Wrote this for Kiri, because she’s awesome, and wanted me to write a cheesy Momiji romance short. Felt like seeing if I could even
do a romance short, so I gave it a shot. Didn’t realize that SHaG was Momiji route too, but I’m pretty sure this is different enough from that. Apologies if it’s rough around the edges; I doubt love stories are my strong suit.
Some of you may remember this story’s OC from
>>/others/15834 a while back. I’ve always felt bad about having him rot in that inadvertent train wreck of a tale. Perhaps this will vindicate myself.
======================================== A fine mist blew across Momiji’s face as she stepped through the mountain air. It felt so nice, to feel the breeze tickle her ears and the warm sun caress her white hair. She placed a sandaled foot on top of a small boulder and set down her maple-leaf shield, letting her body take a small break as she surveyed the mountainside.
The sun and clouds played with each other in the sky, bathing Gensokyo in alternating patterns of light and shadow. From here she could see for kilometers, from the waterfall right below her, to the Scarlet’s grand mansion, all the way to the little clearing of the Hakurei Shrine, and everything in between. The land was a grand canvas for the gods to paint upon, and the golden rays of the sun which shone through the clouds were like the eyes of the heavens, looking down with pride upon their charge. It was an oasis, a paradise from the strange Outside, and despite all its odd little quirks she’d never grown tired of it.
Brushing the hair back from her face, she took a better look at the rocky hills on the foot of the mountain, searching for any odd travelers making their way upwards. They were few and far between—weeks could go by without any interesting visitors—but when they
did show up, her superiors weren’t ones to accept excuses. So watch she did, watch and wait, her and several other tengu like her. Perhaps not the most glamorous job in the world, nor the one with the best hours, or the best wages, but it had its perks here and there.
As Momiji reached down to pick up her shield again, she caught a whiff of something different in the wind. An intruder? No, no…she recognized the scent too well. She smirked and readied herself for whatever came next.
“Prepare yourself, soldier!”
A rambunctious male voice shouted cheerfully at her a split-second before he collided with her back and a pair of rough hands cupped themselves over her eyes. Both of them tumbled onto the dusty rock shelf, knocking the wind out of Momiji momentarily. Her assailant was larger than her, but didn’t have the weight to back his size up, and she quickly wormed her way out of his grip. It was obvious that he wasn’t trying very hard to overpower his quarry, unlike herself, and thus he soon found himself flat on his back with Momiji kneeing on his stomach, her wide scimitar resting uncomfortably close to his head.
“That was pathetic,” Momiji said as she glared at her defeated foe. “If you tried that kind of sloppy grapple against a real enemy, Jin, you’d be dead right now.”
He smirked and made a half-hearted attempt to free himself, which only made Momiji nudge him with the flat of her blade. “Good to see you too, Momi,” he replied.
Her captive was another wolfish tengu like herself, but with nut-brown fur rather than her elegant white. His rugged appearance was likewise at odds against Momiji’s well-kept uniform and combed hair. She rolled her eyes at him and sighed.
“I could send in a reprimand to your commander for assaulting a superior officer, you know. You’d better watch yourself around me; I outrank you.”
“Pssh, yeah, by like what, half a pay grade? He’d reprimand
you just for annoying him. Plus, what’s he gonna do for punishment, whine at me? Reeeal scary, Momi.” Jin reached out the one arm that wasn’t pinned down and tickled Momiji under the ear, making her squirm and drop her sword. She wrestled with him for a good minute as the two of them degraded into an immature tickling war, of which she was the eventual victor.
“Hey, don’t you laugh!” she threatened jokingly, dancing her little clawed fingernails across Jin’s chest and neck. “I’m way scarier than your paper-pusher of a boss! I bet if I was in charge you’d
really take your work seriously. Oh, I’d punish you all right~”
“Nnngh, you’re punishing me enough already. Get off, your knees hurt.”
“No. I like being on the top for once.”
“Get off of me, please?”
She tisk-tisked a finger at him. “Ah-ah-ah, you didn’t say the magic word~!”
“Yes—unnfh!—Yes I did!” Jin struggled, but to no avail. Momiji leaned close to his face and pushed her elbows against his chest as well.
“No~oo, those aren’t the right magic words~,” she cooed, their noses practically touching each other.
The two looked at each other coyly for only a second or two, Momiji’s bright red eyes gazing deeply into Jin’s lime green ones. They’d played out this little faux struggle almost daily for months, and Jin knew full well those little magic words that would release him. Sometimes he’d be the one on the ground, or sometimes her, but the loser would always be the one who’d have to say it. Craning his neck just a few centimeters forwards, his lips met hers in a quick, soft kiss.
“I love you, Momiji.”