Anonymous 2009/10/26 (Mon) 05:38 No. 8 ▼
We claim this board for exclusive use for the Green Hair Alliance.
Spring!m7te1lApzs 2009/10/26 (Mon) 05:57 No. 9 ▼ I support this alliance and all it stands for.
Anonymous 2009/10/26 (Mon) 12:21 No. 17 ▼ File
125655970492.png - (362.81KB, 1000x1000,
G... green..?
(It's green!)
Sakura Rurouni!oSYAMACeK. 2009/10/26 (Mon) 16:49 No. 20 ▼
>the Green Hair Alliance
Fuck yes, they have my vote.