FUG3 Faggot !jZ462CU1sc 2009/07/29 (Wed) 07:38 No. 91939 ▼ File 124887832461.png - (13.58KB, 263x263 , tewi.png)
You should know how this works.
You wake up in Gensokyo. What do you do?
Faggot !jZ462CU1sc 2009/07/29 (Wed) 07:54 No. 91941 ▼ File 124887926342.jpg - (57.01KB, 230x201 , tei.jpg)
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 07:56 No. 91942 [x] Tell the shitty writer to fuck off
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 07:59 No. 91943 [x] Magic Conch: "Nothing."
Taisa !YTVxxKH.bU 2009/07/29 (Wed) 08:04 No. 91945 [x] Ascend to a higher plane of existence.
Nasu Grave !pxywJVH8T2 2009/07/29 (Wed) 08:04 No. 91946 [x] Walk until you meet someone
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 08:24 No. 91952 [x] Might as well take the sword.
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 08:35 No. 91954 [x] Might as well take her, if you know what I mean.
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 08:39 No. 91956 [x] Show the girl your penis.
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 08:40 No. 91957 descend to mortal realms and spread a religion based on your ascended wisdom.
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 09:16 No. 91968 [x] New fucking game
[x] Find Tenshi
[x] Steal her stuff again
[x] Fuck her
We'll get her to love us. LOVE US
Anonymous 2009/07/29 (Wed) 09:26 No. 91971 [x] Survive the collapse of the barrier. Find female survivors. Start repopulating what used to be Gensokyo.