Anonymous 2010/01/14 (Thu) 12:02 No. 447 [Reply] ▼
This is an attempt to instill a little life and fun here. A pointless story that will be updated quickly, with no update ever exceeding 1000 words. This first post will be up for at least 6 hours before I continue. Subsequent updates will come when either there's enough votes or the time limit is reached. Write in votes are welcome when appropriate and not utterly pointless and destructive.
“On with it, come on.”
The blonde woman urges you on with a wave of her fan. The three... gaps behind you shimmer with a phantasmagoria of color. She grins, her mouth soon covered by the open fan. You stare at her, not quite able to come to grips with all that's happened in the last hour or so. This definitely is the last time you'll ever help a lost stranger to her destination. Before you knew it you were falling and then you were here.
You're in some sort of dark place, the only light coming from invisible sources. The woman seems to be in control of this place, standing a few paces away with one of gloved hands casually holding an ornate parasol. She closes the fan with the other hand. Her explanation was brief and left more questions than gave answers.
“I really don't want anything to do with you, so just take me home already.”
“You're no fun.” She acts as if hurt by your words, the arm with the fan goes to her hip. “Here I am doing you a favor and all I get is ingratitude.”
“Look, I don't know if you're just a pervert or what but can I at least have my clothes back?” They disappeared sometime in between falling and landing. You've been in the buff, completely exposed to this woman. Not that she seems to care much, only occasionally looking somewhere she shouldn't be.
“What a bore. But I suppose I can do at least that much.” A simple dark grey cloak, and unisex shirt and pants falls from above to your feet. A pair of sandals follow. Not your clothes, but she already knew that. “Now go through one of those lovely gaps.”
“Why should I?”
You begin to get dressed, welcoming the return of your modesty.
“I am giving you a chance to make the most of yourself. Any opti
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