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File 169888095132.jpg - (431.95KB, 1930x1930, 20230803_075747.jpg)
The Scarlet Mansion has never been known as a place brimming with adventure and intrigue. Aside from a major blip in the building's history it is one of the most depressing places to be- if not the most. Residing in the Scarlet Mansion is an unbearably monotonous existence and this fact is most evident in its library. The undisputed, most boring room in the mansion. Large bookshelves stretch for miles each filled to the brim with mint condition books. Old and new and while the variety of knowledge nestled into them is enough to keep the average person preoccupied till the end of their natural lifespan. You'd probably start to hate the sight of paper before you got even a fraction of a percent through all of the books available. However, in an act of divine intervention to prevent those stationed in there from completely losing their minds, the library is the only section of the mansion subjected to a semi-regular occurrence. Being robbed. Every now and again a blonde, sticky-fingered, miscreant, dressed in a black hat and dress with white accents almost like a prisoner, will break into the library and attempt to swipe away some occult secrets hidden away for her own nefarious deeds.

Today is one of those divine days. Where Marisa the Miscreant- the black cat in some circles makes her attempt at stealing some white gold. Sitting on her flying broomstick her index finger drags across a row of book spines in searching for one in particular. Her finger stops and her hand yanks out a white-covered book.

"Stan Sevens' Grimoire of illusions. Just-"

"The book I was looking for." A hand reached forward into Marisa's view and snatched the book out of Marisa's grasp making her head swivel to look behind her. There, floating behind her, was Patchouli head to toe in faded pink clothes with rich purple hair, dawning the classic tired stare of all librarians. Though in her defense, after shifting through as many books as her it would be nearly impossible to be able to show a shred of energy in your eyes. Though she was not only tired in a general sense, clearly, she was also tired with Marisa's antics as well.
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Hey had to reevaluate my life for few days but we are back. I spoiler'd the funny part of this post not because I personally think it's that bad but just to be safe really. Though it is funny to think that I could actually have a "NoOoOo!!! The sex is actually very integral to the plot!!!" Moment with this story but I'm not strong enough. I'm whipping up some DDiTBS stuff too so Roundedheads are gonna be eating today! ^_^

Patchouli started drifting backwards, almost pulling Marisa off her broom, leading her through the repeating rows of bookshelves. Stopping in front of a lone black door nestled into a wall a few meters to the right of the east entrance. Traversing around the library to any location within the mansion with such ease was already a feat in itself but finding such a niche spot whilst infatuated with something else was a feat that could only be achieved by about three or four people out of the hundreds that dwelled here.

"Now what is this?"

"Defect room it's where we put any books that get damaged, basically where we put anything you touch." Patchouli slammed her back into the door, launching it open as the two flew inside.

The defect room was the library's small reminder that things could always get more depressing, all the room consisted of was a lone ceiling light and a pile of books stacked in the corner but at least it had a nice carpet flooring. However, the dreadful vibes of the room didn't seem to affect Patchouli, and by proxy Marisa, at all. This was one of those miracle days- a break away from the seemingly endless monotony and sure indulging in her lust in the library would've gotten things started sooner the constant paranoid from the possibility of getting caught probably would’ve killed the moment in the end. Patchouli certainly wasn't going to let any outside factors ruin the one source of excitement that flew in between this section of the mansion's walls. Honestly, in the recent few weeks, her mind had been replaying some of the moments from the other small encounters she'd shared with Marisa.

"You know, if that's the case, I'm surpr
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You need to replenish nutrients after bedtop sport for indoor types.
Even if she doesn't strictly need to eat as a magician. (Or was it just human magicians who cast that spell?)

[X] Head to the dining room for dinner.

Small note: I don't think you marked this as an update, so the front page didn't update itself.
Congratulations on getting both your stories finally listed, by the way.
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[x] Head to the dining room for dinner.

Patchouli is her own woman, there's no shame in who she consorts with! She can be at the dinner table without feeling awkward.

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File 169048114667.jpg - (390.00KB, 1689x1788, DdOx0QOV0AAQJhU.jpg)
For the best experience, play this while reading/singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lgkE264Ib4

You step into a room, wearing a black tuxedo with a formal white shirt and black bowtie. The room is dark, with only the
source of light being a spotlight focusing on a grand piano in the middle. Calm and composed, you sit down on the bench in
front of the piano keys, crack your knuckles, and begin playing a few notes just before beginning to sing

"This one is for my one and only true love,
Hong Meiling"

♫ Meiling, you're so cool
And if a dra-gon, then you rule ♫

♫ Meiling, understand
I'm gonna love you 'til the very end ♫

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Spending it practicing confessions to Meiling with your friend, evidently. Does he dress as her too, for added authenticity?
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Does he sound like he has any more dignity?
If not, then yes. Lol
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Though to be clear (and I hope I'm not stating the obvious), I don't actually do this kind of stuff IRL. I mean, I like Meiling, don't get me wrong. She's my favorite Touhou character. But...yeah.

Now what compelled me to write this parody you're probably not wondering?
...I don't even know. I guess it was for the sake of having some more Meiling related content on this site.

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File 165615393789.jpg - (169.59KB, 800x485, Scarlet Army dress code reference.jpg)
Scarlet Army dress code reference
Quick TLDR: Team 9 join the Scarlet Army to play a war-game. Problems will be solved through teamwork as everybody is good at something (Sonic heroes is a good reference for this), mood is light-hearted.

9:30 in the summer-morning.
Garden of the Scarlet Mansion

Today is a good day, except for the few individuals that are stuck standing in line behind the Scarlet Devil Mansion gate, they are too far away for the walls to give them cover against the sun. Said walls are adorned with posters of a certain devil pointing at whoever looks at them with an “I want you!” sort of recruitment line to potentially increase the numbers of soldiers that come. Of course, those who did apply or were drafted are now having a good time NOT since short of the beautiful flowers on the other side, the beautiful red mansion on the other side, with its nice wet water fountain at again the other side, there’s nothing beautiful to look at here that isn’t grass or a bunch of tents made nearby. What a way to treat those who will fight for you in this dumb so-called ‘war’.

“Ten-hut soldiers!” A woman dressed in a black army dress, brown boots and a small beret on her long red hair speaks up in front of a few soldiers. With her well-muscled body, she walks back and forth in front of them at a controlled rhythm, like she’s warming up. “Today is a glorious day, for you brave girls have been drafted to join the side of the victors! And though I may have only 3 days to meld you all into the perfect soldiers, do not fear! For you are all under the supervision of the Rainbow Dragon, servant of the Scarlet Devil Hong Meiling!” intro done, she strikes a dignified pose as if to show off but in reality! she’s using the opportunity to scrutinize her recruit’s responses.

“Bah, as if I need that. I’m already the strongest there is!” one of the four girls replies with a cocky smile and a fist thumped to her chest. Her blue hair and blue ribbon on top are put together in a clumsy way, to the point one hair sticks out in the middle, not only that but she lacks a uniform, wearing only her normal blue dress and no shoes whatsoever. “Throw me at any challenge and you
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[X] Yes, let us do this!
[X] No, we enjoy being rude and knowing next to nothing!

I'm sure the gang can figure what's going on....right?

(hope this is still active this looks great)
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[X] Yes, let us do this!
[X] No, we enjoy being rude and knowing next to nothing!

This sounds like the Team 9 way of doing things. Time for fun!
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[X] Yes, let us do this!
[X] Yes.

Just because we decide to attend the party doesn't mean we'll pay attention, or behave, after all. Let's see how much chaos we can cause there before we even start the war!

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File 165406155999.png - (257.25KB, 614x786, __cirno_and_hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_zaki_mr_z.png)
Author's Note: Hey! I'm new to this so please excuse my writing. That being said, this is a 1st person POV, starring (mostly) Cirno and Meiling while they go on adventures. Thanks for reading!


Sky's blue. Lake's blue. Eye am blue!

I touch down on the ground and run up to Hong Meiling, gatekeeper of the freaky place with the freaky people. "Meeeiling!" I shout, snapping her out of her nap.

"Huh? Oh, Cirno? What is it?" Meiling yawns, though the sun is just starting to set.

"I was thinking, cause I'm so smart, that there is a lot of blue. Then I thought, everything is blue because they copied me!" I shout. "Can you believe that!?"

"Cirno, my eyes are blue but they've been that color since before you were born. Blue is your color, but no one stole it, 'kay?"

I puff my cheeks. Meiling can be so dense sometimes. "No!" I shout. "If I'm blue, and I'm the strongest, then everything must be blue because I conquered it! That's it!"
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File 16544393809.jpg - (107.89KB, 948x1200, DryzPTQU0AgPdJo.jpg)
A thought crosses my giant brain.

We need someone strong. I remember the flower lady is almost as strong as I am, so she must be pretty strong!

"Hey, Meiling!" I shout, startling her. "We're gonna go get Yuuka!"

Meiling flinches. "Yuuka? Why...?"

"Cause she's super strong. Why else?" I smirk as Meiling makes a face.

"She's crazy?" She said slowly.

I grab her hand. "Come on already!"

"I'll be back soon, Sakuya!" Meiling called as we ascended.
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[X] Near the Hakurei Shrine
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[X] Near the Hakurei shrine

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bloody mistress
She stared into my eyes with naked desire. There was no stopping her.

It had begun with a sigh, world-weary yet empathetic. Just moments earlier we had been happily chatting away to while away the night. Drinks were a matter of course. The intimacy of her boudoir was disarming; the plush cushions threatened to suck one into a state of complacency while the red velvet material offered an almost ticklish kind of stimulation. The evenings we spent together all invariably became casual and relaxed.

Sakuya had joined us that night—a sign of things to come in retrospect. She had happily let both her mistress and I do the lion’s share of the talking and only interjected every now and again mostly to curb the vampire’s rhetorical excesses. For the most part she had spent the evening observing, nodding silently and occasionally smiling. Whenever she did engage in a subject for more than a few sentences it wasn’t the abstract past that Remilia was so fond of talking about but rather about the more recent events of the days and weeks. In other words: largely the time we spent together.

We all sat apart in a circle of chairs and furniture. I was on the narrow sofa while Remilia and Sakuya sat on chairs opposite one another. I had declined the offer of another drink because I already felt that my wits strained. There was no need to try them further and risk a slip of the tongue. I told myself that I took pride in my dependable composure. Sakuya had one of her few drinks of the night, staring at the melting ice cube intently.

“It needs to be now,” Remilia said after sighing. There was no doubt that she was drunker than the rest of us. She had had a few more than everyone else. Still, she seemed to sober up fairly quickly as she became serious.

I nodded, understanding at once what she meant.

Wordlessly, she put down her glass and stood up. Remilia managed to keep her poise as she took the few steps to where I was and sat down next to me. There was limited space on the dainty sofa. Not that it mattered. Remilia overlapped me in places, her arms swinging over my shoulder and a leg straddling my own. It wasn’t just the upholstery that tickled bu
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[x] If we focused on Kagerou and other things, these feelings would cool off and eventually pass.
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[x] If we focused on Kagerou and other things, these feelings would cool off and eventually pass.

Portraying a MC as some blushing bride in the lewd option is very unappealing. If he's gunna take a shot at getting some booty, I wanna see some confidence.
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I'm honestly not into fooling around this much on a pure love story, but if your souls communicate on a deep soul level, Maggot Baits style and on the nude, there's just not helping it, right?
[x] We could try a, um, more hands approach and confront certain, uh, issues together…

Not fully conviced about the extent of what can be done without a body though

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File 15431683027.jpg - (154.17KB, 781x718, waggy but not soggy.jpg)
waggy but not soggy
Kagerou crouched near the mermaid, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. Not exactly an easy feat when your nails are as sharp as claws. She brushed away the hair from her face and kept at a quieter, flatter tone in order not to upset the mermaid any further. “There’s no reason we can’t be nice to each other, right?” she started clumsily, not quite getting my advice. I held my tongue, as it were, for a while longer.

“I am nice to everyone,” the blue-haired girl mumbled and avoided eye contact. A more courageous person might have expressed their offense more starkly or, at least, been able to meet Kagerou’s gaze. But she was intimidated and unsure of what to say or do. In other words, she was unlikely to talk much and definitely wouldn’t share her secret.

“Part of being nice is trusting that the other person will also be nice,” the werewolf said, not really making a very logical case. She lacked the charisma and magnetism to get away with improvisation. Still, the way she said it was a marked improvement from earlier. She actually sounded empathetic, if not actually respectful of the mermaid’s mental state. “I’m not really good at making friends,” she confessed, making a little joke at her own expense, “and I think you just saw why. That wasn’t very endearing, was it?”

“It was scary,” the mermaid blurted out. Having said the first thought that crossed her mind, she seemed to get embarrassed by the admission and covered her mouth with her hands. She mumbled a quick apology, “sorry, that was rude of me.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” Kagerou chuckled and was as unsubtle as could be, “honesty is also part of trust. And friendship.”

“Yes, we’re true friends because I freely tell you what I think all the time, wolfy” I said, because… well, I couldn’t really help myself. I knew she couldn’t say anything either or betray her emotions towards me—the mermaid would pick up on something that obvious. “Get to the point,” I told her, “you can keep lying about being an enlightened individual in front of the mirror later.”

I just didn’t want her to trip all over
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[x] There had been a very human warmth during those long nights. Even if some of that came from bloody tears.

Okay, here's my logic. Bloody tears -> Castlevania -> Vampires -> Remilia
Remilia = good.
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File 156760556294.png - (3.46MB, 2026x2865, mushrooms are magical.png)
mushrooms are magical
Alright, I'll be calling it and writing now. RIP Kurenai Misuzu.
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File 148382079355.jpg - (541.29KB, 1500x750, Unknown Family.jpg)
Unknown Family
You are:

[] Carmine Scarlet

[] Other

And yesterday you’ve learnt that you still have family.

Today and the last day you’ve spent packing up anything you could reasonably bring and preparing yourself to meet the sisters you thought you’d never meet.

Sitting at your laptop you quickly turn on the camera and take a look at yourself, you’ve lived for-

Choose your age: 340-140

Years and you look like a young
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[X] Introduce yourself. Ask questions, fill the quiet with noise and gain some info
-[X] What's the night-life scene like around these parts?
-[X] How do the locals here treat vampires?
-[X] Speaking of, have my two older sisters been behaving?
-[X] What's your name anyway?

Carmine is a bit of a chatterbox.
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[x] Introduce yourself, request she walk beside you instead of behind.
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File 155556685747.jpg - (103.63KB, 600x800, Teacher of the local school.jpg)
Teacher of the local school
You pass the time as you already were, taking in the sights of the empty village. Or at least you try, at first it was fine but you become increasingly aware of the fact that the woman is following you. You even looked behind you and her eyes were trained squarely on you. Creepy. You have to do something about this situation. Even if you have to get more questions thrown your way that must be better than being stared down like this.

You clear your throat. Her eyes flicker. Probably recognizing that you want to to talk to her, the stern face she was wearing slackens a bit and she tilts her head to look at you face. “Yes?” She says.

“Umm,” you hesitate, you were too eager to fill the awkward silence so you forgot to come up with a topic. What should you say? Hmm, this should be fine, “If you don’t mind, would you please walk beside me? It’s a bit unnerving to have you tail me like this.” Right, nothing wrong with noting your concerns.

She doesn’t seem to think about your request for too long before she nods. “That’s fine.” She says. She walks to your side before she speaks up again, “Sorry about that.” The apology was honestly surprising, you expected her to continue watching you, just in a less unnerving position so the fact that she apologized for that is a point in her favor. You continue walking, the awkwardness dispelled allowing you to move at your leisure once more. However before that you do believe that you owe to your current companion some level of courtesy, lest you remain strangers. You figure an introduction would be fine, your last name may cause some complications considering the shrine maiden, Reimu’s, reaction, but revealing your identity now would more than likely go a ways from removing animosity, at least later down the line.

“I’m Carmine Scarlet by the way” you throw out, not really looking at her.

“Keine Kamishirasawa,” You mentally stumble, that’s a mouthful of a name “Scarlet huh, do you perhaps have something to do with the scarlet devil mansion?”

You nod and turn to her “That's right, do you know them?” you don't elaborate further and instead ask a question in return.
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File 137791626429.png - (351.96KB, 600x600, DerpWarsTitle7.png)
One day at the scene of a fire, the Derp found the perfect Wars. That was the day it became Derp Wars.

Look at this shameless self-promotion! Look at it! http://lowenly.wordpress.com/

That is not dead which can eternal lie about whether or not it’s dead.

Is this the longest-running-yet-still-active unfinished story yet?

Now with the same amount of Koishi it always had!

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[X] You're boxed in! Jump out the window!

[X] Use your CHARISMA to get Flandre to back out of coming tonight so you’ll have Remi all to yourself!
-[X] If that fails, you can probably just throw her a set of color crayons or whatever. That girl is so simple you just can't believe she's actually related to someone like Remilia.
[X] Be the bigger woman and apologize to Terry about blowing her off a while ago.

This thread isn't, uh, dead, right? I just felt the need to vote.
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>This thread isn't, uh, dead, right?
>last update was five years ago
take a fucking guess, genius
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that's a big oof right there

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File 154096056230.jpg - (60.97KB, 800x576, a lady with a glass.jpg)
a lady with a glass
As the gate closed behind her, Kagerou paused and let out the smallest of sighs. She stole a quick glance backwards and found that the gate guard was still smiling, watching her with with arms akimbo. The guard nodded at her, her green cap slumping forward a little as a result of the gesture, as if to urge her on in a friendly manner to keep on moving forward. Kagerou obliged and steadied her resolve before starting again towards the building ahead.

The path ahead wasn’t very long but there was plenty to distract a wandering eye—chiefly the large hedges and flowerbeds that were in full bloom. Kagerou looked somewhat amazed at the variety of flowers and the many different colors on display. Some of these floral patches had been arranged in such a way as to make a pattern. Most were simple geometric shapes or checkerboard design but there seemed to be a few that were meant to be objects or animals. Those were further away by a large fountain so it wasn’t easy to discern at a glance. At any rate, the smell was positively lovely and a soft breeze carried the delicate perfume quite well.

If she had any desire to stop and look (or smell) closer, she hid it well. Her gaze stopped wandering as she neared the doorway and instead she looked expectantly at the dark and thick wooden doors. She had just reached for a grotesquely heavy-looking brass knocker when the doors began to swing open with a groan. A pair of small girls dressed in smart short-sleeved uniforms stood at either end; fairies dressed in the typical warm-weather uniforms of the Scarlet Mansion greeted her with a smile.

“We’ve been expecting you,” one of the fairies said and beckoned her in with a casual wave of her hand.

“Yeah,” the other fairy added, “follow Ana here and she’ll take you to the Mistress.”

Kagerou nodded and began to follow the fairy. She chose to stay silent and slyly looked around at the luxurious atmosphere within the manor. Lots of polished surfaces and dense and expensive-looking bits of wood and stone were decorated with everything from simple patterns to frescoes and carpet. She saw grand staircases and equally imposing corridors with a myriad doors lea
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[x] A gentle kiss on the forehead will help make things right.

Kiss all 'em girls
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Both excellent choices, again. A shiny thing has been bait for fish like creatures for millennia and a kiss is extremely cute.

However, I think it will definitely scare her. While having her teeth close and not suffering a bite should be all the example she needs, I feel she'll become too scared to even notice.

As for the gift, Remilia will demand us to wear it for sure and will be mad if we give it away... or will she? What if we spin a tale about us telling stories of her magnanimity? The tales of the great Remilia will expand through all of Gensokyo!

[x] Give her the brooch
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New thread >>63969

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File 141517065748.jpg - (166.26KB, 850x602, into the bucket you go.jpg)
into the bucket you go
[x] Straight to the underground! Resolve the problem directly!

You might as well go straight to the underground! But the problem is how? “So. Flan,” you address her. “How exactly we are going to the underground?”

She just shrugs. Welp. This incident may be more complex than you think.

“Well, well, well...” Suika points to a very conspicuous well in the corner of the shrine grounds. “You could always take the well down. Reimu and I made an elevator of sorts. Well, it’s more like a hellevator. Hahahaha! Hah. Ha... anyway. We made it in case another incident like this ever happened.”

“As expected of Reimu!” She’s an experienced incident investigator. She would know. She’s prepared!

“...All Reimu did was tell me to dig and somehow it worked out.” Suika shrugs. “So, yeah. Just hop in the well and get on top of the bucket and it’ll take ya to the underworld.”

You hop on and squeeze inside, sitting on the edge of the bucket. Flandre sits on the other edge. “It’s... kinda cramped.”

“If Reimu can fit, you two definitely can! Not that I’m saying she’s fat.” She snickers to herself. “Oh, also. A note of advice. People may seem scary in the underground, but you can tell what kinda person they are by the look in their eye!”
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thank you
Leonotis was alone on the terrace with one hand propped up against the railing. With his other hand, he rubbed an envelope between his fingertips as he looked down on Misty Lake, its blue gently enveloped in pale moonlight. Otherwise, it was dark. Cumulus congested the skies, much to his chagrin.

“Leo,” said a voice, softly, though he jumped anyway. Two crimson eyes briefly met his, and as they shifted, Leonotis heard a faint jingling of crystal wings.

“Hey, Flan. Looking to see the stars tonight, too?”

“No.” She looked to the sky, but all she found was gray. “It’s cloudy.”

“The moon’s peeking out, so I was thinking maybe the clouds’ll go away if I waited.”

“Maybe,” she said, smiling. “Do you think they’ll leave tonight?”

“Don’t think so. They look like the stubborn type.”

“Um, Leo,” Flandre said. “The maids and I are having tea together, so… would you like to join us?”
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At least it got an ending of sorts. Can't help respecting a writer who bothers to do that.
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Mad respect for not letting it die without some kind of conclusion. I will reread it whole now.

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