Lord Gussy !ZOsBSpJaTU 2008/10/15 (Wed) 03:56 No. 10323 ▼ File 122404298424.jpg - (123.65KB, 485x461 , 1211252317747.jpg)
[x] Go see Keine. She'll absolutely love to hear about your world's history(as well as your own), even more so when she's too occupied to go anywhere.
You're feeling bored. Waiting around for Keine to finish dinner isn't really your way of spending this little bit of free time, you would pester the fairies but you've done enough of that on your way here anyways, so why not mess with a tittylicious schoolmarm to pass the time. You get up from your seat in the living room and head on in the kitchen, catching sight of Shokuji and the other fairies who are too caught up in their own conversation to really pay you any mind. Which is good seeing as to how you really don't want to be bothered with them at the moment. You will admit though you are tad curious as to what they were talking about, but then again women like to talk about alot of shit that men basically don't give a damn about, so why bother getting wrapped up in it.
As you pass the threshold of the kitchen you are met by an inviting aroma of meat being cooked, and vegetables being fried, the sizzle of the oil on the pans filling the room. Keine is diligantly stirring the sliced onions and generally making sure everything is cooking right and at a steady pace, Ame is to Keine's left helping her at the stove handing her the tools and ingredients she needs to complete her cuisine, and Juusu is setting the table, careful not to break anything. You take note at how this is the only thing she seems to do on her own in the while you've met her. Keine seems so focused on her cooking she doesn't notice you come in, that is until you announce yourself to her and the others. "So, what's for dinner?" You ask as you come a little closer taking a look at the food cooking on the stove below.
"Oh, Gilgamesh I didn't notice you come in" Keine says as she looks over her shoulder to see you walking over to observe her. "We're having Beef Vegetable Stir Fry, I'm not sure if you like Vegetables or Meat, but it's all I have at the moment." It seems Keine is really trying hard for you, cooking what she has left in order to keep you going, gotta admit girl's got a nice heart, unlike some you've met before your (supposed) cross dimensional journey. "Cooking what you have is fine, at least I now know you're good at doing it" You say nonchalantly to which Keine has nothing to add on to except her silence.
It is then while she's cooking that you get the perfect thing to talk to her about...and since she's occupied with cooking it would now's the perfect time to talk to her about it "So, Keine do you like history?" You ask as you pull up a chair at the table, telling Jusuu to scram for a second. "Of course, but can we talk about this after I'm done please I'm a little busy right now"
"Don't worry, I don't plan to take long, it's just something I wanted to tell you since you did tell me the history of Gensokyo after all" You say, once again disregarding the history teachers feelings for your own selfish desires. "Think of it as a type of 'thank you' for enlightening me on the history of this world" And without Keine's consent you begin the story of your world's (as well as your own) history. Not sparing any details and (deliberatly) taking the long way as far as explaining things goes. Keine, although very keen on history and it's wonders, doesn't really like being forced to hear someone's past and tries to tell you that your story is best left to be heard some other time, but you still decline and continue on. Your historic tale drags on and on as you move past the early years of mankind, but yet Keine seems to just ignore you only responding with 'Uh-huh' and 'Yes, I see'. Oh, a good move Keine, trying to play it so that it makes you SEEM like you're listening, a good move indeed, but you're smarter than that. So you opt to move on to your autobiography instead, and if she didn't listen then you'd catch her in the game because a history teacher can't know an individuals past unless they have records of them which you're certain Keine has absolutely NO access to being cross dimensions and all that.
You start off your biography as you would with any, explaining where you were born who your parents were and all that, before slowly easing into your childhood and later into your adolescence, then teenage years and finally your present day life up until your mysterious arrival in Gensokyo yesterday. All through the story, Keine continues to reply with the same flat responses of 'Uh-huh' and 'That's nice, Gilgamesh', just as you predicted that she would. "Well then...I think that's everything" You say to wrap up your relatively lengthy auto-biography. By this time, Keine has finished up the cooking and was now setting the delicious portions about the table, she had already dismissed Juusu and Ame to go and tell the other fairies that dinner was ready. "So, Keine, what do you think? I'm certain you find my history just as interesting as I do" Keine looks up to your for a moment, and it is at that very second you notice something off about her gaze, it's doesn't have it's usual glow as it does when you 1st met her, in fact you can't really tell what it is really it's just...something else. Before you can even come to a valid conclusion as to what the hell was going on with the teachers eyes, she answers your question with a smile. "Well, I am a little , it's rather odd that you would say that you're descendent of something as powerful as a god though"
What. The. Hell?! How could she have known that if she wasn't even listening to you in the first place? No doubt about it, you were damn sure that Keine was just humoring you earlier so you would shut up, no one else just says 'Uh-huh' when they're completely enthrolled by a story. You continue to think on the matter, trying to find a logical explanation to all this, but all your quearies lead to the fact that Keine may have really been listening to you this whole time, after all, there was no other way she could have known of that information, unless she was really listening...It would seem that you were wrong. No, The King of Heroes is never wrong, Keine must have used some matter of funky magic spell or something, yes that had to be the case, this IS a realm of magic.
As Keine takes her seat across from you and takes her share of the food, the fairies busrt in with Shokuji coming in first "Finally, I'm straving!" She said as she took her seat next to you, and began to devour the food in front of her. The others show a little more restraint then she does, you hear that Juusu and Ame are the only ones who thanks Keine for the meal while Shio and Chiizu just start eating. "There's no need to be greedy Shokuji" Keine comments to the ravenous fairy "I still have a little more indgredients left so I can make more if you want" Keine then looks over to you and seeing that you didn't even attempt to fix you a plate yet, decides to ask you what's the matter. "Is something wrong, Gilgamesh? You haven't even touched your food yet.
"It's nothing" You dismiss her worries and begin eatting. To your surprise this is just as good as it smelled, the beef steak you like the most to be honest (vegtables aren't really what you like), what's more is that this is really your 1st time really trying something like this. The only thing close to this was just your average steak. As everyone settles into their meal things fall into silence, you were hoping one of the fairies would do something retarded like they were prone to doing but, they seem to be more into their meal than they are at looking stupid in front of others. So it leaves just you and Keine to start a conversation.
[ ] (Write-in, because I'm out of good choices)