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Current Strand: 5.875

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5.8 - >>29818
5.85 - >>30272

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1500 words in.

I'm currently moving houses and have a very important scientific report due in three days.
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Usually slow update speed is due to my slow writing speed despite how much time I sink in, but in this case I'm lacking motivation. Been focusing most of my creative efforts on designs for something else (not a public project).

I'll try to get it out within a week.
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END: 5.875

BEGIN: 5.8875


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File 123067132761.jpg - (130.45KB, 885x626, 120871852495.jpg)
"Fire on deck!"

The shrill cry goes out and a bell tolls somewhere deep within the ship, clanging out a warning. Dirty orange flames tinged sooty black seep across the smooth steel deck rolling around with the list of the ship sending the fire rolling as it singes the mist, the thick black smoke billowing into the hazy white air, smog that reeks of sulfur conjuring images of a blazing hell.

"Why is it always fire?" You mutter bitterly at the ship sailing past your vision, a tiny vessel no bigger than a fishing boat with a pathetic engine that chugs in protest to it's work load, it drifts almost leisurely through the towering flames. As it sweeps past you notice the hull hasn't been touched by the heat or even the smoke, the bright red paint of humble wood is spotless, perhaps treated to be resistant to it's own weapon? You're amazed that anyone would attempt to attack a ship of your size and class in a civilian vessel, yet seconds ago is sprung forth from the fog with no warning or lights to spew gouts of that sticky orange flame at you. Mounted upon the prow of this petite pirate ship is a mysterious device seemingly made of pumps, tanks and tubes set in gleaming brass that spits fire like dragon's breath with a steaming hiss.

"Return fire! Don't let them get close enough for a second strike!"
"Enemy vessel has already left visual range, captain!"

Of course, to deny you any retaliation the smaller ship has slipped off between the narrow channels between the towering islands here, you had hoped these foggy straights would hamper pursuit or even make them lose the trail entirely but now it seems your ambusher is using the terrain against you. By moving through the small, almost porous gaps between the crushing gray rock your opponent can perform a surprise attack from almost any direction while you are forced to follow your prescribed "safe" course through it all.

The bridge is a flurry of activity as all hands do their duty with admirable diligence, but wide eyes and panicked energy reveal the under current of nerves, or even fear, present in your girls at the prospect of an
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I finished reading it several months ago.

I will wait for you, Scorn, or whatever your name is right now.
This story is a good story. Believe me.
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story is ded, surprise big not
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There's a reason we put sage in the email field - it's so we don't randomly bump stories where the author's gone AWOL for extended periods of time... particularly when the last posts were four and nine years ago.

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File 14924075961.png - (475.86KB, 600x839, Sleepyhead.png)
**This was written late at night while just as sleepy as Marisa. Future installments will be shorter, but more coherent.**

You are Marisa Kirisame. Ordinary Witch extraordinaire, kleptomaniac, and self-proclaimed best girl of Gensokyo. Also not a morning person. Then again, when being a "morning person" means waking up with the sun, who would? That question rolls through your head for the thousandth time as you attempt to climb out of bed. "Attempt" is the key word, here. You don't really manage to make it out of bed before tripping over the blankets you forgot to push back and tumbling headfirst into a pile of (stolen) books.

*That* gets you awake. Nothing like a headache to start off the day! With a grimace, you grasp your head with one hand and start re-stacking the books. Some of these you don't even remember taking. "Cryomancy vol. I: A Study of Entry Level Ice Magicks" you *definitely* don't remember taking. And to top that off, you don't think you have a real reason to be taking it. Ice magic doesn't interest you except for dealing with a cranky Cirno, and even then a few well placed lasers work just as well. Better to just blast her and let her reform than try to reason with a fairy. Never mind that last time you tried to "reason" with Cirno in one of her moods you ended up in the Misty Lake having to swim back to shore. Setting that thought line aside, you arrange the stack neatly and read the titles on the spines, seeing if there's any you should actually read instead of setting them aside in a "to-do" list. Surprisingly, there is, in fact, one book you like: "Warp vol. V: A Study of Advanced Spatial Manipulation and Other Dimensional Magicks". Sure, the title is a mouthful, but anything about how to get into other dimension should be an interesting read, no?

The headache and your sleepiness forgotten, you open up the book, prop yourself against your bed, and start reading.

**Where will you start?**
[]Chapter 1: Spatial Magicks in Review
[]Chapter 13: Wormholes and Other Shortcuts
[]Chapter 20: Creating Pocket Dimensions
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Summer has arrived early, making doing anything a slog. Fret not, I have plans.
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Annnd I mistakenly put the sage in the wrong field. Hazards of phoneposting while trying to sleep.
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File 153010698181.jpg - (198.16KB, 2048x1143, image.jpg)

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Current Strand: 5.85

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5.8 - >>29818

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This is a slow-to-write update. Time-debt for the prior two which were faster than most.
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3000+ words. Unless there be reason to continue writing, I'll edit and post.

Update tomorrow? New thread tomorrow?
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END: 5.85

BEGIN: 5.875


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File 147095302998.jpg - (193.94KB, 1920x1200, smoke.jpg)
So, third time’s the charm, right? I’mma give this another shot, and hope that I can actually…you know, finish a story this time.


There are days where you just don’t want to get out of bed. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you still gotta, but sometimes you really, REALLY wish you could lie in bed and tell the world to buzz off. Maybe it was the training I had back at my last home, or living out in this ‘magic forest’, but something had tipped me off that I needed to get up and moving.


Had I been anywhere else, or any other time, I would have told my instincts to shut it, but with a groan, I dived out of the hammock. That got me a few seconds to think before the little girl who had been hunting me for the last three days brought her jaw down where my arm had been moments ago..

“Really, again?” I sighed, jumping to my feet and stretching.

“Yeah! They told me you taste like jerky!” The little girl was practically bursting with excitement as she spoke. She flashed me that little devilish grin, and I knew talking would be just as pointless as the last three days. “I want another bite! All I got was smoke and chalk last time!”

That made me chuckle. Poor girl tried to bite my left arm in a surprise attack the day before yesterday. Unfortunately for her, I had lost that a few weeks ago in an accident. Fortunately for me, I have enough control over ash and smoke to make a working replacement from it.
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Throwing up a status update for everyone.

Due to a new job and a convention, I'm going to throw this story up on hiatus until the second week or so of July.

Hopefully, by then I'll have a more solid idea of where the story is going, since It's not the same one I planned to tell, and that's a good thing.
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Ok then. Good luck.
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File 151236583160.png - (1.24MB, 1996x1697, The War Council.png)
The War Council
I'm alive, and under a new name. Kinda. Long story short, I got into a lot of different things, and many of them kept me from even being able to look back here till recently.

So here is a small interlude while I work on the real update.

Almost forgot the image.


“What do you make of it, Lady Hijiri?”

“It's an interesting tale... and a worrying one. This could bring a much greater danger than we thought if we ignore it, assuming it is not a falsehood. What do your friends say?”

“Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone near the Mansion at the time, nor have I been able to get anyone in.”

“An unfortunate development. That maid is commendable in that part of her job.”
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File 148264214210.png - (422.47KB, 1400x600, I think it's time we blow this scene.png)
I think it's time we blow this scene
[X] Which means you've got responsibilities, here. Estimate as truthfully as ya can.

Which means you've got responsibilities.

Regardless of any douchenozzle tendencies this dude in front of you's displayin'.

Nuts. “Eight dollars,” ya say, puttin' the disc back down. “I'm gonna say 'bout eight dollars.”

Rika does a squinchin' of the peepers, royal. “You paused,” she says.

“I didn't pause.”

“You paused,” Rika says again. “Before you named your price, you paused.”

“That wasn't a pause,” ya say. “That was more like a happenstantial ellipsis.”
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I like this story. Hello, author.
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One for luck.
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Link to new thread: >>30521

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File 150343611692.png - (337.82KB, 800x800, YuugenMagan.png)
This is the restart thread of "Tales of the Flower Youkai's Mansion - Tale of the Outsider". Keep that in mind. Now, let's restart this tale!


It was quiet one moment, quiet the next. Such was my life. Day in, day out, always the same process.

Suddenly, I could hear a quiet song being sung, yet I could not figure out what the person was singing. Then, there was darkness.

"Hello...What...here...Spark..." What? "Why... are you... garden..." I can't understand her, and I think I'm slipping in and out of consciousness. I couldn't run away, nor move at all, to the best of my knowledge.

"Can... hear me? No? ...Mugenkan... go!" ...Something something what? Mugenkan?


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[X] Read the book that Yuuka gave you during her explanation.
// It's called "A Guide to Gensokyo". The author is one named "Hieda no Akyuu".

Vote to see if this thread will crash and burn from votes
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[X] Read the book that Yuuka gave you during her explanation.

I'm curious to see your view of Gensokyo
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[X] Read the book that Yuuka gave you during her explanation.

Become a bookworm that moves across the flower fields

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File 150484996575.jpg - (225.07KB, 450x600, okina.jpg)
I'm digging through a pile of books in the corner of one of my non-study rooms when I hear the knocking at the door.

My name's Marisa Kirisame. I'm an ordinary magician who likes to make potions, read books, and have a good Danmaku battle. People say I'm a kleptomaniac, but really I just like borrowing stuff.

I'm also not really in that good of a standing with many people in Gensokyo, meaning that no-one really knocks at my door, and the people I'm friends with don't really care all too much for formalities anyway.

Except Alice, but she told me today that I should stay away from her home or she'd kill me. I don't see why she always needs to say something like that, though.

Anyway, the knocking at the door catches my attention. For a moment, I consider going back and rifling through all those books again, since there's probably nothing that I need to do right now. But that's not me; I'm more of a living in the moment sorta gal. So standing up, I take a deep breath and dust off my hands, then raise my voice to say 'Coming!'

I take my time tiptoeing around the small piles of books scattered around the floor, alongside the few relics that I stole borrowed from Kourin. That guy's a bit kooky even if he did help raise me when I ran away from home.

I step into the hallway and turn towards the door. Taking a few steps forward, I put on my best smile and open the door. 'Morning.'

'Good morning, Marisa.'
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[x] I should invite Okina inside; maybe she’ll want some tea. I mean, most people want tea, and I don’t think she’s had any yet with anyone.

Come on people, manners. They're not hard.
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So right now consensus seems to be to invite Okina inside; however, I feel like waiting a bit longer before an update, maybe for a day or so, just to make sure.
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[x] I should invite Okina inside; maybe she’ll want some tea. I mean, most people want tea, and I don’t think she’s had any yet with anyone.
-[x] Actually, wait a second; why is she here in the first place? Isn’t she supposed to be in her door dimension or something, defending Gensokyo and helping it in the background?

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File 149736483510.png - (139.66KB, 256x291, Th09YuukaKazami.png)
You heard... some sort of lyric. They were also the last thing you heard up until this point. Suddenly, you blacked out.

"Why... in my garden...? Get... or you... I'll do..." You are going in and out of consciousness, and it sounds like you're being threatened. You can't even move, or talk...

"Hey... hear me... No... I guess... take you... Mugenkan Mansion..." ...Okay? What does this person want with you? Sounds like they're taking you to a mansion named 'Mugenkan'... or something of the like.

????? HOURS LATER...

"Can you hear me now?" You nod. "Good. Now, who are you...?"

[X] Alex
[X] Travis
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Already? Damn. Hope everything is ok man.
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File 150343387010.jpg - (116.80KB, 499x372, 1479972298692.jpg)
Hello, residents of the /forest/.

Two months ago, I created an RP. Yes, this one. Only four days after it began, my mother passed away. As a result, I was forced to take an indefinite hiatus from this website, as well as the internet in general.

I am sorry to say, but...
This story is over.
I am going to rewrite the beginning. Restart the RP. We should have no more issues. Let us begin this story once more... On a new thread.
This failed attempt at an RP is now conidered RETCONNED.
~ Kurzov/FartherYakani
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Renewed Thread:

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File 149251112174.png - (80.59KB, 500x500, 1.png)
Moonlight is cast in maze-like patches across the forest canopy, mingling with the ambient magical radiation in a display that would be considered beautiful if not for the implications. Everything under the full moon is made stronger, more violent. Lunatic.
Except you, a human.

You are hunting, but it isn’t hunger that justifies your being here. After all, being consumed by a moonlit beast ill fills your own empty stomach. You have a far grander purpose. Paying your rent. Be it in veal, rabbit, or whatever other tolerably untainted animal happens upon your eye. As long as it’s fresh.
Tomorrow is your due; but if your sense of time is accurate, that tomorrow just became today.
All the more reason to be here.

So you stand, knee deep in the magically doped bramble of reed and fungi constituting the undergrowth of The Forest of Magic. At the stroke of midnight. Under a full moon. No one has died from a youkai attack since the implementation of spellcard rules, but you’re trying your best tonight. The amalgamated array of seals stretching across your body and arms have done a noble job of deterring would-be foes times past; be it by their potency, or the sheer gravitas of the Hakurei brand, even by proxy.
You doubt that under this lunatic light the seals would fare any better than the paper they were scribbled on.

All that‘s between you and a particularly delirious set of jaws is a bow and knife-
-and the fact you haven’t seen a single living creature the entire day.

The Forest of Magic, on full moon, is filled with a silence more deafening than the howling of beasts it has usurped. You've grown accustomed to its usual cacophony, and your place within it. It's your sanctuary of nearly a decade. You knew traversing the forest on the full moon would be reckless, bordering on suicide with the usual berth granted by youkai breached by moonlit judgment. But this eery state of stillness stokes your paranoia to the obscene.
You are filled with the constant sense of being isolated, yet at the same time hounded by the shadows which replace the forest's inhabitants. Each time your foot so much as glances into the forest's gloom, a fl
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We'll focus on human-like beings interactions then!
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Update should be out in ~2 days? Hard to tell, my schedule aligns disgustingly with my editors. I get home when he goes to sleep!

I already have the update image ready.

Have mercy.
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END: 5.8

BEGIN: 5.85


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