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File 160430600740.png - (647.61KB, 743x728, aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by aki.png)
aki minoriko and aki shizuha (touhou) drawn by aki
The past few months have been... eventful. And that’s before getting spirited away to a magical valley in Japan that I’d describe as charming if it weren’t for the large number of residents with terrifying amounts of power.

But I’d rather not dwell on the past. Arriving in Gensokyo, even unexpectedly, was probably the best thing that’s happened to me since... well, maybe my entire life. I understand that this isn’t the case for most other humans who stumble here, but I had something of a head start.

I had always known that the supernatural was real. I had always been able to see what nobody else could. Before, all it got me was confusion, scorn, and pity, endless appointments with doctors and psychiatrists, and everyone telling me that spirits weren’t real.

Now, here in Gensokyo? They asked me to marry two of them. I said yes, of course.

Eventful doesn’t even begin to describe things.


It’s just past dawn on this muted early winter day when I stir awake. Somehow, this small thing still amazes me about my new life. It’s not just waking up early, though that would be unimaginable before. It’s having things I look forward to waking up for.

Two things, in fact, and they’re both still asleep on either side of me. Minoriko and Shizuha Aki: sisters, kami, and my wives.

Minoriko, the younger sister, has practically swaddled herself in her covers to ward off the growing chill. Meanwhile, Shizuha is clutching my arm more tightly than usual. Well, winter has always been an unpleasant time for them.

Both of them are still fast asleep, and I take care not to wake them as I stand up and begin morning rituals. So, I extricate myself from between them, carefully wash myself with water and salt, brush my teeth and floss, and head to the kitchen.

First, I light the hearth. I wash a cup of rice before setting it to cook, then prepare pickles, cucumber slices, apple slices (for Minoriko), honeyed umeboshi (for Shizuha), grilled fish (for me), and miso soup in the meantime.

I’m in the middle of sipping a spoonful of soup to test it when I hear rustling from the futons. A few moments later, Shizuka appears, bleary-eyed and still in her sleeping kimono.

“Good morning, lady Shizuka,” I turn to face her and nod.

“Mmornin.” She yawns as she walks towards me before wrapping her arms around my shoulders and resting her face on the crook of my neck.

“Lady Shizuka, I’m almost done with breakfast.”

“It can wait.” She replies, slightly muffled, as she gently rocks me from side to side.

“As you will it.” I relent and relax into her embrace. We spend a while in silence like that.

Then, I hear her lick her lips. She plants a warm, moist kiss on my neck.

Shizuha’s feeling frisky this morning. It’s at times like this that I’m grateful that kami don’t have morning breath.

She kisses the side of my neck again before leaning back and going for my mouth, setting the pace with her hands and tongue. The only noises besides the crackling hearth for some time are languid breaths and the soft pops of lips parting.

She only started getting up early since winter began, while Minoriko, rendered almost as dormant as her overwintering crops, chooses to sleep in. It’s not quite jealousy, but she’ll take any chance she can to have me for herself, however briefly. I don’t mind it much.

We hear Minoriko starting to wake about the same time the rice finishes cooking, and Shizuha detaches herself with reluctance to dress and groom. I return to preparing breakfast and finish just in time for both sisters to join me.

Shizuha is willowy like the trees she paints. Tall, slender, and delicate-looking enough that I sometimes worry that the wind could carry her away. Her fingers are much the same, handling brushes with such grace that takes my breath away.

Minoriko is plump like the fruit she ripens. Short in a more stocky way, with muscle from working in the fields, yet still pleasantly plump in a way that fills her dresses in just the right way and makes her invitingly soft.

I set aside their portions on the table as they seat themselves while I bow and pray.

“O resplendent and magnanimous sister goddesses of Autumn, I humbly make this offering in gratitude for your grace and beneficence. May it ever be so.”

The sisters nod in acknowledgement and I take my seat as well.

And then we had breakfast.

“Beneficence.” Minoriko repeats the word with fascination as we eat, a teasing smile on her face. “Gosh, what dusty old book did you find that one in?”

“One of the ones on shamanism Miss Keine let me borrow to study” I reply. “Did you sleep well?”

“I was so cold.” She whines, drawing out the last word. “We should try cuddling again.”

Shizuha raises an eyebrow, her present appearance far more polished than earlier. “Again? Sister, have you forgotten the first time? What a tangled mess of limbs that was.”

Yeah, we had yet to solve the logistical difficulties of fitting together three bodies while keeping them all comfortable enough to actually get some sleep. Evidently, even the gods are not without flaw.

“Well, we should try again.” Minoriko pouts, then hums in delight after taking a bite. “You’re such a good cook, darling!”

“I’m only as good as my ingredients.”

She laughs. “You’re not too shabby at flirting, either. C’mere!”

Minoriko scoots to your side and leans against you, nuzzling your shoulder while Shizuha rolls her eyes.

“Mmm, you smell nice! Did you use a new kind of salt?”

“Yep. A friend recommended it to me.”

Shizuha eats in silence, but the way she savors each bit of the candied fruit makes her enjoyment clear.

I never imagined that making breakfast would provide such contentment.

Life is good. Well, it wasn’t that great before I ended up here, but it’s really good now, so I guess it balances out.


Now, what to do once the chores are done?
[ ] Read more about shamanic rituals. Tantric sex appears to be involved.
[ ] Model for Shizuha’s painting. She might request you be nude for it.
[ ] Chill out with Minoriko at the kotatsu. Rest is helpful.
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[x] Chill out with Minoriko at the kotatsu. Rest is helpful.

Something tells me he's gonna need all the rest he can.
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[x] Chill out with Minoriko at the kotatsu. Rest is helpful.
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[x] Read more about shamanic rituals. Tantric sex appears to be involved.
Matters of faith ought to be diligently studied
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[x] Model for Shizuha’s painting. She might request you be nude for it.
draw me like one of your Gensokyan boys
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File 160434023914.png - (240.34KB, 500x460, f8381d2b-8928-4f4a-a6c8-40dcbfad6d07.png)

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[x] Read more about shamanic rituals. Tantric sex appears to be involved.
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[x] Model for Shizuha’s painting. She might request you be nude for it.
mighty comfy in here
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[x] Read more about shamanic rituals. Tantric sex appears to be involved.

It's for civic duty, and he's doing his part.
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(X) Chill out with Minoriko at the kotatsu. Rest is helpful.

And don't look underneath when weird things start to happen.
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[x] Read more about shamanic rituals. Tantric sex appears to be involved.
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[X ] Read more about shamanic rituals. Tantric sex appears to be involved.

It is the duty of the priest of a shrine to ensure all the necessary rituals are carried out, after all
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[X] Model for Shizuha’s painting. She might request you be nude for it.
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