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File 135421743728.jpg - (137.96KB, 1131x787, Untitled.jpg)
So I'm trying to get back into my writings. If you read my first story still lurking on page 2 of this board you're already familiar with the setup; snowstorm over outside city, 2hoes showing up everywhere, you're a dude in a sweet car who picked up one half of Team Nineball and now is trying get to his home and then see what to do.
I'm trying to do some viewpoint splitting given that I got tired of writing just Carnonymous the last time around so HERE'S YOUR CHOICE YOU FAGETS; each choice has different themes and atmosphere too. Watch out for what you want in a story.

Play as
[] That young police officer; as Yamame is still hot on your ass this begins with a chase scene vehicle sequence and descends into chaos, violence, I AM THE LAW, the trappings of being a policeman / authority figure in a time of crisis, decisions between being good and being lawful etc. srsbzns and nofunallowed rating: HIGH

[] Dose two niggas: The Turk and the Russian are back on the way to their homies but LIFE WANTS YOU DEAD BRO so you get caught up in Gensokyoan shenanigans and may or may not be the first gangstas to grace the plains of the Eastern Wonderland, looting and laughing as you go. Because if you're leading a life of crime anyway, stealing a 2000+ year old sword that can shoot lasers gotta be good for something. 2gta4u and "Steal everything that isn't nailed down, then steal the nails, then the things that were nailed down and then the things they were nailed to" rating: HIGH

[] Carnonymous: you will continue the quest of being a lone student trying to keep the nineballs from freezing/setting your flat on fire all the while searching for the rest of the crew and surviving in a city going further down the drain by the minute. Srs rating: Medium.

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I would say it's not my fault if I didn't hate making excuses on principle.
Let's just say the update will take another seven minutes.
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>7 minutes
Ah ha ha ha. Gotcha.
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This is the longest seven minutes I have ever experienced in the history of forever.

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File 134169780341.jpg - (707.42KB, 1000x1000, through the window.jpg)
through the window

~Renko's Adventure~

A Story In Infinite Production.


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When HY does return, just be sure to shower him/her with love and attention. Drive the spike deeper.
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Just marathoned this over the last two days. I've always loved HY's writing, and this has been no exception.

Renko and Yoshika both have fantastic characterizations here, and the fine details put into the interactions between them is my favorite thing about this story thus far.

The entire setting of Alice's house has also been great fun to take in, and both it and her 'family' have a good mixture of endearing and unsettling, if mostly the latter.

What I'm basically saying is that I really, really hope HY decides to continue this story sometime soon.
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You there, HY?

Just marathoned this story, and I'm eager to see more of it. Hope to see an update soon-ish.

He's dead, isn't he?

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File 126693757242.jpg - (49.29KB, 450x450, 28c21e68d6ae7b0041ae5579232b30f5.jpg)
Ran worriedly knocks on Yukaris door "Yukari-sama, Yukari-sama! you've been in there all day, and it's time to eat!". Ran reaches for the door handle, but before she can turn it Yukari opens the door looking somewhat content. Ran looks at Yukari a bit put off "Don't say you were doing what I think you were doing.". Yukari replies "Oh, oh no. I've been experimenting with my borders~" she smiles and tilts her head slightly "So what's for dinner Ran?". Ran, quite unamused, replies "While not as disgusting, there are some things you shouldn't play around with Yukari-sama. And we're having this uh.. pizza thing master requested.".
"Lovely!" Yukari adjusts her pants and leads the way down to the dining hall with Ran following close behind. They both sit down and start eating, it tastes pretty great, then again, the outside world has many new pleasant tastes to discover. Ran is still a bit somber however, due to Chen being sent off to a private school, but on the other hand, it had given Yukari reason to bring Ran with her on her trips. Ran sighs in her mind and wishes she could explore this outside world alone without having to worry about her exhibitionist master of hers. "It really is troublesome." Ran says quietly.

Yukari quickly catches onto Rans mood and after finishing the food Yukari stands up and looks at Ran questioningly. "Eh? Master?" Ran slowly stands up, looking confused "Was there something wrong with the food?". "No Ran, there seems to be something wrong with you, and we're not talking about your 'high moral values' no~" Yukari puts her hands down on the table whilst looking at Ran all stern "Do you need a break from your shikigami duties Ran? It could be arranged.".

Ran looks down and tries to take her eyes off Yukari "N-no no, no that's not it, I'm a good servant and I never would pa-..." she is silenced by Yukari slamming the table lightly "No Ran. I declare you to be absolved of your shikigami duties until summer is over. Is that understood Ran?" Yukari walks around the table placing her h
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Bumping that story.
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Phantasmagoria of bumping a story over two years old.

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File 133329341244.gif - (113.89KB, 613x370, Cradle.gif)
I stop the car.
I open the window, taking a deep breath. That doesn't stink like petrol. That's unusual but great.

I admit that I had a serious doubt before. Buying a house in the middle of nowhere was stupid, even for me. But I couldn't help it. I was walking, focused on my recent problems, and then I saw that picture of the house, on the estate agent's window. It was like a divine revelation, and I though “I have to buy it”. So I stopped instantly to read the ad.
'Great house, size of a mansion, some repairs needed but still affordable. Very isolated, no problem with neighbours.'
Exactly what I needed. I bought it instantly.

And now that I'm in the middle of nowhere, I don't regret it. Sure, it's an old house, it probably doesn't have electricity nor Internet. But the good thing is that I won't be constantly pestered by my editor. And I'm ready to pay good money for that.
I open the boot. Several bags, but I'll only need one for now. That house is old, so I should clean it a little. And that's why I brought this!
“A solar-powered vacuum cleaner! Since there are no energy in that house, solar panel is the way to go!”
Damn I'm so awesome and cool!

If only I could have some sun, of course. I quickly look at the vacuum cleaner's battery level.
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File 13413780563.jpg - (241.19KB, 850x1210, Lesbian whores.jpg)
Lesbian whores
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File 134174521014.jpg - (108.32KB, 550x366, Paint Lake.jpg)
Paint Lake
“Wake up.”
At first, I ignored the man's order. I was feeling fine, sleeping in a comfortable bed, oblivious of the world around me. There was no way for me to obey an order going against my desires.

Until the voice came again, this time slightly angry. “Wake up.”
Obeying it, I woke up, and, for one moment, I saw Merlin staring at me. I tried to hold her, to hug her like a father would hug his daughter, but her form melted away, and a stranger stood in her place. I wanted to stand, to ask him what the hell was happening, but my arms were jelly.

I saw him smiling, and I instantly hated him. It was a fake smile, the smile of someone thinking he's a good actor when he's in fact easy to read. It was the smile of someone following a plan, and understanding that, for now, it was all working according to it.
I tried to ask him where I was, and what was going on, but I couldn't speak. I could barely lift my eyelids, and the stranger's form was still blurry, like a badly compressed movie.
His face was all distorted, like ink underwater, and, other than his smile, the rest of his facial features were blurred beyond recognition. Beyond him, was a bright light, constantly flashing at me. Did I passed out while visiting the dentist?

When he began speaking, it was in a very strange voice, as if he was reciting words without understanding them. “How do you feel? Blink twice if you feel fine.” I blinked only once. “Ha. Listen, you had a bad accident.” I had an hard time understanding his words. Maybe it was a drug, or brain damage, or maybe just an inability to understanding how severe my condition was.
This time, I managed to speak a few words. “What happened?”
The stranger ignored my question and kept speaking “Don't worry, you're safe now. It will be difficult, but I'm certain we can fix it. We can fix you.”
I felt a syringe penetrating my arm, and something cold being injected to me. I fell asleep again.

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File 134185664992.jpg - (109.43KB, 1012x685, 2012-07-07_00004.jpg)
>Nurse Birch.
>Dr. Emil something.
>on top of a lake.
>character is a writer.
Inb4 the Dark Presence takes the doctor.

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File 134047939597.jpg - (566.60KB, 1000x900, dolls.jpg)

~Renko's Adventure~

A Story In Infinite Pastries.


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That depends on how Moscow see Maribel. Since Mary isn't a magician, will she just draw something normal or will she have seen something else that will affect the end result?
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Oh my, audience.

Oh my.

I love good write in votes.

New thread coming up, writing now.
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Thought so.

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File 133976107369.png - (648.03KB, 800x850, a woman in black2.png)
a woman in black2

~Renko's Adventure~

A Story In Infinite Panties


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[X] No. Ask for another day. You're kinda busy today, but what if they came to see you tomorrow?

This way, we get to pore over whatever pertinent information we might have gained, and could potentially end up better prepared for our meeting.
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That's pretty much exactly what I'm saying, in a much less wordy form.

But if she is going to be evil and want to kill us in the end, then she probably desires knowledge. The knowledge of what Rika was doing. (To the effect of asking us to 'give her that book') So, it is best to go and find out what is in that book, along with everything else, before we're forced to make a choice whether to give it up.

Although, if it comes down to such a situation, what should we do? Barter? Knowledge for knowledge? Knowledge for doll? Etc. This is all assuming that she wants the books/papers/what's in them. If she wants Yumemi... well, can we even make that bargain? At that moment, I don't think so.

The biggest advantage we have is that Renko is not a mage, as you did point out. Renkodoesn't think like the rest of them, and as such can appeal to the cynics and the disaffected. But are her beliefs strong enough to turn another mage, or will Alice be too set in her ways to budge?
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Finally I am back.

New thread will be starting shortly!

Interesting discussion.

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File 133818529412.png - (406.66KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2012-05-27-23h03m03s23.png)
This isn't going to be a serious thing, or even a good one. It's just a way for me to blow off steam, typing up little snippets of story that take less than a day to put today. I'd say "don't expect the plot to go anywhere", but there isn't really a plot, either.


“This isn't a toilet,” you say.

You're right. This isn't a toilet. What this is, in fact, is some sort of rural congregation that's spread as far as you can oculate. You find this particularly uneven considering you're all but certain the sign on the opposing side of the door you just came through established men's washrooms within. Still, you turn about to recheck.

It's the wrong door entirely.

The door you've got your opticals set upon is clearly that of the glissadable variety, while you're all but positive that the type you opened featured the usual sort of turner. Needless to say, this is enough to set you completely turvy. It doesn't help, either, that you came primarily to go.

...Well, problems get deproblemed one at a time, don't they? You find facilities first, and then you'll deal with the locus-pocus. You're sure somefellow's got a privy privy.

Five minutes of door-a-dooring later, you're considering it a serious probability that somefellow is actually nofellow. Either that, or the entire populace's inhospitable. You're not sure which you'd like least.
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[x] Nomination

Oh, this thing! This'll be good.

>you're absolutively thundered to see two tufts of earage that suggest evolution went a hard bank about class Mammalia and only just caught up.
This made me snicker.
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File 133861963173.png - (87.25KB, 250x284, had matter.png)
had matter
[x] Nomination

Suddenly everything is clear.

This is the Mad Hatter's introduction to Gensokyo.

This is why hats.
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[x] Nomination

It's only polite to introduce ourselves.

I quite like this style. Reminds me of >>/forest/23861.

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File 133880647734.jpg - (493.12KB, 987x1290, confidence.jpg)

~Renko's Adventure~

A Story In Infinite Pants


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On a completely random note... did anyone else notice "A Story in Infinite Pants"?
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Perhaps it refers to Renko's mysterious ability of lesbianing her way into any characters pants.
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Everyone did, son.

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File 128994049683.jpg - (799.69KB, 1200x1000, MA1pic.jpg)

I sat up from the wooden floor in front of the house and looked up at the sky, slightly groggy.

The sky is glowing bright lavender and the cherry blossoms are just starting to bloom.

I'm still tired, but I don't know, maybe I should stop being lazy right now.

[ ] Just lay back and gaze at the lavender sky once more.
[ ] Go inside the house and see if there's anything to do there.
[ ] Take a moment and try to remember what you were supposed to be doing in the first place.
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[x] Are you kidding me? We're still going to Mayohiga. (1)

Because I want to piss off people.
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Sorry for the week long delay. I'm pretty sure it's been longer than that, but I'll update tomorrow/today.

Taking the vote as:
[X] Try to convince The Hakkero to come with us to Mayohiga. (1)

I apologize, >>27460.
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I bet you I can get Choja to feel guilty by not posting anything of significance here!

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File 133816077126.png - (1.18MB, 800x1000, 5f057cea7390788f395b02adc666ae67.png)
The dead-eyed, bruise-coloured girl reaches toward you with that same, painfully slow, precise motion. Her fingers stretch toward you face, her eyes focus on nothing. She looks exactly like a puppet, being controlled by a lazy, distracted puppeteer.

'Hey, woah there.' You move your head back slightly as she reaches for you, without actually stepping away. She's so slow that you could run circles around her, even as exhausted as you are. 'Let's just take it a little slower, yeah?' You ask, but she doesn't stop reaching, fingers curling around like claws, hovering for your throat. 'Aheh, yeeeah, let's just ... ahem.' You side-step, keeping her just beyond arm's length. She grasps at the air.
'You. May.' She speaks again in that same broken voice, and you step sideways again as she turns, trying to work out what to do. She's reaching for your throat, hands hovering in the air at just the right height to strangle you, but she hasn't got the speed or the motivation - or maybe either - to actually grab you. Or maybe she's trying not to.

'You don't want to do this, do you?' You mutter to the slow-moving woman.
'Come here. Stand.' She speaks again, her expression slackening even further. She moves slower, and slower, and slower, until she's barely turning at all.

You step around behind her, examining her from every angle. She's not even carrying anything; her pockets are flush against her thighs. No phone, no wallet or purse, no keys, no anything. Just the clothes on her back.

And the outline of something underneath her shirt.

At first you thought it was the edge of a brastrap, but it's too thin, and too low down. And it's what's making the rustling noise as she moves, or tries to move.
'Excuse me.' You say softly, and then take the back of her tshirt carefully with thumb and finger, and lift it up.
You're silent for a few moments, shuffling sideways as she moves slowly in a circle, trying to turn to face you.
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[x] Take her advice, go sleep Mary- you mean, see Mary! Dang you are tired, you'll get to napping soon.

'tis sleepytime
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[x] 'How do you know me and Mary have a thing for each other? Is it that obvious?'
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New thread will be up shortly.

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