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This chapter was a pain to write because I didn't want the story to go here and where it will next chapter.
Reimu slept better than she expected to. Maybe the ceiling of vines, leaves, and flowers had helped. Whatever those glowing blue lights were had also disappeared. She stepped out of her plush mushroom bed and cringed at the touch of the cold moss floor. She sat there adapting to it before she stood up properly and moved to leave the room.
She found Chen in the main sitting room, drawing something. The cat turned to her and said, “Hi, Reimu!”
“Good morning, Chen.”
“Good morning!” the cat spoke again. Then she pushed herself up, grabbed her paper, and presented it to the shrine maiden, face beaming proudly all the while.
Reimu was no stranger to situations like this, thanks to Keine dragging her to the temple school, but usually, the kids would show her a picture of something resembling an animal or how much their characters had improved. “Oh…! This is… really good! Good job, Chen!”
“Sanskrit!” the cat said smugly, rolling back and forth on her feet.
The human nodded slowly. “…Wow! That’s… impressive!” She handed the paper back to the youkai. “I’ll let you get back to that then.” Chen’s smile somehow widened even further before she brought it back to the table. Reimu moved into the kitchen and sat down at the high table sitting in the middle.
Ran set down a cup of tea, a bowl of rice, and a plate of eggs in front of the shrine maiden, saying, “Good morning. It is currently 10:13:28 AM.”
“The time,” the shikigami spoke as if it explained anything. She put her hands in her sleeves before continuing. “Was the quality of your sleep adequate?”
“I guess. I think that room you gave me is better suited for Marisa, though.”
“I agree, but I have no say in the interior decorating beyond, ‘get rid of everything that proves too much of a hassle to bother keeping.’”
“Like what?”
“It depends. It could be something dangerous, hard to clean… Stuff like that.”
“Ah.” Ran watched the girl eat until she paused. “What?”
“For how much you seem to dislike Yukari, does it not bother you being so similar to her?”
“She and I are nothing alike!”
“To err is human,” Ran spoke before leaving Reimu to her breakfast.
“Where are you going?”
“Some minor tears have appeared in the border, so I’m leaving to repair them before they grow larger.”
“Take me with you!” Reimu cried out with more desperation than she wished.
“What for?”
“B-b-because of the shrine! Somebody has to clean it! Right?”
“Ah, you already wish to escape.” The shikigami opened a gap and gestured for her to follow. “Alright, then, but please understand that if you do not return with me willingly, Yukari is just going to come for you instead. Finish your breakfast quickly.” As the shrine maiden tossed aside her inhibitions, the fox added, “But don’t choke!”
When Reimu arrived at her shrine, she found leaves scattered everywhere and money in the donation box. “Stupid Yukari,” she grumbled. “This is why I’m supposed to be here!” She grabbed her broom. “But no, her and her stupid fascination with me—” She paused and looked around before forcing her monologue into her brain. Her stupid fascination with me is ruining the shrine! Doesn’t she care?! Isn’t this the one place she actually wants to stay the same until the end of time?
“Yo, Reimu!” a voice called out.
The girl in red sighed. “Hello, Marisa…”
“Now tha’s way t’ greet th’ friend who saved yer life!”
“That’s cold, Reimu!” When the shrine maiden only shook her head and went back to sweeping, she asked, “Are you feelin’ ‘lright; ya look grumpier than usual.”
The shrine maiden sighed. “No, actually…”
“W’ll, wha’s th’ matter? ‘S it th’ Yukari thing? Look, ‘m really sorry about laughin’ atchu—we all are. ‘S jus’— Ya gotta admit tha’ was pretty funny.” Reimu glared at the witch, and she looked away ashamedly.
“It’s not about that.”
“No, it isn’t.” Reimu sighed again then began rubbing her temples slowly. Her mind was jumping from one thought to another, never staying still for more than a moment like a butterfly. All those ideas, however, surrounded one thing: Yukari. “Marisa, have I ever been wrong about anything? My intuition, I mean.”
The black-white girl let out a puff of air that inspired her bangs to dance in time. “No, I don’ think so, much ‘s I wish that wasn’ the case…”
Yukari doesn’t feel like she’s going to kill me or anything like that… But what’s with the adoption thing? Is she just playing around or is she actually trying to— Reimu shuddered, opting to push that thought away. She said this was for the good of Gensokyo, but what does that mean? She couldn’t have meant herself, could she? So then… Reimu groaned, already tired of trying to think like Yukari. If she could have, she would have come up with a much better plan. “Marisa. Do you have any money?”
“I know that you’ve explained this plan to me, what, four times now, but… you want to make Yukari chocolate…”
“Give ‘er… lots of attention…”
“An’… B— Because o’ th’ phrase ‘kill ‘em with kindness.’”
“That’s correct.”
“An’ yer sure this’ll work?”
“It’s got to! Fight fire with fire, after all!”
“It’s got to. If it doesn’t… It’ll work.” Marisa just stared at her, skepticism scrawled across her face like a child's scribbles all over the pages of an expensive novel. She shook her head, then reached for one of the chocolates, receiving a harsh slap on the hand. “GO MAKE YOUR OWN!”
“Fine, fine!” the witch gave up after licking her skin clean. “See ya tomorrow; hope this works!”
“You better do more than hope!”
“Okaaaay!” Marisa called back as she took off.
“Why didn’t she close the stupid door?” Reimu grumbled to herself as she moved to fix it. She yelped as Ran appeared. “What are you doing here?!”
“I came to collect you. You’re making chocolate?”
“Er…” the girl shifted her weight from one foot to another. “Yes. I am.”
The kitsune put a hand over her mouth in thought. Then her brow furrowed. “If they’re for a boy, then I pray Lady Yukari does not find out…”
Reimu’s face grew red. “They’re not!”
“I have neither interest nor concern for your love life, so I will leave the matter alone. Are you ready to return to Lady Yukari’s home?”
“Uh…” the shrine maiden looked back to her work. “Could you give me a hand finishing these and cleaning up?”
“Certainly.” Once the sweets were in Reimu’s ice box, Ran opened a gap, and they appeared in the kitchen. “I must start preparing dinner; do as you like.”
“You don’t want help?”
“You are a guest; you shouldn’t feel obligated to help me.” Ran glanced towards the other room where someone whose voice Reimu didn’t recognized was talking. “Though I didn’t formally object, nor do I,” the fox continued in a low voice.
“Raaan?” Yukari called as she entered the kitchen. “Oh good, you are here! And Reimu! Are you helping my dear shikigami? That’s so sweet of you! But you really don’t need to do that.”
“I, uh…” the girl stammered.
“In fact, what do you say we go to a nice restaurant, instead?”
“‘Res…?’” both yonger women began to protest for different reasons.
Ran, finding her courage, coughed into her fist. “Lady Yukari, I don’t… Rather, I’m uncertain that taking the Hakurei shrine maiden to the outside world is such a good idea.”
“Oh, it’ll be fine! It’s not like we’re throwing her to the wolves here! Beside, it’s a wonderful opportunity, isn’t it, Reimu? After all, you didn’t get to truly experience it when you resolved the Urban Legend Incident.”
“Yeah, but—” the girl started before stopping herself.
“What is it, dear?”
The shrine maiden stayed silent, trying to think of how to put her words tactfully. “I, uh… The Outside World was… really noisy, I thought.”
Yukari chuckled. “It is, yes,but this will be a good experience for you.”
“Because new things are always good!”
Reimu couldn’t help but pull a face at her baffling words.
“Lady Yukari,” Ran interrupted. “There’s… She doesn’t have— No amount of preparation has been put into—!”
“We’ll make a night out of it!” the gap youkai announced with finality. “First we’ll shop! Then we’ll eat! Then we’ll go bowling!”
Her shikigami didn’t react. At all. Then she put her sleeves up and lowered her face into the cloth. “Lady Yukari,” she spoke quietly and levelly. “May I be selfish and ask you to retrieve Chen in my stead?”
The older woman smiled. “You may.” She opened a gap and disappeared.
Ran seized Reimu by her upper arm. “Wh-what are you…?!” the girl stammered.
“We must prepare for a night of hell,” the fox spoke like a woman possessed. …By something other than a shikigami. When they got to Ran’s room, she dove for a nearby drawer and began muttering to herself as she dug through it.
“Ran? What’s going on?”
Her head snapped violently in Reimu’s direction. “Bowling,” she spat. “That’s what’s going on.”
“Wh-what’s bowling…?”
“A crude Outside World sport where humans throw heavy balls at high speeds down slick lanes towards pins as hard as they can…” The woman winced. “Agony. It’s agony.” She resumed her rifling before muttering, “They must be in here—they must! Reimu!” The fox pointed past the girl. “Check that drawer!”
“What am I looking for?”
“A pair of foam earplugs wrapped in plastic packaging!”
“Uh, okay…” When she found what might be it, she grabbed it and showed it to Ran. “Is this is it?”
“Yes! Thank you so much!” Reimu’s eyes widened at the sight of the hatless fox. It went without saying that she knew she was a youkai, but something about seeing the woman’s ears for the first time was rather strange. Ran took the package and then asked, “Are there any more left?”
“I don’t think so,” Reimu replied, glancing at the drawer.
“Oh dear…” The fox’s ears drooped. “Then… you’ll need these more than I do,” she said as she pressed the package back into the shrine maiden’s hand. Then, she made some gestures to ward off evil.
Reimu started as a gap opened beside her. “We’re ready!” Yukari spoke as she poked her head through.
“Eh?! Ah, uh…” Ran stammered. “I, er… Y-yes! We… are.”
The elder youkai frowned. “What’s the problem now?” When the fox only shifted her weight from one foot to the other, she continued. “Come on, Ran, spit it out already.”
“I… er…” She murmured something no one could hear.
“Louder, sweetheart.”
“My… earplugs…”
“Your earplugs? What, did you run out?” The shikigami nodded, and Yukari threw her head back. “Oh, for the love of the gods…” She reached into a gap and pulled out a box full of them. “Here, take them. I swear, sometimes you’re more like an overgrown child than my shikigami.”
“Bowling hurts my ears!” Ran blurted out.
Yukari crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and shook her head.
I know Reimu had just received 20 bucks, but I, for one, think she’s always justified in asking Marisa for money.
Ran should be amazing at bowling though. Even aside from the shikigami calculation but, Chen’s a living, whirling bowling ball! :p
I’m looking forwards to Reimu’s plan backfiring. Her incident instincts might always be right, but I’m pretty sure these aren’t!
This isn't WaHH Reimu so there's a non-zero chance of it going well. A very low chance
Author’s Note: Merry Christmas, everybody! Now, how do I use this website again...?
The first thing Reimu saw as she stepped out of Yukari’s gap was a purple car. Ran pressed a button on the wall, and a large door began sliding into the ceiling. She then moved to the vehicle and opened one of its two doors before leaning the seat forward so Chen could crawl into the back. The kitsune ensured the bakeneko was… ready before she moved the seat back into position and got in herself.
“Reimu!” Yukari called out as she motioned for her to approach. The youkai moved her chair like Ran had and told her to get in. The shrine maiden took her place beside Chen and watched as Yukari trapped her in the vehicle.
“Seatbelt,” Chen spoke.
“Your seatbelt.” The cat pointed at her body.
“It’s the law!” Yukari sing-songed with a finger pointing to the sky.
“You’ll have to show her, Chen,” Ran supplied.
The little youkai put on a wide smile and then reached across Reimu’s body. She pulled back a little metal thing stuck to a length of fabric. It clicked into place once the fabric was across her waist and chest. It was ridiculously constrictive in a ridiculously small space. The only way it could be worse was if she was in an animal-trapping cage.
Then, the car coughed and growled.
Chen snickered behind her hand at her reaction. Reimu scowled at the cat, who suddenly decided that looking out the window was a better idea. Soon, they were moving right along toward a destination the human didn’t know. After a long length of silence, Yukari spoke, “You know, Reimu, this car is called a Ford Pinto. It was infamous for bursting into flames when rear-ended.”
The shrine maiden didn’t react. At least not externally.
“I fixed that a long time ago,” Ran added.
Those words didn’t help.
More time passed, which the gap youkai once again felt the need to break up. “How about a little music?” She fiddled with a dial, producing static, talk radio, and otherworldly animal calls until music came out. It was loud, annoying, and everything in between. Yukari’s singing, too.
What felt like hours later, a city came into view. The feeling of uneasiness gripped her heart, becoming fear as they made their way in and through the impossibly tall buildings. Sure, she’d seen these buildings near the end of the Urban Legend incident, but now, being between and under them made her feel small and vulnerable. People gave them—her—odd looks as they passed. She wanted to crawl away and find a place where she could just… breathe.
After many steps, they entered a large building made of stone and steel. It was probably the largest building Reimu had ever been in. Sure, the Scarlet Devil Mansion was a maze of impossibly long hallways, but it wasn’t that big on the outside. Not to mention, she never actually entered the building that often. Between Remilia preferring hosting parties outside when she could and Sakuya always guiding her around, the fear of getting lost was never there. Here, it felt like if she stepped around one of those giant pillars or through the halls of clothes, Ran and Yukari would be gone in an instant.
She followed them to a section with a sign hanging overhead that marked women’s clothing. Yukari started rifling through the clothes and pulled out what looked like a red fabric tube with lengths of string looping over the top. “What do you think about this, Reimu?”
“What is it…?”
“It’s called a crop top.”
“Lady Yukari!” Ran gasped. “She can’t go around wearing such risqué clothing!”
“Why not? We’re not in Gensokyo anymore; it’s not like it matters.”
“Of course it matters!” The gap youkai opened her mouth, but her servant rushed forward, grabbed her wrist, and spoke something into her ear that Reimu couldn’t hear.
Yukari’s face darkened. “Your concerns are noted and very much appreciated; thank you.” She put the crop top back and moved to a different rack.
“What was that all about?” the shrine maiden asked.
“The less you know, the better,” Ran replied tersely.
Reimu put a hand on her hip, frowning. “You know, you keep saying vague things that seem scary, and then they turn out to be nothing.”
“Ah… Apologies. Perhaps that’s just in my nature as a youkai. Or something else…”
She grunted in acknowledgment. “…So?”
“So what?”
“So what’s this secret thing I’m not allowed to know about?”
“Ah… That…” Ran’s ears—and her hat by extension—flattened themselves. “Erm… Uh… Have you… ever heard a woman describe a man as… a beast…? Or an animal…? A pig, perhaps!”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Well, here, it’s… It can be much worse with the men of the Outside World.”
“How so?”
Ran grew even more apprehensive. “They act even worse than any other youkai you’ve met.”
“What does that mean?”
“Reimu, please just leave it be.”
The girl crossed her arms. “Ran, I’m not a kid.”
“You’re not an adult, either,” the fox bit back. She must have seen the shrine maiden’s shock because she let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, it’s just… one of my duties is to protect you from unknown and-or unseen threats—things you can’t defend yourself from for whatever reason that may be—so…” She took a deep breath. “This is a matter, I feel, that not only falls into both of those categories but also into… something else.” She put a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Look, Reimu—”
“Reimuuuu!” came Yukari’s trilling voice. “Look at this cute little outfit!” She held up a white t-shirt covered by a red flannel button-up and a pair of blue jeans with purposefully cut holes in the knees. Reimu frowned, unsure of what to make of the outfit. “Well, I suppose I should ask Ran first, shouldn’t I?” she asked playfully.
“It appears tomboyish.”
“Is that bad?”
“Urr…” Reimu sounded.
Yukari hummed. “Maybe you’re right, Ran; not really her style, is it?” She lowered the clothes. “Well, don’t just stand there; go find something!”
“Yes, my lady. Frankly, I was under the impression that you wanted to choose yourself,” the shikigami spoke before departing.
“That girl…” her master murmured. “She never takes the initiative…”
“I thought you hated it when she acted on her own,” Reimu shot back.
“Since when?” The shrine maiden shrugged. “Well, whatever. Come on, let’s go find you something cute. Would you like to try on shoes as well?”
“I… don’t know…”
“Was that a question or a response?”
Reimu rolled her eyes. Yukari pulled out a multitude of outfits that she rejected in her casual, lazy fashion until Ran returned with one of her own. It was a white button-up shirt with open sleeves held together with red bows and a red skirt. It looked highly similar to what she was already wearing. So much so that she actually found herself imagining it on her.
“Well, I think that settles it then,” Yukari spoke. “Reimu.”
“Go try it on so you can show it off for us!” After a moment of stammering, an explanation of where to go, and a minute of waiting, the shrine maiden emerged as an ordinary high school girl. “It looks spectacular on you!” the older woman gasped.
Reimu couldn’t hide the smile threatening to spread across her face. “Th-thanks… I guess.”
“Are you sure this is the only outfit you want?”
Hours later, Ran was holding four bags of clothes in each hand. At least Reimu is happy, the kitsune mused. All is according to plan. …Hmm, maybe she was right about my needlessly cryptic manner of speech.
“Ran Yakumo to the front desk, please. Ran Yakumo to the front desk. Your, uh, shikigami, Chen is here.”
The senior shikigami sighed before throwing the bags into a gap and leaving the two like a thief in the night.
“Gods, grant me strength…” Ran murmured. She took a deep breath and slipped in her earplugs before stepping out of the car and locking it.
“Finally ready?” her mistress asked.
“I took five-point-zero-four seconds. Leave me alone.”
Reimu pretended not to notice their spat as she turned to the bowling alley. “Aren’t alleys… the space between buildings? That’s what I always thought,” she tried to joke. Ran, in a monotone voice, proceeded to explain why bowling alleys were called that because they were once underground due to the Second World War. Reimu didn’t understand but didn’t speak up, either.
Yukari opened the door to the building, and noise exploded out of it. Voices, music, and foreign crashing sounds all made their way into the group’s ears, whether they liked it or not. The eldest of them all stepped inside. “Come on, come on! No time like the present!” They all stepped inside with mixed feelings: Reimu was cringing at the amount of chaos in the room; Chen’s eyes had sharpened and her ears twitched in anticipation of the fun to be had; and Ran… Ran was muttering to herself words that only she could hear. Yukari led the three of them (two for a moment) to a desk and greeted the man standing there before getting down to business. The shrine maiden was looking around when the gap youkai asked, “Reimu, what size shoes do you wear?”
Reimu didn’t even know that there were different sizes of shoes. “Uh, I don’t know…”
The fox was still muttering to herself.
“Yes, my lady!”
“What size shoe does Reimu wear?”
“26.74 Newtons… 52.89 Newtons… 74.31 Newtons…” The fox winced at a particularly loud crash. “4. 4. 4… 4… and a half…?”
“We’ll try four-and-a-halfs for this one,” Yukari said as she rested her hand on Reimu’s head. The man set the shoes on the desk and the youkai had her try them on. They fit well enough, the shrine maiden decided, so with everything done, they moved to their lane.
Reimu leaned toward Yukari and spoke lowly. “What’s up with Ran?”
“Oh, don’t worry about her; she’s just running too many processes at once; she’ll be fine in a while.” The fox winced at another crash. Yukari reached into a gap (in front of everyone) and pulled out a… sphere of darkness with one of her gap eyes in the center of it, eternally gazing directly at Reimu. Chen ran off and returned with a similarly-sized orange ball. “Ran, could you get our names on the screen?” The shikigami made no indication that she had heard, but Yukari continued on. “Come, Reimu, let’s go find you a ball.”
“What kind of ball am I looking for?”
“Oh, just one that isn’t too heavy. Light is fine, but people usually pick one the heaviest one they can handle.”
“Okay.” Reimu turned her head to the nearest ball, a lime green one, and picked it up the same way she would a pot of sake. “This one’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Alright. You see those three holes in it?”
“Those are for your fingers. You’re middle and ring finger go in those top two, and the bottom one is for your thumb.”
“So see if your fingers fit.”
“Okay.” They did.
“Huh. Good.”
“You just seem… disappointed in something.”
“I’m not. Just… Well, surprised isn’t the right word, but… you know.” The two returned to find Ran still standing exactly where she had been earlier and Chen spinning around on one of the chairs at their table. Their names were on the overhead screen, though. Yukari strode up to Ran and started speaking to her as though she had hypnotized her. Immediately, the shikigami shook her head and focused returned to her eyes. She left and returned with a blood-red ball. “It looks as though we’re ready to start then. Ran, show us how it’s done!”
“Chen is first.”
The cat snatched her ball from the rack and used both of her hands to thunder it down the lane. Off center from the first pin, it knocked down seven pins. When she saw that three pins remained standing, she scrabbled to grab another ball and readied to hurl it after the last when Ran scolded her, telling her to be patient. Chen licked her lips as the machines prepared the lane for the next ball. With her master’s permission, she threw the second ball and got two of the remaining three pins. She let out a cat’s angry moan at her failure.
“Good job, Chen!” Yukari spoke, clapping her hands for the girl. “Alright, Ran, show your stuff!”
“It is Reimu’s turn now.”
The machine next to her made a strange sound and spat out her and Chen’s bowling balls. She stood up, grabbed hers, and prepared to roll it as the bakeneko had.
“Reimu,” Yukari started.
“What now?”
“The holes, Reimu.”
“What about them?”
The gap youkai sighed amusedly. “Here, let me help you.” She stood up and moved close to the girl, practically hugging her as she guided her through the motions. “And make sure you don’t cross this line here, or else you could slip and get hurt.”
“It would also be a foul,” Ran added.
“Okay, I got it,” Reimu whined. Just as Yukari had instructed, she swung the ball back, took a step and threw it down the lane. It didn’t need to travel very far before the ball reached its directed destination: The gutter.
“Oh nooo!” Yukari cried. “That’s okay; you get another try! See if you can knock down any pins this time!” Reimu cringed at the youkai’s babying voice. Her ball popped out of the machine again and went into the gutter again, this time making it half a foot further. “Ohhh, it’s okay, Reimu! It’s your first try after all!” That didn’t make the girl pout any less. “Okay, Ran—!”
“Your turn.”
“Right. Of course.” Yukari picked up her gap ball and knocked down eight pins with the first throw and two with the second.
Reimu’s eyebrows furrowed at how mundane it was. “It doesn’t do anything?” she asked as the woman sat down beside her.
“Hmm? Oh, you mean by bowling ball? No, it just looks like that.”
“Now you sound disappointed.”
“Shut up.”
As the final bowler picked up her ball, Yukari cried out, “Alright, Ran, show us how it’s done!” The shikigami knocked down nine pins, then the tenth. “You were supposed to get a strike.”
“I’m aware of how scoring works in bowling, Lady Yukari.”
“But why didn’t you get a strike?”
“My lady, I really don’t—”
“Come ooon! You’re so great at bowling, though! And I’m sure Reimu would like to see you score a perfect 300.”
“I don’t think we should attract attention.”
“…Fine. Next game.”
Reimu had managed to knock down six pins in her first game. When Yukari offered another, she refused, but the youkai didn’t listen, saying, “I’ll put up the bumpers for you this time!” She managed to break into the double digits in the second—even getting the ball to go where she wanted it to thanks to some pointers from Ran. And she had to admit that it was pretty satisfying to get revenge. She could have done without the embarrassment brought on by Ran’s crowd of spectators, though.
During the third game, which Yukari mercifully let Reimu sit out for, Chen had tugged on the shrine maiden’s sleeve and gestured for her to follow. “What’s the matter? Need to go to the bathroom?” The bakeneko shook her head as she continued leading her. While the four of them had been bowling, there was a series of strange noises coming from a distant part of the building. Now they were growing louder as Reimu followed the youkai. She found that they were coming from bright and colorful machines of all kinds huddled together. “What are these things?”
“Arcade machines!” The shrine maiden had a vague memory of Sanae talking about them a few times before. Chen pulled out some coins. “I snuck these from Ran’s purse. Don’t tell her!” She slipped a few into one of the machines with giant twin chairs stuck to it. “Come on! Sit down!”
“Chen, you should have asked for money, not stolen it,” Ran admonished.
“But you were busy!” the young youkai whined. “And you always take forever when you talk to people!”
“That’s because—” The kitsune sighed. “Nevermind. We’re leaving now, so finish up quickly.”
As her master started moving away, Chen dropped her plastic gun and darted over to her, crying, “Wait!” She stood on her tiptoes and whispered something in Ran’s ear.
The older youkai smiled. “Yes, that’s just fine.” Once the two girls had finished playing their game, Chen moved to a machine with a bunch of toys inside of it. “Reimu, could you please return Chen’s bowling shoes along with yours?”
“Sure,” the girl said simply.
“Did you have a good time?” Yukari asked as the shrine maiden approached.
“It was alright, I guess.”
“Just ‘alright?’ Hmmm… We’ll have to change that.”
“Sure,” the human replied absentmindedly as she handed the pairs of shoes to the clerk. Ran and Chen arrived, and the older youkai placed their shoe on the counter. The bakenko was hugging a pink salamander plush to her chest.
As soon as they got back into the Ford Pinto, Yukari clapped her hands. “Alright, Reimu! Movie, dinner, or karaoke! Which do you want to do next? And remember! We’re not going home until you’ve had the best day of your life, got that?”
[X] Movie
[X] Dinner
[X] Karaoke
Author’s Note: Look at that, a choice! It’s meaningless. I’m doing all three, but I don’t know what order I wanna put them in, so you’re picking for me. I’m also doing this because I don’t want this to get any longer than it is because formatting is a pain on every single fanfiction site under the sun. ALSO! I hate this chapter because it’s the high point of my career so far, and that spot is supposed to be reserved for my Fire Emblem Heroes SI fic where I… nevermind. That spot is supposed to be reserved for my Girls und Panzer fic where Koume goes to Oarai instead of Miho! There. It’s also the longest chapter I’ve ever written which is again… Anyway. …I wonder when the next chapter is coming out…
You know, that does make sense for why Ran wouldn't be the biggest fan of bowling. Being able to score a perfect 300 on demand means it's not really a game for her, just a (noisy!) obligation.
Really though, awkward as it is, Yukari's trying, and it's not going too badly.
[X] Movie
Karaoke seems like the sort of thing you save until everyone's already thoroughly drunk.
Pair that with the fact that she clearly had a migraine, or at the very least some form of headache from the constant noise and you can tell she really wanted to be anywhere else.
[X] Movie
darn, i shoulda had you guys pick a genre, too. hopefully everyone who voted already sees this message.
If you pick one of the other two options, I already have plans for those: Korean barbecue and the exact J-pop you'd expect.
X] Movie
As for the genre, hmm... I think it would depend on who's picking the movie.
Yukari feels like she'd want a drama, maybe romance. Something with a plot that focuses on characters and their relations and conflicts.
Chen would probably just pick a "summer blockbuster". Flashy, straightforward, and high energy.
Ran... She'd somehow find a documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough. Something more like educational rather than regular entertainment because she'd be able to predict any plot twists from the very start anyway. More importantly, it would be very calm and soothing, giving her poor ears some rest.
And if they let Reimu decide, she'd probably pick whichever is the current big movie because she wouldn't know or care enough to actually choose something, so she'd just go for the first one she sees and that one would have the most posters.
In other words, I have no idea what kind of movie I'd want them to watch so I'm just throwing out ideas in case anyone else has a stronger opinion on it.
For the movie, I’m voting for the magical girl genre. Because surely that will be a light and fluffy story, about girls bonding and living out fulfilling lives with a dose of fantasy, and no suffering whatsoever. It can even have a cute cat for Chen!
gonna start writing the next chapter now, but I still don't know what to do
touhous eating korean bbq sounds amazing
Reimu opened her mouth to answer, but the gap youkai kept talking. “Ah! Actually, we should see a movie sometime tonight!” Her shikigami was about to speak, but she gave her no time to. “Ran, look up movie times!”
The shrine maiden leaned back into her seat and crossed her arms as she looked out the window. “Rocketman, the dramatization of the life of Elton John; 1917, the World War I movie; Color Out of Space, an adaptation of the story by HP Lovecraft; Godzilla: Ki—”
“GODZILLA!” Chen shrieked.
“Reimu, do you have any opinion?”
“I don’t care,” the girl breathed out.
“GODZILLA!” Chen shrieked again.
“Godzilla it is… That’s playing in… Actually, if we leave now, there’s a 62.8% chance of getting optimal seats 2 minutes and 17 seconds before the movie is scheduled to start.”
Reimu slapped her hand over the child’s mouth. “Knock it off!” The cat grabbed it and started biting her like a captured fish. “OW!”
“Hey! Chen! Stop that this instant!” Ran shouted at her.
“Oh, leave her alone,” Yukari told her. “She’s just playing!”
“You’re not helping!”
Reimu instinctively reached for her ofuda but found nothing, so she instead started trying to shove her off. Ran twisted around in her chair to pry the two girls away from each other. “Chen, if you don’t behave, we’re not going to see Godzilla!”
“GODZILLA!” the cat yowled a fourth time, finally letting go to jump around in her seat. Once they had managed to get the cat mostly calmed down, they made their way to the theater. By luck, they were 7 minutes and 38 seconds early, so they had gotten the best seats they could. They were getting consessions when they heard a voice from behind.
“Reimu?” The group turned to see Sumireko holding a giant bucket of popcorn in one arm and an almost-as-large drink in her other. She also had a massive coat on for some reason. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here to watch a movie, of course!” Yukari told her.
“Cool! I got a ticket for Godzilla, myself.”
“G—!” A hand appeared over Chen’s mouth.
“How serendipitous! Chen was insistent that we watch Godzilla, so we got tickets for it, too!”
“Nice! We can sit together then!”
“Reimu, what do you want to drink?” Yukari asked her.
“Just tea? Don’t you want anything special?”
Sumireko let out a low whistle. “Now that’d be bold!”
“Sumi-chan, what are you drinking?”
“Rootbeer,” the girl said before taking a sip.
“Rootbeer it is, then.” Once Yukari had paid for the conscessions, she distributed them, and they moved to find their theater. As soon as Reimu sat down, she began wolfing down her bucket of popcorn.
“Woah, slow down, gurl!” Sumireko started. “It ain’t goin’ nowhere!”
“‘M ‘ungreh!” the shrine maiden shot back through a mouthful of popcorn.
“You’re going to choke or get sick if you’re not careful,” Ran admonished, and the girl replied by rolling her eyes.
“Here, I’ll share some of my food with you.” The Outside World resident opened up her coat and produced a candy bar.
“Where did you get that?” Yukari asked.
“From my pocket?”
The gap youkai smiled patiently. “I meant before you entered the theater.”
“I know,” Sumireko chirped. “I just felt like making a little joke.”
“I see…” A moment passed. “Well?”
“‘Well’ what?”
“Where did you get that candy bar?”
“Same place anyone else would get a candy bar.”
“The convenience store perhaps?”
“Mmm. Maybe…”
“Wouldn’t that be considered theft?” Yukari asked with her usual coy attitude. “Bringing candy in from the outside instead of paying for it here?”
“Excuse me! Is it theft when I download a music file?! Do I just suddenly have the original produced song, and the maker doesn’t?! No! He can still sell it all he wants, and—honestly—if I listen to a song or watch a movie, and it’s shit, they should be paying me for having wasted my time!” She paled at the boy her age staring at her as she spoke. He nodded slowly before opening up his coat to show off three times the snacks that she had. She pointed at him. “See, he gets it! And besides, you’re not one to talk with the way you run Gensokyo, are you.”
“Oh? And how do you know how I run Gensokyo?”
“Someone may have let it slip…” The high schooler’s eyes drifted to Reimu. The shrine maiden, of course, had no memory of that.
“I see. And what did she tell you?”
“That you’re l—” Suddenly, the room grew dark and the screen grew bright. “Ooh! It’s starting!” Sumireko said before shushing the rest of them.
“But it’s just the previews.”
“This is the best way to stay informed, now be quiet!”
Reimu had no idea what was happening. There was a giant lizard, and a three-headed dragon, and a big moth, and a feather-less bird-lizard thing, and guys with guns, and other humans, and… She’d rather have been drinking with Suika if she was completely honest.
“Oh, and, man! When Godzilla took out King Ghidorah?! I did not expect it like that at all!” Sumireko gushed.
“I didn’t get it,” her Gensokyo counterpart admitted. “I thought there weren’t any youkai in the Outside World anyway.”
“Silly Reimu, that was just a movie,” Yukari explained. “It was pure fantasy.”
“But it would be possible, right?” the high school girl hastily said. “Right?!”
“It could be…”
Sumireko got down on her hands and knees, pressing her head against the floor. “Yukari, pleeease! You need to make it happen!”
“That sounds like a pain, so no,” Reimu replied for her.
“No, but—! He would—! It’d be okay because—!”
“I said no, Sumireko.”
The bespectacled girl pushed herself up. “You sounded a lot like my mom just now…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Wha—?! Nothing, I just…” The high school girl shrugged. “You sounded like my mom, that’s all!”
The shrine maiden continued to glower at her. Yukari, meanwhile, said, “Well, this has been quite the treat, meeting you here, but we ought to get going.”
“Yeah, I should get home, too. My real mom’s already gonna be pissed enough that I snuck out on a school night.” She took the final few sips from her root beer as her eyes were trained on the ceiling. “Actually… Yeah, what the hell. Got room for one more?”
“Absolutely!” Yukari sang. Ran must have known better than to argue because she didn’t say anything.
Sumireko, after having gushed about how much she liked their car, was playing a game with Chen that involved tapping each other’s fingers until… someone won somehow while answering Yukari’s questions about her life in the Outside World. Reimu wasn’t paying attention, instead imaging all of the cuts of meat she’d never heard of until five minutes ago. “How much longer until we’re there?” she asked, toeing the line between curious mind and annoying child.
The gap youkai chuckled. “Eager, aren’t we?”
“Reimu, please don’t overeat when we get there, alright?” her shikigami spoke.
“I won’t.”
“I’m serious; you ate a whole bucket of popcorn in 2 minutes and 14 seconds!”
“I was hungry!”
“There were— a lot of calories in that, meaning… In layman’s terms, you won’t be able to eat as much as you think when we get there.” Reimu huffed and continued to stare out the window. “You also had a large root beer and plenty of chocolate. I can’t believe I let you do that to yourself…”
“Oh, don’t worry about her, Ran!”
“You too, Lady Yukari! The only reason I’m not lecturing you, too, is because I know you won’t listen!”
“And because I’m your master.”
“At this point, that’s the furthest thing from my mind! You’re setting a horrible example for Reimu if you truly intend to act as her mother!”
“‘Mother?’” Sumireko repeated. “You said ‘mother?’”
“N-no, I… meant to say mentor.”
“Competing with Kasen, huh?” the high schooler pressed, but from her amused tone, it sounded like she didn’t believe the shikigami.
“It’s rather sweet of you to pretend that she can compete with me, but she isn’t here, dear,” Yukari spoke, and Sumireko laughed along with her.
“No, but seriously—”
“Drop it.”
The group eventually made it to the restaurant and sat down in a nice, private booth. “Let’s get sake,” were the first words out of Reimu’s mouth.
“Unfortunately, the Outside World has these things called laws that prevent people from doing things. That includes children your age from purchasing alcohol,” Ran informed her.
“We’ll get sake, Reimu, don’t worry,” Yukari spoke.
The shikigami’s eyes pointed up at the ceiling for a while.
“Any of you ever had Korean barbeque before?” Sumireko asked.
“Of course!” the gap youkai answered. “Though never with so many people. Have you?”
As Reimu wondered why the girl had even brought it up then, Chen asked, “What’s tripe?”
“Cow stomach. Apparently, it’s really good, but I just can’t imagine eating… that.”
“That sounds disgusting,” Reimu remarked.
“I know, right?!”
“Oh, don’t be like that, girls!” Yukari intervened. “It is good. In fact, I might get some…”
“Now I want to make liver and onions…” Ran murmured.
“You two aren’t going to start talking about eating people, are you?” Reimu interrogated.
“You’d be surprised how long it’s been since we’ve eaten someone,” the gap youkai said with a smile.
“Oh yeah…” Sumireko mumbled. “You guys… do that. Is, uh… Uh…”
“Whatever question you want to ask, dear, you shouldn’t; you’re ruining your appetite just thinking about it.”
“Yeah, I am… Though the tripe talk didn’t help, either.”
“This place has a bathroom, right?” Reimu asked.
“Of course,” Yukari answered. “There should be signs pointing it out if you look.”
“I’ll come, too,” the shrine maiden’s high school counterpart said. “Shoulda gone at the theater, but whatevs.” As the pair made their way through the restaurant, Sumireko leaned toward her. “Lemme know if you need help using the toilets; I’d bet anything they’re not what you’re used to.”
Reimu clicked her tongue as the sink once again shut itself off. “This is stupid. Why would someone make something that gives out free water just for it to stop working every five seconds?”
“That’s deliberate. It’s for saving the environment or something. Hey, what’s the deal with… Ran said Yukari want’s to be your mom or something?”
The shrine maiden froze. “…Drop it…”
“I said ‘drop it!’” the girl snapped.
Sumireko raised her hands in surrender. “Okay, okay!”
The two returned to the table, carrying the tense and awkward air with them.
“Ran,” Yukari spoke. “You should take Chen to the bathroom, too—just in case.”
“Yes, Lady Yukari, I’ll do that.”
“Come on, Chen.”
Once the kitsune and the bakeneko were gone, the gap youkai laid her hefted her crossed arms onto the table. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine,” Reimu told her.
Yukari shook her head, and Sumireko said, “I… may have asked about…”
“‘May have?’”
The high schooler rubbed her hands together under the table. “Did. Did ask. About something I… guess I shouldn’t have.”
The older woman smiled politely. “I don’t fault you for being curious, but I did tell you to drop it, didn’t I?”
“You did…”
“I did,” Yukari confirmed as she nodded. She turned her attention to her shrine maiden. “Reimu, please don’t be angry at her. Can we just drop the matter and continue to have a fun night?”
The girl sat there with her arms crossed over her chest for a while before she spoke again. “Why did you even bring me out here in the first place? This was your stupid idea in the first place, so why don’t you just tell me what you were thinking.”
The gap youkai sighed. “You’re right. You are right. This was my idea… …Reimu— Are you happy?”
“I was just fine before you showed up.”
“Before I brought you to the Outside World? Before the party? The Eternal Night incident?”
The shrine maiden leaned forward. “All my life I’ve been just fine being alone! I don’t need you! I don’t need any youkai! I don’t need anyone!”
“Reimu…” Sumireko started, but she couldn’t continue.
“Reimu…” Yukari tried to find her words. “…I’m sorry. It’s all my fault… I’m sorry…”
The group was frozen in the tension until the orphaned girl stood up and stormed away. The high schooler went after her, and the gap youkai remained.
“Reimuuu! Waaait!” Sumireko called out to the fleeing girl
“Go! Away!” the shrine maiden shouted back in a voice that was beginning to break. She made a turn down an alley and immediately tripped over a garbage can. The concrete below scraped away at her knees and palms, and she gingerly pushed herself up with her wrists.
“Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine!” Tears began dripping from her eyes. “Just… Just go away!”
“Reimu, I’m… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t’ve asked… I was just curious, though! I mean… that’s such a weird thing to say… Like, wouldn’t your parents—?”
“My parents are dead! Don’t you get it?! They’re dead! They’re gone! I have nobody but myself!”
“R-Reimu… I’m… I’m so sorry…!” Sumireko crouched down and hugged her. “I’m so, so sorry… I didn’t know… I just thought they were busy or… I’m so sorry…” The shrine maiden cried into her friend’s arms for a while until she had calmed down. “I know what it’s like to be alone—at least a little bit… My parents, they’re always on business trips—one or both of them, so before I got into high school, I would have to stay with my aunt in another town.” She gave a half-hearted chuckle. “Being into occultism probably never helped either…”
“…I wish I was you…” Reimu murmured.
“Sometimes I wish I was you, too… But the grass is always greener, huh?”
“…I suppose so…” A moment of silence passed. “…I’m hungry…”
Sumireko started chuckling, then it grew it into full hysterical laughter. “I’d bet. C’mon, let’s go.” She helped her friend up, and they started back towards the restaurant. It didn’t take long at all before they found Ran looking for them.
“There you two are. You’re injured.” The shikigami reached into her sleeve and pulled out a first aid kit. “Lay her down.” Sumireko did as she was instructed, and Ran immediately set to work cleaning the shrine maiden’s wounds. Reimu hissed when the alcohol was applied. “I’m sorry it hurts, but it needs to be done.”
“I’ve been injured before, you know.”
Ran nodded. “I suppose you have…”
“Youkai?” Sumireko asked.
Reimu nodded. “And Marisa dragging me around on her ‘adventures.’ Or just cutting myself with a knife while cooking or some other mundane thing.”
“Hm. Makes sense.”
Once the shikigami had finished her care, she helped the shrine maiden to her feet. “…Sorry for running out on everyone,” Reimu murmured.
“It’s alright. I don’t blame you. I’d rather be curled up at home with a good book, and I’m sure you’d rather be drinking tea.”
“I was promised good food, though!”
Ran smiled. “That’s the spirit.”
The group shared a pleasant meal before they headed out for their last stop of the night: Karaoke.
Reimu sat awkwardly as Sumireko sang catchy pop and loud rock songs, Yukari and Chen sang weird English songs, and Ran sang slow ballads of yesteryears.
Eventually, the gap youkai said, “Reimu’s tuuurn!”
“No way!”
“Come on, Reimers, we can do a duet!” Sumireko offered
“I don’t even know any songs!”
“Well now’s the perfect time to start learning some!” The highschool girl grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. “We’ll do Ievan Polkka!”
Sumireko stretched an arm over her head. “Haaa… Man, I’m wiped…” Reimu mumbled in agreement. The cool night air was likely the only reason she was still awake.
“Awww,” Yukari whined. “You’re sure you can’t stay up a little longer? Maybe we could get ice cream?”
“Sounds nice, but I can’t. It’s a school night, after all.” The highschooler winked at her. “Any chance I could get a gap back home?”
The youkai laughed. “Alright, here you go.” She drew her finger in the air, and a rift appeared before them.
“Thanks! See ya around!”
“Bye-bye!” Yukari turned to the rest of her group. Ran was holding Chen in an arm, and Reimu was leaning against her trying to stay awake. “Ice cream?” The shikigami’s tired look became a tired scowl. “Oh, fine…” They returned to their car and drove home, the youngest two sleeping soundly in the back seat. “Did you have a good time, Ran?”
“I told Reimu I’d rather have been reading a book. I don’t regret having come along, though. But it’s not like I had a choice, so…” She shrugged a shoulder. “Whatever…”
“Why don’t you take the day off tomorrow then?”
“Because you can’t do anything without my help.”
Yukari threw her head back, laughing loudly.
When they had finally arrived home, the two women woke the two kids. Before Reimu had entered her room, the bakeneko tugged Reimu’s sleeve. “What is it?”
The young youkai held out prize she had won earlier that day. “Here!” Chen shoved it closer to her. “A gift! For you!”
She accepted the salamander without a thought, thanked her, then fell into her bed fast asleep.
Author’s Note: Once again, I’ve made the horrible mistake of just wanting the chapter to end…