bundle beside you. The seal over your mouth disintegrates and flows away, followed soon by the ball inside it collapsing. Wasting no time, your lungs seize and your head falls to its side, coughing out leaves.

As you hack and wheeze, she unbuckles the belts around your chest and stomach, freeing your arms from them, but not each other. She turns around and, a moment later, releases your thighs from your shins.

Nervously, you unfold your bound legs. Like this, you could maybe bunny-hop, at least…

You wheeze, hacking out the last few leaves, then lick your lips.

“Sh-Shizuha, I-I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please, please…”

Silently, she unfolds the bundle. Inside are two pairs of crude shackles, a knife, and…

She lifts one other item from the pile, toward your face. It’s a ring connected to a pair of straps, like the one Wriggle wore. But without the brackets and, instead, with four short metal prongs curving out from the ring. Why? Why the prongs? Why does anyone make these things?

Sweat beats across your skin and, helplessly, you start to squirm.

“PLEASE! Shizuha! Let’s talk about this!”

She lowers it down, toward your mouth. You throw your head to the side, staring at it from the corners of wide-open eyes. “Y-y-y-you want s-sex, right? Please! PLEASE! I can…”

She retrieves one of the belts she’d removed, folds it, and strikes it across the floor beside you. You flinch.

Kogasa yelps.

“Shut. Up.”

You clench your eyes shut and, when she squeezes your cheeks between her fingers, you let her guide your face upward.

Your lips, however, remain sealed. You just…

Her fingers move from your cheeks to your nose. She pinches it shut.

Your eyes fly open. She’s just staring down on you, her eyes ice cold.

Shizuha’s eyes. You shut your eyes again, unable to bear that bitter stare. Moisture builds beneath your eyelids as your lungs start to burn. You try to shake your head, but her fingers hold firm. You part your lips but keep your teeth clenched.

She’s-she’s not completely gone, is she? Sure, that heavy, overbearing corruption still simmers inside her, but surely, surely, there’s still some way. Some way to get her back.

Or at least, some way to get out of this nightmare.

Once more, your lungs force your mouth wide open and, when they do, that ring slides behind your teeth.

And, of course, she lifts your head and, pulling the strap tight, buckles it behind your neck.

You whimper as she steps off and rolls you onto your front. As she lowers herself back down and unbuckles the belt around your ankles, only to replace it with a pair of heavy shackles. Then the belt over your wrists, which she replaces with the other pair.

Only after all that does she start to remove the remaining belts.

You shudder and sniffle.

You’ll be a little more mobile than before, but getting out of these without her permission?

That’ll be nearly impossible.

Soon, the last belt falls free of your limbs. She rolls you back over, sits on your crotch, and lifts the knife from the sack. You look to her, eyes wide.

“Hwa haawh hu…”

She shakes her head and lowers the blade near your neck. You gulp.

You sigh in relief as it swiftly leaves, sliding over your breasts toward your waist, where she-

Where she slices your obi apart.

“You’re not going back, Naoko.”

From there, she plunges the knife into your kimono and cuts it apart, piece by piece.

“Not to the forge, or the village, or even that stupid farm.”

A wild, animalistic urge surges inside to run, to get away from the madwoman with a knife, but the other side of terror wins out,rooting you in place. If you shifted even slightly, that blade could easily sink inside you.

“And especially not your shabby little ‘throne’ down here.”

Her legs and hips hold still, even as her blade glides up and down your kimono, baring your bra and pussy, only to slice your bra straps off and sunder the cups from one another.

“Not after you made Ayame abandon me.”

She takes a moment to leer down on you and your exposed nipples. Under that cold, perverted gaze, you can only squirm amid the mess of scraps that once covered your body. That once protected you, however scarcely, from those sorts of eyes.

She sighs as she slides her hands up and down your sides. “I would think long and hard about your position, Naoko.” She strikes a hand across your breasts. You wince and bite down on the ring. “You do not want to piss me off again.”

After that comment, she pulls herself to her feet. Shivering in the open air, you can only watch as she dusts herself off and… and walks away.

You blink. What? Why did she…

Reaching the door, she casts an idle glance back your way. “Think about, Naoko.”

And just like that, she shuts the door and disappears.

Drool trails from your lips as you study your cell.


Gurgling, you pull yourself to your feet and shuffle around. And try to ignore how studiously Kogasa’s eyes follow your bare crotch.

The view’s not much better from above. There’s no seam between the wooden bars and the rock wall anywhere near wide enough to slip through. There’s not even a handle on this side of the door, let alone anything you could hope to pick or fiddle with.

Saliva slips down your chin and drips onto both your breasts and the floor, depending on your posture at any given moment. You twist your shoulders and pull against the cuffs, but your human strength is useless against the cold iron, however coarsely it was forged. You pull one wrist up and the other down, but barely manage to get a couple fingers on the band.

After several moments of fiddling and straining, you start to tire. Groaning, you settle back to the ground and go back at it.

Kogasa watches you all the while, though her eyes seem focused… between your shoulders.

On your tits.
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You lie down, only faintly prodding at your cuffs. Drool pools beneath your cheek, but you’ve no energy left to move. Kogasa’s scooted up to you and nestled her head into your breasts. And like with your locked lips, you’ve been too tired to push her away.

A quiet, gurgling whimper slips through your open teeth when the taps return.

You don’t even bother to move as those footsteps approach the cell. What can you do?

The door clicks and swings open. Then a foot lands between you and Kogasa. It kicks Kogasa, shoving her almost to the bars.

You close your eyes, even as Shizuha’s delicate fingers slide up and down your back, between your trapped arms.

“I can make this so, so much easier on you, you know.”

You grunt.

She presses her palm into your shoulder blades and rubs it around. “I’m not asking for much. Just do as I command. Give me what I deserve. I’ll make it all better, I promise~”

You sniffle but refuse to answer. This isn’t her. This isn’t her. It can’t be.

She huffs, then rises to her feet. “You’ll give in to me eventually. But,” she sneers, “you won’t eat until you do.”

She steps away. Shuddering, you peek one eye open. She’s marched through the door, toward the ladder, and…

And left the door open.

You lay there a moment, chest heaving. Do you, do you dare?

She climbs up the ladder. You’re hobbled, so if you do, you’ll need to move soon. The chances are slim, but will you ever get another one?

You roll to your back and, pressing your hands to the floor, haul yourself to your feet. This is dangerous, possibly even stupid, but if you let the opportunity slip through your fingers…

Forced to take small, awkward steps by the chain between your ankles, you shuffle to, then through the door. Despite the ring between your teeth, you manage a gulp.

A jingling behind you alerts you to Kogasa as she drags herself to her feet, as well.

You shake your head, then shuffle to the ladder. If you just…

Just what?

You can’t fly. Not like this, at least. Your hands are trapped behind you and if you took a spill…

No. You wince, but turn around and grip one rung from behind. No time to think twice or worry about mistakes.

You try to lift a foot to the bottom rung, only for the chain to pull taut. You growl, adjusting…

“What the hell?”

Your body locks up. That voice, coming from just above you…

“Get back in your cell, before I throw you back in!”

You wince, but glance up. Shizuha’s glaring back down.

Do you keep going? Try to fight her?

…No. You wouldn’t have a chance.

Slumping, you let go of the ladder and step forward, back toward the cell.

Judging by the sounds, she scurries down the ladder behind you. “Keep moving, dumbass.”

You wince, but walk forwar…

No. You can’t. You just, not like, not…

She plants a foot to your back, then pounds it in, throwing you to the floor.

Unable to brace yourself, you crash down, battering your face, breasts, and hips into the unyielding wood. You groan in pain as she steps over you, then squeal as she lifts you by your hair and hauls you back through the door.

Kogasa squeaks and stumbles past you a moment later, then the door shuts and clicks.

“You’re getting anything to drink, either. Not until you learn to behave.”

You gurgle in hot, ragged agony. Kogasa coos in sympathy.

You can’t reason with Shizuha. You can’t slip past her. But, but… you need to do something.

Kogasa rubs her tits against yours, her metal panel against your ring-locked lips.

Could, could you use Kogasa? She clearly still wants to ‘play’ with you. If you could convince her to help you, just maybe the two of you could… fight her, somehow.


She just keeps nuzzling you.


She pulls back just far enough to tilt her head.

For the next… for quite a while, you struggle to communicate in grunts, gurgles, and shoulder twists. Once you’ve (hopefully) managed to convey the meaning of ‘heehua’-that is, Shizuha-she seems to get the message and nod in agreement.

...Only to roll over and, scooting forward, bounce her hands on your ass. Then, she rolls back to face you and shakes her head really hard and fast.

Then, she stops and turns a questioning gaze your way.

You gulp, but nod. Whatever the hell she wanted, you’ll give it if it gets you out.


The next time Shizuha returns and pushes Kogasa away, she pulls you into her lap, where you find her hands wandering up your stomach and wrapping themselves around your breasts.

She sighs, leaning her face over your shoulder. “I wonder just what happened to Mystia and Wriggle…”


She snorts. “I can’t believe you forced us to hold on to them for so, so long. All to feed that awful, disgusting power of yours. To find a way to make me as subservient as they were.”

You squirm in her lap. She responds by squeezing your breasts painfully tight. You gurgle.

“And somehow, you even thought I wouldn’t notice.”

She’s still convinced of that?

She presses and kneads your breasts, careless of your pained grunts and twisting back.

“Did they find a way out of their restraints, or are they still struggling? How long will it take for them to give up finding you? Don’t worry, though. They’ll never find this place. I made sure of that.”

As she speaks, Kogasa turns her eyes to you. Carefully, subtly, you shake your head. She sighs.

Shizuha rubs her finger in a strand of drool, trailing from your locked lips. She runs it between your breasts, then rubs it on your cheek. She chuckles. “You really need to control yourself better, Naoko~”

You groan and turn away, shuddering as she pinches your nipples.

“You don’t need to live the rest of your life in this dingy cell, you know. Just be a good little girl, confess to your misdeeds, and give yourself to me, then I’ll give you a proper bed~”

The offer… is more tempting than it should be. Your stomach gurgles and your throat yearns for something-anything-to wet it. So much of your body aches and every moment of rest has come only along a hard, wooden surface.

But still, the only answer you muster is a quivering, miserable stare. She groans, she pushes you off her lap and rises to her feet. As she turns back to the door, you stare at Kogasa and nod.

She sways and, with a push, throws herself to her feet. She charges at Shizuha. There’s a surge of hope, a fluttering of your heart, only for Shizuha’s eyes to snap to Kogasa’s lunging form. With only the slightest stumble, Shizuha lurches to the side. That fluttering feeling falls to a horrified shudder as Kogasa careens toward the wall, instead.

Kogasa clatters into the coarse rock but, before she falls, Shizuha snaps her leash up and drags her out of the cell.

“Excuse me, tool. But I have someone more important to train.”

Your stomach feels like lead, your skin feels outright frosty. And yet, needing to see this to its bitter end, you twist and drag yourself to your feet, only to find the door long shut by the time you do. Shizuha jerks Kogasa toward the chair and throws her into it. She casts a threatening glare back your way before wrapping and buckling a pair of belts around Kogasa’s stomach.

“But since you’re insisting on this, I suppose I’ll have to waste some time on you, as well.”

You stare at them a few moments before you dare to release a clipped, garbled sigh. As she pulls another, folded belt out, you turn away.

And wince as each strike reaches your ears and each helpless yelp or garbled plea that pours from Kogasa’s plated mouth.

You groan, then drop back down and roll onto your back. This can’t be it. This can’t be. There must be some way, some possible way to get out of this nightmare. To get away from Shizuha…
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You stir, awakened by the clinking of a chain. By now, you’ve barely squinted your eyes open, haven’t even bothered to lift your head from the floor, before the door’s opened and Kogasa’s shoved back inside.

Shizuha drops to the ground behind you and again pulls you into her lap. This time, her hands wander not up, but down your stomach. You gulp, shuddering as she slips a hand up and down your slit, just barely between the lips.

“You have a lot to make up for.”

“Hwa hwoo hu-”


You jerk back as her hand strikes your pussy.

“Don’t interrupt me.”

You squirm. One hand presses your pussy’s lips together while the other slides up and pinches one of your nipples. You twist your shoulders, but she only pinches down harder in response.

“I lost a priestess thanks to you. I was forced to eat ass because of you. You refused to stop playing with that disgusting aura of yours.”

She slaps your pussy again.

Twice. You squeal, only to hiss as she strikes you again.

“And now all this? I’d jump at the chance to repay me with your tongue and cunt, if I were you.”

You whimper, then squeal as she pinches your clit. Your eyes shut tight. Your bach arches as your shoulders twist left and right. There must be some way out. Any way. Anything you could…

“I’ll get what I deserve one way or another.”

Even as Shizuha pinches and mauls your sensitive flesh, you try to feel out for the corruption around you. There’s… something outside the cell. Somewhere. Somewhere distant, above you.

“Do you want to know what the alternatives are?”

For all you know, it could be Mystia or even Wriggle.


Shizuha’s pressure burns into you. You writhe beneath her grasp.

Anything’s better than this.

You reach out to that corruption-that predator, somewhere outside this awful cell-and try to pull it b-

“You bitch.”

Your eyes flutter open, just as Shizuha’s hands leave you. She presses one to your back and shoves you forward, off her lap.

Again, you tumble helplessly to the floor.

The thump leaves you slightly dazed, but it’s barely a drop in the bucket compared to the pain lingering elsewhere, across your body.

“There’s just no teaching you, is there?”

There’s a jingle. You twist your head to find Shizuha hauling Kogasa to her feet.

“You want to fuck Naoko, right?”

Your eyes widen. She, she wouldn’t, would she? She’s been so jealous before. There’s no way she’d…

Kogasa nods.

“Then stand still, would you?”

She nods again, the renewed eagerness equal parts alarming and terrifying. So familiar to what she showed you. Shizuha slips a key from her dress, reaches around Kogasa, and pops her cuffs open. She then moves them to her front, snaps them shut again, and reaches up behind her gag.

Kogasa’s hands rest patiently over her crotch.

One strap at a time, she loosens it, then peels it off. A soaked pair of striped, blue-and-white panties rest between Kogasa’s lips.

Shizuha smiles, then turns and walks out of the cell. “Do whatever you want to her, now~”

You stare, stunned, at the door as Shizuha shuts it. She didn’t… she didn’t mean that, did she?

You turn to Kogasa. She raises her cuffed hands and peels the panties from her lips, then grins back.

You wiggle and try to scoot forward, away from her. Whatever Shizuha meant, you can’t, you shouldn’t…

Kogasa’s ass thuds into your back, over your wrists, and roots you in place.

She drops something to your side. Craning your neck, you find her wadded up underwear lying there, on the floor. She turns around and shuffles backward, until you feel her ass pressed into your hair, shoving your face to the ground.

She lifts your wrists and squeezes herself beneath them, pulling them painfully high, until you find them trapped above her back.

And then, then she licks one of your ass-cheeks.

Then the other.

“Hwo-howahwa! Howahwa! Hwoh!”

“Sorry, Naoko~ Mistress’s orders~”

Her tongue slides between the cheeks, into your crack.

You screech. “Hwee! Hwai hwe hiphehh!”

She ignores you, rolling her face from cheek to cheek.

You thump your fists into her back, but the angle they’re already stretched to reduces the force of your strikes to barely more than gentle nudges. You freeze as her tongue pokes at your asshole.

With your arms trapped and the weight of her entire body pushing you down…

You find your will to resist waning fast, even as her tongue swirls around your sphincter.

Even as she plunges through, as that tongue sinks inside and moistens your hole, you only whimper.

Even here, bound, naked, and assaulted, your body warms and shivers ever so slightly at her touch. As you blink away the tears building at the corners of your eyes, your body heats up and yearns for more.

As she licks and sucks, as her tongue pushes deeper, even though you want nothing more than to find some forsaken hole to bury yourself in, to lose yourself from the world…

The beginnings of moisture build in your pussy. Your body twitches and quivers.

And in perhaps the only frustrating mercy you’ve had in far too long, her tongue pops free and her head pulls back. You wince as she smacks her lips.

“Ah~ That’s so good…”

You just lie there, face pressed to the floor, as she pulls herself out from under your arms and shuffles off of you. She sits down, humming.

She licks her lips and tilts her head. “Oh, come on. It’s okay. It’s just me, after all.”

You shudder and shut your eyes. She sighs.

Then, with a series of clinks, you feel her slide her wrists behind your head and, easing herself to the floor, she nestles them between your own as she pushes her fat breasts against your bust.

She plants a light kiss on your forehead. Then, her voice drops to a more sombre note.

“We can’t escape, Naoko. I should know. I made these shackles, mine and yours, for just that purpose.”

You groan.

“But! I got used to serving you, even when you were mean or unfair. So, uh…”

Her chains rattle as she giggles.

“So, I can help you get used to it, too!”

You sigh. Then, you flinch as her hands move upward, their chain dragging along your back until they settle in your hair.

“But, I’ve spent a long time without your, uh, you know…”

You shudder, even before she presses her lips to yours. You gulp, helpless, as her tongue slides between your teeth.

And above it all, you curse the relief that comes as you find no exotic tastes on her tongue.

You pull your head away, only for-sure enough-her hands to grip your hair and force it back in place.

She licks the corners of your lips, the tips of your teeth, and spends several long, loving moments slathering her tongue over your own. The whole time, she hums and giggles and rolls her head.

As she pulls back, all you can do is level a bitter glare her way.

One to which she responds only in a pitying sigh.

“That’ll just get you into more trouble, you know.”

“Hai hwo hawhe!”

She shakes her head, then pulls her shackled arms back. From there, she slides them to your breasts and, with a nudge, rolls you onto your back.

You blink as she scoots forward. Then, you flinch as she swings a leg over your head, hoisting her crotch just above it.

“C’mon, Naoko. Let’s, uh… practice!”

She slides her legs down, carrying her crotch-carrying that moist, glistening pussy…

You shake your head. “Hway! Hway!”

She tuts. “Nuh-uh. You know she won’t, uh… whatever you said!”

And just like that, she drops herself down, pressing her pussy lips to your waiting, locked-open mouth.

As she settles in, as the aroma of her lust seeps into your lungs, her shackled hands return to your hair. She rubs them up and down your scalp and rolls her hips.

“C’mon, Naoko~ Hurry up…”

You whimper, but as her thighs start pressing in, start to lift your tongue.

She shudders, giggling as you lick the exterior. You need a savior.

Someone… anyone…

There’s a sharp tapping at the door.

Kogasa squeals, then pulls herself off you. You groan and turn your head, peering through the bars to see…


Of course.

You gulp, but settle back down. Unlocking and opening the door, she steps back in.

“Alright. You’ve had enough fun.”

She snaps up Kogasa’s leash and drags her away.

Kogasa stumbles after her, struggling to stay in place.

“Oh, c’mon! I was just getting started!”

Shizuha ignores her and, frankly, so do you. You roll to your side and try to spit out the traces of what that tool had just tried to feed you.

...Your stomach gurgles.

When’s the last time you ate or drank?

Just how long have you been here?

Without sunlight or any routine connecting you to the outside world, it’s hard to tell.

The footsteps approach you. On instinct, you try to scoot away, only to freeze as Shizuha stomps a foot.

“Give it up, Naoko. You’re mine. You’re always going to be mine.”

“Hwai, haphwe…”

She stomps her foot again. You say nothing.

“On your feet, Naoko.”

You wince and…

And twist your body around until you’re able to push yourself up. The moment you’re even halfway upright, she turns on her heel and marches out of the cell.

“This way, Naoko.”

For a brief, shuddering moment, you ponder your options.

The ladder’s out there, but your hands are still trapped behind your bare back, resting against your ass.

Kogasa twists and groans from the corner of the cell, her hands back behind her, and her leash wound around one of the bars.

There’s nowhere to run. No one to ask for help. You can’t fight her. Resisting her will only bring more pain. There’s…


Swallowing, you shuffle forward, through the door. She drops herself onto that belted chair and, for a fleeting, precious moment, the thought of trying to strap her in floats by.

Your hands twist and clench themselves into fists. If you could just get them out in front of you…

She taps the floor in front of her. You step up to it, looking down, over a locked jaw, on her.

She sighs. “Kneel.”

One shaking step at a time, you lower yourself to your knees. She slips her hands behind your head and unbuckles the gag. Popping it free of your teeth, she tosses it aside and levels a firm stare on you.

“You have a lot to apologize for, Naoko.”

You… you turn away, unable to bring yourself to play along.

“I’m done asking nicely. After all the bullshit you’d dragged me through with the book and that awful mansion, I’m done. I’m done making requests and watching you ignore them.”

You clench your teeth. You did literally everything you could to get her out!

“I’ve sat by and let you play with your abhorrent aura, and fuck other women without my explicit permission.”

Your eyes whirl to her. What?

“I’m done waiting. From now on, you are going to do what you should have done from the beginning. You will acknowledge me as your goddess. You will devote your life to me, and to me alone.”

Your jaw hangs slack.

She shakes her head, then plants a heel atop your head. Then the other.

With one hard push, she shoves your head to the floor, then rubs her feet in your hair.

“You’ve lost all rights to think or act for yourself. Your existence should be devoted only to worshipping me. Do you understand?”

You hold silent. She thumps one foot into the back of your head, pounding your face into the wood.

You groan and, weakly, nod.

“You will acknowledge me as your goddess and do everything in your power to worship me. You will never, for any reason, deny me physical or visual access to any part of your body. And above all…”

She removes her feet. Shuddering, not daring to lift yourself up just yet, you crane your neck to stare up at her.

She frowns. “You will never, under any circumstances, use that aura for anything that I do not explicitly approve of, first. Do you understand?”

You gulp but, holding back bile, you nod.

She presses one foot to your chin, nudging it upward.

“Show me.”

You blink. She clicks her tongue.

“If you understand your role, then you should know what I want from you. Do it.”

What she wants…

You glance to her feet. Her bare feet. She rubbed them all over you before. Does she want more?

Is this like Wriggle’s thing?

You… you can’t. Can you? That-to do that again, without explicit orders, no less…

You glance up, between her legs. She’s clearly under the aura’s influence. Whatever specific thing she wants, surely she’d be satisfied by sex, at least.

But… can you bear to do any of this? To submit yourself so far, so deep, for someone who had so completely betrayed you?

M-m-maybe it’s not too late. Maybe, if you begged and prostrated yourself hard enough. Maybe you could still…

No. Probably not. At best, you could hope for one last act of defiance. Surely someone, somewhere can still come and save you.

If… if they do, then the resulting torture might be worth it.

Just to keep your face out of one more pussy.

You lick your lips, and…

[ ] Service Shizuha’s body, starting with her feet. Best to demonstrate your submission, before she finds some new, more awful way to torture you.

[ ] Lick Shizuha’s pussy. She wants something, so you’ll give her something. Just enough to calm her down.

[ ] Refuse. No. Not her.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: ::Timer ended at: 2021/03/08 (Mon) 19:00

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[X] Refuse. No. Not her.
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[X] Service Shizuha’s body, starting with her feet. Best to demonstrate your submission, before she finds some new, more awful way to torture you.
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[X] Service Shizuha’s body, starting with her feet. Best to demonstrate your submission, before she finds some new, more awful way to torture you.

If Naoko refuses then she definitely wouldn’t be getting anything good coming her way. But if she makes a decent show of her submission then hopefully Shizuha would at least get her something to eat and drink (maybe even that bed too).
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[X] Service Shizuha’s body, starting with her feet. Best to demonstrate your submission, before she finds some new, more awful way to torture you.
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[x] Service Shizuha’s body, starting with her feet. Best to demonstrate your submission, before she finds some new, more awful way to torture you.

And you tilt your head downward to place a trembling kiss on the top of her foot. She giggles, then slides that foot backward. You take a few quaking breaths but, once you’re done, you meekly place another kiss, further down.

Shizuha no longer moves and a furtive glance upward shows only a leering, expectant grin. You sigh, then place one more kiss, this one on her big toe.

“Ah, so good of you, Naoko, so good. You’re finally learning your place~”

You lick it, then drag your tongue down to her pinky toe and back up. She sighs, her voice thick with satisfaction.

All while denying you even the faintest pleasure or comfort..

You gulp, but keep going. You know what to do when you’re in these situations, now. You bow and give your captor whatever she wants. You roll over and pray for mercy.

Because that’s all you’re ever capable of.

You shudder as you take her big toe into your mouth, as you roll your tongue around it and swallow the wretched taste of her feet. As you slide from toe, to toe, to toe.

She wiggles them as you work, bumping them into your cheeks and flexing them over your tongue. “You’re such a stubborn, stubborn girl. Just think of all the pain you could have saved by accepting your position sooner.”

You groan as you pop your mouth free of one set of toes, leaning back as you struggle not to spit that disgusting taste from your tongue. So, of course, she replaces one foot with the other and extends her toes once more toward your lips. You tremble, biting back a screech, only to meekly press your lips to those foul toes once more, dutifully working down them to-

As more of her sweat, mingled with other, bitter flavors fills your mouth, your lungs seize. A pair of ragged, gagging coughs force their way up your throat, and you find yourself blinking back tears.

You peel your lips free of her toes to instead drag your tongue along the side of her foot and up along the top. Then, shuddering, you lower yourself back down to lap up the foul underside of one foot, then the other.

She slides her feet down, little by little, until you embrace the cold, pale mercy of tasting her ankles, then her shins. She tuts, though her breath shakes. “Oh, Naoko. Your tongue is nice, but you have so, so much to learn.”

Your breath hitches as something smolders within, forcing you to strangle an indignant grunt on the smooth flesh just beneath her knee. As your lips and tongue slide up her legs, you find them twitching, even quivering. Leaves flutter through the air and, as your tongue continues upward, you soon find her entire body completely bare. You trail what little, precious saliva you still have, up to her thighs. Here, a scent assaults your nose, one that makes the reason for those quivers very, very clear.

Her pussy drips, almost certainly in anticipation of your, your…

Your ‘attention.’

Far too soon, your tongue reaches the base of her thigh. You pause, staring down the twitching, moist lips that she’ll no doubt expect you to…

Your tongue trembles, as do your lungs. You clench your moist eyes shut. You c-ca-you…

You veer off, licking her navel instead, then trailing your mouth further up. Pushing yourself up on your knees, slightly, you raise your lips to her breasts, where you slather kisses and licks.

She grunts, shivering in response. You drag your tongue along the undersides and up the shallow valley between them. Anything to keep you up here, away from the source-from those horrid lips below.

You suckle on one nipple, lavishing it in love and attention, squeezing little squeaks from her lips. You suck hard and gently press into her areola with your teeth, only to hear Shizuha clear her throat, smothering her own voice in disapproval.

With a flinch, you snap your lips free and fall back down, down to that twitching, dripping, musky cunt.

You take a deep breath, wincing at the hungry, salty scent that fills your lungs. Your lips tremble as another tear escapes your fluttering eyelids. But you lean forward and plant a kiss on those lips.

Your captor giggles. You press another one, then another. You angle your head from one side to another, planting kiss after kiss on her pussy. Each time, she squirms and either rasps or grunts.

Shuddering, you press the tip of your tongue to those moist lips, tasting in earnest, for the first time, the earthy flavor of her disgusting musk.

She gulps.

You plunge in, shoving your tongue deep inside her, between the clenching, trembling flesh of her pussy.

That earthy flavor. The rustic, bitter taste of her juices. The taste of the woman you’d trusted, who now sees you as nothing more than the toy that everyone else did. It saturates your tongue and glides down your throat.

At least her foul, demeaning tongue finds itself occupied in panting like the bitch she is as you pump your tongue through her cunt. As you gulp down ever more of her lust, as you roll your head between her legs and press your lips to hers.

She trembles for reasons far different than you do. Reasons far more wretched and selfish.

Hiccups bubble up from your throat as it drowns in her lust. As you press your tongue to the contours of her hungry, greedy cunt, looking for sensitive spots. Anything that will end this sooner.

She gasps and in an instant, your tongue freezes, then pushes and prods into her flesh. Her pussy clenches down tight, but you don’t relent. She quakes as moans tumble from her lips. You taste and smell nothing but her quivering, sopping cunt and the juices staining your lips.

Your lungs quiver, your eyes blink hard. You sniffle and all but choke.

But you keep going. Her thighs rattle into your cheeks, even as your shallow, cracking breaths threaten to stop you on their own. But still, you force your tongue forward, into her flesh, until she finally lets out a long, disgusting groan. Then, slowly, her trembling and quivering eases.

At long last, you pull your head back, soaked in the scent and texture of her pussy.

Once more, you’re trembling. Your breaths come fast and uneven, interrupted by sniffles and hiccups. You blink and blink and blink again. No matter how fast your eyelids flutter, you find tear after tear trailing down your cheeks. This, this, thi-this…

Shizuha clears her throat, her voice heavy with irritation. She pats her navel, pointing to her soaked pussy. “Clean me off.”

You freeze and choke.

Then, you lean back in and press your face back to her cunt, lapping what juices remained off it. Though your stomach churns at the taste, you work hard, pressing your tired tongue to every corner, even slipping it just barely back between those revolting lips.

As you work, Shizuha runs a hand through your hair. “See? This is so much better, isn’t it?” She rolls her hips. “Life is so, so much better when you listen to me, isn’t it?”

A bitter, angry heat rises to your chest, but you only grunt, still licking and lapping up her lust.

The hand slows, wedging your head tighter into her crotch. She hisses as it presses your nose against her exposed clit.

“Y-yes. Remember, little Naoko. Obeying your goddess, serving and worshipping her… it all brings rewards. My divine favor, that’s what you want, right?”

She pulls your head back. Whimpering, you give only a slight nod.

“And you now know what happens when you incur your goddess’s wrath instead, right~”

You nod again.

She lets go of your head, then nudges you away. You shuffle backward a few steps, then fix your eyes on her.

She lifts herself back to her feet, then taps the floor just before you with one of them.


You tilt yourself downward slightly. When she doesn’t respond, you lower yourself further.

You lower yourself until your head’s all but wedged between your knees, your breasts pressed to your thighs.

You hear leaves fluttering around you before her domineering voice returns to your ears. “Stay there and think of your goddess.”

You nod, slightly, and hear her footsteps leave you. As she climbs the ladder, you gulp.

Surely, someone, somewhere…

Y-you’ve been saved before. Surely someone will find you down here.

Please, let someone find you.

Several painful, awkward moments pass. You shift your weight, but don’t dare lift your head.

When the sounds return, of her tapping her way down the ladder, you find yourself holding your breath. Just what will she want, now?

She steps toward you, then something hard clacks onto the floor in front of you, to your right. Something else tumbles to the floor on your left.

“Eat. Drink.”

You blink, then finally dare to lift your head. There’s a pile of dried fruits to your left, and a shallow copper bowl of water to your right. You twist your wrists, tugging against the cuffs. She can’t be serious, can she?

The fruits aren’t even on any dish. They’re just piled on the bare wood! This, this…

You send a weak, pleading glance to Shizuha. In response, she only huffs.

Then, she stomps her bare foot just beside the fruit, knocking some aside. “You’re denying your goddess’s gifts?” She lowers her head, eyes narrow. “I can take them away, if you’d rather starve.”

You squeal, shaking your head. She tuts and lifts herself back up. “Then, dig in. Now.”

You take another look at them, your stomach twisting itself in knots at the sight. But, licking your dry lips, you turn to the bowl.

And, dipping your chin to the surface, lap the water up. Like a dog.

Shizuha snickers. “These, Naoko, are my gifts to you. The signs of your only goddess’s mercy and favor.” She plants a foot in your hair, pressing your face into the water. You gurgle and choke until she eases back. “Remember to show me the proper level of reverence for my generosity when you’re done.”

You keep lapping the water up, slaking your thirst as you struggle not to hurl slurs at her. This is generosity? Your shoulders tremble.

“You have some big shoes to fill, you know. Your predecessor, Ayame, did quite a bit for me.”

You try to tune her out, focusing only on the flow of cool, refreshing water down your parched throat.

Ayame, Kaori, Hiroki. You hiccup, but keep drinking. Your brothers and sisters, to be back with them now, rather than under this monster’s heel…

“You won’t be filling the same duties as she did, but you will devote yourself to the services your goddess desires, unless you want her wrath.”

A sniffle goes wrong, forcing you to spend a good second sputtering water back out before you return to drinking. Your thoughts need another direction. Any other direction.

You shudder as you drink up the last of the dish, then drag your tongue across it to lick up any remaining traces.

After a few passes, you lift your head and turn to the fruits. You lower your head into them, grabbing them one at a time with your teeth, then slowly chewing.

“Every time you eat, every time you drink, you’ll think of me. You’ll remember that this is all from my favor, and can be taken away for the slightest sin.”

You work your way through the dry, dull fruits. She can’t be serious, can she?

Shizuha’s foot slips near the fruits. You freeze. Still chewing, you lift your gaze upward, to her. She sneers, nudging one toe almost to the pile.

“And the quality of the food and drink. That also depends on my mercy. As a personal gift from your goddess herself, you should see this as the best food you’ve ever eaten. The best drink you’ve ever had.”

You work through the pile faster, biting and chewing through them all. If only to get through it while that foot remained outside the pile.

Shizuha laughs, then steps back. You can’t help a garbled sigh of relief as she does. “And to think, you thought you could put me down there~”

She stomps on the ground. “Eyes up here, Naoko.”

You blink, but lift them up. She grins. “You want to continue enjoying your goddess’s blessings, don’t you?”

You chew the bits of fruit still in your mouth, then swallow.

She drops herself back into the chair. “You want a good bed, right? Somewhere to rest at night, someone to keep you company. You do want all that, don’t you?”

You work your jaw, not daring to speak. She pats her lap. “This way, Naoko.”

You gulp, glancing briefly at the remaining fruits. But, sighing, you shuffle your way around them, then forward. You stop just before Shizuha’s legs, not yet daring to lift yourself higher.

She smiles. “Up.”

You lift yourself up, on your knees. She reaches forward and cups your breasts. You turn your head away, only for one hand to grip your chin and pull it back. She grins wide, staring you deep in the eyes.

“All I need is your worship and it will all be yours. The food, the water, a good place to rest. And who knows, maybe even somewhere to live outside this musty storage cave.”

You wince. She’s still calling it that?

“But if you don’t then, well… you know what will happen, don’t you~”

She squeezes one breast. You gulp.

[ ] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.

[ ] Promise only obedience. You need a respite, but can’t worship her. Not after this..

[ ] Refuse. You can’t live like this. As hopeless as your situation is, you can’t just give in to her.

Votes not guaranteed after this time:
Time remaining: ::Timer ended at: 2021/03/20 (Sat) 18:00

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[ ] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.
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[ ] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.
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[ ] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.
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[X] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.
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[x] Promise only obedience. You need a respite, but can’t worship her. Not after this..
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[X] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.
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File 16195624305.jpg - (103.54KB, 760x985, Naoko-Small.jpg)
Sorry, sorry. I once again kept thinking I'd have the update out soon, soon, soon. I lost track of time, but I should have commented weeks ago.

The update's still coming, but complications in my life have set it back far further than I'd anticipated. The only faint solace I can offer, for what little it may be worth, is a little doodle I'd done of Naoko. (Feel free to consider it canon or not; it is in no way intended to be an 'official' illustration.)

All that said, the update should still be less than a week away. Again, I'm deeply sorry - both for taking so long, and for remaining so quiet.
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File 162163981625.jpg - (908.31KB, 1001x1434, lewdshizu.jpg)
[x] Worship her. It’s your only hope of escaping complete misery.

Your breath shakes, but no moisture reaches your eyes. You gulp.

“I-I’m-no. It is yours, Shizuha.”

She tilts her head. Her eyes narrow.

“My, my goddess.”

She gives your breast another squeeze. “What is, little Naoko?”

Your shoulders squirm. “My… worship.”

“Is it?”

Her hand still grips your chin. Unable to move your head, your eyes turn far to your left, just to keep them off that horrible, cruel, face.

“Y-yes. Of, of course, it is, goddess.”

“Look your goddess in the face, Naoko.”

You twitch. But, a moment later, you drag your eyes back. She smiles, but that grin only drops your gut further.

She releases your chin and taps one foot against your stomach. “Show me.” She points to the ground between her feet. “Show me how deeply you revere me.”

Weak, worn, you nod. Then, you lower yourself down, pressing your face to the coarse wood.

You hear a flutter of wind and feel a few, papery flaps flit across your bare skin. You blink and study the only thing you dare. The floor immediately by your head. Fresh leaves decorate it. And, judging by the sensation, some rest on your back, as well.

Her foot returns to your scalp. You groan, but rest.

“Unfortunately, Naoko, I don’t feel anything.” She presses your face down, grinding your cheek into the floor. “No reverence, no admiration. No faith.”

Wedged between coarse wood and her bare heel, that word echoes through your mind. You’ve heard it a few times before. From her and someone else. Someone you know. Someone… oh, your sister. Already, she feels like a distant memory. Just what is this woman looking for?

Her foot pulls away. You take a shaking breath, but keep your head pressed down. She then sighs, her voice outright imperious. “You have my leaves at your disposal, Naoko. Your goddess’s leaves. Taste them. Savor them.”

You part your lips, but find your will split. To obey, as you promised, as you know you must? Or to ask, perhaps even beg, for clarity. To know just what she…

A single toe taps your head. “Pick them up, with your mouth. One at a time. Drop them at my feet. Even you can perform such a simple task for your goddess, can’t you?”

You shudder. You could scream. You could bite at her. You could refuse or back away. Or maybe, even cry.

But you know where that leads. Kagerou, Kogasa, that book, Wriggle, Mystia… All of them. They all drilled one single, burning lesson into you. Make her happy. Whatever it takes, satisfy her.

Don’t fight. Don’t resist. Roll over.

Never resist.

You turn your head to one side and bite down on the nearest leaf. Amid the stale, musty air of Shizuha’s dungeon, you deposit it at her feet. The chains between your wrists clink as you lift your back. Shuffling your knees to the left, you swivel, then lower yourself down to the next leaf. The cuffs chafe against your skin and the clinking of your chains fills the air as you drop that one next to the first and move on to the third. Then the fourth, the fifth, the sixth….

That dry, bitter taste returns, reinforced each time you pinch a new leaf between your lips. But you keep going. You have to keep going. A similarly bitter, unpleasant thought rises every few leaves.


What possible purpose could she have in mind? Does she just get off on… no, no. You shake your head, clenching your eyes shut with each leaf. You need to worship her. Somehow.

If you hate her, if you… your breath catches, but you keep going. On, and on, and on. Leaf, after leaf, after leaf.

You shuffle around the room. Shizuha remains quiet and, hopefully, still. Kogasa… well, you can’t afford to worry about her right now. Though she’d no doubt love the sight of your naked ass shuffling all over the room.

But no matter how many leaves you find, there are always dozens-seemingly hundreds-more.

Even your patience, ultimately, wears thin. You pinch one between your teeth, then snap up another before shuffling back to Shizuha’s…

She rests her bare foot on the humble pile you’d started. “What were my rules, little Naoko?”

You gulp, dropping the leaves. “Pick up the-the leaves, with my mouth, and…”

“Which one are you breaking, right now?”

“...one at a time.”

“Bingo.” She lifts her foot back up. The moment it leaves, the pile blasts outward, fluttering around the room.

All your effort. All your humiliating, tedious, painstaking work… gone. All on a whim. Her whim.

“Start over.”

Your teeth clench, but your shoulders sag. With a deep, exhausted bow, you return to work.

Leaf, Shizuha’s feet. Leaf, Shizuha’s feet.

Your jaw aches. The bitter, sour taste of autumn coats your tongue and teeth. Your legs and back burn. But you keep going. From leaf, to feet, to leaf, to feet.

From foul leaf, to your captor, to another foul leaf, back to your abuser.

Now matter how much your bones or skin ache.

From autumn debris, to your goddess. Over, and over, and over, and over.

Gradually, thoughts fray into a sour, tired fog. The bitter taste coating your tongue grows mundane, the ache of your muscles becomes a mere background annoyance.

You move on instinct, on a routine. Seconds, then minutes, bleed into the ether. You start to remember the pains and aches, the humiliation, more than you feel them.

A weary calm fills your mind.

All until the pile scatters again. This time, however, it doesn’t fall back down. Instead, it recollects around Shizuha’s body.

She smiles and pulls herself out of that chair. She strides toward your futon and stands by the far end. “You’ve done well enough for tonight.”

She kneels down and rubs the blanket. “Here. My first gift to you. As your goddess. Your patron. Sleep.”

No quivers, nor groans, nor even sighs escape your autumn-tainted lips. You’re just too tired. Too worn, all your fear and pain lost under sheer fatigue. Instead, you answer with a meek nod, then shuffle forward.

She lifts the blanket for you, letting you scoot forward until your head hits the pillow. It’s soft. So much softer than the wood beneath it. The bare wood you’d slept on for… what? A couple days? A week? A month? A…

You hear another flutter, then feel a smooth, lithe body nestle into the futon behind you.

A naked body. A naked body that nestles its moist, scruffy pussy against your cuffed hands.

An arm slides under your waist while another slides the blanket over both of your bodies. The hand below slides to your hip while the one above slips over your side to grab one breast.

“Goodnight, Naoko, my sweet, silly girl.”

No answer rises from your throat. There’s just… nothing to say. Nothing you can say. Even as she slowly, sensuously rubs your breast and leg, all you can do is shut your eyes and wait for the gentle embrace of sleep.

And, mercifully, it comes soon.


The following morning, however, proves much less kind. You awaken to smooth fingers sliding up and down your hood. And to another pair of fingers tweaking your nipple.

You shift your legs, but her only response is to press a finger between your pussy’s lips. That single digit, sinking into your hot, wet flesh, warms you up. You angle your shoulders away. In response, she pinches your nipple.

You flinch. Then she presses her lips to the back of your neck.

You shiver. “P-please, Shizuh-”

She twists your nipple.

“Goddess! Goddess Shizuha!”

She eases her grip. You shudder. “P-please, my go-goddess. Don’t…”

She snorts, then pulls her fingers away. You lay there, sagging in relief, only to shiver as the cool dungeon air brushes over your body.

You catch a few, shaking breaths. You’d won a small victory, but can you keep it going? How long can you keep her off you? How long…

She’d pulled the blanket away. In fact, as her breasts and legs shift against you, you hear her stand up. She steps over you and saunters back toward that chair. The chair with those leather straps.

So close. So agonizingly close. And yet, so very, hopelessly far away.

“This way, girl.”

You groan, your body still warmed by her fingers. But, grunting, you swing around and push yourself up, onto your knees. From there, you rise to your feet and shuffle toward her. You stop just in front of her. Frowning, you stare down your bare breasts just to-

“On your knees, idiot.”

Her voice grates through your ears, forcing you to clench your teeth. Clenching your locked fists, you lower yourself before her. From there, you rest your butt on your heels and take slow, measured breaths. She has no place, no right-no, no! Don’t think like that. Keep calm, obey, make her happy.

“Close your eyes.”

You shut your eyes.

“Pray to me.”

Pray to her? Why? How? You grimace, only to feel her left hand on your shoulder. A hand that slides off it, downward to… You lick your lips. “For, for what?”

With her right she taps your forehead. “Title, Naoko. I’m not your equal. Call me what I am.”

You flinch. “Goddess.”

She grips your hair and tilts your head downward. “And don’t forget it.” She then sighs. “I suggest you pray for things you need. My mercy and my patience would be a wise start.”

With a nod, you part your shaking lips. “Sh…”

She pinches your left nipple between her index and middle fingers. “No need to speak. If you offer that faith you promised, I’ll hear it.”

You wince, struggling to stay calm as your breast starts to burn. Twitching, you answer with a curt, awkward nod. Her fingers leave, dragging a relieved sigh from your throat. A sigh that’s soon interrupted by a hitch in your lungs as she presses her big toe against your crotch.

“Well, Naoko?”

You turn your head upward, shutting your eyes. You need to pray, to show her your sincerity. Your ‘worship.’ Think, think.

Mercy, patience…

What about freedom? Comfort?

Nothing comes to mind, at first. Each thought, each attempt at something resembling sincere devotion, melts amid the bubbling warmth she drags from your body. The goosebumps and shivers that crawl up your body.

But, as that toe starts to slide up and down, to press more insistently to your flesh, you find your ‘prayer’ flowing out on its own.

Your desires crystallize. As you squirm, as your crotch twitches, a deep yearning rises. One to be free of her torments, of her assaults.

Please, have mercy.


You cringe at her sickly-sweet tone and the soft, gentle strokes across your head.

“Be a good little girl, and I’ll give you all the comfort you’ll ever need~”

So she says, even as she continues rubbing your crotch. And, wait. That’s not what you-


You bite your lip. Even her slight rubs drag subtle shivers from your body.

“You haven’t given your goddess a single offering yet. How negligent of you.”

You twitch. What could you even give her, after all of-

You yelp. Your hips jerk backward and your pussy burns in pain, all from a strike from the foot that had been rubbing you.

“I’m not feeling that faith anymore, Naoko.”

You grunt, desperately pouring through your mind for anything nice left to think. No pain, no pain, no pain…

“Let’s start with the obvious one. That disgusting, putrid, abusive, manipulative aura of yours. Apologize to your goddess for ever using it.”

Amid the throbbing pain of your crotch, you force out a tiny nod. “I-I’m sorry, Shizu-”

“Goddess, Naoko. For the last time, goddess.”

“I’m sorry, goddess.”

She taps your crotch, remaining silent.

“I-I’m sorry for using my aura.”

She huffs. “Good enough. For now.” Her foot returns to nuzzling your crotch. “I need another offering. Perhaps this time, you could comment on resisting my authority.”

“I… I’m sorry I disobeyed you, goddess.”

“And fucking all those other girls, when I was right here?”

“I’m sorry I, uh,” you twitch, “I fucked them.”

She pats your head. “And how about that long, long year that you ignored me? After our meeting, you never once so much as flirted with me. What do you have to say about that?”

A shiver rattles up and down your spine. One you can say with confidence has nothing to do with the constant rubbing on your pussy. That’s… there’s no way. No way it infected her that far back.


The rubbing slows and she starts grabbing a fistful of your hair.

“I’m sorry!”

Her grip eases and that infernal foot returns to your twitching cunt.

“I’m sorry I didn’t please you. I didn’t, I could, I, I…”

She chuckles, then removes both her hand and foot. “You’ve earned my mercy, Naoko. For now.” She presses a foot to your face and shoves you backward. Then, lifting herself from the chair, she dusts her skirt and steps toward the ladder.

She glances back. “But if you want my blessings, do try harder. Convince me that you’re sincere in your contrition.”

She climbs upward, abandoning you to the cell once more.


You glance back to the empty cage. Kogasa disappeared at some point. Probably while you slept. But no matter how long you gaze at it, how long you wonder what happened to her or what will happen to you, your eyes wander again and again to that ladder.

She caught you before, but if you got lucky this time…

You shake your head. Maybe, maybe now. She’s gotta be gone by now, and if you hurried-

Taps. Someone’s climbing down.

You bite down a yelp and shuffle backward, toward the cage. Shizuha drops to the floor, carrying more fruits and another bowl of water.


You glance away, fighting back a burning urge to defy her. But, after only a second, you lower your head down, to the floor.

The bowls clack down some distance away from you. You lift your head to peek, only for her foot to grind into your head, forcing you back down.

“Let’s talk about your other girls and why you didn’t ditch them at the first chance.”

You grunt. “I… I was scared, Shiz-”

She presses your face into the floor. “Goddess.”

You whimper, squirming. “G-goddess. I’m sorry, I was scared! I, um, I wasn’t thinking right.”

She grinds her heel into your hair.

“I made a mistake! I didn’t, didn’t… trust you. I’m, uh, sorry.”

The foot leaves. Gulping, you lift your head to find the bowl inside the cage. She drops the dried fruits beside it and stands behind them. “Here. Eat and drink.”

Shivering, you nod and shuffle in. You kneel before her, then bow, just to reach the water. She steps around to your side, just before her hands glide down your ass and over your hood. You shut your eyes, fighting down a shiver as you drop your tongue to the water.

“You trust me now, don’t you?”

You whimper, but nod, dipping your face into the water just to appease her. Her fingers slide back out and further footsteps sound, stepping away.

To no one’s surprise, she shuts and locks the door behind you. Cold and alone, you lap the water up.
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File 162163990456.jpg - (596.25KB, 1000x1375, darkshizuha.jpg)
Will you ever escape this stale air, this dim chamber? These…

You whimper as Shizuha’s middle and index fingers stir inside your moist, twitching pussy. Sweat drips from your face, to the floor you’re forced to stare at. Shizuha’s firm ass digs into your back even as she drags another shuddering groan from your lungs with those damn fingers.

You need just a moment to rest, to-

A backhand bursts across your ass. “Up, Naoko.”

You grunt as you reposition your knees beneath you and straighten your cuffed arms. Shizuha had bestowed upon you the great mercy of placing them in front of you, only to force you into this position.

A kneeling, bowing human chair.

She pats your ass. “Think of where you’d be without me.”

You clench your teeth as your back trembles. Your eyelids flutter, but you shake your head. She’s just another mistress. Another predator. Placate her and look for a way out, like you always do.

She glides a hand over your ass, dragging a shiver from your body. “Let’s start with the bookstore. Without me, you’d still be trapped in its rings, wouldn’t you?”

Your teeth start to grind.

Then a finger slips down your crack. You shudder, shaking your head. “And that umbrella you adore? Without my help you’d be back in her forge,” the tip of her finger traces a circle around your asshole, “serving no role other than to offer this to her at every chance.”

You hang your burning face as your hips twitch and a fresh trickle glides down your thigh.

Her finger slides further down, slipping between the lips of your dripping pussy. “Just think where we could be now, if you’d learned your less-”

A gasp bursts free of your mouth, forcing your teeth apart on the way. Your arms tremble, struggling to hold your weight. “W-why, goddess?”

Her finger slides deeper, pushing into your flesh. “Why what, Naoko?”

You gulp. Sweat pours from your skin, dripping into a series of puddles beneath your eyes. “What, what did I do to, de-deserve this,” you hiss as she stirs her finger around, “this cruelty?”

She clicks her tongue and retracts her hand. Then brings it crashing across your ass. You screech, barely catching yourself from crumpling beneath her.

“Excuse me?”

You flinch. Your limbs burn and your back aches, but you dare not move.

“I-I’m sorry, goddess!”

She rubs her palm between your thighs, against your hood. You clench your eyes shut as another tremble rolls down your aching back. As another trickle joins the last..

“Sorry for what, Naoko?”

You lick your lips. What could she want?

“I’m… I’m sorry for, uh, implying you might be cruel.”

“Hmhmhm.” She presses that palm down, grinding it into your crotch. “I know you can do better.”

You whimper. Despite your most fervent desires, your hips tremble, yearning for more.

“I, I, I’m sorry! I’m sorry I don’t, I, uh, I didn’t show appreciation for your… generous treatment? O-of me!”

She hums. A couple fingers slip beneath your pussy’s lips. You wheeze, sinking slightly. Your body burns in both exhaustion and need. Her fingers stir, but they move slowly, languidly.

You wiggle your shoulders, what little you dare. Her fingers keep twisting and pressing inside you. Shivers trail up and down your body, but it-it’s just not enough.

You swallow. “S-Goddess. Please, i-if you’re going to-”

Her fingers stop, still wedged inside you. “Going to what, Naoko?”

You wince. “I-I mean, please, let me,” your heart pounds even as your stomach sinks, “let me cum.”

Shizuha’s ass shifts. Her fingers remain in place. Your pussy clenches, dripping down her hand. A moment of silence rests over you before she presses them gently in and out. Panting, moaning breaths flow from your burning lungs. But no matter how much you twist, quiver, and shake, it’s just not enough.

Just as it wasn’t enough the last time she visited, or the one before that, or…

She pumps her fingers through you just a little too slow, a hair too gentle. You clench your teeth, shaking your head. You press your thighs together, only for her fingers to still. They remain inside, teasing, taunting. Quivering, you draw your legs apart and, in return, she starts pumping again.

Still too slowly, too gently. Your head twists upward as your desire boils. As your fluids drip and your body trembles.

You take a deep, shaking breath. “P-please, my goddess. My,” you hiss as she presses in, “mistress. I-I beg you! Let,” you grunt as she pulls out, “me cum. Let me cum!”

She huffs, rubbing your hood as her fingers slide in and out. “Oh, I just don’t know~”

You bow your head as low as you can. “Please, please, please. My goddess, I-I love you, I’ll…”

Her fingers stop, then pop free of your pussy. You hear her lick them, just before she pulls herself off your back.

You collapse, the moment she does. Relief pours through your aching muscles, even as your pussy throbs in frustration.

“Sit up, Naoko.”

Groaning, you pull yourself upward and turn to face her. She frowns down on you.

“Finger yourself.”

You blink. Your jaw falls slack. Molesting you wasn’t enough? Now you have to, to…

She clears her throat, her eyes narrow. Then, they flit to a loose belt.

Time seems to slow. Breath by breath, your legs slide apart and your right hand drifts to your crotch. You glide it up and down over your hood. Slowly, her expression eases and with it, so do your nerves.

She smiles, then turns on her heel and marches toward the ladder.

“But don’t cum. Do you understand?”

You whimper, grinding your hand over your pussy. “Yes, goddess.”


Your fingers slip between your pussy’s lips to the sound of her climbing up the ladder and into the open world above. The one you haven’t seen in…

Days? Weeks?

Your fingers move slowly, gently. Like she did. Just, just…

Your eyelids flutter. Moisture builds beneath them. But your hands don’t stop and don’t pick up. You move in slow, rhythmic patterns. Up and down, up and down. Not too deep, not too hard.

Despite her command, you find yourself leaning forward in an effort to push yourself ever so slightly deeper.

Your fingers grow wet and your breathing heavy. A stuffy heat fills your body. But you keep going.

Slow, slow and gentle. You have to. You can’t take another beating. Or a day without food, or without a bed, or, or…

You lean further forward, until your head rests against the wood. With your crotch propped up on tired knees, you pull your fingers out to grind the heel of your palm on your clit. Your thighs tremble, but it’s not enough.

Sh-no, no! That’s good, that’s good. You glance over to the ladder. How long has she been out?

Minutes, probably.

You rub your palm a couple more times, then slip your fingers back inside. If-if you came soon, she might not notice, but…

Wiggling your hips, you push your fingers a bit deeper in. You groan, a warm shiver sailing down your back. She’d beat you, certainly. Or rape you. Or, or…

Somehow, each image, each nightmare, propels your fingers harder and deeper.. Your mind grows fuzzy, soon drowning out such pessimistic thoughts. That’s not important. You need this.

Your fingers press in and out. You add a third, barely squeezing them all inside yourself. Juices trail down your hand and stain the wood beneath. Maybe she’ll find out, but, but-

You grunt, pounding your fingers in and out. Every other pump, you pause only to rub your clit again, then push back inside. Long, ragged groans fall from your lips amid gasping pants and squeaking yelps.

Your pussy squeezes down on your fingers, urging them ever deeper. Urging them to press ever harder.

Your mind swims amid warm, fuzzy feelings. But as the seconds drag on, then the minutes-as fleeting images of your slender, blonde tormentor float through the fog-nothing happens.

No matter how hard you twist and grind, how much juice trails down your hand and thighs, nothing. You screech, finger-fucking yourself raw, only to-

A foot taps down onto the floor behind you, followed soon by another. Your fingers slow, but only barely. Your body’s too hot, your need too fierce. Even as they approach you, as a hand glides over your bare back, you keep pumping.

The footsteps circle around. The hand slithers into your hair. Gripping tight, it drags your sloppy, sweat-soaked face upward. Your bleary eyes stare into Shizuha’s condescending grin.

“What a pitiful, disgusting sight.”

You groan. Your fingers keep pounding.

That smile spreads, only for her to release your hair. Your head falls downward.

“Cum, Naoko.”

The words take a moment to register in your hazy, floating mind. But as they do, a burst of feverish warmth surges through you. Your breath hitches and your body seizes.

This can’t-no, no way. No way, no way, no way, no way, no-

Your thighs tremble. Your body quakes. Your chest heaves as a long series of shallow, wheezing breaths push through your lungs. Your hand freezes, pressed deep inside your squeezing, squelching cunt. Your awful, disgusting juices pour down it.

Then, as the heat fades and a softer haze fills your mind, your head falls to the floor.

What just happened? What did you do?

What did she do?

You tried so hard, despite her orders. But despite your efforts, you couldn’t cum until, until…

You blink. Tears build behind your eyelids and pour down your cheeks. It-it can’t be. She can’t-she doesn’t…

It’s impossible.

Your-your body’s your own. No, no matter what else, no one can, no one has-until today? No, no! No…

More footsteps. She walks around and behind you. Or, in front of you.

You could still have cum without her permission, right?


You lay there, a pool of juices under your crotch and one of tears forming around your cheek, both of which intermingle with the sweat now soaking into the floor.

Shizuha gave you permission-no, she ordered you to cum, and only then…

“Up, Naoko.”

You sniffle, then plant your sex-soaked hands under your chest. Shuddering, you push yourself upward. Shizuha stands before you, fully dressed. A metal collar hangs open, dangling before her from a chain leash.

For a long, quiet moment, you simply kneel there, studying the collar’s dull glimmer and the crude etching of a leaf on one side.

“For you, Naoko. A gift from your goddess.”

Wordlessly, you grasp either end of the collar and pull it toward yourself. A strip of red leather lines the inside. You trace your fingers along the cool, hard metal outside, finding another etched leaf opposite the first. Turning it around, you find a lock positioned just above the leash.

And, from that leash’s first link, a simple tag with a single inscription.


You take a long breath and part the collar, opening it toward your neck. You tilt your head upward, barely high enough to see Shizuha’s face. She stares down on you, gracing you with a simple nod.

Shutting your eyes, you nestle it around your tender flesh. Your hands tremble, time seems to slow. But somehow, as you pull the ends together, your body calms and it feels as if your mind clears.

Finally, you snap it shut. From her dress, she offers you a single copper key.

You offer her an open palm, into which she drops it. It’s light. Lighter than any key you’ve held. You turn one last, submissive glance to Shizuha, then heft the lock and slip the key inside. It takes only a slight twist before you hear the click. Staring at your knees, you offer the key back.

She takes it, only to then tap you on the shoulder.

“Look at your goddess.”

You shudder, then nod. Wiping your right arm across your eyes, you open them and stare upward. She holds the key in one hand.

The key disintegrates. It falls apart into a handful of leaves.

You sniffle. Your hands return to your collar. There’s no other way to open it, is there?

No hope of stealing it back. She’ll never reform it either, will she?

She steps to your side. As she walks, the chain slides upward, then pulls at your neck.

Weakly, you drag yourself to your feet and follow her to the ladder. As she starts to climb, so do you. The chain between your wrists makes it difficult, but proves just wide enough to allow you to climb one rung at a time.

But you’re barely through the door before she slams it shut and drags you outside. She hauls you out, into the hot, muggy air. A sweltering, oppressive heat that, somehow, you find you’ve missed.

She pulls you forward, dragging your bare feet across dirt, roots, and twigs. You follow as best you can. Your arms push inward, over your exposed breasts, placing your wrists over your crotch. Questions rise, unbidden, of whether or not such efforts even mean anything.

She marches ever forward, around trees after trees after trees. Sunlight filters down from them, still strong. It’s… either mid morning or late afternoon. The sun’s perhaps halfway from its zenith. Based on the heat, you’d guess afternoon, but for all you know, this could just be an especially hot day.

You shrink back as you reach a dirt road, but Shizuha answers with a single tug. You follow, stumbling to keep up. It takes another good few minutes, but you finally find a house approaching. A familiar one, even.

Kogasa’s forge.

She leads you through the work area, then shoves her way inside. You hear a squeak and turn to find Kogasa staring back at you. She clings to the bars, wearing a metal collar with a hanging chain leash, and two pairs of shackles-one for her wrists, one for her ankles.

A purple ball fills her mouth, locked to her head with leather straps.

Her eyes narrow for a split-second, then fly wide open.


Shizuha shuts the door behind you, then releases your leash. As she turns to the cage, you glance back to that door.

You could try to run away.


Shizuha clears her throat, her mere voice jolting you upright. Whirling around, you find her standing just outside the cage, holding Kogasa’s leash. She gestures toward the bed.

Sweating, you bow, then shuffle directly toward it. Chains clink as you approach it-chains other than your own. With a nervous twitch, you turn and lower yourself onto the edge. As you do so, Shizuha stands before you and, next to her, so does Kogasa.

Who’s… probably trying to smile around the fat ball stuffing her face. Shizuha nudges her downward and, in response, she bows in front of you.

Well, either that or she tries to get a peek at the cunt behind your shackled hands.

Shizuha pats her shoulder, then crouches behind her and unbuckles the gag. Slowly, she drags the ball free of Kogasa’s teeth and sets it on the bed beside you.

Kogasa licks her lips, then smiles up at you. “Naoko! I miss-”

Shizuha plants a hand on each of Kogasa’s cheeks, then slips a pair of fingers into either side of her mouth. Whether confused or getting the hint, Kogasa pipes down and allows the goddess to spread her mouth wide open.

Finally, Shizuha turns her smirk your way. “She’s all yours. To use, to play with.”

Kogasa blinks, struggling to glance backward. “Wheh?”

Your goddess’s eyes narrow and her grin spreads. “Just as you. Are. Mine. My loyal, submissive subject.”

Kogasa turns to you, her eyes wide and hopeful. Her tongue extends out, lolling over her spread lips. “Ahf?”

You frown, a spark of indignation rising to your worn soul… only for it to die as your eyes return to Shizuha’s domineering grin.

You wiggle your hips. You dare not even hint at disinterest in your goddess’s gift, but to encourage that single-minded, selfish demeanor…

You blink, then give the umbrella a warm smile. Your shackled hands extend out and down, rubbing up and down her breasts. “So, Kogasa. You’re my tool now, aren’t you?”

Despite the fingers wedged in her mouth, Kogasa smiles. “Yeh!”

“And I,” your throat tightens, “belong to Sh-”

Shizuha frowns. You clear your throat, shivering. “T-to my goddess!”

Kogasa’s stretched smile wanes. Above her, Shizuha gives you a solemn nod.

You straighten your back. “Then, Kogasa. I, I command you. To, to,” you squeeze her breasts, “please her.”

Shizuha stares at you. Is she angry? Satisfied? Uncertain? Her eyes are flat, her lips resting in a neutral position. Her fingers slide free of Kogasa’s mouth.

Small trembles travel up and down your limbs, even as Kogasa leans into your hands. “My, my goddess. Do you, um… you want to feel good, right?”

The faintest frown forms on Shizuha’s face, yanking an ‘eep’ from your lips.

“That’s your duty, Naoko. You’re not looking to avoid it, are you?”

Sweat beads across your brow. “O-of course, not! I-I, I just…” you drag your hands free of Kogasa’s chest. “I can serve you better with two bodies than one, right?”

The frown fades. A relieved sigh falls from your lips.

“I’ll see about that.”

Shizuha strolls to your left, then drops onto the bed beside you. Her dress explodes, fluttering into the air and baring her slender, divine body. You lift your hands to Kogasa’s right shoulder. Licking dry lips, you level your gaze on her. “Y-you heard me, get to work.”

In response, Kogasa only glances briefly at your goddess before turning her hungry eyes back to you. You groan. “You’re a tool, aren’t you? Serve your purpose!”

She jolts backward, mouth opening. Then, meekly, she bows before you. “Yes, owner.”

Finally, she shuffles toward Shizuha.

She stops in front of her. Her eyes flit across her body, but she doesn’t do anything else.

Shizuha taps her foot once.

You throw yourself off the bed and, chains jingling, almost tripping you, you scramble behind Kogasa. Planting both hands in her hair, you shove her face forward, into Shizuha’s bare, scruffy pussy.

Kogasa yelps, which you promptly ignore. “Lick her, Kogasa.”

Kogasa’s head bobs and Shizuha’s face flushes, but her eyes remain fixed on you. You and the breasts that your extended arms press together.

Regardless, Shizuha smiles.

For a moment, you relax and simply watch the way Shizuha breathes. The subtle twists and shivers. Shivers that fade away as Kogasa pulls back and starts twisting her head around. Before Shizuha’s face has even a chance to darken, you grab Kogasa’s head and jam her back in.

She squeaks, now resisting. Shizuha grunts as you throw your weight against your tool’s head, barely keeping her shoved in place.

Shizuha rolls her hips, rubbing her crotch over Kogasa’s face. But, after a moment, she sighs.

She points a finger to that chest of restraints and other weird ‘toys’ near the cage. “Get your goddess a good toy, would you?”

You answer with a nod and shuffle your clinking legs to it. Kneeling down, you sift through restraint after restraint. Grunts, pants, and Shizuha’s scent fill the air as you rifle through it all. She needs the best you can find, but to keep her waiting-

There! You find a colorful, rubbery shaft. Snatching it up, you turn and shuffle back to the bed. Shizuha barely glances your way, but pats the space beside her. You climb up, crawling to her side on the bed.

She smiles as she pulls the shaft from your hands. “Lie down.”

Releasing the dildo-double headed, now that you get a proper glance-you roll onto your back, legs hanging off the side of the bed. You clutch your chained hands together, over your chest, to the sound of a rustle and a gasp, followed by wet squelching.

There’s another gasp and what sounds like a struggle, just before Shizuha swings over you. Her left hand rests beside your head, her right gripping the blue dildo extending out from her pussy. Her flushed face looms close to yours, her breath pouring over you.

The head of the dildo rests against your mound. Ever so gently, it parts the lips.

“Let me reward you, my faithful subject~”

You breath catches. Is this, is it really what you want? Like this? Without, without-

She leans close to your body. Grabbing a wrist, she drags your hands up and over her back, forcing your body close to hers as she slips beneath them. Your heart pounds, beating a deafening rhythm through your body.

Kogasa stands somewhere behind her.

“K-Kogasa! S-My goddess! Serve her! Please h-”

Shizuha presses her lips to yours. The feeling, the taste, it almost distracts you from the dildo that ever so slowly parts the lips of your moistening pussy.

The one that drags one huddering groan from your throat, then another. Shizuha rubs and grinds her body against yours, gasping and panting into your mouth as she pushes the dildo deeper. As she fills you, sinking into your clenching, burning cunt, she rubs her humble breasts into yours.

Soon, whether out of genuine desire or pure instinct, your hands clench tight to her back, pressing her closer. As her tongue slips through your lips, you find pants and moans of your own traveling back up, into her own mouth.

You feel the faintest movements of Kogasa’s head, somewhere around both of your crotches.

But it doesn’t matter. Your goddess’s body-her breasts, her tongue, her dildo-they all press into you. Nothing else matters. Perhaps nothing ever did.

As she finally starts to drag the dildo up, and to ever so slowly press it down, she explores your mouth. She tastes you, she prods at your tongue, and she rolls her face around yours. Her breath fills your nose, her juices trickle down her shaft.

You shudder and squirm beneath her.

Then a tongue enters your ass. How it manages, even as Shizuha pumps into you, is more than your foggy mind can handle.

You squeal, squirming beneath Shizuha. Order Kogasa? Apologize? Repr-

Shizuha drags the dildo back, then slams it in, burying herself deep. You scream. She pounds you, beating her dripping pussy into yours with each thrust. You gasp, you moan, you bounce under her, to each thrust and pull.

A burning, scorching haze fills you.

Shizuha’s tongue parts with your own only for clipped, shallow breaths before diving back in. The other tongue slips in and out of your ass. Each pump knocks it almost entirely out, only for it to bury itself back in each time Shizuha pulls back.

Your body quakes and spasms, swimming in pleasure.

And so they go, your goddess and your tool, trading your body between each other. And somehow, no matter how hard she pounds you, how shallow her breaths get, Shizuha never relinquishes your mouth. Her tongue endlessly, insistently entwines with your own.

Your mouth never closes, just as your squelching, hungry pussy, never empties.

Your mouth, your pussy, your breasts. Your mind and body. They all, in this moment, fill their only true purpose.

To please your goddess.

[ To be continued. ]
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thank you for writing, looking forward to the continuation
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Your arms splay out before you, bare but unrestrained. Only the cool metal of your goddess’s collar around your neck reminds you of your status. That, and the chain trailing before you, up to the bed’s headboard.

And the slender, bare stomach and shallow breasts nestled into your back. The rustic, earthy scent of Shizuha’s leafy blanket fills the air, but you find the soft embrace of the bed more comforting. A bed that once belonged to Kogasa but, well…

She doesn’t get to use it anymore.

The gentle pressure of Shizuha’s breath wafts through your hair as her arms tighten around your stomach. She’s likely to wake soon. You’d pull the blanket tighter to yourself for that last bit of comfort before dragging yourself to your morning duties, but even the early morning’s growing a bit too warm.

Shizuha stirs and her grip eases. She’s got only a few minutes left, and if Kogasa hasn’t started cooking by then…

You groan, squirming for only a moment before you nudge Shizuha’s hands off and pull yourself upright, dropping your feet off the side of the bed. Your leash clinks with each movement, but thankfully, your goddess had seen fit to give you a longer chain just a couple days ago. You palm it before turning your eyes to purple umbrella hanging by a short chain of its own, near you. From there, your gaze wanders to the cage and the teal-haired girl it belongs to, naked and curled into one corner.

Releasing the chain, you run your hand up and down the hanging umbrella. In that cage, Kogasa flinches, groaning in response. The faintest, most tired smile rises to your lips as you drag yourself off the bed completely.

You shuffle forward, ignoring the clink of the chain and the air on your exposed breasts, pussy, and ass, to swipe a key off the low table. From there, you drag your still-waking body forward until your leash pulls taut, forcing you to stop just before the cage door. Faint murmurs float on the air from the bed as you line the key up with the cage’s lock. You need to hurry.

Kogasa’s chains clink, her eyes blink open. They level on you just before she lurches to her knees, almost knocking over her empty food bowl. You swing the cage door open and point toward a window looking out into her forge. “Breakfast.”

She nods, then pauses. With a gulp, her eyes slide down your body, between your legs. Her hips wiggle as she licks her lips. “H-how about a… kiss, first?”

You roll your eyes. “Now’s not the time. Go.”

She pouts, glancing away. “Oh, c’mon. I, I’ve been feeling lonely, you know. Ever since last night, when…”

You hiss. You don’t have time for this. Between Shizuha and the thought of what happened…

“Just one.”

She blinks, her arms squeezing those tits against each other as her sparkling eyes lock onto your own. “Really?”

You wince, fingering your collar. “Yes, now hurry!”

She tilts her head. You answer by closing your eyes and puckering your lips. You’d have just planted it on her by now if your leash allowed.

Finally, her soft lips weigh against yours. You wrap your arms around her, pull her close, and shove your tongue down her throat. She squeals, ecstatic. A second later, you push her off and open your eyes. She smiles back.

“There’s your kiss. Now, get to work!”

“Yes, mistress~”

She leaps to her feet and, almost tripping on her ankle chain, throws the front door open. Stepping outside, she leaves you to yourself for a precious moment. She has to make you all breakfast each morning, and you’re expected to ensure she does so. Every moment where breakfast is late, Shizuha punishes the both of you.

A thought-a memory-that sends a tingle… no, no. Ignoring the subtle twitch of your loins, you shut your eyes and focus on the muffled clinks and the low rustle of a flame outside. Breakfast, breakfast. Slowly, that tingle fades.

You sigh in relief, then turn around and shuffle back toward your goddess’s bed. Your duties, now that Kogasa’s started, are much simpler. You are to wait at her bedside, should she wake up horny.

Or lonely. Or frustrated. Or bored.

You kneel before it, hands on your knees, arms flanking your bust. You keep your arms rigid and your knees together, squeezing your breasts together. It tires your arms, but proves a welcome distraction today.

Aya had come by last night for another draining. The final one, hopefully. You’d sensed nothing from her once you were done, but in return, well…

Your fingers twitch, your breath shudders. Shizuha doesn’t appreciate other women around you, other than Kogasa. She hates anything to do with your aura. Having to sit there at let Aya get close to you, to let you drain her, well…

Her mercy proved profound, as she only ever teased you that evening.

All evening.

Even when she went to sleep, she kept you to your usual nightly duty.

As a human pillow.

If you dared get yourself off then, to get any fluids on the bed she slept in…

Your fingers twitch again, yearning to reach down, between your legs. As aggravating as it all was, you clap your hands and offer a quick, silent prayer of gratitude she never resorted to her… other means.

A twitch of your eyes brings your gaze, for a split-second, to the raised panel by the bed. Just as soon, you force your gaze away. You need not worry about how well your neck or wrists fit inside it, or the beating your pussy and ass had…

Shizuha’s bleary eyes finally blink open and, gently, fall upon your body.

She yawns, then disintegrates her blanket. Swinging herself up and her feet off the bed, she reforms the leaves into her usual dress, then extends one leg toward you. Without even thinking, you bow down and caress the ankle, lifting it just high enough to plant a soft kiss on it.

She doesn’t respond until you press your tongue to her skin and drag it up her leg, inch by inch. Even then, her response is nothing more than a mild, if approving, murmur. You mix a few light kisses among them as you work your way up her leg.

She drags your morning service out for a good several minutes, leading your tongue up one leg and down the other. All until she pulls you to your feet and plants a kiss on your lips.

She holds you there for a good minute, sparing you her tongue, but refusing to let you pull away. Your lungs start to burn by the time she finally lets go.

Licking her lips, she smiles. “You were serviceable this morning.” You hear a fluttering around you. “Here, a reward from your goddess.”

Leaves rustle and nestle against your skin. Glancing down, you find yourself wearing a red and yellow bra, which clings to your breasts, pushing them inward. Beneath, you feel the similarly tight embrace of matching panties. You turn a questioning gaze to your goddess, who answers by placing a finger beneath your chin.

“You always wanted to cover up, so I’m granting you this blessing. A good few hours relieved from your responsibility as eye candy. In part.”

Releasing her finger, she steps past you and tosses a sideways glance back. “Of course, I expect you to keep them in pristine condition.”

Wordlessly, you nod as she settles into the table. You run your hands over them a moment, feeling the precious texture of covering garments for the first time in many days, until-

She clears her throat. You leap forward. Leash still clinking, you settle into the table across from her. By now, the muted scent of rice and stewed vegetables float on the air.

Shizuha leans back, her foot extending beneath to the table to tap on your thigh as the two of your wait. Instinctively, your legs spread ever so slightly and, in response, her foot slides inward, toward the very underwear she just…

The door opens and Kogasa carries in a small, steaming pot with a pair of wooden plates atop it. Smiling, she gingerly sets the pot down, then places a plate before each of you. From there, with the slightest bounce of her smooth, bare breasts, she pulls a spoon out of the pot and scoops a hefty serving for each of you. Finally, she sets a pair of chopsticks on each plate.

Then, to your faint smile and Shizuha’s neutral gaze, she shuffles behind you and, folding her hands in her lap, kneels down.

She’ll wait there until you’re done. It’s one of the few things you can truly trust her on. If only she’d drool a bit less when she did.

Shizuha takes her first bite and, as soon as she does, you raise your chopsticks-only to immediately lower them back down before she has a chance to catch your mistake. She hasn’t given you permission, yet.

You hold position, offering a hopeful glance to Shizuha, who doesn’t even look up from the food. Your eyes fall on your own serving, warm and inviting. You gulp, your stomach aching and your mouth watering. You just need to wait a bit longer, a bit longer…

Shizuha doesn’t say anything. She just keeps eating. She normally says something here. What was… oh, right.

Taking a deep breath, you clap your hands once.

“Thank you, goddess, for the food.”

You wait a moment, still listening to her chew. A faint sense of appreciation washes over your heart - her ‘answer’ to your prayer. Even then, it’s only when she finishes and pats your head that you dare take your first bite.

The taste is subtle, but satisfying. Kogasa’s gotten a lot better at it these days.

“Your slave’s done well, Naoko.”

A faint blush rises to your cheeks.

“You’ve been good lately, too.”

Stopping a moment to chew, you glance upward. Shizuha’s… smiling. She wears a warm, content smile.

“I gave you that underwear for a reason, you know. You’re an acceptable substitute for Ayame now, possibly even an improvement.”

You swallow, turning back to your plate. Ayame, Ayame. A faint sigh slips past your lips. She-it doesn’t matter anymore. Shizuha snickers.

“You’re even cuter than her.”

You lift another portion. “Thank you.”

“Of course, of course~” She pauses, then taps at your thigh with her foot, again. “In return for your worship, perhaps I’ll bestow another blessing on you this evening, hm?”

You scoop the food into your mouth, fixating on the taste to control a fast-beating heart.

“It’s only fair, after so much worship, for a goddess to return the ‘favor’ every once in a while, after all.”

Her toe trails circles on your thigh. She’s-is she really going to…

You glance back up to find her licking her lips. She, she is.

You scarf down the rest of your plate. After yesterday, you really need it, but…

No, you can definitely wait a few hours. If it’s for her, you’ll wait as long as you-

She pats your head.

You blink, glancing up just as she pulls her hand back. Still smiling, she lifts herself to her feet and turns on her heel. Pushing the door open, she tosses a casual wave back.

“Remember to keep your tool in line, Naoko.”.

Without waiting for a response, she steps into the realm you’re never allowed to enter. Outside. As the door closes behind her, you sit there for a couple tense, fidgeting moments.

Then, when Kogasa taps your shoulder, your duties return to your mind. Sighing, you grasp the pot and carry it toward Kogasa’s cage. Until, of course, your leash pulls taut again. Thankfully, Kogasa scurries inside it, ahead of you. There, she scoops up her usual bowl, turns around, and offers it to you.

Her usual bowl-one of several things Shizuha had you order her to make-forged from copper and etched with her name. And Shizuha’s usual leaf mark on the side.

Kogasa smiles eagerly as you scoop the remaining rice and vegetables into the bowl. She’s gotten much better at keeping her mouth shut lately-you only have to listen to comments on your ass, or her other desires, once or twice a day.

Once finished, you step aside just as she kneels down and lowers her head toward the bowl. Twitching, you step outside the cage and settle down before the house’s main door. You kneel down and settle your clenched fists on your knees.

Shizuha won’t be back for several hours, probably, but she likes to see you like that when she returns. You need to do something to keep yourself focused, to keep your hands out of your, well…

You don’t have much to do when she’s gone, anyway. It gets boring, sometimes. Shizuha’s always scary when she’s pissed, which has happened less often lately, now that you’re better at doing what she says. One hand wanders from the thigh it had been creeping up, to your collar again. It slides along the mark on the side-the leaf.

Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t run forever. As was inevitable, someone scooped you up and enslaved you. Despite your goddess’s continued insistence, that’s what you are. Her slave.

It sounds terrible, and she hates anyone ever even hinting that’s what you are.

But, compared to some of the other women who wanted you, you could have done much worse.

The book, Wriggle, Kagerou…

The chain hanging from your collar rests against your back.

Shizuha doesn’t let you leave or disobey her, but she’s not as sadistic as they were. Not as cruel. She mostly lets you do what you want, so long as you never try to leave and she’s not horny.

She can’t protect you from everyone, but she’s done a decent job so far of keeping you mostly safe. Even Aya’s gotten better lately-she didn’t even flash you last time.

The air’s gotten so much warmer these days that you can often forget your nudity. She feeds you, shelters you, and…

Chains clink behind you. You turn to find Kogasa shuffling your way. She stops just inside the cage door and kneels down, offering you a submissive smile.

“Any more commands, mistress?”

You pause, trying to ignore the way she licks her lips. The weight of her breasts, those bright red nipples pointing toward you, the subtle sweat on her skin…

You turn your gaze firmly back to the door.

“Aw. I can do anything you want, you know! Especially anything… sexy.”

You suppress a chuckle. You’d think she’d have gotten better at dirty talk by now, after how many, many times she’s tried to entice you into offering her your ass, or pussy, or even just your tits.

Shizuha offered her as a gift, as property. Someone for you to command and to use as you pleased-so long as it also pleased her too, of course. But is that really what she is?

Your property? Even at the best of times, your authority over her seems shaky, perhaps even flimsy. And, of course, whenever Shizuha wants anything from either you or Kogasa, the very idea that you own her flies out the window.

Perhaps Shizuha’s the only one who truly owns her and always has been, perhaps Kogasa’s just lent to you when your goddess is away.

Which must be why she gave you that order, today. To keep Kogasa in line, not for you. For your goddess. So she can use ‘your’ tool however she wants.

Your right hand slides between your legs, nestling up against your leaf-shielded crotch. Shizuha. She’s going to…

You shake your head. No, no. If you masturbate now, that will dirty her leaves. If she catches you, then…

Your breaths turn heavy, your spine tingles. She would-wouldn’t, if she found… no, of course she wouldn’t.

But, if she did…

You gulp, turning back toward Kogasa. She smiles, oblivious but hopeful. She’s supposed to be your property, right?

Shizuha, Shizuha can’t…

Your hips squirm, your heart pounds. Kogasa’s breasts heave, her eyes locked to your own. Her full, juicy thighs shift. She wants this as badly as you do.

Probably more, even.

Shizuha, she can’t complain if you…

She can’t complain if you help provide for Kogasa’s needs, right? If, if she’s following your commands, she’s still being kept ‘in line,’ right?

You flip around and plant your back against the door. The leash rolls over your shoulders as you nestle in.

Then, spreading your legs, you rub your hand over your panties.

Over the quivering pussy beneath. Shuddering, you flip one finger beneath them and pull, part them-

With the slightest nudge, they disintegrate beneath your hand, baring your pussy completely. You yelp. Shizuha’s going to-she’ll-you’ll…

That was their purpose all along, wasn’t it? Just to show whether or not you obeyed.

Breath shaking, you clench your eyes shut, exhale, and open them again. She’s going to punish you one way or the other, now. No point in second guessing.

You raise your left hand and snap your fingers, spreading your pussy lips with your right. “Kogasa! Eat me out!”

“Yes, mistress!” Kogasa drops to her knees and crawls between your legs, lowering her head.

You hold still as her breath falls over your wet, needy cunt. Kogasa pauses, her hair brushing your inner thighs.

“Um, uh. It’ll probably feel better in your ass. Are you sure you-”

“Eat. Me. OUT!”

Kogasa squeaks. “Right away! Sorry!”

She shoves her face against your crotch and buries her tongue inside you.

You gasp. Your body quivers. Her tongue plunges through you, diving in only to lurch backward, then to poke and prod. For a second, you’re breathless. Your lungs clench, but her assault’s too sudden.

Then, with one extended drag, air floods into your lungs. She plants her lips down, sucking on your flesh as she pounds you with her tongue. She drags gasps, moans, and shudders from your body.

You arch your back, twisting your hips and clamping your thighs against her head. A hand snaps to her hair to shove her down, grinding her face into your hungry cunt.

Despite your best efforts, her head bobs as her tongue works. Through it all, your head grows warm and fuzzy, your mind foggy.

She’s gotten so good at pleasing you, at playing with you. Could you still have savored this, had you rejected Shizuha’s request or escaped her? Would Kogasa still do this? Would it have meant as much without her blessing?

Your breath falls in rapid, shallow, panting gasps. Kogasa’s tongue keeps pounding, lapping up every drop that falls from your clenching, squeezing, stuffed pussy.

A quake rolls through you and you can feel the edge approaching, already. You hiss, wiggling your ass. That’s-it’s too soon. If you’ll be punished for this, it needs to last. You can’t take her punishment just for this.

You press a hand to Kogasa’s head, nudging it back. “S-slow dow-how-hown.”

She murmurs something, but nods.

The frenzy fades and her tongue turns to lower, gentler movements. She rolls her lips across your mound, dragging her tongue from side to side as she laps up what trickles out.

The quakes fade into periodic, jittery tremors.

You clench your teeth, savoring the gentle frustration. As Kogasa works, images float to your mind. Images of short, blonde hair. Of gentle, elegant breasts, smooth navels, and slender legs. Of a scruffy bush that you’ve buried your nose into more times than you can count.

Of the lips beneath that you’ve tasted so many times.

You gasp, your legs wrapping around Kogasa’s head as your mind wanders.

Those tender, delicate touches, the fingers, the tongue, and those dildos she’s rewarded you with, when you’ve been good. When you’ve been her good little worshipper.

Another quake rolls through your body, pants and moans tumbling from your lips. Kogasa pulls back to lick your pussy’s lips and kiss your clit before diving back in.

You groan, your body burning and twisting under the weight of her shallow attentions and the images of Shizuha’s… blessings.

Your eyes wander to the bed. The one she’d been so gracious to share with you, so long as you let her touch and squeeze you as she pleased. The one that, tonight, she’s going to…


Your breath hitches, your body twitching, your pussy clenching. That, that-

Something thumps into the door behind you. You squeal, shoving Kogasa’s head aside and lurching forward. You bite down a frustrated hiss at the attention fading. You roll over, onto your back, just as the door opens and Shizuha stares down at you.

Down at the juices trailing from your bare, quivering pussy, glazing the leaves that once covered it.

You prop yourself up on your elbows. Your panting, heaving breaths catch in your throat as she frowns. Another, harder quake rolls down your spine at the image. Your pussy squeezes.

“Really, Naoko?”

She steps forward. Your heart all but stops.

“You couldn’t control yourself for one hour?”

You wheeze, slowly shaking your head. “Kogasa, she…”

Kogasa flinches, jerking backward.

Shizuha squats down, fingering a portion of your leash before squeezing tight and dragging your face toward hers. “That’s right. You also failed to fulfill the one command I gave you.”

Struggling to force steady breaths through your burning chest, you glance away.

Which then gives you no warning before she shoves you backward until your legs hit the bed.

“S-Shizuha, wai-!”

Your bra dissolves, then pours into your mouth, shoving your tongue to its floor and stuffing your lips. You gulp as your eager, drooling tongue soaks in their bitter taste.

With your ass pressed to the side of the bed, one twitching hand slides to your crotch and the other wanders to a breast. Your lips squish over the mass, but dare not push it out. If Shizuha wants you gagged, then…

“Hands behind your back, Naoko.”

Shuddering, sweating, you groan. And plant your hands on the bed, behind you.

“Kogasa. Cage.”

Kogasa yelps, then scurries to the cage and shuts the door behind her. With the key still protruding from its lock, her nervous gaze peeks out through the bars. As she steps her shivering body backward, Shizuha pulls a pair of handcuffs from the chest.

She steps by the cage door just long enough to lock Kogasa in and retrieve the key, then tosses it to the table and stalks toward you. Something else creeps into her smile as she approaches.

Something that drives a rolling quake through your whole body.

A smile.

A cruel, domineering smirk.

As her dress disintegrates around her, she pours a new sensation into your heart.

One of appreciation for your misconduct. A sensation that, even as her discarded leaves spill around your mouth to seal the first blob inside, stokes a fire that dwarfs even Kogasa’s most eager attentions.

She steps up to you, dropping the cuffs by one wrist. Those smooth breasts, her lovely skin, the gentle scent of autumn on her…

Your heart pounds, your thighs quake. Your spit soaks her leaves.

As she snaps a cuff around one wrist, as those confident, powerful eyes bore into your soul, your knees go weak and your vision burns a brilliant white.

All sensation dies to a warm, euphoric tide.

You can’t wait to be disciplined. To serve as your goddess’s outlet.

To please her.

- End -
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And, that is that. It's been quite a ride. I feel like I've made many mistakes, both big and small, over the course of this story, but I learned a lot. In particular, I feel like I've often been far more distant to many of you than I could have been, and I probably could have afforded to be clearer about what some routes meant, or more carefully considered where some should (or should not) have went.

I'd still love to write a few alternate endings but, sadly, I've since found several other projects calling to me. Most likely, I won't find the time for them anymore (almost certainly, it won't be very soon). I wish to apologize for that, and to thank everyone who took the time to vote, to comment, or even just to read this story. Despite its rough edges, it's the first major writing project I'd ever gotten off the ground and as a result, will probably hold a special place in my heart for quite a while.

For everyone with the patience to put up with my mistakes, even briefly, and to still find something they enjoyed here, thank you.
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Thanks for finishing the story. It's been a fun ride. I wasn't the best of voters but you did a good job pushing forward and doing something that was pretty different to the other stories. Good luck if you try something new and thanks.
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Thank you for writing this story, it was truly a joy to follow its progress over the last couple of years. Looking forward to reading any future works from you, and good luck!
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