A Different Place - 8 Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:46 No. 64319 ▼ File 122505038248.jpg - (190.18KB, 930x920 , b7e699e9615879913c0d38d7abd4889f.jpg)
"You heard me." Yuka replies.
Something tells you that you shouldn't be hearing this. Conversations held in the dead of night are the most closely guarded secrets, not for the ears of those who should be asleep, who are tucked away in their own little dream worlds, safe and secure from the horrible knowledge spilling fourth.
But you can't help yourself. Ran's a ... friend? Ally, at the very least. Yuka is scary, like a force of nature given form, but she's not tired to hurt you. This is-
"What 'favour' could you possibly have done me?" Ran says, the chill of her voice shocking you again.
That's what you're listening here. What's going on, what's happened?
"You damn near traumatised her!" Ran says, sounding more animated now.
"And how would you know that?" Yuka asks.
"The kitsune told me everything that happened, including your refusal to protect their siblings from the Fujiwara girl."
"They ... fucking dogs." Yuka says, you hear her heavy footsteps and for one horrible second your insides freeze. Is she coming towards the door? Your heart leaps into your throat and you bunch your robe up in your hands. Run ... stand here? You-
Breathe out a slow puff of tension as Yuka's footsteps recede in the other direction instead. Sounds like she's pacing up and down.
"You let seven of them die." Ran says. "I sent them with you for a purpose."
"Who cares? They're animals."
There is a growl, a sound that activates something so basic and primal that you can't ignore it, especially in a dark corridor at night. A long, low, canine growl that makes you think of bared teeth and unsheathed claws. So loud that it must come from an animal big enough to swallow you whole. Your palms sweat and your bowels tighten, instinct on the verge of taking over.
"You want to fight me?" Yuka asks, laughing. "Oh Ran, once this is over you get pride of place, first try, if you want. I could never turn you down."
That growling noise was Ran?
There is silence for a long time.
"Very well." That's Ran again, but she sounds even more exhausted than before, a hoarseness to her voice that wasn't there before. "What is this favour you believe you have done me? Rid me of some of my charges? Psychologically scarred that poor girl? Angered me? What?"
Yuka laughs again. You wish she would stop laughing at Ran.
"I showed her violence." Yuka says. "Nobody understands violence like I do."
"And?" Ran demands. "What purpose did that serve? Why? We could have questioned that man, damn you!" Something slams into the floor, probably Ran's fist.
Another long silence.
"You don't get it." Yuka says. "You can do it in the back-rooms, away from her. You can be her proxy, so her hands are never bloodied-"
"Don't say it."
"You can hide it from her, pretend she doesn't know-"
"Shut up."
"She must know violence, Ran." Yuka says. "Yukari knew violence."
"She is not Yukari!" Ran roars at Yuka. The sound makes you shake a little.
Yuka laughs again, clashing with the weight of her previous words. The sound of her laughter makes you picture her clutching her sides, rolling around on the floor.
"Get out." Ran says.
"Out? Or outside out?" Yuka says through the laugher.
"Just get out!" Ran shouts.
You hear Yuka tut, her footsteps drawing close to the door again.
[ ] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
[ ] Stay where you are, frozen with the shock. You can't move, you can't think.
[ ] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
[ ] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:50 No. 64320 [X] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:50 No. 64321 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Teach me, Yuka-sensei!
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:51 No. 64322 [X] Stay where you are, waiting calmly. You want answers and backing down now will serve nobody. You have better chances of getting facts if you play them both against each other.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:51 No. 64323 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:53 No. 64324 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:56 No. 64325 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:56 No. 64326 [ ] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:57 No. 64327 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 12:57 No. 64328 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:02 No. 64331 [x] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:06 No. 64334 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:20 No. 64336 [ ] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:21 No. 64337 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Slinkan gaems.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:24 No. 64338 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Ran would get angry at you if she knew you listened in. Yuka, however, would be fucking delighted.
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:25 No. 64339 {X} Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:30 No. 64344 ▼ File 122505301882.gif - (17.40KB, 336x303 , psyduck.gif)
>>64340 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:33 No. 64345 [X] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:39 No. 64347 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:44 No. 64348 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:44 No. 64349 [۞] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:47 No. 64352 >[x] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
I know you guys want to pigeonhole Anon as passive and helpless, but you're doing it wrong. Traumatized people don't run when faced with a negative situation, they freeze.
But we already know that while Anon is definitely damaged goods, she doesn't exactly fit the 'victim' stereotype. She chose to submit to Yukari willingly, rather than pretend her nightmares weren't real, chose to answer Youki at her door, chose to approach those foxes in spite of Renko's warnings, chose to stand in between Yuka and Mokou, and chose to kill that man again in spite of her friend's clear misgivings. She could've frozen or run away in any of those situations, but she did not. Just like she won't here.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:47 No. 64353 [ ] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 13:57 No. 64354 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:02 No. 64356 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:13 No. 64358 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:15 No. 64359 [X] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:25 No. 64360 >she chose to kill someone in cold blood
That's simply not true. She chose to kill something that probably wasn't entirely human anymore that was out for her own life and that of her friends, rather than let a proxy do so instead. You were even given an internal monologue describing how horrified she was. I don't see how that could in any way be construed as killing someone in "cold blood".
>and now she's choosing to talk to the insane Yuka over Ran
Insane, but not liable to lash out from anger and repressed grief. If there's either of the two that's dangerous to be around right now, it's the one making the guttural animal noises.
>She is not at all an intelligent person and would have gotten herself killed if it wasn't for Renko.
Yeah well you know that's just like your opinion man.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:26 No. 64361 [x] Slink away before she emerges, you don't want to see either of them, head back to your room.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:28 No. 64362 [❀] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Voting not to cripple the protagonist by making her willfully ignorant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:29 No. 64363 Definitely no votespam going on in here, nope. No sirree.
Just call it already.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:30 No. 64364 >She chose to kill something that probably wasn't entirely human anymore that was out for her own life and that of her friends
He was down and out due the beating from Yuka, not her. The guy was no longer a threat and she decided that she wanted to finish him. She didn't kill him to protect her self or anyone else, you cannot justify her actions.
>Insane, but not liable to lash out from anger and repressed grief.
You think Ran is going to attack?
>Yeah well you know that's just like your opinion man.
Saved from Youki and Mokou.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:33 No. 64365 [X] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:46 No. 64366 [x] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
I'd rather have more Ran points.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:48 No. 64367 [X] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
I like Ran better.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:53 No. 64368 [X] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Can't believe Ran isn't going to win.
You guys suck.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 14:56 No. 64369 [❀] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
Pissing in the tide for Youkai Moe~
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 15:00 No. 64372 I, being a moralfag, do not approve of the Yukafags.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 15:48 No. 64379 >if Mokou really wanted to kill you, she would've done so.
Mokou didn't seem to care about anon's life at all. She used her as a human shield and threatened to kill her.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 16:52 No. 64386 >"I wanted to do this right."
>"Because of you," Mokou says, point at Yuka. "Now everyone burns!"
This is what suggested to me that Mokou's end objective was indeed to kill Anon, just in a manner that involved less collateral damage.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 17:05 No. 64387 The whole argument is splitting hairs at this point. Done is done, and Mokou wants us dead now, regardless of whether or not she did before.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 19:19 No. 64392 >[ ] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
There's a reason I chose this option over the others. It's not because I like Yuka or I dislike Ran or Renko—they each have differing and important roles in this story. It's because of this bit:
>You have to know what she meant.
Yuka is going to take this opportunity to tell Anon that she has been brought here to replace Yukari, and she will break said news to her in the most terrifying manner possible.
I can't wait.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 20:06 No. 64402 >I bet if Yuka told her, she'd be like, "Well, I love Yukari like I would my mother, so, if she wants me to replace her..."
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
Why the hell would Ebolanon love the very person that brought her into this mess in the first place? The very person who makes her bleed from her face every morning because of too much information being forced into her skull? How the hell do you make a leap of logic like that?
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 20:30 No. 64409 I get the distinct feeling that no one was entirely sure what bringing her to Gensokyo was going to accomplish. They were just going to do it and hope something came of it. At this point, Yuka is trying to take a proactive approach and Ran appears to want let whatever purpose Yukari tainted Ebolanon with pan out naturally. With that in mind, I think Yuka will tell us what Yuka wants to hear out of us and Ran will not hold us to any given outcome.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 20:44 No. 64410 We should still talk to Ran later about this. It's better to hear what they both have to say about our situation.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 21:13 No. 64413 Thinking about the twisted relationship the protagonist has with Yukari:
>"I was never really here."
That cryptic statement, Mary's certainty that there was no recollection of you in Yukari's mind, and the fact that Dream Yukari never gave you straight answers on why you went to Japan (or anything for that matter), it all points to Dream Yukari just being a construct, given shape by the knowledge and power that had somehow found its way into your head.
Expect massive angst when Yukari wakes up (assuming she does) and tells you that she has no idea who you are.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 21:32 No. 64416 Why are you all talking about staying in character?
You ARE the character.
Anonymous 2008/10/26 (Sun) 22:11 No. 64420 >does Ebolanon even have parents?
Most CYOA anons never really have their relatives or friends explored.
It's like the first episode of Futurama. "You mean I'm transported into some 1800's era dream world where I have to look very, very hard to find all the pleasantries of my modern time, full of monsters that'd like to eat me alive, and possibly never able to talk to my parents or friends in the outside world again"...
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 04:15 No. 64437 [X] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 06:29 No. 64445 Dude, look just how much posts this thread has with only one update.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 07:04 No. 64453 [x] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Why are we giving Yuka the chance to mess around with us once more? It didn't do us much good the first time.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 08:09 No. 64464 [x] Hide from Yuka, you need to see Ran. She's angry, but she cares.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 08:15 No. 64465 [x] Head back a little way, wait for Yuka in the corridor. You have to know what she meant.
We aren't about to kill somebody and Yuka knows something we don't. What's the worst thing she could do? Tell the truth?
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 08:26 No. 64468 I can see your IPs, votespammers.
The more you spam, the longer you have to wait for updates~ Don't do it again.
What option has the most number of real votes? Well, you'll find out soon. Writing now.
!nmVOHsTRd. 2008/10/27 (Mon) 08:51 No. 64494 <%HY|writing_now> He's not lying. He voted twice.
<%HY|writing_now> Whereas somebody else voted for Yuka 10 times.
Proxies, faggots, do your homework if you wanna votespam.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 08:58 No. 64499 To clarify: when I say that more spam means less updates, it is not a threat, it is a statement of fact. More time checking = less time for writing.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:16 No. 64503 You can't deal with this, it's too much information, too many things to worry about all at once. Yuka is terrifying and Ran ... you're not so sure anymore. What does Ran want with you anyway? What the hell is your purpose here? Did Yukari really intend something for you or are you just the left over shell of some experiment, discontinued with her death?
Yuka's footsteps draw closer to the door and she slides it open with a snap, but you're already slipping off down the corridor, moving as quickly as you can. Your heart hammers so loudly against your ribcage that you swear she must be able to hear it. Any moment now Yuka is going to call out to you, stop you, do something. You don't want to talk to her, you can't be dragged any deeper into this. There's a warm bed and the oblivion of the night waiting for you, not this confusion and aggression.
You reach the corner, almost sweating with relief, when for a moment you glance back at the door. Illuminated in the light cast from the open doorway, is Yuka.
Grinning at you.
The rest of your journey back is a blur of adrenaline. Yuka, just standing there like that, it touched something deep in your instincts. That grin ... hunger, the threat of pain, the glare of a predator, twisted attraction, power, a million things all wrapped up in one, none of them things that you want to confront.
You almost slam open the door to the bedroom, before stopping yourself and taking a shaky breath. Renko might still be asleep, you don't want to wake her up. You slide the door open and shut it gently behind you. You glance at Renko, she's still lying on the futon, breathing slowly.
For a long moment you waver between your bed and hers. You're so scared of Yuka, of what Ran might want, of why you're here and what it means. You want to just sleep and forget everything but ... Renko is here. She said she'd protect you, right? You turned down that protection once, you don't deserve to be touched by her, you don't deserve to even look at her.
But she looks so cold ...
You gulp, biting your nails and staring at her. Where is all this coming from? You shouldn't ... you don't deserve, but you ...
[ ] Go back to bed, you don't deserve anything you want. You're filth.
[ ] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
[ ] Wake her up, you want to talk. Selfish, selfish, selfish.
[ ] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:23 No. 64505 [x] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Make her certain the you've become attached to her; even if your actions seems bold, you need to stop her from feeling like she's a third wheel.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:26 No. 64507 [x] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymaster !jZ462CU1sc 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:27 No. 64508 [X] Go back to bed, you don't deserve anything you want. You're filth.
Breakdown moe~
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:30 No. 64509 ▼ File 122512504024.jpg - (264.63KB, 800x800 , f3095e124b1207c5731f9c0a70eda331.jpg)
With this update, some Youkai Moe~
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:30 No. 64510 [X] Go back to bed, you don't deserve anything you want. You're filth.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:31 No. 64511 [X] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:32 No. 64512 [x] Go back to bed, you don't deserve anything you want. You're filth.
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:33 No. 64513 {X} Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:39 No. 64516 [x] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:40 No. 64518 [ ] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
SpaceBrotha 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:42 No. 64519 [x] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
While i doubt that we can do this without waking her... or that we can sleep if we manage to sneak in with her, this will still be awesome.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:44 No. 64520 [x] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:44 No. 64521 [x] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 09:47 No. 64523 [x] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 10:03 No. 64532 [X] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 10:22 No. 64545 [X] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 10:26 No. 64549 [x] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 10:47 No. 64551 >I can see your IPs
How can you do that? Did Holly make you a mod or something?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 10:57 No. 64557 [ ] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
[ ] Go back to bed, you don't deserve anything you want. You're filth.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:01 No. 64558 >Your heart hammers so loudly against your ribcage that you swear she must be able to hear it
It is the beating of my hideous heart!
[X] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
[X] Go back to bed, you don't deserve anything you want. You're filth.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:04 No. 64559 [X] Cover her up, she's cold. You owe her that.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:08 No. 64562 Stop driving Renko away, guys. The self-loathing act only works if there's no one else around to comfort you, and it seems Ran is more than willing to take on that role. Renko needs to be reaffirmed that you're in need of help, but most importantly, that you're in need of her help.
Vodka !Lbyo2H4Tt2 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:18 No. 64565 [X] Get your bedcovers, join her on the futon. Don't think about it or you'll lose your nerve.
I like Renko, Yuka and Ran. Picking one is hell.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:21 No. 64567 >>She's skittish, not crazy.
She's had someone in her mind who wasn't really there stuffing her brain so full of information she's bled out of every hole in her head for two years straight. Oh, and that whole "murdering someone with her bare hands" thing, too.
Yes, she's perfectly and completely not-crazy.
Seriously, you don't think someone can go through what she's gone through, and will continue to go through, without becoming at least a BIT unhinged?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:29 No. 64572 >She's had someone in her mind who wasn't really there stuffing her brain so full of information she's bled out of every hole in her head for two years straight. Oh, and that whole "murdering someone with her bare hands" thing, too.
Traumatized, not crazy.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:50 No. 64577 You need this. You need this so badly that for a moment it blots out all other thoughts.
Quiet as you can, still not wanting to wake her, you trot over to your bed, on the tips of your toes, mouth going dry and stomach bunching up. You tear the blanket off the futon and then turn around, looking at Renko again.
How are you going to do this? Oh she could wake up at any moment and it would be so embarrassing, maybe, argh, but you want-
No, no. Don't think.
You shudder with anticipation as you gently lay the sheet down over Renko. She doesn't stir. You get to your knees, figuring that there must be more than enough room for this. You lift up the edge of the sheet and slide yourself underneath it, lying down on the futon next to Renko. There's more than enough space, since she's lying on her side. You curl up in a ball, your head below her chin, hands hesitating near her sides, until you finally settle for letting yourself just hold onto the corner of her shirt.
You pull the blanket back up to your chin. It's very warm like this, even though Renko feels cold. She must have been asleep like this for hours already. Maybe if she wakes up you can say you were just trying to warm-
No! Don't think about that, just lie here, in this safe little spot, for as long as you can. You wish that Renko would reach out, place a hand on you, or you could work up the guts to grab her around the middle and lean against her chest.
She's so peaceful when she's asleep, you think as you look up at her face. Her eyes flicker behind their lids, her breath comes out in little puffs through parted lips.
You feel your eyelids drooping a little, but you don't want to sleep yet. This feeling is too good to waste by sleeping through it. The slowly growing warmth, Renko's scent, the closeness of her breathing, the way her chest slowly rises and falls, it's all so ...
"Hm?" You sit up, nothing but white all around you. You rub your eyes, finding them already clear. You're dreaming again.
"Yukari?" You say, eyes wide, starting to smile, twisting around to catch a glimpse of her. Any sign of her, anything.
"Hello?" You call out. Your dreams haven't been this empty in years. Yukari ... she really is gone. You swallow, eyes starting to tear up.
There is a whisper, a crackle of dead leaves, gossamer snapping, so quiet that it's not a real sound, only a dream noise.
"Who's there?" You call out. The dreamscape echoes your useless words back at you.
Suddenly, inside your own mind, you feel very small. There's something in here with you, not a part of you. You look up and down but there is only the endless white. Where is this feeling coming from, you-
There, up and to the left, like it's falling from the sky. A speck of brown, warping the dream around it, getting larger.
[ ] Close your eyes, wake up, wake up, wakeupwakeupwakeup.
[ ] Run away, dive deeper than it can follow.
[ ] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:52 No. 64578 [x] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymaster !jZ462CU1sc 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:53 No. 64579 [X] Close your eyes, wake up, wake up, wakeupwakeupwakeup.
In before we bleed all over Renko.
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:53 No. 64580 {X} Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:54 No. 64582 [X] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:54 No. 64583 [x] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:56 No. 64584 [x] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 11:59 No. 64586 ▼ File 122513397331.jpg - (110.01KB, 398x600 , tori-c.jpg)
>>64585 Suddenly, Toriningen ninjas
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:01 No. 64587 [X] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:11 No. 64595 [2] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:12 No. 64598 [x] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
Worm, this is my bounded field.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:23 No. 64606 [X] Close your eyes, wake up, wake up, wakeupwakeupwakeup.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:23 No. 64607 [ ] Stand up, walk towards it. This is your mind, your space.
We passively took two years of torture. But for what? It's time we took our mind back. Let us cross this boundary ourselves.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:27 No. 64611 Haha, oh wow.
Writing now.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 12:43 No. 64621 Is Ebolanon going to eat the worm?
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 13:05 No. 64635 No, you're not leaving here. This is your mind. Yukari was allowed in here ... why? Because she was beautiful, because of what she offered? No, because you couldn't fight her, you never even tried, she was simply too much to oppose. You have no idea what's happening now, but you can't just ignore it. You have to look at it in the face, at the very least. This isn't like dealing with problems in the real world. You can't run and hide. There's no point in being nervous, not inside your own head.
Standing up is easy, the floor of the dream-world is solid enough. The brown stain is getting larger and larger as it falls, speeding towards the ground like a rock. You watch it as it plummets, the air around it twisting and bending. It leaves a stain as it falls, the air a million different colours in its wake. You can see now where it will land, only a little way away. You walk, forcing one leg in front of the other in your mind, attaining the illusion of motion.
The stain crashes to the ground with an impact like a bomb. A wall of compacted air rushes over you, the floor undulates beneath your feet. You crouch, closing your eyes and weathering the storm before you continue.
The ground around the object has been stained brown, leaking out from it like veins through the otherwise perfect whiteness. It looks like a bundle of brown rags, the air around it twisting and colouring like oil in water. You step closer, the fear hitting you at last. What that hell are you doing, a tiny part of your mind asks. But you don't answer it, you just step forward again.
It's a man. A man of brown rags, dirt, oil, grease. You can't see any flesh, no eyes under the mask of twisting colour. You almost poke him with your foot, but as soon as the toe of your shoe breaks through the corruption spreading from him, all your emotions come rushing back at you like a bucket of water thrown over your head.
What the hell is he? Why is he in your mind? What's happening? Where's Yukari? Why don't you have any answers? You shake, glancing around your otherwise empty dream world. Your mouth goes dry and you start sweating, backing up from the thing ... this corrupt, horrible thing that just dropped into your mind from nowhere. As you stumble backwards in fear, you feel something move in recognition. You feel the world move, shifting to a different angle.
"No!" You shout, sudden realisation coming over you in a cold wave of dread. You had been so sure of yourself, so unshaken. This speck falling from the sky, this tiny blot in your mind was supposed to have been all the pressure inside, the coiled worm expressing itself as a mark, a stain, not, not-
The worm is everywhere. The world around you shifts, so you can finally see it for what it is.
It was never white.
"Argh!" You wake screaming, clawing at your face. "No! No!" You're barely aware of anything, your body is on fire, you mind is being squeezed out of your eye sockets.
"Get out!" You scream. "Out, out!"
Somehow you find yourself on your hands and knees, vomiting a string of bloody bile onto the wooden floor. You slam your head into the ground. It hurts, but the pain is good.
You can't see, you're going blind, deaf, mute and stupid all at once. Something drips down your face.
"Oh god." You mutter, trying to forget, trying not to remember.
"Hey." There's a hand on your shoulder. An arm looping under yours. "What happened?"
The warmth, it's so good. That smell. You just ...
[ ] Collapse.
[ ] "Renko ... help."
[ ] "Ran?
[ ] "Yuka?"
[ ] Say nothing.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 13:05 No. 64636 ▼ File 12251379001.png - (35.37KB, 736x736 , Awesome.png)
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 13:14 No. 64646 [x] "Renko ... help."
The smell we're most familiar with and the person closest to us when we fell asleep.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 13:14 No. 64647 [x] "Renko ... help."
wtf just happened
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 13:18 No. 64651 [x] "Renko ... help."
This is why we slept next to her.
So, was our mind the thing covered in brown and everything else was the worm?
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 14:00 No. 64668 Okay, food, then I write.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:12 No. 64678 "Renko ... help me." You say, feeling yourself starting to cry. She gently lifts you up, hands under your arms, steadying you on your knees and then wrapping her arms around your shoulders. You can't see her face, you can't see anything, you don't want to see anything.
"Shhhh, you're okay, you're okay now." She mutters in your ear, stroking your hair gently. You sob onto her shoulder, probably smearing blood everywhere in the process. Why do you have to be so disgusting?
You sit there for a long time, limp in Renko's arms, until the tears fade.
"Here, lets clean your face up." She says eventually, pulling back out of the hug. You shake your head and grip her tighter, sniffing loudly.
"Aw, come on." She ruffles your hair. "I'll be right back, promise."
You reluctantly let her go, slumping on the floor and rubbing your eyes. Renko pads around the room for a moment and then sits next to you again.
"Here." She says, wiping your face with something clean and soft. You let her take control, easing your eyes open as the blood and tears are cleaned away.
"Renko ..." You mutter when you can finally see her face. There's early dawn light pouring through the window and lighting her up. She's got some of your blood on the shoulder of her shirt, a big smear from your face. But she looks concerned, smiling sadly at you, not disgusted.
You swallow and hold your arms out for a hug again, looking down.
"Aw." She screws up the cloth covered in your tears and blood, then reaches forwards and holds you again for a moment.
"T-thank you." You mutter.
Renko lets out a soft little laugh. "You're welcome." She hesitates for a moment and pulls back again.
"So, what happened?" She asks, peering at your face. You look down.
"I-I don't w-want to t-try remembering." You say, shuddering a little. The worm twists inside, but settles fast as you screw your eyes shut.
Renko doesn't say anything for a long time. You just look down.
"Okay." She pats your shoulder. "As long as you're okay."
You look back up. Renko is smiling wide now.
"Guess it's time to get up anyway." She says. "I need a shower or ... whatever passes for a shower around here."
You manage a weak smile back.
"S-sorry a-about your shirt." You gesture weakly at her shoulder.
"Hm?" She looks down. "Oh!" She looks at you and grins. "I better get something new to wear then." She points at you. "You too."
You look down at the robe you're wearing, then almost shriek as you pull it closed. How much did Renko see? Oh god ... you glance over at the futon you were sharing. Did your screaming wake Renko up? Was she already awake? Did she see you sleeping there? You squirm uncomfortably for a moment, feeling yourself blush.
Renko laughs, ruffling your hair.
"Come on." She says, standing up. "Shall we?" She offers you a hand.
[ ] Go with Renko.
[ ] Actually, catch up with her later.
First order of business this morning:
[ ] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
[ ] Food, damn you're hungry.
[ ] New clothes. Find Ran and ask.
TokikoFag !ttDV7BKRS6 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:14 No. 64679 [ ] Go with Renko.
[ ] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
Shower with Renko?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:15 No. 64680 [ ] Go with Renko.
[ ] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:16 No. 64681 [X] Go with Renko.
[X] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
At least make yourself presentable to everyone else.
Generic Drawfag !SCwYQVZRO. 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:17 No. 64682 {X} Go with Renko.
{X} Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:28 No. 64688 [ ] Go with Renko.
[ ] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
go with the flow
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 15:51 No. 64696 [x] Go with Renko.
[x] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
renko love
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 16:02 No. 64700 [X] Go with Renko.
[X] Shower, bath, whatever, just clean yourself.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 16:49 No. 64702 You reach up and take Renko's hand.
"T-Thanks." You say, making sure to keep your robe closed with the other hand. Renko pulls you up and you steady yourself on your feet.
"Hey." She leans closer, peering at your forehead. "You bruised yourself a little."
"Huh?" You feel your forehead gently, wincing. Renko's right, you've bruised yourself where you slammed your head into the floor. You blush a little. At that moment it felt like you couldn't do anything else, like you couldn't do anything but dash your brains out to make it stop. You look down.
Renko pats your arm. "Come on." She says. "We better put a cold cloth on it."
She grips your hand tighter and heads for the door.
"Um ... R-renko?"
"Hm?" She turns back with the door half-open.
"I n-need to wash." You say. "I feel icky." You puff your cheeks out, feeling a little embarrassed. For once, it's not so unpleasant, such a normal thing to feel bashful about.
"Sure." Renko smiles back at you. "Come on."
"Y-eah. Wow."
You and Renko both stand dumbstruck by what you've found. Showers, none. You started to despair at the prospect of washing yourself in a cold stream, teeth chattering and feet slipping on pointy rocks, until Renko spotted this room.
"Well ... uh."
Through a small ante-room, with a pair of low benches, past a thick door, is what looks like an open hot bath. You could fit a dozen people in there. The water is hot, gentle steam floating upwards. It's circular, the room panelled in dark wood, with a few large potted plants in the corners. You wander over and look at them, intrigued. They don't look like anything you've ever seen before.
"Hey Renk-" You turn around, but she's vanished. "Huh."
A moment later she appears around the door again.
"Look, towels!" She waves a pair of fluffy pink towels at you. "There's all kinds of stuff in here, come look." She beckons you over, back to the ante-room.
She's opened a wide door on the wall, obviously some kind of storage cupboard. It's full of towels, shampoo, soaps, a pair of rubber ducks and some other, less identifiable items.
"Does this all belong to Ran?" Renko asks, picking up one of the rubber ducks and grinning. "Wouldn't ducks make her ... I don't know, hungry?" Renko grins.
You giggle and shrug. "I g-guess. Is s-she the only one living here now?"
Renko shrugs. "No idea. We should ask her." She winks at you and throws a towel over her shoulder.
"You first." She says
"Go on!" Renko prods you gently. "I'll wait, I don't mind."
[ ] ?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 16:52 No. 64703 [X] "W-we... can wash together. I might take a while, and... I don't know if I can make myself feel clean."
Skittish moe~
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:01 No. 64705 [X] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:07 No. 64707 [X] Go in alone. Sit in the water for a long, long time. An hour, maybe two. Or more. No amount of time will make you clean, but as long as you're in here you aren't embarrassing yourself or anyone else.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:13 No. 64709 [X] Go in alone. Sit in the water for a long, long time. An hour, maybe two. Or more. No amount of time will make you clean, but as long as you're in here you aren't embarrassing yourself or anyone else.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:15 No. 64712 [X] Go in alone. Sit in the water for a long, long time. An hour, maybe two. Or more. No amount of time will make you clean, but as long as you're in here you aren't embarrassing yourself or anyone else.
This probably won't win since everyone seems to love Renko, but still I vote.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:16 No. 64713 [X] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Time to learn more about Renko.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:17 No. 64714 [X] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
I'm getting tired of the self loathing shtick.
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:18 No. 64715 [z] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:20 No. 64716 [X] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:32 No. 64717 I think desperately clinging to Renko is more in-character than wanting to be alone, especially considering the past few choices. Ran and Yuuka are arguing over us, even dream Yukari's abandoned us, we should be terrified of ending up alone.
I can't see us being that direct about it, though.
[x] Spend about a minute and a half stammering before you finally manage to ask:
[x] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/27 (Mon) 17:38 No. 64718 That's it for today, I've been awake for 16 hours already and the writing quality is suffering.
Back tomorrow!
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 22:11 No. 64733 [X] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Anonymous 2008/10/27 (Mon) 22:56 No. 64740 [X] Can't we go in together"... I don't wanna be alone anymore... Ah I mean, uh, we can talk in the bath you know! Just talk about things, not about what's going on, just... just about each other or... whatever you wanna talk about... it doesn't matter... it's just... please?
Anonymaster !jZ462CU1sc 2008/10/27 (Mon) 23:39 No. 64741 Renko probably doesn't want to bathe with Ebolanon because she knows she's into girls. We yelled that out to Mary in front of her, remember?
Anonymous 2008/10/28 (Tue) 03:18 No. 64747 [X] Go in alone. Sit in the water for a long, long time. An hour, maybe two. Or more. No amount of time will make you clean, but as long as you're in here you aren't embarrassing yourself or anyone else.
Anonymous 2008/10/28 (Tue) 03:55 No. 64750 >[ ] Go in alone. Sit in the water for a long, long time. An hour, maybe two. Or more. No amount of time will make you clean, but as long as you're in here you aren't embarrassing yourself or anyone else.
In before Ebolanon faints from soaking in hot water for too long and drowns.
Anonymous 2008/10/28 (Tue) 09:46 No. 64763 [X] Go in alone, you need to think about what's happening.
Seriously, give Renko a break.
Hungry Youkai !GGKI3UTr5s 2008/10/28 (Tue) 09:59 No. 64767 Alive once more, writing now, expect new thread soon.