I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 169731050085.jpg - (1.05MB, 2067x1599, a small reimu and her friend touhou.jpg)
a small reimu and her friend touhou
We’re well into October so we’re getting closer to Nanowrimo! If you don’t know what that means, let me enlighten you through a quick Q&A formatted as if I were having a discussion with the average THP user.

What is Nanowrimo?
It’s a yearly event where writers are encouraged to just write and try to hammer out the equivalent of a short novel during the month of November. On THP it’s also been a yearly fixture for a while, with writers encouraged to write a certain number of updates or reach a word count by the end fo the month.

Okay, what are the goals?
Usually it’s either 30 updates or 30,000 words before the end of the month. But, honestly, no is is going to insist on a hard number. Do as much or as little as you want and can. The important thing is to just go for it and write a lot even if the output isn’t perfect.

So it goes on through all of November?
Yep. Starts November 01 and ends on November 30. Thirty days.

Can I just dump a single huge post and be done with it?
You can split it in as many or as few posts/updates as you like. You’re old enough to make your own decisions.

Can I have multiple stories count?
Sure. Again, this is more the about the spirit of things than their form.

Geez, dad, enough already. Spare me the lecture and just tell me if I get anything for going through all of this trouble.
The satisfaction of a job well done? The admiration of Touhou fiction enjoyers everywhere? If that’s not good enough, in previous years some other organizers have offered “rewards” to those who meet the criteria. Maybe they’ll do so again. Since I’m not your dad I won’t be punishing you or rewarding you either way.

I’m a smartass and have to ask what happens if I don’t make it to 30k words or 30 updates.
You’ve cheated not only the site, but yourself. More seriously, just write as much as you can. The only person you have to please is yourself.

Okay, whatever, how do I declare I’m participating?
Simple! Just say you are and link your stories here. Might want to do it in the format >>/[board]/threadnumber

If you have any questions, need assurance, or if you need a kick in the behind to write instead of brooding about how you don’t have enough time/suffer from writer’s block/etc, I’ll be glad to answer your actual questions in this thread and/or dress you down.
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literally can't write have no ideas hurt me Daddy Teru
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seems interesting, might participate later (lets hope college didn't ruin me during November)
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I think I have something to participate with. Might be kind of rough, but I'm feeling the spark in the pan.
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I'll bite, but I don't think I'll be able to fully complete it this year because... well, I have a lot of things going on right now. But trying and failing are two things I'm very good at.


I'll probably only do one or two updates for the first story but mostly focus on the second one.
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no promises at all for daily updates!
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You know what, screw it. I'm going to give this a serious try. I'm not sure if it'll be daily updates or every two days, but either way I'll aim for 1k words or so each day, and we'll see how long I can last.
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I'm just gonna shitpost
and vote
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>and vote
No you won't.

Prove me wrong.
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Since there are many things wrong with my brain, here is my own contribution:
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Gents, don't be like me years ago and miss out on this one. I discovered too late how fun the theatre of youth can be and could only regret my life choices. Help our youth flower anew now that this chance has dawned on us once more.
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The yuri has commenced. I'm sorry or you're welcome.

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I wonder how many different timezones I'm considered late in? Well, mine isn't one, at least.
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The start date doesn't really matter even. Anyone can hop in whenever they want and do whatever they can manage. In the past, at least one cheeky git dumped everything in big posts at the end of the month, if I recall correctly. So if anyone wants to join at a later date, you're more than welcome.
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This'll be my first nanwrimo!

Shame that it says the November the second even though it not yet for my time zone though.
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That's >>/at/41341 for you.
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still not yet used to how the site works but I hope I did it right.
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None of you hold me accountable because I'm not owning up to any of my mistakes.
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Well, I'm officially declaring victory for the month. It was a real struggle, but I managed daily updates and 34k words total. How'd it turn out for you guys?
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I got a thing done and had fun doing it. Makes me want to do more. So I guess it worked out pretty well for me, even if I didn't really bother reaching for the stated goals.
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Never figured out anything to do, so I didn't even start.
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I had a lot of fun. It was nice to do one big one off where I just did whatever the hell I felt like. I have a feeling that I won't like it come one year out, but for now I'm very satisfied with doing a whole story in thirty posts.
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Congratulations! Huge respect to you, man.

Though there's nothing really wrong with my attempt, the problem comes from the fact that I can't even keep up with weekly updates since November has proven me to be the worst goddamn month in college year.

I'm still gonna continue my story but it sure as hell wont be finished anytime near November lmao
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November 2025 💪
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Congratulations Lost Soul, Poingnant and Moral on finishing Nanoreimu! Three victors this year, that's a definite improvement on last year's one.
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I shitposted and voted, so I think I won
>No you won't.
But I did
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You forgot Summerfield. Even if his thing didn't span the month, he still finished, and that's worth something.

In all honesty, I didn't care that much for a lot of what was happening. It would have been nice if we had more Pantomime of Youth, but I understand life is a fuck. At least Summerfield's thing was interesting, and I still like Moral's stuff for what it is. I'd be fine with Bee's thing too, but there's not enough to really pass judgement, even though I don't care very much about the porn parts.
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You can forget me; it's okay. You're definitely not gonna forget the next 5 months of winter, and that's comfort enough for me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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