Moral !1d4WGijdSc 2011/05/13 (Fri) 05:07 No. 19368 You give Momiji a helpless shrug. “To be honest, I think Aya's right. It's just my opinion, but she'll be a good help in this crisis.” Aya smiles brightly in your direction. You voice yourself. “Staying neutral in this kind of situation will probably only delay any major incidents until the problem gets out of hand. Acting quick will be the better of the two choices. Once a small problem starts to grow, it could easily spiral out of control.”
Momiji just stares at you dumbfounded. “I understand now.” She sighs deeply, like she had lost a long battle. “I won't stop you, but also, I won't be able to defend you in light of Lord Tenma. I'm going to keep to my orders, and frankly, I think you should too, Aya. There's a reason why our leader was elected as the top, and I won't be going around just defying him like that.”
Aya retorts back. “But what are we gonna do? Stay back and watch? No, I can't do that. My ego is at stake. If we're going to gather information, we should at least do our part and help out. Hiding back and letting others do all the work is below me.”
“Can the two of you bicker any longer? I might die of old age.” Mokou groans. Impatiently waiting, she leans on the large gate of the village.
“Then how about we compromise?” You add in. “Aya, what are Lord Tenma's restrictions?”
“Hmm...” She thinks about it for a second, trying to remember. “Ah! He stated that in no shape, way or form, can any tengus participate in any form of battle, as well as no provocations whatsoever towards the witch and mikos.”
“Then how abo–“
“I got it!” Aya already cuts in. “Since it's given that I can retaliate in a form of self-defense, I can stick around and help until I'm provoked into a fight! It's not really 'participating' if I'm forced to fight, yes?” She starts to get into a fervor. “Leaving Marisa, Reimu, and Sanae alone will be a small hardship, but as long as I move around, they won't be able to catch me, thus unable to provoke anything.”
“Ahahah....I see.” You couldn't think of anything to add to that. “At least it'll solve the problem of Lord Tenma's orders....somewhat. It's a bit rough, but there's nothing he could do that'll justify punishing you.”
Momiji muses for a bit, then nods her head wearily. “Fine, but the question is not whether who gets into trouble or not. It's the ethics. You do know you're performing actions of questionable intent against your superiors, right?”
“I fully know what I'm getting into, Momiji.” Aya pats Momiji's head, but the white wolf tengu moves away. As Momiji backs away, embarrassed, Aya laughs and continues. “But still, it's nice to know you're looking out for me.
“A-Aya, please don't do those things anymore. I'm not a pup.” Momiji stammers a bit, contrasting well from her usual calm self. You try your best not to snicker.
But a wave of flame almost engulfs all three of you. “Could we hurry up, if you please? We should get going and start somewhere.” Mokou seems collected, but you felt like she was pent up with anxiety since the village search.
“Sure, but where to?” You comply to the immortal's requests. Surprisingly, she has no clue where to go, and only replies with a shrug.
“I have a proposal. Why don't we go over to the Hakurei Shrine first? Reimu should be done investigating by now, and we might be able to get a lead on the case.”
“But what about Tenma's rules?” Mokou inquires. She still looks a bit cross.
“Don't worry, don't worry! It'll be fine as long as I don't provoke her. Besides,” She grins slyly. “We have our secret weapon here.” She pauses before dramatically pointing to you.
“Eh, me?” You ask. She nods vigorously.
“Yes, you! Reimu seems to be a better mood in your presence. Much better than when I visit her alone. As long as you're here, you'll probably stop any conflicts.”
“Yep!” For some reason, you don't think that's good enough. She reaches out for your hand. “Let's go. We're taking to the sky. I'm getting impatient too.”
Sighing, you take her hand and latch onto it tight. Her grip is strong, and allows you to easily hang on without any real discomfort. That is, until she gains speed. Then, it becomes a blend of desperately clasping onto her hand, and trying to distinguish what the heck was happening. Even for a few minutes, you felt severely disoriented once you landed. Taking a seat on the floor, you sprawl out on the cold marble, closing your eyes from the spinning world.
“Eh? That's weird.” Aya says. “She's gone.” Regaining your sense of balance, you raise her a questioning glance. “By the looks of the shrine, it seems like she hasn't came back yet. How strange, she would normally have been back by now. Did she get” She comes upon a small note pasted onto the table. She picks it up and reads it. “Underground, dash, Youkai Mountain? Weird.”
You were a bit worried that Reimu hasn't come back, but she's a strong one. It's probably nothing. But that note gave you some possibilities. Maybe she came back and left it for you and Aya?
[ ] Search around for Reimu. Maybe something did happen.
[ ] Go to the underground. You could question Old Hell's residents of any strange incidents.
[ ] Move around Youkai Mountain. There could be clues or a lead on something.
[ ] Back to the village. Did you miss something?