I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 166716160598.webp - (7.17KB, 512x512, nanoreimulogo.webp)
Getting a jump on this for various reasons. Obviously, Nanowrimo doesn't start until 01 November and ends 30 November. What time? Doesn't matter, just as long as it's November in your timezone.

But, for the newcomers and slow-comers, what is Nanowrimo? For THP purposes, Nanowrimo is when we spend the entire month of November trying to either write thirty (30) updates OR thirty-thousand words total. This can be and often is taken to mean daily updates, but it doesn't matter how you get there. That's just the goal.

You don't even have to write a new story for this; you can enter an ongoing story if you want.

Why do this? Personal satisfaction and community engagement. If you want a prize, I dunno what to tell you; we tried that before. Badger someone into giving you one if you so desire.

Other than the above-stated goals, there aren't any rules as such. It would be nice if people who are participating indicated in this thread that they are doing so. Nothing fancy, just something like:

I'm participating in Nanowrimo. This is my story:

It would be helpful for following anyone participating, and I imagine that would be desirable for those writers.

Either way, I hope folks do give it a go. It doesn't cost anything to try, and any value in success or failure is only what you ascribe to it.
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I'm entering this Nanowrimo.

This is my story:

>> https://www.thp.moe/shorts/res/2559.html
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Saying sorry in advance in case I don't get thirty updates out.
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I think I'm gonna regret this, but here goes:

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This junior will also be joining, little late but the story started one day after november so that probably counts.
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That's about the first week of Nanowrimo done. I feel like I'm doing alright, but that's mostly because all of my daily updates are incredibly short when compared to the alternative goal, which is 1k words a day.

For those of you writing, keep it up. And for those of you reading, thanks for doing so. It means a lot.
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Not writing, but it's heartening to see a message like this. Too often I don't think we're as appreciative or supportive of each other as a community as we could be.

So, yeah, wishing all participants a good go of it and congratulations on making it even this far.
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Hey, it's me again. Hope all is good because we're about halfway through Nanowrimo. Usually by now, I would have at least one problem day where I have to put writing on the backburner to take care of real life, but that hasn't happened yet. I take that as a blessing, but I'm still wary of the next two weeks to come. What's even crazier is that I'm ahead of schedule, albeit by one update.

That doesn't mean that I'm feeling particularly diligent. There were several days where I just wanted to take the day off and not write at all to take it easy, especially because my insomnia has been coming at me in full blast.

I've been meaning to catch up with a lot of stories, but I've had my hands full just updating recently, so I might do something about that after Nanowrimo's over. I did catch up with Satzibeli's story, and I've been enjoying it so far updates when.

Anyway, what do you guys think about the stories you've been reading so far? Anything that particularly caught your interest? pls respond
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I think you had damn well better deliver, is what I think.
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Go get your own courier.
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Life's been kind of busy and weird, so I haven't been as diligent in reading as I probably should be doing, but Memento is a decently entertaining tale, and I'm a sucker for epistolary narratives. I wish Satzibeli luck in getting back to Market; just using newer characters (circa WBaWC, anyway) is enough to catch my interest, although it helps that there's a rainbow dork featured heavily.

The others... well, good luck and keep it up in any case. You may not be writing what I'm personally interested in, but you're doing your part as part of the community by writing and communicating what you want to communicate.

Pardon the late response.
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Looks like things are ending without much fanfare. So, what's the post-match analysis? How did things go?
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Without much fanfare, I was able to do 30/30 updates for the month. I think it went alright, but as always, the last week was the hardest to complete.

Personally, I wasn't able to devote that much time to reading the other entries (other than Last Market, rip), so I might go ahead and do that slowly over this month.
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Just as I feared, November turned out to be an even worse month to dedicate myself to a mentally taxing endeavor such as writing daily, what with my job shifting into crunch mode and exams coming up. I'm truly sorry I had to drop out of Nanowrimo and eventually drop Last Market altogether, but I can't say I wasn't expecting this outcome. That's not to say I haven't completely forgotten about the story I want to write, though - I have plans to restart it under a new, better title and a more thought-out plot sequence, without the stress and constraints of Nanowrimo.

Congrats to Moral who I think was the only one who actually managed to complete Nanowrimo. I'll be looking forward to how the correspondence chain ends.
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Congrats. I look forward to the thrilling conclusion of the tale.

Yours and Moral's were the only stories I was interested in, so it was a little bit of a shame, but I understand. I'd rather see Last Market in a form satisfactory to its writer than the alternative. Looking forward to whenever that happens!
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Looking forward to the eventual /at/ spinoff, Lust Market.
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Is that anything like Lust Bees, the porn companion to Lost Bees?
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When the Last Bee is gone, and the Lost Market fades...
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