Story Recommendation Thread
Anonymous 2024/04/14 (Sun) 00:36
No. 17228
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magical fanfiction for reading.jpg)
The old thread's too old to be bumped, so I thought it might be nice to make a new one.
I think the basis of THP should be loving a) the
Touhou Project and b) reading about characters or situations pertaining to it, and part of having a healthy community is a willingness to share what you like. So, honestly, even if you feel like 'everyone in the world' has read something, why not try to push it anyway? Celebrate the things you love! Maybe there's someone out there who somehow hasn't heard. We don't all run in the same exact circles, after all; it'd be pretty boring if we did.
This thread might seem a bit redundant when we have a more general story discussion thread (
>>13108), but I feel like this thread should be more about sharing stories and making others aware. Sure, there can be a little bit of crossover in discussing or questioning what makes a story noteworthy, but anything particularly heavy would be better off going in the other thread.
Also, if you want, you can recommend stuff that isn't from THP. It'd be better if it was from here, but it's better to share what you love than not.
To start things off, I'm going to make a recommendation that I've made before and won't stop making:
Theater of Youth (
It might be easy for some to dismiss it off-hand because it's 'a high-school AU', but that's a mistake. There's been a lot of care put into this story by its author, taking pains to not just transplant the cast of the
Touhou Project into a notionally different setting, but to convey the circumstances and facets of those characters and express them as they normally are in a new setting. It's not just a what-if exercise but a joyful celebration of, among other things, VNs and anime of the '80s and '90s. It's also a real breeze to read at a thousand words an update
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