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File 148963317243.png - (2.74MB, 1490x3358, yukata_isuke_transparent_by_aiyeahhs-d9ifn3n.png)
The pink-haired hermit gave you a polite nod as you poured the tea, “Thanks. So, opening day already then? Are you really expecting anyone to show up? It isn't like you've exactly been running ads or promoting this place.”

“I'm sure my natural charms will bring them, I mean, you're already here aren't you? Customer number one, the lovely Kasen.” you replied with a wry smile.

“Someone has to make sure you stay out of trouble, and I'm the only one who can tolerate you.” she rolled her eyes and gingerly took a sip from her mug.

You poured another mug of tea, taking up a seat next to Kasen at the table, “Aw come on, I'm harmless. Besides, I wouldn't even be turning my home into a teahouse if you didn't ever so subtly suggest it my dear.”

“All I ever said was you're a good cook, and make excellent tea, and it wouldn't be bad if more people could come try it... I never said you should try to actually turn that into a business.”

“Sounds like telling me to open a teahouse to my ears. Besides, it's an excellent way to meet some new people! Living in Former Hell has been so dull, its pretty nice to be able to come back up to the surface, its been ages.”

Ibaraki looked at the eyepatch covering your left eye, “You paid a pretty hefty price the last time you were up here.”

You answered with a grin and a chuckle, raising your mug towards your lips, “It does make an excellent conversation starter. Besides, I still have an eye to admire you with, so I'm thankful for that at least.”

“You're a lost cause Isuke, I don't even know why I try sometimes.” was her response with a heavy sigh.

“You've fallen for me and just won't admit it, that's why. It's alright, I get that all the time.”

The pink-haired hermit glared at you for few heartbeats before sighing, “Right, right sure whatever you say. So, how are you even expecting anyone to even find this place? I'm pretty sure I'm the only visitor you ever get.”

“There's this tengu that I see sometimes, I just let her know I'm opening up today and she seemed interested. I'm sure she's told somebody by now... and well, if she hasn't, I'm sure she'll change her mind after she comes by today.”

“A tengu visited you? Well, I guess it makes sense they'd keep an eye on you. They probably aren't too happy about an oni living anywhere near their mountain.”

You just shrugged in response, “Oh well, doesn't bother me too much. She is pretty cute, I hope she comes by long enough for me to actually get to know her. She always seems like she's in a hurry when she passed by...”

“Not everyone can live such a carefree life. Anyway, your daydreaming aside, you still have to put that up.” Kasen raised her bandaged arm towards another table, where a large sign rested, “Your business is never going to stand a chance if you can't even give it a name.”

“Oh right, I do still have to put that up. Thanks for reminding me, I just lose track of time when I'm busy admiring you.”

“Can you stop flirting for a minute?” snapped the hermit shooting you a glare.

“You may as well ask the sun if it could stop rising my dear!” you laughed as you rose from your seat, pacing towards the sign, “But alright, sure let me just get the name written down and we can officially declare this teahouse open, let's see...”

- - -

Name the Teahouse!
[ ] Write-in

We have a CYOA anons. Please be gentle, I'm really out of practice.
This should be updated once a day, at least. Unless things go wrong or something. Real life drama could strike anyday, but I won't bore you with the details.
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[X] The Teahouse

Oni comming up with good original names? Not on my watch.
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[x] Sakura Blossom Teahouse

Because we're both as pink as and as beautiful as the Sakura blossoms. Unlike the trees though, you can stare at us all year round if you like.

Also we must bully Kasen more.
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[x] Sakura Blossom Teahouse

Nice, simple, vaguely like what it would be called in a yuri anime. Seems good.
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[X] Shitennou Teahouse

C'mon, it's great. We're an oni, the Shitennou are oni, Kasen's an oni...
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[x] The Teashack
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[x] Sakura Blossom Teahouse
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[X] The Teahouse
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tfw /youkai/ updates so infrequently that my script to check the board has been broke for months and I'm just now noticing.

[x] Sakura Blossom Teahouse
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[x] Kasen Ibaraki Teahouse

or something of that nature
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File 148964139141.jpg - (259.10KB, 800x450, shanghai doll mascot.jpg)
shanghai doll mascot
[x]Shanghai Teahouse

Am I really the first one that thought about this? Probably not...

-It is one of the most emblematic songs of the game and it brings me nostalgia.
-Tea was originated in China.
-Shanghai is cute and so is Meiling.
-It rolls off the tongue easily.
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[X] Minuano Rodrigues Teahouse
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[x]Shanghai Teahouse

If we can somehow bullshit Shanghai and Meiling into working for us somehow it'd be even more perfect. Or just channel our inner oni and kidnap and remember to call it shanghaiing to fit the theme.
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[X] Sakura Blossom Teahouse

It's simple and sweet.
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[X] Shanghai Teahouse

I like that one.
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>"To Shanghai" can mean "To kidnap"
>We are Oni
[x]Shanghai Teahouse
Oh wow, I didn't catch that. So good.
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Okay, whatever. >>29889 here.

Changing my vote to [x] Shanghai Teahouse.
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[x]Shanghai Teahouse
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File 148970722469.jpg - (107.25KB, 708x836, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_koto_seori__4776b.jpg)
[x] Shanghai Teahouse

- - -

“I... guess that's not a bad name.” said Kasen after a long pause of admiring your handiwork.

“Official stamp of approval from the lovely hermit! Now I'm really in business.”

The pink-haired hermit let out a heavy sigh, giving you a glare, “I'm not giving you any sort of endorsement Isuke, I'm just saying its a decent name. As long as they don't overly read into the possible meanings of the word Shanghai...”

You grinned and gestured back indoors, “Now that I'm officially open, welcome to the Shanghai Teahouse! First cup of tea is on the house for a lovely customer such as yourself.”

“You're really hopeless...” Kasen shook her head as she threw up her hands. “Think I could get a bit of a meal to go with that tea...?”

“Of course, of course! Make yourself comfortable, and I'll fix you the best cup of tea and food in all of Gensokyo!”

“I think you're going to need to work on your sales pitches, I don't think anyone is going to be able to tolerate you like I can...”

“You know I was always irresistible, you're just playing hard to get.” you replied teasingly, giving her a wink before you disappeared into the kitchen.


It had been a delightful few hours or so, but eventually Kasen emptied her mug of tea and rose from her seat with a stretch.

“Well, I'm afraid I should get going, I can't just spend all day keeping an eye on you after all.”

You nodded in response, “I suppose I can't keep you here all day, I'm sure you have some other things to do. I do hope you'll try to stop by as often as you can! Although, I'm not sure I can give you meals on the house everytime, I do need to run a business after all.”

“Right, right of course, I'll make sure I bring my purse. Anyway, have a good day Isuke and, well, good luck with this whole grand idea.”

“Thanks and you too.” you said while giving her a farewell wave.

As you gathered up the dishes and cleaned the table, your mind wandered to exactly how you were going to turn this into a successful business. It didn't really matter what you served, or how good it was, if no one actually knew about it of course. The main road towards the mountain wasn't too far from your house, so that should be a pretty good first step... it should at least help the local tengu or kappa take notice.

“Oooh, what do we have here? The mysterious hermit was seen leaving here!” announced a cheerful voice from behind you.

Turning around, you saw a black-haired girl standing in the doorway, her red eyes curiously scanning the inside of your humble home. When her gaze fixed on you, you somehow could feel those eyes of her boring straight into the horns atop your head; her mouth twitched downwards ever so slightly in response.

“Welcome to the Shanghai Teahouse! Would you like a drink, or perhaps something to eat? I don't have much right now, but I guarantee you'll enjoy it.”

This new girl was a pretty good sight for the eye – mostly because of that short black skirt really showed off those legs. Her pointed ears, the slight twitch towards a frown, and mostly the fact she was here at all, meant she was almost without a doubt a tengu.

Well, that and those completely impossible to walk in geta she had on her feet.

“The Shanghai Teahouse huh? Pretty unique name, so if this is just a teahouse, do you only serve some tea, or do you have anything... stronger?” asked the tengu with a playful grin.

“Tea, sake, and some food is all I have to offer at the moment. All I can actually get myself, actually... I'm pretty new to the surface. Want anything to go with your sake?”

The black-haired youkai shook her head, “Nah just the sake. So, new up here huh? I figured as much, there's no way I'd miss an oni. Most newcomers tend to make a splash by causing an incident though, trying to not ruffle any feathers?”

“My troublemaking days are behind me, I can't exactly go back on my word. Grab yourself a seat, I'll be right back with your drink. Mind if I join you for it?”

She gave a friendly smile in response, taking a seat near the front of the parlor. It didn't take you long to fetch a bottle of sake from your stock, and when you took the open seat across from her, you noticed she had placed an open notebook and pen on the table.

“Thanks. So, let me introduce myself, I'm Aya Shameimaru, owner of the Bunbunmaru Newspaper. Mind if I write an article about you? I think an oni coming to the surface world is a some pretty interesting news...”

“Well, what would you want to write about? I'm not all that interesting, especially since I've heard Suika and Yuugi have come up here from time to time.”

The tengu chuckled, taking a healthy sip of sake. “Whatever you want to share. I mean, if you'd prefer I don't have to do any kind of interview or something. I am just a bit interested to hear a bit more about this mysterious, eyepatch wearing oni.”

“Isuke Ichidou, just call me Isuke. And well... let me think...”

- - -

What should you say to Aya?
[ ] A proper interview couldn't hurt.
[ ] I'm more interested in just talking.
[ ] Mandatory Write-In Option

Bit of a sidenote here, but would anyone mind if there is the potential I might cameo RiG in some way in this, or would you all prefer that isn't brought up whatsoever?
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[x] A proper interview couldn't hurt.

Obviously we must trust this honest, earnest reporter. That and even Aya wouldn't be dumb enough to push her luck with an Oni.

Also, I am pro-RIG because we need to force Reina to work for us and wear scandalous clothing.
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[x] A proper interview couldn't hurt.
-[x] As long as you add an ad lib ad about the best and newest Teahouse in the land!
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[X] I'm more interested in just talking.
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[x] A proper interview couldn't hurt.
-[x] As long as you add an ad lib ad about the best and newest Teahouse in the land!

Long as we get our cut bby
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[z] A proper interview couldn't hurt.
-[e] As long as you add an ad lib ad about the best and newest Teahouse in the land!
Nice idea, let's see where it'll go.

>we need to force Reina to work for us and wear scandalous clothing.
This man gets it. I agree, totally.
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File 148978818527.png - (424.42KB, 400x700, __himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_kutsuki_kai__f.png)
[x] A proper interview couldn't hurt.
-[x] As long as you add an ad lib ad about the best and newest Teahouse in the land!

- - -

“Alright! So, tell me Isuke, what brings an oni up to the surface?” asked Aya, pen primed over her open notebook.

You gave a sweeping gesture towards your parlor. “This would be the main thing, actually. I've been told I'm a rather good cook and have a unique talent with teamaking, so I thought I wanted to share this with all of Gensokyo, rather then just Former Hell.”

“Teamaking huh? Well, why pick to set up shop away from Youkai Mountain of all places? Wouldn't the Human Village be a better choice?”

“I'll admit, I did consider that as well. But the village doesn't really take too kindly to youkai walking around as, well, youkai. While its not exactly too hard to hide my horns, I felt it would be a disservice to my patrons.

“See, while this is a business, I also wanted to use it as a way to get to meet all sorts of people, and give them a place to meet others as well. A place for youkai and human alike to mingle in peace and make friends, you know? The village wouldn't really encourage that, and I don't want people to think I was a human, and have to reveal I was actually an oni the entire time. Not a good way to start a relationship on a lie, eh?”

The black-haired youkai nodded her head, scribbling in her notebook. “A place for both youkai and humans? Interesting idea I suppose, but you know most humans tend to be pretty afraid of youkai for, well, the things we're kind of famous for. I guess you hope by giving them a relaxing, inviting place that might help them?”

“I'd say that is a good way to put it. Plus everyone likes to have a good meal and drink, right?”

“Well, I certainly wouldn't disagree with that. Still, you're going to need to work pretty hard on getting humans out this far I'd think...” Aya paused, tapping the end of her pen against her chin. “Well, okay can you tell me something about yourself? You've got a pretty noticeable scar on your face there, along with the eyepatch, I have to admit I'm curious.”

You grinned in response, tapping the eyepatch. “It's a bit of a reminder of a promise I made to someone a long ago, to give up on my old troublemaking days. That's the easy way to put it. I'm afraid the full story is probably a bit lengthy.”

“A troublemaker eh? I guess that's something I can see an oni getting into – or well, most youkai I suppose have that kind of past. Just a guess, but since it actually scarred, I'm going to guess you may have gotten on the bad side of someone with some blessed weapons huh?”

“More or less. It's hardly the only scar I have though. Still, don't really regret getting them all, they're each a story and a reminder of all the fun old days.”

Aya's eyebrow quirked up in surprise. “More then just that one? How many do you even have?”

“Well, that'd be telling. Maybe someday, if you want, I can show you as many of them as you'd like.” you replied with a grin.

The youkai blushed slightly at the flirt, and glanced away in embarrassment. “A-ah, well, uhm, we'll see about that. Well! That's a bit short, but I think you'll make a pretty interesting article to write about Isuke. I'll make sure to include you on my delivery route, so you can expect a Bunbunmaru every day from now on!”

“Anytime Aya, anytime. I'll be looking forward to it.”

“Well, I should probably get going... sorry for a bit of a short visit, but a working day and all! I'll see about stopping by on a more free day, or maybe on a break... you're a bit closer then a usual spot to stop by, and I don't have to change clothes like the village.” the youkai chuckled and quickly drained her bottle, before starting to search herself for something. “So, what do I owe you?”

You gave a reassuring smile and dismissive wave of your hand. “No charge, first time is on the house for new customers. Just glad you enjoyed the sake, and thanks for the conversation. It was a pleasure to meet you Aya, you're always welcome here.”

The reporter gave you a happy grin in return. “Well, that's awfully kind of you. Not a bad way to lure in the new customers with something free. I'll be seein' you oni.”


With the free time available to you now that Aya had left, you decided to take the time to make yourself a sign to at least post on the 'main' road not too far from your house. You didn't exactly see many travelers on it ever, but well, it certainly didn't help and it was better then just drinking tea or sake alone, in silence for the time being.

By the time you had finished making a few signs here and there, and returned to your home, you were a bit surprised to see a girl with pigtails inside, examining the inside of your teahouse, with a strange yellow object in her hand.

“Hmmm, I swore I saw Aya come in here, but what for? It's completely empty, but its also well taken care of and clean... this isn't her house either, so why would she come visit an empty building?”

You gave a polite cough to alert the girl to your presence. “Hello, sorry you caught me while I was out. This is the Shanghai Teahouse, would you like something to drink or eat? Perhaps both?”

The girl gave a slight jump in surprise, spinning around quickly to face you. Much like Aya, you could feel her gaze bore right into the horns on your head.

“Eh?! An oni is living here?! And since Aya was already here, I bet she's already gotten first dibs on this scoop...”

“She was here a while ago, that's true... and she did give me an interview.”

The brown-haired girl snapped her fingers and sighed. “Still one step behind her... ah, whatever... ahem! I'm Hatate Himekaidou, owner, head reporter and writer for the Kakashi Spirit News!”

“Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Isuke Ichidou. You can just call me Isuke.” you replied with a smile, gesturing to an open table. “But please, make yourself comfortable. Would you like some tea or sake? Or perhaps a light meal?”

Hatate seemed to hesitate for a moment, before making her way to the indicated table and carefully seating herself on the pillow.

You had to admit, you didn't dislike all this short skirt wearing by tengu nowadays. It did lack a bit of the charm of their old, traditional costumes... although this Hatate also wore some rather tall socks, but she still showed off a good amount of her legs regardless.

“W-well, yes thank you. Ah I'll take some sake then... thank you. What will it cost?”

“First time is free, don't worry about it. Also, no need to be so stiff and nervous, I don't bite.” you said teasingly, giving a wink as you went to fetch her order.

“Er, sorry just you know, oni and all... not exactly used to that sort of thing. I guess since Aya was already here, you've already sat through an interview... would you mind giving me one as well for the Kakashi?” the youkai sighed heavily. “No... nevermind, I'm already late to the news. I need to remember to try and cover new things, not just what others have already covered...”

You set a bottle and cup on the table, before taking a seat across from Hatate. “I mean, I don't mind being interviewed again. Still, looks like you're going through some things, huh?”

“Something like that, I guess. I won't go and bore you with all of that really. It's mostly just tengu things.”

- - -

Hatate seems to have some things on her mind...
[ ] Reassure her you don't mind giving an interview for her paper.
[ ] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!
[ ] Write-in

Bit of a serious question here, in regards to Reina in this setting:
Should RiG have 'happened'? Or just a different Reina. Since if RiG DID happen, would you have preferred if she actually did end up proposing and marrying? And if so, who? Or even MULTIPLE wives?
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[x] She's free to share her troubles
[x] You'll tell her if you find something noteworthy, to balance things out!

Being a trouble sponge is the job of any barwoman. What I like about this is that we'll get business in daylight too!

[X] Future RiG
-[x] How YOU, writefag, would have liked it to end
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[x] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!

My vote is no Reina or RiG. Having her pal around with her wives is just going to remind me to be disappointed I'll never get to read about how that happened.
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[X] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!
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[x] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!
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[X] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!

As for the thing: Either none at all, or how-the-writefag-wanted-it-to-end. Either way, cameos will probably be better than making Reina a huge part of things.
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[X] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!

As for RiG, I've never read it so I have no real opinions either way.
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[ze] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!

As for RiG, either small cameos or nothing at all for me.
You should really read it, it's really good. Shame that the author has a huge writer's block about how to end it...
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What is RiG and where is it?
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[X] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!

Restorer in Gensokyo, another story by the same author. Didn't read it in a long while, but it was pretty good, from what I can remember. It should be on the Story List, if you're interested.
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File 14899347321.png - (447.77KB, 640x745, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_kotatu_akaki01aoki.png)
[x] If she wants to talk about something on her mind, she's free to do so!

- - -

“I may not be a tengu, but if you have something on your mind I'm willing to listen. It feels good to get things off your chest.”

Hatate was silent for a bit, looking into her cup before giving a small shrug. “I guess it can't hurt to talk about anyway. It's a pretty small thing, really... me and Aya are both writers for our newspapers, and mine has never been that popular, the Bunbunmaru has always done better then it. So, really, I just want to make a more successful newspaper then her.”

“So you've been hoping to find a news-worthy story before she does, more or less?”

“Basically. She seems to have a really natural knack for it. I guess, to be fair, she has a more like of this field journalism experience then me.” she gestured to the yellow object in her hand. “See, what I used to do was use this to find images and write about them, but... I can only find things on it, that have already happened, see?”

“Aah, I see... reporting something that has already happened and been covered by someone else, isn't really a good way to get readers interested, huh?”

The tengu nodded. “Bingo. Once everyone hears about something, there's not really any point in reporting it. So I've been trying to get used to actually seeking out the news, and reporting it just as it happens. But Aya always seems to beat me to it still... it's disheartening, but I guess she has decades, maybe centuries more experience on this then I do.”

“The key is to just keep trying and never give up Hatate. It's some pretty simple advice, but I'm correct in thinking you don't have any intention to give up, right?”

“O-of course not! This is just a minor setback, after all. Even if she beats me to the next scoop, there's always another one!” replied the pigtailed girl with a nod.

“That's the spirit! If you keep at it, I'm sure you'll make a newspaper to rival, or beat Aya's Bunbunmaru. As long as you never give up, you're never beaten.”

“Man that sounds so cheesy outloud, but thanks for saying it anyway Isuke. Since Aya was already here, she's probably got something written up for an article tomorrow...” the tengu furrowed her brow as she downed a serving of sake. “But, depending on what she writes... hmmm... hey, mind if I take some pictures of this place?”

“I don't mind but uhm... what do you mean 'taking some pictures'...?”

Hatate looks at you in surprise, and after a heartbeat lets out a hearty laugh, shaking her head. “Ah, sorry, sorry not laughing at you or anything. I forget that you're an oni and there isn't this kind of stuff down there... remember how I was talking about how I can view images on this thing? It can take pictures too. It's called a camera, some pretty topnotch tengu and kappa technology right here.”

“Sounds rather impressive... well, you're welcome to take as many pictures as you'd like.”

You had always heard of the technological prowess of the tengu and kappa, but the fact they had created such a small, handheld object capable of 'painting' entire images in a flash of light... all you could really do was be amazed. It didn't take too long for the tengu to tour herself around the inside, and outside, of your teahouse and she had even asked you to stand in some spots while she took these images of hers.

After a while, she nodded to herself and drained her entire sake bottle before handing it back to you.

“Thanks for the drink, and the photos. I have to get back to work, but uhm, I'll see about coming by once in a while... I wish you luck on your business Isuke.”

“Good luck with your newspaper Hatate, you're welcome anytime.”


For the first day of business, getting to meet two tengu was a lot better then you had honestly expected, all things considered. You may have not actually made a profit for the day, but well, meeting and getting to know them was worth the minor cost. It wasn't like anything you were serving at the time was particularly expensive at all.

With the sun starting its descent towards the horizon, you occupied the time by enjoying a nice cup of tea, and watching the road from the entryway to the teahouse.

“So, I take it you haven't simply been sitting here all day alone, have you?” inquired a voice.

“Ah come on Kasen, does it look like I've been lonely and missing you all day that much?” you teased in response, not even pretending you couldn't recognize her voice.

The pink-haired hermit gave a usual sigh, stepping out from behind the side of your teahouse. “I guess you've exceeded your expectations for the first day then. Still, I have no idea how you're going to turn this place into a successful business out here.”

“And I'm sure you have some ideas to offer me already, don't you?” you asked, a smirk tugging on your lips at the slightly annoyed look on Kasen's face.

“I-I... might have a few ideas, yes. But first, tell me how your day went, who actually stopped by?”

“Aya Shameimaru and Hatate Himekaidou. I ended up being interviewed by Aya as well, and I'll be getting a Bunbunmaru newspaper starting tomorrow.”

Kasen shook her head. “You actually let her interview you for that gossip rag? You do know almost no one actually reads that thing, right? Reimu literally has a small storehouse filled with copies of that thing.”

“I don't know anything about newspapers, actually. But hey, any kind of publicity is good, as they say right? It should at least get the word out that there is a place to eat and drink out here, eh?”

“If anyone actually bothers to read the thing... I'm more worried you're going to bring undesired attention on yourself. It isn't everyday an oni decides to come out up to the surface, let alone actually intend to stay.”

You grin and shrug. “Sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to meeting as many folk from up here as I can after all. So how about you come inside, and I'll make you some tea and something to eat? Then you can talk to me about these ideas of yours.”

“I'm going to have to pay for it this time, aren't I?” asked the hermit as she took a seat at one of the tables.

“Hmmm, I haven't decided yet. We'll worry about that later though, so, what have you been thinking about for me, Kasen?”

The hermit held up four fingers before she answered your question. “I think you've got four good options right now. While your business is small like this, you have the advantage in you can easily go out and meet others, and build some friendships with them and not really impact your business, right? There's always the chance they may come to you in time, but anyway...

“First, there's the Moriya Shrine atop the Youkai Mountain. They have a good relationship with the tengu and kappa, and have some presence even in the village. With how close they are to you, it won't even take long to see them. You might even find some way to help get villagers out here, but well, I wouldn't expect you'll get much tangible help from them that won't involve donations...

“Second! If you head eastwards towards the village, you'll come to the shores of the Misty Lake, and across that is the Scarlet Devil Mansion. A powerful vampire and her servants live there, they're a... unique bunch, I suppose. You might be able to impress the owner with your tea, and it could also be a good location to perhaps expand your menu of tea, as she is quite the avid drinker of it... while she has some ties to the village, I wouldn't expect her to help much with attracting customers from it.

“Third, not too far from the village itself is a place called the Myouren Temple. You could find some common ground in your desire to see humans and youkai get along, and they could help you with the village... but I'm not sure how well you might be received by their leader, as she doesn't have the best opinion on oni from the Underworld like you.”

Kasen paused to enjoy her tea before finishing her options. “Lastly, there is always the Hakurei Shrine, of course. While Reimu is not exactly very... active and is unlikely to help you without money, she is still someone that is well-known and respected. And naturally, she does have the most sway over the village itself, if she could actually be motivated to help.”

“That's quite a bit of information, I'm impressed and thankful. I'm guessing you numbered them by distance?”

“Correct. What you do with all this is really up to you... ah, right, one more thing.” the hermit placed a rolled up object on the table. “I got you a map as well. Just a normal, map don't think its magical. Still, it should help you get an idea of how Gensokyo is laid out for all this. So, what do you think of all this Isuke?”

- - -

What do you plan to do with all this information?
- You only have time to go to one tomorrow!
[ ] Moriya Shrine
[ ] Scarlet Devil Mansion
[ ] Myouren Temple
[ ] Hakurei Shrine
[ ] None
[ ] Mandatory write-in option

- By the way, what is your financial situation like?
[ ] Not too bad. (Easy)
[ ] Decent. (Normal)
[ ] Eeerr... (Hard)

Sorry this update took a while. I realized the last few votes were kind of meaningless, so I was trying to think up a better way to give some meaningful votes!
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[X] Moriya Shrine
[X] Decent. (Normal)
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[X] Hakurei Shrine
[X] Decent. (Normal)
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[x] Scarlet Devil Mansion
[X] Decent. (Normal)
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[x] Scarlet Devil Mansion
[x] Decent
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[X] Hakurei Shrine
[X] Decent. (Normal)
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[x] Hakurei Shrine
[x] FUCKFUCKFUCK [Lunatic]

Casuals, the lot of you.
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[x] Myouren Temple
[x] Eeerr... (Hard)
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[X] Myouren Temple
[X] Eeerr... (Hard)
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[x] Makai
[x] Not too bad. (Easy)
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[x] Myouren Temple
[x] Decent. (Normal)
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With the votes at a tie, going to put off an update until tomorrow. If still tied by then, I'll just flip a coin or something.
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[x] Myouren Temple
[x] Decent. (Normal)

Tie broken.
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File 149021206611.jpg - (159.84KB, 850x1257, __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_kan_aaaaari35__s.jpg)
[x] Myouren Temple
[x] Decent. (Normal)

- - -

“The Myouren Temple sounds interesting, and the idea of meeting some other's who want to see human and youkai get along should be pretty interesting.”

The hermit nodded in response. “A fair choice. I'm not sure how the leader of the temple, Hijiri, might react to you... she is a devout buddhist, and you're an oni. But I guess as you aren't really coming as a religious convert, and have a different agenda, it might be okay...”

“I'm sure it'll be fine. No one could possibly not want to talk to me, right?” you replied with a happy grin.

Kasen merely rolled her eyes. “Maybe she might actually be the first person to get you to act normal...”


Even without the aid of the map provided by Kasen, you wouldn't have had too much of an issue finding this temple – the road to it was decorated with Buddhist statues flanking them, and the structure itself was quite distinct even from a distance. While you could've flown directly to the temple, you decided to enjoy the stroll and approach from the road like a courteous guest – after all, first impressions are everything.

As you approached the archway that marked the entrance of the temple, you noticed a hooded, cyan-hair colored guardswoman standing guard, her gaze fixed squarely upon you as you approached. In light of the rather stern look she was giving you, you gave her a casual wave in greeting.

“Good morning!”

The guardswoman looked at you suspiciously, her eyes eventually resting on your horns. “Good morning to you as well... but what brings an oni to the Myouren Temple?”

“Well, I'm a bit new to the surface, and a friend of mine told me about this place. I'm, ah, not one for religion in particular, but the idea of meeting someone who likes the idea of humans and youkai getting along appeals to me. I'm actually kind of trying something similar myself, so...”

The cyan-haired woman lifted an eyebrow. “I'm... not sure I really follow...”

“Did you not see today's Bunbunmaru, Ichirin? There was an article about an oni that was running a teahouse out towards the mountain, and she was encouraging youkai and human alike to come visit.” responded a voice from behind the guardswoman.

Stepping into view was a... highly unique individual. It was mostly the hair, which started purple and turned to a light brown color as it reached her back. She wore a simple, modest and covering dress of sorts, but you couldn't help but admire how it seemed to hug her curves and bust in just the right way.

“Ah, Hijiri! I-I didn't notice you there, my apologies. I uhm, didn't really get to looking at it, to be honest, I mean... a lot of it is kind of... you know...”

“Well, that is true, but it can't hurt to take a look at least. Regardless, let us not ignore our guest... I am correct in my guess, right?”

You grinned in response and nodded. “That's me, Isuke Ichidou, the oni running a little place known as the Shanghai Teahouse. A friend of mine told me about you, and I was pretty interested, so I thought I'd come and pay a visit, if you don't mind?”

The gradiant-haired woman gave an inviting smile, gesturing to her side. “So long as you do not intend to cause any trouble, let us have a talk then Ichidou?”

“Please, just call me Isuke, calling me by my last name just feels a bit too formal for someone like me.”

“If that is what you prefer. I'm Byakuren Hijiri, head monk of this temple. What did you wish to talk about? I admire the efforts of all who try to bridge the divide between human and youkai.”

“Nice to meet you Hijiri. Well, I guess I was mostly just curious to follow up on what my friend told me. I'm a bit new to this whole... business thing, actually, so I haven't come here with any sort of plan in regards to that.” you shrugged and gave a smile. “I was also just really curious to meet this individual who has the same kind of goal as I in mind. You're really quite the sight, I have to admit.”

“My, my...” the monk gave a soft giggle at your flirtation. “I'm unsure how much support I can truly offer you at this time. I do trust your intentions, but...”

You flashed the monk a smile and shrug. “It's alright, I understand. I'm still basically just a stranger you've just met, and have only read about in a newspaper article. We can take our time getting to know one another before you commit to anything too drastic.”

“Don't you have a teahouse to run Isuke? I can't imagine you have too much time to be spending time here at my temple.” she replied matter-of-factly, a small smile on her lips.

“Well... I'm still pretty small, so I do have more freetime then you might expect.”

“Of course. As you're already out this far, you may want to have a visit at the village, if you have the time.”

- - -

Seems you've made a good impression, at least...
[ ] Invite Byakuren back to the Shanghai Teahouse (Write-in for specific ideas)
[ ] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually. (Write-in for specific ideas)
[ ] You have some freetime, why not hang around at the temple? (Write-in for specific ideas)
[ ] Mandatory write-in option

This update's delay may, or may not, be caused by the fact I was playing too many games yesterday. My apologies.
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[x] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually.

I was going to go with [invite Byakuren], but we can do that any time; we may as well try and get new scenes and social links and stuff going.
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[x] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually.
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[X] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually.
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[x] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually.

The village is near and full of humans and youkai. Easy money!
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[ ] You have some freetime, why not hang around at the temple?
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[x] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually.

We should also mention that she's always welcome to stop by at the teahouse if she wants, before leaving. Not quite "invite her over right now" as the vote seems to be, just "visit if you feel like it".
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commission kris oc isuke oni concept full
[x] Her suggestion to visit the village isn't too bad, actually.

- - -

“Doesn't sound like a bad idea, actually. Guess it couldn't hurt to see how it looks nowadays. I'm not going to need to wear a disguise or anything like that, will I?”

“You shouldn't have too, no. The villagers are a bit uneasy around youkai sometimes, and as you are an oni... well, they just might be a bit scared of you is all.”

You sighed and rubbed the back of your head. “Bit of a shame they'd be afraid of me, but I guess its kind of normal. I just have to get them to get used to me and know I'm not a harm to anyone! Well, thanks for the chat and all that Hijiri. I hope you'll grace my teahouse with your lovely presence one day.”

The monk gave another bemused giggle as she smiled. “I shall see about that Isuke. Please, may the day treat you well.”


While it would've been nice if you were the sole owner of a teahouse in all of Gensokyo, you knew that wasn't the truth at all. The map of the village you had been given upon arriving at the gates only confirmed this. Still, at least it didn't seem there was an overly large abundance of them present either, while the map only covered the business district in the village, you didn't see anymore then three... but that was still three alternatives to your own Shanghai Teahouse.

Ones that were all much closer, and thus safer to frequent, for human customers; it did seem youkai were going to be only your customers for a while...

“So, could you tell me anything about the teahouses in the village? Looking for a place to have a nice lunch and ah, looking for a bit more then just a quick bite to eat or something.” you asked to the somewhat nervous guard.

“U-uhm, well miss oni, I guess it depends on what you're in the mood for... the Sakura Blossom is the closest to here, its uhm, just down the street and to your right kind of hard to miss. I usually take my breaks there due to that, it has some nice snack foods to go with your tea...”

“You can just call me Isuke, calling me miss oni is just a bit too formal and stiff for me. Well, what about the other two?”

The guard nodded quickly and pointed towards the left. “Further down the street there, is the Chashitsu. It's much more traditional and plain I guess... its mostly just there for the tea. It has a nice, relaxing atmosphere I suppose, but it seems to be mostly popular with older folks since it doesn't really have much else going for it I guess...”

Not the most creative name for that one either, still, they must have some really nice tea to be able to stay open simply on that menu. “And then the last one?”

“The Nagomi Tea House. Uhm, I haven't been there too much myself, but from what some coworkers have said... its got some really nice meals. I mean, like proper meals instead of snacks like the Sakura or the Chashitsu. Those are the only three I've really ever heard about, although I've heard rumors of... other places, but uhm, I can't really confirm them or have any idea where you might find it... w-would that help you with your choice miss Isuke?”

You gave the guardswoman a reassuring smile. “Very much, thank you for your advice. Do try smiling more, you have a very cute face. Have a good day!”

The guardswoman just seemed to blush and stammer in response, unable to formulate a proper response before you sashayed off. You had got your hands on some minor information on those three places at least, still, you didn't really have the time to go and see all three of them – and even two of them would really cut into your hours of business. It would be the best solution to just go and scope one of them out...

- - -

But which one should you see...
[ ] Sakura Blossom
[ ] Chashitsu
[ ] Nagomi Tea House
[ ] Nah, forget it, let's go and wander!
[ ] Other

I'm so sorry. I had no idea I was this behind!
I also may have just borrowed that Sakura Blossom name. Just a small chance.
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[x] Nagomi Teahouse

The only that's got anything going for it. The other ones only have a good location (something we can't really do anything about) and a quiet atmosphere (something that anyone can understand the importance of)
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[x] Nagomi Tea House
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[x] Nagomi Teahouse
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[x] Nagomi Tea House

What >>29942 said.
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[X] Nagomi Tea House
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[x] Nagomi Tea House

- - -

“Let's see... I'll have... this one here, thanks.” you answered after a brief pause, passing the menu back to the waitress.

She replied with a small bow and headed back towards the back of the room, leaving you alone to look around the interior of the Nagomi. There were a few other full tables, and you reasoned that there was enough room to have about thirty people to be served and enjoying themselves here. There was also an upwards staircase in the back, but judging by the signage it seemed to be an employee room or such, as you hadn't seen anyone go up it so far.

The menu was mostly food, giving the impression the Nagomi was maybe a restaurant more then anything, as there was only a small smattering of drinks – and not even a drop of alcohol, but at least you could try and sample someone else's tea for a change.

When your order arrived at your table, you had to admit the food looked and smelled good... but it was a rather large amount.

“I heard about the serving size, but I have to admit, I didn't expect quite this much...” you thought aloud, chuckling softly as you sampled the food. “It's certainly tasty though.”

“We do pride ourselves on our menu ma'am. As for the sizes, well... there is a frequent visitor who likes our food, but they eat quite a bit. We tried increasing the portions simply for her, but as other customers suggested they would like something similar, we simply adopted the increase officially.”

You raised an eyebrow in surprise. “So that's the story behind it, huh? Well, I guess if that's what people like, there's no real harm in it.”

“I'm afraid it isn't much of a story, but it does get asked once in a while. If you need anything, simply let me know and I shall do my best to accommodate. Please, enjoy your meal.”

It was tough to say how well your own cooking could compare to the Nagomi – while this meal was a simple curry dish, they had a much greater variety of ingredients at their disposal, where as you only had some rice to make some rice balls. Kasen had always complimented your cooking, but you were pretty sure your main talent was in tea brewing.

Naturally as a result, your own tea tasted far superior to the cup you had sampled here, though it wasn't that bad still. Still, it at least gave you a general idea of at least one of your 'competitor's'! With your stomach filled now, it was time to head back to the Shanghai, never knew if some customers would drop by after all.


“I never expected you as the kind to go and 'spy' on the competition like that...” said Kasen with a shake of her head.

You rolled your eye at the hermit. “It sounds so sinister when you use the word 'spy'. I was just gathering information! There's no harm in seeing what others have to offer, right?”

“So, you realized how hopelessly far behind you are compared to them, right?” teased the hermit with a smug grin.

“Ouch Kasen, going right for the throat. You should try just going right for me in a less harsh way sometime.” you replied with a wink, as the hermit blushed. “But, yes in a manner of speaking... but I've not even been open a week, you know? Besides, my tea is still far superior! And the Nagomi didn't even have a drop of sake, so that's another point for me, right?”

“W-well, yes I guess in a way... still, how are you actually going to try and improve this place? I mean, at the moment you're basically just using some stockpiled rice you brought, your own homegrown tea, and a Sake Bug?”

“More or less, yes. I guess I do have to look into some options when it comes to that... I have enough rice to last a while, especially if I don't get a huge increase in customers or anything... I shouldn't have any problems with tea or sake either, although I guess, it wouldn't also hurt to get more variety...”

Kasen nodded in agreement. “After all, variety is the spice of life and all that, right? Not everyone wants to eat and drink the same things, day after day. And, this might be a bit forward thinking, but you're not exactly a carpenter, so what if you needed renovations done?”

You scratched the back of your head and shrugged. “I guess I could find someone in the village, right? The roads may not be entirely safe, but I could easily escort a single person or a small group for that kind of thing, no problem.”

“I suppose... actually, there's someone I know who lives outside the village. She's a nice enough girl, and does have some talent in that area... although, I guess she's more skilled at smaller projects, not building entire structures. I'll see about getting her into contact with you, she might be useful if you ever needed some furniture or something.”

“At this rate Kasen, you really should just come and the like, co-owner or something! Then you can just stay here and give me a hand, my futon is big enough for two... we'll just have to get nice and intimate...”

The pink-haired hermit's face turned beet red. “I-I'd never! Ugh, I don't know why I spend so much time helping a lech like you, really...”

You laughed and refilled Kasen's mug, offering it back to her with a smile. “You'll come around one day. But really, I do appreciate all the help. This might be a dream of mine, but I'm pretty hopeless on my own huh?”

“You might be, but well... we're still friends, so I can't just watch you flail around helplessly, I can't reform you into a respectable and upright oni if I couldn't do this much.” the hermit let out a sigh, taking a long drink of her tea. “So, whats your immediate plan Isuke? I know you've gotten Aya and Hatate to be customers, so there's some word of mouth there and, well, that Bunbunmaru interview...”

“Don't forget I met Byakuren, and she would see about at least mentioning my place! I mean, probably just youkai, but if they like it here, they can bring their human friends, eh?”

“I guess that's true. Actually, come to think of it, are you going to be running this place everyday? You probably really need to get some written down hours and days of business, no point in really putting it off.”

“I guess that's a good point... I shouldn't really have a haphazard, random schedule, that isn't really a good business plan. Let's see...”

- - -

Time to really get this business established!
[ ] How about a normal five day schedule? Gives you the weekend to yourself.
[ ] Six work, one off might not be bad either.
[ ] You're working at home after all, who needs a day off?! All seven!
[ ] Other?

This will, more or less, determine if you'll see more things happening at the teahouse, or outside of it on the weekends or such.
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[x] Six work, one off might not be bad either.

Hardworking oni is Hardworking. But a day off is the bare minimum to avoid going insane, I think.
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[x] Six work, one off might not be bad either.

Being open when the competition isn't is always a good idea, but you know what they say about all work and no play.
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[X] Six work, one off might not be bad either.

Didn't even see this story crop up till today, and I loved RiG. Anyways, we're probably going to at least want one free day of movement, until we can manage to possibly get more employees.
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[x] Six work, one off might not be bad either.
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[X] Six work, one off might not be bad either.

Seems like a good balance.
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[x] Six work, one off might not be bad either.

Have to work hard to get things going, but rest is also important.
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File 149144076138.png - (735.87KB, 932x700, __himekaidou_hatate_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_draw.png)
[x] Six work, one off might not be bad either.

- - -

“Let's see... how about, six days on and one off? As much as the idea of doing an entire week, I probably shouldn't overwork myself.”

“A pretty full schedule, but I guess you know your own limits better then I do.”

You grinned and leaned towards the hermit. “I can teach you all about my limits anytime Kasen, my bed always has room for two.”

Kasen's face turned red as she looked away from you. “I swear, you're less an oni and more of a succubus sometimes. Make sure you don't forget to put up your days and hours of operations up somewhere before you forget, pervert.”


“Six days a week of business, and with these hours? You really are taking this pretty seriously, huh?” commented Hatate, her eyebrows lifted in surprise.

“Naturally, besides this is my home as well, so it isn't as bad as it sounds. I was thinking of just staying open every single day, but I think that might be better if I can get some employees at some point. I need at least some time to go and bond with friends, or customers, outside of business hours, eh?”

The pigtailed tengu nodded, taking a bite out of her rice ball. “Makes sense. Guess you have some pretty long term goals in mind, I mean, no offense but with this place as it is...”

The two of you looked about the mostly empty parlor, reaffirming the fact that currently the Shanghai Teahouse was only serving a single customer.

“Ah, it's fine! I'll grow my customer base in no time. It's not a bad thing, really, if I was trying to run a shop this big somewhere popular, I'd really be limited. I mean, this house of mine isn't really all that spacious, so if I was too popular, I wouldn't be able to house all my lovely customers, right?”

“That's a pretty positive way of looking at it. You really have a pretty positive lookout on life, huh?”

“No sense in getting down, I figure. Besides, it isn't like I was expecting to open my door and suddenly have people lining up to come and see me. I'm just happy to have gained the customers I have already, I do so enjoy our chats Hatate.”

That, and you were starting to gain a pretty strong appreciation of her choice in legwear. While she didn't flaunt those lovely legs off like Aya did, the knee-high socks helped focus your gaze upon her lovely thighs.

“Good morning Isuke! Think you can get me a bottle of my usual?” chirped the familiar voice of Aya, happily striding through the open door.

You rose up from your seat, gesturing at your spot. “Sure thing. You can take my spot here!”

“I-I don't know about that Isuke...” replied Hatate quickly, her voice lowered as she glanced towards Aya.

“Oooh, if it isn't Hatate! I know I've heard you've been coming here as well, but I didn't expect to see you here this early...”

The other tengu let out a small sigh. “Well, you know how it is, early to rise and all that... I have to say I'm more surprised to see you here so early. From what I've heard, you tend to show up later in the day.”

Aya shrugged, taking her seat at the table. “Have to mix it up once in a while, life gets so dull if you do the same thing day after day! Besides, I need to wet my whistle before work, so why not enjoy a bottle of Isuke's?”

“I don't think either of you have tried my tea, come to think of it. I mean, nothing wrong with sake, but I do think my tea is much nicer then the kind of sake I can provide...” you offered, returning to the table with a new bottle for Aya.

Hatate raised her eyebrows at your comment, fixing you with a curious stare. “That's really weird to hear coming from an oni.”

The other tengu shrugged, taking a quick swig from her bottle. “It kind of is, but well, she did open this place up as a teahouse instead of a bar... I would've really expected a bar from an oni.”

“I'm pretty unusual for an oni I suppose, I do hear that all the time. I love a good drink of sake like any other oni, but I've always had a greater appreciation for tea. It just feels more... fulfilling, I suppose. There's a sort of personal touch in every serving of tea, makes it feel more personal.”

“Huh. You know, I guess I can see your point of view there. You could always try home brewing your own sake, instead of using a Sake Bug. That'd help get back that kind of personal touch, right?”

“You do realize she'd have to wait until the end of the year to start that right? It's spring now, it isn't really brewing season. Plus she'd have to find a way to get the rice too, she can't really use the rice for eating.” replied Hatate, taking a sip of her own drink. “A Sake Bug isn't very personal, but it's a lot more practical then the traditional method.”

“Still, it is an interesting idea. Pretty long term, but I could always keep it on the back burner.”

“If we're on the topic of interesting ideas, why not try to offer some entertainment of sorts? I've played some fun card games with that new outsider girl.”

Hatate frowned, shaking her head. “Seems a bit too much of an outsider specific thing. The white wolves really love them some shogi, why not try and offer that? I mean, some of their games can last literal days, but at least it would mean some pretty consistent customers, right?”

“Bah, you don't want Momiji coming around here! She'll drive away any crows like us with that attitude.” replied Aya with a snort.

“Please, she only has an issue with you Aya, she gets along fine with everyone else. But in the end, its really up to Isuke. Different appeals for different people and all that...”

The short-haired tengu rolled her eyes, taking another swig from her bottle. “Please, no one has an issue with me! I get along well with everyone! Momiji is just really sour is all, for some reason... but, lets not talk about her, after all we're both here to relax before work.”

“Excuse me, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?” asked a cheerful voice from the entryway.

Standing in the doorway, was a green haired girl, wearing a blue and white outfit. Her eyes matched her hair, and they glittered with curiousity as they swept around the small inside of your humble teahouse. Aya and Hatate offered the mystery girl a polite wave.

“Oh ho! The Moriya Shrine Maiden herself is coming all the way out here? I have to admit, I'm rather surprised.” said Aya with a grin.

“Did you actually read the Bunbunmaru to hear about this, or did a worshipper bring it up?”

The green-haired girl giggled, waving in return to the tengu. “Actually, yes. It's not an everyday occurance for an oni to show up, and even moreso for them to open up a teahouse! I'm not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No, no of course not! The Shanghai Teahouse is always open, and welcome to any who want to come. Please, allow me to get you something! Would you like a drink, or perhaps a snack?”

The short-haired tengu gestured to the last open spot at the table. “Come on in, take a seat! I'd say you should join us for sake, but I know you have the alcohol tolerance of a child, so maybe you can tell us how good Isuke's tea is... I hear its good, but I haven't really tried it myself.”

“Hey, hey Aya she's only human, she can't exactly be knocking back bottle after bottle like one of us...”

The shrine maiden didn't move from her spot however, and you noticed her staring at you with a great amount of curiosity. Before you could think of a witty remark about it, the green-haired girl clapped her hands together and nodded to herself.

“So you must be Isuke Ichidou! I read about you a bit in that interview, but you look so... so... cool! You're like a character right out of a shounen or something! Although, I guess actually a shounen character wouldn't be a woman, but uhm, I mean, all those scars! And that eyepatch! So... so cool!”

Aya chuckled softly, waggling her eyebrows at you. “You have an instant fan, it seems. Sanae was an outsider originally, I don't get half the things that come out of her mouth sometimes.”

- - -

She's a cute one though, isn't she?
[ ] You may as well try your charms on her just a bit...
[ ] It's best to just treat her as a valued customer for now
[ ] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.
[ ] Other
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[X] It's best to just treat her as a valued customer for now

Customer service is all she's got going for her right now anyways.
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> “So you must be Isuke Ichidou! I read about you a bit in that interview, but you look so... so... cool! You're like a character right out of a shounen or something! Although, I guess actually a shounen character wouldn't be a woman, but uhm, I mean, all those scars! And that eyepatch! So... so cool!”

Best dork.

[x] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.

Nothing wrong with being a little curious, as long as we keep it professional, right?
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[X] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.

I personally don't see Sanae as one for too much business formality, and I'm pretty sure asking her about anything related to the Outside is gonna make her love us, so...
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[x] You may as well try your charms on her just a bit...
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[x] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.

It's always good to get to know your customers.
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[x] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.
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[ze] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.
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[X] Flirt, but keep it low key.

Light flirtation can serve just as well as customer service if it comes naturally.
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[x] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.
[x] Investigate her body.
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[x] Curiosity
[x] Flirt but keep it light
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File 149158958376.jpg - (572.16KB, 707x1000, __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_aki_chimaki__e90e1.jpg)
[x] She's the first outsider you've ever met, you're kind of curious about her.

- - -

“Well, I have to say, that's a first for a way anyone has reacted to me before.” you said to the shrine maiden with an amused chuckle. “But please, do come and have a seat, I'll be happy to get you some tea to drink.”

“I-I'm sorry, its just, well, that's what I thought of right away!” the shrine maiden scurried to her spot at the table, a slight blush on her cheeks.

You waved a hand dismissively as you headed to the back. “No need to apologize, I don't mind that sort of reaction. Nothing wrong with being called cool! Kind of wished more people reacted that way, it's quite flattering...”

“The usual reaction humans have to an oni is a bit of fear after all. Although I guess a shrine maiden would be pretty poor at her job if she was afraid of you on sight.” teased the black-haired tengu.

“Now, now let's not tease her too much. She's here to enjoy herself after all! And I'm rather curious to hear more about what she meant earlier... shounen, right? The outside world must have changed a lot since my day.” you said reassuring, returning to the table with the tea for the shrine maiden.

The green-haired shrine maiden nodded, looking up at you as you returned. “Well, it's uhm, a kind of genre! It's meant to be aimed at young boys, I think, but they're pretty cool to read! They have all these kind of cool, flashy fight scenes!”

With the view from above, you had to admit it was a bit of a shame on how long the skirt was on the shrine maiden – there wasn't any bare legs to admire like the tengu, but it made sense her skirt wouldn't be nearly as short.

“So you're saying Isuke seems like the kind of character aimed at young boys or something?” asked Hatate, her head cocked to the side.

“I think she could do it! She even has that trademark eyepatch and scar that you see with a lot of swordsmen-type characters, like Date Masamune or something!” replied the shrine maiden with nod of approval.

“Oh? They have stuff about Date? That's a name I haven't heard in a long while. Never met him myself, but I did always hear about the fact he had one eye... although, I had both of mine back then...”

Once more then girl's eyes seemed to sparkle in amazement as she looked at you. “Y-you were around during the actual Sengoku period!?”

“I know she looks really youthful, but Isuke is probably even older then I am! You really stop counting after the first few centuries though. She has all those scars for a reason, she was a real troublemaker back in the days!”

You sighed at Aya, throwing up your hands. “You make me sound like a bad oni or something! I only caused a small amount of trouble, nothing more then harmless fun. But as for our green-haired friend's question, I was actually. That's really taking me back though, those were some pretty different days back then.”

The shrine maiden let out a gasp of surprise and bowed her head. “I-I'm sorry, I got so excited I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Sanae! Ah, Sanae Kochiya, that is. I'm the shrine maiden of the Moriya Shrine up on the mountain.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Kochiya. It's a bit odd for me to get used to the idea of there being two shrine maidens now, it seems... when I was last up here, there was only the Hakurei Shrine.”

“Please, just call me Sanae! And ah, well, I only arrived here a few years ago now I think it was... I was living in the outside world until then, but we had little choice but to move, what with the dwindling faith available...” the green-haired shrine maiden sighed and took a sip of her tea. “H-hey, this tea is actually pretty good...”

“I told you so! You can always trust the word of the honest Aya Shameimaru!”

Hatate rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I wouldn't really do that if I were you, she's only right about things sometimes... and I'm not sure about that 'honest' part either...”

“Ah! Your words sting like a dagger into my heart!”

Sanae chuckled at the antics of the two tengu, before returning her gaze back towards you. “So, when did you last see the outside world? It might take a bit too long to tell you every little thing, but I can tell you the highlights at least!”

“Well, I left the outside world around the time Gensokyo was being created, so I want to say that we were in the middle of some kind of restoration effort? Meiji... something?”

“The Meiji era then! Oooh, you know, if you were in a manga taking place during that, they could probably fit you right into the Shinsengumi or something, I think that'd be a real good fit...” the outsider nodded to herself.

“Weren't they from the Bakumatsu just before then?” pointed out Aya with a smirk.

“They were formed then, but they were still around in the Meiji era for a year or so! It fits! Sorry I keep drifting back to that sort of thing but... I mean...” the green-haired shrine maiden shook her head as she pointed at you. “It's just, she really does fit in that kind of thing! I could see her walking the streets in a haori and hakama, and a katana at her hip! I-it's not just me, right?!”

“Well, I did used to have a katana actually... can't say I've ever walked any streets, especially not in any sort of official capacity though.” you remarked with a chuckle. “I mean, I am an oni after all, I wasn't exactly welcome anywhere.”

The short-haired tengu rolled her eyes at you, taking a last swig of her bottle. “Only because you so stubbornly refused to ever disguise yourself like any other youkai. I get that's kind of dishonest or something, but... ah, anyway I should get going to work. I'm sure Sanae can keep you entertained in my absence.”

“What can I say? I like to be an honest oni whenever I can.” you replied with a grin, moving to take Aya's place at the table.

With your height advantage over Sanae now lessened, you could at least discreetly take a notice at how her top seemed to be fitted on rather snuggly... the detached sleeves of the uniform were an unusual touch, but it did showcase the smoothness of her shoulders and a hint of her slender arms.

“So you really did used to be a sort of swordswoman or something? Wandering the lands of Japan, a blade at your side!?” the shrine maiden leaned forward, her eyes sparkling. “Did you keep wearing a yukata? Or maybe you even wore a haroi and hakama combo!? Or you could've even done just the hakama, with just a sarashi to keep yourself decent so you could look all intimidating! A-although, I guess that last one really does only happen in manga...”

Hatate shook her head and gave you a coy smile. “Aya wasn't kidding, you really do have an instant fan. She can't seem to stop thinking about you since she walked in.”

Sanae's face turned red in embarrassment, as she leaned back and bowed her head. “I-I'm sorry, I'm just getting my imagination to run wild I guess... it's just, she really does look like someone I'd expect to read about, or see in an anime!”

“Hey, there's no harm in fantasizing about me, do it all you like.” you replied with a grin.

The innuendo seemed to have been lost upon the naive shrine maiden, but judging by the slight blush that appeared on Hatate's cheeks, she certainly caught it.

- - -

Now that you've gotten to know her a bit more...
[ ] May as well keep it friendly for now
[ ] You'll give her plenty to 'fantasize' about...
[ ] Sanae's already hooked, maybe you need to charm Hatate some.
[ ] Other?
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[X] May as well keep it friendly for now
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[X] May as well keep it friendly for now

I'm already liking this Sanae.
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File 149160653234.jpg - (96.74KB, 564x795, dd36076a3482d9888e55507709c9b44a.jpg)
[x] Sanae's already hooked, maybe you need to charm Hatate some.
If "forbidden love" doesn't catch the attention of an otaku, nothing will.
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[x] Sanae's already hooked, maybe you need to charm Hatate some.

obtain all girls at all times
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[x] Sanae's already hooked, maybe you need to charm Hatate some.
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[x] Sanae's already hooked, maybe you need to charm Hatate some.

Otaku Sanae is done to death, but this time around it's actually good.
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File 149205490278.jpg - (195.77KB, 850x1364, __himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_baba_baba_seim.jpg)
[x] Sanae's already hooked, maybe you need to charm Hatate some.

- - -

“I wouldn't say Sanae is fantasizing about you, she's simply... letting her imagination run wild is all!”

You grinned at the pigtailed tengu, leaning towards her a bit. “Sounds like fantasizing to me. Judging by your blush, I'd say she's given you some fuel for your own fantasies Hatate.”

The tengu's blush darkened as she glanced away from you. “I-I don't know what you're talking about! I haven't been fantasizing about you at all!”

“Are you sure? Your cheeks have seemed a bit flushed ever since the topic came up... I mean, there isn't any harm in a bit of fantasizing? Isuke is so cool looking!” stated Sanae, nodding to herself.

“I'm pretty sure the kind of fantasizing Isuke has in mind, isn't the kind you're thinking of...”

“Do your fantasies tend to involve my clothes coming off, instead of dressing up?”

Hatate coughed in surprise, her face even more red as she stared at the table. “I-I don't know what you're talking about at all... I-I'd never think of that kind of thing!”

The green-haired shrine maiden had a thoughtful expression on her face as she looked at you once more. “Just how many scars do you have Isuke? I can kind of make one out around your collarbone there, and the one on your face, but...”

You tugged at the collar of your yukata, more clearly showing one of the scars Sanae was speaking of. “In honesty? I'm not entirely sure. I might remember how I got them all, but I haven't exactly memorized the count. For me to show them all off, I'd have to get naked more or less, let's put it that way.”

“W-wow you really do sound like some kind of legendary warrior or something! Could I ask you about that one?” Sanae pointed directly at your eyepatch.

Hatate's blush was still rather heavy, but she followed Sanae's pointed finger, and her expression turned curious as well. “I have to admit... that one has been bugging me a bit as well. Even if someone cut you in the face, there's no way you'd actually need that eyepatch... unless...”

You tapped your eyepatch and nodded. “Bullseye Hatate. Only a blessed kind of weapon would make me have to wear this, right? This one is actually the last scar I've ever gotten, so it does have a bit of a special place in my heart.”

“You picked a fight with some kind of youkai exterminator then?”

“I wouldn't say I picked a fight exactly... I was always a bit of a troublemaker though! I wasn't some kind of samurai or ronin, for obvious reasons... I guess I was more of a bandit?” you laughed and gave a casual shrug. “I never really did anything that bad though, just caused a bit of harmless mischief. But you know, eventually someone comes along and wants to set you right...”

“So who was it?” asked Sanae, leaning forward expectingly.

“I never did get her name, come to think of it... but, from what I've heard since then, she became the Hakurei shrine maiden?”

“Th-there's no way Reimu could've done that kind of thing! Besides, even if she could've, that couldn't have been that long ago at all, she isn't that old!”

Hatate shook her head quickly. “Of course it isn't Reimu, Sanae calm down. Reimu is just the latest Hakurei shrine maiden, but there were others before her... I've never heard of any of them that ever fought an oni before.”

“I doubt she would exactly go bragging about it. She was mostly just trying to teach me a lesson, I think. Otherwise, I wouldn't be having this conversation, because she would've killed me. But that was a pretty great fight... I'd really love to be able to get into a scrap like that again, really gets the blood pumping!”

“Now you sound like some kind of battle maniac...” sighed the tengu.

“I'm not that bad... besides, I promised I'd never get into a serious fight again anyway. I'm a nice, good oni now after all! My troublemaking days are behind me, I can't exactly go and sully my teahouse's reputation by picking fights with people right?”

“Could you tell me about your fights sometime Isuke?” asked the shrine maiden, a pleased smile on her face. “I bet they'd sound really cool!”

- - -

Time for a story, maybe?
[ ] Why not? You have time, and it can't hurt to get her more interested in you.
[ ] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
[ ] Perhaps another time, need to keep her wanting more!
[ ] Other
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[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?

Talking about yourself is fine, but it's a good thing to be interested in your customers as well.
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[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?

I didn't know I wanted this but now I do.
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[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?
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[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?
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[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?
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[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?
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File 149249584680.png - (622.89KB, 590x948, __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_tebukuro_withana__.png)
[X] A story is fun, but you might want something in return... (specify)
- [X] Maybe you could hear a story or two from your customers, too?

- - -

“Hmm... well, only under one condition.” you reply, holding up a finger for emphasis.

The green-haired shrine maiden cocked her head to the side. “A condition?”

“Going to start charging for stories?”

“No, no of course not! But how about a trade? Tell me some of your own stories! I'm quite curious to learn all I can about my precious customers.”

“Oh! Well, that seems more then fair! I'm not sure if I have too many interesting stories, but...” Sanae trailed off and gave a small shrug. “I know I have at least a few good ones! Especially the story about when I first arrived here... it's kind of hard to forget that one...”

“It's kind of hard to forget any situation that actually gets Reimu involved, that's true. As for me... I guess I can think up a few stories maybe... but Sanae can go first, since she would much prefer to hear some stories about her amazing, awesome idol.” teased the pigtailed tengu with a grin.

Sanae chuckled, a light blush creeping on her face. “Hahaha... w-well she is pretty cool looking...”


“That's quite the story. I'm not sure I really have one that could match up to something that would be considered an incident around here.” you said after a few heartbeats of digesting Sanae's story. “It's kind of weird to think about there being actual, physical gods living up on the mountain right now. I had sort of heard about it, but hearing it from their actual shrine maiden is another thing entirely...”

The shrine maiden chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of her head. “It's pretty normal to me, since I've lived with them all my life, but I guess it is a bit odd to think about, huh? And I'm sure your stories are still really, really great!”

“I certainly hope they're interesting, otherwise this is going to seem like a pretty poor trade. A shame Hatate had to leave in the middle, but I guess since she lived on the mountain, she was already pretty familiar with it.”

It was a shame to see her go, but she did have to get out and do some field research, and she had given her rival enough of a headstart as it was already. You at least got to admire her from behind as she left, and only wished you weren't listening to Sanae so attentively, to try and see if you could get just a glimpse up her skirt.

Alas, perhaps next time.

“I'm not too sure, to be honest. Aya got involved personally, since she was told too... though I guess Hatate would've learned about it pretty soon regardless.” the green-haired girl took a sip of her tea and sighed contently. “That was kind of fun to talk about. I'll have to tell you about the Hisoutensoku sometime as well!”

“Always good to share a tale you're passionate about! Although, I wouldn't mind hearing about your life in the outside world as well sometime. I have to imagine its changed a lot in the past few centuries, after all.”

The young girl nodded energetically in response. You couldn't help but admire the slight bounce this caused in her somewhat taut top as well.

“Oh yes! I'll have to show you some manga next time! I have to find the ones you remind me of! Oh, oh and - “

“I'm sorry, am I interrupting? Kasen told me about this place, and I thought I should pay a personal visit...” spoke up a voice softly from the entrance.

Looking in from the doorway was a young, cute looking brunette girl. While her hair was a bit unusual looking, you certainly didn't disagree with the assets you could spy hidden behind her white top. Something about her felt unusual though, but you couldn't really put your finger on it. Still, you gave her a polite wave and gestured indoors.

“It's no harm! Please, please come in. You must be the ah... woodworker Kasen mentioned before? It's a pleasure to have you, would you like a snack or some tea?”

“O-oh, no don't worry about it at all! I was just getting a bit over excited, sorry about that...”

The brown-haired girl shook her head, making her way inside. “Don't worry about it Sanae, it's nice to see you by the way. I wouldn't have expected to bump into you here, actually.” the girl's blue eyes darted about the room as she sat. “Not a bad place... it really does make my house feel really large though, but I guess it is from the outside unlike this...”

“Oh, you're also an outsider as well?” you asked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. “I'm quite popular with former outsiders today, how flattering.”

“I used to live in the outside until fairly recently myself, Sanae is certainly my senior in this regard. I'm Reina Roots, I run a little shop of my own not too far from the Human Village. I'm sure she mentioned it, but I specialize in furniture restoration and creation mostly. I guess you could call me a carpenter in general though.”

“She's really good at what she does! Definitely one of the best. We've had her help with some things we needed at the shrine.” the green-haired girl gave a thumbs-up.

“Thank you for the compliment Sanae, I'm always happy to have pleased customers.” Reina chuckled softly. “Oh! Right, ah, could I have some tea? I can't stay too long, I have some orders to get sorted out with Remilia, but I felt I should introduce myself.”

Sanae sighed and shook her head. “She's a real taskmaster isn't she? But I guess it makes sense she's your biggest customer, not too many carpenters in the village can really match that old-style Victorian stuff she has...”

The two outsider girls chatted happily amongst themselves, as you excused yourself to prepare a new batch of tea. The outside world was certainly full of surprises, it was almost a shame you couldn't go out and visit it anymore. If it was full of women like Sanae or Reina, you certainly wouldn't be short of some lovely girls to charm.

But hey, at least they were practically lining up to come and see you here anyway! Not bad at all.

“Here we go, please enjoy. So, from what Kasen told me, you're probably my one-stop shop for anything furniture related, huh?”

Reina nodded and retrieved her mug of tea. “I'm not quite sure I'd put it in that exact wording, but I wouldn't mind. I have a lot of business from Remilia, as she's kind of my primary patron, but I can always squeeze in some more work. I can't really offer any really large-scale projects at the moment, but if you ever need any furniture...”

“So, you can make just about any kind of furniture, right?”

“More or less! I can't say I've run into anything I haven't been able to make before. Well, as long as it isn't too technical... I can't really make something that would need electricity or something...” the brunette chuckled at her own joke, although after a moment, she frowned. “Ah, right. You wouldn't actually know what that is, er... sorry, outsider thing.”

“You never know Reina, maybe one day she could get some from the kappa!”

“I'm sure Sanae will tell me all about the wonders of electricity sometime. Still, I do appreciate the offer. If I was to give you a brief tour of the place, could I maybe hear a bit about some offers you might have?”

The brunette took a sip of her tea, her eyes lighting up in delight. “Oooh, this is some nice tea... but, sure! I can give you some rough estimates if you'd like. I know I said I have to work out some orders with Remilia, but if you have something you want, I can add it to my orders today if you really like.”

- - -

Hardworking and cute! Now, did were you actually interested in placing an order today?
Reina only has time for up to 2!
- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[ ] Maybe she could spruce it up... (Quality up) – 40 Sen
[ ] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[ ] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen
- Bedroom (Currently: Futon-only/Okay)
[ ] It would be nice to have a proper bed. (Bed upgrade) – 30 Sen
[ ] You don't really need anything right now.

Funds: 2 Ryo, 20 Sen, 0 Rin
For reference, 100 Sen makes a Ryo, and 10 Rin to the Sen.

[ ] May as well flirt with this pretty new outsider.
[ ] Focus back on Sanae
[ ] Better keep building that friendly rapport!
[ ] Other

One of these days, I'll get back to daily updates.
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- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[X] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[X] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen

[X] Focus back on Sanae

Might as well turn all our attention to securing one important patron. We'll have plenty of time to work on Reina as we put jobs through to her now and in the future.
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[x] >>30002
Same. Improving the kitchen is a must and improving comfort is a plus. Next up is the parlor improvement, I think. But we should save more before that.
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- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[X] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[X] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen

[X] Focus back on Sanae
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- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[X] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[X] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen

[X] Focus back on Sanae

The suggested upgrades sound good to me, and since she herself said she doesn't have much time we shouldn't keep her from doing what she needs to do.
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- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[X] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[X] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen

[X] Better keep building that friendly rapport!
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- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[X] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[X] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen

[X] Focus back on Sanae

Upgrades look good, plus as above anon said, we can get to know Reina later since we'll likely be using her a lot.
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File 149374733787.jpg - (176.35KB, 1023x724, __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_yuki_snowmaiden__7.jpg)
- Parlor (Currently: Traditional/Okay)
[X] Some zaisu would improve comfort! (Zaisu upgrade) – 20 Sen
- Kitchen (Currently: Simple/Okay)
[X] Being able to do more then make riceballs would be nice... (Improve kitchen) – 60 Sen

[X] Focus back on Sanae

- - -

“Alright, not a problem at all! Once I finish my work for Remilia, I'll get started on the zaisu right away. The kitchen will take a bit longer, but I'll do my best to finish as soon as possible! Ah, actually, mind if I take a peek at it, to get an idea...?”

You merely shrug and gesture behind you with a smile. “Go right ahead. I can't expect you to just instantly know the exact details of my kitchen, eh? I'll make sure to have some snacks and tea ready when you come over.”

The brunette flashed a smile as she disappeared into the backroom, leaving you once more alone with the young and excitable Sanae.

“It's a shame you can't really get electricity out here, having some modern improvements would probably really help out... a refrigerator would be really nice! Could keep perishable foodstuffs around for a while with one of those. But the kappa are a bit...”

“Shy and reclusive, more or less?” you finish with a knowing grin. “They've always kind of been that way. Still, their knowledge of tools and technology is second to none really. I'm sure I can enlist their aid one day!”

“You could always try enlisting their aid directly, actually.” commented Reina, returning to the parlor. “They do have a little shop set up in the village... can't say how much they could really do for you at the moment though. My house already had electricity because of erm... reasons... but you'd probably need some serious investment from the kappa to get something right now...”

The green-haired shrine maiden nodded. “Oh! That's right, they do have a shop there huh? Kind of forgot about that... still, something you could keep in mind, that's for sure!”

“I'll get to work as soon as I can Isuke. Sorry I can't stay and enjoy this place for long today, but I don't want to put off Remilia for too long... what do I owe you for the service today?”

You shake your head and smile in response. “Ah no worries, first time is always free. Have a good day Reina, thanks for dropping by. I'll look forward to admiring your handiwork.”

It wouldn't be bad having her by your teahouse doing work for a bit, she has a rather pleasing figure you could admire while she was doing so. With the brunette restorer's departure, you were once more left alone with the young and excitable Sanae. Not a bad situation to be in, given her personality was rather amusing, and she was quite easy on the eye.

“Well then Sanae, I owe you a story don't I? I'll need to think up a good one to pay back that wonderful story of your own...” you positioned yourself closer to the green-haired shrine maiden, “Ah, I've got it! You remind me a bit of a lovely, beautiful maiden I once rescued... it's an old one, but back in the my olden days of being a more proper oni, it like most stories of that time, begins with a biiit of alcohol...”


At the conclusion of your story, that cute sparkle in the young Sanae's eyes was present as she practically squeal in delight.

“So gallant and romantic! That kind of story would've been right at home in a tale involving a princess and a knight! After that daring rescue, what happened next!?”

You grinned and wagged your finger at the shrine maiden. “Afraid the events that took place that night, are not polite to repeat in the presence of such a young maiden like yourself Sanae. Needless to say, it was quite the night...”

That particular maiden was, naturally, quite inexperienced but there was always something so fun and exciting about teaching them the pleasures of their own bodies... plus the honest, earnest attempts of those kind of girls in response, were always such a delight to your own body. Enthusiasm was a nice replacement for actual skill and technique.

“O-oh, I see! Wow... I guess that is the expected result after that sort of event! Well, after all that, what happened next Isuke?!” inquired Sanae, that sparkle her in eyes turning into a passionate flame.

“Afraid that's all for today my good Sanae. I'll always be happy to tell you as many stories, just so long as you keep gracing my teahouse with your lovely presence.” you replied flirtatiously. “I'm quite curious to hear your own stories as well, so its a win-win situation, right?”

The shrine maiden nodded enthusiastically, rising triumphantly from her seat. “Of course! I'll have another good story for you tomorrow then! I er, should really get going, all things considered... Kanako is going to throw a fit if I don't get my tasks for the day finished... I may not be able to come by every single day, but I'll make sure to always come by when I have time!”

“Of course, that's all I ask. I'll look forward to your next visit, Lady Sanae.” you reply with a wink and grin.

The sudden blush on the young girl's face was a delight as she hurriedly excused herself from your parlor. It was a shame to see her go, but she was quite lovely to look at even from behind... you could only hope one day, you could convince her to slip out of those cute clothes.

“Well, guess it's back to tidying up the place... maybe Aya or Hatate will drop by tonight... or maybe my adorable little Kasen will grace me with her presence tonight.” you thought aloud, chuckling to yourself.

- - -

The rest of the week is unremarkable, but the weekend is drawing near...
[ ] You'll just relax at home and see if anyone comes by.
[ ] Sanae said she lived at the Moriya Shrine, maybe you should pay her a visit...
[ ] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.
[ ] You've been hearing about this Scarlet Devil Mansion...
[ ] Other?

> Weekly Report
Expenditures: 80 Sen
Income: 30 Sen
Funds: 1 Yen, 70 Sen, 0 Rin

Changing Ryo to Yen, as upon some research, the Ryo was renamed/replaced with the Yen by this point, while Sen and Rin was still in circulation.
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[X] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.

Lazing about isn't a good expenditure of time, and if we want to compete with the teahouses in the village we'll need to draw some of their customers. It's just a matter of seeing who we can secure.
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[X] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.

Some more human interaction might be nice.
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[x] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.
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[ ] Sanae said she lived at the Moriya Shrine, maybe you should pay her a visit...
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[x] You've been hearing about this Scarlet Devil Mansion
Employees there could use a place to relax
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[X] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.
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[X] You've been hearing about this Scarlet Devil Mansion...

I know it probably won't win, but I can never get enough SDM.
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[X] You've been hearing about this Scarlet Devil Mansion...
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[X] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.
Let's get things moving!
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[X] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.
Warmly waiting...
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File 150293891888.png - (501.08KB, 600x1105, ByYKdsyIIAEqObO.png)
[x] A relaxing day off at the village would always be nice.

- - -

The same guardswoman from last week was stationed at the village gates as you approached, she returned your cheerful grin and wave, with a somewhat forced smile and a nervous shuffle in her stance.

“Nervous to see me again cutie? I'm harmless, don't worry about it!” you teased. “That smile is still quite cute though, just have to work on making it look more natural.”

The guardswoman blushed lightly. “D-did you need something mi-... er, I-Isuke?”

“Sorry to treat you as a sort of go-to tour guide, but...” you pulled the village map out from within your yukata. “Care to give me some advice on somewhere fun to go?”

“W-well, that really depends on what you're looking for...”

You nodded in response and gave a slight shrug. “Well today is my day off from work and all, so kind of looking for someplace nice to unwind and relax. Not entirely sure what you have for entertainment in the village, but I guess for me personally, I'm always keen to be somewhere with drinking, gambling, or pretty girls... any combination of that works as well, actually!”

“E-erm, I see well...” replied the guardswoman with a nervous chuckle, “You could find the first two in the business district easily I'd think, but I'm not really sure about the pretty girls, you might have better luck asking one of the men...”

“Asking a guy huh? Not really too keen on that... well, any place to drink or gamble you'd personally recommend? There has to be some place you like to go and unwind after a hard day's work after all!”

The shy guardswoman scratched her chin as she glanced towards the village. “W-well... I guess I sometimes like to go to Chika's, its about...” she studied your map for a moment before pointing on it, “about there. If you wanted to gamble, I think there's something near Chika's, but I'm not much of a gambler... some places could give you both, but I'm not sure how many would be open right now. They tend to be more late-night sort of establishments.”

“I see, I see! Well, thank you for the info cutie. You have a good shift, eh? Hey, maybe once you're off duty we could bump into one another! I'll treat you to a drink.” you offer with a reassuring smile as you start to make your way into the village.

“U-uhm... ha-have a good stay in the village Isuke!” stuttered the guardswoman as you walked pass, before returning to her post at the gate.

Well you at least had a general idea of where you could spend your day off... of course, nothing said you had to actually go to where she indicated, this was a pretty big village after all and doubtlessly had a large number of places to visit. The guardswoman didn't have a good idea of where you could find some pretty girls, but those could come with any of the establishments, or perhaps you could do some snooping around...

- - -

[ ] Just head to Chika's
[ ] The guardswoman said there's some places to gamble near Chika's, right?
[ ] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
[ ] Other? (write-in)

Well. Here it is. Massively overdue, and massively underwhelming! I really actually dislike this update, it has been plaguing me for months now and I just can't be satisfied with it, but by this point, well, I have to put something up before I'm not capable of writing anymore I guess, right?

I once more apologize for all of you having to put up with a terrible, terrible writer such as I.

The image for the update has nothing to do with the update. It's just an old Isuke concept artwork I had.
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[x] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
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[x] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...

I suddenly have a burning desire to see Isuke meet Keine. Prefereably when she's horny.

...I'll show myself out.
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[X] Just head to Chika's
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[X] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
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[X] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
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[X] Maybe you'll do some snooping around for pretty girls...
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