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File 12668900165.jpg - (508.61KB, 700x700, malice14.jpg)
[ ] Introduce yourself as...
- [ ] The song-smith of the north, weaver of verses and skald of skill.

A moment flashes past, one of judgement and doubt entwined into one. Thoughts race through your mind, wondering whether you should seek to find the answer she must be looking for, or whether you should tell her what you feel in your heart. Perhaps these are one and the same, perhaps not.

Still, Sons of Odin are not ones to hesitate, and in a sudden flash of insight you choose which one among the many titles you could claim you should choose. Silver tongue unbound, song forged with wit and skill, tale told truly, these do you bring with you, for no other skill is as great as the stave-smithing.

You stand tall and proud, you face the guardian of this strange town, and you sing.

"Hail, glorious guardian, you who would know the one who now stands before her.
Hail, listen to the words, tangled tale untwisted when silver togue speaks.
Listen, you loyal thane who would stand before your hearth and home,
You who would shield the town of spellbound realm, hear honour's voice.

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Still alive?
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I wish for this to continue as well.

I've been following what i could for the past 6 months(navy deployment), and the storytelling is something i haven't seen in a long time, and usually from stories without anon input(fanfics)

Praise for Norseman, Hopes for his return, and Dreams for the continuation of the story of our viking Sigurd
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You do realize that there is a new thread a little further up the page?

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File 132028513282.jpg - (1.72MB, 1600x1200, Winter_Forest.jpg)

Muttering nonsense in my half-awake state, I sit up from the makeshift bed. While leaves aren't the most comfortable cushion, it does not irritate the stems of my wings like the bedrock would. The first thing I notice is the lack of heat. With a flick of my pale hand towards the small pile of coals, the makeshift fireplace smolders to life. I look around lazily, brushing my mahogany hair out of my eyes. This helps little, as my brown eyes aren't meant for the darkness that being four feet underground tends to have.

All I can make out with the lightly burning lumps of bark is that nothing changed overnight. The small hole I found under the tree is still unaffected by the harsh winter blizzards; my routine of melting the snow that plugs the only entrance is likely a factor. Yawning, I debate on whether to sleep through the day again or not.

Hopping off the pile of leaves, I rip of a piece of one and use it to blow my nose. While being just under half a foot tall has it's downsides, I never tire of it's benefits, with "using small objects in ways larger fairies couldn't dream of" being in the top 5. I flash-burn the leaf into ash and wipe my hands onto my already-soot-covered red, one-piece dress; after ruining my only other outfit by trying to turn the dress into a shirt/shorts two-piece, I figure that nobody is going to see me in this thing, anyway. Stretching my almost-invisible two pairs of wings, I stare into the small fire and let my mind wander...


[ ] __________
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I miss this one.

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Chapter two
Previous Thread: >>22517

The update should be up in the next day or two.

As far as the picture in question? It's both a hint at the update and something Yuki and Wriggle discussed at Rinnosuke's shop.
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No point in waiting for more votes in the face of uncontested opinion. I'll try to have something up by around next weekend or so.

I'll attempt to start work on the last part of the Omake as well with in this time.
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You might as well have another thread, you're 4 posts away from the autosage point.
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New thread

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File 131016329166.jpg - (390.31KB, 1510x1582, Character.jpg)
It's been a week and a half after falling into this strange world and being saved by the black-white witch. If it weren't for her, you'd be frozen to death by that damn blue haired fairy, although you wouldn't agree with her (somewhat extreme) methods of rescue. You got over the flight sickness easily enough. She introduced herself as Marisa Kirisame(a curious blend of European and Japanese names) and offered you a place to stay for a while. You decided to pay your dues to Marisa by working as a helper in her magic shop but man oh man, you're beginning to regret it. Not only are you now an accessory to at least 3 counts of robbery but you also find that your back is about to break from all the lifting she's having you do. Still you can't really complain. After all, she let you sleep in her guest room which is actually rather cosy compared the place you were living before you ended up here. She's a good cook, and despite the fact that the floor is a mess, it's still strangely navigable. It's like the floor is in some sort of orderly chaos.

You stand in front of a bubbling cauldron in the fireplace, keeping an eye on its contents for Marisa while she looks for stirring equipment in the adjacent room. You hear her shouting something urgently. "Hey! put .... potion in .... cauldron, I'd say it's .... ready!" You can barely hear her due to the acoustics in the room. "Do .... quick it should be about to .... over ze!" She's right, it is about to boil over. You spot a couple of potions on top of the mantelpiece. Working quickly, you pour in....

[] The yellow smoky potion.
[] The blue swirling potion.

This will primarily be a /d/ story, the specifics of which will be revealed in the next post. and I hope to keep it a brief as possible as I don't think I have the stamina for a long ass story.
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So what, exactly, do you propose we take to prove our innocence?
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I think the best method of action to prove that we are innocent is to prove that we have near no means to do so and no motive to do so. No means to do so is embedded into Jeffery, he is but a normal human that has fallen into Gensokyo, many levels of power below Marisa. If we have any marking of getting knocked out, that is sufficient proof that we are incapable to cause a magician capable of leveling mountains to vanish. No motive can be stemmed from two things. One, if we caused Marisa to vanish, why would we seek the 'police' (Reimu) to remedy the problem and find us guilty? Two, if we can prove that we are Marisa's assistant and thus 'friend' of sorts, we can further the idea that we are innocent. We can prove our association with Marisa by perhaps a ring/a badge/cloth patch that Marisa gave to Jeffery and told him that it signified that he was her partner in crime accessory assistant. Given that we have been wearing this item all along, but had forgotten about it, and that rumors of a person assisting Marisa on her book raids should have propagated far enough, and descriptions (and complaints) by first hand witnesses and victims of the raids should be enough evidence that we are Marisa’s friend. Unfortunately, this may have bad implications in case we meet the SDM, but I feel sure that Reimu has come to accept this habit of Marisa’s. Therefore, we are innocent in Marisa’s disappearance, and accept what we are guilty of (and such ‘guilt’ can be undone with something as simple as returning ‘borrowed’ books).

In other words, bring your things that Marisa gave to you to make you her official assistant and your brain. Jeffery can easily logic his way to innocence. No motive, and the few means to cause her disappearance (potions, because he lacks the physical and magical ability to do so) can be logically analyzed out (Marisa wanted him to create them, he doesn’t know crap about the effects of the potions nor how to make them as seen when he turned Marisa into a slime) of the situation.

tl;dr: Bring
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[X] The person who took her might be dangerous alone, it'd be a good idea to find someone first. (Reimu)
Just going to Reimu should be good enough. After all we couldn't subdue Marisa even if we tried and there's no way we would go tell Reimu if we did smack her over the head while she was sleeping.

The worst she could think is that we're leading her into a trap but that's unlikely at best and not many people can defeat the shrine maiden in battle. Therefore lets go add Reimu to the party and search for Marisa~

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File 129997394519.jpg - (142.07KB, 1236x934, Our sleeping mother.jpg)
Our sleeping mother
Continuing a trend of having very confusing outlays for stories, I present to you a new quest, a slightly different take on Gensokyo.

It'll all be very confusing, especially at the beginning. But hopefully this will clear up shortly. As before, please bear with the moderately tedious prose, the run-on sentences and perhaps lengthy time between updates - though since this isn't /th/, I'm sure you don't expect daily updates anyway.


"Wake up, dearest one."

The first sensation is her voice.
Alice's voice is melodic to our ears as it always is, you tell me. Guided by your instruction, I reach out and feel the soft touch of her fingertip with my hands, relishing the moments before fully waking that only occur once in a lifetime.

"Are you ready to meet your family?" At last, I open our eyes to see her, our mother, and all the host of dolls that are our sisters. Once again, like the hundreds that have come before, I smile as a newborn for the very first time.

Yet even as I do so, I feel my mind expand, far beyond the reach of this single, if well made, body. I see through hundreds of eyes, can feel and move a legion with my will. And I can hear each of your thoughts as clearly as you can hear mine.
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I know we need a consensus. Changing

[X] Break out. Get the other dolls autonomously and escape without a trace. It's been an interesting look at fairy psychology (or lack of it) but ultimately fruitless.
-[X] Make it look like someone broke in and stole us. That should keep them busy, might even spread to other fairies.

Some debate. All we do is state our opinions and never budge... With leaders like this, who needs enemies?
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[X] Break out. Get the other dolls autonomously and escape without a trace. It's been an interesting look at fairy psychology (or lack of it) but ultimately fruitless.
-[X] Make it look like someone broke in and stole us. That should keep them busy, might even spread to other fairies.

If there's a risk of being recaptured, abandon the framing and return home.
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File 132644923491.jpg - (144.26KB, 1082x931, reimu hopes you like her doujin.jpg)
reimu hopes you like her doujin
Just in case of people voting, on hiatus until work stops kicking my ass.

Admittedly I'm also not updating because I'm lazy.

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File 130907177024.jpg - (247.82KB, 960x725, e2fc13f6bbd1cb9147eee089e59f5925.jpg)
And halfscore past, and childehood's end past, and whereas my mind too past, locomobile lought stilhouette in the road. Peaces scatter, stoneskip ofer the asfalt to wards the gutter, Corpus Callowsum! To haven't twohold, to half and half-not.

So we leive. So leiving. So livted, hopefully ever after.

And morowse and agonious day: I, we, dullboy, schooleryboy. Ruler smart me for days and doze, betwist dreamamine of farrest and would, listenless to Professer Reid and harkan not, but open amyway his thirstory deksbook to peige, en peige, en peige agone to his spielling out of Overlaud and Nomandy, when on due tree! Spring is aground up, is shoots, is rowse, until the Professer is lost beyonder trunks and stands-up not afore me, him nor classmet, nor linestone backwall.

Saw robin and bird sing: Halloo halay! And ill a tune I, I kept, and kept quite.

So begain:

[ ] The grase-estaimed, the songstress herselve.
[ ] Forest fliege, the papilia.
[ ] Fair and fairrow, with glosamer-span.
[ ] The whitte fibres cut, and dusken after.
[ ] Dolce, all-a-one, her poppet-fallows friends.
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[X] The grase-estaimed, the songstress herselve.

Road, dirth and dustance, the valey of dirth, the florest parameated aground it, so furrowed, so trekked our souls ontil the shoestrung coaked with greet and grovel, and thenupon a stand, sawn, stoodstill, of would and while, a prosper comeupponce!

So I sought, and so, took I beneth the awening, umbelly, fairday kage, sweet from the haught and the seiseon.

The proprietiress: a starrybook laurellass, a piniondance, tiedied up her hair enchiefed. Reest, and roast not, cheek accountered, eiyes lax, she glinses to me, and spake. Naught now, she quorte. Ressemble eveafter, for the nightime, the dearktime.

Unnascesary. My breagh, alieu me that!

Esquinter upon me, her see palpabral. Journious disdressed you, say she. Youman you, you shaldnt strally so fare awry the villase grein. And grin and grinner, she talls you beost, and bogumen, and fear falk afrittous.

I arkknowledge none! Wreak, I am wreak. My phalanks jib, and fumors spit. Thure and thure no overman braune I, but I know. This is the fantcy whorld, all ahead. No stings and errors here. My phalanks jib, but here, rejoyned, tenderns untearned, they surve archic untirely! Ontinue, says I!

Her dactyl dantse, her dah-dit-dit o'er wouldentop as reaver rapstones. Her graze nearrows. Dit-dit, dah-dah-dah! O, tryly? Dit-dah-dit-dah. So sung keratine, a riamarkable chime, chime unnaugh, and chime unnaugh outlast.
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File 130968895394.jpg - (197.67KB, 951x951, dat sparrow.jpg)
dat sparrow
Short and sweet~

Good thing too, this would quickly overstay its welcome.
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File 132272746765.jpg - (819.34KB, 1500x1125, c2168b45f3587b1af107723ae86f8117.jpg)
As much as I enjoy this site in general, I'd have to say that this is one of my favorite pieces on THP. I'll probably come back to this every once in a while to see if I can decipher more of your 'turnsafrase'. Thanks, man.

I hope I saged right, so this doesn't necrobump.

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File 13017684967.jpg - (1.48MB, 2029x2833, doll collection.jpg)
doll collection
Discord. Usually a source of entertainment. Often a catalyst for a complete break. And after that came the joy of rebirth. It always followed that pattern, not caring who or what it destroyed. It was best observed, not experienced.

The time was not right for gambling. Even if what emerged from discord were to be stronger, the uncertainty involved was too big to be ignored. With carefully laid plans, the need to minimize risk was pivotal. A century of plot would not be undone by chance.

The strength of the bond was weak, but not had not completely given way. For someone of her abilities it was trivial to reach out as necessary. Already she made the most of the fledgling link, whispering half-truths and tempting promises. It would work. It always did. Events would be shaped to her liking. It was, after all, her plan. And it would not be changed without her consent.

“You'll catch a cold like that.”

“I could say the same to you,” I opened my eyes slowly. As expected, Marisa was still as exposed as before. Somehow she had gotten her clothes wet while in the bath and had emerged wearing nothing more than a towel. In an attempt to cover herself, she had left much exposed. The towel only extended to just above her bosom and barely reached the very upper extremity of her thigh. Though highly suggestive of the body underneath, I did not make an active effort of looking at her figure.

“I found the shirt,” She said.

“Put it on then, instead of just holding it.”

“Right,” I looked away just as the towel dropped and she unabashedly dressed in front of me. My mind was preoccupied with another female and spared her no second thought.
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Mind not bumping this? It makes me feel like a douche when I don't come through. Like now. Sorry but apparently a lot of free time leads me to waste it on things I've been depriving myself of (mainly video games) and when I do try to write not much comes out. Gonna give it another night's sleep and then go for broke. That better do it.
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>Mind not bumping this? It makes me feel like a douche when I don't come through. Like now.

Generally when the writefag makes a statement as to the status of the next update, it should be bumped because it is relevant to his readers, though many writefags sage those posts out of misplaced humility. Of course when the writefag feels strongly about it, the reader is obliged to follow his preferences.

>Gonna give it another night's sleep and then go for broke.

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It's more like I feel that it's unfair to bump the thread above the other story threads (which may have had updates) just because of a status post. It's that simple. It's not the end of the world but it doesn't feel right either.

In any case, this thread is done with.

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File 130257734310.jpg - (40.41KB, 445x404, 47c95d1f0491364de478aba36cbbf785.jpg)
It’s time for a story about fairies. A fairytale, if you will.

The focus of the story is "nameless" fairies. Humans and Youkai are not very important to them. Some named fairies may appear over the course of the story.

There is no big, over-arcing story.

There are no routes, penalties for dying, bad ends, or time limits.

If there is nothing going on, I have a small library of prepared events, incidents, and mini-plots to draw from.

It’s like a sandbox full of immortal, shape-ambivalent little hedonists with magical powers.

Now, to build a protagonist-

Your aspect is what facet of nature your embody. You draw power from being around your aspect, and your abilities relate to it, at least in concept. Some examples can include types of plants, classical elements and their variants, weather conditions, minerals, heavenly bodies, and generally any aspect of nature itself. It can be changed any time you die or sleep.
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Place vinegar-soaked paper towels over sunburned areas for 10-15 minutes. It helps a lot.
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File 130906152173.jpg - (65.11KB, 800x600, Big enough for them.jpg)
Big enough for them
Looks like I'll never get to build that fairy shrine.

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File 129643414582.jpg - (325.98KB, 710x842, NorGlaWriggle.jpg)
This is a tale of a young Gensokyo native and how he ends up witnessing various events in the course of knowing everybody's favorite bug-girl.

Select character archetype; this determines the MC's personality and preferred choices. A name would also be preferred, but not required. Voting ends late tomorrow.

I'm also taking suggestions for the title.


[ ]Hotblooded -- A talented novice hunter and fighter, his aptitude in other areas is not notable at all. Despite his dimness, his confidence gives him a sort of charisma smarter folks might lack.

Life story: Orphaned by a youkai, an older hunter and his wife took him and raised him as their own. Under their roof he learned how to hunt and kill, and he has just started to work with other novices. He's a bit perplexed by the soft stance his "father" has in regards to non-feral youkai. Also, his father discourages acting recklessly for glory and profit, something his personality predisposes him to do. He has a fondness for tales of heroes, which caused his reckless streak.

Combat: A (Melee based)
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[c] “I’ll go the Inn as I can get there faster. You should head over to Ginji’s as I’m sure you won’t run into much trouble there.”
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Yuki going to the inn wins, update will be in a new thread. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
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Here: >>23522

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tea and solitude
Page after page of yellowed paper passed by my thumb as I searched for what I was looking for. Each page was filled from margin to margin with small-font text that the casual onlooker might confuse for streams of ants neatly crossing the page, annotations in flawless penmanship next to the text, and the occasional elaborate illustration. There were no chapters, headings, or any other markers that could otherwise show where the content I was looking for would be. I had to rely on dumb luck and sketchy memory, trying to correlate familiar words and drawings with the approximate placement of the material. At last I found what I was searching for towards the back of the book. I took out my own notebook and transcribed the passage I needed. The reason I had failed last time I tried to cast was that my reagent was added at the wrong moment. Or so I believed. All other explanations left me wanting. Uncertainty was something that had to be avoided, something which I had been taught was a crutch.

I closed the ancient book, lifting up a column of dust in the process. I coughed, and was aware of my surroundings. The dark little closet where the older tomes were stored was barely large enough to fit a chair and a small knee-high podium for perusing. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of lore and the door was as heavy as it was secretive. The whole place stank of mold and negligence and was more of a hiding place than storeroom. Needless to say, no natural light dared to sneak in either because of how remote this place was to the rest of the house. My source of light had been an ethereal wisp floating around my should, an elementary display of magic which helped me deal with the circumstances. It cast the whole room in a ghostly hue of white light. I felt compelled to leave as soon as possible and seal the tomb-like repository.

The wisp was extinguished by a single muttered word when I felt the warm rays of sunlight on my face. I walked towards the nearest window, reading my notes.

I still was not confident that I had found the real issue when she spoke, “Are you ready yet?”

“I think so,” I replied, turning around to face her. As had been the case lately, I found her
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I tend not to comment much when voting because I can think of nothing worth saying at the time (especially if someone else has already said it better than I would) its kind of frustrating sometimes but in some cases it would just be a case of me copy and pasting what someone else has said.

If I was to criticize this story now, it would be the voting in this story has my head spinning, it's kind of hard for me to comprehend what would happen if either of the choices happened. I'm kind of confused. It could be because i've spent all night reading this so i'm tired and also can't get the idea of Suika dressed as Tadakatsu Honda fucking shit up while trying to think.

In direct response to the cross-post, I had a rather strong feeling that she was just trying to get rid of us and wasn't surprised when she turned out to be gone, but i've only just started reading this today (I still would have left anyway, because she said so). anywho

[x] There is no routine to fall back on, but time can be spent pretending it's just another day.
She has told us time and again we should be focusing/studying on getting that basic spell done.
>"...You have been derelict in your duties. As an aspiring magician you must never forget that your training comes first.”
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[x] There is no routine to fall back on, but time can be spent pretending it's just another day.
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Am I being trolled or are you just that clueless?

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