Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:15 No. 56 ▼
"Oh, who are you?"
Opening your eyes, you find yourself lying flat on your back, Yellow sunflowers and a face framed with green hair peer down at you.
what do you do?
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:17 No. 58 ▼ [Q] Sit up and rub your head. Check discreetly for bumps.
[Q] Try to recall how you got here.
[Q] Ask the woman where you are.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:25 No. 59 ▼
You sit up, making yourself dizzy in the process. You check for bumps only to have your hand come back slick with blood.
You don't remember how you got here. You don't know who you are.
"Where am I?" You ask the woman, who seems unconcerned that you appear to be injured.
"My garden." she replies. "I'm curious as to why a human would be here. Most would avoid this place."
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:27 No. 61 ▼ >>59 [ø]Inspect gender
[ø]"These flowers... they are really pretty"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:32 No. 63 ▼ [ø]Inspect gender
[ø]"These flowers... they are really pretty... Why would someone avoid a nice place like this?"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:34 No. 64 ▼ [x]Inspect gender
[x]"These flowers... they are really pretty... Why would someone avoid a nice place like this?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:35 No. 65 ▼
You look down at yourself. Everything is where you expect it to be.
"These flowers are pretty." you say, gazing at the sunflowers around you, as if in a daze. "Why would someone avoid a nice place like this?"
She smiles brightly as you compliment the flowers, then gives a brief expression of shock.
"You mean you don't know?"
Pick a gender, first vote wins.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:35 No. 66 ▼ [x] Male
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:35 No. 67 ▼ DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:36 No. 68 ▼ Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:37 No. 69 ▼ [x] Oh, I screwed up didn't I? This' some sacred ground I'm not suppossed to touch, right?
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:38 No. 70 ▼ >>65 [ø]"Not really... actually, I can't remember anything right now"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:38 No. 71 ▼ [x] "Not really... actually, I can't remember anything right now"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:43 No. 72 ▼
"Oh, I screwed up didn't I? This' some sacred ground I'm not suppossed to touch, right?" you ask, grimacing as you think you might have screwed up.
"No." She says, then smirks and adds "Well, some may think so."
She offers you the hand that is not holding her parasol.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:43 No. 74 ▼ [x] Take her hand.
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:46 No. 76 ▼ [x] Take her hand.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:50 No. 77 ▼ File
125660462120.png - (403.44KB, 480x640,
You accept her hand. She pulls you to your feet with a strength that surprises you.
"This is not my specialty, so brace yourself."
She gives you a moments warning before placing a finger on your forehead. That moment is all you have to mentally brace yourself for what is coming.
It quite odd, feeling your skull stitch itself back together and new skin grow in rapid time. you can hear the bones pop into place not through your ears but as a vibration through your skull and feel the slow crawl of skin. Its all you can do to grit your teeth and brace yourself against the new sensations.
Then its done.
"There we go." The green haired lady says, pulling her hand back, smiling at you.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:51 No. 78 ▼ [x] "Thank you Miss... Um, who are you?"
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 00:56 No. 79 ▼ [ø] "Wow, thank you... If you don't mind me asking, who are you, Miss?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:01 No. 80 ▼
"Thank you miss... Um, who are you?"
"...curious." She says, looking you up and down with a piercing look.
"Miss Curious?"
"Eh?" She blinks. "Ah! No. My name is Kazami Yuuka. You may call me Yuka. Do you really know nothing of Gensokyo?"
"The name doesn't ring any bells, Miss Yuka."
"An outsider then?"
"Outside what?"
"Outside Genso-- Oh, I suppose it doesn't matter. I suppose I should escort you to the humans. They will know what to do."
Do you really want to go back to the boring humans though?
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:04 No. 81 ▼ >>80 [x] "Actually, do you think I could stay with you?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:19 No. 82 ▼
"Actually, do you think I could stay with you?" You ask.
"E-eh? Me?" she asks you. "W-why?"
"Its just... You're the only friendly face I know right now."
"O-oh. I suppose.. There is no harm in it." she says, her cheeks flushing slightly as she agrees. She steps close to you.
"Place your arms around me and do hold on tight."
You do as you are instructed, ans she does likewise with you with her free hand. You begin to wonder why she just instructed you on how to hug her when you slowly rise off the ground.
How do you react to your first flight, anon?
By the way, this isn't first vote wins. I'll combine votes until I finish writing an update. The more votes it has by the time I'm done, the more weight it will have. Even if this means I have to go back to rewrite everything.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:24 No. 84 ▼ >>82 [X] Unbridled enthusiasm
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:26 No. 85 ▼ [X] Unbridled enthusiasm
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:30 No. 86 ▼ [ø]Unbridled enthusiasm
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:31 No. 87 ▼ [X] With an urge to cuddle the woman that's carrying you. I mean, as long she's holding you and all.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:35 No. 89 ▼ [x] Unbridled enthusiasm
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:36 No. 90 ▼
You grip Yuka closer in a hug in your sudden take off. She doesn't seem to mind, holding you closer to herself as well.
You half expected that spontaneously flying would be a frightening experience but you handle it rather well.
Actually, better than well really. You become enamoured with the experience quickly, the world moving below you, becoming kin with the birds around you, the wind moving around your ears. The sunflowers below look even prettier if possible from the air. Yuka notices your enthusiasm.
"First time flying?" She asks you.
"Y-yeah!" you say back. "At least. I don't remember doing it before and it feels really new to me, if that makes sense!"
"It does! Wait until you are able to fly on your own!" Yuka says smiling and sharing in your glee.
"You--You mean I could do this on my own?!"
"Sure. I.. I can train you if you would like." She offers.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:38 No. 92 ▼ [x] "Would you? That'd be awesome."
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:39 No. 93 ▼ [x] "Would you? That'd be awesome."
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:40 No. 94 ▼
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:44 No. 95 ▼ >>90 [ø]"Thanks Yuuka! Have you taught anyone else before?"
[ø]Lean your head on her shoulder.
Do want to see Yuuka blush more.
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:45 No. 97 ▼ >>94 That is not important as long as he keeps writing about sweet Yuuka!
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:55 No. 100 ▼
"Would you? That'd be awesome. Have you taught anyone else before?" You ask, leaning your head on her shoulder. This causes her to blush slightly, but she quickly regains her composure as she begins to speak.
"I--I have had a few apprentices before. Only one still survives. I could even go so far as to teach you magic if you would like as I sense the potential in you, but you should know it is a dangerous life."
"I have potential?"
"When I healed you, I sensed potential in you. but you should know that as a teacher I am very strict, and that I can't guarantee your safety all the time." Her tone is slightly more serious as she says this.
You get the feeling that this is an opportunity and that maybe she's saying this to scare you off. Is she just not used to dealing with people? or is there something more to this.
>>94 An oldfag using an assumed name. Don't worry, my credentials will check out in the long run.
also, that was an odd board hiccup.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:57 No. 103 ▼ [x] "I would be very thankful if you could teach me."
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/10/27 (Tue) 01:57 No. 104 ▼ [Q] "I would be very thankful if you could teach me."
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 02:00 No. 106 ▼ [x] "I would be very thankful if you could teach me."
DAzure 2009/10/27 (Tue) 02:00 No. 107 ▼ [ø] "I would be very thankful if you could teach me."
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 13:47 No. 108 ▼ >>100 [X] "I would be honored if you would teach me"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 16:50 No. 109 ▼ [X] "I would be honored if you would teach me"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 17:10 No. 110 ▼ [X] "I would be honored if you would teach me"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 18:07 No. 111 ▼ [x] "I would be honored if you would teach me."
>>94 It doesn't really matter.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 20:19 No. 114 ▼ [x] "I would be honored if you would teach me."
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 23:15 No. 122 ▼
"I would be very thankful if you could teach me." you reply.
"Very well. I think we shall begin formally tomorrow. Tonight we can just relax." she says. "Ah, brace yourself. We will be landing."
You tighten your arms around her and pull yourself closer to her. You catch a ghost of a smile on her lips but before you can investigate further, you notice the ground approaching.
Yuka swoops in low, then rises vertically before softly settling down in front of a cabin on the edge of a wood.
"Oh no!"
"Scary lady is back!"
Three small winged creatures were playing in front of the cabin but they fly off fast once Yuka lands.
"Ah, wai--" she says but its too late. they are gone. She frowns.
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 23:22 No. 123 ▼ [x] Put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
-[x] "You alright?"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 23:34 No. 124 ▼ [x] Put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
-[x] "You alright?"
Anonymous 2009/10/27 (Tue) 23:40 No. 125 ▼ [x] Put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
-[x] "You alright?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/27 (Tue) 23:55 No. 126 ▼
She looks sadly at the spot the fairies retreated to for a moment. You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder
"Are you alright?"
"Ah! Yes. Yes I'm ok." She smiles reassuringly as she turns back to you. "Welcome to my home."
"Thank you for the welcome." you reply.
"Come on inside and I'll make us some tea." she says, smiling happily as she opens her door, inviting you inside.
Go inside? Also, Any questions you would like to ask her over tea? remember you don't have any memories or even a name.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 00:00 No. 129 ▼ [x] Go inside
-[x] Offer to help her make tea
Talk about...
[x] Where you are
[x] How you might have gotten there
[x] What she does
[x] What being her apprentice means
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 00:07 No. 131 ▼ I'm gonna let you guys think this over for a few minutes before starting to write the next update.
you have some good ideas to start with.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 00:09 No. 132 ▼ [x] Go inside
-[x] Offer to help her make tea
Talk about...
[x] Where you are
[x] How you might have gotten there
[x] What she does
[x] What being her apprentice means
[x] Ask her about what Gensokyo is and what she meant by Outsider.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 00:41 No. 135 ▼ [x] Go inside
-[x] Offer to help her make tea
Talk about...
[x] Where you are
[x] How you might have gotten there
[x] What she does
[x] What being her apprentice means
[x] Ask about her race, her traits are far too beatiful to be human.
[x] Ask her about what Gensokyo, is and what she meant by Outsider.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 01:31 No. 138 ▼ [x] Go inside
-[x] Offer to help her make tea
Talk about...
[x] Where you are
[x] How you might have gotten there
[x] What she does
[x] What being her apprentice means
[x] Ask her about what Gensokyo is and what she meant by Outsider.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 01:46 No. 139 ▼
The two of you head inside. The house is as small as it appears on the outside, but with the way it is decorated it makes it seem very warm and cozy rather than cramped and small.
"I can help!" you say, offering assistance as Yuka moves towards her kitchen.
"Make tea?" Yuka asks you. "There isn't much to it."
"There... isn't?" You ask.
"No, its just heating water... Have you ever made tea before?"
You pause before answering.
"I don't think so." you say with a shake of your head.
"Interesting. Come watch, I'll show you how." She beckons you over to the small kitchen area of her house, grabbing a kettle off of her stove.
It strikes you at that moment just how odd it is that you know the names of these things but you don't know exactly what they are. You couldn't explain to anyone what a stove does or what a kettle is for. You watch with wonder as she fills up the Kettle with water then places it on the stove. She then fiddles with a nob and lights a match making a flame under the kettle.
"There. Now all we have to do is wait for the water to boil."
"Boil?" you ask, which prompts her to again give you that curious look.
"Boil is when water gets hot. ...You really don't remember anything."
"Sorry." you say. for some reason you think you should feel embarrassed.
"Oh no, you don't have anything to be sorry about."
"Its just everything feels so new. I know what this "stove" is called, but I don't know what it is, how it works. Is it magic?"
"That sounds very much like how a new youkai sees the world when they are created, but you are not a youkai."
"Ah, I suppose I'll have to explain a lot of things to you as your teacher." she says. "We'll get to Youkai eventually. Its one of the more complicated subjects we'll have to discuss as part of your training."
You think about asking her if she is a Youkai, as she seems far to pretty to be a normal human, but just then the kettle whistles. It startles you out of your line of thought.
"Ah, the water has boiled. Would you mind grabbing two of those cups behind you and meeting me at the table?" she asks.
You do as you are bid, taking the two small cups to the small table under the window. The low afternoon sun shines brightly, energizing you as you take your seat. Yuka follows, placing the steaming kettle on a metal rack on the table. She hands you a small pouch
"Like this" she says, putting the pouch in her cup. you follow her lead.
"So, Where am I then?" You ask as she pours water in her cup.
"Gensokyo. A land of.. magical creatures." she says. "There are some humans here, but they are the minority. Ah, I should let you know, Gensokyo can be a very dangerous place if you are by yourself, and appearances can be decieving. Not everybody is as nice as I am." she says smiling.
"Oh? what do you mean?"
"Some creatures here eat humans and their forms can be deceptive."
"Oh. that doesn't sound good."
"But don't worry too much about that. I'll train you in how to defend yourself. Until then, stay with me and you will be fine."
"Oh! Thank you!" you say, beaming a smile at Yuka. She smiles back.
"What is an Outsider though? You asked if I was one of those?" you ask as you pour the hot water into your own cup. The tea begins to brew.
"Yes, sometimes we get humans who wander through the border of Gensokyo from time to time. They get lost, Either they'll make their way to the human village or get eaten. Sometimes, very rarely, they will find success and a happy life here. There was this one gentleman who could cook the most wonderful egg dishes..." she says, reminiscing, "Well, enough of them. I don't think you are one of them. You are unique."
"So what do you do then?" You ask her.
"Ah?" she blinks, then looks out the window towards the setting sun. "I... mostly tend to my garden. Sometimes I look for a challenge to sharpen my skills at magic."
"And I am your apprentice now?"
"Yes, starting tomorrow I will be teaching you magic. we'll have a lot of work ahead of us."
"But what is magic?" you ask.
"What is magic? What an odd question to ask, and a difficult one to answer." she says. placing a finger to her lips in thought. "Hmmm. If I had to describe it, I would describe it as an energy source that allows you to manipulate your surroundings."
"...Sounds difficult." you say.
"Not overly so." She says with a smile. "How are you enjoying your tea?"
You look down at your teacup where your tea is brewed, pick up the cup and take a sip.
Do you like tea? (Its ok to not like it you know. people like different things.)
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 01:52 No. 141 ▼ [x] A bit bitter, but is that normal?
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 01:53 No. 142 ▼ [x]"The tea is good. It has a clean and refreshing taste, and a wonderful smell."
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 01:54 No. 143 ▼ [x]"The tea is good. It has a clean and refreshing taste, and a wonderful smell."
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 02:02 No. 144 ▼ [x]"The tea is good. It has a clean and refreshing taste, and a wonderful smell."
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 02:39 No. 146 ▼
You sip the tea. At first it strikes you as a bit bitter... but some part of you knows it's supposed to be like that.
A second sip refines your opinion of the drink some, the warm beverage growing on you.
"The tea is good. It has a clean and refreshing taste, and a wonderful smell." you say after your third sip.
"I'm glad you enjoy it. Most people in Gensokyo drink tea. Its quite relaxing, I think." she says, then takes another sip. The sun begins to set, painting the room in an orange light.
Anything you would like to bring up in conversation?
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 02:44 No. 148 ▼ >>147 usually names in these stories don't go over very well. Are you sure?
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 02:48 No. 150 ▼ >>148 I don't really mind. But then again I'm not that guy. Maybe not having a name is best. Nondescript is fine.
As for me,
[x] Ask her about where you are. You know, in Gensokyo.
[x] "What were those things with wings?"
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 02:54 No. 151 ▼ [x] Ask her about where you are. You know, in Gensokyo.
[x] "What were those things with wings?"
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/10/28 (Wed) 03:27 No. 152 ▼ [Q] Ask her about where you are. You know, in Gensokyo.
[Q] "What were those things with wings?"
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 04:02 No. 155 ▼ Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 06:43 No. 156 ▼ [x] Ask if you can play with her.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 16:14 No. 157 ▼ [✠] Ask her about where you are. You know, in Gensokyo.
[✠] "What were those things with wings?"
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 16:23 No. 158 ▼ >"Gensokyo. A land of.. magical creatures." she says. "There are some humans here, but they are the minority. Ah, I should let you know, Gensokyo can be a very dangerous place if you are by yourself, and appearances can be decieving. Not everybody is as nice as I am." she says smiling.
>"Oh? what do you mean?"
>"Some creatures here eat humans and their forms can be deceptive."
>"Oh. that doesn't sound good."
Our main character is incredibly moe.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 17:03 No. 159 ▼
>"Some creatures here eat humans and their forms can be deceptive."
>"Oh. that doesn't sound good."
I died
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 17:03 No. 160 ▼ [✠] Ask her about where you are. You know, in Gensokyo.
[✠] "What were those things with wings?"
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 18:01 No. 161 ▼ >>160 This is the first time someone copied the crosses.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 22:28 No. 163 ▼
The soft orange light of the setting sun makes you feel sleepy. You stifle a small yawn and sip your tea.
"Oh!" you suddenly remembered.
"Hmm?" Yuka raises an eyebrow.
"Those creatures outside. with the wings. What were they?"
"Ah. Those were faeries. One of the more common inhabitants of Gensokyo. They are a playful bunch, if overly skittish. A common visitor if you live near the Forest of Magic." She looks wistfully out the window at the setting sun.
"The Forest of Magic?"
"mm. The forest behind us. We're on the southern edge of the forest, and south of us is my garden. The other humans are off to the east a bit."
"I see. Tha--" You interrupt yourself with a great yawn.
"Tired?" Yuka asks you. You nod, your sudden lack of energy making it hard for you to even speak without yawning. "Well, follow me, we'll find you a place to sleep."
You stand to follow her as the sun sinks beyond the horizon. You follow her as she heads towards the back of the house and into a small room with a bed. She begins to speak, but just then you collapse into a deep slumber.
[] Yuka's healthiness
[] Yuka's loneliness
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 22:30 No. 164 ▼ [] Yuka's loneliness
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 22:31 No. 165 ▼ >>163 [X] Yuka's loneliness
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 22:32 No. 166 ▼ [x] Yuka's loneliness
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 22:43 No. 167 ▼ [X] Yuka's loneliness
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/10/28 (Wed) 23:06 No. 168 ▼ [Q] Yuka's loneliness
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 23:30 No. 169 ▼
You watch with a certain disinterest, nothing catching your eye as you watch indifferently the plights of the people far below you. The meaningless meandering of their own short lives as they are born, grow up, live a brief life, have offspring, and die in a flash.
Sometimes they call to you. Ask you to help them. "How", you think idly as you watch it all spin away below you, "can I help you? I am way up here, you are way down there. What can I possibly do for you?" You give them the only thing you can. you provide them with your warmth. Then you move on.
Sometimes they get together and build things. tall things, long things, short and squat things. Sometimes they build them for you. These things catch your interest for a while, They last quite longer than the people who built them. You cannot do anything for the people that build these things, there are rules even you cannot break, but you honor the builders memory anyway and what they have given to you.
Then you see her.
If you have to describe her in one word, it would be radiant. She is there for a long time. Longer than any other people. Long enough for her to catch your interest. She doesn't ask of you, she doesn't demand of you. But she does talk to you, you and her flowers. You do your best to provide what you can for them.
After a while however you notice. Its just her. Alone. The others, they pair up, have families, then grow old together. She neither grows old, nor does she have anyone else. It seems... lonely. You wish. For a very long time you wish that there is something you could do for her.
The sun rays wake you at dawn from your deep slumber. You find yourself sleeping in a comfortable bed, next to a beautiful woman.
'this is nice.' you think to yourself.
Yuka still sleeps quietly next to you, her slumber uninterrupted by your sudden awakening.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 23:38 No. 170 ▼ >>169 It is also worth noting that you are currently taking the place of that pillow in that picture.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/28 (Wed) 23:40 No. 171 ▼ Oh my. She's awfully close, isn't she?
Well, what can we do. We can extract ourselves, or stay here a little longer and just enjoy the embrace.
Anonymous 2009/10/28 (Wed) 23:42 No. 172 ▼ [x] Just stay still, this is nice.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 00:11 No. 173 ▼ [x] Just stay still, this is nice.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 00:20 No. 174 ▼ [x] Just stay still, this is nice.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/29 (Thu) 00:44 No. 175 ▼
You stay still. This is nice, and its not like there is somewhere else you have to be. Or for that matter anywhere else you would want to be.
"Mmmm" Yuka mumbles, pulling you tighter into an embrace. "...warm."
You place an arm around her waist, but you could probably go further. Or if you are feeling bold, Wake her with a kiss.
Snuggling Youkai moe~
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 00:47 No. 177 ▼ [x] Keep your arms where they are and just enjoy the moment.
It might be a bit too soon to make any forward moves in my opinion.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 02:08 No. 180 ▼ >>175 [X] Hold her close and enjoy her scent
Does Yuka smell like sunflowers?
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 02:45 No. 182 ▼ [x] Keep your arms where they are and just enjoy the moment.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 04:02 No. 183 ▼ [x] Keep your arms where they are and just enjoy the moment.
warmin gaems
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 04:03 No. 184 ▼ [x] Hold her close and enjoy her scent.
>>180 Oh you.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 04:12 No. 185 ▼ [x] Hold her close and enjoy her scent.
I'd venture for something slightly bolder, but this seems to be as bold as anon will go so that's fine with me.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 04:13 No. 186 ▼ [x] Hold her close and enjoy her scent.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 04:29 No. 187 ▼ [✠] Hold her close and enjoy her scent.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 05:04 No. 188 ▼ >>185 Baby steps, anon.
[x] Hold her close and enjoy her scent.
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/10/29 (Thu) 14:21 No. 189 ▼ [Q] Hold her close and enjoy her scent.
KChasm!QC5jQtRXOo 2009/10/29 (Thu) 17:07 No. 190 ▼ [x] Keep your arms where they are and just enjoy the moment.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:18 No. 191 ▼
You just hold her close, like she is holding you. She lets out another "mmmm" of approval as you do so.
You stay there like that. Its nice, being wrapped in someone's arms. You take in a slow deep breath through your nose, and catch Yuka's scent. Its a faint scent. Maybe a... perfume you think they call it. What was left of what she was wearing yesterday, but maybe not. Maybe it is just her natural scent. You make a note to maybe ask her about this at some other time.
You stay like that for some time, just enjoying Yuka's company until she finally opens her vibrant red eyes. She smiles and squeezes you close in a good morning hug.
"Ahh. Good morning." She says cheerfully. "You had me worried when you passed out like that."
How do you greet Yuka?
Also, how enthusiastic are you about your first day as an apprentice? are you nervious? worried? scared? excited?
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:25 No. 192 ▼ [x] "Good morning." Smile happily.
[x] The first day is always exciting, there's nothing to worry about as you trust your master.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:27 No. 194 ▼ [x] "Good morning." Smile happily.
[x] The first day is always exciting, there's nothing to worry about as you trust your master.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:28 No. 195 ▼ [x] "Good morning." Smile happily.
[x] The first day is always exciting, there's nothing to worry about as you trust your master.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:46 No. 196 ▼ [0] "Good morning." Smile happily.
[1] The first day is always exciting, there's nothing to worry about as you trust your master.
Miss Yuka~
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:51 No. 197 ▼
"Good morning!" You say, bright and cheery, happy to get started with the day. You are looking forward to what might happen today, as you've never been an apprentice before.
Yuka gives you a kiss on the forehead. "Well, I see that you are eager this morning." She slowly disentangles herself from you and rises off of the bed. You think she is amused by your disappointment as she does so, at least by the wide grin she gives you.
"Are you hungry?" She asks, as she begins to unbutton her pajama top.
Wait. Wait, what? She... She's undressing? Here? In front of you? Ah, what do you do in this situation! What are you supposed to do? You can already feel your cheeks flushing.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:52 No. 198 ▼ >>191 [X] "Good morning. How did you sleep?"
[X] Excited, but a little nervous: what if you won't live up to Yuka's expectations?
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:55 No. 199 ▼ [x] Just continue to look and calm down. If she wanted you to do something else, she'd tell you.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:56 No. 200 ▼ [X] Ah... ah... look away, now!
[X] D-don't! Don't p-pee...
[X] J-just a peek. Just a little peek...
[X] Ack! Avert your eyes!
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 20:59 No. 201 ▼ >>199 Adding something, because I realize Yuuka is asking something.
[x] "I could eat but it's up to you."
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 21:07 No. 203 ▼ [x] "Ah, yes. I'm a bit peckish."
[x] Just turn around.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 21:08 No. 204 ▼ [x] "Ah, yes. I'm a bit peckish."
[x] Just turn around.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 21:10 No. 205 ▼ [0] "Ah, yes. I'm a bit peckish."
[1] Just turn around.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 21:20 No. 206 ▼ >>203 Just a heads up, this is implying that we'd turn around and not watch her undress.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:08 No. 207 ▼ [x] "I am but I can wait"
[x] Stay calm and act normally, don't oggle.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:11 No. 208 ▼
Turning around is probably the hardest thing you remember doing, but you do it. Behind you Yuka lets out a soft laugh and you hear the ruffle of clothes. "Ah, modesty. How very human." she says in a tone of voice that says she wouldn't have minded at all if you had peeked.
You turn back around, Just in time to see her begin buttoning up her shirt. Your heart rate accelerating as you catch a marvellous brief view of a lacy black bra and a hint at the treasures it contained.
"So, about breakfast?" She asks again, recapturing your attention.
You think about hungry for a second, what that means. You couldn't say that you were a moment ago, but as soon as you thought that you should, you realise you are.
"Ah, yes. I'm a bit peckish." you respond. Yuka nods.
"Well as soon as you change, I'll make us something to eat." She sits on the edge of the bed, looking at you expectantly.
"Well. Go on then. I happened to have some good clothes that will fit you." She points to a pile of clothes nearby, grinning.
She wants you to... *gulp* change in front of her?
also, Default clothing style is plain white shirt with black pants. You can change this if you wish if you get a consensus of 5 votes.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:12 No. 209 ▼ >>207 ah, damn. Well, maybe next time.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:14 No. 210 ▼ [x] "You don't mind me changing in front of you?"
[x] Do so.
>>209 Stupid Anon.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:16 No. 211 ▼ [x] "You don't mind me changing in front of you?"
[x] Do so.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:16 No. 212 ▼ [x] "You don't mind me changing in front of you?"
[x] Do so.
Yuuka says what Yuuka wants. It's not that hard to understand, anon. She would have told us if she wanted us to look away.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:20 No. 213 ▼ [Q] "You don't mind me changing in front of you?"
[Q] Do so.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/29 (Thu) 22:20 No. 214 ▼ >>212 Well if it puts your mind at ease, she found your show of respect to be very charming, if out of place and alien to her way of thinking.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 23:17 No. 215 ▼
>>214 I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our (nameless?) MC is as moe as men can get.
[Q] "You don't mind me changing in front of you?"
[Q] Do so.
Anonymous 2009/10/29 (Thu) 23:17 No. 216 ▼ >>214 I hope we don't get screwed out of a such a rare opportunity for while.
But it's a nice story regardless.
I wonder how she'd respond to this.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/30 (Fri) 01:11 No. 217 ▼ >>216 What, the 'real' Yuka? She'd probably rip out my larynx for my base assumptions or something.
Naw, just kidding I dunno. She's quite moe herself though.
Anyways, thats all for today, I've been having trouble sleeping lately so my schedule and ect have been off. I'll be back tomorrow to write more moe Yuka.
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 15:12 No. 218 ▼ >Yuka
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/30 (Fri) 22:02 No. 219 ▼
"You... don't mind me changing in front of you?" You ask, slightly hesitant. She shakes her head, and gives you a small reassuring smile. With that, you begin to change.
You find the clothes where Yuka pointed and begin to strip, starting with your shirt, as if Yuka wasn't there. The only time she made her presence known was a sharp intake of breath when you changed your shirt. When you turned to look, she just smirked softly. Other than that, she kept silent while you changed. When you finish, you turn back to Yuka.
"I am ready! What does an apprentice do?" You ask excitedly, moving a bit in the new clothes. They seem a good fit, except the shirt is a bit tight around the shoulders and the pants are too short for your longer legs. You wonder idly where Yuka obtained these clothes.
Yuka stands and walks over to you. She fixes a misfastened button on your shirt then begins to tell you how the day will proceed.
"First, We have breakfast. Luckily you seem to be in really good shape, so we can skip some of the physical training. Not entirely mind you. Magic works best when complimented by a strong body so we have to keep you healthy. Then we will go out and awaken your sleeping magic." she lists off. "We will do this by almost the same way I healed you yesterday. I'm sorry, but I'm not very gentle at it. It is not my best skill, so it might be a little disorienting."
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 22:23 No. 221 ▼ [x] "Alright, what are we having for breakfast then?"
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 22:35 No. 222 ▼ [x] "Alright, what are we having for breakfast then?"
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 22:38 No. 223 ▼ [✠] "Alright, what are we having for breakfast then?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/30 (Fri) 22:45 No. 224 ▼ "Ah, good question! I don't have very much stuff here. Hmm.." She says, thinking it over, biting her lower lip in thought.
"Ah! I know, I'll leave it up to you. We can stay here and make something from what I have, or we can go out and eat. What sounds best to you?"
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 22:59 No. 226 ▼ [x] "Let's go out and eat. Maybe afterwards if you don't mind you could show me around Gensokyo a bit?"
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 23:03 No. 227 ▼ [x] I want to try your favorite dish!
I don't think Yuuka's much of a human eater by this point.
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 23:03 No. 228 ▼ [x] "Let's go out and eat. Maybe afterwards if you don't mind you could show me around Gensokyo a bit?"
Anonymous 2009/10/30 (Fri) 23:54 No. 229 ▼ [x] "Let's go out and eat. Maybe afterwards if you don't mind you could show me around Gensokyo a bit?"
This may hit her on a soft spot, but it's a good excuse for her to start going out more.
Anonymous 2009/10/31 (Sat) 02:38 No. 230 ▼ [x] "Let's go out and eat. Maybe afterwards if you don't mind you could show me around Gensokyo a bit?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/10/31 (Sat) 22:14 No. 231 ▼
"Let's go out and eat." you say, thinking it over for a moment before coming to a decision. "Maybe afterwards if you don't mind you could show me around Gensokyo a bit?"
"That is a good idea." she says. "And I think I remember a place we can eat at." She takes you by the hand and leads you towards her door. You follow along, curious as to what the place you will be going to will be like.
Once you step outside, she beckons you close to her once again for flight, and takes the two of you to the air. She doesn't fly too quickly, she takes her time so the two of you can enjoy simply flying, and there is much to enjoy. The joy of flying, feeling the wind move around you just cannot be overstated. Yuka enjoys it too, flying with you holding her close, a smile on her face.
Soon however, the forest gives way to a large creek separating it from a forest of bamboo on the other side. following the creek with your eyes, you can see it leads to what looks to be a village downstream, but it is still some distance away and you don't seem to be flying towards it. Instead Yuka seems to be taking you to a large wheelhouse located on the creek.
As you get closer you see that it is actually several buildings. The wheelhouse where the moving water turns the large wheel, a large chicken coup surrounded by a wire fence, and the main building. These buildings seem to be a mix of western and eastern design. The main building being like a saloon, but the roof is more Japanese. You don't know how you know this, or even what a saloon is or what a Japanese roof is supposed to look like, but you know it. You hope this strange knowledge you possess will be helpful when you begin to learn from Yuka.
The morning sun feels good, filling you full of energy as you fly. By the time you land, you don't even feel hungry any more. Instead, you are more curious about these buildings you've landed at. They seem like they were recently constructed.
Yuka leads you inside the building, walking through the swinging doors to an empty common room inside. There are several sturdy wooden tables in here, surrounded by heavy wooden chairs, and a few of them even seem to be specialised for gaming of some sort.
"Hello?" Yuka calls, almost tentatively.
Almost empty, you mentally correct yourself as a young girl with silvery white hair dressed in a maid uniform sits with her head cradled in her arms, appearing to be dozing behind the counter. She begins to speak before looking up, so if she was napping, it wasn't too deeply.
"Ah, customers so early? We don't usually get anyone until lunch when the bamboo cutters come--" She lifts herself up from the countertop to greet her customers, and stops when she lays eyes on you. She looks at the two of you warily, almost defensively.
"A-ah. Good morining. I was hoping we could maybe trouble you for some breakfast?" Yuka asks the young girl.
"Y-yeah. No problem. Let me just go see if our chef has finished warming up the oven yet." She replies, as she heads towards a door to the back.
You notice however that even as she moves towards the back she tries to keep a suspicious eye on you. You wonder what you've done that would give her that impression.
Anonymous 2009/10/31 (Sat) 23:43 No. 235 ▼ [x] "Why was she looking at us like that?"
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 00:18 No. 236 ▼ [x] "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
use our moe to get an answer.
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 00:44 No. 237 ▼ {X} "Why was she looking at us like that?"
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/11/01 (Sun) 00:45 No. 238 ▼ [Q] "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 00:55 No. 239 ▼ [x] "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 04:24 No. 240 ▼ [x] "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 04:42 No. 241 ▼ [0] "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 05:12 No. 242 ▼ [x] "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
Anonymous 2009/11/01 (Sun) 05:31 No. 243 ▼ >>231 clever filename. Accurate, as well.
Indoor-restaurant Mokou is an interesting change.
>The morning sun feels good, filling you full of energy as you fly. By the time you land, you don't even feel hungry any more. I believe I see where you are going with this.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/02 (Mon) 01:36 No. 244 ▼ quick, name the story!
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 01:43 No. 245 ▼ Fuck, I dunno.
Vague Awakening of Remembrance?
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/02 (Mon) 02:11 No. 246 ▼ >>245 seems good, but I think I'll leave it an open topic for now.
Sunday ran a little long for me today, and its a little late to start updating today seeing as most my audience, nay most of touhou-project is asleep or is heading to sleep, so should I press on for today or save it for tomorrow?
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 02:15 No. 247 ▼ Sunflower Dreams, Gensokyo Nights?
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 02:19 No. 248 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 02:42 No. 249 ▼ >>246 Save it for tomorrow, that way people won't miss an update.
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 04:00 No. 250 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 05:38 No. 251 ▼ >>246 Go back to bed, Gunhammer
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/11/02 (Mon) 14:51 No. 252 ▼ It is now tomorrow.
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 21:07 No. 253 ▼ Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/02 (Mon) 22:41 No. 254 ▼
"Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to."
"Eh?" Yuka turns to you with a look of surprise as she leads you to one of the tables.
"Um... No, its nothing you did. I think she was just..." She pauses. "Worried about me." she's hesitant to speak up about the issue.
"Why would she be worried about you?" you ask, wondering how anyone could be so afraid of such a cute and charming young woman.
She bites her lip momentarily before answering. "I have a reputation... about getting into fights."
"Fights?" you ask confused.
"Yes. I.. well I love to duel. To test my strength against others, and I'm afraid that's lead to others seeing me as a bit of an ogre." She says, cheeks flushing in embarassment as she admits this to you, then she mutters under her breath where you can barely hear it "Or a bully."
"You are not a bully. You've been nothing but kind to me." you state honestly with conviction and a nod. Yuka rewards you with a bright smile, but her cheeks remain pink.
"What kind of fights?" you find yourself curious as to how this works, and picture Yuka swinging a sword dressed in plate mail against some opponent. It seems silly, so you ask.
Your question startles Yuka out of the slight daze she was in. She takes a moment before answering.
"Danmaku duels. We pit our magical prowess against one another in a spellcasters game."
"And you are good?"
"One of the best." she says with pride.
Anything you would like to say at this point? anything you would like to ask?
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/02 (Mon) 22:42 No. 255 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 22:46 No. 256 ▼ >>254 [x] "What is danmaku?"
[x] "How do duels work?"
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 22:53 No. 257 ▼ [x] "What is danmaku?"
[x] "How do duels work?"
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 23:30 No. 258 ▼ [0] "What is danmaku?"
[1] "How do duels work?"
>"You are not a bully. You've been nothing but kind to me." you state honestly with conviction and a nod. Yuka rewards you with a bright smile, but her cheeks remain pink.
So cute.
Anonymous 2009/11/02 (Mon) 23:45 No. 259 ▼ [x] "What is danmaku?"
[x] "How do duels work?"
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/03 (Tue) 00:51 No. 260 ▼ "What is Danmaku?" You ask, and are suddenly confused. For the first time, you've come across an unfamiliar term. "How do these duels work?"
"Its a game between two opponents. All the players make prepared spells that the can cast in an instant. These spells aren't your normal magic though, they are mostly illusion or symbolic." She talks about this topic eagerly. You can tell she enjoys these games.
"The point is to make a complex pattern if you are on the offence or to dodge an opponents pattern without taking a hit yourself. Take three hits and you are out. Of course, there are a lot of different rules, handicaps, or even fields of battle opponents can agree on before a duel that can alter the basic rules."
during her explanation, the young girl from before pokes her head out from the back. She still gives Yuka a suspicious look, one you answer with a frown of your own that when she notices it, causes her to raise her eyebrows at you in surprise. She quickly gets over it and steps out towards your table, then speaks up.
"Ah, everything is ready back here. What'll you have?" She asks. "I'd get the special. It's really his best."
"That'll be fine for me." Yuka answers, then turns to you for your order. In front of you is a small menu with a small list of common breakfast orders, or you can just order the special.
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 01:12 No. 262 ▼ [x] "I'll have the special."
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/03 (Tue) 01:16 No. 263 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 01:37 No. 264 ▼ [x] "I'll have the special."
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 01:43 No. 265 ▼ [x] "I'll have the special."
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 02:11 No. 266 ▼ >>260 [x] "I'll have the special."
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 02:52 No. 267 ▼ I'm a vegetarian
[x] "I'll have the special."
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 05:09 No. 268 ▼ >>263 [X] "I'll have the special."
[X] "With extra sauce."
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 05:10 No. 269 ▼ [X] "An omelette, please"
She was talking about it earlier, so why not?
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 06:51 No. 270 ▼ [X] "An omelette, madam moisel"
Anonymous 2009/11/03 (Tue) 10:42 No. 271 ▼ [x] "I'll have the special."
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/11/03 (Tue) 16:10 No. 272 ▼ [Q] "I'll have the special."
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/03 (Tue) 23:51 No. 273 ▼
"Alright, two specials then, coming up." she says, then walks again two the back. Her attitude has changed since you walked in the door, Now she seems bored, as if she decided you were just another customer and weren't here to cause trouble.
She heads back to the counter and calls out.
"Hey! Kid!"
A youngish looking man with unkempt hair and an unremarkable face peeks out from the back.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"Two specials." the silver haired girl says, retaking her seat behind the counter.
"Alrighty!" he says cheerfully, giving the girl a mock salute with an egg covered spatula, then disappearing once more. Mokou rolls her eyes at this.
You watch on passively from your spot at the table, Yuka watching it as well.
"Do you know her?" You ask Yuka.
"Oh, no. Not very well. We've duel once, I think." She replies. "She's much different now than she was then."
Anything you would like to say while waiting for breakfast?
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 00:00 No. 274 ▼ [x] Ask her about your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier. Is that normal?
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 00:22 No. 275 ▼ [x] Ask her about your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier. Is that normal?
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 00:31 No. 276 ▼ [x] Ask her about your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier. Is that normal?
Good call.
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 00:33 No. 277 ▼ [x] Ask her about your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier. Is that normal?
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 01:52 No. 278 ▼ [x] Ask her about your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier.
>Is that normal?
One of the worst ways to ask about weird things.
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 02:14 No. 279 ▼ [x] Ask her about your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier.
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 05:43 No. 280 ▼ [x] Mention your sudden burst of energy while you were flying earlier.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/04 (Wed) 06:15 No. 281 ▼
She slowly breaks her gaze from the girl at the counter and turns to you. Her piercing look makes you feel slightly uncomfortable, as if she was studying you.
"Are you ok?" She asks suddenly, surprising you.
"I.. I think so."
"Think so?" she asks.
"Well, I felt this odd sensation during the flight here." you reluctantly admit.
"Ah?" She blinks then blushes.
"Eh? Ah! I don't.. I mean.. I..!" Flustered and tongue tied you try to protest.
Yuka grins, then begins to laugh. A beautiful sound to your ears. You can't help but to eventually add in your own small laughter to hers.
"Oh.." she says, calming down from her laughing fit.
"Tell me more about this." she lets out another chuckle. "This sensation."
"Well, as we were flying..." you begin, slightly embarrassed at your poor word choice.
"I felt full of energy. Like I was soaking it in." You say, then add hesitantly in a small voice " that normal?"
"No, I can't say it is." she says.
"Oh." you say.
"Ah!" She cries out, then begins to backpedal seeing the crestfallen look her answer brings to your face.
"I didn't mean it like that. That is to say... It's not normal for a human." She adds. This apparently makes it worse because she continues, as flustered as you were a minute ago. "It means you are unique. You are special. I keep thinking of you more like a Youkai then a normal human, so maybe this is normal for you."
This does make you feel better, as your heart jumps up into your throat when Yuka softly says you are special.
"But what could it mean?" You ask.
"Hmm. Good question. If I had to guess, I'd say it signifies a deeper connection to something. It is probably a clue as to just who you are."
"We already know who I am." you say, slightly confused as to what she means. "I am me."
She giggles.
"Well yes, you are. But where did you come from? You didn't just spring up in my sunflower garden. I don't think so at least." she says, then points at you. "For instance, that tattoo on your back. Where did that come from?"
"Tattoo? I have a tattoo?" you ask.
"Yes. you really didn't know?"
"No! What is it?" you ask, turning and trying to peer at your as if you could see what was written there.
"A circle surrounded by rings. I saw it this morning."
"Aw, I want to see it." you complain softly.
"But you see? There is a mystery surrounding you, and I like a mystery."
At that, your heart skips a beat as she indirectly says she likes you.
"O-oh." You don't know what else to say, but are spared from having to make a response. The silver haired girl is back, with a plate for each of you.
"Here you go, two specials." she says, placing them down in front of the two of you. On the plate is a ham and cheese omelet.
"Ah, thank you." Yuka says. You nod in agreement and immediately dig in to try this new dish.
It is, of course, delicious. As if it were catered directly to your tastes. What else do you expect from the best egg chef in all of gensokyo?
In the back, a young, nondescript egg chef smiles as he peeks out to witnesses two people enjoy his cooking, perhaps remembering a time when he was the yolk of his egg and this spatula of his glowed with with an awesome power.
But enough reminiscing. His time is over and he has tasks to do.
You enjoy the omelet and you can tell Yuka does as well. The two of you have pleasant idle conversation through breakfast, but soon breakfast will be done and it will be time for some serious work, or so you expect.
Anything to ask before you begin your training? Anything you would like to say to Mokou before you leave? Loose ends? comments? questions? emotional outbursts?
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 06:31 No. 282 ▼ [x] Ask Yuuka if tips are customary for waitresses in Gensokyo
[x] Send your compliments to the chef
[x] Try to find out more about Yuuka's tastes, like what her favorite food is
[x]Declare your undying love for this green-haired goddess
That's all I got. Someone else might be able to think up of something appropriate.
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 06:34 No. 283 ▼ [x] Ask Yuuka if tips are customary for waitresses in Gensokyo
[x] Send your compliments to the chef
[x] Try to find out more about Yuuka's tastes, like what her favorite food is
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/11/04 (Wed) 12:55 No. 284 ▼ [Q] Ask Yuuka if tips are customary for waitresses in Gensokyo
[Q] Send your compliments to the chef
[Q] Try to find out more about Yuuka's tastes, like what her favorite food is
Anonymous 2009/11/04 (Wed) 15:06 No. 285 ▼ [x] Ask Yuuka if tips are customary for waitresses in Gensokyo
[x] Send your compliments to the chef
[x] Try to find out more about Yuuka's tastes, like what her favorite food is
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/05 (Thu) 22:17 No. 286 ▼ Quick question before hammering out an update. You have no money, so how do you expect to tip?
Anonymous 2009/11/05 (Thu) 22:19 No. 287 ▼ >>286 Just knock off that part if we have no money.
Anonymous 2009/11/05 (Thu) 22:43 No. 288 ▼ >>287 We'll pay on RAPE DOLLARS.
OR you could ignore that part.
Anonymous 2009/11/05 (Thu) 23:49 No. 289 ▼ >>286 Oh oh! I know! It can be a simple compliment. Tell her that she's nice or something. Sometimes free things are worth more than money.
Anonymous 2009/11/06 (Fri) 00:46 No. 290 ▼ >>289 Yeah... acknowledgment can easily take the place of money.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/06 (Fri) 01:26 No. 291 ▼ >>289 I think I can work that in, yes. Update soonish.
Anonymous 2009/11/06 (Fri) 02:56 No. 292 ▼ Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/06 (Fri) 05:54 No. 293 ▼ and by soonish I mean tomorrow since a power outage ate my update.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/06 (Fri) 23:44 No. 294 ▼
"That was good." You state.
"It was." Yuka agrees.
"I'm glad you liked it." the young girl says with a smile, coming over to clean the table.
"Indeed. My compliments to the chef." You say with a smile.
"I will let the lazy bum know." She says with a smile. "If you liked it that much, make sure to leave a big tip."
"Ah, a tip?" You ask questioningly. The girl rolls her eyes at this.
"Ah, gonna be one of those days, huh?" She says with a smirk, sweeping up the plates and heading back towards the back.
"What is a tip?" You ask Yuka.
"Hmm. I guess you would best describe it as.. A bonus you give to a server if the service was good."
"I see! Is a tip customary in Gensokyo?" You ask.
"I'm not sure, really. There are few restaurants here. Mokou just started this one recently."
"Ah, her. The girl who's been serving us."
"What's wrong?" Yuka asks you, noticing the worried look on your face.
"I just realised I have no money."
"Oh never mind that. I'll pay this time." Yuka says cheerfully, pulling out a small purse.
You make a silent vow to pay Yuka back someday for all the hospitality she's given you as she counts out a few coins for the meal.
"It wasn't an act then." Mokou jokes, returning and seeing the coins on the table. Yuka smiles.
"This is a nice place you built for yourself."
"Thanks. It took a lot of work but.. You know you should stop in during the evenings. The humans all leave at sunset and then all the Youkai come in and this place turns into more of a tavern than a resturant."
"I don't think I should." Yuka says. "
"Suit yourself, but the offers open." Mokou gathers up the coins then with a nod to Yuka and you, departs your table.
"Ready to go?" Yuka asks you.
Quest Log Updated! Find out what Yuka likes!
Apologies for the long wait on this one. Laptop ate the first draft of this, Power outage ate the second, then I spent most the day working on this one because it just didn't seem to want to come together.
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 00:01 No. 296 ▼ [x] "Sure."
[x] Any place you want to go?
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 00:14 No. 297 ▼ [x] "Sure."
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 00:43 No. 298 ▼ [x] "Sure."
[x] What's next?
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 02:10 No. 299 ▼ [x] "Sure."
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 02:36 No. 300 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 03:26 No. 301 ▼ [x] "Sure."
[x] What's next?
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 03:36 No. 302 ▼ [x] "Sure."
[x] What's next?
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/07 (Sat) 05:56 No. 303 ▼ >>300 What I need is a text editor that has a built in autosave. Kind of like Gmail's draft autosave feature.
I don't really know why nobody's come up with this before, It seems like a really simple idea.
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 06:45 No. 304 ▼ >>303 Microsoft Word has such a feature, and you can easily save files in a .txt format still.
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 06:54 No. 305 ▼ [x] "Sure."
[x] What's next?
Anonymous 2009/11/07 (Sat) 06:58 No. 306 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/08 (Sun) 05:34 No. 307 ▼ Get back to writing your /eientei/ story, damn you.
Spring!m7te1lApzs 2009/11/08 (Sun) 20:19 No. 308 ▼ >>307 Ok. I probably should.
I wonder how long this board is going to stay around though?
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/11/08 (Sun) 20:25 No. 309 ▼ >>308 Forever. Haven't heard any plans to remove it or /blue/.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/08 (Sun) 21:07 No. 310 ▼
"I'm ready." You say seriously, realising that this is when your training will begin.
Yuka nods and stands, You follow suit. Soon the two of you are outside the resturant. Yuka holds out her arm for you, and you step close once again, enjoying the close contact with Yuka as she takes you into the air. A part of you will mourn learning how to fly under your own power.
A few hours later, you are exhausted. After leaving the restaurant, Yuka took you to an open clearing and began instructing you how to draw out your magic.
That in itself was an exhausting experience as for the first time, as Yuka explained to you, magic could not be accessed unless you were opened to it by another magic user, which brought questions to your mind about how the first person accessed the magic. When you asked, Yuka said it was probably a youkai that opened up a human for some reason or another.
Like she did to you. She placed a hand on your chest and forcefully drew out the magic. It felt like getting hit in the chest with a cannonball. You could feel something shatter within you at the force, then your head was flooded with a new sensation as you could feel the life about you. You could feel the sunflowers that surround you, the sun that shines down on you and feeds you, the ground below you that steadies you.
Yuka shone most radiantly of all. Her aura an Intoxicating mixture of warm, powerful colors. This mixed with the sunflowers nearby kept you spaced out as you explored this new found sight.
The next hour Yuka spent patiently bringing your head out of the clouds.
"Wow." You finally said.
"I know. It's amazing." Yuka says.
"Wow." is all you can say in return. Yuka smiles at this.
"When you are ready, we'll continue."
"I am ready now." you say earnestly.
"Alright." She stands in front of you, and produces a small glowing white ball. "This is a danmaku bullet."
She then began teaching you the basics of the spellcaster game that she told you about. You are interrupted just as you make your first bullet, a large yellow sphere.
"Miss Yuka!" Someone cries throught he clearing, popping your concentration and the danmaku ball both. "Miss Yuka, I've come to train!"
A young looking... boy? girl? you can't tell, but she lands between Yuka and you.
"I'm here to train! Can you teach me today?" The.. youth asks. The voice doesn't give you
"Ah, Wriggle. Good afternoon. I've told you that there isn't much I can teach you." Yuka says, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Ah, but your the strongest! surely there is something... Who is this?" The youngster says.
Introduce yourself? or let Yuka introduce you?
Anonymous 2009/11/08 (Sun) 21:10 No. 311 ▼ [x] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/08 (Sun) 22:21 No. 312 ▼ [x] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/08 (Sun) 22:22 No. 313 ▼ [x] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/08 (Sun) 23:02 No. 314 ▼ >"I'm here to train! Can you teach me today?" The.. youth asks. The voice doesn't give you any further clues to the gender either.
Whoops. Fixed.
Anonymous 2009/11/08 (Sun) 23:04 No. 315 ▼ [0] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Dr. Q!4WBwMSuyxE 2009/11/09 (Mon) 03:27 No. 316 ▼ [Q] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/09 (Mon) 04:21 No. 317 ▼ [x] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/09 (Mon) 16:59 No. 318 ▼ [x] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/09 (Mon) 19:09 No. 319 ▼ [X] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/09 (Mon) 20:40 No. 320 ▼ [x] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Anonymous 2009/11/09 (Mon) 21:25 No. 321 ▼ >A young looking... boy? girl? you can't tell, but she lands between Yuka and you.
I thought we couldn't tell the gender.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/10 (Tue) 01:05 No. 322 ▼ 元祖のプラスファグ 2009/11/10 (Tue) 02:26 No. 323 ▼ [+] Let Yuuka introduce you.
Pronouns are a pain when you're going for gender-neutrality, aren't they? Usually, it ends up being some arcane mish-mash of male and female pronouns.
Anonymous 2009/11/10 (Tue) 03:00 No. 324 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/10 (Tue) 03:02 No. 325 ▼ >>180 Sunflowers don't have a scent. 元祖のプラスファグ 2009/11/10 (Tue) 08:50 No. 326 ▼ >>324 Modifying a third-person plural pronoun for use on a single subject? Not elegant enough for this linguist.
Anonymous 2009/11/10 (Tue) 15:00 No. 327 ▼ >>326 I suppose you're a fan of 'xe', then?
Gunspringteller!m7te1lApzs 2009/11/10 (Tue) 23:27 No. 328 ▼
Wriggle's aura is thorny and nettles you, It makes her feel like a pest to you. Your first instinct is to step up and introduce yourself but then... you don't have a name. Your mind races for a reply... but Yuka steps in for you.
"This is my new apprentice."
"New apprentice? But you haven't had an apprentice since--"
"I know." Yuka says, cutting Wriggle off.
"Hmm" Wriggle suddenly turns to you looking you up and down with a critical eye you don't much like.
"So, does your apprentice have a name?"
"I.." you begin.
"Sunny." Yuka again rescues you.
"Sunny huh. Are you an outsider?"
She named you! You don't even register the question, so blown away by this. Is.. is it good? do you like it?
And another question. You'll have to reply to Wriggle soon so...
[] Treat Wriggle like a boy
[] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Anonymous 2009/11/10 (Tue) 23:33 No. 329 ▼
[X] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Anonymous 2009/11/10 (Tue) 23:33 No. 330 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
We're a insightful moe sun.
Sunny's not a bad name, since for one flowers need sunshine.
Anonymous 2009/11/10 (Tue) 23:57 No. 332 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
It's a good name but have her call us Sol as a nickname.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 00:16 No. 333 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 00:17 No. 334 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
>>332 I can get behind this.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 01:08 No. 335 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a boy
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 01:24 No. 336 ▼ [0] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 01:29 No. 337 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 02:01 No. 338 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
>>332 This is good. Please do this.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 02:05 No. 339 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 02:26 No. 340 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 02:44 No. 341 ▼ [x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Sol, eh?
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 02:48 No. 342 ▼ >>have her call us Sol as a nickname.
Not moe enough.
No. Not nearly moe enough.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 03:11 No. 343 ▼ >>342 Perhaps not, but it's like naming a tiny dog killer.
that and Sunny would be Yuuka's pet name for us.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 03:56 No. 344 ▼ >>332 Jesus christ, no.
Besides, I want to see how the fairy takes such name-theft.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 04:05 No. 345 ▼
so moe~
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 04:06 No. 346 ▼ I am all for Sunny. It's much more moe. Sol is well,
>>345 Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 04:11 No. 347 ▼ >>332 I like it.
[x] Treat Wriggle like a girl
Gunspringteller!m7te1lApzs 2009/11/11 (Wed) 05:45 No. 348 ▼ do you guys mind if I work the "Sol" nickname in at a later date? Otherwise it sounds like you don't like the name.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 05:49 No. 349 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 06:07 No. 350 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 07:06 No. 351 ▼ >>348 Don't use it at all. Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 07:12 No. 352 ▼ >>348 As long as you use it.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 07:44 No. 353 ▼ >Sunny
>Sol as a nickname
[x] No
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 07:50 No. 354 ▼ >Do you guys mind if I work the "Sol" nickname in at a later date? Otherwise it sounds like you don't like the name.
I have no issues with this.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 08:34 No. 355 ▼ Do it.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 09:04 No. 356 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 12:36 No. 357 ▼ There is only one Sol, and he's a badguy.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 14:43 No. 359 ▼ [x] Yes
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 14:47 No. 360 ▼ >>348 Go ahead, I have no problems with it.
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 14:50 No. 361 ▼ [x] Yes
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 15:45 No. 362 ▼ >>356 I'm saying it doesn't sound like a nickname, especially not for a name that already sounds like a common one (Sonny).
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 18:28 No. 363 ▼ >>362 Indeed.
[x] No.
Or rather, yes, I mind.
Damn, how am I supposed to answer that?
Anonymous 2009/11/11 (Wed) 20:15 No. 364 ▼ [x] Yes
Please make it happen.
元祖のプラスファグ 2009/11/12 (Thu) 05:29 No. 365 ▼ Anonymous 2009/11/12 (Thu) 10:17 No. 366 ▼ >>365 two people can have the same name you know.
Even in Gensokyo.
Anonymous 2009/11/12 (Thu) 18:38 No. 367 ▼ [x] Keep the name Sunny
because I wanna see SunnyMilks reaction when she knows somebody else has her name.
Personaly I'm hoping she flips and does a "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE" thing.
Anonymous 2009/11/12 (Thu) 19:11 No. 368 ▼ >>367 That or we gain three little sisters.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/13 (Fri) 02:06 No. 369 ▼ File
125807798776.jpg - (241.86KB, 758x724,
One of the random 50 billion wriggle x yuka pics l.jpg)
"Eh? Ah, um..." you begin, Flustered due to the sudden new name, your mind racing a mile a minute. "No, I'm not. An outsider that is. We think."
Yuka smiles while Wriggle raises an eyebrow at you, then turns to Yuka.
"He's your new apprentice? What made you pick him?" Wriggle asks.
"I've told you, Wriggle. There is not much more I can teach you at this point. You have to gain strength on your own before there is anything more I can teach you." She answers the unspoken question.
Wriggle looks crestfallen as she gives an "Oh." and looks down at the ground.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 02:15 No. 370 ▼ [x] Remain silent.
Start a new thread for your next update.
Gunhammer!O0BCDmJj4E 2009/11/13 (Fri) 02:18 No. 371 ▼ >>370 Why, its not like this thread is going anwhere here on coriander. Its already at the top.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 02:31 No. 372 ▼ >>371 Yeah, but it takes a while to load.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 03:00 No. 373 ▼ [x] Remain silent.
Bandwagonning because it doesn't feel appropriate to comment on something we don't fully understand and about someone we just met.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 03:28 No. 374 ▼ >>373 Yeah good point. MC's moe not hasty nor specially talkative.
[x] Remain silent.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 07:47 No. 375 ▼ [x] Remain silent.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 08:24 No. 376 ▼ [x] Remain silent.
Anonymous 2009/11/13 (Fri) 23:20 No. 377 ▼ [x] Remain silent.
Anonymous 2009/11/27 (Fri) 08:04 No. 424 ▼ [x] J-j-j-j-jam it in
[x] Whilst remaining silent