Sometimes I write stories, on the spot, in #MiG. This is one of them...
<Terminal> I've had Delta road on my mind.
<Vodoka> Story ideas?
<Terminal> That's not very interesting though.
<Vodoka> Hmm. How about something with Wriggle and Yuuka?
<nftyw> =-= HardworkNOwen is now known as UNOwen
<UNOwen> Gah.
<Myschii> Fine Idea vodoka
<nftyw> Something with Sanae and Wriggle
<KChasm> I have a story idea, but I brought it up two or three times before as idle conversation, so I won't bring it up again.
<UNOwen> Two and a half hours on that.
<KChasm> Would make me look conceited.
<Myschii> Also a fine idea nftyw
<UNOwen> Engineering homework Extra credit for the win/loss.
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<Myschii> I'll bit KChasm
<Myschii> bite*
<KChasm> Nah, nah, let me think of something else...
<Kapow> byte
<UNOwen> Nitori...she's an engineer, right?
<Myschii> NO SHE NOT
<Kapow> sure
<UNOwen> You could write somethign with her.
<UNOwen> That's what I'm saying.
<Vodoka> Story time!
<Myschii> "No one must ever suspect it"
<Vodoka> It's ma favorite time!
<UNOwen> Why must I have to go to bed NOW?
<KChasm> ...some sort of deconstruction of the originalmalecharacter/canonfemalecharacter romance that's in every cyoa, except it actually does end up successful?
<UNOwen> When he finally gets on?
<KChasm> ...ah, you've started yours. Never mind.
<Niski> Vodoka: write an update already, ok?
<Myschii> After all these years hiding behind her inventions, no one could guess that Nitori's brilliance was all a lie
<UNOwen> No. I won't. I have to sleep.
<UNOwen> I need at least six hours.
<Myschii> For down in the depths of her workshop was the one thing that was the true source of all her inventions
<Kapow> where did her inventions come from then
<Kapow> oh
<KChasm> I just realized I've been having four hours of sleep a night all week
<KChasm> Yeeesh
<KChasm> Sorry, five
<UNOwen> I don't care how tempting story time is, I can't stay. As much as I regret it.
<KChasm> not THAT bad.
<Terminal> Sounding kind of Venture Bros. right now.
<Tsurupettan> Hey, anyone know where me dot or whatever his name is? :>
<Kapow> jerl would
<Jerl> Yes, I would
=-= glasnost|asleep is now known as glasnost|sux
<UNOwen> Also, Mystia, quick question before I go: Did you read Eclipse of Eternity yet?
<Tsurupettan> Where is he at~"
<Jerl> #baka-tsuki
<Tsurupettan> bah, tell him to come in here
-->| me[dot] ( has joined #MiG
<me[dot]> Dot here, now speak.
<Tsurupettan> hey me[dot]
<Myschii> maybe~
<Tsurupettan> Do you have any pictures of you wearing the maid outfit?
<Myschii> I'll tell you the reason tommorow
<Vodoka> What.
<UNOwen> Okay.
<KChasm> The Clippers of Eternity?
<UNOwen> I can wait.
<Myschii> Years ago, while passing through, Yukari would thwoah open a portal in time.
<KChasm> Any hair cut by them stays shorn...FOREVER
<me[dot]> ...Old old OOOOLD, Tsurupettan.
<Tsurupettan> Old what?
<Myschii> As she had just returned from a visit from the distant future.
<Tsurupettan> I was serious.
=-= Ataisai is now known as Kagami_is_out
<me[dot]> There were pictures, I shared them in here, too
<Tsurupettan> I saw pictures of the maid outfit. And pictures of you. But not you wearing it.
<me[dot]> But I has a giant headache
<me[dot]> ...I did.
<Tsurupettan> I didn't say you didn't.
<me[dot]> Picture of self.
<Tsurupettan> I said I didn't see them.
<me[dot]> In maid outfit
<me[dot]> ask around, maybe someone has it
<Tsurupettan> As in, I am slow and missed it. :3
* UNOwen vanishes like...something mysterious. That vanishes.
<Tsurupettan> uboa probably does, he'd keep that sort of thing.
<Myschii> Intrigued scientist of the future would stabalize the portal before it entirely closed, but the strain that the portal put on the soul would kill any human who tried to pass through
<--| UNOwen has left #MiG
<Myschii> for Nitori on the other hand
<Myschii> Leaving this time and returning with her newest inventions was a snap
<Myschii> "No one must ever know..."
<Kapow> nitori is the booster gold of gensokyo
<Myschii> And so Nitori closely gaurded her secret.
<Tsurupettan> >gaurded
<Tsurupettan> I see you there, Doujin.
<Kapow> gourded
<Myschii> For the hundreds of years that would pass she would wonder if Yukari could feel the portal that never closed
<KChasm> guarded
-->| UNOwen ( has joined #MiG
<UNOwen> Gah, forgot my brain.
* UNOwen takes his brain.
<UNOwen> All right, I’m good now.
<Myschii> ANd for years, she would gain more and more reputation as the brightest inventor of Gensokyo
<--| UNOwen has left #MiG
<KChasm> ...wait, so Nitori goes to the future, is handed new inventions by her future self, goes back to the past...and...
<Terminal> He forgot his briefcase
<KChasm> ...
<KChasm> ...ffff Time Paradox
<Myschii> But as her reputation grew, so did her fear of losing everything
-->| Mari ( has joined #MiG
<Mari> Maris in Gensokyo
<Beard> Pime Taradox?
<Myschii> The fear of being shown for the fraud she was
<Myschii> overwhelming
<Vodoka> Oh wow, they're playing with Dreamcast in Ga-Rei Zero.
<Mari> wat
|<-- me[dot] has left (Remote host closed the connection)
<Myschii> And soon (hundreds of years to us humans) the distant future that was on the other side of that portal was...
<Myschii> not so distant anymore
<Kapow> did someone say dreamcast?
<Myschii> Paranoia gripped Nitori. She went into hiding in her "workshop" longer and longer
<Beard> Oh you
<Myschii> Nothing from the other side was marvelous or unbelievably scientific anymore. Just mundane things she had already grabbed from unwitting scientists.
<Myschii> And with nothing more to proclaim as a new invention, she couldn't imagine what she would have to do to make people forget about her.
<Beard> Speaking of Dreamcast, we need a new Jet Set Radio for the current gen
<Mari> why did i read mundane as tsundere
<Myschii> Or how she would get her fix of attention, as being the goto techno girl was a great gig.
<Myschii> But now there was nothing.
<Myschii> nothing at all.
<Terminal> I don't see me[dot] in a maid costume
<Myschii> maybe she should end it.
<Terminal> I found the picture of the costume and what is supposed to be "him" though.
<Mari> link
<Myschii> what's the point of living if life was just a pit with people looking in at the fraud she is
<Terminal> I closed the logs
<Terminal> I would have to open them all over again
<Mari> baww
<KChasm> Money
<Terminal> This is what he bought <Myschii> She'd clutch her knees to her chest as she'd rock back and forth in the corner of her lab
<KChasm> Also whores
<Beard> Shit, this is the depressing story you wanted to write, isn't it?