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Screenshot 2024-04-12 171122
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

The chronicler-turned-moon rabbit, Inaba Akyuu, was having a much better first day back on earth than Reimu was having. Even though the village teeters in precarious balance without the Hakurei heiress to enforce it, Akyuu was able to quickly provide evidence to support her story, and start earning the trust of Eientei's residents.

But now, a device secreted along with her during the escape attempt threatens to break that trust apart, and force Eientei into desperate measures on a night Gensokyo would already be pressed to endure. And all the while, the specter of death walks the bamboo forest, seeking the reborn rabbit... and a certain other.

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>205302
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

[0] Fight.
[2] Run.
[4] Comply.
[15] Time Out (Pause for a moment)
-[15] Tell Tewi and Kaguya that going back is a stupid idea and why.

“Just… hold on for a second, alright?” Akyuu said, taking a step back. “I-I’m not sure this is a good idea at all.”

Tewi scoffed, hefting her hammer. “Oh yeah?”

“F-first… is it even safe to go to Eientei, if the trap’s already there?”

“It’s already there, but it’s under lock and key. And it requires touching it to activate, usa.”

Akyuu blinked. “But still, if we go to Eientei-”

The lucky rabbit ran her fingers along the hammer’s handle. “If we go to Eientei, any Lunarians that think of trying something will have to land outside it and come in the long way. In addition, nobody actually knows where Eientei is aside from Eirin, Kaguya, the Inaba and you. And I am not about to let a security risk like you run about.”

“B-but we should get to the shrine, and-”

Tewi snarled. “Oh, now you’re trying to lead us away, usa? I don’t trust a damn word out of your mouth, vat-bunny. And, you know, for that matter, I wonder how much anyone else really, truly does myself.”

Akyuu blinked. “Wh-what?”

Tewi grinned, reaching into her pocket. “Oh, didn’t you know about this-”

The moment the item was pulled out, there was a pink blur. The princess surged forward, reaching for the item Tewi had retrieved. It was a small piece of plastic, with a single button on it, but Akyuu didn’t get a chance to observe it more closely before Kaguya’s hand had locked around Tewi’s own.

“Tewi. Where did you get this?”

The rabbit tried to pull her hand free. “Kggh, well, Princess, after the little rabbit decided to snoop on me, I decided to snoop right back, usa. Took a look at her little file, and guess what I found?” She yelped, as Kaguya tightened her grip.

“Give me that. Now.” Tewi glared at her, but released the button. Kaguya stuffed it into a sleeve.

“P-princess…” Reisen’s voice was hesitant. “You - what is -”

The Princess put up a finger to silence her. “Reisen. Not another word.” She turned. “It was only a precaution, and one that I believe we no longer need.”

Akyuu blinked, feeling chills down her spine. “A-a precaution? What is that?”

She turned, giving Akyuu a conflicted stare. At length, she spoke.

“...It was created before you awoke. Before we knew why you came. Anything more than that, you are better off not knowing, Akyuu. I am going to put this button away, and we will. Not. Speak. Of. This. Again.”

She turned to Tewi. “Get whatever carts you have ready. Akyuu will be fine traveling unbound. And she will be coming with us.” Both Akyuu and Tewi started to protest, but the Princess’ glare silenced them. “Now. No more discussion.”

The princess was giving off an aura Akyuu didn’t know she could give. Every word landed like an imperial decree. The rabbits were dead-silent, as they moved towards two oxen-drawn carts.

The air was a crushing weight, holding Akyuu's urge to protest firmly in the ground. She climbed up onto the back of one cart, with Reisen sitting right beside her. The young rabbit looked up at the evening sky, trying to calm her nerves.

And saw the rising, fake moon. She let out a gasp, and Reisen followed her gaze.

+So, Lady Eirin’s already begun, has she?+

Akyuu turned to Reisen. +What - she did that?+ The older rabbit nodded.

+...It’s been an option for a while. To seal the earth in a bubble, separating us from the moon forever.+ She pointed up. +That moon you’re seeing there is just a projection.+

…They were sealed? No, no, this was all wrong! Weren’t Seiran and Ringo supposed to come down some time from now?

+This… Reisen, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.+ The elder rabbit reached out, giving Akyuu a gentle pat on her head to reassure her.

+I’m sure, Akyuu. You needed to get down here, and Sagume exploited that. And when the spell’s in place, we can put this behind us. But… it’s not always that simple, you know. Sometimes… we have to take desperate measures.+

Akyuu sighed. The petting wasn’t doing anything to help steady her nerves. +Speaking of desperate measures, Reisen, that button - did you-+

Reisen shook her head. +I didn’t know they made a... precaution like that. And there’s no way in hell Tewi was ever supposed to get it. …Don’t react to it. Tewi’s just trying to get you paranoid in hopes you’d out yourself as a lunarian spy.+

+But… what is it?+

Reisen took a deep, shuddering breath, pulling her hand back. +...I have a hunch. But if I’m right… then the Princess is correct. You can’t know, Akyuu - not now, maybe not ever.+

It was subtle, but it was there. Akyuu couldn’t ignore it once she saw it. She’d spent some time looking at the fake moon, swimming in memories.

It was the moon she’d seen, all those years ago when she’d reincarnated. It wasn’t as… purple as it had been then, but the subtle wrongness was all too familiar. She’d always wondered how a fake-seeming moon had landed her on the real one. Now, it seemed like she knew.

…there was something else familiar about it. Something she couldn’t quite place. She looked up at the moon, again. When had she seen a moon like that before? It danced just at the edge of her memory. She was pretty sure whenever she’d seen it, the moon itself hadn’t looked wrong to her eyes. But when was that?

…It wasn’t like she had many other places to look. Tewi and her rabbit retinue were still watching her with suspicion, and neither Kaguya nor Reisen were able to meet her eye. The slight coziness and comfort Akyuu had begun to feel suddenly felt… very, very distant, once again.

…And it was her fault. Well, it was, wasn’t it? She couldn’t explain what she didn’t know, and she’d just taken Sagume’s assistance without asking. It was pretty clear that the orb was a trap. And she’d brought it right to Kaguya and Eirin, no questions asked.

Well, look on the bright side. Maybe it wasn’t a trap for them. Maybe it was just a trap for her and her sister. She tried to voice it, but it died in her throat. …It wasn’t like it was a better option, on a personal level, and if she was wrong…

By the time they got back, the rabbits were in an absolute frenzy. Various phrases were being thrown around at each other. Akyuu managed to catch ‘vampire’ more than a few times.

Eirin came out to greet them, breathless, her clothing and hair ever-so-slightly disheveled. “Princess, the vampires - they’re here. And they’re already in a frenzy-”

Kaguya reached into her sleeve, pulling out the button and slamming it down into Eirin’s palm. The doctor looked down, and her face blanched. The princess folded her arms. “Put that away, first chance you get.” Tewi tched as Eirin hastily slid it into a pocket.

As the moon rabbit sisters disembarked, Reisen spoke up. “So, when you say they’re in a frenzy-”

Eirin nodded. “They’ve noticed the sealing spell. A lot of youkai seem to have, actually, and they’re rampaging around the countryside. But as long as they don’t find us by the break of dawn… the spell will be firmly in place.”

Tewi rolled her eyes. “Yeah, if the vat-bunny doesn’t tip them off. Even the vampire’s arrival could be a moony plot, usa.”

Reisen glared at Tewi. “...Need me to ping the Psydar, Lady Eirin?” Eirin nodded, and the group began to make their way inside the complex.

The building they were headed to had a large dish mounted on its top. As they stepped inside, Akyuu looked around the room.

And her jaw dropped. The room had a massive table in the center, made of dark glass with a map of the Bamboo Forest Eirin and Kaguya strode around to the back of the room, as Reisen stepped behind them, to a strange chair with a helmet attached.

“What is this place…?”

Eirin looked up. “This room is… very important to Eientei’s security.” She tapped on the glass. “We use a psychic pulse to lock on to any thinking entities in the forest, and track their movements.”

Reisen smiled, reassuringly. “Only thing is it needs a battery. A moon rabbit to use for the psychic pulse. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. It’s… taxing, but I’ll bounce back.”

“And we need information.” She turned to Akyuu. “...Akyuu, anything you can tell us about these new vampires?” She raised a hand up as Tewi began to protest. “It will at least be a reference point.”

“And what if the moonies followed her down?” Tewi pushed. “What if there’s a bunch of their forces around too?”

So… that’s where it was. She was under suspicion, and everything was spiraling out of control. The Scarlets were here, the false moon was in the sky… and Akyuu’s attempt to help had only caused things to spiral further. Hell, it seemed like she had managed to create a whole new incident.

She needed trust back, and fast.

[ ] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
[ ] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.

{ } “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
{ } “Anything else I can do to help?”

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File 171292030697.png - (107.16KB, 392x243, Screenshot 2024-04-12 211055.png)
Screenshot 2024-04-12 211055
I screwed up!

Again/Akyuu's second code >>206302, not >>205302!
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On the negative sign, I think we should all send out a prayer for the Shrine Maiden- I think we have an idea of what's going to happen now. Triggering an incident early to make it collide with another one, causing the combined disasters to overwhelm her. May the Yama be merciful on her soul.

Considering the mysterious button, though, I doubt we could've gotten far even if we tried to run. Causality endures, we just have to deal with it.

With that in mind...

[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

{X} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”

Talking about Lunar forces right now is just going to whip everyone into more of a frenzy over shadows. The Mansion is the actual danger, here. The latter... well, I'm not saying being a saboteur would be a good idea, but it'd be nice to have the option.
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Welp, it seems our lunar friends have been busy. And tonight, a death of the highest order will occur. For now though, we have to reprove our innocence. Thought they can't exactly trust what leaves our mouth.

[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

This is related to information we have discussed in brief earlier, so it will be harder to disprove with suspicion. If we're too eager spilling lunarian positions, they may think it's all fabricated. As for other choices...

{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”

They probably won't let the 'traitor' man such an important piece of defensive equipment. Though our odd disposition to transmit vivid depictions may help in a strategic sense, we probably don't have a case.

As much as I would like to know what everyone is hiding, now is not the time. Let's get to work.
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Almost all the SDM residents are very powerful, especially their abilities (and as vague on how effective it actually is, leaving unchecked Remilia with her power over fate is a bad idea) , it's better to fill them in on what they cand do.

[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

{X} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

{ } “Anything else I can do to help?”

"Yeah, what if."
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
- [X] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”

Two thoughts I have:
- I wouldn't be surprised if one of the other immaterial children reincarnated as part of the SDM, considering that was one path Akyuu could have taken herself.
- If Marisa and Youmu are in Gensokyo right now and have somehow managed to awaken to their memories early like Reimu did, the Eternal Night incident starting early is sure to draw their attention to Eientei.

I'm not sure what to make of either of these potential situations, though, and they may not even be worth discussing at the moment, given how they're pure speculation.
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...we really should have risked asking Sagume those questions.

At this point, I do sort of feel the need to debate the value of Eintei. Obviously having them as allies is better than having them as enemies, but are they worth the trouble to win the trust of if we clearly don't have it now? I mean, the button all of them dreaded Tewi revealing seems to imply some vaguely horrible thing they were willing to do to us. Trust is a two-way street, and they (sans Reisen) haven't been working on their half all that much.

So, in the interest of discussion, do we think we should stay on their side at the moment?
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

They're a more immediate problem. Lunarians are at least slightly obstructed by the sealing spell
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

{X} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
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If the Hakurei's ass becomes grass tonight I am going to hold it over Eienteis head so hard and keep a grudge about it.
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File 171293060759.jpg - (158.07KB, 850x603, __remilia_scarlet_and_kasodani_kyouko_touhou_drawn.jpg)

Hello, Palindrome Post!

There was actually going to be, for a time, an option for Kosuzu where she could become a vampire. Actually, they were going to have a very similar setting to the one imagined for Vampire!Akyuu, an outsider who awakens their powers at the start of the story. This is partially because I really want at least one outsider (not necessarily human) character.

But the reaction to the SDM potential was so fairly negative, and they'd be making a prominent appearance regardless with the way the story was set up, so i decided to rework that particular option to something more unique. That particular one is now a very, very different outsider option, and I've prepped a few redundancies so the reason why that outsider was important is more manageable.
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

- It's mostly Tewi that's been distrusting of Akyuu, and the other three are likely aware that it's because Kaguya had Akyuu snoop through her room which made a terrible first impression.
- The Button of Doom was an understandable precaution at the time, Akyuu had just earned their trust for a bit more than a day, and Eirin probably was too busy at the time preparing to start her Incident to dispose of it before Tewi found it.
- The Eientei group also let Akyuu enter what Eirin considered "very important to Eientei's security", so they (sans Tewi) trust her enough to not sabotage their security.

Also, here's a fun idea:
[JK] Suggest getting into contact with a certain greek goddess and a vengeful divine spirit and give the duo the idea of spreading impurity to the Moon by using purified fairies.
-[JK] This will serve as the perfect distraction for any Lunar forces trying to find Eientei and will definitely not end with Gensokyo being colonized by the Lunarians.
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

{X} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
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I’m a little sad about that, as someone who likes the SDM and would have been fine with vampire Akyuu. Alas.

Also, this story has done nothing to change my negative opinion of Tewi. Considering Kaguya’s reaction, I think she came this close to killing us or worse with that button. And I’m pretty sure she still wants revenge for us being in her room.

[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
- {X} “Where Tewi can’t arrange an accident for me?”

Very tempted to ask Eirin if she’ll properly lock up the thing that could kill us this time, but I don’t think Akyuu is that assertive. Don’t really blame them for having a last ditch failsafe, but I do blame them for letting Tewi of all people get ahold of it.
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I think the only one who doesn't trust us is Tewi here. Kaguya seems to believe Akyuu by now, she even seemed genuinely angry about what Tewi tried to pull off. The uh... killswitch button thing was a safety measure and it's understandable even if we should be angry and asking to get whatever we have inside removed ASAP.

[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.

Akyuu knows that any invasion from the moon is a long time from now. Remilia and Sakuya were major players during Imperishable Night so we can prioritize them for info. And regarding major players for IN, most are missing. Reimu, Marisa and Youmu are gone. We haven't heard from Yukari or Alice yet. Yuyuko might not even leave without a retainer and Youki should be in hell by the Yama's request (or travelling there? I don't know). Even Keine is missing, and Mokou is maybe missing too looking for her? And Mystia is sad and cartless.

{X} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”

- {X} Suggest taking turns with Reisen so she doesn't get so worn down

We might need Reisen at a reasonable amount of strength? And if we can't leave then it's better be on sight of the lunarians instead of alone with Tewi.
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion's residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
- [X] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

in scarlet team's scenario in imperishable night, sakuya was the one making the night last longer so they could find the culprit behind the fake moon. she's probably the biggest threat to eintei just for that alone. the others are higher up on the power scale, but i doubt they could even find it before dawn in the first place. (except for remilia- we don't know how it works exactly, but the power over fate can be used as a deus ex machina if need be.)

{X} "Anything else I can do to help?"

reisen says the psydar is taxing, and if shit goes down, we're gonna need to be in top condition. our intel is too valuable to risk if the sdm crew comes knocking, and given that only two of them went after eientei in the original timeline and they still beat everyone up (albeit with spellcard rules, but still), it doesn't look too well. especially since a lot of other youkai are rampaging and looking for the cuprit as well. not to mention, yukari was investigating the matter during the original timeline- who's to say she's not gonna join in on the fun this time?

i'm developing guesses on what the new outsider options might be... something hifuu-related (either sumireko's generation or renko and merry) would be interesting, and mamizou was originally from the outside as well. and there's yumemi and chiyuri to consider, too. would explain how they know about the whole time-travel thing. the moriyas technically fit the bill being from the outside, but they're gods and a human- no room for a youkai to be related to one of them in there.
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File 171293608459.png - (1.11MB, 1920x1080, 9d71b3dc3a171ad46441327ad12a7a45405b63c5babf62a24e.png)
Rereading my earlier post (>>206049) I feel like I came across as more of an SDM hater than I intended to. I do like the SDM characters and in hindsight seeing how you're handling the Eientei group dynamic, and your dedication to this story, pushes me in a more pro SDM-reincarnation direction. I think I would vote for someone to be a part of the SDM, perhaps a "Kosuzu Knowledge" (Although the Japanese name stands out... maybe her past-life's memories are degraded to the point that she is known as Campanula Knowledge?) or "Marisakuma" (Koakuma's name isn't canon, so would Patchouli just call the duo Familiar 1 and Familiar 2?).

Besides, it's not like "Akyuu Scarlet" was wildly unpopular, it got 25% of the vote; it's just that the voters against it were very vocal. And personally it was my second choice, behind bnuuy.


[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
- [X] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

The SDM are the more immediate threat right now, especially since in canon they were the genesis of the Spell Card rules which still could just be put into place in this timeline as is, considering there's a decent-enough chance it was secretly Yukari's idea. Although this runs the risk of Tewi and/or Eirin seeing that as deflecting attention away from the Lunarians.

{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”

Interestingly, being an active participant in the false moon shenanigans could pique Akyuu's interest as this is an incident that she knows very little about from her previous life.
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>>206606 here
- {X} Suggest taking turns with Reisen so she doesn't get so worn down
- {X} Ask that the button that would blow our brains out gets put away.

I dunno. I'm still pretty fuckin pissed. We've been nothing but reasonable with them and we get screwed for it? Suspicion is understandable, having us spy on Tewi and then proceeding to not keep her in check is outright using us to no benefit of our own. Not to mention starting another incident on top of the existing one and potentially creating hell, even I'd they don't know that's what is happening.
Moreover, I'm a little ticked that a self proclaimed doctor would make a fuckin boom button for a paitent.
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As someone who spoke "against" the SDM too, sorry if it sounded harsher than intended. I really wouldn't mind having a character there, it's just that I wanted someone else to shine this time and I happen to have a soft spot for the IN cast.
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I only wanted to avoid the SDM because I didn't want to help or be complicit in the Vampire Incident or Scarlet Mist Incident. Jokes on me, though. We're now the instigator of the true Enternal Night Incident.
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"Not keep her in check" Tewi is a weird case. If I'm not mistaken, Eientei exists because Tewi allowed for it, the bamboo forest as a whole is kind of her territory. The earth rabbits serve Eientei because Tewi says so.

What I mean is, it's hard for the lunarians to really keep her in check if she wants to. Also Eirin is busy, Kaguya and Reisen were away, so no one who could potentially stop her.
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I'm largely in agreement with what >>206611 said, they didn't know who we were at the time, and considering what they are facing the caution made sense, and as soon as the got to know us, even only for at most an hour or two they immediately began to trust us and take us in, enough for Kaguya to have us take a look at Tewi and to accompany us with just Reisen. furthermore I'm not sure if talking to Sugume would have been the best decision, yes we'd know more, but at the same time it was Sugume, who interacting with caused Aya to cancel her publication for fear that talking with Sugume would alter/influence it. so it might've been better that the only thing she said to us was having a nice trip.
also another bonus with Eintei, if we somehow under the current circumstances barely squeak out a win here, but the Hakurei Shrine Maiden is dying, well, we have the best doctor in paradise right here! We might even buy her a bit more time to keep watch over the shrine and Gensokyo, at the very least for the what is looking like multiple weeks it's taking Yachie to arrange Reimu to get out of the Animal Realm! Another bonus that we’ve ended up joining Eientei is that we’ve managed to grow the number of incident resolvers (from the first time around.) that have/will have knowledge of the upcoming crisis from 3 2.5* to 3.5! (might;ve still had that with the SDM and Sakuya, but not in the same way Akyuu now has a sister.

I also would've been fine with the SDM for either of them (though tbf I might be a little biased as SDM was my vote, but I am very happy with how Eintei has been so far though and it was definitely my second place.), and I do hope that the SDM crew all make it through tonight as well as the HSM (I hope we get a name soon.)

the psydar vote looks like to me to be a choice on whether we're going to be an active participant for the night, so more particularly, it's a vote on whether it is us that is active or Reisen. which I'm not sure which would be better, what is the range of the moon rabbit telepathy? I’m leaning towards Reisen as while Akyuu is much more physically capable, Reisen is probably still more experienced, and probably more experienced in gensokyo combat on top of her Lunarian training (which is what Akyuu will have.) and since Akyuu’s greatest strength is her knowledge, having her drained from using the psidar and instead act as Resien’s… AWACs (for lack of a better term that is coming to mind,) is playing to Akyuu’s strengths

As for what to tell Eintei about, the Scarlet crew is the most immediately relevant, iirc the IN incident actually accomplished its objectives before the incident resolvers came and ended it, so the defenses should hold so I’d say concentrate on the closer issue, especially since Remillia is probably going to be ticked that her big entrance got upstaged XD but at the same time, if Erin, Kaguya, heck even Tewi ask for info about the Lunarians, or if they become relevant during the discussion I’d say to not hold back. (though i suppose that’s why the vote said to Prioritize which one to talk about.

Rather than putting away the button, let’s use its presence to our advantage, Akyuu is used to an executioner’s axe hanging over her neck, lifetimes ago she was the one who put it there! If it helps Eintei trust us and prevent the death of the HSM and Gensokyo burning, tell them to put it to the back of our head with a thumb ready to push it if that is what it takes. Akyuu’s given it all before, the chance of proper reincarnation, the chance of seeing children and grandchildren, the chance of close family support throughout her lives, and with this last one she’s given her humanity (followed shortly thereafter thanks to our vote to putting her new healthy life on the line to preserve her knowledge even if it meant going directly to the Yama!) so, if that’s what it takes for Tewi to trust us here, (the others already do, if fact unless I’m misreading things, I think that aside from Tewi, Entei is worrying that Akyuu doesn’t trust them!) and if I had to guess, since they already know that Akyuu was willing to risk death via meteor pod, the button probably would destroy her, do not pass Higan, no reincarnation.

[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
- [X] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.
{X} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
(X)”Let Tewi have the button. If that’s what it takes for her and the rest of you to trust me, let her have it, but please,” go dogeza “help me, and let me help, protect Gensokyo.”

*Anyone else think there might be a possibility of Youmu’s reincarnation being identical twins somehow due to her ghost half?
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Yeah... that doesn't excuse the fact that it was allowed to happen at all. You're spitting facts, but maybe Kaguya shouldn't have gotten us to spy on Tewi to begin with? Someone should have been more wary? It feels scummy.

We obviously should have outright left the room the moment we noticed what was happening, too. It's just... We got used and screwed for it.
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While I agree we should be more vocal about saving Gensokyo, are you sure you want Tewi to hold on that button?

About Youmu being twins yeah I wondered about that and the possibility is certainly there, but that would mean to write an additional character basically from scratch, be it a good or bad thing. I'm no writer so I don't know if that makes it more or less appealing but as a reader, heck yeah I'm on board with having both Youmu and Myon.
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I put it as dialogue for a reason, to emphasise that Akyuu is still willing to trust Eintei and hopefully to get Tewi to trust us a little, at least for tonight. Having the luck Rabbit on our side too when Gensokyo and Hakurei Reimu's mom's life is on the line would be really helpful. maybe with the offer we can get things evened out. and maybe reisen and the onther can negociate it down, but if needs be, this might be what is needed

Am i sure? Not really, but we're out of position and asking a big favour from people that have only known us for a day, 3 of them already trust us, one doesn't, so..., yeah, bloody ALL IN.
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>>206613 here.

HARD no on letting Tewi have the button. Giving her the ability to screw us over with that is a terrible idea. For crying out loud, Kaguya set us up to spy on her, which tells me Eientei doesn't fully trust her, why should we trust her with our life with how she's shown nothing but distrust and hatred towards us?

(X) Do not let Tewi have that button. Ever.
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a followup for my post of >>206625 as I had to dash out and had to cut it short.

I am open to voting for a rewording of it that doesn't necessarily put the Boom Button directly into Tewi's hands, but right now out of everyone in the room we/akyuu needs to gain the trust of, its Tewi. Reisen definitely trusts us, its pretty clear that Kaguya does, and Erin is doing the whole distant leader thing, but has indicated trust too, who we need to convince is the Hare of Iniba, and we're a little behind on that right now. and we'll need everyone's help if we are to pull a win here and save both Gensokyo and the Hakurei Shrine Maiden from the powder keg we've found ourselves in.

as I stated, Akyuu knows and has put everything she is on the line before and traded in incomprehensible things in order to accomplish her duty. we came back in time because even if the survivors had dealt with the perpetrator of the incident, everyone was already gone. if gensokyo burns and the hakurei maiden dies before its known the Reimu is coming, then we might lose a few people we knew the first time around, and maybe even more, it could risk making the whole journey that Reimu, Marisa, Youmu, Kosuzu and Akyuu just traded their humanity for be, well, maybe not for nothing, but getting there. Akyuu is the only one in position to do something about it and she knows it, so yeah, if putting the distrusting luck rabbit in charge of her, quite possibly existence is what it takes, I think Akyuu would do it.

also a slight typo correction for >>206621 I had meant that Akyuu inaba was more physically capable then she had been as Hieda, but Reisen was probably still more so and more experienced besides.
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>>206613 again.

Sure, it'd be nice to have Tewi's trust, but I don't see any reason to believe that's obtainable. And even if it was, Tewi isn't actually trustworthy herself. I think there's an argument to be made that she's the second or third least trustworthy character in the entire series. Acting in good faith and putting yourself on the line is all well and good, but it fails disastrously the moment you meet a malicious actor, and I think Tewi qualifies.

And again, I don't see where we actually benefit from this. Sure, Akyuu would be willing to put her life on the line to complete the mission, we've already established that with the Meteor pod. But giving Tewi rope to hang us with is not a meaningful step in that direction.

We get: Marginal amounts of Tewi trust maybe.
Tewi gets: The ability to screw us over dramatically and possibly permanently, from someone who has a bone to pick with us and has shown both the desire and willingness to do so.

Sure, Kaguya and co would be upset if she actually used Eirin's failsafe... but it's not like causing chaos and leaving a tormented moon rabbit to deal with the consequences is unfamiliar ground for Tewi.

It's a big risk for minimal gain.
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
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I would note that Tewi is being the reasonable one here, the IN crew has known us for less than a day and yet have opened their arms to us based on a conversation that Tewi wad not part of and there is Lunarian crap all tied to it.

And this isn't a obe way thing. Akyuu is the child of miare and a representative of the yama has (partially.) Been alerted. Tewi presses the button and she is going ti have to deal with the Yama. And as much as i give tewi even odds against Yuuka. I don't against a ticked off Yamaxanadu

As for why. Well to be quite frank for those of us that reacted to the last epilogue chapter, we don't want either set of questions to play out as is. Eintei is gearing up to turtle up and sit the night out which will likely mean that Yachie was right on the money regarding the HSM. But even if we somehow manage to convince Erin to reverse course and actively intervene somehow (Which if we are to stop the current powderkeg from going off is exactly what we need to do!), if we don't convince Tewi then she will freak and screw us over anyway and from what information she has it will be reasonable for her to do so.

The first set of question also factor into this, if we are talking about the Lunarians we are addressing Tewi's fears, but focussing on the Scarlets means we are addressing the only remaining pair of the original groups that solved the IN incident that weren't hit by the immaterial children incident. So the better tactical option would be to address that, but that means brushing off Tewi which is going to be a bad idea especially if we are to influence the IN crew to change course before it is too late. The button is a two edged sword for Tewi and we need her!

On that note: i wish to add to my vote


(X) be open with Tewi that you are the child of miare, an immaterial children whatever is immediately relevant.

Go big or go home.
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[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
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In a situation where her trustworthiness has been thrown into question I’m voting along the lines that I think best regain it.

[X] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.

If they’re that worried about an assault, then let’s throw the lunarians under the bus.

{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”

Asking to help with the psydar, while she’s under suspicion, after it was mentioned as being important, feels risky. Asking them what she can do puts the ball in their court.
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Continuing from >>206632

Regarding tewi's trustworthiness we do have a quote from Erin from Cage in lunatic runegate:

>She'd be beside you before you know it, and she'd disappear just as quickly. Still, she'd always be around when you really needed her."

And hopefully we won't have Tewi as an enemy, especially in the long term as that would torpedo Akyuu's chance of staying at Eintei. They've only know us for a day and have had Tewi as a trusted host who has sheltered them for centuries (if not millenia!) so for the long term having tewi trust means that Akyuu gets to have a life she has not had for 8-9 lifetimes. in the short term it will allow Akyuu to step in to change the course Eintei is going.

What has been on the forefront of my mind about this is >>206017

Are we just going to observe this incident play out? Or are we going to step in? If we are, we need All of the IN crew that is what we gain by getting Tewi's trust.

Sylent does make good points, so let me see how I can word this.

>>206621 changing vote

[UNDO] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
- [UNDO] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.
{UNDO} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”

[X] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.
-[X] but make sure to mention Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”

Please note that I have not undone the other two parts to my vote.
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[X] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.
-[X] but make sure to mention Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.
{X} “Anything else I can do to help?”
Another good write-in...
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Counting to >>206636:
Main Choice #1:
[18] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
[3] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.

Main Choice #2:
[5] “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
[14] “Anything else I can do to help?”

Potential Additions:
For [x] Prioritize discussing...:
[3] (>>206602, >>206615, >>206616) Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

For [x] Focus on disclosing...:
[2] (>>206635, >>206636) But make sure to mention Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

For [x] “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”:
[2] (>>206614, >>206617) Suggest taking turns with Reisen so she doesn't get worn down.
[1] (>>206617) Ask that the button, that would blow our brains out, get put away.

For [x] Anything else I can do to help:
[1] (>>206613) “Where Tewi can’t arrange an accident for me?”
Note that Kaguya has the button now because of:
>>Tewi glared at her, but released the button. Kaguya stuffed it into a sleeve.

Other Additions:
[1] (>>206621) ”Let Tewi have the button. If that’s what it takes for her and the rest of you to trust me, let her have it, but please,” go dogeza “help me, and let me help, protect Gensokyo.”
[1] (>>206626) Do not let Tewi have that button. Ever.
[1] (>>206632) Be open with Tewi that you are the Child of Miare, an immaterial children whatever is immediately relevant.
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>>206636 here:
[UNDO] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.
-[UNDO] but make sure to mention Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

New vote:
[X] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
- [X] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.
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>>206602 here:

In terms of regaining Eientei's trust, I think our biggest bet is going to be Komachi. She'll hopefully be able to back up our claims of being the Child of Miare and an immaterial child, and is (probably?) above suspicion of being part of any Lunarian plots. Fortunately, she's already coming to look for us, even if we don't know it yet IC.

Meanwhile, the second biggest thing we could do to regain trust is help defend Eientei from outside attack by any would-be incident resolvers, and if Reisen's exhausted from using the psydar, then we'll most likely be taking her place in defending, so that's a gimme.

Of course, if we want to stick to the original timeline's events, then we can't actually allow ourselves to win if the Eternal Night incident is to be resolved... but, honestly, do we want the incident to be resolved? After all, the seal is going to prevent any attempts to bring us back to the moon, too, and getting the Lunarian threat out of the picture entirely is obviously gonna do a lot to get suspicion off our backs.
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[19] Prioritize discussing the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residents. They were definitely going to get involved.
[2] Focus on disclosing the Lunarians current forces. Any new information could help earn back some trust.
-[X] Especially make sure to talk about Sakuya. If the Scarlets are in a frenzy because of the sealing spell, they'll be sure to send their maid.

{5} “The psydar… does any moon rabbit work?”
{14} “Anything else I can do to help?”

“...The Scarlet Devil Mansion, then. They’re absolutely gonna stick their nose in this.” Akyuu looked around. “Anything I can draw on, or…?”

Reisen pointed to a terminal on another terminal. “Use that. Same way as the Lunatic gun.”

Akyuu strode over to the machine. …There was a panel that resembled a rabbit’s paw on it, and Akyuu placed her palm in position. She thought back, recalling the members of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Three figures appeared in holographic form above the table. Reisen gave it a brief look, but turned to setting up a chair connected to a machine - likely the psydar’s interface. “Most of the staff are fairies and hob-no, just fairies right now. And frankly, they’re just chaff. But there are quite a few individuals in there with considerable power. First, the homefront guardians, and I’ll be quick as they’re unlikely to be our problem.”

The one in green with red hair was the first Akyuu pointed out. “Hong Meiling. Red Hair, Chinese descent, Giant in size. Acts as the gatekeeper. Expert in martial arts and using ‘qi’. Very powerful in close range combat, but the weakest in ranged combat - take her out from a distance if you have to.” Then the other two holograms stepped forward. “Patchouli Knowledge. Purple hair, middling height and not exactly fit. The owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s library. Very powerful and knowledgeable witch, but has terrible asthma and rarely leaves her library. Her familiar is decently powerful as well, but tends to act as a substitute wherever she is needed around the mansion - she’s the single least likely to get involved. If they do get involved, they’re the opposite of Meiling - get in close and engage.”

Eirin hummed to herself. “Or maybe a chemical weapon…? Even just a mild irritant could slow this magician down, right?”

Akyuu shrugged. “Hard to say. Anyone with such an obvious weakness tends to have countermeasures for such things - you’d have to get her by surprise. She’s not going to walk into a dust cloud.” Eirin nodded, grabbing a piece of paper and making a quick note.

The three figures disappeared, to be replaced by two more. “Next, the vampires. Both about five hundred years old, look like children but are very, very powerful. The usual vampire tricks… work, but they only weaken or irritate them.”

Tewi scoffed. “What’s the point of telling us that if it doesn’t kill them?”

Akyuu glared at her. “The goal isn’t just to defend Eientei - it’s to render them unwilling or unable to take Eientei. Vampires may not be completely repelled by garlic, but if the whole place stinks of it, they won’t want to stay. Now, first is…” She hesitated, before highlighting the blonde one. “Flandre Scarlet. The one with the jewel wings. The younger sister usually kept locked up in the basement. She’s probably the least likely of all of them to appear. She’s also the most dangerous if she does get involved. She can destroy absolutely anything and everything… if she gets involved, the only people who should try to fight her directly are Eirin or Kaguya. Otherwise, confuse her, hide from her, or run away.”

“Next… Remilia Scarlet, also known as the Scarlet Devil. The bat-winged vampire, and the second most likely to intervene tonight.” The blue-hair vampire’s visage glowed. “...She says she has power over fate, but what that means… I don’t know exactly. But she’s one of the most dangerous there is to encounter. We’ll need a very coordinated assault to drive her away… or a lot of firepower.”

Kaguya looked closely at the vampire’s images, before turning to Akyuu. “You said… second most likely? Who’s the most likely?”

At that, Akyuu turned her gaze up. The image that appeared was… well, perhaps the only human in Gensokyo strong enough to fight the Shrine Maiden and win, at least in this timeline. “Izayoi Sakuya. The Devil’s faithful right hand. Human, nominally. And has the power to manipulate time, in multiple fashions - stopping it is her go-to in combat, but she can also slow it down or do various other things. She doesn’t always win, though, so there must be some limit. …Also incredibly dangerous with throwing knives. Much, much better rounded than the others, and the usual one who goes out to investigate trouble on the Scarlet’s behalf. We’d either be best taking her out by surprise, or giving a one-on-one battle under roughly fair conditions in hopes of getting an honest duel… dealing with her otherwise would be tricky.”

She turned to the group, lifting her hand and shaking the pins and needles out of it. Most of them were clearly thinking about the various threats, with the exception of Reisen, who was strapping a large, bowl-like device to her head. “That’s the main crew of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Do you want me to detail the Lunarian forces next, or is there anything else I can do to help?”

Eirin started tapping some buttons on the console of the large table. “Well… there’s too many potential combatants for that level of analysis… and we don’t have a lot of time.” She paused in thought.

Kaguya turned, grinning. “What if we sent Akyuu to check out our armory? She can let us know if the models have changed while getting everyone equipped.”

Tewi growled. “There’s no way I’m letting her have her way in the armory.”

Eirin sighed. “Then you go with her, Tewi. Keep an eye on her, and double-check her logic. We’ll call you back when we have things set up here.”

The two shorter rabbits looked at each other. For a long, long time. Akyuu took a deep breath, knowing she was going to regret her next comment. “...Well, Tewi? The safest place to have me is right under your nose, right?”

The white hare of Inaba groaned. “...Fine.”

“You do not check it like that.” Akyuu grabbed the rabbit’s hand. “You pull this back then open it up. If you don’t, the cartridge could get jammed and go off right in your face.”

The rabbit blanched, beginning to do as Akyuu directed. The moon rabbit nodded, and turned back to see Tewi handing over a heavy rifle. “Don’t use those. Not without cleaning the barrel first.”

Tewi glared at Akyuu. “We don’t have time to polish these up all pretty-like, vat-bunny. And they’re our most powerful -”

“Which is why you need to clean them first. If you don’t, the rounds could get stuck and all that will be left of the shooter is their cottontail. If we had the modern models, then we wouldn’t have to worry about it, but we’re working with these clunkers, so we either clean them or we don’t use them.”

The elder rabbit groaned. “Oh Lord Daikoku, why the hell are there two of her now?! Is it a chemical in the vat that makes moon rabbits prissy know-it-alls?”

Akyuu rolled her eyes, muttering just loud enough for Tewi to hear. “Better to be a know-it-all than the living embodiment of dumb luck.

Tewi turned, waving the gun she’d picked up. “You wanna go, vat-bunny?”

Akyuu gave her a glare, pointing at her with the back half of a shotgun. “A bit? Yeah, considering you tried to arrest me and grabbed some button to blow my head off or something! But as much as I’d love to deck you in the face, we don’t have the time. So shut up and listen to what I’m telling you.”

Tewi whapped the weapon on her other palm, leaning in close. “And what if you’re just telling us a bunch of nonsensical procedures to slow us down for the lunarians-”

Akyuu pushed the shorter rabbit back with the butt of her shotgun. “Did you see the death trap I was in? I’m not exactly happy with the lunarians myself, right now!”

Tewi rolled her eyes. “Oh sure, sure. Hey, you all get a load of-” She turned to the rabbits, and stopped. Akyuu turned to look in the same direction, and saw the last few escaping out the doorway.

The two arguing rabbits stopped, to inspect the weapons in their hands. They both turned, silently, to carefully inspect for damage from their flagrant carelessness.

At length, Akyuu spoke. “...Why don’t you trust me, Tewi?”

The white hare scoffed. “‘Cos there’s a big hole in your story, for starters.”

Akyuu looked at her. “What? You mean about me reincarnating?”

“Yeah. Why’d you have to be youkai for it?” Akyuu began to respond, but Tewi cut her off. “Sure, sure, the whole human-destroying thing. But Gensokyo’s not short on powerful youkai, is it? And even then, all the others were already fighters. All you needed to do was be reborn with your memories and find them. Couldn’t you have just… been born with blonde hair in the same family, or something? Or as a boy?”

Akyuu opened her mouth… and found nothing. It was… a good point. “...Why was that…?”

Tewi looked up at her. “What, you never thought about that? Would have saved everyone a whole load of trouble.”

Akyuu shook her head. “...I guess I was too excited at the thought of being able to participate myself. Granted, of my options… this seemed like the least bad.”

Tewi rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah?”

Akyuu nodded. “If I’d picked one of the other options, I’d be on the other side of the conflict right now, as another vampire or something. And the third choice would have had me be an amanojaku, I’m pretty sure - and still on the moon. So… at least lunar rabbits don’t have some kind of crippling drawback, like not being able to stay in the sun or reversing things with my words.”

There was a long pause, where Tewi looked at her. Seeming to be on the verge of saying something, but not quite managing to decide to voice it. “...You really don’t know much, huh?” She said, sighing.

“Oh, and you know so much, do you?” Akyuu rolled her eyes.

“...There’s another thing. What did you see in my room?”

Akyuu paused. “...what?”

Tewi turned to her. “Don’t give me that line about the clovers again. You’ve got some super-fancy memory, right? Don’t try and convince me you saw nothing else.”

[ ] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
[ ] Claim innocence, that she didn’t look at anything. She couldn’t risk Tewi getting any angrier at her.
[ ] Half-and-half - say she saw the otter seal, but didn't get a chance to read it. Confirm her suspicion slightly, but let her think she can still hide the true purpose.

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She knows! Oh shit she knows something. Or it's intuition. Either way we are going to eat the consequences of our actions. And as such, we shouldn't make it worse.

[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

We are going to get bricked the n the face for this, but hey, no sense delaying the inevitable. Not much else to comment on this time.
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Y'know, that is an incredibly fair point about the entire premise of this story, Tewi. Like now that I'm actually thinking about that there isn't any sort of hole to poke in that reasoning and I'm wondering how nobody ever thought of it.

[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

It's not even like we particularly care if she has mob ties. Grand scheme of things, it's no big deal.
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> “Yeah. Why’d you have to be youkai for it?”
Tewi raises a really good point here. The cleanest way of resolving the incident probably would've been to just send back everyone's memories without otherwise significantly changing who they were. My guess is that either the youkai from the original timeline didn't trust us to catch the culprit in time to stop the incident... or they wanted to shake up Gensokyo somehow.

As for the vote...

[X] Half-and-half - say she saw the otter seal, but didn't get a chance to read it. Confirm her suspicion slightly, but let her think she can still hide the true purpose.
- [X] Try not to give away that we know what the otter seal means.

There's no point in hiding the fact that we saw the letter and its seal--Tewi left it out on the desk, after all, where we could see it with just a glance around the room. But I'm guessing that Tewi doesn't want anyone at Eientei to know that she's involved with the Animal Realm gangs at all, and we shouldn't reveal that we know that secret.

Of course, this secrecy is probably going to go out the window as soon as Tewi sees us talking to Reimu...
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I should also add that saying we know the letter's contents could throw Tewi's suspicion onto Kaguya for leading us into her room in the first place, and allowing that to happen would probably erode Kaguya's trust in us.
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
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>>206644 brings up a good point, but... we could just:
[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.

This way, Tewi may have some suspicions on Kaguya (for leading Akyuu to the room in the first place) but she could also assume that it was purely Akyuu's curiosity that led her to reading the letter in the first place & not that it was an elaborate scheme by Kaguya to gather intel of Tewi.
However, this fails if Tewi already knows about the mental link between lunar rabbits & if she overheard/saw something that may indicate that the message's contents were leaked (which could've occurred while we were at the village).
But, it's unlikely because Tewi would've just plainly stated "You saw the message, didn't you?", or etc, to Akyuu instead of going about it on a roundabout matter.
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[X] Half-and-half - say she saw the otter seal, but didn't get a chance to read it. Confirm her suspicion slightly, but let her think she can still hide the true purpose.

Looking at the options; trying to keep lying will definitely piss her off. telling the truth will also piss her off. But if we play our cards right, we might be able to convince her we didn't see anything important. Akyuu isn't Reimu - she can actually lie a bit, and she's already been hinted at to have some skill with deception (on the moon with her trickery there, teasing miyoi).
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

It's also likely that Kaguya feels bad enough about the situation that she wouldn't hold it against Akyuu if she ends up getting thrown under the metaphorical bus. I'm not confident that Akyuu can successfully lie to the 3,000-year-old fossil, she already failed once, so I'd rather avoid half-truths and outright lies. And hey, brazen honesty worked the first time when Akyuu admitted being a time traveller, maybe it'll work again this time?
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Sure, but the brazen honesty that time was 'either i'm sincere or i'm just insane, either way, i'm not an enemy of you'. this time it's 'i snitched on you before i even met you.'
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

I wonder how poorly saying "I am under no obligation to answer you, Earth rabbit," would go.
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>>206647 and >>206649 here.

Telling her the whole truth right now feels like a terrible, terrible idea. She already thinks we’re a spy. If we tell her we *were* spying, she’s gonna flip, and that’s the last thing we need. She already tried to use that button once. We are beyond on thin ice with her.

If there is anything we can do to reduce her suspicion of us, we need to do that. And I just don’t think confirming her fears about us is going to help with that.

Even if it is inevitable she finds out, there is ABSOLUTELY reason to delay that inevitable when we are in such a precarious situation.
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.

--[X] Maybe add a "Please, don't kill me?"
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

I would note that Kaguya set this up, again. she sent us into Tewi's room in the first place, she, knowing how ticked Tewi is sent us alone with Tewi (even if Erin assisted by being the one to assign Tewi to go with, they'd have to know Tewi wouldn't be happy with Akyuu going anywhere unsupervised.

also yeah, Tewi brings up a good point, well at least possibly, we know that yukari acted quickly at the start of the incident, isolated the returnees at the shrine, which would lead me to believe that she was trying from the get go to stop whomever it was... and as far as the IN cast in the future could tell, fell in a week, after everyone even the other youkai did. so i don't think its a "strong youkai" that's needed, so what is...? heck it doesn't look like we are meant to fight the cause, just find it and then Keine or someone can cut it out.

it is a little funny as we have half of those who sent us right here... but they don't have the memory of it.

and I wonder what drawback Tewi is thinking of that she didn't want to say?
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

-[X] Mention that she recognized the otter seal and what it meant.

I mean, that was the reason Akyuu decided to read it, right? Not to spy for the Lunarians or even for Kaguya, but because she knew who wrote it.
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While I have no idea for the others, in Reimu's case my theory is that they think they needed someone specialized in youkai extermination that isn't a human who's vulnerable to being obliterated. So, they turned Reimu into a youkai-exterminating youkai.
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[X] Half-and-half - say she saw the otter seal, but didn't get a chance to read it. Confirm her suspicion slightly, but let her think she can still hide the true purpose.
- [X] Try not to give away that we know what the otter seal means.
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I'm leaving this to everyone else.
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>>206654 adding to my vote:

-[X] Mention that she recognized the otter seal and what it meant.
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> why the hell are there two of her now?! Is it a chemical in the vat that makes moon rabbits prissy know-it-alls?”

something to save for later if we manage to bury the hatchet with Tewi, joking something along the lines of:

"well, Reisen and I are from the same series, maybe it was just the chemicals for our set."
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On Tewi's point. Is it possible that Keine was only able to make one major change? If that is the case, sending some of us back as Youkai and others back as slightly different humans was probably not an available option.

We'd have to ask her about it, though. Even though she doesn't remember, she can probably still at least speculate about how her powers would work in that situation.
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Yeah, we know the secret. Akyuu doesn’t though, so trying to hide it is largely pointless.


This on the other hand, is a good idea.

[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.

It allows us to gain a good bit of trust with Tewi, while also ideally not revealing the others already know.
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I'm usually all in on honesty, and was just about to vote half truth because of Tewi's animosity towards us

[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
- [X] Try not to give away that we know what the otter seal means.
-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.

Basically "I saw a letter with a cute animal on it and couldn't contain myself"
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.
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Y'know, there might've been a few reasons for reincarnating everyone as youkai instead of just Reimu, Marisa, and Youmu:
Keine (from the original timeline) knows that the incident has practically obliterated every single human & starved all the youkai to death as a consequence. Consequently, it would seem tactically better to have everyone as a youkai so that they can all have a chance of being able to defeat the youkai (or ???), together (or alone if necessary), in the hypothetical scenario where 1 of them dies or gets incapacitated mid-fight.
In other words, it is tactically better to have as many people (youkai in this case) be prepared for the inevitable rather than have Akyuu & Kosuzu be reincarnated as humans, or etc, and just be obliterated by the youkai & unable to potentially assist.
Moreover, it's been stated that Akyuu's body as a human was extremely fragile. Consequently, if Akyuu were to remain as a human, she would be unable to perform as many adventures to try to find the others (Youmu, Reimu, Marisa, and Kosuzu).
Now granted, that could help as she could just go to the Sanzu, ride on Komachi's boat, and talk to Eiki about the situation. Then she could have Eiki use her judgment (and the fact that if humanity dies, there is no purpose for a judicial system) and determine that she must go all in on finding the protagonists (and Kosuzu [Best character]) personally.

Eiki Shiki sat at her typical seat, a throne that every Yama gets when he/she was promoted to the title of "Yamaxanadu", impassively judging each and every soul with her rod and her mirror before sending them on their ways. "You may go to the Netherworld. Next!"
Although Eiki Shiki had a relatively unbusy day, she did not lax in her judgments and instead planned to use the excess time to prepare for the next day (or two if Komachi was lazy, which was fairly often). However, she could never prepare for what was coming next...
Initially, gazing out of the window (which she did often to reflect as a Yamaxanadu & which showed the path across the Sanzu River that Komachi typically went to deliver the souls), she saw nothing as expected. But then she saw a dot, which gradually grew larger and larger until it became a boat containing a typical red-headed shinigami and... a rabbit youkai? Seriously, what was Komachi doing at this time, sending an alive youkai here? Unless...

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A couple of things

The attempt to not say that we've shared the contents of the letter is entirely reliant on Erin not either hinting or telling Tewi about knowing the letter. (And she just hinted with the line about “super-fancy memory,” that she knows that we've read the letter, a fancy memory wouldn't matter as much for a handful of items in a box, not to mention she probably had some way of noting any tampering with the box.)

The other thing is that akyuu just asked Tewi why she doesn't trust her and Tewi just gave us a straight and open answer (and doing so revealing something about the whole plan we/akyuu hadn't thought of.) Are we going to prove Tewi's point by lying to her right afterwards? (Not to mention that we would be trying to lie to one of the oldest being in gensokyo. Even if Akyuu *technically* has more years than many youkai here, Tewi is definitely not one of them!
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
-[X] State that she was just curious and apologize, not revealing that she gave the contents of the message to Reisen & Eirin.

There is no shot Akyuu gets away with lying to the mob boss.
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[X] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.

-[X] Mention that she recognized the otter seal and what it meant.
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Here's the thing. Let's assume that Eirin gave hints to Tewi that she knew about the letter (even though that's unlikely as we know that Eirin would've tried to find a possible way to "find out" about the letter's contents):
>>We’ll look later for a way to naturally find out independently of your investigation.
Even if the situation were to be true, we are not explicitly stating that we did not give the contents to Reisen & Eirin and consequently we are not lying (technically). In fact, Akyuu would be telling the truth here by stating that she was curious and admitting that she saw the letter.
Additionally, Tewi would most likely be annoyed at the fact that Akyuu seems to be the most suspicious while also telling the truth 100% of the time so far. Hopefully, Tewi & Akyuu could become friends eventually.
Furthermore, as I stated in >>206646, Tewi is unlikely to talk about this in such a roundabout way as she would've stated something along the lines of "You saw the message, didn't you?".
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>>206669 here:
You know what's even more funny?
The fact that Akyuu actually never lied to Tewi.
>>I believe I got the wrong directions, but… I saw these clovers, and I couldn’t help myself.
She never stated that she explicitly never saw anything else as Tewi never asked/interrogated her, haha.

Sadly, I can't say she never lied because:
>>I’ve heard there’s rumors of the Child of Miare reappearing.
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Vis a vis Eirin and the letter, the earlier interrogation showed that Akyuu’s memory records everything in her field of view, even things she’s not focusing on. We could feasibly say she glanced at the letter while heading to the clovers, but didn’t pay it much attention. And then later Eirin had her play it back to see if there was anything noteworthy in it. We’d just have to get a Eirin to go along with that excuse in the event it comes up.
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[15] Confess in full that she read the letter. Tewi’d certainly be pissed, but at least she’d understand she’s being honest.
[0] Claim innocence, that she didn’t look at anything. She couldn’t risk Tewi getting any angrier at her.
[3] Half-and-half, say she saw the otter seal. Confirm her suspicion slightly, but let her think she didn’t see enough to say for certain.

Akyuu considered lying, but…

“...Fine. The moment I saw that letter, I had to read it.” Tewi’s expression darkened considerably. “Because I know for damn sure what that otter means.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” Tewi growled.

“Yeah. The Kiketsu. And Kicchou Yachie, the jidiao. She’s not someone to mess with, you know. Caused a lot of trouble, the last time around.”

Akyuu had met the jidiao only once in her past life. She was a thoroughly intimidating woman; someone who talked of humans as little more than resources to be used. A powerful speaker, too; trying to argue her had felt like trying to swim up a waterfall.

The only slight weakness Akyuu had even been able to gleam was … momentary. It had happened when, during their conversation, a mother and child had passed by. For a moment, there was something from the jidiao - a love lost, maybe, or one never had at all. But she’d hidden it before Akyuu could read any more from her expression.

Tewi looked at her, for a long time. “And why would you tell me that, vat-bunny?”

Akyuu shut her eyes. “Right now, honesty is the only tool I-”

The punch slammed into her stomach. Akyuu gasped, feeling her knees give out beneath her, and collapsing to the floor.

Tewi’s foot slammed into her head. “Oh, what a load of crap. Spare me your five-year-old’s storybook lessons, will you?”

Akyuu groaned. “I-I’m not-”

“Not lying about that? Sure, sure.” Tewi squatted down, glaring daggers at her. “And what are you lying about, I wonder? Because, see, every time I poke a hole or pick a point, you just seem to wheedle away from it without a fight. It’s not as reassuring as you think it is, vat-bunny.”

She grinned, pressing Akyuu’s face down harder. “But, you know, if you genuinely believe honesty is the best policy… Perhaps I should tell you about that little button. About the weakness of all you vat-bunnies from the moment you come out of the pod.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“Oh, that button has a very specific purpose. To bring any treacherous moon bunnies in line. But, see, the thing is, while it’s well hidden, it’s technically a weakness anyone can exploit, and the people who can use it against you… are the same ones that can pry the secret from your lips.”

Akyuu felt a chill going over her heart. To a normal moon rabbit, knowing a secret that could undo them could be dangerous, but… they could forget the details. Even just using the Lunar Veils could be enough.

But for a Child of Miare…

Tewi’s grin only got more vicious, seeing the expression on Akyuu’s face. “Oh, now you’re getting it, vat-bunny? Well, do you want to know what that button does? Do you?”

“STOP!” Tewi turned to the door. With much effort, Akyuu managed to wrench her head around to do the same.

A breathless Kaguya strode forth, with a small flotilla of bunnies hiding behind her. “Tewi, Akyuu. I heard you two were about to blow up the whole armory, but this…” She pointed at the moon rabbit on the floor. “Let her go.”

Tewi bristled. “This little snitch-”

“Snitched on my behalf.” Kaguya folded her arms. “I was the one who directed her to.” Tewi glared daggers at Kaguya. “We were curious about those otter-letters you were receiving.”

The elder rabbit stood up, pulling her foot off of Akyuu’s head. “And you just thought you’d peep in? What I do with my own letters doesn’t concern you.”

Kaguya bowed deeply. “...You’re right, of course. I apologize, Tewi.”

There was a long, long moment of silence.

“...Is telling us to knock it off the only reason you’re here, Houraisan?” Tewi's voice was as cold as ice.

She shook her head. “I wish it was, but… there’s other things happening tonight, and I need to get Akyuu’s confirmation about them. It resembles one of the incidents she was talking about.”

Akyuu groaned, trying to rub the pounding out of her head. “An incident? …maybe the Scarlet Mist one?”

Kaguya shook her head. “...No. Possibly worse. A perfect counter-incident to our spell.”

She walked over, gently helping the moon rabbit to her feet. “Come on. We’ll grab some painkillers on the way over, okay?” Akyuu nodded, and was slowly led away.

Tewi watched them go, folding her arms. She looked down at the rifles Akyuu had told her to clean.

“...Don’t have the time… Ah, that might be it.” She gestured to the nearest rabbit. “Come on guys, get your guns going. And let’s make it quick, yeah?”

The painkillers helped dull the pain a bit, but Akyuu’s stomach still roiled. Kaguya’s expression was… resigned, looking at her.

“You know, that’s on you.” She said. “What on earth were you thinking?”

“I thought that if I told her the truth-”

The princess sighed, shaking her head. “What you told her is that you’re willing to give up secrets under the slightest bit of pressure.” Akyuu blinked as the princess folded her arms. “And that she’s not found anything you want to hide yet.”

Akyuu looked at her. “Do I want her to have some dirt on me?”

Kaguya nodded. “Yes. Maybe not dirt, but… a bit of leverage.” She hummed. “Maybe if she’d seen what you were doing at Geidontei…”

“How would that have helped?” The princess looked back at the armory. Akyuu had a bad feeling that the rabbits were moving rather quickly with their weapons now.

After a moment, the princess began to speak. “...Reisen is easy to string along with good momentum. Her instincts are to do what she’s told, so she’s easy to trick into a trap or a prank. Eirin gets obsessive and focuses on her research. I don’t tend to think about the details - I can’t even tell most of the rabbits apart - and… me and Mokou both are easy to get riled up with the other.”

She turned to Akyuu. “Everyone has their ups and down, their strengths, and their weaknesses. And to feel comfortable around them, Tewi’s got to get a feel for that. To feel like if she needs to, she can steer them a bit off target.”

Kaguya pointed at the moon rabbit’s face. “But, assuming your story is true, many of your biggest weaknesses are gone. You have excellent memory, excellent focus, quick reading skills. And you’re not as afraid as you would have been as a human. She doesn’t fully trust you yet, and… well, nobody’s completely honest.”

Akyuu paused, the revelation slowly dawning on her. “...And without knowing my weaknesses as a person, the only weakness she can get at…”

“Is that button.” Kaguya nodded. “Even just stringing along that waitress was something she could have understood. Might have been a little petty on your part, but… that’s the sort of thing she expects from a real person.” She chuckled. “Actually, she’d have probably joined right in.”

Akyuu took a moment to think on it. …To a degree, it made sense. She still wanted to sock the rabbit, but… fear and understanding tended to clash at all times. Without understanding, it was all too easy to build up fear - and vice versa, in fact.

And wanting to understand how things worked, so she didn’t have to fear them… well, that was what the Chronicle was for, was it not?

She gave a weak smile. “...I guess I get it now. She’s a bit like me, huh?” Playing a little dumb may have reassured the rabbit that she wasn’t too observant. Even if it wasn't true, it'd at least be something she could have grasped on to. They passed a room with a clock on it, and Akyuu took a look. “I’m sorry, it looks like we got straight to fighting, didn’t we?”

Kaguya turned to her. “What do you mean?”

Akyuu pointed at the clock. “Well, it only looks like it’s been… what, five minutes since we went off? And we got straight to fighting. …Sorry for that.”

“...Mmm.” Kaguya turned forward. “...It wasn’t just five minutes, Akyuu.” She gave Akyuu a sidelong glance. “Can you walk me through the incidents again? …Particularly the one just before our original meeting?”
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oh god. that's either pcb or iamp coming into play. yuyuko is missing youmu and kaguya mentioned that it was the perfect counter-incident to the imperishable night.

iamp showed that suika can gather people and disperse into mist. eientei's goal right now is to stay hidden. if she spreads out into a mist across gensokyo, she can find eientei. and quite possibly, gather youkai around their hiding place.

and of course, the hakurei shrine maiden will be drawn to such a gathering. only problem is, with so many youkai upset about the false moon, it's about to become one hell of a bloodfest.
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I feel like this is telling us to not be so complacent with everyone (like back during Redo/Reimu where we went with the plan instead of bolting), especially since it might not be to our benefit like with Tewi here.
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I feel like saying "surely it can't get any worse than this" is just begging to be proven wrong, I just want to see how much worse it can get. So instead I've decided to assign a mostly - random scoring system to the current situation just to see.

Disaster Points Tally
Ongoing Incident! [Immaterial Children] +45 Passive Disaster Points!
Property Damage! +5 Disaster Points!
Incident Occured! [Vampire Incident] +150 Disaster Points!
2-incident combo! Multiplier x2!
Incident Started! [Eternal Night] + 250 Disaster Points!
10+ Youkai Riled! +20 Disaster Points!
3-incident combo! Multiplier x4!
Retaliatory Incident Occured! [Unknown] +200 Disaster Points!
4-incident combo! Wow! Multiplier x6!
Shrine Maiden Killed! +500 Disaster Points!

Congratulations! You have earned 7020 disaster points! You're on the global leaderboard!
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Welp, I don't know how better we would have been with claiming innocence, maybe half-truth was the less worse option.
Anyways, let's see how this develops
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didn't Keine or Yukari do something to delay the Imperishable night from complete, if fact was it... pretty sure what Keine did is why it was called imperishable night... and Akyuu is drawing a blank on that right now, which considering its Akyuu should be really concerning for her.

actually just checked, each team had their own way to stop the night from ending sooo this isn't a previous incident that is causing this, this is Sakuya straight up... which means we might need to deplooooyyyy lets goooo we might have a chance to head off the possible upcoming 'Empty Shrine Incident'!

also on a partially related note, sorry for working hard to convince people on what turned out to be the wrong choice here. I was working hard on the angle that since she is a part of Eintei to not consider her someone to hide from? not anymore than the rest of the crew especially with what I presumed to be the time crunch we had to prevent the HSM's death... my bad, sorry!

hm... weellll, she want a secret to find out herself and hold over us eh? well there is something I recall about a bit of Agatha Chris Q's writings where they had suspiciously familiar characters in them that certainly weren't the acquaintances of a certain important member of the village.

actually that is also a weakness of Akyuu, her position as Child of Maire is such that throughout all of her lives she's needed to be trusted, if anyone thought that her information could be false (which notably at least in gensokyo was actually the case with several youkai asking her to fudge the details to, most of the time, make them look scarier.) then her whole role as Child of Maire would be pointless, and that weakness is actually still carried on here... hm.
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I still think being honest was the right choice. Outright lying to Tewi is definitely a bad idea since she could see through the BS and not telling the whole truth still has the possibility of her pressing for more info.
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The biggest thing this should be telling you is Akyuu is not Reimu, she's not doomed to nat-1 any deception check. There will still be lots of times where she'll be better served by being honest than deceptive, but she's a professional writer. She words goodly.

Half truth was the best option by a country mile. Tewi's searching for something that lets her feel like she can wrongfoot Akyuu; the idea that Akyuu's not too observant would have been something she could have latched on to as a lever to pull.

I'll be blunt, I really, really did not expect confession to be the option picked. To the point that a good part of writing the update was haggling with myself for a version that was faithful to the situation, but didn't completely screw you all over before you even got the chance to start untangling the mess.

Thank god for the flagrant gun safety violations.
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In the first thread of Akyuu's arc I think I said she doesn't strike me as super honest. Maybe I should have spoke up more.

The reason why we HAD to tell the full truth to Eirin is because we were in a bad spot and lying could fuck us over. Here we were honest about doing something shitty. I wouldn't trust someone more if they were honest to me about snooping in my room, I'd trust them less.

Gotta be mindful in the future. Half-truths are more Akyuu's style, I think.
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i just hope that the HSM is not dead, there is a lot of potential if she is still alive
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> Potentially 3 incidents at once now
> One of them is the vampire incident

Honestly? She's a goner. Nothing we can do anymore.
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Yeah, that's fair. As much as being honest is good, we (or I at least) probably should take more things into account...well, we learnt the hard way, I guess. What happens now...we probably should end our incident streak
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It was certainly an update. To be fair, it's good character development for Tewi in a sense, which is nice.
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The psydar room was hushed as Akyuu and Kaguya entered. Eirin was glaring at the table, while Reisen was slumped back on the chair for the psydar’s battery, all the equipment removed.

+Reisen, are you okay?+

No response. Akyuu blinked, before turning to Eirin. “Is Reisen unconscious, or…”

Reisen lifted her head. “Hmm? Oh, Akyuu, you’re here?”

Eirin waved off Akyuu’s worried expression. “She’s just recovering from being the psychic battery. I believe she’s compared the feeling to tinnitus? She won’t be able to use her psychic powers for a while, but she’ll be fine to run about in a few minutes.” The doctor looked down. “And we have bigger problems here, anyways.”

The young moon rabbit took another worried glance at her sister, but when Reisen waved her off, Akyuu turned her vision to the map. There were a variety of red dots all over the forest, all moving in different directions. Still, it was pretty clear that within a certain distance of Eientei, the dots gained a somewhat orderly pattern, likely patrolling rabbits.

“First, the Scarlets have made their move.” Eirin pointed to a pair of dots on the map, which appeared to be flying around a third. “This pair came straight from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. They’re most likely Izayoi and the elder Scarlet Sister. Anything that they’ve come across, they’ve been fighting and taking out. They’re coming in our general direction, but, well… they don’t seem to know exactly what they’re searching for, and they’re meandering a bit.”

Akyuu pointed at the clearing. “This place they’re… fighting at? What’s this clearing?”

“Actually, it’s your crash site. We believe they’re fighting Mystia right now.” The third red light suddenly dimmed. “...They were fighting her just now. She’s just been knocked unconscious.” Akyuu flinched. “But they’re not the most concerning.”

She pointed to a trio of dots, in a straight line. “These three are. They’re slower than the mansion duo, but they are coming in a straight line. Directly to Eientei.”

Akyuu looked at the trio. Then she followed the line up, tracing its path.

“...They came from the Hakurei Shrine?”

Eirin nodded. “Correct. Which is incredibly concerning, as Eientei’s location should be a complete secret to anyone there.”

Akyuu hummed, rubbing her chin. “...A bit surprising they’re not going for the Scarlet Devil Mansion, then.” She looked up. “Three, though?”

Eirin shrugged. “Hard to say. Presumably one’s that beastly shikigami, and the other’s the Hakurei herself… not sure who the last one might be. Everyone’s been avoiding them for now… but there may be one exception.”

She pointed to one more dot, traveling alone. “This dot came from the village, and has been slowly correcting its course over time - always heading to the Hakurei trio. No idea who it is, but the few who come close to them seem to be passing without incident.”

She reached out to the map. “Looking at the courses of these three groups… I estimate they’ll all come into contact around here, only a short distance from Eientei. And from there, the conflict will almost certainly reveal us.”

Akyuu stared at the map, feeling a chill crawling up her spine. Something about that third dot… “Can this get any worse…?”

Kaguya nodded. “...Yes. Yes it can. Touch one of the dots directly - someone from the Hakurei should be perfect.”

Akyuu blinked, but did as directed, touching one of them. A small number of pieces of information came up, showing the user’s X and Y position on the map, their vector, and…

Akyuu squinted. And a speed that would break the sound barrier. “What’s with that speed…?”

Kaguya took a deep breath. “Speed is distance over time. Either they’re going a lot faster than they look, or… or time is moving a lot slower than it should.”

Eirin straightened up. “All the clocks in Eientei are running slow - by the same amount. And the spell to seal us away from the moon… it only completes when morning comes.”

Akyuu gulped, feeling something creeping up on her. “But… that means…”

Kaguya turned to the board. “...There’s only one thing it could be. The Eternal Night Incident.”

It hit Akyuu like a truck.

Reimu had never told her what happened in the Eternal Night. She’d been vague, always vague about it.

But… but that was because the incident wasn’t solved by her. It must… it must have been caused by her, to undo the false moon. …Yes, that was it! That was the night she’d seen the false moon before!

Which meant… which meant…

Akyuu groaned, putting her head in her hands. “So we’re dealing with two incidents at once… and it’s my fault.”

Reisen staggered to her feet, walking over to the table. She steadied herself next to Akyuu, giving the younger rabbit a pat on the head. “...It’s okay. You didn't know, Akyuu.”

Eirin sighed. “...Regardless. We need to do something to defuse this situation. At the very least, we don’t want two definitely hostile groups hitting us at the same time. We need to do something to blunt someone’s advance… maybe even get them on side… any suggestions on who should be the priority?”

[ ] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
[ ] Scarlet Team first. They were possibly the most dangerous, and needed to be stalled by any means necessary.
[ ] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.

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Going by IN timetable, both teams should face each other near Eientei, and only one will go though (or at least should, but Akyuu doesn't know this probably).

Taking into account what we know, team Hakurei should be Reimu's mom, Yukari and... whoever the shikigami is (probably Ran at this point but we don't have confirmation).

[X] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.

I want Akyuu to go with her intuition now. Because if this is certain scythe-carrying redhead, we want to at least stall her.

Mystia will need another parfait
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Scarlet’s are right out. Remi’s not the most helpful person in the best of circumstances, and she’s probably peeved at her arrival being upstaged. If we go there it’ll definitely be a fight.

With the Hakurei trio, it depends if the mystery third is Yukari like it was in the original version. If so, then we can probably secure their assistance or non-interference by explaining that it’s being done to avoid an assault from the moon. Yukari has no love for the Lunarians. If she’s not with them, there’s still a chance at deescalation. Our spell only lasts the night, if they stop whatever measures they’re using to extend it, and maybe help us deal with the Scarlet squad, it’ll resolve itself.

Last option is almost certainly Komachi. Akyuu’s status as the Child of Miare can likely be leveraged in someway, and she needs to get word to Eiki. But Komachi is on duty tonight, and if that at all conflicts with what we want to do then we’re shit out of luck. As lazy as she is she won’t shirk her job entirely. And given the implications of the final epilogue of arc 1, she’s probably going to be in conflict with the Miko.

With that said, I’m going,

[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

They seem the most likely to be able to be diverted.
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Well. I have no clue how to proceed. The Scarlets are the biggest threat right now, and if they find Eientei, they're going to burn it down. However, being able to negotiate with the Miko may give us the power we need to stop this chain of events for good. The traveler... probably Komachi. (though we don't know for sure, but we haven't seen any other major youkai in the village.) Since she's approaching the HS group, we probably can stop 2 parties at once. Is it worth the risk...sure.

[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

We better have a damn good excuse to why we're screwing with the barrier though, seeing as we can't prove anything while we're out. Any extra ideas tonight? Nope. Let's focus on not having anyone die tonight.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

Sylent summed up the situation pretty well, though I will point out that I don’t think Komachi is intending to fight Reimu’s mom. What she is heading that direction for, I have no clue, but fighting the Miko with no successor, especially now, feels like a super bad idea for everyone. The only ones I think would fight her in this situation would be the Scarlets and their associates, and that’s largely because they don’t know better.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

Even if they're not amenable, we might be able to stall them long enough that the lone traveller catches up to them and distracts them herself. And the fact that the lone traveller is going towards the Trio means that we might get Options 1 & 3 all in one action.

If everything goes according to plan and there's no other distraction, the Hourai immortals could easily beat the Scarlet Team in a battle of attrition, with optional bunny fire support if needed.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
Sounds like a plan :3
Also, I would like to apologize for not vote counting in time. I will try to vote count earlier on.
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It's fine! The vote was deliberately a bit earlier than usual today, anyways.

I've got a week off, so I want to try and move the timeline up so it's write in the morning - watch in the arvo - sleep on it - write in the morning
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I’ll admit I phrased that rather aggressively, I don’t think she’s there to fight/kill the Miko either. But I also doubt she’s been tapped to help her.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
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[UNDO] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.

[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

You all make some good points. Also at the village I was interested in meeting that shikigami, might as well now.
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I’m starting to wonder if USiL has inadvertently trained people to consider maximum honesty as the best policy. Not every viewpoint character is a diplomancer!

I maintain that not giving Tewi the time of day is the right call. She’s maliciously controlling in a way that most of the characters of that story just aren’t. It’s good character development, but I dearly hope she gets taken down a peg.
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>>She turned to Akyuu. “Everyone has their ups and down, their strengths, and their weaknesses. And to feel comfortable around them, Tewi’s got to get a feel for that. To feel like if she needs to, she can steer them a bit off target.”

>>Kaguya pointed at the moon rabbit’s face. “But, assuming your story is true, many of your biggest weaknesses are gone. You have excellent memory, excellent focus, quick reading skills. And you’re not as afraid as you would have been as a human. She doesn’t fully trust you yet, and… well, nobody’s completely honest.”

I have a feeling that Tewi would absolutely detest the "Mary Sue" types of people. We should introduce her to the Watatsuki Sisters if we get the chance.
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if yukari's part of the hakurei trio, we're fucked. no way around it. still, komachi being en route to them makes it likely we can deal with two parties at once. if we stall the hakurei trio for a bit, she might be able to catch up and possibly back us up.

[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amendable to diplomacy.
- [X] Ask for information about the shikigami. We still don't know any information about who they are. If we have a name at least, we can figure out a game plan for negotiating with them.
- [X] Bring a Lunatic Gun with us. And an actual gun too. Diplomacy is ideal, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.
- [X] Ask Reisen for any tips for making illusions or manipulating insanity. Sharing genetics meant that we might share some abilities as well.
- [X] Ask about some method of communication while we're out on the field, like mission control. Reisen would be ideal, but if she can't recover in time, are there any other options?

that's a lot of write-ins, but a hakurei shrine maiden, a shikigami, and possibly even yukari are no joke to go up against. military training or not, without the spell card rules, we're kind of outclassed. the shrine maiden might be getting weaker, but that just means that whoever's accompanying her is powerful enough to make up for it.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

Everybody else has made good points here
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Would informing them about the potential identity of the lone ranger be too meta?
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Yes. Definitely. We aren't even aware of her existence in the area.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.

Being the author of this doesn't sound easy in the slightest. Especially because this is more text-based adventure game rather than your run of the mill fanfiction story. I'd be wrestling with "should I let the players be able to fail? Should I prepare a bad ending? What do I do if the players fail?"
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
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>Akyuu stared at the map, feeling a chill crawling up her spine. Something about that third dot… “Can this get any worse…?”

"“Never give up. Trust your instincts.”
- James "Hieda" McCloud, probably

[X] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amendable to diplomacy.

- [X] Ask for information about the shikigami. We still don't know any information about who they are. If we have a name at least, we can figure out a game plan for negotiating with them.

- [X] Bring a Lunatic Gun with us. And an actual gun too. Diplomacy is ideal, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.

- [X] Ask Reisen for any tips for making illusions or manipulating insanity. Sharing genetics meant that we might share some abilities as well.

- [X] Ask about some method of communication while we're out on the field, like mission control. Reisen would be ideal, but if she can't recover in time, are there any other options?
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[X] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.
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I’m not changing my vote, but I realized there’s an argument to be made for alpha striking the Scarlets. If the battle’s noisy enough it could draw the Hakurei’s attention. And so long as we beat them and retreat before the Miko gets there, we’ll have delayed them long enough for probably Komachi to catch up before they reach Eientei. Of course,this relies on them being willing to divert from the straight shot they’ve been making towards Eientei, and that’s not a given what with they laser focus they seem to have.
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I just gotta say
We don't actually for sure know that the lone person is komachi. In character it's probably our best guess, but seeing as they're making a bee line to the location of several lunarian defectors and an active lunarian beacon there's a slim chance it might be Junko with a steel chair.

[x] lone traveler first, hope for the best, prepare for the worst
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They’re not though? It’s made pretty clear they’re going after the Hakurei Trio, not us.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amendable to diplomacy.
- [X] Ask for information about the shikigami. We still don't know any information about who they are. If we have a name at least, we can figure out a game plan for negotiating with them.
- [X] Bring a Lunatic Gun with us. And an actual gun too. Diplomacy is ideal, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.
- [X] Ask Reisen for any tips for making illusions or manipulating insanity. Sharing genetics meant that we might share some abilities as well.
- [X] Ask about some method of communication while we're out on the field, like mission control. Reisen would be ideal, but if she can't recover in time, are there any other options?

we gonna meet Mama Hakurei and the shikigami, hopefully there are open to diplomacy
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Ah, must've misread
You right
My vote stands though, since the scarlet crew is scary and the hakurei team/loner is frankly less terrifying than a sakuya/remelia tag team without spell card rules (I will learn to eat these words)
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amendable to diplomacy.
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[X] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
- [X] Ask for information about the shikigami. We still don't know any information about who they are. If we have a name at least, we can figure out a game plan for negotiating with them.
- [X] Bring a Lunatic Gun with us. And an actual gun too. Diplomacy is ideal, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.
- [X] Ask Reisen for any tips for making illusions or manipulating insanity. Sharing genetics meant that we might share some abilities as well.
- [X] Ask about some method of communication while we're out on the field, like mission control. Reisen would be ideal, but if she can't recover in time, are there any other options?

Though regarding the last one, I think Reisen might be deploying with us, or at least I hope she is.


If I may, I would like to defend my choice. Though I should preface that by noting that yes it was still a bad choice, I still think it is the choice that the Akyuu we've followed would still make. As a foundation to my line of thought would be this question:

What would be the point of a Child of Miare that no one trusts?

This might be repeating a bit of my post @ >>206677 but now that I think about it my point is a bit deeper than I first thought. Can Akyuu deceive?? For sure, the Gensokyo chronicle is purposefully inaccurate at several points because several (if not most that are included in it.) Came to Akyuu and asked her to pad their stats Hello Sakuya!, And also our opening escape also shows how she can trick her enemies very proficiently.

But would those youkai have approached her if they thought that the chronicle was seen as reliable as the Bunbunmaru? Now for lifetimes trust hasn’t been an issue because she had the Miare clan to back her up, and then once in Gensokyo, who was going to try to call her inaccuracy from the primary audience for the chronicle? “Oh? You think I am not as tough as the book describes? Well then, go ahead and test your theory!” Pardon? You think what is padded? Could you repeat that, OH! Dear, where did all those knives come from that hit you from all directions? Such a mystery! Couldn’t have been me, as I was standing here the whole time, right everyone?”

But now she doesn’t have that foundation, the Lunarians saw her as defective or delusional and dismissed her words so she left. And looking at the first couple of votes for Akyuu once she became ‘Akyuu the moon rabbit’, the first vote was for her to love her new healthy body. But the very next vote resulted in her placing that said healthy body on the line so that her information could be reliable and without gaps, and thus could be trusted. If the meteor pod had been worse her new healthy life, that she would have had to be “[dragged] … kicking and screaming.” away from, would have ended in nearly half the time that Akyuu no Hieda would have had! And yet Akyuu found that an acceptable trade.

Then once Akyuu arrived in Gensokyo, she miraculously has had Reisen, Kaguya, and somewhat Erin trust her, in less than hours after meeting her, and not only do they trust Akyuu no Hieda but they trust and want Akyuu and so I think that Akyuu not only needs their trust, but desperately wants it.

But Tewi has Erin’s ear, and has for centuries, if not a millennium, (if not millenia!) and if Tewi does not trust Akyuu then she can convince Erin not to trust her either (and would be understandable to do so considering the risk the Lunarians are.) and Tewi’s only interacted with Akyuu at this point for probably less than an hour. But could impact everyone else’s trust in her at Eintei, (not to mention that the first minute of their interactions was definitely on the wrong foot!) and things are happening that Akyuu needs their trust for. From what I see when I read Akyuu (and vote for her too.) If Tewi wants to learn a weakness of Akyuu’s she just needs to look down at what it is that she’s got a death grip around the neck of. In one of my long posts during the last vote I had noted that Akyuu had asked Tewi why she didn’t trust her and Tewi had rather openly responded for the most part.. I had read that as an initial offering of at least enough trust to be open about why she wasn’t trusting Akyuu. I thus voted for, and following that argued for, being trusting enough to be honest in return.

But the perspective that Tewi sees her as a possible intruder that will quickly spill the secrets of Eintei under the slightest of pressure does make sense and thus her reaction is understandable. So yes the honesty vote was the wrong one for the optimal, or even non-disastrous result. But it's still the one I still see the Akyuu Inaba that we’ve built up make.

It also means that Tewi has been managing to leverage and pressure Akyuu with her weakness without actually knowing what it was… which considering how old Tewi is and her being a trickster as she is, I would not be surprised if this wasn’t the first time that she has managed that…

So can Akyuu lie? Yes, but she’s not in a position where she feels like she can, she needs someone to trust her and her information, and since it also comes with a family that wants her and she wants back now, it wouldn’t be here so we’ll see more of it once she has a foundation she can fall back on if anyone tries calling her out one it.

Does this make sense or is it way off base?

…man have I written a bunch the last couple of days … I probably have missed a bit more of what I was intending to write, had this bouncing around my head all morning and only now really had the time to type it down. sorry!
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Counting to >>206715:
Main Choice:
[16] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
[0] Scarlet Team first. They were possibly the most dangerous, and needed to be stalled by any means necessary.
[2] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.

Potential Additions:
For [x] Hakurei Trio first...:
[4] Ask for information about the shikigami. We still don't know any information about who they are. If we have a name at least, we can figure out a game plan for negotiating with them. (>>206699, >>206707, >>206712, >>206715)
[4] Bring a Lunatic Gun with us. And an actual gun too. Diplomacy is ideal, but it's best to be prepared for the worst. (>>206699, >>206707, >>206712, >>206715)
[4] Ask Reisen for any tips for making illusions or manipulating insanity. Sharing genetics meant that we might share some abilities as well. (>>206699, >>206707, >>206712, >>206715)
[4] Ask about some method of communication while we're out on the field, like mission control. Reisen would be ideal, but if she can't recover in time, are there any other options? (>>206699, >>206707, >>206712, >>206715)
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File 171313799850.png - (6.54MB, 2480x3508, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_rinkaito12.png)
[16] Hakurei Trio first. They seemed to know what they were actually looking for, and they may, hopefully, be amenable to diplomacy.
[0] Scarlet Team first. They were possibly the most dangerous, and needed to be stalled by any means necessary.
[2] Lone Traveller first. Something about them was giving Akyuu a bad, bad feeling.
-[4] Ask for information about the shikigami. We still don't know any information about who they are. If we have a name at least, we can figure out a game plan for negotiating with them.
-[4] Bring a Lunatic Gun with us. And an actual gun too. Diplomacy is ideal, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.
-[4] Ask Reisen for any tips for making illusions or manipulating insanity. Sharing genetics meant that we might share some abilities as well.
-[4] Ask about some method of communication while we're out on the field, like mission control. Reisen would be ideal, but if she can't recover in time, are there any other options?

“Let’s get to the Hakurei contingent first.” Akyuu said, firmly. “See if we can get them to hear us out.”

Reisen nodded. “Agreed. They clearly know we’re here, so we can’t lead them away. But we might be able to convince them that we need their help.”

Akyuu thought back. “And inversely, if my understanding is correct, then… what I saw as the eternal night incident was them… maybe even successfully undoing the spell. It might have side effects we don’t understand yet, or something. We should get their side of things.”

Eirin looked at the two rabbits, before nodding. “…very well, then. Most of the rabbits they’ll probably just see as - and treat like - fodder, but you’ve been to the shrine before, haven’t you Reisen?”

The elder rabbit gave a slightly-shaky salute. “I’ll ride out, then.”

Eirin turned to Akyuu. “But she’ll need backup. Especially without her psychic powers. Can I rely on you to do that?”

Akyuu saluted, firmly. “Yes, ma’am!”

The doctor gave a slight smile. “Go get yourselves equipped, then. Good luck to both of you.”

Komachi growled, swinging her scythe. Another clump of bamboo poles fell to the wayside.

“I swear, I thought this was gonna be by the lake… this better be at least worth a watch.” She pushed aside another clump, groaning. “How long do I have now, anyways?”

She reached into her pocket - the usual one, the one that got the best expressions from her boss - fishing around for the object on the far side of a chain attached to her lapel. Out came the small disc, stylised like a pocket watch.

She took a moment to inspect the small hourglass embedded within its side. It wasn’t something normally affected by gravity. No matter which way one turned the physical object, it was merely a representation; the sand within only flowed one way.

…normally, that is. Right now, the sand was, ever so slowly, trickling upwards.

She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and opened the pocket watch’s cover. The hands of the timepiece were jerking erratically, with no clear pattern. Normally, by this point in a job, they would read only a few minutes to the proverbial midnight. And these would do so, as well. But every so often, the hands would suddenly turn backwards, giving her a few extra minutes, or even a whole hour.

Once, about three days ago, the hand representing the years had twitched. As Komachi watched, she saw it happen again.

She looked at the pocket watch, scratching her head. Another mutter under her breath. “There’s no way she’s suddenly converting to Taoism… or something like that.” Which meant… what? She knew there was another fate manipulator in the forest, but she was not lined up for amicable relations with her rendezvous. And this… twitchiness, this uncertainty didn’t look like her either.

She looked up into the forest. “…better be really worth watching. Hell, maybe I should stop by that Eientei place regardless. Let’s get dinner and a show, shall we?”

“Here! This rock should be good.” Reisen pointed to a large outcrop that overlooked a good part of the Hakurei's path. "Let's set up here."

Akyuu came to a landing on it as directed. Reisen was only a few steps behind her. She looked at her big sister, concern writ plain on her face. “…you sure you’re alright, Reisen?”

The elder moon rabbit nodded. “Can’t use my powers, but even without them I’m still one of Eientei’s finest.” She hoisted her gun onto her shoulder. “And I’m curious how you’ll do, too.”

The two rabbits had been equipped with headpieces, to communicate with each other if separated and the base in general. For now, their orders were to get to a position where they could observe Hakurei's approach and decide from there what method of intervention was best. Akyuu was equipped with a Lunatic Gun, and a small conventional lunar pistol; Reisen was carrying a heavier rifle.

“Have you met the shikigami? We don’t know who the other one is, right?”

Reisen scratched her head, trying to think of the words to say. “Shikigami’s… interesting. A bit quirky, maybe. You’ll definitely know her if you see her, nobody else has got hair like that. And she always talks like she knows you.” The elder rabbit looked out, in the direction of the shrine. “Apparently Hakurei got her straight off the grounds.”

The younger rabbit looked at her. For several seconds.

“Are you… talking about a komainu?

Reisen smiled. “Oh? So you’ve met Aunn before too, I see.”

Akyuu felt her pen-hand twitch. “Yeah, but… she wasn’t going to get off her pedestal for ages in my time. Not for like… another ten incidents or so. And she wasn’t a Hakurei shikigami, either.” She turned to match Reisen’s shrineward gaze. “...But still, I guess it makes a certain sort of sense? She’d already be loyal to the shrine just by being chiseled for it…”

Reisen nodded. “Well, she’s an interesting combatant. Not too strong, but she’s got a real mean streak in battle, and I got the impression she’s more cunning than she acts.”

Akyuu took a deep breath. “Any tips? Like... I don't know. How do you make your illusions?”

Reisen raised an eyebrow. “I thought you knew how to do it? What can you do with your psychic powers, anyways?”

Akyuu hummed. “Well… I can make very strong hallucinations. Make people think they’re in an entirely different place, or that others things are happening. But… they only come from my memories. And I can use some of the more general stuff related to waves but... not like I remember you being able to.”

The elder rabbit chuckled a bit. “Well… there shouldn’t be any real difference between using your memories and using your imagination for illusions… I’m curious how your thinking on that works, but we don’t have the time. The memory hallucinations are enough to throw someone off, right?”

Akyuu nodded, feeling nervous. “Yeah, one person at a time, though.”

Reisen shrugged. “So send someone for a stroll down memory lane and it’s a two-on-two. If I snipe someone at the same time, it's two-on-one. If it comes to that, anyways.” She reached out to pet Akyuu, bringing a blush from the younger bunny. “Besides, we’re experts here! Professionals! No shrine maiden will stand up against the power of two of the finest moon rabbits!”

Akyuu smiled a bit… but then her expression fell. “...Right. Moon rabbits.” Reisen raised an eyebrow, her own expression becoming concerned. “...Ah, Tewi told me a bit more about that button. That it has something to do with being a moon rabbit.”

The elder rabbit sighed. “...Yeah. It’s technically something I have, too.”

Akyuu looked up at her. “...Would it affect you, too?”

Reisen shook her head. “...not as much. It’s not like it blows your head off, or anything like that. There’s ways to mitigate it, if you understand it. But if you have a perfect memory… one of the easiest ways is locked off to you.”

Akyuu nodded, slowly. “I see…”

Her sister sat down. “...I’m not gonna go over it, right now. But… would you want to know? I can probably train you to resist its effects a bit, so it's not like you'd be completely exposed... How are you feeling about it, sis?”

Akyuu took a deep breath.

[ ] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
[ ] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

Just in case.
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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

I might add a subvote for something like "I probably should have seen this coming" since as a chronicler she'll have seen how many youkai have some sort of weakness.

ah darn, whelp , itd not like its going to affect the spirit or instinct vote but still going to do it, if its not a good one, then it'll either not get voted on, or be ignored by Gooboi as not relevant, fine either way.

-[X]"I probably should have seen it coming." as a chronicler she'd seen enough accounts of youkai that had some sort of notable weakness to have not had a chance to see something coming up.
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Welp, no turning back now. Until the HS team gets here, we have some time to talk with big sis. For the Button (trademark pending), I'd say...

[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

It's an interesting phenomenon, for sure. One that will add to her section on the lunarian people, a section that probably doesn't have many accounts because the moon is so reclusive. Knowing what it is would be a good insight to have. Either way, knowing what it is would prevent it from harming us fully. Additions...

(X) Do we have any of the dango on us? If so, offer Reisen a stick.

It's been a while since we've seen it. It's gonna be a long night, and for Reisen, much longer. Maybe some sugar will pick her up.

(X) Think up something really painful or really soothing from a past life. In case things go awry.

Remember, we may need to fight. Better be ready.

Welp, that's all the additions I can think of. Komachi's shift is going to be a long one, especially with Remilia messing with things. Let's hope that watch doesn't strike 12.
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[x] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.
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[x] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
Some things are not worth knowing.
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Well, don’t I look like a fool. I really thought the shikigami assisting would be Ran. How the heck did that happen? Ah well, not like it matters all that much.

As for what I’m voting…

[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

This very much feels like a spirit vote, and I frankly do want to get it down to neutral for us. This definitely feels more like the human aligned option to me.
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I'd say the terrified one is more human. Spirit's about how comfortable you feel in your own body, and if Akyuu's scared about the button, that'd read more human to me.

Not to mention, the last time we had a choice between options, the curiosity one was the one that kept us neutral.
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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

tewi's all too eager to use that button on us, and i doubt she'll trust us enough to not do so in the near future. if reisen can teach us to resist it's effects even the slightest bit, that's great.

also, while i'm at it:

- {X} Do we have any of the dango of us? If so, offer Reisen a stick. And have one for ourselves as well.

something to calm our nerves down.

- {X} Think up something really painful or really soothing from a past life. In case things go awry.

i really, really hope yukari isn't the one tagging along with the hakurei and aunn.
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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

Ability to resist a kill switch might come in handy when we will deal with rogue rabbit.
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Screenshot 2024-04-15 113748
Kosu's done another amazing piece of artwork!

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That’s Instinct, not Spirit. Spirit reflects more on how the character thinks, and in that regard, picking the option that falls back on her chronicler mindset, referencing her human life, would thus be the human-aligned option.

Though I will give it to you that being terrified about a weakness of yours would be the more human response in most circumstances. This just doesn’t feel like one of them.
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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

(X) Think up something really painful or really soothing from a past life. In case things go awry.

It would definitely be an emotional gut punch to the current Hakurei Miko if Akyuu shows her scenes of Reimu from the previous timeline.

For Yukari, maybe she could show scenes of the comparatively peaceful and idyllic Gensokyo of the previous timeline before hitting her with sudden obliteration of the inhabitants of the Human Village and the Youkai slowly dying from the lack of belief.

I don't want to give Aunn emotional trauma.
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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

It's fine. Curiosity only kills cats right? I'm sure Tewi will be fine with Akyuu learning about the only thing that she's currently hanging over Akyuu's head.
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[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

You must face your failures or be consumed by them.
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it's gonna be an emotional gut punch, but it might also make her angry. she probably won't trust akyuu at first, so she might take whatever she says as a lie, especially considering she's a moon rabbit. and im pretty sure a complete stranger showing you an illusion of your (dead? fake? idk) daughter would piss anyone off.

it'd be interesting, tho.
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Hm... A question here, shikigami are spirits that are 'installed' (akyuu's words not mine.) into a youkai... So if that's the case, who'd they install into Aunn?

or that might be not how it works in Redo/reimu in which case don't mind me!
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An emotional gut punch, followed by a retaliatory actual gut-punch
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Followed by our skull being caved in from the feels.
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[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.

Use your heads. Reisen (who likes us enough to offer us a weapon to use on Tewi) didn't want to tell us before. Tewi (who fucking hates us) did want to tell us. The less we know about it, the better. If she can train us to resist without us knowing what we're resisting, great, but I doubt it.
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[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
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[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.

Everything's better physically for Akyuu but to have a weakness like this and the easiest counter for it ends up being nullified because of your own ability (the VERY THING that made her special in her past life). She might be curious about it, but if it ends up being unleashed on her then, we don't know exactly what it does.

And that very fear of the unknown will be strong, no matter how curious you are.

(X) Think up something really painful or really soothing from a past life. In case things go awry.
- (X) But don't use it on the miko.

Why? because she already has few things to live for anymore. Her duty to the village (which she's kind of failing right now if the youkai had to step up and keep the humans safe), and Aunn being kind of a support dog might be the only thing keeping her sane. She has lost everything: her husband, the faith from the village, her powers are waning, her friend and ally Keine seemingly went berserk and killed her daughter without realizing and everything seems to indicate that people think she has done something to enrage her own god (which she might believe herself). Showing her a memory of losing this Reimu OR the happy life that her daughter could be living in if she were alive might make her lose it and either go numb or berserk. Either lock us out of reaching an agreement.

Plus now I don't really know if it's Yukari anymore. She is one of the more likely to be, but she might have been asleep until the events of PCB, and the lack of Ran makes me doubt. Who woke Aunn up?
Now, possible candidates for me are: Okina (REALLY unlikely, but Aunn being here might mean she's here), Keine (she sensed something odd and returned to help her friend) or even Mokou (a chance to beat lunarians). I still doubt it's Yuyuko or Youki, but the chances are certainly there too.

Or I might be wrong and she's riding on Genjii's back or something lol.
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>>206729 here.

I've been convinced that it's not something we need to know immediately, especially when we're currently dealing with 2 Incidents and aren't fighting Lunarians. I still want Akyuu to know what it does after all this, tho.
If the button doesn't make her head explode, maybe it makes her very compliant in the "Good soldiers follow orders" sort of way.

[UNDO] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
-[X] Reisen could just tell her about it later. She didn't need to deal with a personal crisis when they're already so busy with two other crises.
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Just to make it clear:

>Her sister sat down. “...I’m not gonna go over it, right now. But… would you want to know? I can probably train you to resist its effects a bit, so it's not like you'd be completely exposed... How are you feeling about it, sis?”

You won't be finding out the effects until the obvious incoming shitstorm's over, either way. And if Akyuu doesn't decide to find out herself, it'll almost certainly be covered in an epilogue.

It's more about how Akyuu feels, in the current moment.
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Screenshot 2024-04-15 154353
>Do a gm post without obligatory kyouko pic
>Redo post with kyouko pic but without trip
god damnit
but tbf this is why I use the pics. So even when if I forget something, you can still tell it's a gmpost.
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I figured we were going to find out eventually either way, however the site wasn’t cooperating with me so I couldn’t say anything.
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Sad as it is to say, Akyuu’s used to carrying a Sword of Damocles. Learning that her nice, healthy body has a way to fuck her over built in sucks, but is ultimately familiar territory.

[X] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.
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[x]“I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.
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When you said that you have a week off, you really meant it, haha...
Counting to >>206745:
Main Choice:
[5] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
[11] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.

Potential Additions:
[2] "I probably should have seen it coming." As a chronicler she'd seen enough accounts of youkai that had some sort of notable weakness to have not had a chance to see something coming up. (>>206719, >>206739)
[2] Do we have any of the dango on us? If so, offer Reisen a stick. (>>206720, >>206725)
[4] Think up something really painful or really soothing from a past life. In case things go awry. (>>206720, >>206725, >>206729, >>206738)
Note that I'm assuming that >>206739 is not undoing the subvote.
-[1] But don't use it on the miko. (>>206738)

Note that this is just a vote count. There's still a lot of time left to express your opinions on the main vote & add further additions that you think may be necessary.
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-(X) Don't use it on the Miko. (At minimum, don't show her what could have been.)

The cruelest thing is to give happiness, and then take it away. As much as the delusion is appealing, the moment she snaps out of it, she's either going to break into tears or break our ribcage. Probably both. It's probably easier to make her feel pain instead of...this.
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just reread the update. why does it feel like komachi has some sort of sense of the future as well?

obviously the most alarming indicator is that she knows where eientei is despite the fact that she shouldn't- by all means they should be hidden. but that could just be chalked up to some psychopomp stuff...

the thing that caught my eye, however, was this:

>“I swear, I thought this was gonna be by the lake… this better be at least worth the watch."

maybe i'm just pinging off of nothing here, but it feels like she knew that the hakurei shrine maiden was originally going to die by the lake, where the SDM appears and where remilia was confronted in the original timeline. of course, akyuu's arrival changes all that. they're already changed the timeline by a lot, what's one more change?

of course, given what we've seen from arc 1's epilogue, i don't think the date of the shrine maiden's death is going to change. that plot point is already established. however this night goes, the shrine maiden dies tonight.

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Presumably she knows because she's intending to reap Hakurei Senior, but she has to get there to do it. As for if she's gonna get the chance...

>Once, about three days ago, the hand representing the years had twitched. As Komachi watched, she saw it happen again.

Akyuu's crash landing was 'a few days ago'. And seemingly when we chose to confront the Hakurei, the years hand twitched again.

I think OP is spelling out to us there's a chance we can save her. Someone in I think the last thread said she's Akyuu's 'Youki', and it feels like there are a hell of a lot of parallels to be made here; a reincarnator's family member whose status in canon is ambiguous at best, and is embarking on what seems a hell of a lot like a suicide mission.

And the part about the orbs being a sign Mama Hakurei's died is just Yachie's guess - specifically, she calls it a good chance. There may be another way we just don't know about yet.
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While preparing some dark memories for a fight sounds good, since this is the HSM abd co coming... How about we prep spell cards instead/to use for it, introduce it/explain it to reisen while we're at it? Or do we not have time?

I'll give it a go, if gm says no than its a no

>>206719 here, adding to my vote:

--(X) create a spellcard to use, see if reisen want to join.
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When we come up to spell card duels in the future, rather than naming two specific spell cards, I'm going to do something different - partially because y'all put far, far more thought into which card to use than I did. Like, in my mind the question boiled down to 'which one is a yachie spell and which one is a reimu one' and there was someone genuinely comparing their timeout times... thank god that somehow all the analytics y'all were using magically lined up with the answer i was hoping for.

Anyway, for future spell card duels, I'm going to give you all a few groups of cards in terms of their effects and themings, and let you all pick a general theme as your choice for the update. at the same time, I'll start accepting write-ins for spell card names that match the general themes.
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Also >>205750 here, apologies for the poor grammer of said vote (typing on the phone here.)

For horrible memories we might want to have some in mind for remilia and sakuya as well if they get drawn to the fighting. (Sniping them and keeping it just between us and the hsm's group would probably be really good in that situation.) And if Komachi cuts in the middle of the fight, akyuu probably doesn't even need to think of what kind of memory to hit Komachi with (considering how tied the child of miare is with the yama Akyuu doubtlessly had Plenty of lectures she could share >=) )
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As >>206749 said, Komachi has that clock attuned to the miko and since it's currently "undecided" on which time to give, we might have a chance to save Reimu's mom.

Here's hoping we can do it.
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well, that's the new goal. i hope reimu gets to reunite with her mom when we see her next.

i'm hoping we still get a master spark somewhere in there. otherwise, that seems like a good approach to spellcards, especially considering i got too carried away and played through the entirety of wbawc just to unlock yachie's card and analyze it in spell practice so i could compare it to reimu's.

that being said though... i'm still going to boot up imperishable night and take a look at the fighting games to see reisen's spell cards. for research. and of course, i'm interested to see what ideas you'll have for akyuu's own flair of spellcards.
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> master spark

I'm sure Marisa will see to it that the Mini Hakkero will be returned to it's rightful owner. Lol
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There's never a bad time to boot up Imperishable Night. I admit that this story made me replay wbawc and IN with a side of lolk just in case.
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[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
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> but she’s got a real mean streak in battle, and I got the impression she’s more cunning than she acts.”

Thhhaaat doesn't sound like Aunn normally... And considering she's now a shikigami... Who installed Mima in Aunn?
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> potential Mima Aunn
I'm skeptical, but that'd be a funny way for the Hakurei Miko to deal with Mima. Also could make Aunn really dangerous.
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Aunn can be deceptively cunning and underhanded. Her appearance in Wild and Horned Hermit is what finally broke Reimu's curse of financial woes by taking over the shrine's finances.

She quite literally walked into Moriya Shrine as a volunteer, walked out with their invoice record, and proceeded to completely obliterate them at their own game (faith as a business).
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I gotta read more of those. That sounds ridiculously funny to see unfold.
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She also wrongfooted Yachie in UDoaLG.
And in the Grimoire of Usami, the comments on her spellcard Spinning Top “A-un Flash” mention she’s got a mean streak, say it’s scary she acts like an airhead when she’s so calculating, and mention a mischievous nature.
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[x]“I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.
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huh, I do stand corrected, I forgot the Grimoire of Usami one

though I do note it looks like the hornet hermit one was, as all other financial gains for the Hakurei Shrine for the manga, temporary (though that was no fault of Aunns!) as Reimu would eventually grow tired of the diligence (but it did last pretty long!)

I guess its more open due to the more dangerous and less friendly circumstances.
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[x] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.

I have no idea if this a good choice or not, but it feels the most natural. And admittedly, I also just wanted to get a vote in to show my support, however busy this thread already is.
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[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.

i feel that when we meet Mama Hakurei we need to give hope to her, becasuse as pointed in the story not only has she lost her husband, part of her responsability in protecting the balance, has become weaker but has lost her child, so i feel that part of our course of action is to give hope to her, keep her alive so that one day she will meet her child that she lost.
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[X] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
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Now Reimu has a superior youkai mom.
This can only end well.
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File 171322460187.jpg - (803.20KB, 620x870, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_qqqrinkapp.jpg)
[9] “I’m terrified of it.” She’d never thought being a moon rabbit would come with some… critical weakness like this. It made her skin crawl.
[12] “I’m still so curious.” Perhaps it was a little reckless, even foolhardy, but… she was a Chronicler. A novelist. And the idea of having some forever-unopened mystery box in her own knowledge… just felt unacceptable.
-[X] "I probably should have seen it coming." As a chronicler she'd seen enough accounts of youkai that had some sort of notable weakness to have not had a chance to see something coming up.
-[X] Do we have any of the dango on us? If so, offer Reisen a stick.

“...It’s a scary thought, honestly.” Akyuu looked up at the false moon in the sky. “...I guess I should have expected something, though.”

Reisen looked over at her, worry on her face. “What do you mean?”

“Well… did I tell you about the reincarnations I saw? The paths I could have taken?” She leaned back, looking up at the skies. “One would have had me be… a vampire, I’m pretty sure. And another would have had to be as an amanojaku.”

She sighed. “They were both obvious ones, with obvious weaknesses. And I guess I should have assumed that moon rabbits had something, too. Even in my past life, I was doomed to die young. …I guess a part of me was waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

Reisen started to reach out for her. “Akyuu…”

The younger rabbit grinned. “But… even more than the fear? I’m still so curious.” She smiled. “Perhaps it’s a little foolhardy, but… I’m not afraid of a body with a few drawbacks. I can’t write the Chronicle in good conscience and have a gap in my own knowledge about my own species - even if it doesn’t actually make the article.”

She looked at Reisen, smiling. “So… I’m not gonna be afraid of something I can’t understand. Even if it’s a little dangerous. And I can’t do anything about a weakness I don’t understand, anyways.”

Spirit stays at Youkai-2.

The elder rabbit looked her over, and gave a weak smile. “Well… if you’re sure, we’ll talk about it after all… this. Like I said, it’s not like it’s a death sentence.” The younger rabbit nodded, taking a deep breath. Reisen looked out in the direction of the Hakurei. “Sorry, I’m sure this talk isn’t helping on a night like this…”

Akyuu waved it off, before a thought occurred to her. “...Actually, you know what might help?” She fished around in her pocket, pulling out a small packet. When she’d stopped by her room in Eientei, to get her Lunatic Gun, she’d ended up grabbing just a bit more. “I packed a few dango before I did my little escape attempt, and they somehow survived the trip.” She pulled out two sticks, offering one to Reisen.

Udonge smiled, taking one. “Been a while since I’ve had one of these. The ones the earth rabbits make just aren’t the same, you know.”

Akyuu took her own, smiling back. “I wonder if it’s something with the ingredients, maybe? Or maybe it just needs moon rabbits to make the good stuff.”

Reisen chuckled. “Well, if you want, perhaps when all this is over, we can try making some mochi together. See how it compares to the earth rabbits.” She chuckled. “Though, if it’s too good, Kaguya’s gonna have us make it every day.”

Akyuu sat down, sticking the dango stick in her mouth and pulling out a pair of binoculars. “Eh, there could be much worse family activities than making mochi. And I’m a terrible sweet tooth.” She stared out into the bamboo thicket. “...Gotta go to that parfait place, someday. They have- contact!”

At once, both rabbits were lying low on the rock, trying to peer out into the forest. Akyuu’s stomach ached from the bruise she was lying on. She did her best to focus on the procession, trying to see it.

…But something seemed wrong. There was a distinctly spiky silhouette that could only be the Komainu, but beyond that was… a massive, slow-moving mound. Akyuu looked at it, trying to process it in the darkness. “...Contact, two individuals. Aunn and… something big.”

Her earpiece buzzed with static. “...Two? We’re still seeing three here. Should be basically one after the other, single file.”

Reisen shook her head. “Negative. There’s like this big… mound thing there. If the third person is behind it, they’d be a good bit back. Psydar still saying they’re toe-to-tail?”

Eirin let out an affirmative grunt. “Yes. So what is…?” There was a pause.

After a moment, a thought occurred to Akyuu. She activated her earpiece. “Lady Eirin, about the psydar… what part is it showing, exactly?”

“It’s locking on to their psychic signature. Their brain, if you want to be specific.”

Akyuu kept looking through the binoculars. “So… if one person was carrying another…”

Reisen spoke up. “Assuming you mean piggyback, their markers would overlap. Because their heads would be right next to each other.”

Akyuu looked through the binoculars. Now that she had an idea of what she was looking at… that was what it had to be.

She activated her earpiece again. “What if they weren’t riding piggyback? What if… what if they were riding a giant turtle?”
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This is the good timeline. There are two Genjis in the same timeframe, rapidly converging upon each other.
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now we're going to find out how much of Reimu Hakurei came from her mother...
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Screenshot 2024-04-16 110427
For a Hakurei procession, it was quite a grand affair.

The front-runner was Aunn. It was a slightly smaller, more puppy-like Aunn than Akyuu remembered, but it was still unmistakably her. She was even dressed in similar clothes to what she wore in the last time - only, most of the markings on her shirt and pants came from Hakurei talismans. Only the heart-like pattern in the center of her chest was unaffected.

Behind her floated Genjii. Normally, his shell was completely blank, from Akyuu’s memory - Hakurei Shrine Maidens would often sprawl out on his back.. But not tonight. He appeared to be equipped with a war-saddle of some kind, one Akyuu was sure she’d never seen in her past life. On its outer rim were various small attachments, with an undeniable theme; wooden stakes, holy water, silver weaponry, and a small sack of what looked a lot like garlic cloves. The next ring was all Yin-Yang Orbs, resting in little divots in the saddle.

And in the center of the saddle was the seat of its sole rider. Akyuu had only met her a few times in her past life, when she was terribly, terribly little, but even at a distance it was absolutely unmistakable. She was dressed up as only a Hakurei Shrine Maiden would be - perhaps a longer-robed and more flowing version than Reimu’s usual. She was wearing an ofuda as a mask, framed by midnight-black hair, and appeared to be poring through a book.

Akyuu took a deep breath. “That’s definitely her. That’s definitely…” The words dried in her throat, and she had to swallow to steady herself. It was the first person Akyuu had seen in this life that was long gone in her past one.

“That’s… Hakurei Haru.”

Hakurei Haru was… someone Akyuu only really understood through the stories of others. Though, those stories painted a rather stark contrast to her successor’s stewardship of Gensokyo. Hakurei Haru had grown up with considerable spiritual power, but for a Hakurei Shrine Maiden, she’d been on the frailer side physically. So, to compensate for the risks of her job pushing her body to its limits, she’d focused on technique and understanding. She did hours and hours of research on the Youkai of Gensokyo, and developed extermination techniques designed to be inescapable, specialized to each individual species. Some individual youkai got extermination techniques designed just for them, which many of them took as a badge of honor. Shameimaru Aya had no less than three, and didn’t hesitate to bring up that fact whenever she could.

It had been Haru’s extermination techniques that, logically, had inspired the Spell Card system Reimu had authored. Akyuu remembered from a young age that Reimu had always seen her mother’s techniques as not just weapons, but beautiful displays, and she was also fairly sure that Haru had made a few extra-flashy just to show her daughter. But when Reimu had come into power, she just wasn’t the same. Where Haru worked off careful study and learning, Reimu was all instincts and quick thinking. Where Haru’s techniques had been inescapable and calculated down to individual talismans, Reimu’s Spell Cards were deliberately designed to have escape routes, and were as much about artful displays as they were about trapping their opponents.

But, well… they were both pretty hard-headed. Literally, in Haru’s case - according to one story Akyuu heard, Keine’s first headbutt had not been given, but received, and from Haru herself. Some things never changed.

But… couldn’t Haru fly, under her own power? Akyuu was sure she remembered her doing so. …Now that they were getting closer, Akyuu could hear their voices. She strained to listen, catching pieces on the wind.

“Now, Lady Hakurei, it should only be a half-ri from here to the enclave.” The komainu’s voice was bright and chipper. “We may be set upon at any moment from this point onwards.”

Genjii clicked his tongue, his voice an old rasp. “You should have told us about this earlier, Aunn.”

The komainu chuckled, awkwardly. “Yes, well… I didn’t want to give you or Lady Hakurei more things to worry about.” She sighed. “I just didn’t expect them to start causing trouble just yet. And on the night of the vampire, too…”

Haru hummed, looking through the book. “At least vampires are flush with weaknesses. Western youkai often have a few, I find.” She leant back, humming. “I wonder if the aversion to garlic is just a scent issue, or hints at an allergy or something? Maybe we should try feeding them one of the cloves. You know, if...” Her voice trailed off.

Aunn gave a small smile. “Don’t worry, Lady Hakurei. We’ve got Kasen trawling the outside world, don’t we? We’ll find the heiress soon enough.”

The two rabbits, watching the trio near their rock, shared a quick glance. Slowly, Reisen raised her hand to her earpiece.

“This is Reisen. They definitely know where we are.” Her voice was no more than a whisper. “Source of the knowledge seems to be Aunn within the group itself.”

“Confirmed. Are they hostile?”

The lunar rabbit looked down, humming. “...Hard to say. Could be, but they’re talking about the vampires for the most part. If anything, it seems Aunn was trying to keep us secret to avoid conflict.” She turned to Akyuu. “...What do you think, Akyuu? How should we handle this?”

[ ] Aggressively. Knock them out, or drive them away.
[ ] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{ } With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
{ } With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.

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[x] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{x} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
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First of all, I’m actually kind our Spirit remained the same. Was it because of the discussion in the thread or is there something I’m missing.

Secondly, I think it’s reasonably obvious what the best play here is(I hope I’m not having another open mouth, insert foot moment).

[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

We’ve been wanting to make sure our newly identified Haru remains alive, and just attacking her seems very counter-intuitive to that. At the same time, this is still a very dangerous group of people, even if one is weakened, so caution is warranted here.
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I did a grammar oopsie.
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>"Maybe we should try feeding them one of the cloves."
Forget garlic, she's definitely prepared for that. Bring soy beans. She just doesn't like the taste, so she'll never have thought of anti-bean safety measures.

[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

We step out with our hands up in the air and very politely try and get somebody to believe that we are actually an Immaterial Child. Great caution at least out of respect, regardless of how dangerous she actually is.

I don't suppose Akyuu ever met Haru, then? Reincarnation timetables are ever-so-finnicky. Well, I guess we'll just have to make due with whatever trivia we've got.

In a plan designed to not abuse metaknowledge, through her we can hopefully contact Kasen, who can then probably reach Komachi, and then we finish the game of Telephone with Eiki.
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[x] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{x} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
this may be a touhou game with memory corruption, but it is still a touhou game
this will still have a dialog window, then a fight after that, so don't get careless
also it might be for the best that Eirin's IN incident gets stopped by this procession
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Screenshot 2024-04-16 113831
Akyuu's Spirit, in my eyes, is mainly two things:
How she feels about being a human vs. being a moon rabbit
and How she feels about being a human villager vs. being a lunar soldier. Not about how she feels about being a chronicler - the writer part of her is in both halves.

In the former spirit test (the one where you chose the curiosity option) the human option was the homecoming, and youkai option was the intruding option. Curiosity was the even path.

Here, curiosity was an even path too. This was contrasting a mindset that would have her, for the first time, really see her new body in a negative light, and made her start to consider becoming a human again. There wasn't an option that would make her more Youkai-like, this time.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.

We're too cute to get into a fight
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Well, it's time to show our hand. Luckily, they seem to not be the most hostile to us, rather preferring to address the vampires first. So, that means there is room to talk.

[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

Lose the element of surprise, that'll make em hostile. We are just here to talk, figure things out, and explain ourselves.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

Reminder: they can kill us. I'm not saying to have a hand on our gun, but rather, treat them as the enforcer they are. Show our willingness to cooperate, and the fact that we are wary of them. If we look too open, it will feel unnatural. Which probably will lead to an assumption of an ambush.

Welp, here we go. If things go well, we either will be interrogated or establish contact with the shrine. For one more addition...

(X) Is Kaguya or Eirin open to talking to the Miko directly? They can probably explain their actions better than we can.

Best to not have a middleman in conversation. If they are willing to talk with the Miko, let em.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

You know it's a losing battle if you ever fail to knock them out. So, we better don't try.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

Akyuu must remember that, while she isn't the most threatning youkai, she's still one. That being said, you are engaging with the Hakurei miko and it isn't Reimu to easily forgive them afterwards as if nothing happened. You are facing one that has her job to heart. So, you wouldn't want to feel like you're going to die even before we get to even investigate what's important, right?

Also: never, ever bring up Reimu, past timeline, slash Immaterial Child Incident if something is to ever happen. This'll make things even worse.
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We live in a land where cute girls are practically the norm, and yet fights happen all the time. Is that really a statement you want to test?
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

thinking that Haru is weakened from her position as a indomitable tactician would be a big mistake, what we're probably seeing here is that she's cornered and treating her as less than a threat would be massively insulting on top of any other indicator, so akyuu will want to be cautious and treat Haru as still a capable opponent to be respected

also with how Aunn knew where Eintei was... does Eintei have any sort of shrine, or anything that could be technically considered one?
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oh Definitely Youki has had a lot more time since Youmu had been gone and he was ready to sl/ice the next person to say something about it, for Haru it has been much closer and just with a lot more things piled on top of it. we wait until some way to verify it appears and perhaps in a much calmer setting then the middle of an active incident.
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[x] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{x} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.


Under no circumstances do we attack the Hakurei. Aunn is fair game. Genji is sketchy since Haru may need him and he may also be frail.
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Tewi and the earth rabbits might have a few shrines for Lord Daikoku hidden in some places.

[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

Can we ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's position? She might end up intruding at a bad time during the meeting.
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Can all future Spirit and Intuition choices still say something when a neutral choice is made like you did here? It helps to know what choices mattered for the stats regardless of if something actually changed or not. I know you'd normally tell us eventually anyway, but y'know...
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
-[x] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.

Does this write-in work?
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huh, if we manage to confirm that and Tewi is still in 'you are a risk to Eintei mindset' that might be a pretty good rejoiner

'I'm the threat the Eintei? but wasn't it you that lead the Hakurei right to our doorstep?' =)

also, >>206784 here, adding to my vote:

(X) Is Kaguya or Eirin open to talking to the Miko directly? They can probably explain their actions better than we can.
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>>206786 here
We should try to be careful to not waste the Hakurei group's time. Metagame-wise, I mean. I think the Vampire Incident is on pause until we are dealt with since Sakuya supposedly stopped the night.

We want to extract info from them and maybe convince Eirin to stop the spell so we can help resolve the Vamire Incident, but we need them to be able to get by us quickly if diplomacy fails. While still surviving and being able to get back up to fight quickly-ish.

We can maybe hold off Sakuya and Remi while the do so, if it comes to that? Just can't knock Sakuya out, we'd need to stall.

I'm probably thinking way too far ahead and over thinking it, I dunno.
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Akyuu would've been around 4 years old by the time Reimu's mother died (1994 - 1998) during the Vampire's Incident.
The likely reason why Akyuu is actually seeing her is probably due to the fact that she was born earlier than her original timeline.

I considered the Kaguya & Eirin option, but it doesn't work because of two reasons:
a) They're too far away right now. Unless Kaguya is hiding somewhere close to us, they won't make it in time to engage in negotiations. 1/2 ri = 1.22 miles. In fact, I'll assume that Komachi will make it before Kaguya/Eirin even does.
b) There are other individuals to worry about, which is why Eirin is monitoring the radar. Maybe Kaguya could afford to leave, but it's ultimately up to her & not up to us.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.
- {X} Have Reisen keep an eye out for third parties interfering (including our side)

A 3v1 seems like a situation where they wouldn't jump into a fight ASAP.

Not sure if this is redundant, given >>206789
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> Reimu had never told her what happened in the Eternal Night. She’d been vague, always vague about it.

>But… but that was because the incident wasn’t solved by her. It must… it must have been caused by her, to undo the false moon. …Yes, that was it! That was the night she’d seen the false moon before!

Akyuu think that Reimu caused it and thus is thinking that Haru is the one doing it here... which is probably correct... but if they manage to get Haru to stop, then yeah, Sakyua would probably pick up the slack herself. So we need to convince (or "convince" in likely regards to the SDM) them both to stop.
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x] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{x} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

If Akyuu remembers Haru being an formidable shrine maiden, then she probably is.
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Hey I was right (eventually) it was Genjii

War-mount Genjii is something I didn't know I needed until now.

[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

Let's parley. She's fully kitted to deal with the vampires so we are not the primary threat, at least.
What do they know about this place? I feel we don't have much time to speak.

-[x] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

-[X] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.

--[X] If we do get knocked out, tell Eirin to watch out
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

a hakurei is a hakurei, which means they're likely to kick your ass if you get in their way. we brought the guns for a reason.

as for write-ins...

- (X) Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.
- (X) Have Reisen hang back and overlook our conversation with her sights on Aunn. In case things go south, we can take one of the combatants and she can take the other.

haru is strong spiritually, so a psychic attack (not a memory of reimu, just something else. no need to antagonize her further if things come to blows) wouldn't be as effective on her as a physical one. that's the objective though: we want to make sure she lives.

isn't eirin technically a god? iirc, shrines are where gods are housed and worshipped. dunno if dedicating some songs to kaguya and eirin while pounding mochi every month counts as worship, but with that logic, eientei is technically a shrine.

another theory floating around my head is the fact that aunn is part of the hakurei shrine. and at the beginning of the apocalypse, the whole of the shrine was swallowed by a gap. she definitely wasn't sent back, but given that she mentions this...

> “I just didn’t expect them to start causing trouble just yet. And on the night of the vampire, too…”

feels a bit suspicious.
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>>206787 here, adding this to my vote.

-[X] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.
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Counting to >>206802:
Main Choice #1:
[0] Aggressively. Knock them out, or drive them away.
[17] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

Main Choice #2:
[14] With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
[3] With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.

Potential Additions:
Regarding Reisen's Actions:
[1] Have Reisen keep an eye out for third parties interfering (including our side) (>>206794)
[1] Have Reisen hang back and overlook our conversation with her sights on Aunn. In case things go south, we can take one of the combatants and she can take the other.
Note that these two options can be combined together.

Other Additions:
[2] Is Kaguya or Eirin open to talking to the Miko directly? They can probably explain their actions better than we can. (>>206781, >>206790)
[4] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu. (>>206789, >>206799, >>206800, >>206801)
[1] If we do get knocked out, tell Eirin to watch out (>>206799)
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>>206806 here:
Made a mistake...
The correction is shown below:
[5] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu. (>>206789, >>206798, >>206799, >>206800, >>206801)
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.

Let's hope Akyuu remembers how to talk to humans without her youkai instincts getting in the way.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.
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is possible that aunn knows knows about Eientei because the rabbits or Tewi have a tiny shrine dedicated to Lord Daikoku, and on a side note i headcannon that Tewi is/was in love with Daikoku

My votes:
[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{X} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
- (X) Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.
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if our radio's have multiple channels, and if we brought a spare (especially since we wanted from the get go to attempt this diplomatically.) then we could possibly hand a radio/ear piece over to Haru to talk with Erin and the two of them negociate while Aunn, Genji, Reisen and Akyuu keep watch. (with kaguya or a bunny keeping an eye on the Psydar for anything coming this way.)

of course all of our votes beyond the initial approach to revealing ourselves might be derailed if >>206800 is correct about Aunn and she ends up taking one look at the bunnies and goes "Oh Hey Akyuu! you're back!" at which things become potentially interesting rather quickly.
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I don't think handing the Hakurei our means of communication - even if she'd struggle to figure out HOW to switch the channel back - is a great idea.
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[X] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.
{X} With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.
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Fair, it would have been nice to have Eirin and Haru talk it out directly, but it sounds like Erin did have Reisen here specifically to represent Eintei due to previous interaction.


On the update itself I really enjoyed the Haru lore there! Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Reimu also create a couple of spell cards specifically for Aya in StB? With the "future" total being something like *5* total techniques/spellcards solely designed for Aya she must've been over the moon!
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i don't know if it was specifically for aya since 1. it was in double spoiler and 2. you can play as either aya and hatate in the game, so technically it's for both of them. that being said, it's likely that it was made for aya specifically and reimu decided that if it was good enough for one nosy tengu reporter, it's good enough for another.

aya is really good at pissing off hakurei shrine maidens, huh.
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Screenshot 2024-04-17 091302
[0] Aggressively. Knock them out, or drive them away.
[21] Diplomatically. Meet them in person, talk it out.

{16} With great caution. This was a full Hakurei contingent, they were likely to be very dangerous.
{5} With a gentle hand. If she was bringing backup, this Haru wasn’t the indomitable tactician Akyuu remembered.
-[X] Have Reisen keep an eye out for third parties interfering (including our side)
-[X] Is Kaguya or Eirin open to talking to the Miko directly? They can probably explain their actions better than we can.
-[X] Ask Eirin for periodic updates on the lone traveller's and the Scarlet duo's positions as we engage in conversation with the Miko, the turtle, and the komainu.

“...I’m going to try diplomacy, first. I just… don’t want to get in a fight with them, not right away.”

She looked around. “Reisen, is it okay if you stay back? Too many people and they may go straight into a fight. Keep an eye on the surroundings, in case someone tries to sneak up on us. Lady Eirin - if I can get them talking, would you be willing to negotiate with the Hakurei directly?”

“...If it will avoid a fight, yes. If they’re amenable to diplomacy, we should take it. While you’re doing that, I’ll keep an eye on the radar - we’ll switch channels to not tie you up in general chatter while you negotiate.”

“Sure. I’ll keep an ear out, regardless.”

Akyuu stood up, taking a breath. She hopped down, trying to think of what to say.

…Whatever it was, it needed to be clear, concise, and direct. Convey at least a level of acquiescence, maybe be a bit welcoming. Her head was swimming, and she didn’t want to screw this up.

“‘Nice to meet you?’ No, too casual. ‘Can I help you?’ Stupid question, we all know what they’re here for…”

She looked up as she rounded a thicket, and stopped. The trio had gotten closer than she thought while she was planning out her response, and were now staring at the young rabbit muttering to herself. Akyuu was caught in the headlights, and immediately racked her brain for something to say.

And once again, Lunarian protocol beat everything else to the punch.

“G-greetings, earthlings! I come in peace!”

There was a long, long pause. Slowly, the lunar rabbit’s face began to color, and she covered her face in embarrassment.

After a silence that felt just long enough for Akyuu to consider turning around and trying the greeting again, Haru cleared her throat.

“So. Are you that moon rabbit I’ve been hearing about? That Raisin or whatever?”

The young Komainu made a negatory hum. “I… don’t think she is. More like… a clone or something? Though I feel like she would have mentioned that…” She cocked her head. “…what’s your name, bunny?”

“…Inaba Akyuu. Reisen’s little sister.” The komainu’s head tilted the other way, as Akyuu regathered herself. “I come on behalf of Eientei in hopes of parley, Lady Hakurei.”

“I see.” The shrine maiden looked her over, but said little else. The silence continued for several seconds. She had presence, made all the more dramatic by her mounting, and there was heavy expectation in her silence for clarification.

Akyuu found herself talking just to fill the void. “Well… the gist of the… um, false moon spell is that it’s a defensive measure on Eientei’s part.” More silence. “It’s um… I guess you could say it’s my fault, specifically.” The komainu let out a contemplative hum.

At length, Haru responded. “The spell you’re talking about is agitating a large amount of youkai. They draw some of their power from the full moon - the true full moon. In removing that, you’ll make many species of Youkai desperate and angry at you.” The shrine maiden looked down at Akyuu. “Your defensive measure is already doing a lot more harm than good.

Akyuu reached to her side, offering a handheld radio. She’d brought it in case the Hakurei were amenable to discussion, in addition to her earpiece. “...If you would, Lady Hakurei… you can use this device to talk to the leaders of Eientei from here. Perhaps we can negotiate a mutually beneficial resolution…?”

Aunn took the small device, and proffered it to Haru. She looked it over, turning it around in her hand.

Before handing it back.

“I’m not a fan of negotiations over long distances.” She said firmly. With the force of her silence, Akyuu couldn’t help but see why. Any medium would diminish her most powerful tool. “And I want to see this Eientei for myself.”

Akyuu stepped back, nervously. “Um, well… it’s not quite that simple…” The mental image of this trio running rampant through Eientei was all too clear to her mind. “U-um, uh…”

Haru stood up, the yin-yang orbs beginning to free themselves from Genjii’s shell. “If you will not let us pass peacefully… I am willing to use force. I would rather not, but such are the options you are presenting to me.”

The young lunar rabbit gulped. “U-um… I don’t have the authority to-”

“If I may?” The two turned to look at the Komainu, who was waving for their attention. She hopped up on Genjii’s shell, and leaned in to discuss something quietly with the Shrine Maiden. Akyuu saw a small red dot, which had blended in well with the shrine maiden’s clothes, instead end up on the Komainu’s back. Was that just a coincidence, or..?

At length, the Komainu turned around. “...Akyuu… right? Rather than a direct conflict, there is… another option. A more… elegant way to resolve a dispute.”

Akyuu blinked. Several times. “You… you don’t mean spell cards, do you?”

The komainu beamed, as Haru looked contemplative. “Yes, I do! It’s an idea that we’ve been shopping around the shrine and the surrounds. No better way to get a sense of a person’s character.” There was a mischievousness to the komainu's grin. “Maybe Reisen heard about it, and passed on the details? Do you know how spell card duels work, Akyuu?”

Akyuu stuttered. “U-um, yes, but-”

“And do you have any spell cards?” The komainu jumped down, her grin growing wider. Akyuu blinked, nodding. “Then how about it? I can be your opponent, little bunny. We can keep it short and quick, one card each?”

Akyuu paused, hesitant. “Um… but…” It wasn’t that it was a bad idea. Spell cards were inherently low power, and, if she lost to the komainu, nobody would blame her for letting the shrine maiden pass. But…

But weren’t spell cards not supposed to exist yet…? And for that matter, how did they exist without their inventor…?

There was a bit of static from her earpiece. “Akyuu? This is Reisen… I haven’t heard of spell cards before today, but it’s not like I’m the best-informed person in Gensokyo. With that said… I’ve got a little camera I’ve set up to give Lady Eirin and the princess a view and… the princess really wants to see a spell card duel for herself.”

Akyuu sighed. It seemed like the choice had been made for her. “...Alright. Komano Aunn, right?” She smiled at the Komainu. “One card each. Let’s make it count, yeah?”

The komainu nodded with a big grin, taking to the skies, and Akyuu followed suit. “You know, Akyuu, this will be the first official spell card duel for incident resolution! You excited?”

Akyuu blinked. There were a dozen questions in her head. About how Haru was here, about how Aunn was here, about the spell cards being here without Reimu… and yet, there was only one question she wanted to answer right now.

Which spell card to start with.

“Very. Let’s make some history!”

[ ] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.
[ ] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.
[ ] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.

{ } Write in spell card suggestions here!

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[X] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.
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[X] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

We are talking about Akyuu here. Let's use what she's great at and at least have a shot and try to make a splash.

Also, let's be honnest, Akyuu's not gonna win.
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I'll leave this if anyone needs it for the the spell cards

Rebirth sign
Origin sign
Legacy sign
Memory sign
Forgotten sign
Chronicle sign
Wave Sign
Psychic sign
Lunatic Sign
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Spell card suggestions are open, guys! Anything you like that fits one of the themes, feel free to throw out names or suggestions!
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Same person as this post.

Maybe ask Reisen for a second opinion. What would she do? If she says to use anything to use regarding Rabbits, then,

[X] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.

might be a good option too. Maybe a mix-and-match?
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(I'm not doing the Yu-Gi-Oh reference, shut.)

Well, somehow, the spell card system is here. And we are the ones taking it for a test drive. Now, Akyuu has a few inspirations to draw on.

-Chronicle: Elegant, and the most familiar to Akyuu, due to her experience with her work.

-Recollection: Supported by her memory and her trait of visualisation of history.

-Lunacy: Frantic, and very hard to predict, but the one we are the least familiar with.


[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.

As for the inspiration...we can go with one of the incidents we've seen. Well, a fabrication of it. To not disturb the timeline too much...let's go with one that is probably in the works

{X} Miare Recollections: When Spring Was Stolen.

By all accounts, the Spring Snow incident is going to occur soon. Let's give them a taste.
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

Mystery Sign - Who Murdered the Hakurei Shrine Maiden While We were Dueling?
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So, the question is what kind of spellcards Akyuu would use... ignoring the Spirit implications, what feels most interesting?

Chronicle cards seem to capture the idea of writing the chronicle itself, definitely the most "artsy" of the bunch, and probably the most in-line with actual cards.

Recollection cards seem to invoke something more along Satori's fighting style, hijacking the techniques of others to achieve affects that would normally require some specialization.

Lunacy cards channel our inner Stage 5 boss and mess with the opponent somehow. These seem the least "artsy", but the mess hopefully makes them the most likely to win, especially against an opponent who (probably) isn't used to spellcards in the first place.

They're all good choices, but I'm going to go with Recollection. Akyuu's spent nine lives studying techniques, we can probably take a few pointers from them.

My write-in ideas are focused more on other youkai than any lunar experiences, so I guess they'd be a human-flavored version of recollection, but I don't much care to bother min/maxing spirit. I just like the ideas.

{X} Recollection: Old Wounds Flare Up
A cruel technique inspired by Satori herself, and her Recollections that exploit former foes. Fires out waves of smaller bullets, as well slow moving but large bullets. When the larger ones get too close, they transform into quick lasers that aim to deal grazing blows and hinder mobility.
"A spell that captures the feeling of the wear of age. You can try to dodge, but all those shallow injuries you've taken over the years will add up until your body fails you."

{X} Recollection: Meeting With The Sage
A card that mimics Akyuu's dealings with one Yukari Yakumo. Throws out layered waves of purple kunai bullets like Yukari's first nonspell, leaving a thin gap between them. To get through, you need to go as flat as you can and dodge between waves without letting your height waver too much.
"A spell that makes you feel as pathetic as an insect in a spiderweb. Get down before your betters, and give them the respect they deserve."

{X} Recollection: Demon Beneath the Magnifying Glass
An attempt to replicate the more dangerous half of Akyuu's chronicling: Not the time spent writing the knowledge of youkai, but the process of actually learning about them. Summons a flurry of quickly-moving bullets that bear the appearance of youkai, that wildly fly around the battlefield in terrifying ways that seemingly have no pattern. But you can destroy them by firing upon them, and as you shoot them down the remaining youkai bullets become slightly less random.
"A spell that lets you experience the dangers of studying youkai for yourself. As you grow more familiar and take notes on the parading monsters, you gradually learn how to survive against them!"

...I may have gone a little overboard, but I enjoyed thinking of these.
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I found the reason why we're youkai.

>>The red-blue spoke up again. “...About a week ago, every ‘normal human’ in Gensokyo… had what’s happening to you now happen to them. Their bodies were obliterated, and something… began to destroy their very souls.”

We got Thanos'ed. Every human got wiped.
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Akyuu already knew that part and Tewi pointed out that we were going back anyways (as it turned out years before the incident, and if we got the memories back anyways then why need to change into Youkai? just convince the powerhouses to go deal with it. no need to change to a youkai.

on the other hand, it didn't take that long to get rid of most of the youkai either,

- start of the week most humans are destroyed, Hakurei Shrine Gapped to protect most of the incident resolvers

- end of week, immortals (+Kiene due to some interference of Eirin) come up with plan,
--Yukari either defeated, or without options, but overhearing somehow releases Hakurei Shrine.

--incident resolver's bodies destroyed instantly, found and recovered by Mokou

at said point, the only ones left in gensokyo was stated to be the immortals,

so whatever it was, yeah, humans got destroyed instantly, with their souls following quickly afterwards... but the Youkai weren't that far behind.

it also sounds like the immortals never learned who/what it was that caused the incident
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Fair enough. So we still have no idea why we're youkai. Maybe because we don't know the cause, so being resistant to disappearing helps
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[X] I have a fun idea for a resurrection butterfly style timeout spell for akyuu.
Children of Miare: it works similar to kaguyas final spell cards where it’s a bunch of timeouts but each one is named after each of akyuus incarnations with hers being the final one.
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[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.

I was thinking about stealing one of Keine's spell cards, but we're not Keine (even though we symbolically are, haha). Maybe a spell card, utilizing a portion of Keine's danmaku patterns, to commemorate Keine even though she's unlikely to see the danmaku.
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Interesting... out of curiosity, would it end with Akyuu Hieda, or Akyuu Inaba?
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I will be thinking and posting later, but I almost want to see, especially since this is a chance to be a historic first, its against Aunn, and Kaguya wants a show, to do something fun. not necessarily a tricky sort of fun like a gotcha or something, nor should it be weak or underestimating Aunn, but... well, its a spellcard duel, the first one in this timeline, and Akyuu's first one too.
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.
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[x] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

Why? Just 'cause I wanna see Akyuu start with the stuff most aligned to her passion, then explore other domains after.
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{X} Memory “Unavoidable Time Construct”

The way it works is that Akyuu uses her Lunacy ability and then do something similar to Satori’s spell, y’know her original one. And finally just do something related to chronicles, probably shoot a pattern of bullets that look similar to a scroll, Ala Suzumi Kuzu from Len’en.
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{X} Memory “Unavoidable Time Construct”

The way it works is that Akyuu uses her Lunacy ability and then do something similar to Satori’s spell, y’know her original one. And finally just do something related to chronicles, probably shoot a pattern of bullets that look similar to a scroll, Ala Suzumi Kuzu from Len’en.
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spell card system arriving early and aunn being the one to suggest using them to haru really isn't helping disprove my "maybe aunn remembers some of the future too" theory.

spell cards are an expression of their user. this is probably a good chance to convince them that we're an immaterial child ourselves.

[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frentic and claustrophobic.

the chonicle spell cards are also great, but i feel like they represent both akyuus- she's a chronicler and novellist at heart in both lives, even if she hasn't gotten around to writing anything much yet as akyuu inaba. recollection cards, on the other hand, would be more concrete proof that we're the child of miare since no one else should be able to remember their past lives, much less a random rabbit.

don't have any good ideas for a name just yet (i'll be sure to give one as soon as i think of it!), but i really like the ideas of >>206838 and >>206840.
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[x] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

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[X] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.
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I wonder what the goal here should be. Is it just to win the spell card duel? Is it to prove that Akyuu means well? Or should this be a set up for trying to tell them about what happened to get to this point?
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{X} Recollection "Wipe the Floor Again"
"It's over, Eirin! This is my Again/Akyuu!"
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[X] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.

Aside from just trying to win here, I think we don’t want to hint at our identity as the Child of Miare just yet (at least until we have access to the Yama for definitive proof.), the other two options would hint at that. And Haru seems to be a little suspicious on how we knew what spellcards are. If we throw something that we are sure in our mind of, it might add to that. Not to mention that the Lunacy one is a focus on this life, we can save the other two categories when Akyuu is ready to reveal herself.

{X} Psychic sign “Sweet Sister Salutations!”

A representation of Akyuu’s day, a sudden burst of bullets as a discovery of new family and support, with some cheeky bullets suddenly coming back towards the safe zones, splitting at the last second to bracket them rather then go into them (for the time at Geidontei.), with the end being a sudden big mean pink bunny that doesn’t resemble or represent anyone at all, and any resemblance to anyone is completely coincidental and surely isn’t used in a way to make the person facing it annoyed at said bunny or convey any sort of vexation towards any theoretical inspiration.
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

Going to pick what Akyuu is most experienced in for the first spell card.
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[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.

I let's make this quick. We'll lose. Let us see how fast we can lose.

It's hard to write recollection spell cards without more background on the Child of Maire, but maybe we can speculate? I mean this might have happened once.

{X} Recollection Sign "Rushed Ritual"
I can see her having to rush through her reincarnation ritual (assuming there is one) very quickly before she got killed.

{X} Revisionist History "Took My Place"
I could see the Heida estate doing a switcheroo at some point to save the Child of Maire.

{X} Recollection Sign "Disgraceful Act of Arson"
The Heida estate being burned down resulting in the loss of many records. Simple enough.

Just to throw out a few. These may be on the nose or edgy, though.
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They actually do know at least a little about it. Mokou mentions that some youkai tried attacking it and were able to hurt it at first. But it also grew in strength over time and now it’s too powerful for even that, not there was anyone left to try outside the Immortals & Keine.

This brings up something of clash between what makes sense for the narrative and what makes sense for the characters. From a narrative perspective this ambiguity is good, as it provides a mystery for us to solve. But for the people in the story, it’s absurd that they’d be so vague about something so vital. The plan revolves around them going back in time to prevent this thing from attacking/activating. Any information on what it looks like, where it appeared, how it might function, what have you, is worth knowing.
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Just had an idea. It was mentioned that most ordinary humans straight up vanished. Seeing that we were the last ones left...could we have witnessed the incident's aftermath? And if so...

{X} Miare Recollections: The End Of Fantasy.

A destructive recount of a tragedy 30 years in the making, with most of Gensokyo in ruins and fire.

Well, we certainly ain't using that. That's why it's not being added to the original post.
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[X] Chronicle Spell Cards

I feel like these would be the best for using as later evidence for convincing Haru that we possess the requisite ‘child-of-maire’ness. Plus using something related to meeting with Yukari as a previous post suggested would be rad.
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Since it was mentioned in the last update, yeah I have to agree Aunn seems to know a lot more than she let's on...
She immediately suggested that Akyuu is Reisen's clone, but at the same time she didn't react to the name.
Also, a mention of a small red dot doesn't ring any bells right now but something going on Aunn's back? Do I smell Okina?

Anyways, to the voting part.
I really want to do some lunacy spells but I feel that great inspiration for spellcards can be found in literature.

[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

She can use the legends immediately surrounding her as inspiration.

{X} Legend sign "Tale of the Bamboo Cutter"
Shoots projectiles seemingly at random, and bamboo shoots grow from where those touch the ground, disappearing after a short while limiting movement. Like Junko's "Lilies of Murderous Intent" without the murderous intent. Inspired of course from Kaguya's story.

{X} Legend sign "White hare of Inaba"
Similar to Nitori's water spells, but there are bullets in a set path that act as a shield to safely get across. Inspired from Tewi's story. Not that she deserves one right now, but hey.

{X} Folklore "Rabbits pounding mochi on the moon"
Use the memories of her moon rabbit ex-comrades to attack from multiple angles with a rhythm that mimics the making of mochi. Inspired from our own background.
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I think the red dot that moved from Haru to Aunn is a laser sight from Reisen’s gun
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File 171334059320.png - (363.54KB, 1566x1589, MikoandShikigami.png)
I don't know when I'll be able to finish an illustration since I'll be busy. I REALLY want to do something with the whole Hakurei team here but here's a little spoiler on the meantime.
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Oh yeah, makes total sense, never mind then I was reading a little too much into it.
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Psichic sign "legacy of the tenth"

a pattern shot, which shoot psychic waves in various directions bouncing a few times, then creates some simple, stationary danmaku and shoots several dual curved lasers (blue and green) that represent the scrolls of the chronicles

probably aligns with the first option.
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

I assume that the laser sight is infrared and moon rabbits like Reisen and Akyuu are genetically-engineered to see a wider visible light spectrum. Feels a bit risky otherwise if Reisen just used a glorified laser pointer that anyone can see.
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[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.
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Screenshot 2024-04-17 192713
Just 'cos so far the majority of specific card suggestions feel like they fit for the Recollection option, I'm gonna throw out some of the spell card names for the other two I've had in mind before i opened up suggestions:

Writer Sign "Ninefold-Perfected Calligraphy"
Chronicle Sign "Articles Written in Triplicate"
Writer Sign "Ink Spill Disaster"

Sweet Sign "Yakimochi Claymore Bursts"
Lunacy Sign "March of the Mochi Bunny Clan"

>>206862's third suggestion is pretty close to one I was going to make myself for Recollection, based on >>206422
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{X} Sweet Sign: Saccharine Sparrow Parfait

Sorry Mystia, it was too good of a jab to pass up.
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Counting to >>206875:
Main Choice:
[10] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.
Note that >>206866 is included in the above vote.
[5] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.
[5] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.

Spell Card Suggestions:
For Chronicle Spell Cards:
[1] Legend Sign "Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" (>>206867)
[1] Legend Sign "White Hare of Inaba" (>>206867)
[1] Folklore "Rabbits Pounding Mochi on the Moon" (>>206867)
[1] Writer Sign "Ninefold-Perfected Calligraphy" (>>206874)
[1] Chronicle Sign "Articles Written in Triplicate" (>>206874)
[1] Writer Sign "Ink Spill Disaster" (>>206874)

For Recollection Spell Cards:
[1] Miare Recollections: When Spring Was Stolen. (>>206848)
[1] Recollection: Old Wounds Flare Up (>>206840)
[1] Recollection: Meeting With The Sage (>>206840)
[1] Recollection: Demon Beneath the Magnifying Glass (>>206840)
[1] Recollection "Wipe the Floor Again" (>>206858)
[1] Recollection Sign "Rushed Ritual" (>>206862)
[1] Revisionist History "Took My Place" (>>206862)
[1] Recollection Sign "Disgraceful Act of Arson" (>>206862)
[1] Miare Recollections: The End Of Fantasy. (>>206865)

For Lunacy Spell Cards:
[1] Psychic sign “Sweet Sister Salutations!” (>>206859)
[1] Lunacy Sign "March of the Mochi Bunny Clan" (>>206874)

Miscellaneous Spell Cards (Spell Cards that combine various aspects or may not fit in any existing categories):
[1] Memory “Unavoidable Time Construct” (>>206852 [Note that >>206853 is just a duplicate of >>206852])
[1] Sweet Sign "Yakimochi Claymore Bursts" (>>206874)
[1] Sweet Sign: Saccharine Sparrow Parfait (>>206875)

On a final note, this hopefully makes it easier for the writer to read through the spell card options.
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>>206876 here:
Forgot to note that this list unfortunately does not have the spell card descriptions/comments within the original posts (So that it doesn't take up half of this thread).
[1] Psychic Sign "Legacy of the Tenth" (>>206871)
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Screenshot 2024-04-17 204314
The Sweet Signs fall under the Lunacy category, to be clear
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[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

I have no preference for how these spellcards turn out. Voting for this option in the hopes that the second most important human in Gensokyo, you know, tries to hold onto her humanity.
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>>206840 here.

Was doing some thinking on other ideas and debating on whether some of my ideas were more chronicle or recollection when I noticed I didn't actually cast a vote, so...

[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.

That being said, I do also have a few more ideas to throw in the ring.

Chronicle Sign: Evolution of Written Language
This card is a study of the way words change over time, and the returning soul's perspective of linguistic drift. Curvy lasers and bullets are fired out and fly around the field, shaping themselves into various archaic characters, before breaking apart in every direction to make room for newer words, up to modern language.
"A writer's experience with the written word throughout history... Is this a spell card, or just a history lesson?"

Chronicle Sign: Immortalizing Events
A spell to embody the process of turning the Chronicle into historical record. Akyuu flies about, shooting relatively simple bullets, but after 10 or so seconds the bullets stop moving and clusters of bullets appear where both fighters just were, creating a replica of the battlefield. As the card progresses, newer depictions stack on top of the old ones, making the battlefield a cluttered minefield of overlapping bullet patterns.
"How are all of these moments blending together, you ask? It's simple: she forgot to let the ink dry, and now it's bleeding through the page."
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>>206833 changed my mind

[Undo] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.
[X] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.

{X} Writer Sign "Letter Ritual Dance"
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[X] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.
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File 171336730027.jpg - (242.24KB, 850x1204, __kicchou_yachie_kudamaki_tsukasa_komano_aunn_and_.jpg)
[12] Use Chronicle spell cards she’d been dreaming of even from her past life. The ones based on her duties and writing, exacting movements and elegant complexity.
[7] Use Recollection spell cards. Spell cards based off battles and rough experiences from all her lives, many frenetic and claustrophobic.
[4] Use Lunacy spell cards. Rather than Reisen’s illusionary spell cards, these tended to be more… abstract, random combinations of sweets, weapons, rabbits and writing. Generally more chaotic and unpredictable than the others.

The rabbit grinned. Now that she was in the moment, she couldn’t help but get excited.

“Shall I start us off, then?” She grinned, focusing. The spell card came into being, building in her mind. “Chronicle Sign ‘Immortalizing Events’!”

It started off slowly. Akyuu pointed her fingers to her temples, and focused, letting out a steady wave of danmaku around the crown of her head. Two rings of danmaku bullets expanded out from her, overlaid atop each other, but going in opposite directions, creating fleeting gaps between the danmaku. Aunn surged forward when the moment was right, sliding through the first pair of rings, then the second and third. The komainu grinned, cockily.

That was fine. This was just getting started. Akyuu moved to the left, focusing, as Aunn moved to her own left. The chronicler grinned, clapping her hands - And Aunn was momentarily shocked, as a second, illusory Akyuu appeared, where she had first fired the rings. The komainu’s eyes widened in recognition when Akyuu and her own memory both fired rings in unison. The komainu surged forward to take each gap, turning her head around behind her - and nearly yelping as a ring from her memory-clone grazed her tail.

“Getting the idea, Aunn? Only gonna get more hectic from here!” Akyuu moved to a third position, with Aunn now realizing she had to do the same.

Akyuu grinned, upping the pressure. Four sets at once. Five. She felt a drop of sweat trickle down her forehead. Six. Seven. The komainu’s movements were getting more and more erratic, and as Akyuu fired off her eighth set of rings, she could feel her breath becoming ragged in turn.

“Well… Aunn?” She said. The komainu barely managed to leap out of the way of the last rings of that set, looking up at Akyuu. “Are you ready for the final round?”

Aunn steadied herself, a small grin forming on her face. “Hit me with it, Akyuu!”

The rabbit obliged, firing off her last round. The Komainu smiled, moving to a central location.

And stood stock still, smiling. “It’s an impressive spell card, Akyuu. But… It’s not the right type to use, against someone like me.”

The rings closed in, closer and closer, as Aunn pulled out her own spell card. She held it in the air, charging her spell card, as the dozens of danmaku rings





Akyuu sputtered. “You-what?”

“Spinning Top ‘Koma-Inu Spin!’

A series of lasers sprayed out from the komainu. Akyuu belatedly caught herself, and tried to dodge, but the laser curved, striking her in the side.

She hit the ground hard, her earpiece getting knocked well clear of her. She groaned, climbing to her feet. “You-how…”

The komainu grinned cockily. “See, I noticed a couple of things.” The Komainu tapped her head. “Your rings all come out at the same position each time, based on the angle of your head. And my head, too, when it’s my ring. And each ring in a set comes out at the same position as well. Presumably necessary, for a spell with so many slaves and a theme of recording positions.”

Aunn oozed smugness. “It’s an elegant spell card… but! By nature, that means each individual recording will always have the same safe spots. And if someone controls that, and moves veeeeeery carefully, they can make sure that you leave a perfect little safe spot all in the same places. You were watching me the whole time, so by controlling your angle, and my position, every ring can land in the perfect spot, and keep a spot safe for me to the very end.”

Akyuu stuttered. “But- but that would require - figuring out an exact angle and position from thousands of options in seconds a half-dozen times! You’d need a computer in your brain to-” She caught herself, belatedly. The komainu - the shikigami’s grin only got wider.

Aunn turned around. “So, it looks like we will be proceeding on, then, Lady Hakurei?”

Akyuu looked in her direction, and almost yelped. The Shrine Maiden was staring at her, with incredible intensity. “...Yes. Yes we will. And we will definitely be having a talk about Akyuu here.”

Akyuu paused, blinking. “A-about me?”

The komainu nodded, grinning. “Of course.” She gestured at Akyuu. “Her behavior and mannerisms conflicted a bit with recorded data, so I was sitting at roughly 32.3976% likelihood before, but with that Chronicle card… I revise to a conservative 93.7864% chance of ‘Inaba’ Akyuu here being the Child of Miare.” The komainu hummed. “Perhaps she’s been brainwashed…”

“And, personally…” Hakurei Haru thumped her gohei on her palm, causing a pulse of energy through the yin-yang orbs. To call her expression stormy would be an understatement. “I want to know exactly what these lunarians did to reincarnate you as a rabbit.”

[ } Try and clarify the obvious misunderstanding. “Akyuu!”
{ ) Just stay out of the Hakurei’s soon-to-be warpath. +Akyuu do you read?!+
( ] Wait, how did-

“+AKYUU!+” The yell and the psychic message caused Akyuu to flinch from the pulse. Reisen had leapt down from the rock, and was now running over to the group. “We’ve got trouble!”

The rabbit blinked. +Reisen-?+ She caught herself. Either she’d recovered, or she was forcing through the aftereffects. Regardless, it was pointless to ask questions when the psychic message came loaded with that much worry. “What’s the situation?”

“The Scarlets are attacking Eientei! We need to move now!”

A brilliant red flash illuminated the night. The shrine maiden shielded her eyes from the intensity of the glare, and Akyuu turned towards Eientei, seeing what was casting the glow.

A single, massive spear, made out of vicious red energy, hovered above Eientei. Akyuu could distantly hear the screech of the vampire, as she threw it down.

Reisen flinched, reaching for her earpiece. “Lady Eirin? LADY EIRIN?!” She shuddered, and took off at a run. Akyuu was only a few steps behind her. If the Scarlets and Eientei were fighting, then… it was her fault. And without the spell card rules… she had to do something to stop it before anyone got seriously hurt.

“Miare, wait!” Akyuu didn’t pay any attention, focusing on the grounds ahead of her. “Genjii, follow them. Now.

The tortoise looked up at his master. “Lady Hakurei? That seems… dangerous. Perhaps we should hold back?”

The komainu put her hands up. “I agree with Genjii. My calculations say that if we join that fight…”

“I don’t care.” The Shrine Maiden’s voice was a low growl. “If that’s the Child of Miare, we are not letting her come to harm.” The two familiars exchanged a glance, but took off at their best speeds, following the rabbits.

The clearing the fight had taken place in fell silent, but only for a few moments. After a second, a red-haired figure stepped out into the light, humming.

“Well, at least for my troubles, I got a little pre-show.” Komachi chuckled. She reached into her pocket, pulling out the clock again. Read as intended, it only had a few minutes left, but looking at it for a few seconds, the hands would twitch.

Especially the years hand.

“If her fate’s this twitchy… maybe I won’t even get a chance to reap. Or maybe…” The shinigami grinned. “Maybe we’ll be able to have a bit of fun. And I can test that komainu’s theory for myself.”

She looked up. “Well, ‘Inaba’ Akyuu? Give us a good show, won’t you?”

For those wondering:
Chronicle: Would have lost the fight, and revealed Akyuu was the Child.
Recollection: Would have won the fight, and revealed Akyuu was the Child.
Lunacy: Would have won the fight, but not revealed Akyuu was the Child.

Next part will be on thread 6, and will be the other side of a sleep on my end!
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Ayy! I'm glad I got those Chronicle ideas down, I was bouncing around that one for a while trying to find an effect to match the commentary. And it totally makes sense that a 'pure' spellcard wouldn't work against Aunn, who was already a tricksy spirit and got installed with a supercomputer. Lovely update.

As it stands we should really take the chance to go review some material on how to stop these two factions of potential powerhouses from killing eachother.
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Aunn is a scoring player

She's gone full shikigami, huh?
Also, I wonder how much do they know already, but at least we have the Hakurei and possibly Komachi believing in us now. We only have to clear Eientei as suspects for the whole reincarnation thing.

And speaking of Eientei, the only thing to worry about them fighting the Scarlets is if Flandre is around, and that's a whole other discussion.

>> "Next part will be on thread 6, and will be the other side of a sleep on my end!"

He can't keep getting away with this!.jpg
jk, rest well
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Is it a good thing we lost and that they’ve figured out we’re the Child of Miare? I honestly have no idea. At least this gives us pretty good odds of clearing Keine’s name.
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Clearing Eientei as suspects shouldn’t be too hard. They do have Akyuu’s final memory of the other timeline. Showing that should hopefully clear any suspicion.
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Yeah losing wasn't that big of a deal I guess. If they figured Akyuu's the Child of Miare it's HUGE for our credibility. And yes, gives us better chances of clearing Keine of guilt.

Yeah it shouldn't be too hard, but we still have to do it before it comes to blows (which is happening with the Scarlets anyways)
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I voted recollection, but I wanted to lose. So I guess I got what I wanted.

At the same time. Winning would have been a far better outcome here. The Scarlets were faster than expected.

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I honestly think it’s a good thing we lost, if only because Aunn isn’t as weakened as she would be otherwise, meaning she’s more capable of protecting Haru if things get dicey, which is not unlikely.
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We're gonna have to play support to Haru and Aunn I think. Maybe incapacitate one of the opponents with an illusion.

Haru is gonna stick her neck out for us. Potentially in a literal sense. We gotta do the same.
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I realized I forgot give my two cents on how we needed to pick the spell cards. Thank god we didn't use Reisen's Lunatic set.
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Just remember, the first rule of danmaku safety is to have fun and be yourself!
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Remember the 5 D's of Danmaku: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge
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A shame we lost, but now they know we actually are credible. (Pastes "To Be Continued" on the wall).

Well, next thread is where the real fight begins. Remember, lethal force is authorized. Though it probably won't do much against...that.
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Looks like I was right that Haru would be paying attention to akyuu’s spellcard, thankful it seems to have worked out overall. I had been worried of a worse reaction, but that it turned out to convince them that Akyuu is the Child of Miare works out as long as we can get a chance to talk this out… which isn’t going to be soon.

But there is another bonus, one that I think Komachi is noticing. For the first time in years Haru can see a chance for answers. A hope to find out what happened to, and maybe also just find her child. She has something to fight to see and considering the death clocks has really gotten twitchy, especially since before the fight it had only twitched twice seems to indicate we are on the right track!

I had thought we had more time, but hey, not gonna complain on the update frequency we are getting!

I actually had a couple more ideas for spellcards, one of which the idea behind was to try to ping Aunn in a way to see if she was remember the future somehow by a spellcard with the idea of depicting the plot of Akyuu’s first Agatha chris Q book, with the safe zone being found by knowing the answer to the whodunnit.

Though for future spellcards well one if the Sweet sign falls under lunacy, then I would rename my suggestion in >>206859 from psychic sign “Sweet sister Salutations” to Sweets Sign “Sudden Sister Surprise”

And also another spellcard based on akyuu’s arrival:

{X} Desperate sign “meteoric drop”

A bunny danmaku starts with shooting organized lines of danmaku, until a random line of bullets from the side cross its path before turning red. (the is a second of no bullets present here.) Then the bunny starts shooting wild bursts of panicked shots before it starts rocketing around trailing a plume of scattering danmake behind it as it flies around on a crazy path. Then it finishes off with said rabbit suddenly spiralling to a random bird danmaku at the ground, crashing with a blast of final bullets.

And for the rest of the update… well one, how’d the SDM crew get past the psydar, was Eintei just trying to handle it while we were dueling and Akyuu only got told now, or what else happened?

Also, Uh-oh! The medic is down! Thank goodness she’s a Hourai immortal… hopefully she can recover quickly because Haru might need it soon!

One of named people at Eintei , the only one we need to worry about getting hurt is Tewi since the other two are both Hourai immortals… hm.. Now granted we don’t want a bunch of the rabbits to get hurt either, I’m just saying, we seem to be either hurry home to make sure Tewi is alright… or the SDM crew… nahhh.
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New thread over at >>206906!

It's boss fight time!
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