ミス幻想郷最強風見幽香 !gwSNAAKE5k 2008/10/08 (Wed) 23:29 No. 61415 "I'm not sure," You repeat, "But I'm going to find out." Maybe, that girl knows something about that house as well. You can't see it from here, but you have no reason to believe they're lying about it. You approach Youmu first, looking to the girl cautiously as she scowls, apparently disapproving of your intrusion.
"What do you want?" The girl asks, her impertinent tone setting off sparks of anger deep within you.
Willpower prevails, and you keep your calm. "I'm curious about this place. I'd like to ask a few questions."
"This is my lake. I want you away from it. There, happy?" Her tongue is sharp, her voice just as piercing. Again, you begin to feel the anger welling up inside you. You fight it off, blaming it on your earlier shake-up. Normally such small things wouldn't so much as bother you.
"It would appear.." Youmu interjects, sensing your growing frustration. "That this place has been attacked before. Apparently, it happened quite some time ago, though I've been trying to explain that we share no such intentions."
"I don't buy it." The girl cuts her off. "Youkai don't fly around in groups like you weirdoes! What other plans could you possibly have?!"
"For starters," You wonder if it's a good idea you should mention it, but it seems it may be your only remaining option. "We're looking for an army of machines. They're hiding around here somewhere, and it seems my lackey over there just got a little confused."
"Her confusion could have killed me!" She seems to believe you, but it only serves to agitate her further. "What was that?!"
"Beats me." You've never seen anything explode quite like what Utsuho had thrown.
"I don't believe any of us have witnessed such a power, either." Youmu asserts the same fact, sharing your lack of knowledge. "Though at that range, I doubt we would be uninjured."
"Tell me this, then." The girl's tone and expression soften, seemingly more open to discussion than before. "If you're not here to attack me, then why are you here to begin with?"
"Oh, just got a little lost." You think not to tell her that it was due to Satori and the explosive Utsuho's constant bickering. That won't serve to help you at all.
"We have our reasons." Youmu, realizing your intentions, responds in your stead. "I feel it would be best not to discuss such matters, though.." She turns back to you, noticing something hidden in your expression. "Something on your mind, Snake?"
"You could say that." You point off into the distance, over the lake and to where the hidden house may or may not be. "The mad bomber and her boss tell me there's a house over across the lake. I'd like to know a little more about it."
"A house?" The girl seems surprised at it's mention, though you're certain from her expression that she knows something about it. "Nobody lives there, now. It's been abandoned for quite some time, why?"
"Curiosity, really. The others want to know as well as I, but I'd rather not spend the time to check it out. Any idea who used to live there?"
"Some youkai." The girl shrugs. "Powerful, but a recluse. I'd never seen him, not even once."
"Really?" You find your own curiosity growing, as well. What kind of youkai lived there, what kind of powers did he have, and why did he disappear all of a sudden? There's plenty of questions you'd like to ask, but this girl doesn't seem to be in the mood to answer them. Her expression varies between one of distrust, to a soured look of mild disgust, to one betraying a mixture of suppressed emotions. You'd be confused too, were the people who just tried to blow you up to suddenly start asking questions like the ones you're asking now.
*Major, how's it looking on your end?* The device in your ear springs to life. It's that icy-voiced woman from before.
*We're sorry, he can't come to the phone right now.* Wait, Mima?! They must've caught the guy! *If you leave your name and number, and a message, we'll blow you up as soon as possible.*
*Ma'am!* Another voice, unfamiliar, though it sounds like that of a young boy. *Trouble!*
*I'll say!* The woman responds, audibly aggravated.
*Hehe~* Mima continues to berate her through the radio. *We're coming for yoooouu~♪*
*What have you done with the Major?!* Her voice betrays a range of emotions. Worry, anger, fear. You can discern them all.
*Nothing yet, but if you want to see 'im alive again, you'll do exactly as I say.* You cold, calculating bitch, Mima! Truthfully, you couldn't be happier. With this, you have the upper hand, even if it is a bit.. Underhanded.
*You bitch!*
*Ma'am! Trouble!* The third voice repeats itself with more urgency.
*Can't you see I'm busy?!*
*B-But, the XMD prototype has-*
*WHAT?!* The woman seems utterly overcome by emotion. Funny, she didn't seem the type earlier.. *What happened to it?!*
*I-It's gone off on a sortie without orders, Ma'am. It seems to have picked up a radiation spike off in the Northwest quadrant, and has gone out to investigate.*
*Dammit! At a time like this..*
*Ooo~~~~~~y! You people listening?* Mima continues as you try to come up with a way to force your own way in over the frequency. Something about this radiation spike sets off a red flag in the recesses of your mind.. What could it be? *We wouldn't want the old man to get hurt now, would we?*
*Put him on the line, woman, or I'll have your head!*
*Oooooo~~~~h~♪ Scaaaary~* Mima laughs, cackling like a wicked witch. *Oh, what the hey! Here, talk to lover girl, old man.* The com goes silent.
A second later, *Commander!* As Mima promised, it's the voice of the man who'd been watching you back at the shrine. *Don't worry about me, complete the--*
*Ahh~!* Mima's voice returns, though you now detect a hint of frustration. *Men are such single-minded creatures, huh? Always mission this, or duty that! It's kinda annoying.*
*You.. Don't think for a second that I'll let you get away with this!*
*You sound like some corny midboss, old hag. I've had enough of your stock dialogue. Bye-bee~♪* You hear an audible click, and Mima's voice doesn't return. Ahead of you, the winged girl looks to you in utter confusion as Youmu quietly attempts to explain the device in your ear, and what you're after. Though, you're still concerned about that radiation spike.. What does it have to do with--
*Hangar to control deck. Requesting orders to retrieve the prototype.*
*Negative. Let it finish it's run. We've more problems to worry about here. Dammit, get communications on the secure line!* The device goes silent.
"Hey, Youmu." Your curiosity getting the better of you, you decide to ask. "Know anything about a nuclear radiation spike?"
"A nuclear--" Obviously not.
"Nuclear?!" Utsuho jumps over at the mere sound of the word. "You said nuclear just now, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did." What's with the sudden enthusiasm? It's scaring the bat girl! Tone it down a bit, why don't you?
"Ohhh! You wanna see it again, don't ya?" Her smile twists into a grin as she lifts her hand into the-
"NO!" You yell, joined by Youmu, and the bat-winged girl beside you. The last thing you need is another one of those cluttering up the landscape!
"Aww~" Utsuho, saddened by your adamant refusal, returns to Satori's side. She doesn't go far, though. Satori, as well as Aya, have both come to stand behind you.
"Is there something you wish to know about Utsuho's power?" Satori asks with an honest smile.