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File 154533989684.png - (352.52KB, 460x500, __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_hekoningyou_warani.png)
[x] Modesty is best.

You briefly consider taking credit for the whole thing, but decide not to.

"Well, I just mentioned the idea," You say, "Sanae agreed that it might be good so we went to discuss it."

Kanako seems a bit more appreciative of that answer. "Showing some initiative, I like that. Sorry, continue."

Feeling a bit awkward after being praised by a god, you take a few moments to recount where you were. "Right. So after the reporter left, we decided to make our way down to the village..."

Your retelling of the day's events echoes over the calm lake as Kanako and the frog listen. Neither seems bored, so perhaps you're doing a good job. You recount your encounter with the worshippers, Minoriko, and your trip to the village.

"... so, we ran to investigate and found the smith building on fire."

Just as you get to the part about the fire, Kanako speaks up.
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[X] Fairies! Damn it!
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Heads for the first option
Coin flip: tails!
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New thread >>31190

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File 154110977895.png - (459.09KB, 800x900, fd1e0e8c7cde7696b6d7d3e5c1cfe83c.png)
[x] Wait patiently.

Hina leaves you two to yourselves as she heads off, teapot in hand. After she's out of earshot, Sanae leans in close to you.

"This is weird," She whispers, "What kind of goddess doesn't have a shrine?"

You look around. There's definitely nothing resembling a shrine around, not even a small one. Nor is there anything resembling a path into or out of this small clearing. In fact, when you look to where Hina just walked off to you notice that the underbrush doesn't seem disturbed at all.

"Maybe it's somewhere else?" You whisper back, "We'll just have to ask."

She doesn't seem satisfied with that. "Hmm."

After a few minutes, Hina returns, carefully cradling the now heavier pot. With a wave of her hand, she makes a small bit of flame near the center of the stumps. Much to your unease, it's a bizarre whitish-purple color rather than a more normal orange.

"That's... scary," You mutter.
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[x] All you.
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[X] All you.

Honesty is the best policy.
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I didn't see this last one before I started writing. Sorry about that.

Anyway, new thread over at >>30922

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File 144641223565.gif - (52.08KB, 374x807, humanised koyomi.gif)
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The window didn't make much sound beyond a patter when I drummed on it, like unsteady rain. My gloves, besides being a showy part of the uniform, were good at dampening those sounds. It still would have annoyed anyone around -- if I wasn't the only one in that lonely sweatbox of a patrol station. As it was, I was free to drum away, ready to slide the window open if somebody did show up. If only I'd brought a book.

My ears drooped as I gave a sigh. Half a bloody week since I received orders to report to my new outpost. Nevermind that I lived in a settlement on one of the furthest (and cheapest) peaks. No, Koyomi, you're needed for the "good of Tengu Society". That's why I joined up with the guard officially out of academy, of course. My definition of doing good for society, however, must have been different from theirs.

You see, while this merry band of castoffs that I belonged to was officially called the Mountain Outpost Peacekeepers, meant as a way for the higher-ups to maintain a certain presence in what would otherwise be the outlands, we were functionally little more than a tourist information booth. Not a decade ago, this whole area was an unfarmable mess. Now it was a gathering spot for humans and youkai alike. We barely had any jurisdiction over the place, considering it was between us, the kappa, and the humans in terms of territory, and that was probably what made it popular. Any political fallout from our actions, and we'd be without recourse; angry humans and kappa breaking down our doors wasn't something we really wanted to deal with. That's why our everyday role was a safe one: finding and returning lost property, giving directions, promoting businesses by distributing fliers and vouchers, picking up trash...

I wasn't fond of it, but I could do it. The part that chafed me most was the short notice, which left me without much time to find a place to sleep or store my belongings, which were still in a shed back on the furthest peak.

One thing to know about this outpost is that few people lived here. From the constant stream of faces that you could see every night, it may have not seem that way, but this was e
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Wednesday Report

Spoilers: This is another short one because it's late. Also, no ETA still.

Work was still slow because of the same scene. I managed to get some triage discussion in with my editor despite NaNoWriMo. IRL issues briefly forced me out of my house. Building or maintaining any kind of momentum was difficult until just now.

I'm getting back into it, but there's no talking around the fact that I've lost time. All I can say is that I'll try my best not to lose any more. As with everything else, no promises.
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Wednesday Report

In a positive turn, I broke through a fairly difficult portion of the scene, greatly improving it and generally making it more sensible than it has ever been. That does still leave the remainder, but it's a short remainder. I'm almost certain I can clean it up in the next day or two.

As to the rest of the draft, we'll see how that proceeds. I feel pretty good after clearing up this particular stretch of prose, so maybe I can harness that feeling and turn it into momentum.

By the way, if there's any particular point you'd like me to clear up about any of this, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I'll probably just keep it short and sweet. Or as sweet as the moment warrants, anyway.
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Just in case anyone doesn't notice somehow: The story continues at >>30879

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File 15226337879.jpg - (535.70KB, 1353x1080, have-to-pick-something.jpg)
"... what?"

Not more than an hour ago, you'd set foot on a short hike through the forest. A forest nowhere near a mountain. And here you are, standing on the edge of a massive mountain ravine?

"The old guy never mentioned this..."

This is not how you thought you'd be spending your day.

At dinner last night you found yourself parked next to a talkative old man. The guy was clearly there to talk to anyone who would listen, and you don't mind catching an earful from a local when you're visiting a new place. By the time you finally stumbled back to your hotel he'd told you not only the nearby attractions, but the entire history of the town since he was a lad.

One thing in particular kept coming up, though - the nearby shrine. He was insistent on you seeing it. Every anecdote or story he told somehow came back to that shrine.

The hike up to it sounded interesting, so you decided to take that in as part of your vacation. You're not much of a believer in spirits and gods and that, but if the shrine was even half as wonderful as this guy said it was worth seeing. The two hour walk there and back wouldn't be a bad way to start the morning either, and after that, you could see some of the other more normal touristy things you had planned on.

Initially the trail was a bit difficult to follow. It clearly didn't get much use, much like the old man said. But after you got deeper into the forest the undergrowth stopped crowding it out and you were able to follow it easy enough. Stone markers guided you along most of the way.
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[x] Wait patiently.
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[X] Offer to go with her.

Very slight chance of fairy beach episode.
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I forgot to flag the new post as an update, so I'll flag this one instead - I don't know if anyone relies on that. New one is at >>30643

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File 128037114288.jpg - (200.00KB, 800x600, coffee_beans.jpg)
A reboot of the second chapter of SCIENCE. Pretend like the other one never happened - this is a fresh start.

I'll have a summary up of the first SCIENCE tomorrow, so don't worry if you weren't around for that or if you forgot. I forgot, too. It's been a while since I've written this, and written in general, so bear with me if the writing/characters are a little off. It'll take me a few posts to get back in the groove.

As for update schedule, I'll try to keep it daily (excluding Friday) for now and see how that works out.

It's morning again. Or maybe it's after noon by now, who knows. It's hard to tell in a cave with no windows. And your sleep schedule is... bad, to say the least.

Opening your eyes, you can see that Nitori's not here. That's nothing abnormal, though. She's able to get by with only a couple hours of sleep, while you need about twelve, so it's not often that your sleep schedules sync up. Heh. You used to think that sleep was for the dead – many late nights were spend hammering away at some formula on that whiteboard in the lab you used to work at.

But, it's been about 16 months since that lab got sucked into a black hole, torn to bits, and spit out in this place that the natives call Gensokyo. About 16 months since you gained your leg Gained a new home. Gained a wife, and a daughter.

Not to be selfish, of course, but you think it wasn't exactly a bad trade off. The outside world didn't fare so well, but, you don't live there anymore. Aside from your madness, which in itself isn't too bad, this new life is so much better than the one you left.
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File 15303953818.jpg - (79.88KB, 766x960, 1501293500290.jpg)
Put sage in the email field you dongussaur.
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fuck I forgot

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File 150952566965.png - (416.42KB, 720x720, I needed a fairy pic and i don't know what ki.png)
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Located Somewhere at the base of the esteemed Youkai Mountain lie a pair of shrines. These shrines are lovely, if humble little things dedicated to the Godess of Changing Leaves and her younger sister, the Godess of Harvest. You know you're supposed to get to those shrines to get this little game started, but ever since the 'board' was set nothing has been easy to find. The Mountain is ringed by walls now, for one, and the shrine, normally easy to reach, is located in the only easy to access area on the base of the mountain. You'd fly there, quick as a wink, too, but there's just one problem...

You can't fly. And neither can most anybody else anymore now that weight is an issue.

You dont really remember much, save that the rules were thrown together quickly. You also remember grabbing your favorite costume quickly. You don't even have time to check what you're wearing, because if there's one thing you remember about the rules was that one thing everyone agreed on was that this game was going to be hard.

You're located at the Base of the Youkai Mountain at the edge of The Bowl. You're currently in a place you remember being called a 'Test Area' for the 'Open Baytah'. You don't know what a 'Baytah' actually is, but you do remember that it was impressed upon you that this area and everything in it was not final and subject to change in the final release. All of this is a bit much for you to take in. You're not the brightest thing in the woods, being a fairy and all.

In this little clearing you find to your back a wall, you are ringed by trees and there is a single path open to you directly in front of you. You got here by sliding down the wall a good few feet and there's no way to climb back up. You're currently wearing a Beta Tester's Concealing Robe. You're armed with a Beta Tester's Knife in your Right Hand. In the pocket of your robe is a Beta Tester's Amulet. What do you do?


[ ] Attack
- [ ] Right Hand
- [ ] Left Hand
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This means UPDATE SOON!

We're TOO CLOSE to the end to let this story DIE!
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>This means UPDATE SOON!

>2 months later, still no update.

You were SO CLOSE to the end and you still let the story DIE! Get back here and finish what you started!

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File 147529600337.jpg - (98.36KB, 600x710, it's dnd.jpg)
it's dnd
Now with a 'with' instead of an 'and'!


Okay. I think I'm ready.

I think.

I've read the books. I've written sheets. I've drawn a map. I've brought the dice. I've set up the screen. I'm ready.

Now I just need my players. Which I don't have right now.

The problem is that, as much as I hate to admit, I don't actually have that many friends. I spend a lot of my time going around, trying to gather worshipers for my shrine, and most people have come to see me as that priestess from the mountain shrine. So not many people have ever really tried to get to know me.

Fortunately, I'm not completely without friends. And one of my (very few) friends happens to have many friends herself! So all I had to do was ask her to bring some of them over for this. This'll be great; I'll get to meet people, I can unwind and do something I really love, and we'll all play a game together!
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[x] She made her bed.
-[x] Offer Moukou the chance to heal her.
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[x] She made her bed
You think she will take this a bit more seriously if her victory is not assured.
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File 148963317243.png - (2.74MB, 1490x3358, yukata_isuke_transparent_by_aiyeahhs-d9ifn3n.png)
The pink-haired hermit gave you a polite nod as you poured the tea, “Thanks. So, opening day already then? Are you really expecting anyone to show up? It isn't like you've exactly been running ads or promoting this place.”

“I'm sure my natural charms will bring them, I mean, you're already here aren't you? Customer number one, the lovely Kasen.” you replied with a wry smile.

“Someone has to make sure you stay out of trouble, and I'm the only one who can tolerate you.” she rolled her eyes and gingerly took a sip from her mug.

You poured another mug of tea, taking up a seat next to Kasen at the table, “Aw come on, I'm harmless. Besides, I wouldn't even be turning my home into a teahouse if you didn't ever so subtly suggest it my dear.”

“All I ever said was you're a good cook, and make excellent tea, and it wouldn't be bad if more people could come try it... I never said you should try to actually turn that into a business.”

“Sounds like telling me to open a teahouse to my ears. Besides, it's an excellent way to meet some new people! Living in Former Hell has been so dull, its pretty nice to be able to come back up to the surface, its been ages.”

Ibaraki looked at the eyepatch covering your left eye, “You paid a pretty hefty price the last time you were up here.”

You answered with a grin and a chuckle, raising your mug towards your lips, “It does make an excellent conversation starter. Besides, I still have an eye to admire you with, so I'm thankful for that at least.”
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[X] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
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[X] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
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[X] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...

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File 140398258713.jpg - (219.00KB, 610x1000, thedream.jpg)
Rays of white light nearly blinded me. I put my hands over my stinging eyes, giving myself a few seconds to adjust. Even then, I still had to squint to make anything out.

There was nothing from back home that I could compare this place to. Sure, there were the big oni festivals with all the lanterns hung out everywhere, but those gave off a much warmer glow than these big tube lights the kappa were using. More than that, we just didn't have anything quite like the restaurant I was staring at. If I wasn't seeing spots, I'd have been more impressed by all the fancy technological decorations.

My hands shook as I rubbed my eyes. Even my legs felt unsteady. Good thing I wasn't walking on my big legs -- I'd probably have fallen over and ruined my brand-new black dress. I glanced over my shoulder at all the kappa around me. None of them were looking right at me, but I could feel the stares as they passed by, giving me a wide berth. Obviously they were just jealous that this little earth spider was about to be a star.

I looked back at the front door. What was I getting so nervous for anyway? It was all there on the big, glitzy sign, in the restaurant's foreign-styled name: "The Famous". My big break was waiting for me inside. All I had to do was take the first step and everything would fall into place.

With a deep breath, my heart still fluttering, I slowly walked through the front door. The place was impressive on the inside too: a big, buzzing storm of lights and waiters rushing from one end to the other, and tables filled with people who were dressed to be seen. Nice soft music played in the background. A little tune by the Prismrivers, of course. My mouth felt dry as I walked up to the reception, a desk manned by a sour-faced kappa with slicked-back hair. Like every other kappa, I had to look down to see him, even on his raised chair.

"Hel--" My voice cracked. Spending all morning practising probably wasn't the best idea. "Ahem, hello."

The receptionist didn't even look up. "Do you have a reservation?"

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It's more about bad planning than personal strain. Besides that, there is a story I want to tell. I just need to sort it out before I try again.

Thank you for your concern, however.
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Thanks for letting us know. Uncertainty, as weak as it was, is always worse.

Now, keep writing, motherfucker! There are many stories to tell!
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I'm glad you gave us an update on the situation. I quite like your stories, so I'll look forward to the story you plan to write.

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File 143424803653.png - (382.99KB, 1552x936, 504f57ef14b10c08f7aea68bdc382412.png)
[c] Go back to Hina’s place.

“I should go.”

“Oh? Leaving so early? I thought you’d still want to spend some more time with us.”

“I… I have something to do.”

“I see.” Standing up, Garou and Momiji escort me to the waterfall and bid me farewell as I head into the forest. My steps would come to a halt, however, when Momiji shouts back at me.

“It’s been fun to spend time with you, Ein! Come see me again if you like to talk about anything!”

“Just keep your sisters off me, and we’re done. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of girls lusting over my tail again.”

“Why are you still iffy about having your tail touched?”
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