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File 145336820199.jpg - (323.08KB, 800x746, alice hates herself and wants to die.jpg)
alice hates herself and wants to die
[X] … you really did ignore him for days, though. Does he really expect so little of you?

Ken holds your gaze firmly as his apology sinks into your stomach like lead. You struggle for reply, swallowing dryly before checking on Shanghai. Catching your glance, she rises from the drainboard, her bright red ribbon and cornflower blue dress darkened several shades by the persistent dampness. She crosses the kitchen to circle around your back and take up her station to your right, a few last drops of rainwater dripping from her tiny shoes.

And she probably looks better than you do, right now.

“No,” you say, voice low and thick. You swallow again, for all the good it'll do. “No... no I haven't.” You wait for him to reply, each moment scraping down your nerves till you can't stand it anymore. “I ignored you-”

for days,

“-too long. I haven't been-”

thoughtful, considerate, kind,

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I will ask this too, with almost zero hopes, but still.

Flaming faggot, will this go on sooner or later?
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If you're looking this over fruitboi, there is at least one person still interested in seeing this continue. I hope to see you writing *something* soon!
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Make that two. Come back, damn faggot!

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File 145671177744.jpg - (435.18KB, 800x590, what is my life.jpg)
what is my life
Thread One: >>28086
Thread Two: >>28601

[X] Through the back!
-[X] Inform the leg of your plan.

Lucky for you, you've got 'sperience in this “hidin'” biz. In through the back of the shop—and that's some breath catchin' in your throat, the way you've gotta juggle a leg while jigglin' a handle, but then the door gives, and ya basically nearly fall through—and then

“Check it,” ya gasp. “Do ya trust me?”

The horse's leg doesn't answer 'cause they haven't got a mouth. They twitch and nudge at your arm with their leg, though, which either means, “I trust ya,” or, “I beg ya, please don't dismember me more than I'm already reverse-unmembered; I've got horse leg family.”

Close enough.

“Okay, listen up—I've got an ace hidin' space. The problem is, if ya make with the buckin', you're gonna give it away. How good're you at playin' statue?”
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One for luck.
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Link to next thread for those who always miss it unless there is one, like me:

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File 147589870314.png - (454.99KB, 730x1000, actually Hourai but whatever.png)
actually Hourai but whatever
My name is Shanghai.

I'm one of the many dolls in service to my master, Alice. Every morning without fail she comes to our room and wakes us . We dance at the end of her strings, carrying out her every command. She praises us when we do well, scolds us when we don't, and mends us when we break. And every night she returns us to our shelves, and we sleep.

...so why can I see her sleeping?

I hear noises. Dolls falling, plates shattering. But I'm not falling. My vision is getting brighter instead of darker.

Master is lying face down on the floor.


The violet doll, Hourai, reacts before I do, diving to Master's side. I quickly follow her. Together we carefully roll Master onto her back.
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[X] Stay with Master.
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[X] Stay with Master.
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[X] Stay with Master.

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File 146898333121.jpg - (1.46MB, 1600x900, The Trailhead.jpg)
The Trailhead
You rouse yourself, focusing your attention as something approaches. It takes you a few moments, as you stare, to realise just what it was that woke you - a pair of girls, snared by the forest, and led astray.

Led to this place, alone. Something follows them, in the darkness, but as you turn your attention towards it, it fades away, into the darkness of the forest. ...At least some of these newcomers know respect.

It's a simple effort of will to lead the two onward, through the darkness, drawing them to the heart of your power, the start of your domain -- The Trailhead.

It's the least you can do for them. They'll be safe here, for a time.

It's just as your torpor is overtaking you once more, just as your attention drifts, that you can feel the thread of power, granted to you.

You shake yourself awake once more, eyeing them carefully.

"Come on, Renko!" The purple girl tells her companion. "We're lost, and it's only polite." Her companion grumbles something you can't catch -- the doubt around her is too thick.

Despite this, it's both of them who leave crackers at your shrine, before withdrawing to argue about which way to go.
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Not bad at all. I like this indirect approach, this 'earn your happy ending' thing.
Of course, direct intervention is a tempting offer should the worst come to happen. Let's hope not.
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File 147264583719.jpg - (78.48KB, 550x587, sorry.jpg)
Sorry for the long silence -- thought I should give you guys an update on what's happening here.

I AM still going to finish this. I want to just make that clear.

The thing is, I'm on a ship right now, extremely busy, and super unreliable for time to write.

I'll get updates for you guys, I will, and the first one should be soonish. I only JUST got issued my shit back, though, so it's going to be touch and go.

I'll try to get at least one or two updates out this week, though.
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Oh dear god, it's Berserk all over again. He's still on that fucking boat.

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File 146292621922.jpg - (75.56KB, 800x531, image.jpg)
“What the-!” I say, still waking from my slumber. The feeling of a vine slowly crushing my leg painfully brings me back to reality. “Let go you twig!” I frantically kick at the vine and eventually tear it off of me before leaping backwards. The vine slowly recedes back into the forest as I retreat far enough away from its grasp.

The forest may be a home of mine, but it doesn't mean it's safe. Scanning the forest with my enhanced sight, smell, and hearing, (compared to at least thirty times better than a normal human's), I pinpoint the different creatures and life moving around me. Thankfully none of them seem to be initially hostile, besides the vine tree.

To the east is the black and white, who hums while she gathers mushrooms. To the west, the sounds of a branch snapping, followed by a shriek tells me the forest has claimed another life. To the south, I hear the sounds of a stream, its gentle waters betraying the danger it brings.

Finally, to the north I catch wind of what I was looking for… another youkai.

Getting ready for the trail ahead, I take a deep breath and stretch my limbs after that little incident with the vine. Looking down at myself to see if anything is amiss, I notice a stray tuft of black fur sticking out on my arms, so I quickly fix it back into place. A professional needs to look good after all. Besides, what kind of cat youkai would I be if I didn’t look well groomed? Finishing my grooming and stretching, I snag my gear before heading off.

Catching up to the trail, I can see the locals weren’t joking when they said the youkai’s nearly as big as a house, it's footsteps clearly leaving sizable prints in earth. The tracks in front of me are monstrous, the creature’s feet being at least a meter long by my estimate. Not to mention looking around the trail, the torn up trees also indicate it is immensely powerful.

Well, that sums up the creature is definitely large and may very well be the one causing the issue. Normally this would be Reimu’s job to exterminate unruly youkai, but since I've shown up offering to hunt down the more dangerous ones, she has grown more complacent and allows me to do
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[x] Let's go find Reimu, I should notify her I eliminated another Youkai today, not to mention if Suika’s there, something fun should happen.
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[x] Let's go find Reimu, I should notify her I eliminated another Youkai today, not to mention if Suika’s there, something fun should happen.
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[X] Let's go find Reimu, I should notify her I eliminated another Youkai today, not to mention if Suika’s there, something fun should happen.

cats terrorize local shrine maiden while tiny oni watches

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File 145114845636.jpg - (73.12KB, 600x530, First_sight.jpg)
Intro: >>th/186778

I feel... Different, somehow. I suppose this should be expected, seeing as how I now have a body. Instead of my usual, unmoving octagonal shape, I can feel long, fleshy extensions twitching slightly. I suppose those are my "limbs", then.

My immediate surroundings are soft and warm. Not nearly hot enough for my liking, of course, but pleasant all the same. I can also... "hear" something. Like slow breathing, very close to me. Whoever it is appears to be asleep.

Alright, first order of business is to open my eyes. Easier said than done but, after a lot of face-scrunching, I succeed. The first thing I see is the face of a sleeping girl, merely a few inches away from mine, her blond hair strewn about messily. I don't recognise it, of course, but I could never mistake the inner flow of her magic, even as slow as it is presently.


Immediately more comfortable, I start to slowly experiment moving my arms about without waking her, bringing my hand in front of my face and clenching it with childlike wonder. Satisfied with my motor functions, I slowly sit up, still not waking my mistress. Spotting a mirror on the other side of the room, I take a moment to take stock of my appearance.

I resemble mistress quite a bit, with a similar body frame and even similar facial features. I probably subconsciously copied those from her when I created this body. My hair, however, is shorter with a fiery red-orange color that matches my eyes.

At that moment, a sleepy voice rises from behind me.
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[x]My true calling was always magical artillery, so I see no reason to change that now. Mistress will have to do without wielding me personally, however.
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Aaand called for magical artillery!
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Your best bet for editing would be the IRC channel. It might take a minute to get peoples' attention, but there's always somebody around.

I'd offer my hand myself, but I'm swamped with stuff as it is and wouldn't be able to promise consistent results.

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File 142148990784.jpg - (126.98KB, 500x500, tengu are struggling to understand.jpg)
tengu are struggling to understand
Thread One: >>28086

[X] Accept.

Problem is, Aya's got a point, too. That first piece isn't doin' ya any favors standin' on its own, not if that whole Keine-droppin'-in thing gives ya anything to judge by. And sure, it's been all quiet on the eastern front since then—nobody knockin' the door down to make sure Rinnosuke hasn't been robbed or chained to the radiator or stabbed in the back with a Swiss multi-tool (he hasn't even got the right pipes for a radiator and it's the gappy kind so it doesn't even make a good surface sideways), but if it happened once, it can happen again, and you're not lookin' forwards to gettin' used to all of Rinnosuke's buds stoppin' by to size ya over for all the wrong reasons.

Plus, it's a matter of principle. If you're gonna have a rep Gensokyo-wide, ya wanna make sure it's an accurate rep. Let 'em know you're awesome, but rockin'-guitar-solo awesome, not Old-Testament-Yahweh awesome, which was loadsa times not awesome at all.

“I'm game,” ya say. “Hit me.”

Aya looks over at the door edge, then at you again. “Hit you?” she says.

“I mean get with the askin' already—I'm agreein'.” And that's the second time in this many days you've dazzled someone with a card game metaphor, not countin' Rinnosuke who always pretends to get it and then goes leafin' through a pair of dictionaries when he thinks you're not payin' attention. It's sorta doofusically admirable, so you're givin' 'im a pass. “Ya wanna sit down or something?” ya add.

Aya does wanna sit down or something. She barely pauses to do the (belated) obligatory Japanese ritual politespeak, and then she's practically rushin' in, strides gargantuan with—
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[x] Through the back!
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[x] Through the roof!

It's the last thing ANYBODY would expect!
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File 145671741164.png - (217.18KB, 520x800, da8f736e7457ce561790d1532c5defae.png)
New thread over here: >>29124

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File 145122441750.jpg - (23.63KB, 300x207, rain2-300x207.jpg)
Crossposted here:

Votes from both sites will be counted.


In the strange dust and ashes of an abandoned cottage, you are born.

Your first sound is that of the rain pouring down, and your first sight is that of the charcoal blasted ceiling, with a hole in the corner, through which rain falls into and partially floods the simple house you find yourself in. You can smell nature and decay and chemicals unknown.

And your first thought is this: I am a failure.

From my very first moment of life, you realised this, before any other piece of knowledge: That you are a failure, that you were born in failure, that you shall live in failure, and that you shall die in failure. You were born in a building half-broken, beneath a storm.

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[x] Much better, thanks to you and yours.
[x] Peanut butter sandwich
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[x] Fine, thank you
[x] Steak Sandwich
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[X] Fine, thank you
[X] Go to the kitchen pantry, see what they have

>And then Hakone writes something new on the paper. . .

>The voice of Miss Hakone wafts over to you. . .

Was I the only one that noticed that the dolls have gone from using paper signs to speaking aloud?

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File 142363019711.jpg - (106.04KB, 800x600, fec050f8954550bb1321940084715dbc.jpg)
Decided to do a coin toss for the first two votes. Commencing update.

[c] Stay with Alice. Bonding time with seven-coloured puppeteer~

“If I were to stay with you, could I at least let my family know about this?”

“Of course you can, dear. Why, if I may ask?”

You tighten your arms about Alice’s waist. “I used to take nightshift assignments back in Melbourne. Often had to spend my night outdoors, so yeah.” You’re slightly worried when Alice stays silent, but your doubt is quickly washed away as she gently pats you. “I take it as a yes, then.”

“I already gave you my permission, silly,” Alice giggles. “Hang on. I’ll let Shanghai and Hourai deliver the message.”

“Are they capable of doing that?” you ask, slightly concerned over the fact that Alice’s entrusting her dolls to do the bidding.

“What are you talking about?” So saying, both Shanghai and Hourai appear beside Alice and curtsy to their master. “Like I said earlier, they’re my best creations and I’m very proud of them. Is there anything you’d like to convey to them before I send them?”
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[x] Yes, please choose one.
[x] Ask Kogasa about…
- [x] How she manages to be so youthful at her age.
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[X] Yes, please choose one.
[X] Ask Kogasa about…
-[X] How she manages to be so youthful at her age.

I am a million years later here, but I have to say that I like this. I really do. I hope you will resume this sooner or later, SATA. And seeing how LSL came back, I have hope that you'll do the same here.
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story is ded, not big surprise

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File 133759130937.jpg - (286.69KB, 500x500, aea36e9d578a1ba90d29029a65377e62.jpg)
Previous thread: >>22216

Sorry for the delay, but here's the new thread~!


[c] Talk with Grandma about…
- [c] …what she had wanted to tell you back at her home.

“Grandma.” You squeeze her hands, making her tremble slightly. “Look at me, just for one second.” You chuckle over her reluctance and push her chin up; a bright blush decorates her soft cheeks the moment your eyes make contact. “Come on, you know we both have nothing to hide from each other, right?”

She breaks off the eye contact and looks away, trying to hide her blush. “Treating me like I’m younger than I should,” she murmurs. “You’re embarrassing me, Alyssa, even though I’m older than you…”

You laugh softly. “You know what they always say about me,” you say. “A heart-stealing magician of the blazing star, right?”

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[x] Take Alice to your home. Introduce her to the rest of your family.
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File 142018657878.jpg - (82.23KB, 700x700, fg-showcase-134.jpg)
[x] On the other hand, why are Shanghai and Hourai staring jealously at you?

Asking the important questions.
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