Teruyo !Wo5j3FYZRg 2008/06/15 (Sun) 06:56 No. 5479 ▼ File 121351298917.jpg - (141.56KB, 515x700 , hongmeirin.jpg)
You look to your side.
Well, I'll be. There's someone that you never expected to see. Well maybe you would have expected to have seen her if you had known the route that you took while chasing the light. Still, it's kinda surprising. Maybe things are starting to look up?
Standing to your side is a bewildered girl dressed in green. It's none other than Chinese girl, Hong Meiling. She's leaning slightly forward, as if inspecting you. Hehe, you can see her scrumptious bosom hovering deliciously close to you. It's almost worth the intense pain and humiliation just to take a close look at those curvacious killer knockers.
“Ah, hello Miss Meiling.” You say in a nonchalant fashion. “I apologize for not acknowledging your presence earlier. I'm afraid that my mind with simply elsewhere. How are you doing?”
Before you know it, you're speaking as if nothing happened. Strange.
“Ah well, I'm fine thank you very much.” She replies, caught unawares by your sudden composure.
“But more importantly, what happened?” She asks.
“Ah well, it's a most bizarre tale, I'm afraid.” You say and try to get up. Crap, your body is heavy and you're dizzy. Seeing this, the gate guard extends a hand. You accept and she pulls you up with what can only be described as inhuman strength. So strong was this 'help' that you stumble slightly and find yourself pressed head first onto Miss Meiling's chest.
Mmm, China will grow larger. Who said that Chinese cars had poor safety standards? This model has A+ Airbags. You think about other simple examples of wordplay and crude metaphors for Miss Meiling's breasts as another type of expansion occurs in your own nation. If you know what I mean. It seems that the plebs are erecting a victory obelisk in your central square.
You try to prolong the experience, but there's only a few moments that you can fully enjoy this without it being suspicious. She sure smells nice as well, it's a soft scent of some sort of flower... You can't quite identify it. You get off of her chest and dust yourself off, pretending that nothing happened. Man you have small cuts and bruises all over. Good, it seems to have worked. It looks like she thinks nothing of it. You note that apparently you're only a couple of meters from the gate. How in the hell did you not notice the massive mansion while chasing the light?
“Ah, thanks for the help.” You say.
“Anytime.” She politely says.
“So yeah. About how I got here.”
You tell Meiling about how a blue light appeared out of nowhere and you just had to follow it. You tell her how no matter how fast you chased after it, you could never catch it. And finally of how it lead you here. You, confident in your victory, leaped after it and well, it turned out that you missed and ended up on the ground.
“That's basically it.” You conclude.
“That's odd...” She begins to say. “I sure didn't see any blue light. I just was minding my own business here, and before I know it you're flying through the air and tumbling on the ground.”
“So you didn't see it!?” You ask confused.
“I'm afraid not.”
“I must be going crazy.”
“Oh please don't say that, sir. I'm sure that there's a logical explanation for it.”
Hmm, maybe. Still, there must be something wrong with you. Oh, and something about her last sentence bothers you. Ah, you know what it is.
“Miss Meiling, I have a favor to ask of you.” You say
“Yes, please go ahead.”
“Don't call me 'sir'. Just call me Shirou. It told you last time, right?” You add with a wink.
“Ahh, yes of course si-err Shirou.” She says, blushing a bit. “If I can refer to you like that, please just call me 'Meiling' as well.”
“Very well Meiling.”
The two of you stand there, exchanging smiles. Heh, you don't know why but something as simple as calling each other by your names seems like a big deal to this girl. Makes you wonder what kind of daily experience she has.
Hmm, that's odd, you think that you see a solemn girl looking through one of windows in the mansion. She seems to be looking at both you and Meiling. She's dressed up in a maid uniform. What's her deal? Before you know it, you blink and she's gone. Was it just a hallucination?
“Well then,” You start to say. “I think I should get going. It'll only be worse if it gets even later.”
“Go?” Meiling asks dumbfounded, her green beret leaning to a side as she tilts her head. “You can't possibly mean to travel alone at night!" Why that's just an invitation to disaster! It's reckless for a human to do so!”
“Maybe so.” You say. “But I have no where else to go, and staying put isn't exactly a good idea. It's not like I am friendly enough with anyone at the mansion to be able to stay overnight. I could probably make it to the human village or the Forest of Magic with no problems.” You try to say the last bit with a bit of confidence, but truth be told that you're not very sure that you'd make it very far. You know that Youkai love the darkness and they love feasting on humans. Crap, you remember those tentacles. You're sure that there's more dangers like that for unwary travelers.
You try to bid your farewells to the gatekeeper.
“Wait!” She cuts you off, obviously concerned about your well-being.
“Yes?” You stop and ask her what's the matter.
“Well, I've umm... got a possible solution.” She says, hesitating a bit. “I didn't want to mention it before because it's not much. But seeing that you'd go face dangers in the night, I think that it's a better alternative!”
Just what is she going on about.
“Well, you see.” She says, beating around the bush in an uncharacteristic bashful manner. “There's a small shack just behind those trees there. And well, it was built so that I could sleep there. But I hardly use it, since there is no one else to guard the gate regularly.” She keeps avoiding the point. But then she takes a deep breath and just outright says it. “So, if you wanted to of course, you could spend the night there! I wouldn't mind and you'd be safe from the dangerous night.” She reddens a bit. “Also... we could... talk a bit longer if that were the case...” That last bit was almost inaudible to you but you managed to hear it.
You pause. Hmm that might not be a bad idea. You'd definitely be safe. God knows that you don't want to end up as some plant's plaything, an insect colony's breeding grounds, or as dinner for any number of Youkai.
“Please consider it... Shirou.” Meiling says.
Well, you think about the alternative. It's definitely not safe out there. You wouldn't go to Eientei right away, since you'd have to pass through other places first. Even then, you could stay at one of those stops between here and Eientei as well. If you had to, you'd have two general areas to choose from. One is the human village, which is far away but you think that you could make it by following the lake and then breaking off at some point. The other is the Forest of Magic. It's close but the woods and rough path are just ripe with danger. Well, in the village you could either stay at the tavern or see if Keine will let you crash. And in the forest, you could pick from Alice's, Marisa's, or Reimu's. Sure you'd have to think about it carefully, since the wrong move might end up with you running away through the night being blasted at. But that's another issue, getting there is the real challenge. And if you got there, you could go for broke and make it to Eientei. But that's risky and a decision to be taken later. Man, Meiling's offer really does sound good right now. Any shelter right now would be nice. Hell, you think that it might even start raining later. That'd definitely complicate things even more.
Well, it looks like Meiling is awaiting your answer. What will you choose?
[] Take her up on her offer
[] Try to make it to the forest
[] Try to go to the village
[] Couldn't you stay inside the mansion?
I'm glad that you guys like the penis-plants so...