Platemask no futo
a story that is small 2016/09/05 (Mon) 06:28
No. 29667
Nitori has a shirikodama. She needs some salt, so she should lick it.
[ ] lick it
[ ] naw
Anonymous 2016/09/05 (Mon) 07:04
No. 29669
[x] consider ramifications of licking it
Anonymous 2016/09/05 (Mon) 09:45
No. 29671
[x] lick it while considering ramifications of licking it
Anonymous 2016/09/05 (Mon) 14:54
No. 29673
[x] Lick everything BUT the shirikodama.
Anonymous 2016/09/05 (Mon) 15:10
No. 29674
[X] Pick up TIE BREAKER and add it to inventory for use at a later time.
Happy now? Let's see that next update already.
Platemask no Futo 2016/09/06 (Tue) 07:51
No. 29677
This story has been delayed indefinitely.
At this rate, I'll never finish this story, and I'm just not satisfied with it. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
da end
NOT REALLY DEAD; The Dramatic Conclusion!
Platemask no Futo 2016/09/06 (Tue) 08:26
No. 29678
Nitori holds the shirikodama to her lips. She licks it. It taste like ass. She realizes this probably came from someone's ass. Does that mean she indirectly kissed a human's insides?
Really the end.
2016/09/06 (Tue) 16:34
No. 29681
Can we get an epilogue? I'm not going to be able to sleep peacefully until I get confirmation that Nitori's salt level went back to normal, and she returned to being a healthy Kappa.
2016/09/07 (Wed) 02:33
No. 29683
It started out okay, but the ending was a total asspull.
Platemask no Futo 2016/09/07 (Wed) 05:10
No. 29684
And then Nitori was okay.
Here you go.
2016/09/07 (Wed) 09:10
No. 29685
Give it a rest guys. I don't want to scroll through pages of you guys' shitty puns everyone I reread this wonderful story.
2016/09/07 (Wed) 20:09
No. 29686
Did the human died? This is important question.
2016/09/11 (Sun) 05:22
No. 29687
This is the beginning of Touhou 16 ~ Perpetual Endless Prolapse in Eastern Wonderlans
2016/09/13 (Tue) 09:57
No. 29688
muffled theme music in the distance
Find out next time on A Story That is Small 2: Electric Poogaloo!