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File 134911237030.jpg - (123.29KB, 850x637, sample-3b7c3ac9f7043059718bb45658467899.jpg)
You are Satori Komeiji.

You have just awoken, and are currently snuggled down inside your bed-covers, with no part of your body extending outside of your cocoon of warmth, as is fitting for a sleepy satori. You feel comfortable, safe, and sated.

It is dark in the bed.

You slowly realise that your memories of the previous night are very clouded; the only thing you remember is that yesterday was your birthday.



The input parser for A Text Adventure understands both complex and basic commands. A basic command consists of one action, usually a verb or verb plus object; a complex command is a string of actions. Entire plans that encompass a series of reactions to possible outcomes of previous actions are beyond the computing power of the input parser, and will be ignored.

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>Give birth

I wonder if it's a boy or a girl.
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Commit sudoku.
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Our writers are running away from the writingfield! Shamefur Dispray!

Damnit HY...

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Where it ends.

※ ※ ※

Lanternlight flickered across the pale flat panes of her cheeks as he turned.

The charcoal-black flagstone grated under the soles of his boots. Walls dark glistered alight. The flame winked then flashed as it caught more oil. A huff of hot air came out between the shutters, reminding him how chill otherwise was the black hidden place. The boy lowered the lamp to the floor. Brass clattered on the rock. The small person on the chair gave him no favour of startling. Still she sat, still and ever still, her bare toes suspended inches from the ground; gagged and bound and helpless. An image of pity, but there was none of that left in him.

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Sage, you shameless nigger.
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Waste of time.

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File 134119768653.jpg - (146.76KB, 500x376, Take it.jpg)
Take it

Sometimes, something else happens.


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Just want to say: ~incest ~so wrong ~ so right.

(yes I know I am using "~" wrong, bite me)
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[X] Why not? A game'll pass the time 'til she's movin' again.
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File 134828751349.jpg - (60.38KB, 640x480, 558d2c0fc490617bcf56ed6cd3da3e2e.jpg)
New thread: >>10609

All right~

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File 134567129478.jpg - (117.75KB, 737x680, a761691aa57b36a0f898ece7e03da662.jpg)
You are Parsee Mizuhashi, a Persian (hashihito) who became a bridge princess (hashihime) for the sake of a wicked pun, although it's also likely that it actually goes the other way around. You're no longer sure which is which.

That's it, though. While the whole Hell - Hell whole? - knows you as the sulky, jealous overseer that tends to that fancy bridge yonder, they tend to overlook your single passion in this dark, musty place: cracking awful puns. You could even say that it's more than a mere passion interest to you, considering that your species and/or your cultural identity is somehow based on a play on words.

As usual, today's not a very exciting day to guard the sole passage between the surface world and the Old Hell. Even though you're going to turn away any coming visitors anyway, you can't help but feeling a bit lonely being here by yourself. Sometimes you just wonder if you and the bridge you're guarding are separated at all, both of you having to stand in the middle of nowhere for all eternity.

Well, you then quietly assess, the bridge is probably better than you, since she can't feel angry - nobody crosses her anymore, after all.

And there's no "have to" on your part to guard the bridge too, you further thought. This is a self-imposed task you're placing on yourself, isn't it? If you want to, you can totally go to the surface or deeper to the Old Hell. Maybe you should...

[ ] ...go higher, find that spider and insult her mother.
[ ] ...go lower, find that oni and see if she'd like to play card games.
[ ] (Write-in*)

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[x] Both!

Rule One: Every time you take a shot, you have to take a shot.
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Given the number of shots, you'd die of alcohol poisoning long before the hell bullet'd hit you.
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[x] play a danmaku drinking game. What could possibly go wrong?

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File 132734424037.jpg - (727.47KB, 1400x1050, 4f0a116ef365b490f566dea2e93c2e8f.jpg)
>Calm. Like you could go to sleep like this.

Soothing. Relaxing. Calming. This is what it feels like. For some reason, you almost forgot what it was like to receive a hug when you were on the brink of collapsing. It's not long afterwards that it dawns upon you, you're really tired. All this running around, worrying, screaming, both your body and your mind have reached their limit, and they need to shut down and rest. There's more you want to do, but after a while of struggling, you submit to the feeling and decide that you can do this stuff when you're not feeling like insanity is knocking on your front door. The hug is just so nice, you can't help it; you drift off asleep without much warning, wondering how long this period will last before your life is turned upside down yet again...


"Ah...she fell asleep." You say this shortly after noticing that Satoko became rather comatose. Even shaking her a bit doesn't seem to wake her. She's really out of it.

"Leave her be, Souya... she needs the rest." Alice walks over and picks Satoko up from her chair after you stand back, and takes her upstairs into a bedroom, presumably. You just stand there, feeling quite helpless in it all, like there's really nothing you can do about it, and you're merely forced to watch those you care about suffer because of it. Such an empty feeling. "You know, that was pretty brave of you." Your attention is regained when Alice seems to have come back down from upstairs.

"Huh? Oh... uh, thanks. Why do you say that though?"

"Hugging someone out of the blue like that, especially someone like Satoko. I don't think even I could have done it myself." You look down towards the floor a bit.

"I don't really think that's true... you care a lot for Satoko, and she just... really needed that, I think." After a short moment of silence, you feel Alice's hand rest on the top of your head.
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File 13468465052.png - (517.39KB, 648x907, e70118403e26283f53b00d8d80eb5c8a.png)
"We need some paper over here!"

"I'm comin'!"

"The printer here's acting up!"

"Where the hell are the reporters?!"

"Is it lunch time yet?"

"Why are there chips all over the floor?!"

"There's no trash can around anymore!"

"Someone get the nurse, I think he's about to throw up!"
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File 134684680910.jpg - (247.48KB, 735x1062, edb3a43f7cd9d05579f3cd42c0a46b0a.jpg)
Well there you go, as promised. Hopefully these two "true ends" or at least good ends will fulfill a few people who felt Clockwork's plot was a little too grimdark.

If anyone needs anymore loose ends tied up, just gimme a call.
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Very nice. Now this is what I was talking about. I can't choose which one I like more.

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File 132004309893.jpg - (182.26KB, 640x480, must_have_delicious_nephew.jpg)
All the bullets you want? Now you're excited, too! The warmth inside of you feels all tickly, and it jitters all around just like her warmth does, but you can feel another warmth coming down from Aunt Koishi, and keeping all the bubbles in you from pouring out. It makes your chest feel all tingly, and hot, and you just feel all... all...

You feel all good, and your warm feeling runs all the way up your arms and out your hands, and the bubbles dance all around your fingers. Aunt Satori's warmth slides around her arms, too, and it tickles you like Mama Okuu's feathers. Mama Okuu's feathers...

Shiny, glittery, sparkly black, and very soft. They feel extra warm when Mama Okuu puts her big, big wings into big, big hugs. The feathers are big, too, big and kind of like really pretty leaves with the branchy part that gets all scritchy and scratchy at the end when she picks out her old feathers so that you can play with them! Sometimes you can see the softy feathers under those, the ones that curl, and tickle...

"Kouji, dear," Aunt Satori says in a whispery way, "open your eyes."

Yes, Aunt Satori! You open your eyes, and...

So pretty!

It looks just like Mama Okuu's feathers do! Sparkling and black, and big, and it even has the little scritchy part! It floats right above your hands, inside a little ball of all the warmth that Aunt Satori helped pull out of you. When you think about it, it spins, and points, and lots of the little, even softer feathers from Mama Okuu flutter-fly around it. This is your bullet? It looks so nice!

"Yes," Aunt Satori nuzzles against your hair, and it feels so nice you giggle. "It's a wonderful first bullet."
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Stop acting like the authors owe it to us to write. They don't. Neither you, me, or anybody else is entitled to a single word these authors grace us with.
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Dude, you're overreacting. What I meant to say is that if he already felt like this after a month, he could have posted the same now. If he only felt that wya after three months, well, nothing to be done about it.

I certainly don't think anyone is forced to write here, but I think people would have preferred to hear about this sooner rather than later.
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I'm inclined to agree. Don't feel like writing? Sure. I've been there. I write, and I know how it feels to juggle external expectations and internal desire. There's tension there. But at the same time, it's also a matter of basic courtesy to let us know sooner rather than later. As a reader, I'd like to see you continue this story, but at your own pace, and without worrying about the audience. Just let us know ahead of time that the story is dropped to be picked up later (or not), or that you're working on other stuff, or whatever. You don't even have to apologize or prostrate yourself or justify yourself or anything; you might feel compelled to, but you shouldn't. Even a simple, one-sentence notification ahead of time is better than months of silence.

And, I know it's hard. I know you'd rather avoid it, because it's unpleasant to fail to meet your own (and others') expectations. Again, I've been there, and it sucks. But it's an enormous weight off your chest if you just go out and say, "I can't do this right now. I'd rather move onto other things," than worry about for months, because I know you've been worrying. And the longer you wait, the harder it gets.

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File 132971784933.jpg - (75.05KB, 534x401, cave-11-facade.jpg)
I ran. It was all I knew at that moment; the feeling of lead feet and heavy breathing, the pain and terror wracking my body as I moved. One foot after the other, I ran as fast as I could.

The tears were flowing down my cheeks, pressuring me to close my eyes or wipe them away but I couldn’t. Stopping was impossible when I had to keep moving. Tiny scratches littered my arms as I swung them from side to side, smacking aside branches and other foliage as I barged my way through the forest. My eyes flickered side to side, watching for towering tree trunks even through my tear fogged vision.

I tripped and stumbled plenty of times, my clunky boots catching on all sorts of bushes and roots in the darkness of the night. I had landed on my face countless times, dirt filling my mouth and forcing fresh tears to fall. I sobbed and whimpered but didn’t cry or scream my frustrations even as I pushed my bleeding arms underneath myself. I simply got up and kept running.

My mind raced as quickly as my legs did. Why is this happening? Why me? What happened to momma? Why are they doing this? Why? Where are they now? They’re coming, they’re coming! Why? WHY? THEY’RE COMING!

The branches above me shook so I screamed in absolute panic and pumped my legs harder. The branches above continued to shake. I felt them above me, flying or hopping or something right above me and ready to pounce and dive and swoop on me just like they did to daddy, cackling with glee as they ripped and tore at the screaming pile of flesh. I would have been gone forever so I ran faster and faster!

A sudden grip on my leg startled me, tripping me and sending me to the forest floor once more. I sobbed as fresh pain shot through my limb, a claw having ripped away at my exposed calf. I flipped onto my back and stared up at the creature in horror.

Its eyes were a sickly red – demonic and hungry. Its dark form was large and hunched, clawed hands and crooked legs unnoticed because of those eyes, those eyes! Wide, pointed teeth gleamed in the moonlight that managed reached through the trees as it spoke.

“Ahaha, don’t worry little girl. I’ll take real good ca
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I wasn't really trying to argue to be honest. I was merely pointing out that these things were not 'odd' 'random' and had 'consistency.'

Sorry if it came off as something else.
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File 134284809332.jpg - (24.95KB, 479x380, cannon.jpg)
One thing that strikes me from the story (and to a lesser extent the discussion): This version of Alice has a very strong mind already.


"Canon" refers, in context, to original works which fan fiction is inspired by. "Cannon" is a type of artillery piece.
Also, you don't need to capitalize things like "demon", "devil", or "oni", since they're species names and not proper nouns.
Other than that, your technical writing is quite good, and I don't remember seeing any mistakes in it.

>Demons and devils
There are few, if any, consistent features between demons. It's impossible to even tell whether several characters are or were even supposed to be demons or not. (Alice's status as a former human seems to have been a retcon, as she was based on an Alice from another series who was a demon. YuugenMagan, one of the least physically humanoid named characters in Touhou, is also probably a demon.)
However, devils have consistently been winged humanoids with bat wings on their backs. Koakuma had them originally in fanon, and later in a cameo in a canon comic. Three devils, two of which are vampires and all of which are powerful, have also displayed the ability to turn into bats.

>Oni and vampires
The kanji writing of the Japanese word for 'vampire' contains the kanji for 'oni'. Remilia points this out in her route in Immaterial and Missing Power, and in so doing claims to Suika that she is also a type of oni. This is reinforced by the soybean weakness.
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File 134298208655.jpg - (4.37KB, 133x107, this-was-so-funny.jpg)
Relax guys, we’re all friends here, whether you like it or not.

My apologies for the wait on the update. There happens to be a certain Beta event going on that has sucked my time dry.

>Technical writing
Ah, this makes me feel better. I end up doing the drafting and proofreading on my own so I can get a bit paranoid about quality. I can admit that there are errors you might not have noticed, but I’m not going to point them out.

Also, I always split the drafting and the editing of story updates across multiple days, but I don’t put the same effort into these comments. If these seem chock full of errors, that’s because they are.

Just gonna rant about stupid creative works from books to video games that have ingrained the bad habit of capitalizing non-human race names into my boyhood psyche. I try and correct it when I see it, but sometimes I slip up.

>Pig fetus
Well I’m not sure about you, but in my old school system dissecting things was a standard experiment all the little kiddies got to enjoy. They started us off with frogs early on and moved on to the big stuff later.

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File 133965638588.png - (794.67KB, 900x1200, Picturenotrepresentative.png)
Finally, you all are gone. Intruders, fighters, you don't belong here. A life of peace and harmony I hoped to live seamlessly here was destroyed, if only for a moment, all because you had something you deemed important. You overlanders.

Because being "under" someone is something that you humans strive to avoid.
Because being "under" someone is deplorable to your selfish hearts.

I know that the youkai in your realm would never be like that It doesn't matter whether I am underground or not; we're all equals, whether it be food, or as friends. It feels weird, but after being trapped down here with nowhere else to go, those who I’d been taught were enemies are the ones that I now trust.

A loud voice interrupts my thoughts.
"Hey, Naikan!" It's that boisterous oni again. She's probably at the entrance to my burrow; her voice is so loud I can hear it in my bunk.

She was the first to befriend me, and only because I was interesting to her. But, I wasn't acting this way to please her. I choose always to act on my own thoughts, and to reveal myself with my actions. There's nothing I don't hide.

I reply back. "Did you need me for something, master?"

"Get out here, loner," Yuugi exclaimed. "It's like you're trying to kill yourself or something! I haven't seen you in days!"
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[x] "Including your wife?"

Doesn't have the slightest idea about what's happening in this story.
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That should be enough votes. Closing votes now, and writing.
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Posting from my phone because I haven't been home in awhile.

Anyways, trying to upkeep all of my projects caused me to relapse so not only do I not have a computer, I don't have strength to stand at times. The absence of an update is due to a hospital visit plus rest. I feel well enough to type this up, but don't expect anything from me for at least two months. I need to really slow down, and unfortunately, my health is more important than my story.

Keep it real, and I'll catch you on the flipside.

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File 132421284026.png - (462.39KB, 656x1200, Yorihime is that awesome.png)
Yorihime is that awesome
[x] Ask Kaguya:
-[x] About the Royal Family and how it works. Is she Yorihime's cousin or something like that?
[x] Try to contact Renko or the fox lady.
[x] Try to contact the reanimated Miko.
-[x] Ask for information and/or assistance.

“Okay. So one more thing, Kaguya.”
“I'm listening.”
“You said something about Yorihime being part of the Royal Family, and you're a princess yourself, so are you blood-related?”
She chuckles for a bit.
“In a way, we are. But 'Royal Family' is rather a loose term, as it applies to every lunarian noble.”
“So it doesn't mean anything?”
“Actually, it means something. How to say it? Lunarian nobles who aren't part of the Royal Family are more or less outcasts.”
“Oh. So Toyohime and you aren't related?”
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How about not-saging? Is that particularly smart?
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I forgot.
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Where Tenshi may at last be put into prose
and where comes to completion the journey of “Garion.”

※ ※ ※

NOW A TIME CAME when even his feet gave under him of the day’s wear.

The young, stern-faced man halted and heaving fell beside a stout dripstone spike bulging from the rugged stone of the cave-floor. The caves had those in many: even as mushrooms sprout after rain, these also grew in each such place where water seeped from atop through the porous rock. ‘Twas the only sound in these dark passages; the water came down in drips from the jet-black ceilings and almost sonorously crashed on the cold stone floors. And it came to pass just so, that one such drip had made its life-goal to reach where none had reached before: down the young traveller’s collar.

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>If this is going to end how I think it ends, YAF might get chased from the site again.

If YAF gets chased out of this site but Kahi is not, there is no justice in this world.
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I’ll go off on my own.
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Please don't

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