I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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drinking party

It’s time for a new thread to continue the character discussions. After talking to the other people involved, I’m taking over the hosting duties and you can expect a new character to be randomly chosen every week starting from now on.

For convenience’s sake, I’ve set up a page showing the current character and past selections. It should be easier to keep track of previous discussions going forward.

Information on how this thread works and other details will follow in the next post.

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Nitori's got a pretty good design! Though it's very cartoon-ey. She's very much a moe-style mascot rather than a romantic simulacrum of a fantastical maiden. Obviously, this is because the design is very simple and uses bright primary colours to cover large areas. Hey, come to think of it, Nitori's somewhat reminiscent of Imaichi Moenai Musume, right? She's less plain and looks more lively and energetic, but the two girls feel to be of a generally similar design philosophy, art quality aside.
One thing that stands out about her are her hair ties. It would have been easy to make them green, black, white or completely invisible, but instead, a colour that isn't seen anywhere else on her is used for this very small detail. Unlike the yellow of her key, which doesn't actually stand out as much as you'd think it would due to being close to the green of her hat and backpack, it's complementary to her main colour, it's literally the red-cyan pair of the RGB model. That little pop of colour is cute, it adds a subtle liveliness to her design, which fits her very well. Candid friend.
Also, she's got a lot of pockets, and that's great. There are, like, 14, not counting the backpack. What do you think she keeps in there?
(Also, the fanservice of the tight straps crossed around her chest is not lost on me, but I have no particular opinion on it, cool ig)

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Tinkerer sort of characters is fun to have and the bits we’ve seen of kappa tech in the games but also in the manga, like the not-gameboy, show the creative side of the kappa generally and Nitori in particular. As her profile states, she’d take apart and put together outside tech for the fun of it though I have to wonder how much of her creation process is copying as opposed to truly understanding underlying principles. Is there some sort of kappa technical institute? Would Nitori be a graduate or a teacher of some sort too? She’s not explicitly named as a leader or particularly important but in small bits of manga it does seem that she helps coordinate some things or make decisions when there’s a group of kappa.

Putting that aside, there’s plenty of links with various groups and areas too. Nitori has negotiated setting up ventures with both shrines for festivals and the like and she also worked on the mountain ropeway. She’s somewhat active in the village, with not only using an old shack as a warehouse, but ordering stuff from Suzunan and later on even running a stall in disguise in CDS. Seems like she has a nose for business as well, given the aforementioned as well as as her actions in UliL and 100th Black Market, so I wouldn’t put it past her to partner up with an (unknowing) human as a more long-term solution to selling kappa goods in the village. So from the perspective of having her in a story, she has plenty of reasonable grounds for appearing in different scenarios.

Looking at the Who’s Who article more carefully, I had missed ZUN saying that the kappa were based on overseas continental craftsmen who would have lived in the riverbanks. Yeah, it seems like a pretty clear reference to the marginalized groups in society like burakumin. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it but the overseas and continental bit makes me think of Japan’s own history of using Chinese (and especially) Korean laborers who were taken to Japan and similarly mostly excluded from society. I have my doubts that it’s explicitly that—there’s just a tenuous parallel with mountain society and kappa being at the bottom of the pecking order. In practice, it feels lik

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I like turtles.

Also, sorry for coming in so late. I'm coming to the end of my exhibition entry, so maybe I can be less distracted now. I don't have a whole lot in the way of distinct thoughts right this moment, so I'm just going to throw a couple of responses out for now.

In all honesty, I say this a lot about 2hu things, but I'll once more point to the general idea of otaku as a pretty strong part of the kappa conceptually. I think it's hard to say a whole lot about Nitori specifically, considering all of her profiles kind of lean more towards talking about the kappa generally, but if she's anything like the rest of them, then she's basically an otaku stereotype: insular, self-impressed, and prone to fiddling with things out of pure enthusiasm for fiddling. And whilst it's tempting to position her as a leader figure among her species, I tend to read her continual appearances as simply an expedient way of representing the kappa interest by having an existing kappa character speak for the rest.

>I have to wonder how much of her creation process is copying as opposed to truly understanding underlying principles
I feel like kappa just kind of kit-bash things together without much understanding of the principles, which fits with their whole otaku-y thing. If you look at the way they suck at working together, it seems likely they reinvent the wheel every time on an individual level. It's the kind of thing that makes me think kappa technology is probably approached from the standpoint of one-off curios as opposed to actually mass-produced items, exceptions notwithstanding.

Something I haven't seen brought up yet is the relationship between the kappa and yamawaro and t

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a nocturnal banquet

It’s time for another site writing event. This time around, it’ll roughly coincide with the site’s anniversary in April.

Anyone can participate as a writer and/or a reader, and all skill levels and types of interests are encouraged. Prospective writers are to submit a piece by the end of the submission period and everyone, both writers and readers alike, are encouraged to comment about the stories and discuss them. Feedback and critique is always appreciated! As with most site events, the idea is to have the community participate and make things lively.

The tradition is to have people submit entries anonymously, so as to not taint perceptions and color feedback, but this is just a suggestion. The main goal of these events remains to encourage the community to create and for everyone involved to have fun.

Submission period
Submissions will start in a month from now. So, on 2025-04-03. A thread will be created for entries and there will be a 2-day window for any stories to be counted as part of the event. Yes, you can post something later than that, but the idea is to have everyone on equal footing when it comes to getting comments and feedback.

These events are normally centered around some theme. Entries ought to contain elements of them but what qualifies is up to the discretion of the writer. These themes are meant to spark inspiration or help writers along and how broadly or specifically they are implemented are up to the writer.

The themes of this exhibition coincide with THP’s anniversary and are celebration and commemoration. What these mean in terms of a story or the characters involved is up to the writer but the general idea is to have some sort of event or process in which characters, or maybe Gensokyo as a whole, participate. Yes, it can be something straightforward like a birthday or a party, but also a festival of some sort, a ceremony, or anything with some sort of meaning for the participants. Or, just as e

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Still haven't hit on anything, but there are at least things to consider. Thanks.

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rabbit tea party with a missing alice

We're a little over the halfway mark. Hope that the prospective writers have managed to get their ideas sorted and have started writing.

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Coming along with one, yeah. Needs more work before it's even close to done, though. I'm trying not to get down to the wire this time.

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Figure this would be a good place to ask being a Touhou image board lol, I've been on the lookout for some rules for Gensokyo D20 that weren't archived, Mainly it's rules for monstrous races like Satoris and Vampires (His words not mine lol) and the Magic Items, as these weren't saved by the Internet Archive as they're Word Documents rather then part of the site it's self

PDF I made of the archived stuff from the site: https://archive.org/details/gensokyo-d-20

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Just realized I forgot to say what it even is, Gensokyo D20 is a Touhou D&D 3.5 conversion.

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group photo infront of shrine

A few people in the discussion thread and/or the discord have mentioned either having hoping to say more about characters once their week was over, or due to circumstances were not able to participate in the discussion of the week. So I decided to create a thread for people to be able to continue those discussions without taking up the main thread!

Here’s Teruyo’s link to the characters discussed so far (as well as for the character that is currently being talked about, but discussion for that character should be reserved for the main thread!): https://www.thp.moe/discussion

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Bero-bero baaaaaa~! Did I surprise ya?! Did I?

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Spooky Month Writing Contest! I’m the Contest Mascot, Kogasa!

Welcome everyone. I’m the host for this contest, known on here as Gooboi. Halloween is a rich time for stories to be told; the most famous of all witching hours. And with Touhou’s repertoire of ghosts and goblins, there’s plenty of fun to be had with them.

Readers beware, you’re in for a scare! :P


So, I’m sure you’re all wondering, what’s the theme of this competition? You ready for a truly spectacular spooking? Nyeheheheh… this contest’s theme is the Mysterious Masquerade!

In less catchy terms, the theme is things not being quite as they appear. This can be taken any way you like. It could be anything from characters wearing poorly-matching halloween costumes, to an emotional barrier someone’s hiding behind. Of course, you can go with any number of horror-themed ideas. Maybe a particularly cruel youkai is hiding among innocent humans, or someone steps into a party not realizing that they’re one of the dishes… or perhaps, someone who was once human or youkai finds themselves on the other side, and has to maintain their previous status at grievous risk to themselves? There are many, many possibilities…

...Gee. A story about humans becoming youkai. I wonder what inspired THAT suggestion. >:P


The contest will run through October. Submissions will open with a new Shorts thread on the 28th of October, and continue until the very end of the month! After that, voting will proceed until the 7th of November!

1 Entry per author, 1 vote per voter.

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You know what they say—what's good for Deleuze is good for DeLanda.

... That is to say, DeLanda's EGS lectures are a good place to start, if you're more academically-minded and want to start boiling the frog slowly, instead of jumping straight into Capitalism and Schizophrenia.

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Screenshot 2025-01-19 041950

You know, you're not supposed to leave a promise so late that fulfilling it becomes a surprise.

Ahahaha... Apologies, everyone. After far, far too long of a delay... I've finally finished the first of the two prizes!

You can find the runner-up prize at >>/shorts/3043. Man, writing three essentially arbitrary characters into one story is really hard; I had the vague story I wanted to do early on, but it wasn't until very recently that the way to present that story finally came into shape in a format I was happy with. I hope you all enjoy!

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Oh, that was gorgeous, I love it! Thank you so much! That was a really clever, and very pretty, way to get all of our characters together.

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I want to try having regular discussions of characters. My hope is that we can share our ideas and consider new ways to write them.

I'll try to figure out how to run these as I go. For now, I want this to be a dialogue about different perspectives, so we should try to keep in mind that these are all subjective to a degree. This isn't about finding the "correct" interpretation, necessarily, only as many interesting ones as we can. I think staying aware of where our ideas on characters come from, whether canon, fanon, or personal headcanon, and presenting them accordingly could help reduce friction. In any case, please try to keep an open mind.

That being said, I think discussion here should also be a bit more detailed. I'm not interested in regurgitating memes about characters that had already gone stale in 2009. Please make a good faith effort to talk about what makes a character interesting to you or a way you think they could be interesting.
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As I'm busy preparing to go out of the country for the next month, I don't have that much time to deal with this thread, so we're going on hold yet again. The thread's near auto-sage anyway, so this is as good a point as any to drop off for now. See you in November with a fresh thread.

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In all honesty, maybe you'll just offload the thread to someone else (again) instead of shutting it down?
It doesn't seem like much work to take on, simply post a first post with roll and a second one with collection of canonical sources, that's all for mandatory threadkeeping.

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I'll be taking over the character discussion threads for the foreseeable future. This thread is almost auto-saged so new thread:

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work is eternal

I’m organizing another themed writing event. I had thought to give it a little more time before another one of these but with other things possibly going on later in the year, like nanowrimo, it’s probably best to push things forward. Below you’ll find more details but feel free to ask questions in this thread if anything remains unclear.

You’re encouraged to participate in this latest exhibition of themed short stories as a writer and/or a reader. The former are expected to submit a story at the end of the submission period that incorporates the themes of the contest in a manner they think is appropriate. Commenting on entries after they’ve been submitted and the submission period ends and giving feedback or offering comments is highly encouraged!

Traditionally, submitting works or commenting has been done anonymously in order to minimize bias but this is not an explicit rule—you are free to do as you please. The main goals of these events is to encourage the community to create and to have fun.

The submission period
Writers have a full month to think about and write their own stories and a thread for exhibition entries will be created n 2024-09-01 and then there will be about a 2 day period when stories should be posted. That window isn’t strict—and you can be “late”—but it’ll be harder for other people to share their thoughts and comments if they don’t see your entry before they post.

The themes of the exhibition should be present in some capacity in the entries. Though, that said, they’re mainly there to try to spark ideas and provide some guidance for writers. How broadly or specifically these themes are incorporated is ultimately up to each author.

While I admit to wording it as opportunity and obligation partly for the alliteration, I think that these have a broad range of interpretations and aren’t overly limiting. For obligation, for instance, you could also interpret it as a not

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Pretty quiet around here. Guess I'll take that as nobody else having much to say. In which case, here's the face reveal: I wrote The Problem with Civilisation.

In all honesty, it was a struggle to bring this piece to any kind of conclusion. I didn't start with much momentum, and life made it hard to ramp up to any degree. Various obligations that I couldn't put off left me with little focus or free time a lot of days, so there were many days where I simply made no progress at all. That I made it with a couple of days to spare so I could do a perfunctory self-edit and proofread was a feat in and of itself.

It all just underscores that I'm not a writer who can work quickly at all, nor can I very readily reconcile the basic conceptual matter of a story with actual written words. The concept of this piece took me close to a week to even nail down, for instance. I had initially felt like doing something involving tengu, based on one of the suggestions in the OP, but I couldn't come up with anything at all. I suppose the choice of Nemuno was largely due to the Character Discussion Thread. I still had a bit of the discussion about her kicking around in the back of my head by the time the contest started, so I guess she was just sort of an 'easy' choice at the time. She's also deceptively simple as a character. Deceptively.

I say that because I did struggle to feel as if I had a good sense of how to portray the mountain hag beyond the most superficial elements. The particular tone of her dialogue was simple enough, but figuring out what she would actually say, for instance, had me pulling out my hair at points. There were instances where I had to cut back on dialogue for her and try to use Byakuren to push things along instead. Then, when Kenji was actually awake and in the scene, I had to struggle to figure out how she would deal with him. Yes, yes, mommy hag and all, but I wasn't interested in taking the absolute easiest route possible. In that sense, my own struggle to reckon with Nemuno as a character is represented in some of the struggle she has wit

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Same poster from >>17559

Otherworldly Flavor

A cute short that felt absolutely like a Touhou work, this one I enjoyed. The characters were used effectively, and I felt like I was reading Youmu and Yuyuko and people with similar names. The theme was simple but strong; Youmu was obligated to fulfill her master's order, and she took the opportunity to go out and party while still getting the job done.

My favorite short in this exhibition. The author had an idea, and they executed it well.

Eientei M.D.

I see the idea; you know how to leave clues, and throughout the story, I felt like I could figure out the mystery. To me, that's where half the fun is, feel close to solving the puzzle and I think you did fine from that angle.

I would like to see you hone your skill in making a mystery. The grammar could use work, but that'll naturally improve the more you write and read. You love House M.D? Watch the episodes and study them; Engage with the media you love and dissect it. You watched your favorite episode? Study and see why it stood out from the rest. Least favorite? Study and ask yourself why it leaves a weaker impact on you.

Be wary of giving a pre-existing character a child. It's a powerful hook and doubly so for someone like Mokou No Fujiwara. It creates intrigue and a lot of questions which is what you want for mystery fic.

Who's the father? Magic exists, so was it with a woman instead? What is the parents' relationship with each other? What is their relation to their daughter and etc.

But the fic wasn't about the daughter, so those questions are left unanswered because it wouldn't affect the actual story. It's a powerful trope so give it serious thought if you really want to make a child oc, or stick to the pre-existing character because in this situation, you could have Mokou and it would not have changed the story.

I hope I can see your writing again in the next exhibition; I'm making an assumption here, but I did feel like you enjoyed writing

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Records of a Burdens

I like the story and it did tug at my heart, some things didn't stick the landing for me.

Despite the story's conflict happening because of Akyuu's sense of impending death from her curse, it's odd that it wasn't shown. The closest we get is her hand straining, but that's due to overworking. She tells us how her body reminds her that she should be dead by now, so show us what she's feeling. Keine says she looks haggard, but we never get a physical description of her body outside her writing hand. You can describe how messy her hair is or maybe she couldn't bring herself to put the brush on the paper.

To summarize: Show me what the characters are telling. A short paragraph about Akyuu's body feeling off would go a long way.

Otherworldly Flavors
This is my favorite and it's hard to suggest any improvement. If I could make one suggestion, I would like it if the story had a more prominent conflict. Youmu goes to get snacks for Yuyuko, but there aren't many obstacles that stand in her way. There was the tengu, but the fight was stopped before it started. When Youmu was flying back, I thought that was when the conflict would start and she now had to resist eating all the snacks while drunk, but that didn't happen either.

You could have it that when she was paying for her snack, Youmu realized the money Yuyuko gave her was missing, or she was more tempted to eat all the snacks before reaching home. Anything that would make the reader wonder if she'll succeed in her quest or fail trying.

The Problem with Civilization
I've seen you talk about your struggle in writing, and I want to say I am happy to see your writing in this exhibition. I also appreciate you taking the time to critique my work and show where I can improve. However, there's room for improvement as a writer and a critic.

For writing: Byuakren and her group's whole purpose in the story was to bind Nemuno and Kenji to

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friendly atmosphere
Starting this thread so that we can get some discussion about things in the touhou canon and various interpretations of the things stated in the official works. ZUN is consistent about a number of things but a lot of other things he outright forgets or doesn't care that much about (*laughs*). So I think it's useful to have a space to hash the occasional point of contention out.
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That's probably why I didn't see it.
In the character.txt of my PCB copy it's translated as: "Like Chen, her shape is unchanged and she has a well-sociable personality."
It's a difference of how 性格は丸い is translated.

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"Well-sociable personality" isn't wrong, either; it's just how they ignored the overall structure of the sentence.
が "but" draws a contrast between these two topic/comments. Translating it as "and" is just a weirdly lazy move.

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re: 'crime', that wasn't the focus of my mutterings. The point was whether or not youkai have any vested interest in keeping villagers from harming each other, considering they are of outmoded importance to Gensokyo's order. To be clear, I don't think there's any factual answer to that question, though my feeling is that, yes, they have some interest. To what extent? Well, that's a whole other question.

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2hu readan
It only took a decade, but the old thread is now on autosage. That means it's time for a new one. Since we're starting fresh, I'll take this opportunity to clarify a couple of things.

There's another thread for that: >>17228.

>Pitching my nifty story idea? Talking about writing?
More of a topic for this thread: >>16503

>Arguing about Touhou canon?
Keep it here: >>16913

>Non-THP stories?
In general, whatever's discussed here ought to be on THP, but as long as it doesn't dominate the thread, stories from elsewhere are fine.

Now that that's all clear, get discussing.
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Nothing so trivial. It's their personalities. Their characterizations. What sequence of events bring out the feelings and thoughts about those things and them isn't really something I can suggest—that's up to you because it depends on the things you want to do with those characters.

Maybe I'm doing a poor job of explaining this but it seems obvious to me: I would like to learn more about who they actually are because one of the things that seemed clear to me from reading the story was that they were all hiding their actual thoughts and feelings because (plot) reasons. I want to see a little behind the curtain and it doesn't matter if it's their opinions on whatever trite things you listed so long as it's something that's important to them or their character. Again, not something I can suggest since only you would know what those things are. All I can offer is the most general setups for that like Aun sleuthing around, uncovering something that can't be avoided, overhearing something, being nosy, talking over drinks/tea, etc. since I can't know what you know and feel about the characters and what would come out.

If you can't do that, that's fine. I don't mind little vignettes as suggested by another poster and a clash with Aya in terms of reporting or managing the "truth" that's printed in any article could be interesting. My main interest in the story comes from the characters and their depictions and I can't tell you what they should be.

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In all honesty, I'm not sure if I can do what you're asking. Probably the deepest problem with the main story is that I figured out after a point that I don't feel secure in knowing much about the principle characters much less what to do with them. The plot, such as it was, was based on a couple of arbitrary answers to questions posed to me, and I'm lukewarm at best on those points now; the main thing stopping me from redoing everything is not knowing what I'd do instead. On top of that, I had (and still have) numerous wide gaps in my understanding of the characters that can't be bridged just by reading some profiles and manga. For instance, I couldn't tell you who Sanae is outside of her shrine maiden role; I don't know what she's actually interested in, what she normally does in her free time, how she feels about this thing or the other, etc. The foundations for all of those characters is shaky at best, and I don't know what concrete steps I can take to fix that.

So, I don't know what else to say. I can maybe string together something from suggestions about specific scenarios, and that's about the best I can do right now. Sitting still for a long time only continues to hurt me, so I'd like to somehow keep moving forward and eventually find some way of fixing the foundational issues, and I think the only way that's likely to happen is a process of doing and discovery. However, motivating that process isn't something I can do myself. What I'm doing right now is all I know to do at this point.

I'm sorry to unload all of this behind-the-curtain talk, but what you're asking touches right on a lot of the deep frustrations I've had with this story and writing in general.

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As I said before, it's fine if you can't. While I'm interested in what I'm interested, the simpler idea about the aftermath at the Hakurei shrine is also ok. I'm partial to a series of short notes/articles by Aya following attempts to interview the involved parties as a style and/or framing device. Though, perhaps, that might end up being more about Aya and her pushiness rather than the interview subjects (Reimu, Aunn, Marisa?, others?) themselves. Dunno what the other anon might think.

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with koi-koi and bookies
It’s been a while since we’ve had a general themed writing event. And since it ain’t gonna organize itself and no one else is stepping up, here goes my attempt. I’ve formatted the details in a questions and answer format below for your convenience:

How do I participate?
Write and submit a short story that incorporates the themes in some capacity when the submission period opens up.

How long do I have to write something?
A month from now. A thread for submissions will be created on 2024-06-02 and let’s say that there will be a 48-hour submission period that follows.

What do you mean by themes?
As implied by this thread’s title, the stories ought to incorporate something regarding fate and/or luck (or, more generally, fortune.) What this actually means in practice is up to each writer but I feel that is both vague enough to allow for all sorts of creative interpretations as well as specific enough to allow certain scenarios and things to happen and for the story to qualify.

You lost me or I don’t have much of an imagination. I need more concrete examples.
That’s not a question but I’ll indulge you nonetheless. Here is a list of scenarios and implementations that I’ve come up with off the cuff as that would most definitely count:

• A villager takes a shortcut on their way home one day and has an unexpected encounter that changes their life forever
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Anonymous reviewer. My opinions, humbly submitted for your perusal.

Takeo the Lucky, Written by Kosuzu Motoori for the Good Children of the Vi(scounty of Bragelonne)


Nah, Kosuzu wouldn't write like this. I see what you're saying about the metafiction angle but it's distinctly purposeless at every layer of metafiction. Within the story itself it's just "flavourless OC dude gets doted on by out-of-character 2hu girls"; one layer up there's no hint of why Kosuzu would be motivated to write something like this or how it's received in-universe or anything like that; and at the top layer there's nothing being conveyed between you and I by the use of this device except that you liked some books you read that used it and you wanted to try it out for yourself.

Well, if you enjoy the conceit of meta-fictional works being purportedly transmitted to the reader through the author as an intermediary, I'd recommend maybe picking up, say, Don Quixote? Pseudotranslations were rather common historically, both as wink-wink-nudge-nudge sorts of affairs (as in the case of Don Quixote) and as deliberate acts of deception, since "older = better" was the default view on written works for such a long time. As far as more modern pseudotranslations go, there's of course a few famous ones by Borges, and (just off the top of my head) Michael Crichton's Eaters of the Dead, maybe? Anyone else wanna chime in?

Gamblers Deliᵹꞇ ~ Bꞃiᵹꞇ Fꞃiᵹꞇ

Tell tell tell you're telling too much and not showing enough. I dunno. It's just kind of bland? Like I'm reading "Sannyo REACTS to stuff happening in her gambling den". Stuff happens but I don't feel invited in at all because it feels like someone DMing their own roleplay or something. It feels like the investment is supposed to come from, like, who gets the social upper hand in this ex
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Hmm. What do I say? There's frankly a lot of, like, uncanny phrasing and word usage throughout that feels like the sentences were worked over with tweezers and stitches rather than a brush, which sort of kills the flow and makes it kind of hard to follow. Like: "a puff from the kiseru twinned with a gesture [...] drew the eye and disabled the thinking mind". Classic garden-path effect—without commas setting off the reduced relative clause, "twinned" is apt to be read as a main verb, leading to disaster when the reader hits "drew". Or "it failed to register with the lascivious levity that was intended in the mind of the dazed man": "in the mind of the dazed man" is of course meant to modify "register", but the closer verb is "was intended", and it again takes a moment to correct the attachment. "deftly damped down on the red embers with fingers moistened by an ashen glob of saliva until it extinguished": "until it extinguished" meant for "damped down", but overtures made towards "moistened" instead.

Or in this sentence: "their focus turning to the >>seemingly<-effortless< manner {that she would turn her head {as if to follow her own enticingly private thoughts or to fix a wayfaring strand of light-colored hair {that happened to find its way across from the >>otherwise< orderly< gathered clump {that flowed from a royal yellow bow atthebackofherheaddownbelowhershoulders}}}}". The parts highlighted with >angle brackets< point out interjected low-content adverbs modifying adjective phrases which in turn are interjected between the "the" and the noun in noun phrases. These are non-trivial syntactic operations, which can be used for effect but which it's better to limit, particularly for low-content applications (unlike in e.g. "enticingly private"). They're kind of everywhere in this piece, and two in the same sentence
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There must be confusion here, the number of people who refer to Chinese characters as hieroglyphs on the internet should be non-singular.

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