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File 171590631014.jpg - (2.24MB, 2000x2500, reisanakisssitting.jpg)
Smooth, brown hair pouring around a red-faced pout, equal parts beautiful and adorable. A stunning contrast to her usual, firm and lazy demeanor. Those soft, red lips moved, baring her tongue to speak.


Somewhere, far in the distance, Suwako cheered. Kanako nodded her head, bestowing on me a proud, loving smile. Reimu moved first, pressing her delicate fingers and warm palms against my cheeks as her lips closed, then puckered. A long shiver rolled down my spine. I answered her bold, affectionate move in kind, by wrapping my arms around her back, pulling her in close. I felt so much more warmth. It all happened so fast, but I didn’t care. I knew, deep in my soul, that it would all work out. That our love would conquer anything and everything. Our lips pulled ever closer.

But when they touched, the haze came. I clung to her all the tighter, worry now coursing through me. She pleaded that I come back, but the fog dragged her further and further away. That was the first time in our perfect love that I cried. I pushed closer, I kept myself down, quiet, still, as much as I possibly could. But it was too late. Reimu had evaporated in the morning air.

In the place of Reimu’s voice, I heard the calm but steady huff of a modest wind, muffled by the shrine walls. I felt the weight of my blanket atop me, the embrace of my pillow and futon beneath. A couple tears still clung to the corners of my eyes as I clung to the sheet. Light came last, as I realized that only the weakest sliver reached my bedroom. The sun had barely started to rise.

For a good minute or two, I laid there, mourning my lost dream. My eyes had closed again, as I hoped to return, to at least finish that kiss.

But it only took that long to realize I wouldn’t be falling back asleep. A nervous energy coursed through me, trapping me awake. The secret weapon hid inside my dresser. If I slept in much longer, Kanako would call me to start making breakfast while she got the heat going, then brush any loose snow off the path, then…

I pulled myself up, onto my butt, and allowed myself a short, quiet yawn. I could do it today, but was I ready? Did I reall
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[X] Interrupted with a hug.

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[X] Went to get Satori.

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[x] Interrupted with a hug.

This strikes me as the most 'Orin' thing to do. Of course, that may not always be the best thing since she's so corpse minded and all.

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File 172779381416.jpg - (560.28KB, 844x798, b32841ccda22bb3f57a48580eae5d9da.jpg)


Welcome to True Bunbun Radio.


(The badass of journalism)

"That's it. Bun."

Broadcasting live from her beautiful skyline office in the tengu village.

"You sound battier than the Scarlet Mansion's vampires for Christ's sake."

And now, she'll take it from here. Your host - the traditional reporter of reporters - no need to crya, for here comes -"


"Hello everyone, and welcome to True Bunbun Radio. There's no need to crya, for here is Aya. Now, I want to thank everyone for listening to what is the first episode of the True Bunbun Radio. Radio hasn't really been marketed that much here in Gensokyo, but that doesn't matter to me, not in the slightest. I intend to remain fully on top of all mediums. Besides, I need something to entertain myself and my adoring audience while the ink dries from the printing presses.

"Maybe you're wondering just how this radio set-up came to be, and I'm glad you asked. At least I presume you asked, because why wouldn't you? That's the natural flow of a conversation, you ask and the other person answers. And when they leave something hanging, you ask questions about it. Do you know how many young people these days don't bother doing that? S

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uh helo who dis
why phone speak to me wit funne voice
were am i why sky red wat doo
air smell funny don kno were am i
vampyre dont real

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I tell ya, this is somethin' else. Bein' a vampire used ta mean somethin', back in the day. Secrecy. Seduction. Doin' the funny accent even though you speak the language just fine, just 'cause it's what people expect from ya. But this girl? She's a new breed. Goin' out in the daytime. Makin' deals with exorcists. Dodgin' beans on Setsubun. It's the end of the old ways. Now, I'm from the old crypt, believe me. I don't stick my fangs into another bloodline's business. But you're not gonna believe this. She's got a sister so fucked up, she don't even know how to feed! Some human thrall whisks the blood into her bowl o' Cheerios in the evening! And you know what else I heard? Where she was from, this girl? She killed sixteen Ottoman diplomats! Put 'em up on wooden spikes! Girl was an exterior decorator!

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File 169384712770.png - (384.82KB, 796x605, WnHH_Kappa.png)
The kappa worked as if in a daze. Mechanically greeting customers, giving them stupid knick-knacks and taking their coins. She wasn't sure why she was here. She wasn't sure where else she would be.

She took one of the glass balls decorated with bits of sand and shell, rolling it on the countertop. The little kappa in the center spun with it, stubbornly staying put and smiling even as its world was shaken. Stupid little reptile.

A shadow fell over her and she plastered a smile on before looking up.

"Can I help you?"

It was a mother with a snotty brat, the little terror all but lunging for the "sandglobes" in an effort to slime-coat
and scatter all of them. There was only one possible reaction when the kid behaved like that, and-

"Which one did you want, dear?"

Called it. She pitched her voice a couple octaves higher, to do due justice to her client's intelligence. "Oh, the Nitori one is very popular. That and Marisa are our best sellers."

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Honestly, I just straight up didn't think about it. It is a fair point that there should be other minor youkai roaming around, but it was easier to go ahead and use the established ones. It's something I'll keep in mind if I ever end up writing something extra with Jin/Piper again though. (Though in all honesty, that's pretty unlikely. I figure they'll get another cameo or two later on in USiL, and that'll probably be that.)
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I'm the anon that came up with this prompt in the writing discussion thread. Gotta say, seeing my advice help spawn a story here makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And its a completed story too. There aren't many completed stories on this website, so my advice leading to one is quite the honor. Well done Lost Soul, you did my prompt proud!

I wonder if seeing this story will help that other anon who was having trouble starting a story?

...Psst.. Hey >>/gensokyo/17052 Check it out. My advice helped create a new completed story, despite my "failure to consider any desiderata." Still think my advice is unhelpful and given in bad faith?

I do wonder though. If Piper was in Gensokyo and her mother was in the Outside World, how did Piper find out about her mother's death in the first place?
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Glad you like the results! Thanks again for coming up with the prompt.

The whole back and forth definitely has a bit of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on4IoQ2MQ7M energy to it, doesn't it?

As for how Piper got the news, it was through Kasen. As part of her responsible sage thing and someone who can get around the barrier, she checks up on the handful of youkai still around outside of Gensokyo, and thus is the one who originally found out and told Piper. (There are a couple of other possible sources for such information like Yukari and Mamizou, but considering the amount of shenanigans happening in USiL, it's better if they're not involved here.)

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File 160140659430.png - (0.96MB, 674x920, lion-dogue.png)
Stone and more stone together made stronger stone — or so the logic went. However true it was or wasn’t, it was the sort of logic that would appeal to someone made of stone. It would easily and concisely explain why such an individual would be climbing the Youkai Mountain, otherwise lacking in ready excuses. Thinking of excuses was, after all, difficult when your brain was also made of stone.

Komano Aun, the stony lion-dog defender of sacred spots in Gensokyo, was such an individual, possessing little in the way of wit owing to her gravel-filled head. She didn’t particularly feel a need for excuses but did have a desire to be stronger. Being one rock on top of a much bigger rock, she did feel stronger in some way, though it still wasn’t enough. It would never be enough, she was sure. Otherwise, she would have been able to do something about the problems that tormented others and thus her. She couldn’t, though, and so she had taken off from the Hakurei Shrine, her tail between her legs.

Thinking it over again made Aun slow her steady ascent. Being of very little brain, thinking didn’t do her much good beyond inducing her to sigh and pine to be back at the familiar shrine, staking her usual spot near the torii. There were other places in Gensokyo where she could do the same — she was heading to one just now — but it was the inability to do so there that pained her stony lion-dog heart.

This process of thinking, slowing down, and sighing repeated for the whole sojourn up the mountain. She was so lost in her thoughts that the wolf-people who usually harangued her said very little this time. They looked at her with pity and stepped out of her way, allowing her to continue on her way with nary a comment or entreaty to leave their mountain peacefully. All of this escaped her notice, mostly. It wasn’t until she was near the bounds of the Moriya Shrine that she even saw fit to heed that she had put some distance between herself and the other shrine.

To any human visitor, a shrine’s torii would evoke the hope that either ambition, desperation, or longing bring out. Howeve
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Glad to see this is still continuing!
>Don't wanna take my clothes off and touch me in places? Don't want me to do the same to you?
>Guys and gals like to touch each other. Feels really good, you know?
Ah, if only a kind goddess would provide a hands-on demonstration of the phenomenon.

>Sanae hurt yet again
Wrestling youkai, such as werewolves, into submission or self-harm?

>purple sweater and glasses
>vast mountains of faith
Poor villager fell victim to milf fever.
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I want to be clumsily groped by a drunk Suwako
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>Glad to see this is still continuing!
If it won't, I'll give word. Does warm my so-called heart that someone cares enough to say something, though, so thanks for that.

>Wrestling youkai [...] or self-harm?
Well, I suppose continuing to do things despite knowing that you're likely to get injured does sort of constitute self-harm, broadly speaking.

>milf fever
But, anon, how can you be a MILF when you've never been a mother?

No groping, only petting. On your head. With the hair. The top one.

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File 158311470339.png - (231.96KB, 840x1080, (1) Kagiyama Hina.png)
(1) Kagiyama Hina
The beast looked into the depths of Hell—and in it, he saw Fear itself: Its gaping maw gnashing, Its sea of teeth crashing against the souls of the damned. And what the beast caught sight of, laying beneath writhing flesh, was he himself—that which fell into the wolf's maw.
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Yeah. It's up next on the list of things to do.
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I'm with you; going through to the end with this story isn't something regrettable.

For what it was, each update, whenever it may have occurred, was a quiet delight. So keep on keeping on.
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This origin was a really nice counter piece to the general mood of the main story as it was presented. I enjoyed reading it.

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File 163409320649.jpg - (240.60KB, 2000x2265, croaker.jpg)
(A short outside of /shorts/.)

It was noontide over the sacred mount of Iwanagahime, and all about her burgeoned the brilliant life of Gensokyo.
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File 163417581144.gif - (2.02MB, 360x450, mujina.gif)
We were streaming Nioh in the middle of the night a couple days ago in VC. Comfy time.
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Oftentimes, it's not so much the subject matter — I am, if nothing else, an amateur Japanese scholar, albeit lacking in breadth of knowledge and ability to examine much with the appropriate rigour — as the particular modes of expression employed that leave me unsure I understood. That said, your particular way of wording things is part of the charm, so absolute comprehension is probably beside the point.

Or maybe I tell myself that to feel better about being dumb.
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I do appreciate your mentioning it. It's something I'm trying to work at, and I'm very much looking forward to the day when I can get both the poetry and perspicability down without sacrificing out of either one.

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File 157267466943.jpg - (88.01KB, 1024x768, SleepyHataters.jpg)
You wonder to yourself when this became routine, feeling your legs move you toward your destination.

That is, the abode of one Hatate Himekaidou, a crow tengu such as yourself and a recently formed friend. You get the feeling that any such friends of hers would be categorized as recently formed, with her habit of staying inside all day. If it weren't for the rivarly with that other reporter girl, you suspect she'd not leave at all.

Your thoughts are interrupted as an obstacle impedes your progress - that is, the door. Fist clenched, you raise it toward the door, before letting it fall back to your side. Instead, you grip the knob and turn it, pushing forward. You're left unsurprised at the lack of resistance, taking a moment to excuse yourself in.

Slipping off your geta, you call out for your fellow tengu.

"Hatate, it's me. Here for your daily check up, wanting to make sure you're not dead or anything."

Not waiting for a response, you move further inside. Dust kicks up around your feet as you move, making yet another imprint on the floor. There's small lines clear of it, others in the shape of a hand. Feeling the impulse to slam your head against a wall, you force yourself to look away. Hatate's room is coming up anyway.

"My Room."

A sign hangs on the door, the wooden engraving clean and proper. Underneath is another, this time just made of paper, with a little doodle of the creator's head in the lower right corner.
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technically you haven't failed yet, as you still have the month to make up for either the update-count or word-count threshold. Of course, getting behind early makes it more difficult to catch up, but it's not over yet.
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[X]By who, exactly?
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did it died

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File 157265609040.png - (309.84KB, 660x775, faetress.png)
Big menus of cheap food with cheery service — that was the basic pitch of every family restaurant. And it was often a successful one, at that. The tengu-heavy ends of Gensokyo had seemingly become mushroomed with them, luring in people of all stripes and even species.

One of those famires chains was Freshtaste, an established chain with a new location in an equally recent commercial area. Rumor had it that the latest shop was struggling in its first year, but no one would know by looking: the lighting was as warm, the benches as soft, and the soft drinks as endless as any other location.

A crow tengu woman walked in through the sliding glass doors, the cool breeze of the air conditioning making soft waves in her wings. Her black hair was parted neatly down the middle, straight as a ruler, making her wide forehead protrude and gleam underneath the lights. She instinctively pat the satchel over her shoulder as she strode up to the counter, next to a blackboard listing the day’s specials and a small sign asking politely to wait for service. She glanced into the restaurant proper to get a feel for the room. This evening’s crowd looked like the usual assortment of half-awake salarymen, gossiping mothers, and teenagers filling the booths of the restaurant.

“Good afternoon! Sorry for the wait. Welcome to Freshtaste! How many tonight?”

The tengu turned to the waitress that had just grabbed her attention. She was a little on the short side, with her slender arms holding a small stack of menus against her chest. She was flashing a bright, beaming smile, and the bangs of her grass-colored hair were almost but not quite long enough to cover her eyes. The waitress’s wings flitted behind her. They were thin, almost translucent, with a trail of yellow along the edges that was so thin and golden that they looked gilded. Definitely not crow tengu’s wings; that much was clear.

“No trouble at all! Just me, please,” the crow tengu chirped.

Her smile widened, pleased with her luck as she followed the waitress to a quiet-looking booth. The waitress whisked herself away, returning moments later with a glass of water and a small b
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So, that's it. Sorry it took so long, and even more sorry that it didn't directly follow from the last vote.

The whole thing is that we both kind of lost interest in the whole story concept early on, and it became obvious that we weren't going to be able to force ourselves to keep going. We tried to steer things to a quick ending, but it was that last damn vote that we got hung up on. We had literally no idea how to handle the follow-up.

I decided to just lay this to rest, even if it's not a particularly great or satisfying ending. I don't consider it a very great or satisfying story to start with, so it's only fitting, I guess.

Anyway, it's done and ended, and I'm happy with that part.
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>We had literally no idea how to handle the follow-up.

Was the follow-up not 'prank Cirno for funsies and then move on with the story'? Man sometimes you authors seem like a completely different species. Anyway thanks for the ending giving us closure, I hated every word of it.
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I wish it was that simple, but it isn't and never was. Like I said, we had a hard time keeping things going in general for lack of interest on our part. By that point, it's better to just cut things off and call it done.

Colour us both dissatisfied with how it turned out, but things were always likely to end up that way. Again, I'm just glad it's over.

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"To the ruler, the people are heaven; to the people, food is heaven."
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Consider this my declaration of story bankruptcy. No work will be going into any of things I have posted for the foreseeable future. You can call that 'dead' if you want to. Present matters mean more to me than what happens in future, to be totally honest.

I won't explain any further. Please respect that.

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Good luck with your "Present matters". I hope they go as well as possible.
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Gotta admit, I'm waiting just a tiny bit less warmly now.

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File 155395121694.png - (2.85MB, 2000x1308, c8753c14a4e8e39578daffa0399d4512.png)
[x] Fairies! Damn it!

You curse as you take her hand. "It's fairies. Has to be."

Sanae laughs, clearly less disturbed by that fact than you are. "What makes you think that?"

Ah. You never did tell her about them, did you? "A trio of them gave me some pretty bad grief yesterday. This seems like something they'd do."

"Hmm." She looks around yet again. "Well, I don't see any."

Dusting yourself off, you look again. Yeah, you don't see any either. But you do think you hear a faint giggle from the brush.

"Did you hear that?" You ask.

"Hear what?"
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waiting warmly
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Gonna have to wait a bit longer, unfortunately. I'll be out through next week, and should be back the next.

Some serious family stuff came up so I'm driving all over the place and not with my notes.
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I'm about overdue for an update, so I figured I'd drop one.

Unfortunately, this family stuff means I'm moving halfway across the country again. So I'm going to be very busy for the next month or so dealing with things that stress me out. Better if I focus on those things, I think, rather than this story. I'll check back in in October.

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