Revelations NecrovorousInsurrection !ZiM9MLuODA 2014/03/21 (Fri) 03:06 No. 178467 ▼ File 139537118744.jpg - (217.89KB, 850x478 , Overgrown side of Human Village.jpg)
[x] "Why not at Hachiro's, another noble's, even the mayoral mansion?"
[x] "You could have chosen a better spot to hide. I need to take you hunting more."
"A dead end with meagre vegetation isn't the best of hiding spots. Consider going on my hunting trips." Natsuko's voice was purposefully chastising but she knew the guardian could take it. They'd gotten used to it when she helped train them in survival tactics.
"A better spot would have been the crowds or the warehouses," stated her unseen watcher and Natsuko looked away, eyes scanning the roof, windows, and alleyways. "Be a little grateful I chose something familiar."
"Someone of your standing shouldn't need to hide...," the huntress trailed off, already aware of the implication. Walking forward a few steps, she stopped to lean against the side of the wall. Her phone had buzzed and she opened it up. There was a text message from an anonymous user.
User: Through the fence, two alleys down. Not a word.
N. Tsu: Why not Hatchy's, a trusted councillor's, or the mayoral residence?
User: Am I not taking enough of a risk? There were guards, and you remember what happened last week.
N. Tsu: Will you at least whisper?
User: Get going. Delete messages.
She folded up the phone and started walking, soon hurrying. No footsteps sounded behind her and neither did the unseen speaker's silhouette appear. She kept one hand in a pocket, the handle of the knife just a flicker away. One alley... not a single person in sight. Another one, just as empty. Quickly, she deleted the conversation and quickly moved through the narrow space. A voice at the back of her head screamed of ambushes and traps but she knew none were coming.
Further up ahead was a great green slope, leading up a hillside. Here were the more upscale houses of the Village. The fences were hard to see, partially swallowed by the rampant sea of soft greens but it would give her the cover she needed. The setting sun cast stretching shadows and combined with the foliage, she would be practically invisible to anyone behind her or watching from above.
She floated over the fence, using the power to soften her landing. Covered by the shrubbery, she immediately stopped to notice the footprints before her. They were recent and coincided with a recent familiar scent. It was pleasant but also earthy, smelling of a dry spring forest.
Hopefully, a potential stalker wouldn't be as skilled a tracker as either of them.
Moving up under the cover of thick leaves and the approaching night, she followed the trail to the edge of a house with an almost comically large roof, reminiscent of an oversized hat. She was at its once white walls, now dark with dirt and brown vines. The trail of prints started to fade out here but she had a good enough guess why.
Her hands slid across the damp earth and her breaths slowed, waiting, expecting, but seeing.
Should she use it? No, invoking that power for such a simple task was sloth, something that did not coincide well with her lifestyle. Her fingers rubbed lightly on the dirt, trailing here and there, before a very slight bump broke the consistency of touch. A light, soft bump, but not the irregularity of stone or a the light grooves snail's shell. Her fingers dug a little bit deeper into the dirt.
Gradually, a handle's features molded to her fingers and old metal greeted her.
"Slowly now," came the voice. The trap-door opened just enough for her to slide herself in, feet first, and a pair of hands helped catch her feet, lowering her in.
There was no light in the room, but for one with youkai blood, that wasn't a problem. She would know, that woman in blue with the soft red eyes. She had been one, partially so she would specify, for far longer than Natsuko.
"It is not often you show me this subtle side," Natsuko replied, wiping off the dirt on her fingers. A few bags of wheat, some old carriage wheels, and old cobwebs completed their dingy surroundings. "You dragged me away from what would have been a good night spent at the hall."
"I may be a beast inside, but I need not roar to acquire your attention. Follow." She walked off further to a door, Natsuko in tow. A small room with a few desks, some covered in old scrolls and banners, greeted them. There were a few small lamps hanging above. Moths flitted about and she saw white powder accumulated on the furniture beneath them.
"I'll explain to some of the other councillors tomorrow, but first... it wasn't just last week," she continued, kneeling down to open a few drawers. Natsuko pulled over a chair, wiping some of the moth-dust onto her fingers. Buttery, but nice.
"Is this about the darkened beast? The one that they hunted down without my aid?" Natsuko was curious now. That had been the only major incident of the prior month and she had heard little over it. Much pomp and circumstance was given to the brave hunters and Village guards who volunteered but she had heard little of the aftermath.
"And of whom only half returned." she added, coming up with a small folder. Her eyes looked into Natsuko's in quiet, unspoken tragedy.
They were beautiful eyes, she had to say, like fading fires on some distant hillside. They seemed almost ill-suited for her stately beauty and notable height, but contrasted her traditional blue single dress well. She wasn't a noblewoman, no, they didn't have that understated power, hinted at with the slightest of bodily tension. Her light blue hair extended to her waist, kept plain and straight. Natsuko had seen it first hand; this woman had slain youkai in single combat twice her height and not just during transformations.
"Where were you?" she asked, her voice sharpening.
"Trying to stem the spread of rancid, living decay it invoked." She sighed, holding her head. She'd need a minute, but it had been a black entry she'd opened up in the mental diary. "20 minutes, that was it. 10 for it to have halved us, 10 for our revenge."
"Keine, gods, I'd... was this the force behind some old scourge? The crop devastations, disappearances in the fields, murdered merchants found in old burrows?" She would have suggested a drink, but alcohol couldn't soften this. No, she needed to be awake, to be pained, shocked into steely-eyed focus. She was waiting for the words to come, the chilling guesses of her imagination already rampant.
"It had certainly contributed. But that's not the main catch. The beast was possessed," she stated calmly, opening the folder and drawing out the papers inside. "Not by a woodland spirit or some mad ghost. Disease, bodily disease, necrotic and hungry, possession doesn't grant one that power or that immense force of presence."
"It could have been an older spirit, the shamanistic ones. Filthiness and decomposition are common ambient elements that deep into the wild," she explained, hoping it was one of those rare cases that only proved the rule. Keine passed her a few of the photos and she simply stared. Not shirking or queasy, but morbidly entranced at the char-coloured, distended masses, familiar ones - she recognized a family heirloom blade here, a piece of armour there, familiar markings upon them all that made the remains recognizable.
"So, what about it? And what does it have to do with last week's murdering?" she asked, her voice calmed. She didn't react to such morbid sights with fear or hardening. Even her normally rugged voice petered out, something quiet and questioning in its place.
Keine passed her another paper, sliding it over the desk.
"We didn't bring it home, no trophies or keepsakes, but we kept the body secure. I sent out a message to Eientei and to Voile," she said quietly. She was breathing long and slow, eyes elsewhere.
The creature was on its side. It was ugly, that was for sure. Its flesh, whatever that was still intact, clung to a streamlined frame, bony yet muscular at once. Strong digitigrade legs and a long tail marked it out as a predator, a fearsome one at around nine and a half feet in height and a bit less than twice that in its length. Its raised upper body would have looked the part of some wild parody of a proud nobleman with its distinct shoulders and thick neck. Below, jutting ribs extended down to its belly, made of smoothed, compacted flesh that once was packed with explosive power.
Its head, sitting upon a muscled neck, was nearly severed and a frothing blackness, like a dying, desperate growth of short-lived moss, had spread over its gored belly. The viscera wasn't fresh, but in its half mulched state, she knew it hadn't been trauma or destructive magic. Advanced decay, uncontrolled purulence, with only faint specks of red amidst the almost peat-coloured mass - this creature should have been very, very dead far earlier.
Yet it was a second picture given to her that made her freeze.
Here, most of the creature's flesh was gone and a strange fog with yellow glowing spots hung above. The malevolent cloud was condensing and flexing, its gaseousness body contorting like sentient water. A silhouette of something could be seen behind this sulphurous veil but no camera could capture its true shape, not behind this cloud of necrotic power. There were two others there - one she recognized as the Voile librarian, encased in an ovular field of blue light. The other, a taller person, had a full body white suit made of some heavy fabric. Both were channelling raw blue-white power into a sorcerer's circle, banishing the ethereal mass to wherever it had come from.
And on those drying bones below it, clear in the glare of the day, was a symbol.
It was spread out from its chest down to its underside. Natsuko she turned the picture sideways. A collection of rough hewn lines, like long trenches across its bones, all dug in along the centre of its sternum, bending in "L"-shapes that crossed over the sides of its cracking rib cage. They trailed down to its belly and across its exposed side, and she wished it was standing. It couldn't have just been that; there had to be more over its remains.
Turning her gaze back to its upper body, her eyes narrowed. The trench-lines framed another part of the symbol, etched into the interior of its corpse. In the back of its rib cage glowed a bright and fiery light, shining through strips of spoiled meat. It silhouetted a collection of long, curved lines, all emerging from a central swirl configuration, the length of them whirling back like scything arms or threads blown back by the wind.
Grainy as the image quality was under the mana-charged air, it wasn't just a strange symbol somehow present on a long-dead body.
Lost kingdom, oh lost kingdom of the wilfully blind, lost kingdom that was once mine, we gave up ou-
Natsuko seethed and her left hand jerked, tightening on the white edges of the photo. Keine's glance rose to meet her seething glare. She didn't flinch, inquisitive about the sudden change. Natsuko had met her look out of instinct rather than irritation and it showed. Her black-eyed gaze was elsewhere, anywhere else.
"I considered asking you. It wasn't a quiet hunt. We didn't come to stalk our prey - we knew its whereabouts. The youkai of the woods, even some of the ferals, they were afraid as well," she stated. The shwip-shwip of her going through the pictures stopped and suddenly the room felt louder to Natsuko, the merest fluttering of the now tired moths pounding and pounding, even if she knew it was her mind's frenetic tension.
"Last week. The hunt. Connect the two," she bluntly demanded.
"Criminal. Murderer. Four counts, all of last week's deaths. Found. Dealt with," she stated simply, putting away a few of the pictures. One remained in her hand.
"I know, but there was no major commotion. Where was the mob? They should have been all over it." She was feeling impatient but reining it in. Something dreadful was just waiting for her eyes and she knew it. Every little demand and question one step closer to that yawning edge she had just walked away from.
"A small one. The inn in central square. Youkai sniffed him out - we'd nearly caught him once but he was gone before we saw his face. He wasn't as lucky this time." Keine's fingers closed around the pictures. She looked over it but didn't hand it to him yet. "The owners had gotten to him first but they've refused to talk about it."
Natsuko's neck hairs stood on end as she took the bundle.
A youkai stared back at her. A bestial youkai, with clawed hands and a savage face, yet sitting reserved and moderate. His eyes caught her first, a little window into a world of hidden crimes and unassuming looks. They were brave eyes, the humble kind of brave, still drawn at their edges. Something had stressed him, just enough to break the facade he had put up of silent defiance, mouth open and perhaps mumbling some last spiting words.
Natsuko's sight plunged into them, knowing that the tips of those charred, black lines were there at the edge of her sight, that they had spread just like when she'd caught the first glance, and that she would have a full view of that same glaring mark. She could hear that humming voice, not the presence of those outside, no, her own voice, desiring to sing the damn song and whatever yama-damned kingdom it was referring to and that cursed blindness. She had to look, she had to satisfy that stupid curiosity, to shut it up.
Her eyes lowered and sound ceased to be.
The murderer was on his back, his bare chest exposing something worse beneath. It was all she had expected and dreaded, the full image in all its macabre revulsion. The lines dug through tattered flesh, hanging loose and ruined, charred black as if by a great internal heat. A great framework criss-crossed over the centre of the sternum, randomly intersecting at first glance, but guided by some strangely particular geometric logic.
There stood the swirl of scything arms, nestled against the back of the cage of bone, the rear ribs splintered and bent, held together by some fatty white gunk... and over another symbol. An old, forgotten one in the outside yet curiously here. It was made of two central ribs, pulled back, their tips sharpened out. Bisecting it was a glowing white line that took up a large portion of his exposed spine. A familiar light shone from within, the lower portion greater in its length, the shorter topmost one petering out near his throat.
And the scything hands sat comfortably at its intersection, whispering in unspoken, quiet taunts. It knew and it remembered, the first time she had gazed just mere minutes ago. She wanted to see the rest of what it could reveal, to be taken away past this transitional space, to seek and venerate the sac-
Natsuko spasmed and coughed, rising off her chair, the furniture crashing behind her. She hissed and choked out a grunt, grabbing onto a table, slipping, and pulling over a poster. She slumped down, clenched fist punching into the hardwood floor.
Keine cursed and vaulted over the desk, grabbing her by the shoulders. She felt her muscles flex and her arm grip around her. She was at sea without a buoy, drifting and grabbing onto drifting, sinking jetsam. Keine could sense it in those wild and jerking eyes. Every corner of the room had the potential to have that oh so friendly terror and the ugly black stain, just waiting for her to give in to that curiosity that would kindly ask again, and again, and again, its voice so soothing and kind, offering her something she could never name, not unless she wanted to plunge past that scything mark.
"Natsuko!" she called, her voice thundering loud yet an echo in her shuddering head. "Natsuko, oh godammit, Natsuko, up, up, back on your feet!"
She'd never seen Natsuko like this. Even after the crushing blows of wild hunts or the bounties she had tracked down, she hadn't collapsed so utterly shaken and defeated. The arm around her shoulder was still haplessly gripping about for anything to secure herself, spasming as if it would shoot off its joint any moment. Keine's fingers drew before her eyes and snapped a few times, jolting her awake before she started shuddering again.
She couldn't seem to concentrate on anything, not even the dull floor or walls, she just needed to close her eyes and shut out all stimuli. Her twitching eyelids fell and all she had was the staggering form of Keine to hold her afloat.
Natsuko opened her eyes slowly. She did not feel fatigued or tired as she saw the scenery around her. She was sitting on a sofa, her limbs reluctant to move but not stiff, simply still. Her eyes did not feel bleary or grimy with debris as they often were after a long sleep.
"Ten minutes," her friend's welcoming voice made her squint, her sight refocusing on the blue haired teacher. She was afraid she might have been out for a whole day. "I was worried when you simply locked up. We will continue tomorrow if that's alright with you."
"I'm not going to be sleeping." she replied in her quiet, unflinching tone. Natsuko broke the unseen mold that felt clamped around her, warmth and feeling returning to her nerves. She stood and looked around the living room, greeted by the sound of little flapping wings returning. There were no windows down here on this second floor basement and she looked to the stars leading down.
Keine sighed and produced the same folder, motioning for her to sit back down. There were a few glasses on the short tea table, two of which were filled with a pleasant-smelling red liquid. A tall green bottle stood there, its contents having dropped to the bottom of its neck. Alcohol was something she did not often indulge in but she could use an exception today. She took a glass and drank it slowly, not quite savouring the bittersweet taste. Her mind felt awakened by its sudden, unfamiliar taste. It helped her focus, suppressing those rampant frayed ends. The teacher caught her steadying gaze and smiled lightly. She returned the expression.
"The second one did not put up much resistance but I suppose he had something else in his sights. He was already leaving so to say, bodily, spiritually." The memory was one of unease and unanswered questions rather than regret and anger. "He was panting like a dog, dripping skin and dropping hair. And that same stench was there, more faint but strengthening with each minute. He was brandishing a short sword but there wasn't wrathfulness or mad-eyed desperation in this final stand. I remember a chill in the room, emanating from him, and the silhouette of the cross-shape."
"I doubt it was an actual chill," interjected Natsuko. Keine took her glass down in a single go. She furrowed her brows at the huntress' words. She didn't know how long she had been interested in those strange carved symbols of hers. She had only learned about it a few months after Natsuko's first year here, but were the ones on the beast and the murderer of the same esoteric tradition?
Keine's fingers clasped to her chin, attempting to remember the sensory influx of the moment. She had shivered lightly, clenching her teeth, and remembered the crish-crush of breaking, flaking skin speeding and intensifying. Cold wasn't supposed to accelerate decomposition.
She remembered one of the officers with her, holding her elbow after she'd plunged her own blade through his neck. His hand were warm and comforting on her skin, returning its warmth in kind, but she felt his fingers shake with hers, even as the wraith-chill was leaving.
"... You're correct," she concluded, going through a few more pictures. These ones had been from further back, roughly around a year and a half. "It is still disagreed upon by the councillors and guard officers I've entrusted with these files but I believe these two incidents are linked to more than a few strange happenings in the woods."
Natsuko wasn't going to ask for more pictures. She knew that each year many villager souls were simply swallowed up by the dangers of the woods but this was a rare case of a conscious, deliberate mind behind them. Someone or something had deliberately marked two of its own, perhaps more, for some malicious purpose. However, these actions were isolated and were not part of some known large scale rend. Reimu and the others had yet to really respond to any Village related incidents as of late.
The woman thumbed through another dossier, also containing images, but these ones were higher quality. Some were copies of others, but with markings traced upon them. More than a few were aerial and some were taken in the thick of the wilderness. A notable number of the pictures she recognized as being from the youkai mountain given by the raven-winged and wolf-eared figures. A few of them had come with newspaper articles.
"How did you get these?" asked Natsuko, scanning the pictures to and fro. These were youkai alright, feral ones given by their ragged and dishevelled appearance, but they weren't slouching or slavering like barely sentient apes. They were armed with bows, swords, and a distinctly aware intelligence and purpose. "Your culprits?"
"Tengu reporters. Lens for hire, but a few of them had already been investigating in spite of some red tape set by Tenma's council. Look at..." Keine leaned over to pull out one of the pictures, slotting it over the rest. "This. Was all the buzz in the mountain capital. The clamped down on the outrage fast though."
It was a trio of wolf tengu. Two males, one female, all looking roughly in their mid hundreds. Middle aged by their standards and looking the part of it. The paper sheet Natsuko had been shown had three different pictures, each one focusing on a different angle. The criminals, all handcuffed and escorted by grey-armoured guards, had been in a fight of some sort. All of them appeared to be in military uniform. The female had a nasty gash across her stomach, carrying on through sheer grit and determination. The older of the two males had his vest partially torn, scowling at the camera. It was the other male however, with the great gash across his back, clothing torn, that caught her attention. The tattoo beneath glanced at her as he passed by, clinging desperately to his skin.
Natsuko inhaled and exhaled slowly, realizing that the web was only widening.
"So..." The questions bubbled and boiled in her head, all churning and jostling for position. Keine looked at her and waited for them to flow.
Choose Three.
[ ] "Have the Tengu or anyone else conducted any investigations?"
[ ] "How aware are the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Eientei? Are they willing to help?"
[ ] "What of the other murders, possessions, and confrontations? What else can be linked to them?"
[ ] "Has any action been taken against them? On that note, just who and where are they?"
[ ] "What plans do we have for security? I've seen the armed guards but surely it's more than that."
[ ] "What do you need me to do?"
[ ] "What else do we know about them?"
[ ] "Have any humans been affected?"
[ ] Write it in.