!H8UfLAg.DQ 2011/09/10 (Sat) 08:41 No. 145997 ▼ File 131564407469.jpg - (103.14KB, 334x500 , jOiN uSSsssSssSSSSss.jpg)
“Why? To apologize, of course!” you say, following your hostess out into the hall.
“What?!” Medicine replies, trailing after you. “Why do I gotta apologize to her?!”
“Because that's what you do when you do something bad to someone, Medi. You apologize to them, and tell them how sorry you are for doing the bad thing.” you explain, glancing behind you to ensure that your little friend really is following behind you.
Briefly surveying the rest of the hallway, you find yourself relieved to see that you had not wandered very far during your little black-out, and know exactly how to reach your destination. The slight nod from Satori confirms your thoughts on the matter, and with an acknowledging wave, you part ways with your hostess, and begin to walk in opposite directions down the hall.
“But she did something bad, first!” Medicine points out, in a classic display of the 'But They Started It defense.
“All the more reason to apologize, then.” you reply, undeterred by such basic tactics at blame displacement. “Just because someone did something first, doesn't make it okay to do something back to them. Especially not when it's violence or attempted murder, Medi. In civilized society, we cannot simply settle disputes with heat-of-the-moment acts of impromptu violence. In a proper and civilized society, we have to deal with our problems in a proper and civilized way. Namely, through strictly-regulated and officially-sanctioned acts of violence.”
“Like the black-white lady and the armpit lady?”
“Exactly!” you say, pleased to see that your little friend understands. “When either of them go around beating people up, it's okay because they follow very specific rules about doing that sort of thing. Except for when they don't, in which case there's really nothing anyone can do to stop them, anyway. That's also a part of civilized society, Medi; letting those who are bigger and stronger than you get away with doing what they want, no matter what, because it hurts a lot less than if you tried to get in their way.”
“But back to the point, which is what you tried to do, because of what Parsee tried to do, and why you should apologize.” you stop, and turn back towards Medicine. “Do you know what you need to apologize for?”
“Huh? N-no! I don't!” she stammers, momentarily taken aback by your sudden question.
“Because! You tried to hurt her, Medi. Tried to kill her, even! And for what? Trying to kill me?”
“Yeah! She tried to-”
“'Tried', Medi. She tried, but she did not succeed. Just like you tried and did not succeed to do the same to her. That is why you need to apologize to her.”
“For...hurting her? But-”
“No, Medi.” you tell your little friend, looking her right in the eye. Her cute little eyes, filled with curiosity and innocence. “Not because of what you did to her, but what you failed to do.”
“Trying to kill her?”
“No, Medi. For failing to kill her.” you tell her, simply.
Wait, what?
“See, Modi, revenge-killing is not something you can just half-ass, you know? You have to commit! To see things through to the end, no matter what! Otherwise, they just might try to come back and do the same thing to you! You don't want that, do you?”
Something doesn't seem right... you think to yourself, though you have no idea why. What could possibly be wrong?
“Huh?! W-well, uh...no...”
'Exactly! That's why it's so important to get the job done right the first time! No muss, no fuss! Quick, clean, and painless is the way to go, Moby! ...or perhaps, not-so-painless! Maybe quite a lot of pain, if you feel like it! It's all the same in the end, anyway!” you proudly declare what you know to be what the hell is this what's going on?!
“Um, Human? Are you okay? You don't look so good...”
“Nonsense, little one! I feel just fine and dandy! I am just tired from that thing that happened earlier, is all! That thing, you know!” you reassure the little girl in front of youMedi Medi her name is Medi who smells strange. “Oh, look! We're already here! What do you say we go on in and do that thing we're going to do?”
“Huh? Uh, a-apologizing?”
“Sure, that! But I was thinking more of the other thing, that will come after that! You know, the killing. Apologies and killing. What a wonderful combination, don't you think? A little apologizin' followed by a little murdering? Or a lot of murdering? Even better!” you can't help but chuckle to yourself as wait what the hell am I doing you put your hand on the doorknob and begin to stop it stop it turn the knob and slowly and quietly open the stop it stop it what the hell am I doing I can't stSuRREnDeR YouRsELF
[ ] Surrender
[ ] just Let go
[ ] embrAce the inevitable
[ ] obey Me
[ ] open the door!