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Satori Komeiji trembled in inexplicable excitement. Today was it. The day. The momentous day, after nearly a year of sending Rin out to cajole, market, hawk her mistresses’ services to any who would hear. Even Satori herself, if asked, could not tell why she’d put so much effort into this project of hers, and would balk at looking inwards at it. In her heart of hearts, she knew the intentions were not wholly pure.

Regardless, now it was done. All she could do now was wait for her mark. She tapped her desk, bit at her nails, kicked her legs, got up and paced back and forth at regular intervals. Rin would laugh if she saw her master acting as such, for certain, but Satori could not contain herself. It was a wonder and a testament to Koishi and Rin’s skill that she had achieved it at all. Luring a young girl into the den of the most hated youkai to freely talk about their problems specifically should have been near impossible, but time and insistence were on the mind reader’s side. She knew first hand that Rin was a tremendous talent at getting what she wanted and annoying people, and there were a number of good arguments going for her, after all. She knew many people’s secrets already, and had never let a single one pass her lips without very good excuse. She’d been very well behaved in all fronts, ever since the underground was unsealed a good year ago. All in all, she’d made herself as trustworthy as she could have.

She paced again, running a hand through her messy hair and took a sip of her strong wine, calming herself as best she could. It was only the first session, and she wasn’t burdened with any over malicious thoughts. Only an edge, a blackened thorn in the corner of her mind that, unbeknownst to her, would come to grow and corrupt her mind into the one thing she didn’t want to become, the very fear that others held when they beheld her, ever since she was a flesh-eating, uncivilized stripling, running wild with her sister.

But for the time, no such thing went through her head. She was helping, yes, helping the poor girls of Gensokyo, burdened as they were by their own troubles. Satori had the power to help like no other living soul, and in her head, all she wanted in return was to be less hated. She believed this lie wholly — it was partially true, as the best lies always are.

She checked the ornate wall-clock. Only about half an hour until the appointed time. For the fourth time that day she went over her preparations.

It was one of the smallest rooms Satori could find in her oversized manse. Originally storage for cabinets upon cabinets of arcane paperwork, it comfortably fit a writing-desk, the all-important patient’s couch, a coffee table and a single bookshelf, but not much else. The room was wreathed in dim, flickering firelight from a fireplace she specifically had installed (at some cost) for this purpose, warming the mansion’s otherwise chilly air to a comfortable temperature. The clock ticked the seconds by audibly, but not loudly enough to perturb. The tea was ready to be steeped, prepared with a teeny tiny extra that would relax one’s mind — not too much, of course. Satori was not in the habit of drugging her guests. Just enough to open them to conversation, to the treatment she was offering. The couch, too, was made to measure. Impractically soft for actually sitting, it lulled you into lying down, measure by measure, else you end up sunk to the waist into its immense cushions. It was like sinking into a heavenly cloud, and Satori had once or twice sneaked away from her own bed to lie here at night.

The room, put together, had been turned piece-by-piece into one large trap, designed to coax the one entering it into the state needed for Satori to do her magic. The clock’s ticking, the tea, the flickering firelight, the couch. It was downright devious, if she could say so herself. Add to that the training she put herself through... For some reason, books on hypnotism were plentiful in Gensokyo. Go figure.

Finally, she heard the echoing of the enormous, magically-enhanced knocker at her front door, and it would have stopped her heart if it were beating in the first place. The time was nigh. She pointlessly tried to fix her hair and skitted down to the front door to the Palace of Earth Spirits, unceremoniously shifting it open.

Standing there was her first mark.

[ ] Youmu
[ ] Reisen
[ ] Reimu
[ ] Marisa
[ ] Sanae
[ ] Sakuya


Content warning: Hypnotism, slow buildup, a good amount of updates before (and without) actual smut, maybe futa satori, corruption?, D/s, more depending on votes

This will probably be somewhat sporadic. My /th/ story has priority. But I feel like writing this, so.

I honestly don't know if there's even an audience a slow-going smut story of the kind I want to write. I guess we're about to find out.
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[X] Sanae

You had me at hypnotism, my favorite fetish. Add in mind reading to make it all work better, and all the stuff after that is just bonus. Let's go.
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[X] Youmu

Hope for Youmu, she's usually so reserved I'd love to see what Satori does to her.
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[X] Marisa

First and foremost, allow me to dispense the obligatory "welcome to my Beautiful Killing Chamber" throwback.

But yea, slow build-up MC is really the only way to do it. Stories that cheapen mind control with empty, soulless characterization are truly despicable in my opinion.
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[X] Sanae

You definitely have my attention.
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[X] Youmu
Yes, this is exactly my thing.
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[X] Sanae

Let's start pushing into the Moriya Shrine as payback for that entire exploiting Okuu for their own means.
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[X] Youmu
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[X] Youmu
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[X] Sanae
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[X] Sanae
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[X] Reimu

You had me at futa satori.
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[X] Sanae

Easiest to cajole here I imagine~.
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[X] Youmu
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Isn't it sad, Reisen?

The target is one Kochiya Sanae.
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Nobody wants to start a quest on EZmodo. Reisen is already a sub character ripe for domination and corruption. She doesn't need any help from doctor Satori to reach her full potential as a willing mind slave.
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[X] Youmu
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[X] Youmu
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The Moriya girl stood stock-still amidst Satori's prized rose garden, awkward and nervous. Satori's wine-red eye swivelled in place, fixing Sanae's heart with its hateful gaze — and Perceived.

At once, Satori saw the surface of her heart and knew many things. She knew the human girl had come thoughtlessly, her immature mind only thinking on this visit seriously once she touched down past the Palace’s wrought-iron gates. She saw the flash of her memories of the past months, and how Rin had become a regular guest, bringing gifts, faith and compliments to the goddesses of the shrine, ingratiating herself to them in the most traditional, time honoured way there was.

Rin had kept her informed of her progress, of course. Sanae was troubled, pressured, vulnerable to matters of the heart as young humans cannot help being — it hadn’t been so difficult to convince the goddesses she had need of outside help. Rather than making the girl herself come, it had been more effective to get them to suggest the idea. Sanae would not go against their wishes. She saw how uncomfortable the girl was with her Kasha, how the shrine maiden was always bothered by the faint scent of rot she brought with her. She never dared say it, for Lady Kanako was always left in a good mood after the cat's visits, and especially dared not think it now, in front of her mistress.

Sanae’s head was a nervous jumble, understandably. That last thought stood frozen for a couple of seconds, and before a word of greeting had touched the air, she bowed deeply, preparing an apology in her head, desperate to not ruin her first impression on a person her goddesses had judged important. In truth, Satori found it adorable that the worst thought Sanae could muster up about her was how Rin smelled, and that she was ready to profusely apologize for that alone. Most who met the mind reader had far, far, far worse things in mind.

She saw the notion of escape wither and die away now that they were face-to-face. She smiled and raised a hand, inwardly pleased, interrupting before she could say anything. “Don’t apologize. She lives with me, I know how she is.”

It sent Sanae’s mind into another sputtering scramble, and Satori realized she was too flustered to converse properly. Silly, earnest girl. She had to throw her a bone if they were to get anywhere today. She shifted the door open wider. “Aren’t you cold out there? Come in, please. You’ll catch a chill.”

She was cold, in fact — the Palace wasn’t close enough to the remains of Hell to be heated by its Flames, but the airflow caused by the temperature difference pelted all of the palace in a constant breeze, cooled by the long trip through the tunnels. Not thinking, Sanae had dressed for the warmth of the sweltering sun outside, forgoing her outfit’s detached sleeves and ankle-length skirt for something more summer-y; A flowing blue skirt, simple and light enough to flutter at the weakest draft, ending just above her knees; and a blue-trimmed breezy white top that was perfect for hot days, at the cost of allowing others glimpses at her sarashi and navel when her wind whipped around too much. She’d been regretting the decision in the way down.

“Ah,” she squeaked out, rising from her bow and running a hand through her hair once her brain caught up to her ears. “Y-yes. Thank you, um, Lady Komeiji?”

She laughed. “Just Satori is fine. Owning a hole in the ground full of drunkards and ghosts is hardly worth a title, I think.”

Sanae chuckled politely at the bad joke as she passed the Palace’s intimidating front doors, but it nevertheless did its job in allowing the shrine maiden to gather herself enough to act as she thought she should. 'Manners, manners,' came the order to her head once the door was shut behind her. She bowed once again, just as deeply as before. “It’s an honour to finally meet you, S— Lady Satori,” she said, unable to be that casual. She had to be at least respectful, given their status as somewhat fragile business partners. “I’m sorry it took so long to come pay a proper visit.”

Although it was clearly a fleeting feeling, she actually was sorry, and Satori noted the lack of an excuse with a pleased little nod. The girl seemed like something of an airhead, but clever enough to know not to be dishonest in this situation. Either that or she was refreshingly guileless, Satori couldn’t tell just yet.

The mind-reader guided her nervous guest through the admittedly ominous empty halls of the Palace of Earth Spirits, itself only slightly less cavernous than the actual caves outside. Reading her thoughts, Satori realized that the mother goddess was just as thoughtless as the child: it seemed Kanako had told her priestess to come down in an off-hand comment, and, critically, not told her what exactly she was coming down to do. The stupidly earnest Sanae had, of course, taken her words as the gospel they were and come down without asking her more, assuming it was some kind of mission for the good of the shrine. The goddesses' voice played through her head: “You should go down and talk to Satori. You haven’t met her yet, have you? No, that won’t do. Go sometime this week. We’ve arranged a little help for you.”

Satori was thus stuck with the unenviable job of telling a shrine maiden that she was about to open her heart to a hated youkai. She grumbled to herself; gods never did any good. They reached the prepared room, the mind-reader pulling up the chair from behind her desk and settling in before the couch where Sanae sat. The only goal in this first session was to make her want to come back. The question of what she was even doing here gnawed harder and harder at Sanae, plainly. She smiled awkwardly, her head filled with needless anxiety.

[ ] Satori chose to make tea, chat, put her at ease, and attempt to avoid or delay the subject for as long as it proved practical.
[ ] Satori chose to come out with it outright, explaining what she meant to do and reassure the girl of her pure intentions in the strongest terms available to her.
[ ] Satori chose to start out with something completely different — a relaxation exercise for the restless girl. She’d explain the situation later.


ya'll late
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[X] Satori chose to start out with something completely different — a relaxation exercise for the restless girl. She’d explain the situation later.

Prove we have something to offer before asking for the personal stuff.
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[X] Satori chose to start out with something completely different — a relaxation exercise for the restless girl. She’d explain the situation later.

Tea and explanations are gunna make the atmosphere so tense! I think some bonding time completely free of obligations and pretense will go a long way towards our goal.
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[X] Satori chose to start out with something completely different — a relaxation exercise for the restless girl. She’d explain the situation later.

Probably best, and explain the situation when she's less jittery
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[X] Satori chose to start out with something completely different — a relaxation exercise for the restless girl. She’d explain the situation later.
maximum relaxation is key to hypnosis. and therapy!
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[X] Satori chose to come out with it outright, explaining what she meant to do and reassure the girl of her pure intentions in the strongest terms available to her.

Sanae is down here and anxious because she wasn't told all the information about what she was supposed to be doing by her boss. She might appreciate having somebody be more upfront with things. That is, as long as we actually want to intentionally differentiate ourselves from her normal authority figure.
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>>38498 Here.

This might be a bit late, but I'd like to change my vote to:

[X] Satori chose to come out with it outright, explaining what she meant to do and reassure the girl of her pure intentions in the strongest terms available to her.

Original vote's likely still more pragmatic, but >>38511 sold me on going contrast route.
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[X] Satori chose to come out with it outright, explaining what she meant to do and reassure the girl of her pure intentions in the strongest terms available to her.

Seems good.
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God dammit, why do all the mean stories die young?
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Chill dude. OP said from the beginning he wanted to prioritize his less interesting story over this one.
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Missed that. Disregard.
I'm just still bitter that one ryona story died right at the good part, is all.
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Yup, its dead.
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Well in that case I'll go ahead and say it: "more like underground the rapist!"
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A more facetious and pedantic man than I might make the augment that it isn't rape since the target would mentally conditioned into giving consent of their own free will while not under any threat or duress. The situation would be more akin to subconscious seduction than rape.
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Or brainwashing.
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Well fuck.

And this was gonna hit some kinks I always wanted hit here but now it's dead. Everything cool is dead here. Is THP in recline?
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Yes. Fix it by writing something.
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Satori watched, sipping at her wine so as not to show an amused smile, as the girls thoughts spun up in a silly little circle: “Should I ask? No, wait, she knows what I want to know, so she'll just say so. But she isn't saying anything! So I should ask after all. But...” And such nonsense. Satori was duly impressed: the only greated airhead she'd met, excepting fairies, had been that awful vampire's maid. Even the local Tsurube-otoshi had more going on in her head, and about all she did was eat and and sleep. Still, she could only capture surface thoughts, so she reserved judgment. She was clearly nervous and not a little confused, and that tended to throw people off, not to mention standing before a proper, powerful mind-reader.
Not that Satori cut an impressive figure. She could see the shrine maiden's impressions spinning around among the whirlwind of her thoughts — “She's so small!”, “Ugh, pastel colours are so tacky,” “How does she change with all those cables?” and “She's so cute! I wanna pick her up!”

That last one would've raised an eyebrow if Satori hadn't been accustomed to hiding her reaction to others' thoughts. Not that it was the first time someone had thought something like it, but Sanae was so... exuberant in her head, even while nervous.
She was, in point of fact, bite-sized. Some of Chireiden's fairies could comfortably look her in the eye without floating up. But Satori couldn't quite think of why she might be considered cute, with her permanent shadows under her eyes and skinny figure.

Satori discarded the unproductive train of thought — Sanae was in the first syllable of asking why she was here when she was interrupted.
“Yes, I'll tell you why you've been sent here. Please, relax. Have some tea.”

Satori smiled, but it came out stilted; the wave of relief that blasted through her mind was near staggering to the mind-reader. Gods, this girl felt strongly, even in such a trivial situation. Satori hadn’t seen a case like this in a while.

Sanae smiled back, looking, to her credit, only slightly like someone was holding a knife to her neck and telling her to do it. She sipped at her calming tea.

“Truthfully, I hoped Lady Kanako would have told you a little more, but it’s quite alright.” She folded her hands carefully on her lap, showing far more composure than she felt.. “Let’s just get this out of the way. I’m going to be helping you out. Your Moriya goddess has hired me to be your therapist.”

Sanae froze in place, mug held up to her face. Satori’s third eye visibly winced at the blast of “WHAT!?” that washed over it, contracting like an actual heart.

Satori immediately felt herself flush with worry, feeling stupid about telling her right up front. She couldn’t fuck this up. Letting her drink the tea and soak in the calming atmosphere first would’ve been smarter, wouldn’t it?

Sanae status: SUSPICIOUS

Before Sanae could think to ask anything, or worse, storm off, Satori hurried onward. “We’ve talked extensively, through Orin,” she lied, and prepared to pile on the lies. She’d gotten this far, she couldn’t lose this chance now. “She’s been rather worried about you, you know? You’re a fine shrine maiden, of course, but she can tell when you’re overworking yourself. She knows you have worries you won’t share with her or Suwako.” Not difficult information to deduce, with Rin’s reports. As expected, Kanako’s word soothed the shrine maiden some, but Satori still saw Sanae’s worries pop up one after the other, flashing through her head, and responded as she went.

“My powers make me uniquely suited to the job, don’t you think? And you needn’t worry about privacy. From my nature you know I know all sorts of juicy secrets, but you haven’t heard anything from me. I’ve even attended some of your tea parties, and have not once blabbed on people’s private feelings.” Even if they deeply deserved it, she tacked on in her head.

It wasn’t enough. Sanae stood suddenly, readying to leave. The idea of baring her soul to a satori, a youkai, was simply too much to drop on someone’s lap suddenly like this and have them agree. Fucking Kanako. So, smart youkai that she was, she changed tracks. “Wait! Just a moment. Please”
Sanae clenched her teeth, but sat back down, fidgeting with her skirt nervously. “How about this. Forget about therapy. It’s pointless to even try if you’re not comfortable with the idea, anyhow. Let’s just... Chat. How about that?”

Sanae looked suspiciously up at the youkai. She was at a disadvantage, sitting on the luxurious, heavenly couch. “Chat?”

“Yes. We’re connected, are we not? We’re business partners. There’s nothing wrong about sitting for a little chat and a social: I’ve already made tea, so it’d be a waste to just leave. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to—” not that she needs to “—and of course, you don’t have to come back. We’ll just make it a one time thing. How about it?”

Satori had to bite her tongue to not cringe at the way she was acting: pleading like this, it went against her every instinct. It just wasn’t right for a satori. But she needed this. So she swallowed her pride and showed a smile.

“Um. Just a one time thing?”


“And I don’t have to come back?”

“Of course not.”

“Well... Alright.” She slumped slightly, cradling her tea. “If it’s for miss Kanako, just once doesn’t hurt, I suppose,” she thought.


So went the first session. They just chatted. Like common acquaintances. About how the pets were doing, what the tengu and kappa were up to, about how recruitment for Moriya was going. Common, boring things. Satori waited, as the lurking predator she was, for Sanae’s guard to lower. She slowly sunk into the comfortable couch, lower and lower, until she was nearly lying down sideways, and the tea delivered its effect. Finally, after an hour of chat, she was slowing down, listening more than talking, nodding along. At some point one of the kittens, a lovely tortoiseshell girl named Lily, had wandered into the room and nestled against Sanae’s thighs, and she’d been absently petting her, looking close to sleep.

Satori’s blood was rushing through her veins. This was it. She could do it right now. She hadn’t wanted to do this the first time around but — Sanae wasn’t willing. Satori wasn’t about to waste all that effort. She’d have to be sneaky about it, and that meant no more than one extra suggestion, or she’d be tempting fate.

[x] Sanae would want to come back.
[ ] Sanae would trust Satori more. (Suspicious -> ?)
[ ] Sanae would fall into a trance on a trigger.
[ ] Sanae would not tell Kanako or anyone else what happened here.
[ ] Write-in?
[ ] Sanae would be a bit naughtier Bad Satori. Not yet.


don't ask
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...hmmm, you're not Isolex. Decided to dig this old story out of the garbage and play with it yourself, eh random anon? Well good on you. People should recycle more often.

[x] Sanae would want to come back.

This option already had an x in it. Are we supposed to pick an option, or is this one of those forced vote things?
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Apologies for confusion. Yes, it's a "forced vote thing". I'm considering that one already chosen, and you get to pick one (1) extra choice aside from it.
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This was an interesting concept, glad to see this dead story picked up again.
[X] Sanae would trust Satori more
Trust is the most important thing if we’re to suggest more
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[X] Sanae would trust in the benefits of counseling more.

Subtle but powerful is the name of the game here. Taking the focus of her distrust out of the suggestion should help to assuage her suspicion.

Also Thanks for picking this one up. Been looking for a good MC fix ever since Friendship is Mind Control made me fall in love with the genre.
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[X] Sanae would trust in the benefits of counseling more.

I like the logic of subtle but powerful, and having her open to counseling means the ability to weave in the raising of trust by helping her with her problems through simple talking. The more she can point to a real world cause for whatever she feels, the less overt any insidious mental work is.

Glad to see this dragged back out; it's a pity for something with an interesting premise to languish and die.
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[X] Sanae would not tell Kanako or anyone else what happened here.

Glad to see this back. Died before it even had a chance.
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[x] Sanae would not tell Kanako or anyone else what happened here.

I like me some secrets.
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Satori fought not to tremble from the adrenaline rushing through her exposed arteries. This was it. The best moment in the process — well, almost. Sanae wasn't a willing participant, so Satori couldn't sit right next to her and enjoy it leisurely. She stood from her desk and walked around it, sitting closer, in a second, slightly less heavenly couch across from Sanae. “Don't sit up, please. You look so relaxed, I’d hate to ruin it.”

She could see the sluggishness of the shrine maiden's thoughts as she nodded vacantly and settled, still petting Lily. She wasn't asleep or in a trace yet, but in that perfect, beautiful state where the eyes grow foggy, nods come far easier, when the mind is most malleable and you can mold their thoughts as easily as wet clay. Where she could brush their thoughts and bring out what her own power, wonderful as it was, could not: their deepest thoughts and desires, and make those her toys as well. The girl would become vulnerable. Helpless. Defenseless. Her mind most importantly, but also her body.

Satori did not stare unabashedly: Sanae was not yet far enough gone not to notice, but she glanced where she could. The green-haired girl looked slovenly, by this point, the topmost button of her shrine maiden's vest having come undone, her very un-Japanese sized breasts stretching the fabric pleasantly with each breath. It had ridden up as well, displaying her navel and the swell of her hips, tantalizing glimpses in the somewhat dim lighting of the room. The cursed skirt remained in place, showing no more than her calves.

Satori squirmed in her seat, trying hard not to pay attention to how slick she was getting.
She'd been getting incredibly worked up over this situation over the past hour, and in combination with the wine, she was almost too turned on to think straight. She wanted, deep in her lust-drowned being, nothing more than absolute power over this voluptuous living goddess. To make her willingly submit and offer up all that she was.

Yes. The truth was this.
Satori was an irredeemable pervert, a filthy deviant, and a mind control fetishist. This wasn't even the first time she'd done this: before, she'd played with some of her human-form pets (they were hers to play with, anyhow!), warping their personalities around as she pleased.

But she also wanted to believe, even against all the evidence of reality and her senses, that her goal in luring an innocent girl into her den of wickedness wasn’t to despoil and corrupt her. And so, she didn’t go straight for the throat, and buried those feelings as far as she could for now — which was not very deep at all. Youkai are not known for their rationality or restraint.

If not for her mind-reading, there would’ve been no chance at all to hypnotize someone without their express consent and cooperation; she was certain no human could accomplish such a feat. However, even knowing exactly what is on their minds at all time and having a specially prepared arena, hypnotizing someone unawares was tricky business. She was only going through such lengths to help, of course — this she told herself, pointlessly.

Satori reached for her desk, grabbing a notebook and an important item: an especially fat pen with a slowly shifting tiger’s eye banded pattern. A mostly worthless magical trinket, but endlessly fascinating to look at. One of her trusty foci. With a flourish that made sure Sanae caught a glimpse of the pen and followed it with her eyes, she brought it and the notebook to her lap.

“What... are you doing?” Sanae’s eyes briefly flickered up to Satori’s, then back down to the pen, poised to write.

“Oh, relax. If I’m going to be helping you, I figured I’d start with my notes.”

“I haven’t decided yet if I’m coming again,” Sanae lied drowsily.

“And if you decide not to, I’ll be wasting, what, a piece of paper and some ink? That’s quite alright.” Satori smirked smugly, a specialty of hers. “Have you noticed that I haven’t interrupted you or spoken your thoughts aloud since you got here?”
As she spoke, Satori moved her pen: not actually writing, but carefully drawing attention to it with movements, moving it from hand to hand, tilting it, rotating it. Sanae’s eyes wandered, but always seemed to go back there. In the firelight, the orange-ish shifting colours were irresistibly captivating to a properly (un)prepared mind.


“I’ll have you know that was incredibly challenging to do for me. It’s keyed into my blood. I truly want to help, you know? And I’m really putting effort into this. For example,” she gestured around, “This whole room was purpose-built to be a positive influence, To make patients feel at home and relaxed. Do you like the couch?”

“It’s... mmm. Very comfortable.” Sanae stirred slightly, prompting an annoyed mew from the cat on her lap.

“I should hope so. It cost an absurd amount, custom-built. All to keep you at ease, feeling comfortable to discuss whatever you like. Do you feel comfortable?”

“Yes... It’s a nice room... Lady Komeiji,” she said, through half-lidded eyes. This was it, Satori realized. If she waited any longer Sanae would fall asleep.

“I’ve noticed you’re looking at my pen. Would you like to see it up close? It is a rather nice pen.” It was a as adroit a segue as Satori’s brain could come up with, swimming in arousal, excitement, and a healthy dose of ethanol as it was. Sanae was thankfully deep enough not to notice anything amiss.

There was a nod, and Satori leaned forward eagerly. Sanae also righted herself some, to look closer, inadvertently giving Satori a great angle on her generous cleavage. It seemed Sanae wasn’t fond of bras.
It was indeed a very nice looking pen, with orange bands shifting and rotating along, the quality and tone of the color changing subtly depending on the angle one was looking at it.
“Is it magical?” Sanae was suitably fascinated.

Satori’s voice was smooth as she spoke. For a hypnotist, such things were worth practicing. “Oh, it’s only a trinket. But it is enchanting. Sometimes I just sit and look at it. I just sit and look at the pen, stare at it. I look carefully at the shifting patterns, the way they rotate at subtly different speeds. I just keep looking. I watch it, and I watch it, and I can watch it for hours.”

“Ah... yeah... It’s certainly...” She was fixated.

Satori licked her lips and involuntarily squeezed her thighs together. This was it. “Anyway, it’s been a lot of work putting this all together. I think it wouldn’t cost you anything to at least listen to me for a little bit. That’s all you have to do. Sit there on the comfortable couch and listen to me as I speak.”

“I... can do that...”

“Great. You’re a good girl, aren’t you? It’s not hard to listen to me, sit in the relaxing couch, and listen to me, and sit in the couch, and listen to me, and watch the pen, and relax, and listen to my words. In fact, you’re doing it already, listening to my words and nothing else. Great job. It’s not difficult to simply listen to what I’m saying, and follow my instructions—”

She had her now. Satori prattled on like that, with the monotonous, consistent cadence of a sped-up deer scarer — for one who spoke littlem, it was hard work, but she only had to keep up the constant stream of words for a scant five minutes or so. Satori felt as much as she saw the slowly congealing mass of thoughts take a particular shape she was plenty familiar with: the strange combination of focus and relaxation, plus absence of structured thought that indicated a hypnotic trance. She finally paused, biting her lip and restraining an unladylike noise. Even in a trance, people's minds were not totally defenseless — at least not at this stage. Anything unexpected or out of place, like, say, a moan, was liable to knock her out of it.

“Sanae. Can you hear me?”

“Yes.” Her voice was faint but clear, her eyes unfocused. In this state, mind-reading was usually not too helpful: in a trance, the disconnect between what formed in people’s brains and what came out of their mouth was small. Usually.

“Will you listen to what I say?”

“Yes. I’m a good girl. I’ll listen.”

Satori paused momentarily. She’d seen those words floating around in Sanae’s head, so she’d mentioned them, but to say them out loud... Something was significant here, for it to come up during a trance. Something to worry about later.

“Sanae. Why do you not want to come to therapy?”

The answer was instant. “You’d have to be insane to trust a satori with your innermost thoughts and problems.”

Satori frowned. She knew this was the general opinion, of course, but hearing it out loud was still vexing. Overturning it entirely might take years of work, and she didn’t have years. She did inescapably had to instill a base level of trust to have any room to work with at all, but sidestepping the issue was possible.

“Sanae. We’ve worked together for a year.” ‘Worked together’ was a stretch, they’d barely met. Still, it was technically true.


“In that time, I’ve never once given the Moriya Shrine any trouble.”

Sanae took some seconds to respond. “...Once, Okuu destroyed our Torii.”

Satori felt the stab of an ugly emotion stab her guts and clench her teeth. This girl was using Okuu’s pet name, and Okuu was only one person’s pet. She would remember this. “Okuu is not I. I’ve never once given the Moriya Shrine any trouble.”

“You haven’t.”

“I’m a professional. When it comes to work, I’m serious and trustworthy.” That was a good enough connection. Sanae wasn’t involved when her own raven was threatening to cleanse the world in nuclear fire, so hopefully she wouldn’t remember that little oopsie. “Say it, please. ‘Satori is serious and trustworthy when it comes to work.’”

“Satori is serious and trustworthy when it comes to work.”

“It’s true. I’m proud of it, too. Repeat it once more.” It even was true. Unfortunately for Sanae, Satori didn’t consider this whole therapy exercise work.

“Satori is serious and trustworthy when it comes to work.”

“Good.” She saw the concept solidifying in her head, somewhat. It’d be enough. She moved on. “In therapy, the therapist works for the betterment of the patient. Always.”


“A therapist doesn’t divulge information about her patient or—” Satori swallowed nervously “—or take advantage of the trust placed in them. A therapist is a trustworthy person.”

“Yes.” The thought had come very naturally to the forefront, and Satori glimpsed it as it emerged in her mind. Sanae had naturally high trust in authority, it seemed. Most normal humans did. This would be effective.

“I’ve worked very hard to become a therapist. I’m serious about it. I’m serious about work. I’m a therapist. I’m trustworthy as a therapist.” Sanae nodded along with the droning monologue, the web of ideas fixating visibly in her mind. Satori shuddered a bit. Even wielding this little power was enough to... no, nevermind. This was not the time. “Will you come back next week and let me begin my work?”


Satori frowned, sweeping a stray strand of hair from her face in frustration. What now? “Why?”

“I don’t need therapy. I’m fine.”

As she said it, Satori perceived it right away that it was a flimsy lie: to tell such a lie in a trance meant only one thing. It was a lie she told herself, and a well-entrenched one at that. She’d barely scratched the surface of this girl’s mind and she was already tying herself up in knots and issues, what an annoyance. Orin and Okuu were like one-piece jigsaw puzzles in comparison. Were all human teenage girls this irritating?

[ ] Satori reinforced how pleasant the experience had been, so she’d want to come back. And it had been, she’d made sure of it.
[ ] Satori reminded her of how Kanako herself had ordered this, and appealed to her sense of duty.
[ ] Satori explained how she could in fact greatly benefit from her help, and how she did need it.


Let’s just say the write-in option is always there.
Also, I should be explicit and tell you that I don’t have a carefully planned story here: I’m gonna put a choice whenever I think there’s something significant worth choosing, and just see where it goes. It might end up with some totally pointless choices that change nothing, if I fuck up, or it might end up with Kanako lopping off Satori’s head, or any kind of thing in between. It’s all freeform and for fun on my end.
Also also, don't expect me to keep up this update speed for very long. I'm not participating in no nanowrimo shenanigans.
Also also also, I started writing before that last vote came in, sorry.
Also also also also, how hungry are you guys for ero? I can put a Satori masturbation scene in here, ya kno, for fun. We're probably not gonna get to anything substantial for a while with Sanae.
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[x] Satori reminded her of how Kanako herself had ordered this, and appealed to her sense of duty.

Anon with the last vote here. I'm cool. Heck, unless I'm mistaken, I had only brought it to a tie, at which point I'd leave the results in your hands, anyway. And generally, I'd rather you discard my vote than your writing.

On the subject of ero, the original author said to expect a slow burn. Following in part from this, my personal preference is that you take the story where you feel appropriate, inserting lewd bits only as they become natural for it's progression. If this means an extended period with little sexuality, so be it.
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[X] Satori reinforced how pleasant the experience had been, so she’d want to come back. And it had been, she’d made sure of it.

As for lewds, my two cents would be that anyone who was interested in the first place can probably keep in in their pants while waiting for things to start up, given the premise. If you wanted to do something early, I'd say use it as a measuring stick. Are people interested in futa Satori, like was potentially on the table? What fantasies would they vote for Satori to have while masturbating, possibly made reality later? Things like that. Test the waters for if influencing Sanae works out. Might spur ideas for how to nudge things. If you don't have an overarching plot, after all, you mostly just have anon's whims as a compass; mightn't hurt to see where they think north's at.
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[X] Satori explained how she could in fact greatly benefit from her help, and how she did need it.

Just put me down for non-stop, no-holds-barred butch lesbian rectum wrecking please.

But like seriously...I'd prefer if lewds were more liberal than not. I'm all for a natural plot progression and CONSEQUENCES in my CYOAs, but don't like...put the pussy on a pedestal. Know what I'm sayin?
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[X] Satori reminded her of how Kanako herself had ordered this, and appealed to her sense of duty.

Appealing to authority is the way to go until Sanae mentions something to said authority. Just need to win her over before that happens.

Also, just write whatever you want. Certainly no rush for ero considering the OP warns it'll be slow-going.
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[X] Satori reminded her of how Kanako herself had ordered this, and appealed to her sense of duty.

I think that this will get through Sanae's barriers the fastest, after all Sanae is a good girl
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There were a number of ways to go about fixing this issue. Relying on Kanako's word was... functional, if suboptimal. Satori would have to hope the absent-minded goddess didn't do or say anything to muck up her plans during the time Sanae was up there unsupervised. If nothing unexpected worked, however, it was a 100% chance she'd come back: it played exactly with Sanae's prior psychology. The less deviation, the less dissonance, the more effective the hypnosis.

“Sanae. Kanako told you to come down here.”

“She did.” Sanae's eyes fluttered. A sign her time was starting to run out. In normal circumstances, Satori would take this time to reinforce the trance, but it couldn’t be safely done now. A single bud of panic bloomed in Satori's chest, only to get quickly weeded. Satori was too experienced a gardener to let it spread.

“Me and her discussed this. She told you to come here for a good reason. She knew I could help you.”

Sanae hesitated. “Okay.”

It hadn’t taken root yet. Maybe I need a straighter shot. “Sanae. You’re a good girl.”

A smile spread across her face at that. “I’m a good girl.”

“Because you’re a good girl, you do what Kanako tells you to.”


“Kanako thought you should come. She told you to come. We discussed you should attend for at least a few months.” That last one was a straight lie, but a passable one. She saw the previously instilled idea twist and move as Sanae considered the thought as much as one could consider something in a trance. Of course, she believed it: it was a work matter, and Satori was serious and trustworthy in this capacity. Obviously.

If Satori could’ve spared the time to smugly smirk, she would have. Instead, she continued. “Kanako told you to come. You listen and do as she tells you to. You’re a good girl.”

Sanae repeated in a low voice without being prompted, interrupting. “I’m a good girl. I’m good.”

The comment gave Satori pause. She found this very interesting. Responses this strong, especially in a somewhat shallow trance like this one, were exceedingly rare. Was she previously hypnotized by someone else...? No, that was far-fetched. But still, that was three times she’d shown a strong reaction to the phrase. Satori also found it interesting in a different, saucier way...Sanae’s fluttering eyes, disheveled dress and dopey smiley may have had some to do with it.

“You’re good, and that’s why you’re going to listen to Kanako’s wishes, aren’t you?”

Absolutely no hesitation this time. “Yes.” Her voice sounded less vague now, and Satori had had to catch her wandering gaze with the pen twice. Time to start wrapping up. She resisted the urge to ask again if she’d come in a week: It would work.

In fact, Satori hadn’t done much here other than reinforce slightly what was already there, and twist it the way she wanted. That was the most efficient way to go about control. At this level, direct commands were a bad idea.

Her main goals for today were done, she felt. Sanae would come back, and she’d have decent trust in what they were doing. A good haul.

But. Satori wasn’t satisfied. She shifted her thin thighs insistently, not for the first time that day. Satori was proud to say she was a venerable mature Youkai who would not fall easily to base urges. Alas, youkai are still base creatures in the end, and the primal urges battered down the walls of her self-control with astounding violence, in time with the beating of her heart.
Her panties had been soaked completely through and she was dirtying her thighs. She’d count herself lucky if Sanae couldn’t smell the thick scent of a heat in the stuffy room.
It had just been so long since she’d had some power over someone who wasn’t her pet... Although, maybe I can make this one into my pet, and snap the nice black collar on—
Oh no. Satori, stop this. Stop this at once. This is not the time

Satori stared at the shrine maiden resting peacefully on her couch, the swells of her breasts moving slowly, calmly with her breathing. Clueless of what was about to befall her.

Satori bit her lip, tiny hands fidgeting on her lap.

[ ] Just a teeny tiny suggestion, for a bit of fun. It didn’t invalidate the help she was providing.
-[ ] Specify? (optional)
[ ] Best not.


The write-in is for naughty suggestions only. Although if you’re gonna do it, keep in mind the last two updates: It has to kinda mesh with Sanae’s thought process somehow, and not be too big. Otherwise there might be... consequences. Or if it's really bad I'll just veto it.

If nobody writes anything in, that’s ok. I’ll just come up with my own suggestion.
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[X] Ask if she'd be more comfortable flipping over and lying on her stomach.
-Masturbate to the thought of fucking the young girl senseless.
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[x] Just a teeny tiny suggestion, for a bit of fun. It didn’t invalidate the help she was providing.
 [x] Sanae would call her "master" when they were alone.

We could consider trying to have her think of us when/if she masturbates, but until we can count on her silence, that sounds like a bad idea. Getting her to depend on us for climax would be far more than a tiny suggestion.

Based on the language, I assume that such a vote would be purely 'for fun', rather than intended to address any practical concerns. I don't know exactly how small it's supposed to be, however, and this could be amended to something like "she doesn't find the idea strange/resists the idea less".

Nothing unusual about that. We're just... helping get get her in the right frame of mind. Other possibilities I'd considered involved her stripping out of her underwear when alone with us, loosening her dress when alone with us, cuddling us, barking or meowing to some stimuli (possibly a command), experiencing arousal when we called her a "good girl", and being more comfortable around certain toys or physical restraints (collars/leashes, especially).

So if any of you all wanted to suggest something different, but couldn't think of anything, there you go. (Comment was deleted and reuploaded because I realized I'd left in a wonky line.)
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[x] Just a teeny tiny suggestion, for a bit of fun. It didn’t invalidate the help she was providing.
-[x]So, eyes. Windows to the soul. Look in someone's eyes and its sort of like you can see inside of someone and see their true self laid bare. That's kind of sexy, right.

Subliminal eyeball fetish. Two eyes good, three eyes better. And Satori has tentacles attached to her extra eyes, so that's even better.
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That's a bit too on the nose innit? If you want to go that route, It might be better to start off with something a bit more indirect. Like...putting in a pleasure/happiness trigger for when she dutifully obeys someone.

Ya know...like a good girl would.
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[X] Just a teeny tiny suggestion, for a bit of fun. It didn’t invalidate the help she was providing.
-[X] Good girls do as they're told, because it makes them happy. Sanae, you're a good girl; following orders makes you happy, doesn't it? Of course it does. Didn't it always?

I do agree it's far too forward to try and get her calling Satori master, or even to instill fetishes. This seems like the sort of thing she can rationalize away as therapy being helpful, while broadening her servility in useful ways.
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Switch >>40011 to >>40016

That's pretty good.
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>>40012 here.

I quite like >>40016, so while I doubt it'll be necessary at this point, I'm switching my vote to it, too.
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Most human beings have experienced at least once the vexing feeling of acting while knowing, crystal clear as the sun in the spring sky, that they're going to regret what they're doing. Of thinking of a horrible mistake, thinking to themselves: "Why am I doing this?", then doing it anyway. In some ways, it's an experience to cherish, and can teach you a valuable lesson about life and choices.
Satori had the privilege of such a moment, biting her tongue as she looked at the (now) incredibly erotic sight of the defenseless shrine maiden, ready to listen to anything she said. This is such a mistake, she thought. I don't know enough to build associations, I can't do anything except brute force it, and it could backfire so badly...

And so she went ahead and did it, of course. Who wouldn't?

Keeping her in an unwilling trance longer than this was risky, but Satori was past the point of caring about risk. The small youkai was flushed, grasping her notepad tightly, only prevented from fidgeting with her focus pen by the fact that Sanae might take notice. She pulled a lock of hair behind an ear and swallowed, preparing.

"Hm." The shrine maiden kept petting Lily on automatic.
"Raise your right arm, Sanae."

There was a moment of inaction, and a twitch of the eyebrows, then she did so, her addled mind not finding any reason not to obey.

"Good girl.".

"Hmmm..." A soft, happy sight escaped Sanae as she relaxed further backwards into the cloud-like sofa, sinking into the upholstery. Satori could only read thoughts, not emotions, and so she did not quite feel the hit of bliss that passed through Sanae's unguarded mind - but she could tell. The associations came in strongly.

"That felt good, didn't it?"

Sanae nodded vacantly, her eyes still fixed to Satori's lap.

"Now put your arm down."

She did it with no hesitation, this time. "Great job. You're did good, Sanae."
The girl half-moaned again, exhaling through her noise. So it's not about "good girl", but also praise in general?

"That felt good, didn't it?"

"Yee-es..." She sounded dazed: not a good sign. When someone was fully under they spoke in short, direct, firm statements.

"I told you to do something, you did it, and then you felt really good. You felt really good because you did as you were told. Raise your left arm."
She did. The reinforcement proceeded a few more times. Order, reward, restatement — Satori couldn't order anything more complex or anything that would require her to get up, but it seemed to be enough. The idea was seeping in, until...

"If you follow an order, it feels great. You feel happy and fulfilled."


"You must get lots of orders from Kanako. Doesn't it feel good when you complete those faithfully?

A small frown formed. Satori knew immediately she'd asked the wrong question.
A thought-clearing no rang through her head, suddenly followed by a lot of thoughts too convoluted to pick up on, but the only sound to come out of her mouth was a weak stutter. So that was it, she was coming up. Satori quit fidgeting by force and drew attention to the focus, trying to at least get her to come out of it smoothly. Sanae's eyes drifted back there. She was still thinking on the response, her thoughts sluggish, having clear forgotten she was talking to a satori. "It's not, um... It's not quite like that."

"Oh?" Satori tried her little cabled heart out to play it cool.

"I don't work for recognition. Or to feel good. It's my duty."

Sanae's mind had jump-started from 0 to 100, although none of it was of suspicion towards the situation. Embarrassingly for Satori, she was so distracted by making sure none of the thoughts were suspecting something, she missed what was actually happening in her head.

"I'm sorry, miss Komeiji. I've abused your hospitality. I even drifted off at some point... I really must be going." She brought the kitty she'd been petting up and gave it a kiss before putting it down, in a girlish move.

"If you're sure. So, will you come back...?

"I...suppose I will. Miss Kanako did tell me to come, after all."

— And so it was. The poor youkai was quite frustrated: even though she instilled a thought in the girl out of an idea borne purely of lust, it hadn't lead to any kind of release. All it did was build it up further in her. They said their goodbyes and Satori thanked every non-Moriya god for humans' lack of a sense of smell. She took Sanae to the front door and saw her off, with a promise to see each other again.

As soon as she was out of eyeshot, Satori slumped against the door, biting a lip hard in a bid for a clear mind. She found it disgusting to surrender to her baser instincts like this; it had taken her a century to be able to resist them in the first place, and now just because of a plump delicious shrine maiden surrendering completely to her control, being guided slowly towards total subjugation and submission. Until she was a willing pet, and her own goddess had no more control, and Satori held the leash, where— wait. Where was this thought going again?

Satori couldn't stand it.

[ ] She called for Orin.
[ ] She dealt with it herself.
[ ] She controlled herself and saved it for Sanae.


sorry for bad update
less than ideal writing conditions
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Satori's notes, session 1:

Subject: Kochiya Sanae

Prior knowledge: Shrine maiden for the Moriya Shrine. Has god blood in her. Orin tells me she's kind of an airhead and readily shows everything she's feeling and thinking on her face (not that that's relevant to me). Showed up with her shrine a year and something back, a little while before the underground got unsealed. I met her once or twice during that time, but only for brief practical business; I hardly remember it.

Notes from session 1:
- Rather dutiful. Responds favourably to authority.
- Strong attachment to a concept: "Good Girl". Not sure precisely what that entails for her yet. Investigate. Possibly simply praise-hungry.
- Hostile to satori, as usual, but not so much that she won't work with me, if I twist things around a little. Work on this?
- Slightly higher-than-average susceptibility to trance. High responsiveness during trance.
- Liked Lily. Lily liked her, too.
- High neuroticism. Mind continually circled back to problems and duties she ought to be fulfilling at the start of our chat. Although, maybe it was just the situation stressing her out. Managed to relax her after some time.
- Would look good in a collar, leashed.
- Relationship with goddesses and shrine likely to be major driving force. Investigate.
- Calls Okuu Okuu. Investigate!
- Although she was strongly dutiful and responded well to praise, asking whether she enjoyed fulfilling Kanako's tasks was a flat negative. I don't get it just yet.

Ongoing suggestions:
- Gave her a little push in understanding that I take work very seriously. In matters related to our work together, she'll generally trust me.
- Believes Kanako wanted her to come down here for some months at least. She will return.
- (Weak) effect to make her feel happy and fulfilled upon following orders.
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Quick question not-OP writing guy; who's got a dick in your version of the story? OP mentioned futa in the pilot update.
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Wait a tick...how do you have the same trip as OP if you ain't OP?
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Let's just say Satori has temporary dick-growing magicks. Mostly she'll have one since she'll be the dominant one, but I'm not ruling out the reverse. I'm not writing any futa on futa though.

I asked teruyo to change it for me so I could use the update function.
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Got it.

[X] She dealt with it herself.

Try to hold off on powerfucking the pets as long as possible.
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[X] She dealt with it herself.

Just a little something to temper the libido. Best not to create the volatile mixture of temptation and abstinence in the delicate preparatory phases. Satori needs to be on her game until Sanae is more vulnerable.
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[x] She called for Orin.

Whats the point of having pets if you aren't going to use their best tricks?
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Satori walked the cavernous halls to her room, faster than usual by just a touch, drawing glances from the few of her youkai pets who had both a sensitive nose and enough brains to tell what was up. Satori was not the type to be too open about her... private life, but they knew, and she knew that they knew. They were youkai too, however, and knew the struggle. Besides, nobody was keen to draw the ire of the lady of the house. Satori's punishments were legendary — the time she found Orin on her bed with an oni boy was still spoken of in whispers amongst the pets. It turns out crossing a mind reader is only a good idea if you deeply hate yourself.

She walked, her brain so full of filthy images her eyes were glazed over, her legs on autopilot. She was fully in the grip of supernatural lust. Sanae with a vacant look in her eyes, totally defenseless. Sanae coyly dropping her shrine maiden's vest. Sanae's innocent little voice calling her mistress[/] with a slight stutter. Sanae prostrated naked on the floor before her, licking her feet. A leashed Sanae with a shocked look on her face, trapped between silken sheets and her own pussy. Sanae forced to kneel, with a spreader bar attached to her legs, as several men approached her — and Satori stood by with a wicked grin, stroking the shrine maiden's long hair possessively. Sanae kneeling before her, begging and whimpering feverishly to be allowed to suck her cock, straining at her leash in an effort to put her lips around it. Sanae under her in bed, Satori's hands wrapping tighter and tighter around the shrine maiden's throat—

She slammed the door down behind her as she entered one of the very few rooms in the mansion she'd bothered to alter to her tastes, a room of rose patterns, dark wood and fragrant smoke. And perversion.
Satori flung herself onto her massive canopied bed, losing her skirt somewhere along the way. She crawled to the opposite end to rummage through her nightstand, and retrieved the Item.

It was fully nine inches long, thick, rough-textured and enchanted for warmth(!). Deviancy was a frequent enough issue among long-lived youkai that such items were not so rarely made. An entirely unintended low sound escaped Satori's throat when she saw it. She gave it a quick, wet kiss and turned over onto her back, losing the loose smock in the process.

There was a brief temptation to just simply shift her panties aside and hilt herself in one go, but that was no good. There was a certain order to these things, even when this horny. She forced herself to slow down, placing the obscene statuette beside her and taking a moment to run her fingers along the [i]absolute mess
she'd made of herself, the sheen of slippery, warm liquid reaching all the way to her knees and completely covering the inside of both her thighs. She touched the surface of the fabric, pushing right at her center: just that contact was enough to draw a twitch and a wanton moan. When she withdrew the finger, a line of her juices came up along with it. The sight of it made her groan once more.

She lowered her panties. They dirtied and smeared the dainty youkai's thin legs with her own juices further as they dragged along; she didn't even bother to take them off all the way, and they stayed coiled around one calf. Hand shaking, she grabbed the dildo and pressed the side of its base against her clit, laying it along her stomach; the electrifying jolt of pleasure was enough to make her cry out, but she bit her lip, holding on. Her other hand went up, to clear the hair from her face where it was quickly matting with sweat.

Satori was somewhat fascinated with her own size when it came to matters of sex: she'd ever been tiny, but it was only upon getting this particular tool, recently and doing this same ritual for the first time that she realized how much it could turn her on. She'd delight in lying it against her belly and marveling at how far up it would go, thinking about how filled and stuffed she'd be. The head of the dildo rested heavily against her navel.

That day, however, it was only a small passing thought. her mind was filled with thoughts of thoroughly owning Sanae. She quickly flipped it over and ground it along her pussy, lubricating the entire length of it with just two or three strokes.

She let the fake glans spread her lips, and then attempted to shove the entire thing inside herself in one smooth thrust, her other hand violently tweaking her clit. Only, that had been a mistake. As soon as her fingers moved, a weak orgasm ripped suddenly and through her, causing her to lose her grip. The dildo slipped out of her hand and she gave a surprised high-pitched cry. It remained buried halfway into her, and her trembling hands had to desperately try once, twice, thrice to get a proper grip and finally push it all the way in, sheathing it where it belonged. She couldn't help but make whimpering noises as the bulbous head scraped along and finally pushed up against her back wall. And she kept going. The last couple of inches took some force as Satori bumped up against the end of her and just kept pushing, stretching out her aroused pussy, paying out a spoonful of pain for the indiscribable heaping of pleasure that was being completely full to bursting with cock.

Satori fluttered her eyes closed, concentrating on the wonderful friction inside her as she squeezed and her walls did their level best to push the intruder out. Her other hand moved up to press against the spot just below her navel, slowly feeling along the thick pole inside her from both inside and out. Only then did she start in earnest.

Satori fucked herself with long smooth strokes, the pain of the overly large tool pushing up against her womb a small price to pray for the incredible turn-on that it was seeing the entire huge thing dissappear completely into her depths with each movement: angling it slightly up both battered at her g-spot and made a clear bulge on her stomach with each stroke. If each hit didnt make her whine and twitch violently, precluding any other thoughts, the sight alone would have had Satori speeding up and curling her toes. In her head she pictured Sanae receiving this treatment, being fucked into submission, her mind no longer her own. It'd be so easy. Sanae would have no power to resist. The shrine maiden's supple human body would be hers to pimp out, or to give as a reward to her dogs, to be their obedient bitch.

At that especially perverse thought, Satori felt a powerful orgasm erupt through her, and she arched her whole body clear off the bed, wailing out her pleasure. She only slowed down slightly. By this point Satori was completely covered in a sheen of sweat and her eyes were unfocused, and the entire room was suffused with a stuffy aura of heat and arousal and the echoing slapping of flesh and continuous whimpering and moaning. Surely she could be heard halfway across the palace. Satori coould not find it in herself to care.
From there, things went downhill. One particular fantasy caught her mind: where she used the mind-controlled Sanae as a lever, started a process of taking over the Moriya shrine and making both godesses her personal cocksleeves. She came again two and a half minutes later, then again two minutes after that when she imagined getting Sanae into a plot to subdue that hateful red-white by force. Another five minutes later came another one, from a scenario of getting together a crowd of rowdy, drunk, sweat-smelling oni together, and throwing a tied-up Reimu at them — and then participating as well, slapping the haughty little brute across the cheeks and spitting on her crying face while a pair of oni filled her slut holes.

After that particular one Satori finally flopped over on her stomach, rolling her hips, absently grinding against the phallus currently taking up all of her insides while she recovered enough of her wits to string together a pair of thoughts. Taking over Moriya...? That's a new one. Honestly, horny me is an idiot. Oh gosh, I didn't even lay out towels. My nice sheets are ruined. She tsked.

And as she cooled off, she simultaneously got madder and madder at her own folly. Why why did I implant such a meaningless suggestion there, at the tail end? It worked, but it also meant Sanae came out of the trance on her own, uncontrolled. Without closing it out properly, there was no telling how much or what she'd remember, and what kind of impression she'd have of the session. All it did was make her hornier. At least she got an intense session out of it, she reasoned, as much as losing control like that galled her like nothing else. Ravaging herself mindlessly like some kind of wild youkai not even a century old, it was honestly shameful. She was just glad she hadn't called for Orin, the cat couldn't keep her mouth shut.

She extracted the toy from her with a last spike of pleasure: she could've kept going, conceivably, but her head was cool now, and she didn't want to fall asleep with it inside her again. That was really not as hot as it sounded. Satori sniffed, annoyed. This wasn't an ideal start with Sanae, but she could work with it.


[ ] Koishi side
[ ] Orin side
[ ] Sanae side


How was it? I don't have much experience writing porn. Too short maybe?
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[X] Koishi side

Not bad. Though, separating thoughts using minutes kinda breaks immersion. My advice would be to give separate thoughts their own paragraph and try to work in some filler/fluff to give readers a sense that some small amount of time has passed, rather than outright saying it.
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>Honestly, horny me is an idiot.

Guess this universal truth applies even to youkai.

I thought the length was appropriate for just a masturbation session to work off some lust. Her mind jumps to the fun details and doesn't putz around.

[x] Orin side
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[X] Sanae side

I enjoyed it, and it was what it needed to be. A tiding bit of fun to show the ideas running in her head and keep her focused for next time. Lengthening it could easily be a matter of adding in more characters and complexity, giving more to describe.
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[x] Orin side

I kind of want to see how Sanae fares, but I also want to see Satori's realm from another angle.
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[X] Sanae side

Not bad for a first try at porn, I think I'm going to enjoy this story greatly
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As Rin Kaenbyou reckoned, there were two kinds of youkai: normal youkai and weird youkai.

Normal youkai were... normal. Just normal. Rin couldn't articulate it further than that, even in her own head. They hunt and eat when they're hungry, they fuck when they're excited, and they do their own youkai things, like stealing corpses, or nailing straw dolls to trees, or repeating phrases back at you from across a mountain. Animal youkai were usually normal. Rin herself was normal. Okuu ate a god and looked weird, but she was very normal.
Her master Satori was decidedly in the other category — the weird ones. The youkai who took part in non-youkai things, like writing, embroidery, involved sexual fetishes, and politics. There weren't many weird youkai compared to normal ones, and Rin was thankful for the fact, because she could barely handle her own master — there were none of them among her fellow pets, at the very least, and oni were for the most part normal as well. She thought the weirdos tended to be older, but she couldn't be sure. Rin was hardly a supernatural scholar.

Since the unsealing of the underground, Rin had made acquaintances among the surface people, and she knew for sure that among the bigwigs of Gensokyo there were plenty of weird ones; whenever there was a drinking party, she was guaranteed a good time grousing about her boss alongside the head maid, her fellow cat shikigami, or even the half-phantom sometimes (although that last one always needed to be plied with a couple of drinks in her before the real complaints started coming out), and the parallels were undeniable, with, for example, all of four them being occasionally randomly sent out in strange incomprehensible errands on occasion, which more often than not ended up in nothing more than a passing entertainment for their masters.

They were not real complaints, of course. Rin loved her owner, to the greatest extent that a cat can love anything, and she'd gotten a similar feeling from the other three — but she'd been through punishments and failed schemes and would again, as long as Satori continued to be Satori. This latest extended exercise in feeding Kanako's pride and begging favour being the latest example of nonsense she'd had to go through. It wasn't even the first time Satori involved her in a long silly plot just to put her magically-grown dick inside someone in specific: last time it had been months of work to manoeuvre around the blonde boss of the oni, back before the underground seal got unmade. Orin did not understand; on any given week Satori called her over to slake her libido often enough that Rin didn't need to seek anyone else out. Her difficult heat periods aside.

Why put this much effort into it? Even just the toys are almost as good as the real thing. What's the big deal? Orin harrumphed internally, even as she knew full well she did not mean the complaints. In truth she preferred this to the other occasional stretches of strange obsessions Satori went through. Like when she spent three years doing nothing but reading. Even cats had a limit to how much they could stand to sit around, nap, and do nothing else. With this, instead, she got to go on missions, stay unsupervised for long stretches of time, and interact with interesting people on the aboveground under the guise of work. She was one of very few of Satori's minions in chireiden who was clever, strong and trustworthy enough to do it, too.

Now that it was finally coming to fruition, Rin was eager to see what came of it too — cats are curious creatures. Besides, she always ended up getting involved too, and that was always fun.

All this she mused while standing attentively behind the door, listening carefully as her master's familiar low voice's practiced hypnotic cadence went on and on and on, talking about listening, and obeying, and relaxing, and listening, and following instructions, and rel—

Orin slammed a hand against the wall, claws out, catching herself with a moment of panic, like the vertiginous feeling of falling in a dream just after nodding off. She shook her head, forcefully driving away the sudden onset sleepiness that had nearly gotten her. Almost fell in, out of habit. Habituation is scary. Good thing Master Satori didn't say the trigger word. I would've been done for. She would've found me here, and that wouldn't be good.

There was no sign of her master having heard the slam on the wall, thanks to another trait she lacked: actually good senses and strength. Satori couldn't beat a human girl her size in any physical contest, and couldn't hear, see, or smell a tenth as well as most of her pets. Rin could just casually stand there and listen in, and Satori wouldn't know a thing. Just because she was faithful and loved her master, didn't mean she had to obey her at all times — she was a cat, in the end. She'd even found mental tricks to kind-of sort-of evade her heart-reading sometimes. A sly enough cat could pick up a thing or two, after enough decades under satori rule.

She heard the constant muttering drop and paid attention to the 'conversation' going on in the luxurious room behind the door, and her attempts to get Sanae to come back. Ah-ah. Master is panicking a little, isn't she? A slow grin spread across her features as she heard the suggestion she tried to implant. No, no, Master. That won't work. Little Sanae is too much of a goody-two-shoes, she'll probably report everything that happened to Kanako, if she'll listen. Now, what to do about this...?

Rin's grin solidified as she had an idea. Nothing that would interrupt her master's plans, of course. Not too badly. Rin padded off to wait in ambush.

Like a proper predator.


Satori paced around the comfortable room, gnawing at a nail, a mirror of the scenario from the previous week. She had everything up again. Fire, lamps, focus, sofa, tea, subtle incense, but still she felt nervous. There had been no news at all the whole week, and Orin had been conspicuously evasive the entire time. She didn't know exactly what she was dealing with, and she hated that. She felt keenly that at the very least she didn't want to do another impromptu trance, like last time. That was playing with fire.
Sanae was coming very soon, and Satori needed a plan of attack.

Satori would:

[ ] attempt to steer the session towards talking about Sanae's problems and worries, like a proper therapist.
[ ] let Sanae lead the conversation at first, see where it goes from there.
[ ] come out with the 'hypno' part of hypnotherapy, and tell Sanae all about it. Keeping it a secret long-term was never the plan, anyway.
[ ] do something else entirely?
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[X] come out with the 'hypno' part of hypnotherapy, and tell Sanae all about it. Keeping it a secret long-term was never the plan, anyway.
-[X] Enlist Orin's help to prepare a 'staged' hypnotherapy exhibition where we assure Sanae the induced subject can't be made to do things they wouldn't normally do.

Obviously this isn't true. I once saw a performing hypnotist/magician make a girl masturbate on stage in front of people when I was deployed to Al Dhafra. Pretty sure it wasn't set-up beforehand either cuz she was crying about it afterwards.
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[X] come out with the 'hypno' part of hypnotherapy, and tell Sanae all about it. Keeping it a secret long-term was never the plan, anyway.
-[X] Enlist Orin's help to prepare a 'staged' hypnotherapy exhibition where we assure Sanae the induced subject can't be made to do things they wouldn't normally do.

Regardless of whether or not it's bullshit, it should assuage any concerns.
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[x] attempt to steer the session towards talking about Sanae's problems and worries, like a proper therapist.

If you want to assuage concerns, just do your job proper. It also might expose a few mental weaknesses to exploit later.
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[x] attempt to steer the session towards talking about Sanae's problems and worries, like a proper therapist.

I think coming out with it is a good idea, but now may not be the best time. Let's make sure she understands the value of our therapy as a whole, first.
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[x] attempt to steer the session towards talking about Sanae's problems and worries, like a proper therapist.

Hypnotism sucks unless it's done to Alice
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Oh, the slow and plot-like option wins?
That's interesting.
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[x] attempt to steer the session towards talking about Sanae's problems and worries, like a proper therapist.

Did i miss the voting then?
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Satori forcefully slapped her cheeks, squeezing two of her three eyes shut, and stopped herself from pacing. This wasn't like her. She marched over to her desk, putting as much force in her dainty little legs as she could in each stomp, to get the energy out. She sank into the comfortable upholstery behind her desk, beside the fireplace, and put the tea kettle on. She knew she was stressing over nothing. It would be fine. There was time to go at it at the proper pace.

Satori was perfectly wrong, of course. There were in fact reasons to worry, although if she knew about the greatest of those she would not be stressing but instead fantasizing about violently choke-slamming her cat's smug grin into the stone floor of Chirei. Which she was unable to — the tiny pink-haired girl could barely even physically bruise Orin, even if she were to drive herself to exhaustion trying it.
She'd overlooked the possibility of getting caught in a lie, but it was fully likely. All it would take was for Sanae to ask her goddess if she really was supposed to be going down to Old Hell every week. A simple snippet of conversation, the kind that flowed naturally between people during your average breakfast, and Satori might be deeply regretting this entire enterprise, to the tune of being sealed into some demeaning object for centuries, or straight-up exterminated. Or worse; gods are not known for their mercy Satori was not usually so absent-minded, but whenever she thought even near the subject of Sanae lately, she could hardly put together a string of coherent thoughts without getting... Distracted. The sensation was like an unbearable itching numbness in her mind, drawing rational thought as fuel and spewing out obscene ideas and images like cloying diesel smoke, only pink, obscuring everything else going on in her head. She'd like nothing more than to never have the feeling again, but when she actually contemplated that possibility, a cold feeling crawled from the pit of her stomach. She wanted it. Addiction was something of a foreign concept to youkai, but she imagined this was what the feeling was like. There were enchantments to dim and bind the libido, of course, and widely-used ones too, but she — and most youkai who had the chance to consider it, in fact — balked at it.

Satori seated herself and willed herself into shaping up, telling herself she was a proper youkai. Pacing, showing her nerves, it was just unbecoming, honestly. Showing your inner feelings so readily on the outside was the mark of a lesser youkai. So she sat at her desk and went over her notes on Sanae, reading through her observations, mostly to distract herself.

Why had she reacted to "good girl"? That was strange. The times Satori had met Kanako she hardly seemed like the type to hand out compliments and encouragement, so it's unlikely she conditioned her shrine maiden on purpose. Satori had gotten a feeling it was more about general praise, from her thoughts, but it was doubtless that 'good girl' got the best results. Something to consider for a trigger. But still, why? What kind of human craves outside validation to that degree? The mind reader recalled the psychology books she'd read... Perhaps Sanae was a narcissist? No, that didn't seem right either.

The most crucial event from last session, though, was Sanae's extreme reaction to the last question. She'd been asked whether she felt good when she did what Kanako told her. And she'd rebelled immediately. Her mind had been too much of a mess right after coming out of a trance for Satori to get a meaningful picture, but the instant rejection pointed to trouble on top of Youkai Mountain. A conflict between goddess and their acolyte was unusual; you wouldn't see the red-white having that problem. Sanae seemed to have a closer relationship with her goddesses, so it made sense, perhaps. It appeared to Satori to be quite a boneheaded way to lead a shrine: acting close enough to your representatives that problems like this popped up — she didn't know where such a thought was coming from, but she was sure gods and goddesses being this close and casual with mortal humans felt wrong. Gods were above, humans below. A fight shouldn't be a possibility.

That was none of her business, though, or at least not yet. What was her business was Sanae, and what exactly was happening with her. She tried her best to bury her lust deep down. Satori promised to help this girl, and she would bloody do it even if it meant she'd be frustrated for weeks, and constantly pulling Orin away from her work for her other duties. She chased away that thought: thinking about it would make it worse, for sure.

There was a halting knock on the room door; Orin must've let Sanae into the mansion.

"Come on in and sit," she called out, steeling herself.

Sanae walked herself in and bowed shallowly, Satori's third sight registering a small satisfied break in the shrine maiden's scattered thoughts as she did. Satori remembered the last week with a small rush of heat to her face. Ah, so it took. And lasted a week..

Sanae's businesslike smile threaded more towards the genuine at that.
Sanae headed towards her seat with an awkward smile, saying her hellos, clad in her usual fluttery, not-particularly-provocative long shrine maiden getup rather than the navel-exposing summer outfit this time. Satori focused her third eye, suppressing a frown.

Satori would get thrown into old hell's magma and die a painful melty death than admit it, but her power of mind-reading was not always worth 11 out of 10 points. It was worth all the annoyance and pain — even her sister's — when someone was thinking in words and in specific images, but people and their minds were not always so polite and obliging towards mind-readers. Abstract thought patterns threw her off quite a bit: Sanae didn't appear to be doing it on purpose, but still it was like trying to read a book through fogged-up a mirror. Repeating a single word again and again like the tales said was plain a waste of time and likely to annoy a satori into eating you even if they weren't fans of long pork, but there were ways. Again she found her amazing ability falling short when it came to understanding a simple human girl: her thoughts seemed oddly disjointed, giving her nothing but disconnected images and words and a general impression. It'd resolve when they started talking, she was sure, but for now she just got generally scattered and resigned thoughts.

Sanae sat on the obscenely soft sofa, pleasantries suddenly halted by a pleased sigh. And if it was breathy, warm and sounded more than simply pleased, Satori certainly did not hear it, consider the possibility, or start making the inside blouse steamy with warm sweat. She'd taken care of herself before the session for exactly this reason. All three of the mind-reader's eyes roamed what was exposed of her: the slim neck and shoulders, gently rising and falling with her breath.
Satori shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

She was far more comfortable than last week, some tension in her legs and neck visibly draining away right after sitting down. She looked around for a cat to pet, but it was just the two of them this time. Satori shifted her attention to what was going on in her head: still messy, but it was easy to see she was generally favourable, and willing to go along. She saw flashes of Kanako, and strangely, Orin. Orin in her cat form, even.

Sanae cleared her throat after a peaceful moment of getting comfortable, looking a bit sheepish. "Um. Miss Komeiji."

"Please just call me Satori. I told you last time."

"Ah, Yeah. Satori." She breathed in, fiddling with her hands as the barely perceptible gentle wave of relaxation washed over her, originating somewhere from the pit of her stomach and traveling up over her chest. Not something consciously noticeable after a week, but Satori saw it when all her thoughts stalled and slowed for a pair of seconds.

The thought of Sanae obediently obeying jolted through Satori like a painful danmaku hit. She sunk her teeth into her tongue, centering herself. I wish she wouldn't do that. I don't want to ruin another perfectly good pair of panties. Does this hussy know how hard it is to get a good pair in the underground? Maybe I should just go without for these meetings.

"So," she said, shaking the thought off. "You did come back."

"Ah, well." She looked askew. "Miss Kanako has me here anyway, so I figured I might as well try to make something of this."

Keeping her smirk and her smug-waves purely internal, Satori watched her silly thoughts cycle.

Oh gosh, she's so small and cute behind her big desk. I can't think that. It's rude. Kanako did tell me to come. It's probably maybe possibly good for me anyway, just talk to someone who has no stakes and won't tell anything to anyone else. Relax, once a week. This past one hasn't been bad. And Kanako did tell me to come. That tea was really good last week, I wonder if she has more. Orin was right. Orin? Again? Ah, where's the kitty from the last time? If she's not here maybe Orin can come in cat form and I can pet her! Wait, that's not a good idea, she'd hear everything. Orin is a gossip. She did tell me about, um. Sanae met Satori's eyes. Blinked. Well. I don't get it, but embarrassing things are embarrassing. Maybe it's a youkai issue. And if she's gonna be hypnotizing me, another person around would bungle things up. I wonder how that works out.

Satori squeezed the desk like she was trying to strangle it. Satori's delicate fingers hurt.
Rin is so dead.

Sanae was an airhead, but she wasn't totally clueless: she saw the tightening of the jaw, the way she tensed. "Ah, Rin told be about... some stuff. Um, I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't supposed to know yet. I'm friends with your... pet." Images went through her head. Sanae petting Orin in her cat form. Multiple times, over the past few months. Satori knew she couldn't be up and around the Moriya so long working with them without a little bit of this, but seeing it through her third sight was another matter.

That didn't matter right then, though. Sanae knew... something, beyond the hypnosis thing. She wasn't thinking of anything exact. Just that Satori was doing something she thought she was embarrassed about, that she was willing to go along with it, and above all, the thought of Orin hovered. Something like... gratitude towards the pet cat?

Satori hesitated. There had been a moment of panic there, but Sanae didn't seem upset. Perhaps it'd be best to roll with it for now? Sanae's mind was already wandering towards other topics: if she didn't specifically ask what she meant, she'd probably miss her chance to know. Until she got her hands on Orin afterwards, of course.

Satori would:
[ ] Stick to the plan and do her job properly before anything else.
[ ] Ask what she meant. What did Orin say, specifically?
[ ] Talk about the hypnosis thing. She didn't seem totally opposed to the idea...?
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[X] Stick to the plan and do her job properly before anything else.

I am feeling cautious for some reason, almost like I am sensing a trap even though this is unlikely for Sanae. Strange
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[X] Stick to the plan and do her job properly before anything else.

Need to cross examine Orin before continuing this.
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[X] Stick to the plan and do her job properly before anything else.

Work now and strangle Orin later.
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Sorry lads, finals and projects and whatnot this week and the next. I might manage one update in the meantime but I'll pick up in full again only in january.
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It's been two months since January ended. Please, anonymous writer, know that I enjoyed your story and looked forward to its continuation. I hope you have not given up on this this entirely.

And yes, I am bumping this thread solely to say that.
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